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Illustrations  and  Biographical  Sketches. 


Henry  A.  Ford,  A.  M.,  and  Mrs.  Kate  B.  Ford. 









Prefatory  Note, 

It  should  ever  be  borne  in  mind  that  the  office  of  an  historian  is  one 
of  immense  responsibility;  that  it  always  tells  for  good  or  evil;  and 
that  he  will  be  held  responsible  for  the  consequences  of  a  want  of 
fidehty. — [Hon.  yacob.Burnet,  Cincinnati. 

An  earnest  and  very  laborious  effort  has  been  made 
to  compose  this  history  in  the  spirit  of  Judge  Burnet's 
remark.  No  source  of  information  available  to  the 
writers  has  been  left  unsearched,  nor  any  effort  or  ex- 
pense spared  to  produce  a  work  which  should  satisfy  the 
reasonable  expectations  of  a  city  and  county  which  have 
waited  nearly  a  century  for  the  compilation  and  publica- 
tion of  their  annals.  The  Hst  of  works  consulted  is  too 
large  for  convenient  citation  here.  It  includes  those  of 
all  the  earlier  writers — Burnet,  Cist,  the  Drakes,  Mans- 
field, and  others — with  a  multitude  of  later  volumes,  and 
pamphlets,  magazines,  newspapers,  and  manuscripts  in- 
numerable. It  has  not  been  practicable  in  so  many  cases 
to  secure  formal  permission  for  the  use  of  books  con- 
sulted or  quoted;  but  it  is  trusted  that  due  respect  has 
been  paid  to  all  copyrights,  and  that  no  author  whose 
writings  have  contributed  to  this  volume  will  object  to 
such  use  as  has  been  made  of  them.  Acknowledgments 
are  also  due  to  many  persons,  in  all  parts  of  the  county 
and  at  several  points  elsewhere  in  the  State,  for  their 
kind  and  helpful  aid  in  the  preparation  of  this  book. 
Particular  mention  should  be  made  in  this  connection  of 

Miss  E.  H.  Appleton,  librarian  of  the  Historical  and 
Philosophical  society;  Mr.  John  M.  Newton,  of  the 
Mercantile  library;  Chester  W.  Merrill,  esq.,  of  the  Pub- 
lic library ;  Colonel  Sidney  D.  Maxwell,  superintendent 
of  the  Chamber  of  Commerce;  and  Mr.  H.  A.  Ratter- 
man,  secretary  of  the  German-American  Insurance  com. 
pany;  all  of  Cincinnati — and  to  Louis  W.  Clason,  mayor 
of  Madisonville. 

It  may  seem,  in  some  cases,  that  public  institutions  or 
private  interests  of  public  importance  have  not  received 
the  notice  that  was  due  to  them,  or  are,  possibly,  wholly 
unnoticed  in  these  volumes.  It  may  be  concluded  in 
such  cases,  with  scarcely  any  exception,  that  the  omission 
is  the  result  of  failure  on  the  part  of  those  possessing 
desired  information  to  co-operate  with  the  historian. 

The  compilers  regret  most  sincerely  that  their  inability 
to  read  some  of  the  proofs  has  resulted  in  many  errors 
of  typography,  and  a  few  of  statement.  It  is  hoped, 
however,  that  all  of  any  importance  will  be  found  cor- 
rected in  the  errata  at  the  close  of  the  respective  vol- 

The  special  biographies  and  "notes  of  settlement" 
have  been  prepared,  in  nearly  all  cases  in  both  voluines, 
by  other  hands  than  those  of  the  compilers. 











\. — Description. 
\ — Geology  and  Topograpiiy 
\ — 'I'he  Aboriginal  American 
N     -The  Ohio  Indians 

■  V-Titles  to  Ohio — The  Miami|  Purchase 
Vi/  -The  Miami  Immigration 
VII.   iThe  Miamese 
JIP.VII1      (The  Miamese  and  the  Indians   '. 

lij  ;  Civil  Jurisdiction — Erection  of  Hamilton  County 
-  H      Progress  of  Hamilton  county 
Xl'.-    Vl'Iitary  History  of  Hamilton  County 
XLI.^i'he  Morgan  Raid  through  Ohio 
XIII. — The  County  Institutions 
XIV. — ^The  County  .Associations 
XV. — Railroads        ..... 
XVJ.— Cani!s       ... 
XVn.— Roads  ,  . 

XVIII. — Early  Legislation  and  Legislators 




XIX. — Courts  and  Court  Houses     . 
XX. — Civil  List  of  Hamilton  County   . 


Siipijlementary  Matter 




.Armstrong  Family 
L'loud,  Jared , 
Cilley,  Bradbury 
Gary,  Freeman  Grant 
Cochran,  Hon.  John  M. 
Edwards,  Williain.  sr. 
Ebersole,  .Abram 
Frondorf,  Frank 
Friend,  George  H. 
Hill,  Colonel  W.  H. 

following  254 

Hughes,  Ezekiel , 

following  2t)2 

Isgrig,  Daninl 


Langdon  Family 


McGill,  William  R. 


Riddle,  John  L. 

following  254 

Sater  Family 

following  254 

Sater,  Joseph 


Turpin  Family 


Wills,  Thomas 


Walker,  George  W 



r  254 





following  254 
following  254 
following  254 
following  254 
following  254 

lit  of  E.  J.  Turpin  .... 

William  Edwards 
William  R.  McGill 
"  Abram  Ebersole 

T.  M.  Armstrong     .... 

Portraits,  with  biography,  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bradbury 

Cilley,        .....     between  262  and  263 

Portrait,  with  biography,  of  Jared  Cloud     .  between  262  and  263 

Portraits,  with  biography,  of  Thomas  E.  Sater  and 

wife  .  .  .  .  282 

Residence  of  George  Wabnitz         .  .  between  284  and  285 

Portraits,   with  biography,   of  George  Wabnitz  and 

wife  ......  facing  286 

Residence  of  Joseph  Sater  .  .  between  288  and  289 

Thomas  E.   Sater  .  .       between  288  and  289 

Portraits,  with  biography,   of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joseph 

Sater        .....       between  292  and  293 

Portrait,  with  biography,  of  James  P.  Williams  .  facing  297 

View  of  Mt.  St.  Vincent  Academy  .  .  facing  300 

Portrait,  with  biography,  of  Dr.  E.  D.  Crookshank    .  facing  305 

Portraits  of  S.  S.  Jackson  and  wife,  with  biography  facing  306 

Portrait,  with  biography,  ofG.  W.  H.  Musekamp,  belweun  30S  an  309 

Portrait  of  Daniel  Isgrig 
Poi  trait,  with  biography,  of  Thomas  Wills 
Portrait,  with  biography,  of  F.  Frondorf 
Portraits   of    Richard    Calvin   and    wife,    w 

raphy       .... 
Portraits,    with    biography,    of   Stephen    E 

wife  .... 

Residence  of  M.  S.  Bonnell 
Portrait  of  Joseph  H.  Hayes     . 
Portraits  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  S.  Bonnell 

"  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  Campbell 

Portrait,  with  biography,  of  Charles  Flinchpaugh 
Portrait  of  Charles  Simonson 
Residence  of  Charles  Simonson 
Portrait  of  Henrj-  Attemeyer 
Residence  of  F.  G.  Gary 
Portrait  of  F.  G.  Cary 
Portrait,  with  biography,  of  S.  M.  Ferris 
Portrait  of  J.  D,  Langdon 
Portrait  of  John  Riddle 

"  Catharine  Riddle 

Hon.  John  M.  Cochran 


between  308  and  309 
facing]  310 
facing' 311 

between  312  and  313 


between  314  and  315 

between  316  and  317 
facing  318 

between  318  and  319 

between  318  and  319 

facing  320 
between  224  and  225 
between  224  and  225 

facing  337 
between  344  and  345 

facing  346 

far  ^ 


between  36 

between  tS  wide  at  its  mouth, 
..iin  sevei  al  large  branches  navi- 
~-p7  the  principal  of  which  intersects  with 
hich  runs  into  Lake  Erie,  to  which  there 
\.  portage  to  Sandusky. 

Portraits  of  Gary  Johnson  and  wife     .  .       between  372  and  373 

Residence  of  C.  B.  Johnson  .  .  between  372  and  373 

Portrait  of  Captain  George  W.  Walker  .  .  facing  377 

Portraits  of  Benjamin  Urroston  and  wife  between  378  and  379 

Portraits,  with  biography,  of  Reeves  McGilliard  and 

^vife  .....  between  380  and  381 
Portraits,    with   biography,    of  John    R.    Field   and 

wife  .  .  .  •  •       between  380  and  381 

Portraits  of  Joseph  and  Mrs.  Joseph  Jaclison      between  382  and  383 

Residence  and  Portrait  of  John  hi  Riddle 
Portrait  of  G.  H.  Friend 

Colonel  W.  H.  Hill 
Portraits  of  Rev.  W.   B.    Chidlav 

Portrait  of  Ezekiel  Hughes 
Portrait,  with  biography,  of  W.  E'.  Mundell 

"         "  "  Jacol  Clark 

Portrait  of  Herman  Knuwener 

III      (     1 
between  3B4  and  385,, 
facing  ^86^ 
facing  394. 

and  Mrs.  W.  B. 

between  408  and  409 
facing  412 
facing  41^ 
facing  421 
facing  425 







There  is  a  land,  of  every  land  the  pride, 
Beloved  by  Heaven  o'er  all  the  world  beside, 
Where  brighter  suns  dispense  serener  light, 
And  milder  moons  imparadise  the  nig^hl ; 
A  land  of  beauty,  virtue,  valor,  truth, 
Time-tutored  age,  and  love-exalted  youth  : 
The  wandering  mariner,  whose  eye  explores 
The  wealthiest  isles,  the  most  enchanting  shores, 
Views  not  a  realm  so  bountiful  and  fair, 
Nor  breathes  the  spirit  of  a  purer  air. 

Man,  through  all  ages  of  revolving  time, 
Unchanging  man,  in  every  varying  clime, 
Deems  his  own  land  of  every  land  the  pride. 
Beloved  by  Heaven  o'er  all  the  world  beside  ; 
His  home  the  spot  of  earth  supremely  blest, 
A  dearer,  sweeter  spot  than  all  the  rest. 

James  Montgomery,  "My  Country." 

Hamilton,  the  second  county  erected  in  the  territory 
now  covered  by  the  State  of  Ohio,  but,  ahnost  ever  since, 
the  first  in  the  State  in  wealth,  population,  and  general 
importance,  is  the  southwesternraost  subdivision  of  the 
Commonwealth.  It  is  bounded  on  the  south  by  the 
river  Ohio,  next  beyond  which  are  the  counties  of  Camp- 
bell, Kenton,  and  Boone,  in  Kentucky;  on  the  west  by 
Dearborn  county,  Indiana,  and  at  the  southwestern 
corner  by  the  Great  Miami  river;  on  the  north  by  Butler 
and  Warren  counties,  Ohio,  formed  from  its  own  territory 
in  1808;  on  the  east  by  Clermont  county  and  the  Little 
Miami  river,  beyond  which,  from  the  northeastern  corner 
of  the  county,  runs  a  narrow  strip  of  Warren  county. 
Upon  no  side  of  its  territory  is  the  boundary  a  direct 
line  throughout.  The  tortuous  windings  of  rivers  supply 
great  curves  on  the  eastern  and  southern  boundaries,  and 
also  break  up  the  western  line  as  it  nears  the  southern  ex- 
tremity; and  the  northern  line  is  considerably  zigzagged 
by  the  irregularity  of  the  early  surveys  in  the  Symmes 
(or  Miami)  Purchase. 

The  area  of  Hamilton,  once  so  great  as  to  include 
about  one-eighth  of  the  present  territory  of  Ohio,  is  now 
among  the  smaller  county  areas  of  the  State.  It  includes 
but  about  three  hundred  and  ninety  square  miles,  or  two 
hundred  and  forty-nine  thousand  acres.  Its  surface  was 
probably  part  of  a  vast  plain  many  thousands  of  years 
ago,  but  has  become  exceedingly  diversified  and  broken 
by  the  long  wash  of  streams  and  by  the  changes  of  the 
geologic  ages. 

It  is  a  remarkably  well-watered  and  fertile  country. 
The  underlying  rocks  of  the  Miami  country  are  calcare- 
ous, and  the  drift-gravels  usually  composed  largely  of 
limestone.  From  both  these  sources  fertilizing  elements 
are  imparted  to  the  soil. 

The  valley  of  the  Ohio  is  about  five  hundred  feet  be- 
low the  general  level  of  the  county;  while  the  valleys  of 
the  Great  and  Little  Miarais,  of  the  Dry  fork  of  White- 
water, of  Mill,  Duck,  and  Deer,  Taylor's  and  Blue  Rock 
creeks,  and  many  small  streams  corrugate  further  the  sur- 
face of  the  couhtry. 

The  characteristics  of  some  of  these  streams  were  no- 
ticed by  travellers  at  a  very  early  day.  Captain  Thomas 
Hutchins,  of  His  Brittanic  Majesty's  Sixtieth  regiment  of 
foot,  afterwards  geographer  of  the  United  States,  during 
his  service  with  the  British  armies  in  this  country  in  the 
last  century,  made  many  explorations  in  the  western  wil- 
derness between  the  years  1764  and  1775,  the  results  of 
which  are  embodied  in  a  valuable  Topographical  De- 
scription published  in  London  in  1778.  It  contains, 
probably,  the  first  printed  notices  of  the  Miami  river  ex- 
tant.    He  says: 

Little  Mineami  river  is  too  small  to  navigate  with  batteaux.  It  has 
much  fine  land  and  several  salt  springs;  its  high  banks  and  gentle  cur- 
rent prevent  its  much  overflowing  the  surrounding  lands  in  freshets. 

Great  Mineami,  Affercmet,  or  Rocky  river  has  a  very  strong  chan- 
nel; a  swift  stream,  but  no  falls.  It  has  several  large  branches,  passa- 
ble with  boats  a  great  way ;  one  extending  westward  towards  the  Wa- 
bash river,  and  then  towards  a  branch  of  the  Mineami  river  (which  runs 
into  Lake  Erie),  to  which  there  is  a  portage,  and  a  third  has  a  portage 
to  the  west  branch  of  Sandusky,  besides  Mad  creek,  where  the  French 
formerly  established  themselves.  Rising  ground  here  and  there  a  little 
stoney,  which  begins  in  the  northern  part  of  the  Peninsula,  between 
Lakes  Erie,  Huron,  and  Michigan,  and  extend  across  the  Little  Mine- 
ami  river  below  the  Forks,  and  southwardly  along  the  Rocky  river  to 

A  part  of  Captain  Hutchins'  description  would  hardly 
be  approved  nowadays.  However  industrious  he  was  in 
observation,  he  would  have  necessarily  to  rely  much  upon 
hearsay;  and  no  little  knowledge  that  he  seemed  to  have 
appears  absolutely  incorrect,  or  vague  and  indefinite, 
when  confronted  with  the  facts. 

Imlay,  an  English  traveller,  wrote  in  1793,  evidently 
borrowing  from  Hutchins: 

The  Great  Miami  is  about  three  hundred  yards  wide  at  its  mouth, 
is  a  rapid  stream,  without  cataracts,  with  several  large  branches  navi- 
gable_for  batteaux  a  long  way  up,  the  principal  of  which  intersects  with 
a  branch  of  the  Miami  river,  which  runs  into  Lake  Erie,  to  which  there 
is  a  portage,  and  a  third  has  a  portage  to  Sandusky. 


This  region  forms  one  of  the  richest,  as  well  as  the  most 
beautiful,  sections  of  the  State,  an  extension,  indeed  of 
the  far-famed  "blue  grass  region"  of  Kentucky.*  The 
system  of  agriculture  in  this  valley  is  esteemed  the  best 
in  the  State,  except  that  of  the  Western  Reserve.  By 
underdraining  and  other  permanent  soil-improvements 
and  ameliorations  important  changes  have  been  effected. 
It  is  the  most  famous  tobacco  region  of  the  State,  and  in 
it  more  than  forty  per  cent,  of  all  the  tobacco  raised  in 
Ohio  is  produced.  The  very  richest  bottom  lands  are 
selected  for  this  crop,  and  the  average  yield  for  five  years 
is  ascertained  to  be  eight  hundred  and  sixty-six  and  one- 
half  pounds  per  acre.  In  the  early  day  comparatively 
little  wheat  was  grown  in  the  valley,  but  within  the  last 
quarter  of  a  century  it  has  sown  a  greater  breadth,  and 
harvested  a  larger  quantity  than  any  similar  area  in  the 
State.  A  comparison  of  the  Miami  valley  with  other 
parts  of  Ohio,  made  a  {ew  years  ago,  showed  that  fifty 
per  cent,  wider  breadth  of  soil  was  sown  to  wheat  in  this 
valley  than  in  any  other  part  of  the  commonwealth. 
The  corn  crop  was  also  very  large,  averaging  thirty-eight 
and  one-fourth  bushels  per  inhabitant,  against  thirty- 
seven  and  one-half  bushels  per  inhabitant  for  the  general 
average  of  the  State.     Says  the  report  cited  below: 

The  farms  throughout  the  valley  are,  as  a  rule,  in  good  order;  the 
surroundings  in  neatness'  and  good  taste  more  nearly  resemble  the 
Western  Reserve  than  does  any  other  valley  in  the  State.  Many  of  the 
inhabitants  are  Pennsylv,inians  and  iVIarylanders,  who  have  brought 
with  them  their  ideas  of  good  shelter  and  care  of  domestic  animals; 
hence,  throughout  the  valley  are  found  well-constructed  and  good- 
sized,  comfortable  barns  and  other  outbuildings.  The  interiors  of 
farm-houses,  especially  the  more  recent  ones,  are  well  arranged  fo'r 
convenience  and  comfort,  and  many  of  them  are  even  luxuriously  fur- 
nished, f 

How  greatly  and  essentially  the  character  of  the  county 
is  changing,  however,  is  shown  by  the  following  extract 
from  the  report  of  the  secretary  of  the  Hamilton  County 
Agricultural  society  to  the  State  Board  of  Agriculture, 
published  in  its  annual  report  for  187 1.     He  says: 

Our  county  is  no  longer  a  farming  community.  Our  farms  are  now 
occupied  as  dairies,  rented  by  gardners,  used  as  pasture  or  meadow, 
and  on  the  railroads  and  leading  thoroughfares  are  being  subdivided 
and  improved  as  country  homes  by  the  business  men  of  Cincinnati. 

Other  crops  are  produced  in  great  abundance  and  va- 
riety from  the  soil  of  Hamilton  county;  the  fertile  valleys 
near  Cincinnati,  especially  the  broad  valley  of  Mill  creek, 
which  has  a  peculiarly  favorable  location,  are  in  great  re- 
quest for  market  gardening.  The  lands  here,  and  indeed 
generally  throughout  the  county,  are  exceedingly  valua- 
ble; and  large  sums  are  invested  in  and  large  fortunes 
realized  by  the  pursuits  of  agriculture  in  this  region. 

The  Mill  Creek  valley  just  mentioned,  which  consti- 
tutes one  of  the  most  prominent  and  important  physical 
features  of  the  county,  begins  near  Hamilton,  in  Butler 
county,  not  far  from  the  valley  of  the  Great  Miami.  In- 
deed, it  is  said  that  in  wet  seasons  the  water  is  discharged 
Irom  a  large  pond  near  Hamilton  at  the  same  time 
through  Pleasant  run  into  the  Great  Miami  and  by  Mill 
creek  into  the  Ohio  river.  This  creek  becomes  a  con- 
siderable stream  as  it  nears  Cincinnati;  and  traversing,  as 

*Ohio  Geological  Survey,  vol.  I,  p.  26. 
■|-Ohio  Secretary  of  State's  report  for  1877. 

it  now  does,  the  greatest  breadth  of  the  city,  it  is  justly 
reckoned,  notwithstanding  the  pollution  of  its  water  by 
manufactories  and  other  establishments  along  its  borders, 
an  important  element  in  the  topography  of  the  city  and 
county.  Other  streams,  except  the  Miami  and  Ohio 
rivers,  are  comparatively  insignificant,  although  some  of 
them,  in  the  course  of  the  ages,  have  come  to  occupy 
broad  and  deep  valleys. 

North  of  the  range  of  hills  adjoining,  or  rather  now 
mostly  in  the  city,  in  the  country  beyond  Avondale  and 
the  Walnut  Hills,  is  a  spacious  basin  or  amphitheatre  of 
about  twenty-five  square  miles,  in  which  a  splendid  city 
might  advantageously  be  located,  but  to  and  through 
which  the  city  of  Cincinnati  will  undoubtedly  one  day 
extend.  It  is  traversed  by  the  Marietta  &  Cincinnati 
railroad,  and  the  Montgomery  and  other  turnpike  roads. 
The  soil  in  this  and  the  northwest  portions  of  the  county 
is  for  the  most  part  friable  clay,  resting  on  limestone, 
which  gives  them  an  excellent  character  as  grass-growing 
regions,  from  which  much  of  the  hay  to  Cincinnati  is 

Permanent  springs  are  not  very  numerous  in  the 
county,  but  well  water  of  excellent  quality  is  in  general 
obtained  without  difficulty.  Ponds  and  morasses  were 
formerly  frequent,  especially  in  the  northern  part  of  the 
county,  but  are  less  known  now. 

More  attention  is  given  in  this  valley  to  grain  and 
wool-growing  than  to  stock-raising.  The  secretary  of 
State's  report  for  1877  says: 

The  lands  are  entiiely  too  dear  to  be  devoted  to  sheep  growing  fo 
wool;  hence  comparatively  few  fine-wooled  sheep  are  in  the  valley,  the 
bulk  of  the  sheep  being  ' '  native  "  and  mutton  breeds.  As  early  as  1816 
attention  was  being  directed  to  the  improvement  in  the  horse  stock  of 
the  valley,  and  from  that  time  until  the  present  that  interest  has  been 
fully  maintained.  Those  who  are  familiar  with  the  strains  of  thorough- 
breds will  find  that  many  of  the  famous  horses  of  the  west  either  were 
bred  in  this  valley  or  else  traced  back  to  stock  in  this  region  for  its  an- 
cestry. Less  attention  is  given  to  cattle  in  this  valley  than  other  agri- 
cultural operations  indicate,  or  than  the  wealth  and  fertility  of  the  valley 
warrant.  But  the  lesser  interest  in  cattle  is  fully  compensated  by  the 
greater  interest  in  horses  and  in  swine.  This  latter  species  of  domestic 
animals  is  one  of  the  "leading  agricultural  pursuits"  of  the  region. 
The  justly  famous  "Magie"  (pronounced  Mag-gee)  breed  of  hogs  is 
claimed  to  have  been  originated  in  this  valley.  Early  maturity  and 
large  weights  are  the  peculiar  commendatory  qualities  of  this  breed,  it 
being  no  unfrequent  occurrence  that  a  head  of  fifteen  or  twenty  are 
slaughtered  averaging  near  about  si.\  hundred  pounds  net. 

The  average  throughout  the  State  is  eight  head  of  swine  for  every  one 
hundred  acres  of  area.  In  the  Miami  valley  the  average  is  over  thir- 
teen head,  or  sixty-three  per  cent,  more  than  the  general  average;  or, 
the  State  average  is  seventy-seven  head  for  every  one  hundred  inhab- 
itants, and  in  this  valley  there  are,  in  round  numbers,  seventy-nine 
head  to  the  one  hundred  inhabitants.  When  it  is  remembered  that 
more  than  one-fourth  of  the  population  of  the  State  resides  in  this  val- 
ley, it  will  be  seen  at  once  that  one-fourth  of  all  the  swine  in  the  State 
are  grown  here.  Notwithstanding  the  Scioto  valley  has  fifty-eight 
head  of  swine  more  to  the  one  hundred  inhabitants,  it  has  less  to  the 
hundred  acres  than  the  Miami. 

The  climate  of  this  part  of  the  Ohio  valley  is  mild 
and  genial.  The  average  temperature  of  the  year  is 
about  54°  Fahrenheit,  above  zero,  against  52°  at  Mari- 
etta, also  in  the  Ohio  valley,  50°  on  the  south  shore  of 
Lake  Erie,  and  49°  to  48°  in  the  highlands,  of  the  inte- 
rior. In  the  early  day  the  temperature  was  even  milder. 
Dr.  Drake,  in  his  Notices  concerning  Cincinnati,  pub- 
lished in  1810,  says: 


"The  latter  [the  Ohio  river,  which  he  was  compar- 
ing with  the  Delaware  at  Philadelphia]  at  this  place  is 
but  seldom  blocked  up  with  the  ice  which  it  floats,  and 
was  never  known  to  freeze  over."  In  his  Picture  of 
Cincinnati,  published  five  years  later,  he  notes  the 
average  temperature  of  1808  as  56.4°;  that  of  181 1  as 
56.62°,  and  the  average  for  the  eight  years,  1806-13,  as 
54.25°,  which,  he  says,  "maybe  regarded  as  an  accurate 
exponent  of  the  temperature  of  Cincinnati."  One 
hundred  degrees,  from  below  zero  to  above,  was  the 
mean  temperature  of  those  years.  During  nine  years'  ob- 
servation the  thermometer  at  Cincinnati  was  below  zero 
but  twice  in  a  winter.  The  mean  summer  heat  for  those 
years  was  but  seventy-four,  and  the  thermometer  stood  at 
ninety  degrees  or  above  for  an  aveiage  of  but  fourteen 
days  a  summer.  In  those  times,  according  to  Dr. 
Drake's  observation  of  six  years,  there  was  an  average 
per  year  of  one  hundred  and  seventy-six  fair,  one  hun- 
dred and  five  cloudy,  and  eighty-four  variable  days. 
The  annual  fall  of  rain  and  snow  amounted  to  thirty-six 
inches,  while  now  it  is  forty-seven  and  forty-three  one- 
hundredths  inches  at  Cincinnati  and  along  the  Ohio  val- 
ley, against  thirty-six  in  the  northern  part  of  the  State. 
Said  Dr.  Drake,  in  his  publication  of  1815: 

This  country  never  been  visited  by  a  violent  storm,  either  from 
the  northeast  or  southeast,  nor  do  the  clouds  from  any  eastern  point 
often  exhibit  many  electric  phenomena.  But  from  every  direction  on  the 
opposite  sides  of  the  meridian  they  come  charged  with  lightning  and 
driven  by  impetuous  winds.  Of  these  thunder-gusts  the  northwest  is  by 
far  the  most  prolific  source.  They  occur  at  any  time  during  the  day 
and  night,  but  most  frequently  in  the  afternoon. 

He  gives  a  vivid  description  of  such  a  storm,  which 
occurred  May  28,  1809,  and  of  which  some  notice  will 
be  found  hereafter  in  the  history  of  Cincinnati,  in  this 

For  eighty-three  years  ending  with  the  last  day  of 
1879,  during  which  observations  had  been  taken  at  Cin- 
cinnati, the  average  temperature  of  the  year  was  57°  65', 
and  for  the  last  decade  of  that  period  it  was  53°  65', 
showing  a  change  of  five  degrees  for  the  colder  since 
1797.  Some  of  the  cold  seasons  in  that  day,  however, 
were  intensely  severe.  The  lowest  degree  of  Fahrenheit's 
thermometer  ever  registeaed  in  the  city  was  noted  Jan- 
uary 8,  of  the  year  last  named,  when,  according  to  the 
observations  of  Colonel  Winthrop  Sargent,  secretary  of 
the  Northwest  Territory,  it  went  to  18°,  and  would  have 
gone  lower,  it  is  believed,  had  not  the  then  dense  forests 
of  southern  Ohio  and  the  Cincinnati  basin  broken  the 
icy  northwest  wind  that  prevailed.  The  winter-of  1806-7 
was  also  thoroughly  frigid,  and  the  seventh  of  February, 
of  that  season,  when  the  thermometer  marked  11°  below, 
has  come  down  in  local  tradition  as  "the  cold  Friday." 
Other  cold  winters  were  those  of  1855-6,  1856-7,  and 
1857-8,  when  the  thermometer  thirty-two  times  indicated 
temperatures  below  zero,  and  at  one  time  the  Ohio  was 
for  two  months  so  soHdly  frozen  over  that  loaded  wagons 
crossed  safely.  Another  severe  winter  was  that  of  1863-4, 
which  brought  so  much  suffering  to  soldiers  in  the  army. 
On  the  first  of  January,  1864,  which  has  a  permanent 
reputation  in  meteorology  as  "the  cold  New  Year,"  14° 
below  was  touched  at  Cincinnati.     Since  then,  the  win- 

ters of  1870-1,  1872-3  and  the  three  succeeding  winters, 
and  those  of  1877-8  and  1878-9  have  been  among 
the  coldest  known  in  the  valley.  Among  warm  winters 
that  have  been  observed  are  those  of  1792-3-4,  i795~6> 
1799-1800-1,  1805-6-7,  1809-10-11,  and  1879-80,  the 
last  of  these  warmer  than  any  other  since  1827-8,  and 
10°  warmer  than  any  other  since  1835-6.  The  thermom- 
eter exhibited  69°  above  in  the  shade  on  Forefathers' 
day,  December  20,  1877,  although  that  was  a  generally 
cold  winter,  and  stood  at  63°  or  more  for  some  days. 

The  average  rainfall  per  year,  during  the  eighty-three 
years  designated,  has  been  39.71  inches,  and  somewhat 
lighter,  37.61,  for  the  last  twenty  five  years  of  the  period. 
Least  fell  in  1856 — 22.88  inches;  and  most,  69.42,  in 
1847.  The  average  snowfall  annually  is  about  twenty 
inches,  against  thirty-five  in  central  and  northern  Ohio. 
The  greatest  depth  at  one  time  ever  observed  in  southern 
Ohio  was  twenty-eight  inches,  January  18,  1862,  though 
twenty-two  fell  January  19,  1846.  Sixty-nine  inches  fell 
in  the  winter  of  1855-6,  and  sixty-five  just  ten  years 
thereafter.  Snowfalls  in  April  sometimes  occur,  but  very 
seldom  later.  April  20,  1814,  ten  inches  fell,  and  five 
April  II,  1874. 

Forest  trees  abounded  in  the  early  day  in  great  variety, 
and  are  still,  notwithstanding  the  dense  population  and 
extensive  cultivation  of  the  soil  in  the  county,  prominent 
among  its  physical  features.  Dr.  Drake  in  his  day  enu- 
merated over  one  hundred  and  twenty  species,  and  from 
their  number  and  the  luxuriance  of  the  forest  growth 
he  argued  the  superiority  of  the  soil  to  that  of  the  United 
States  generally — "for  it  has  as  many  kinds  of  trees  above 
sixty  feet  in  height  as  all  the  States  taken  together,  while 
it  has  only  one-half  the  number  of  species."  He  also  enu- 
merates a  great  number  of  such  herbaceous  plants  as  are 
deemed  useful  in  medicine  and  the  arts,  most  of  which 
are  indigenous  to  the  soil.  Of  trees,  the  following-named 
are  twenty  of  the  most  common  species  in  Ohio,  which 
are  now  found  in  Hamilton  county,  in  the  relative  order 
of  abundant  growth  in  which  they  appear  in  the  list: 
Oak,  beech,  hickory,  sugar  maple,  poplar,  walnut,  elm, 
sycamore,  ash,  locust,  mulberry,  pine,  Cottonwood,  white 
walnut  (butternut),  cherry,  gum,  soft  maple,  tulip,  buck- 
eye, and  silver  maple.  In  1853  the  county  still  had 
eighty-eight  thousand  one  hundred  and  twenty-three 
acres,  or  thirty-seven  and  seven-tenths  per  cent,  of  the 
area,  in  forest;  within  seventeen  years  thereafter  fifty- 
three  thousand  six  hundred  and  fifty  acres  were  removed, 
and  in  1870  it  had  but  thirty-four  thousand  four  hundred 
and  seventy-three  acres  in  forest,  or  fourteen  and  seventy- 
six  hundredths  per  cent,  of  its  acreage — by  far  the  least 
of  any  county  in  the  State — and  the  breadth  of  its  woods 
is  annually  decreasing. 

The  great  municipality  of  Hamilton  county,  as  all  the 
world  knows,  is  of  course  Cincinnati,  with  its  area  com- 
prising about  one-fourteenth  of  the  entire  territory  of 
the  county  and  its  population  of  more  than  a  quarter  of  a 

The  townships  of  the  county  along  theOhio  river  are: 
To  the  east  of  Cincinnati — Anderson,  between  the  Little 


Miami  and  the  Clermont  county  line,  and  Spencer,  ad- 
joining the  city ;  west  of  Cincinnati,  in  order — Delhi  and 
Miami.  Those  west  of  the  Great  Miami  are  Whitewater, 
Harrison  (in  the  northwestern  corner  of  the  county),  and 
Crosby  (east  of  Harrison  on  the  lines  of  Butler  county 
and  the  Little  Miami  river).  Other  townships  in  the 
northern  tier,  between  the  Great  and  Little  Miamis,  from 
west  to  east,  are  Colerain,  Springfield,  Sycamore,  and 
Symmes.  There  remain,  all  these  adjoining  Cincinnati, 
Green  township  on  the  west.  Mill  Creek  township  on  the 
north,  and  Columbia,  between  Mill  Creek  and  the  Little 

The  post  offices  of  the  county,  besides  Cincinnati,  are 
[February,  1881]:  Banesburgh,  Bevis,  Bond  Hill,  Califor- 
nia, Carthage,  Cedar  Point,  Cherry  Grove,  Cheviot,  Cleves, 
College  Hill,  Columbia,*  Creedville,  Corryville,*  Cum- 
minsville,*  Delhi,  Dent,  Dunlap,  East  Sycamore,  Eliza- 
bethtown,  Elmwood  Place,  Evendale,  Forestville,  Fruit 
Hill,  Glendale,  Grand  Valley,  Groesbeck,  Harrison,  Hart- 
well,  Karr,  Linwood,  Lockland,  Ludlow  Grove,  Ma- 
deira, Madisonville,  Miami,  Mill  Creek,*  Montgomery, 
Mount  Airy,  Mount  Healthy,  Mount  Lookout,  Mount 
Washington,  Newton,  North  Bend,  Norwood,  Oakley, 
Plainville,  Pleasan  Ridge,  Pleasant  Run,  Pleasant  Valley, 
Preston,  Reading,  Remington,  Riverside,  Sater,  Shann- 
ville.  Sixteen  Mile  Stand,  Sedamsville,*  Spring  Dale, 
Sweet  Wine,  Symmes,  Taylor's  Creek,  Terrace  Park, 
Transit,  Trautman  Walnut  Hills,  Winton  Place,  West 
Riverside,  and  Wyoming.  Many  of  these  are  also  incor- 
porated villages;  those  marked*  are  within  the  corporate 
limits  of  Cincinnati,  and  are  branches  or  "stations"  of 
the  Cincinnati  post  office. 

The  description  of  Hamilton  county  will  be  incident- 
ally continued  through  the  next,  necessarily  a  much  more 
elaborate  chapter. 



Wliere  is  the  dust  that  has  not  been  alive? 

— Young,  "Night  Thoughts," 

There  was  life  in  the  valley  of  the  Ohio  untold  ages 
before  man  came  to  gaze  upon  its  beautiful  hills  and 
waters.  Away  back  in  the  stately  march  of  the  geologic 
epochs,  the  Silurian  seas  here  swarmed  with  animate  ex- 
istence, many  of  its  forms  so  small  that  the  aid  of  the 
microscope  is  needed  to  trace  them;  and  some  so  nu- 
merous that  great  and  valuable  layers  of  rock  are  com- 
posed almost  wholly  of  their  remains.  The  history  of 
the  countless  varieties  of  sentient  life  that  so  abounded 
here  seons  on  geons  ago  may  be  read  for  us  only  in  the 
rocks  of  the  valley  and  the  hills.  It  is  otherwise  un- 
written, except  in  the  books  of  their  Creator.  Industrious 
inquirers,  working  slowly  and  carefully  through  many 
years,  have  traced  the  forms  of  them,  have  given  them 

names,  and  catalogued  them.  It  does  not  fall  within  the 
province  of  this  work  to  present  a  Hst  of  these.  It  may 
suffice  for  our  purposes  to  say  that  the  paleontological 
catalogue  published  within  two  or  three  years  by  Pro- 
fessor Mickleborough,  of  the  Cincinnati  normal  school, 
and  Professor  Wetherby,  of  the  University  of  Cincinnati, 
represents  no  vertebrate,  and  their  presence  in  the  rocks 
of  Hamilton  county  is  exceedingly  rare;  but  from  the 
sub-kingdoms  are  presented  fifty-seven  species  of  annu- 
losa  (besides  seventy-eight  undetermined),  one  hundred 
and  forty-five  of  moUusca,  one  hundred  and  thirty-nine 
of  molluscoida,  sixty-three  of  ccelenterata,  and  nine  of 
protojoa,  besides  sixteen  species  representing,  in  a  very 
small  way,  the  vegetable  kingdom. 

The  duty  of  the  historian,  in  this,  one  of  the  opening 
chapters  of  this  work,  is  to  present  something  of  the  to- 
pography and  geology  of  the  county.  In  accordance  with 
our  custom  in  this  series  of  local  histories,  we  rely  almost 
exclusively  for  these  upon  the  authorized  Report  of  the 
Geological  Survey  of  Ohio,  for  which  the  section  relating 
to  Hamilton  county  was  prepared  by  Professor  Edward 
Orton,  now  of  the  State  university  at  Columbus.  What 
follows  is  taken  almost  verbatim  from  his  report,  with 
the  addition  of  two  or  three  foot-notes,  and  some  slight 
changes  in  and  arrangement  of  the  text. 


The  prominent  topographical  features  of  Hamilton 
county  divide  the  surface  into  two  main  divisions — high- 
land and  lowland. 

The  first  division  embraces  all  the  higher  table-lands 
of  the  county,  which  have  a  general  elevation  of  two  to 
five  hundred  feet  above  low-water  at  Cincinnati.  All  of 
these  areas,  though  often  covered  with  superficial  drift 
deposits,  are  underlain  with  bedded  rock,  which  is  every- 
where easily  accessible,  and  which  impresses  pecuhar 
features  upon  the  face  of  the  districts  that  contain  it. 

To  the  second  division  are  referred  the  valleys  of  the 
county,  and  not  only  those  which  hold  the  present  rivers, 
but  also  those  in  which  rio  streams  of  considerable  size 
are  now  found,  but  which  are  due  to  the  eroding  agen-, 
cies  of  an  earlier  day.  Both  of  the  classes  of  valleys  are 
often  filled  with  heavy  accumulations  of  drift,  but  they 
agree  in  being  destitute  of  bedded  rock — except  at  the 
levels  of  the  streams  they  contain,  or,  as  is  often  the 
case,  at  considerably  lower  levels. 

The  thickness  of  the  drift  beds  does  not  generally  ex- 
ceed one«hundred  feet,  and  thus  it  will  be  seen  that  in 
the  Ohio  valley  the  lowlands  have  a  maximum  elevation 
of  one  hundred  feet  above  low-water  at  Cincinnati ;  but 
as  we  follow  back  the  Miamis  and  the  .lesser  streams,  we 
find  these  beds  assuming  higher  elevations,  as  the  floor  of 
the  country  that  sustains  them  is  gradually  elevated,  so 
that  they  sometimes  attain,  in  the  northern  and  eastern 
portions  of  the  county,  a  height  of  one  hundred  and  fifty 
or  even  two  hundred  feet  above  the  same  base. 

In  other  words,  the  highlands  of  the  county  are  the 
areas  in  which  the  bedded  rocks  remain,  to  an  elevation 
of  three  hundred  feet  and  more  above  the  Ohio  river, 
while  the  lowlands  are  those  areas  from  which  the  rocks 




have   been  removed,  at   least  to  the  existing  rivers  and 
lesser  streams. 

The  slopes  that  connect  these  two  kinds  of  areas  are 
commonly  precipitous,  as  in  the  river-hills  of  Cincinnati; 
but  sometimes  the  descent  is  broken  by  the  interposition 
of  drift  deposits. 

The  valley  of  the  Ohio,  which  here  runs  in  an  east  and 
west  direction,  makes  the  southern  boundary  of  the 
county,  and,  though  deep,  is  comparatively  narrow.  Sev- 
eral of  the  north  and  south  valleys  that  traverse  the 
county  are  absolutely  wider  than  the  Ohio  valley;  and 
when  the  volumes  of  the  streams  that  they  contain  are 
taken  into  the  account,  the  disproportion  between  them 
and  the  first-named  valley  is  very  great.  A  similar  state 
of  facts  obtains  through  southwestern  Ohio — the  valleys 
that  trend  to  the  west  of  north  especially  having  been 
excavated  on  an  ampler  scale  than  the  rest,  other  things 
being  equal.  These  facts  seem  to  point  to  glacial  ero- 
sion as  a  prominent  cause  in  the  production  of  the  sur- 
face features  of  the  country,  as  the  glaciers  are  known  by 
the  striae  they  have  left  to  have  advanced  from  the  north- 

An  examination  of  the  map  of  the  county,  *  in  the 
light  of  the  facts  already  known,  will  serve  to  show,  what 
an  acquaintance  with  it  abundantly  confirms,  that  its  sur- 
face has  suffered  a  vast  amount  of  erosion.  The  most 
interesting  facts  in  this  connection  are  not  the  valleys 
which  are  occupied  by  the  greater  streams  of  to-day,  but 
those  deep  and  wide  valleys  that  are  at  present  either 
entirely  deserted  by  water-courses  or  traversed  by  insig- 
nificant strenms,  wholly  inadequate  to  account  for  the 
erosion  of  which  they  have  availed  themselves.  Atten- 
tion will  be  called  to  one  or  two  instances  of  this  sort. 

The  broad  valley  now  occupied  in  part  by  Mill  creek, 
and  in  part  left  entirely  unoccupied,  extends  continuously 
from  the.  present  valley  of  the  Great  Miami  at  Hamilton 
to  the  Clifton  hills,  just  north  of  Cincinnati,  where  it 
divides  into  two  branches — one  passing  to  the  north  and 
east  of  the  city,  and  entering  the  valley  of  the  Little 
Miami  between  Red  Bank  station  and  Plainville — while 
the  other  branch,  the  present  valley  of  Mill  creek,  passes 
directly  to  the  Ohio  through  the  site  of  the  city  of  Cin- 

No  rocky  barriers — nothing,  in  fact,  but  the  same  drift 
terraces  that  make  the  walls  of  its  present  course — shut 
out  the  Great  Miami  from  entering  the  Ohio  valley  at  the 
same  points  where  the  Little  Miami  and  Mill  creek  now 
enter.  Indeed,  there  is  the  best  of  reasons  for  believing 
that  it  has  followed,  in  the  past  mutations  of  its  history, 
those  very  courses  to  the  great  valley.  Mill  creek  has 
taken  possession  of  the  middle  portions  of  this  valley, 
but  has  never  occupied  more  than  one  of  its  lower 
branches,  that  one  the  narrower. 

The  most  striking  examples  of  this  erosion  of  an  earlier 
day  are  to  be  found,  however,  on  the  western  side  of  the 
county,  and  are,  for  the  most  part,  to  be  referred  to  the 
same  river  whose  agency  has  already  been  invoked. 

There  is  an   open  cut,  at  least  two  miles  wide,  in  the 

'■'Geological  Survey  of  Ohio,  Vol.  I. 

northeastern  part  of  Crosby  township,  which  bears  due 
westward  from  the  present  course  of  the  Great  Miami. 
Near  the  west  line  of  the  township  this  old  channel  is 
deflected  to  the  southward,  and  is  thenceforward  occu. 
pied  by  the  Dry  fork  of  Whitewater,  until  it  is  merged  in . 
the  valley  of  this  last-named  river.  That  the  streams 
which  hide  themselvss  in  this  great  valley  to-day  have 
had  next  to  nothing  to  do  with  its  excavation,  is  evident 
from  the  fact  that  there  is  not  one  of  them  whose  course 
agrees  with  the  direction  of  the  valley,  but  all  cut  across 
it  transversely.  More  than  half  of  the  townships  of 
Crosby,  Harrison,  and  Whitewater  have  been  thus  worn 
away  and  made  to  give  bed  to  the  rivers  in  the  successive 
stages  of  their  history.  The  channel  above  named  can 
be  confidently  set  down  as  another  of  the  earlier  courses 
of  the  Great  Miami. 

Still  a  third  of  these  old  channels,  more  interesting  in 
some  respects  than  either  of  the  two  just  named,  is  found 
near  Cleves,  Miami  township.  By  reference  to  the  map, 
it  will  be  observed  that  the  river  here  approaches  within 
a  mile  of  the  Ohio ;  but,  instead  of  entering  the  great  val- 
ley at  this  point,  it  makes  an  abrupt  detour  to  the  west 
and  south,  and  only  reaches  its  destination  after  a  circuit 
of  ten  miles.  Its  approach  to  the  Ohio  at  Cleves  is 
blocked  by  a  ridge  that  is  interposed,  one  hundred  and 
fifty  to  two  hundred  and  seventy-five  feet  in  height.  A 
tunnel  that  was  carried  through  this  ridge,  in  the  con- 
struction of  the  Whitewater  Valley  canal,  and  which  is 
at  present  used  by  the  Indianapolis  &  Cincinnati  rail- 
road, shows  it  to  be  composed  of  glacial  drift.  The  di- 
rection of  this  channel  is  in  the  line  in  which  the  glaciers 
advanced,  so  that  its  existence  can  be  quite  plausibly 
ascribed  to  the  great  agents  of  denudation.  Whether  or 
not  the  origin  of  this  channel  can  be  referred  to  the 
glacial  period,  its  closure  was  certainly  effected  there. 

It  tasks  the  imagination  to  account  for  the  excavation 
of  these  broad  and  deep  valeys  by  existing  erosive  agen- 
cies, even  when  they  are  reinforced  by  the  important  ad- 
ditions of  glacial  ice;  but  to  agencies  identical  with 
these  the  work  must  be  referred.  ■  There  is  no  evidence, 
as  has  already  been  shown,  of  minor  flexures  or  axes  of 
disturbance  in  the  Blue  Limestone  region,  by  which  the 
strata  could  have  been  thrown  into  hills  and  valleys;  but, 
on  the  contrary,  the  beds  are  found  to  occur  in  unbroken 
regularity,  being  affected  only  by  the  slight  general  dip, 
of  which  account  has  been  previously  given.  It  is 
scarcely  necessary  to  say  that  opposite  sides  of  valleys 
give  every  possible  proof  of  having  been  originally  con- 
tinuous, the  sections  which  adjacent  exposures  furnish 
being  absolutely  identical  in  their  leading  features. 

The  Cincinnati  group  has  been  found  to  demand  for 
its  original  formation  long-continued  cycles  of  peaceful 
growth  and  deposition,  and  in,  like  manner  the  fashion- 
ing of  its  bed  into  the  present  topographical  features  of 
the  country  must  have  been  in  progress  through  such 
protracted  ages  that  the  historic  period  in  comparison 
shrinks  into  insignificance. 

[The  correctness  or  necessity  of  the  appellation,  "Cin- 
cinnati group,"  which  often  occurs  in  the  geological  reports, 
is  gravely  doubted  by  the  local  geologists.     In  January, 



1879,  a  committee  of  ten,  headed  by  S.  A.  Miller,  esq., 
reported  to  the  Cincinnati  Society  of  Natural  History 
"that  the  fossils  found  in  the  strata  for  twenty  feet  or 
more,  above  low-water  mark  of  the  Ohio  river,  in  the 
first  ward  of  the  city  of  Cincinnati,  and  on  Crawfish 
creek,  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  city,  and  in  Taylor's 
creek,  east  of  Newport,  Kentucky,  at  an  elevation  of 
more  than  fifty  feet  above  low-water  mark  in  the  Ohio 
river,  indicate  the  age  of  the  Utica  Slate  group  of  New 
York.  A  fauna  is  represented  in  these  rocks  that  is  not 
found   above  or  below  them.  .         .  Moreover, 

brown  shales  and  greenish  blue  shales  and  concretionary 
nodules  give  a  lithological  character  to  the  strata  which 
distinguishes  them  from  the  strata  both  above  and 
below."  All  strata  containing  Iriarthriis  becki,  the  com- 
mittee hold,  are  to  be  referred  to  the  age  of  the  Utica 
Slate  group  of  New  York.  Above  its  range  is  the  Hud- 
son River  group.  The  Trenton  group  is  not  exposed  at 
Cincinnati  nor  in  the  Ohio  valley  anywhere  west  of  the 
city,  but  is  probably  represented  in  the  rocks  of  Ohio  a- 
few  miles  east  of  that  point.  The  Utica  group  is  not 
represented  elsewhere  in  Ohio.  All  the  lower  Silurian 
rocks  in  southwestern  Ohio  belong  to  the  Hudson  River 
group,  except  the  small  exposure  of  the  Utica  slate  in 
the  banks  of  the  Ohio  and  east  of  the  city  in  the  immedi- 
ate vicinity  of  the  river.  The  committee  therefore  report 
that  the  name  "Cincinnati  group"  should  be  dropped, 
"not  only  because  it  is  a  synonym,  but  because  its  re- 
tention can  subserve  no  useful  purpose  in  the  science, 
and  because  it  will  in  the  future,  as  in  the  past,  lead  to 
erroneous  views  and  fruitless  discussions."  Investiga- 
tion, so  far,  they  add,  has  not  led  to  any  other  or  further 
sub-divisions  than  those  formerly  adopted.] 

Strictly  speaking,  there  are  no  hills  in  Hamilton 
county,  the  surface  being  all  referable  to  the  table-lands 
and  to  the  valleys  worn  in  them.  What  are  called  the 
Cincinnati  hills,  for  example,  are  merely  the  isolated 
remnants  of  the  old  plateau,  which  have  so  far  escaped 
the  long-continued  denudation.  Indeed,  the  highlands 
of  the  county  are  all  of  them  outliers  or  insulated 
masses,  surrounded  on  every  side  by  the  valleys  of  exist- 
ing rivers,  along  the  deep  excavations  wrought  out  by 
these  streams  at  an  earlier  date  and  under  somewhat 
different  geographical  conditions.  These  islands  of  the 
higher  ground  vary  in  area  between  quite  wide  limits, 
some  of  them  containing  a  few  scores  of  acres,  and  others 
as  many  square  miles. 

The  high  ground  immediately  appertaining  to  Cincin- 
,nati  furnishes  a  good  example  of  these  outliers.  By 
reference  to  the  map,  the  insulation  of  this  high  ground 
will  be  seen  to  be  perfectly  effected  by  the  Little  Miami 
valley,  the  Ohio  valley,  the  Mill  Creek  valley,  and  the 
abandoned  channel  of  the  Great  Miami,  already  describ- 
ed, on  the  northern  and  eastern  sides.  Very  important 
consequences  result  to  the  city  from  this  insulation.  It 
follows,  for  instance,  that  there  are  but  two  natural  ways 
of  ingress  to  the  city  by  lowland,  or,  in  other  words,  that 
there  are  but  two  railroad  routes  possible — one  by  the 
Ohio  valley  and  the  other  by  the  Mill  Creek  valley. 
Both  of  these  are  circuitous  and  in  other  respects  unfa- 

vorable, especially  as  ways  of  approach  from  the  east. 
These  difficulties  have  led  to  the  project  of  reaching  the 
business  center  of  the  city  by  a  tunnel  from  the  northern 

The  Dayton  Short  Line  railroad  encounters,  near  West 
Chester,  one  of  these  outliers  in  its  route,  which  necessi- 
tates a  grade  of  forty-five  feet  to  the  mile  at  this  point — 
the  highest  grade,  in  fact,  on  this  line  (New  York  Cen- 
tral) between  tidewater  and  the  Ohio  river. 

Another  very  noticeable  outlier  is  found  a  mile  west  of 
North  Bend.  The  Ohio  &  Mississippi  railroad  skirts  it 
on  the  Ohio  valley  side,  while  the  Indianapolis  &  Cincin- 
nati road  passes  to  the  north  of  it,  through  the  old  glacial 
channel,  which  has  already  been  described. 


The  upper  division  of  the  Blue  Limestone  or  the 
Lebanon  beds  has  never  been  found  in  Hamilton  county. 
The  lower  boundary  of  the  Cincinnati  group  has  not 
yet  been  definitely  fixed,  but  enough  is  known  to  make 
it  certain  that  it  is  not  found  among  the  surface  rocks  of 
Ohio.  The  approximate  place  in  the  general  geological 
scale  of  the  strata  exposed  in  the  hills  of  Cincinnati  has 
long  been  known.  For  the  last  forty  years,  at  least,  they 
have  been  r.:ferred  to  the  later  divisions  of  Lower  Silu- 
rian time  and  recognized  as  belonging  to  the  Hudson  or 
Hudson  River  group  of  the  New  York  geologists  and  of 
the  general  geological  scale  of  the  country. 

The  Cincinnati  beds  proper  come  next  in  order  after 
the  Point  Pleasant  beds,  in  Clermont  county,  which  are 
the  lowest  rocks  of  the  series  in  the  State.  They  have 
for  their  inferior  limit  low-water  in  the  Ohio  and  for  an 
upper  boundary  the  highest  stratum  found  in  the  Cincin- 
nati hills.  The  greatest  elevation  above  low-water  in  the 
immediate  vicinity  of  Cincinnati  is  given  by  the  city  eu; 
gineer  as  four  hundred  and  sixty-five  feet.  Abating  fif- 
teen feet  for  the  drift  covering  of  the  surface,  we  can 
certainly  find  forty-five  feet  of  bedded  rock  in  this  divis- 
ion, almost  every  foot  of  which  lies  open  to  study  within 
the  city  limits.  The  only  stratum,  however,  that  admits 
of  easy  identification,  lies  at  an  elevation  of  four  hundred 
and  twenty-five  feet  above  the  river;  and  this  is  accord- 
ingly assumed  as  the  upper  limit  of  this  division. 

Upon  differences  in  lithological  character,  with  which 
also  changes  in  fossil  contents  ally  themselves,  a  sub- 
division of  the  Cincinnati  beds  is  possible  into  three 
groups,  which  may  be  named  respectively,  in  ascending 
order,  the  River  Quarry  beds,  the  Middle  Shales,  and  the 
Hill  Quarry  beds.  The  first  of  these  subdivisions  has  a 
thickness  of  fifty  feet,  the  second  of  two  hundred  and 
fifty  feet,  and  the  third  of  one  hundred  and  fifty  feet. 

Above  the  highest  stratum  of  the  Cincinnati  hills  and 
the  lowermost  beds  of  the  Upper  Silurian  age,  three 
hundred  feet  of  rock  intervene,  that  belong  unmistakably 
to  the  same  formation,  being  connected  with  it  by  identity 
in  lithological  character  and  by  a  large  number  of  com- 
mon fossils.  These  upper  beds  are  nowhere  found  within 
twenty  miles  of  Cincinnati,  and  yet  there  has  never  been 
the  slightest  hesitation  in  referring  them  to  the  same  series 
to  which  the  rocks  there  exhibited  belong. 



The  names  assigned,  it  will  be  remembered,  to  the 
three  divisions  recognized  here,  are  in  ascending  order: 

The  River  Quarry  Beds; 

The  Middle,  or  Eden  Shales; 

The  Hill  Quarry  Beds. 

No  explanation  is  necessary  of  the  first  and  the  last  of 
these  names.  To  the  intervening  division  a  name  can 
properly  be  assigned,  derived  from  the  name  of  the  park 
on  the  eastern  side  of  the  city,  in  the  grading  of  which 
so  great  a  display  of  this  division  is  made.  This  division 
can,  therefore,  be  styled  the  Eden  shales,  from  the  Eden 

The  whole  series  of  the  Cincinnati  group  is  composed 
of  alternating  beds  of  limestone  and  shale.  The  shale 
is  more  commonly  known  under  the  name  of  blue  clay; 
and  this  designation  is  not  inappropriate.  It  is  sometimes 
styled  marl  or  marlite,  and  the  use  of  the  latter  designa- 
tion is  also  justified  by  its  composition.  The  most  objec- 
tionable term  by  which  it  is  characterized,  is  soapstone, 
as  this  name  is  pre-occupied  by  a  metamorphic  magne- 
sian  silicate. 

The  limestone  of  the  series  may,  in  general  terms,  be 
described  as  an  even-bedded,  firm,  durable,  semi-crystal- 
line limestone,  crowded  for  the  most  part  with  fossils 
through  its  whole  extent  and  often  bearing  upon  its  sur- 
face the  impressions  of  these  fossils.  Its  color  is  not 
uniform,  as  the  designation  by  which  the  whole  series  is 
familiarly  known,  "blue  limestone,"  would  seem  to  imply. 
The  prevailing  color,  however,  may  be  said  to  be  a  gray- 
ish blue,  chiefly  due  to  the  presence  of  protoxide  of  iron, 
which,  upon  exposure,  is  converted  into  a  higher  oxide. 
The  weathered  surfaces  generally  show  yellowish  or  light 
gray  shades,  that  are  in  marked  contrast  with  the  fresh 
fracture.  Drab-colored  courses  occasionally  alternate 
with  the  blue. 

The  limestone  varies  in  all  these  respects  somewhat, 
however,  in  its  different  divisions.  The  Point  Pleasant 
beds,  and  the  lower  courses  of  the  Cincinnati  division, 
deviate  most  widely  from  the  description  already  given. 
They  are  lighter  in  color  than  the  upper  courses  and  in 
some  instances  are  slaty  in  structure,  while  in  others  they 
have  a  tendency  to  assume  lenticular  forms  of  concre- 
tionary origin,  sometimes  to  such  an  extent  as  to  destroy 
their  value  as  building-rock.  The  layers  are  also  excep- 
tionally heavy,  attaining  a  thickness  of  sixteen  or  eighteen 
inches,  and  are  often  so  free  from  fossils  as  to  afford  no 
indication  of  the  kinds  of  life  from  which  they  were 

A  few  feet  above  low-water  at  Cincinnati,  a  very  fine 
and  compact  stone  comes  in,  that  is  found  in  occasional 
courses  for  fifty  to  seventy-five  feet.  It  is  composed,  as 
its  weathered  surfaces  show,  almost  entirely  of  crinoidal 
columns,  mostly  of  small  size,  and  mainly  referable  to 
species  of  heterocrinus.  The  courses  vary  in  thickness 
from  an  inch  to  a  foot.  The  lighter  layers  ring  like  pot- 
metal  under  the  blows  of  a  hammer. 

Ascending  in  the  series,  the  limestone  layers  are  very 
generally  fossiliferous  and  are  rarely  homogeneous  in 
structure,  being  disfigured,  to  a  greater  or  less  degree,  by 
chambers  of  shale  or  limestone  mud,  from  some  of  which 

cavities,  certainly,  fossils  have  been  dissolved.  The 
thickness  of  the  courses  varies  generally  between  the 
limits  indicated  above,  but  a  large  proportion  of  the 
stone  ranges  between  four  and  eight  inches.  Now  and 
then,  however,  a  layer  attains  a  thickness  of  twenty 
inches,  or  even  two  feet.  Near  the  upper  limits  of  the 
formation  the  layers  are  thinner  and  less  even  than  be- 
low, affording  what  quarrymen  call  "shelly"  stone. 

The  composition  of  the  limestones  from  the  upper 
half  of  the  group  is  quite  nearly  uniform,  averaging 
about  ninety  per  cent,  of  carbonate  of  lime;  but  as  we 
descend  in  the  series  the  limestones  grow  more  silicious. 

The  shales,  clays,  or  marlites,  which  with  the  lime- 
stones make  up  the  Cincinnati  group,  must  next  be 
characterized.  They  constitute  a  large  part  of  the  sys- 
tem, certainly  four-fifths  of  it  in  the  two  lower  divisions, 
and  probably  not  less  than  three-fifths  of  its  whole  ex- 
tent. The  proportions  of  limestone  and  shale  do  not 
appear  altogether  constant,  it  is  to  be  observed,  at  the 
same  horizon,  a  larger  amount  of  stone  being  found  at 
one  point  than  at  others. 

The  shales,  as  implied  in  one  of  the  names  by  which 
they  are  known,  "  blue  clay,"  are  generally  blue  in  color, 
but  the  shade  is  lighter  than  in  the  limestone.  In  addi- 
tion to  the  blue  shales,  however,  drab-colored  clays  ap- 
pear in  the  series  at  various  points.  As  the  blue  shales 
weather  into  drab  by  the  higher  oxidation  of  the  iron 
they  contain,  the  conclusion  is  frequently  drawn  that  the 
last-named  variety  marks  merely  a  weathered  stage  of 
the  former.  But,  aside  from  the  impossibility  of  ex- 
plaining the  facts  as  they  occur  on  this  hypothesis,  analy- 
sis disproves  it,  and  shows  that  the  differences  in  color 
are  connected  with  essential  differences  in  the  composi- 
tion of  the  belts  to  which  they  belong. 

Most  of  the  shales  slake  promptly  on  exposure  to  the 
air,  and  furnish  the  materials  of  a  fertile  soil;  but  there 
are  other  portions  included  under  this  general  division 
which  harden  as  the  quarry-water  escapes,  and  become 
an  enduring  stone  if  protected  from  the  action  of  frost. 

The  shales  are  sometimes  quite  heavily  charged  with 
fossils,  which  generally  have  a  firmer  structure  than  the 
material  that  encloses  them,  so  that  the  fossils,  often  in 
an  admirable  state  of  preservation,  remain  behind  after 
the  shales  have  melted  away.  All  of  the  groups  of  ani- 
mals that  are  represented  in  the  limestones  are  found 
also  in  the  shales;  but  from  the  unequal  numbers  that 
are  represented  here  to-day,  it  seems  evident  that  some 
sorts  were  able  to  adapt  themselves  to  the  conditions 
which  shaly  deposits  imply  much  more  easily  than  others. 

The  proportions  of  limestone  and  shale  in  the  series 
we  have  already  spoken  of  in  a  general  way;  but  it  will  be 
profitable  to  give  additional  statements  on  this  point.  In 
the  River  Quarry  beds,  the  lowermost  portion  of  the  Cin- 
cinnati beds  proper,  there  are  about  four  feet  of  shale  to 
one  foot  of  limestone,  but  the  shales  increase  in  force  as 
we  ascend  in  the  series,  until  at  about  one  hundred  feet 
above  low-water  the  proportion  was  more  than  twice  as 
great.  For  the  two  hundred  feet  next  succeeding,  that 
have  been  styled  the  Eden  shales  or  Middle  shales,  there 
is  seldom   more  than  one  foot  of  stone  in  ten  feet  of  as- 



cent.  The  amount  of  waste  is  so  large,  therefore,  that 
quarries  cannot  be  profitably  worked  in  this  whole  di- 
vision. The  third  portion  of  the  series,  the  Hill  quarries, 
have  often  lower  limits — the  beds  in  which  the  solid  rock 
has  risen  again  to  as  high  a  proportion  as  one  foot  in  five 
or  six  feet  of  ascent.  From  this  point  upward  to  the 
completion  of  the  group,  there  is  no  such  predominance 
of  shales  as  is  found  below,  though  in  the  lower  parts  of 
the  Lebanon  beds  shales  still  constitute  more  than  one- 
half  of  the  whole  thickness. 

It  is  seen  from  analyses  made  that  a  notable  quantity 
of  alkalies  and  phosphates,  sometimes  at  least,  occurs  in 
the  composition  of  the  shales.  It  is  upon  these  sub- 
stances that  the  fertility  of  soils  in  great  measure  depends; 
and  as  they  are  in  this  case  properly  distributed  through 
the  sand  and  clay  that  make  the  bulk  of  the  shale,  it  is 
in  no  way  surprising  to  find  very  fruitiful  soils  forming 
from  the  weathering  of  these  beds.  The  most  note- 
worthy fact  in  this  connection  is  the  rapidity  with  which 
they  are  converted  into  soils.  Most  of  the  rocky  shales 
of  the  State  require  a  long  course  of  progressive  im- 
provement before  they  can  be  justly  termed  soils.  Their 
elements  are  slowly  oxydized  and  disintegrated,  and  vege- 
table matters  slowly  added.  The  exposure  of  a  single 
season,  however,  suffices  to  cover  the  Cincinnati  shales 
with  a  varied  vegetation.  All  of  our  ordinary  forest  trees, 
when  opportunity  is  furnished  for  the  distribution  of  their 
seeds,  estabhsh  themselves  promptly  upon  the  shales. 
-The  black  locust  seems  especially  well  adapted  to  such 
situations.  There  is  no  other  use  to  which  the  steep 
slopes  of  the  Cincinnati  hills  can  be  turned  that  would 
subserve  as  many  interests  as  planting  them  with  black 
locust  would  do. 

Dr.  Locke  called  attention  to  a  peculiar  feature  of  the 
Blue  Limestone  beds,  viz.,  a  waved  structure  of  the  solid 
limestone,  somewhat  analogous  in  form  to  the  wave-lines 
and  ripple-marks  of  the  higher  series  of  the  State.  This 
peculiar  structure  was  noticed  by  him  in  the  upper  beds 
of  the  formation,  but  it  is  even  a  more  striking  character- 
istic of  the  rock  in  its  lower  beds,  as  shown  in  the  river 
quarries  of  Cincinnati,  or  in  the  lowermost  hundred  feet 
that  are  there  exposed. 

The  rocks  exhibiting  this  structure  at  the  point  named 
are  the  most  compact  beds  of  the  fossiliferous  limestone. 
The  bottom  of  the  waved  layer  is  generally  even,  and  be- 
neath it' is  always  found  an  even  bed  of  shale.  The  up- 
per surface  is  diversified,  as  its  name  suggests,  with 
ridges  and  furrows.  The  interval  between  the  ridges 
varies,  but  in  many  instances  it  is  about  four  feet.  The 
greatest  thickness  of  the  ridge  is  six  or  seven  inches, 
while  the  stone  is  reduced  to  one  or  two  inches  at  the 
bottom  of  the  furrow,  and  sometimes  it  entirely  disap- 
pears. The  waVed  layers  are  overlain  by  shale  in  every 
instance.  They  are  often  continuous  for  a  considerable 
extent,  and  in  such  cases  the  axes  of  the  ridges  and  fur- 
rows have  a  uniform  direction.  This  direction  is  a  little 
south  of  east  in  the  vicinity  of  Cincinnati,  but  in  travers- 
ing the  series  these  axes  are  found  to  bear  in  various  di- 

Dr.  Locke's  explanation  of  these  facts,  involving  a  fluid 

state  of  the  carbonate  of  lime  and  sheets  of  shale  falling 
in  a  "vertical  strata"  through  deep  seas,  seems  entirely 

The  only  other  explanation  thus  far  proffered  is  that 
suggested  by  the  name,  viz.,  that  the  floor  of  the  Cincin- 
nati sea  was  acted  on  from  time  to  time  by  waves  or  sim- 
ilar movements  of  the  ocean  waters.  In  opposition  to 
this  view  it  may  be  said:  First,  that  there  are  many  rea- 
sons for  believing  that  the  Cincinnati  rocks  grew  upon 
the  floor  of  a  deep  sea,  far  below  the  action  of  the  sur- 
face waves;  and,  second,  that  the  fact  of  the  limestone 
layers  alone  being  thus  shaped  is  sufficient  to  set  aside 
the  explanation.  If  these  inequalities  of  surface  are  due 
to  wave-action  of  any  sort,  it  is  impossible  to  see  why  the 
action  should  be  limited  to  the  firmest  limestone  beds  of 
the  series,  while  the  soft  shales,  which  could  easily  regis- 
ter any  movement  of  the  waters,  never  exhibit  the  slight- 
est indications  of  such  agencies. 

While  both  of  these  modes  of  accounting  for  the  facts 
are  rejected  as  entirely  unsatisfactory,  nothing  in  the  way 
of  explanation  will  be  offered  here,  save  the  suggestion 
that  the  facts  seem  to  point  to  concretionary  action  as  the 
force  to  which  we  must  look. 


of  the  Cincinnati  group  are  limited  to  building  stone, 
lime,  brick  and  pottery  clays,  and  cement;  and  of  these 
none  but  the  first  two  have,  at  present,  any  great  impor- 
tance. The  series  yields  everywhere  abundant  supplies 
of  stone,  suitable  in  every  respect  for  building  purposes,. 
The  advantages  that  the  city  of  Cincinnati  reaps  from 
the  quarries  that  surround  it,  are  immense.  While  blue 
limestone  has  been  used  as  a  building  stone  from  the  first 
settlement  of  the  country,  it  has  hitherto  enjoyed  the 
reputation  of  being  serviceable  rather  than  beautiful;  but 
within  the  past  few  years  it  has  been  so  treated  by  com- 
bination with  other  building  stones  as  to  produce  very 
fine  architectural  effects.  Numerous  exhibitions  of  this 
skilful  use  of  the  blue  limestone  can  be  seen  in  tlie  re- 
cent buildings  of  the  city  and  suburbs  of  Cincinnati. 

The  analysis  of  the  stone  shows  it  to  contain  ninety  or 
more  per  cent,  of  carbonate  of  lime.  From  this  it  will 
be  concluded  that  it  can  be  burned  into  a  hme  of  a  good 
degree  of  purity  and  strength.  When  water-washed  peb- 
bles from  gravel  banks  or  river  beds  are  used,  the  product 
is  excellent;  but  the  quarry  stone  always  carries  with  it 
so  much  of  the  interstratified  shale  as  to  darken  the  lime 
and  so  reduce  its  value  for  plastering.  For  this  last  use 
the  mild  and  white  magnesian  limes  derived  from  the 
Upper  Silurian  formations  that  surround  Cincinnati,  are 
the  only  varieties  that  are  at  present  approved.  The 
native  supply  can,  however,  be  furnished  much  cheaper 
at  but  little  more  than  half  the  cost,  indeed,  of  Spring- 
field lime;  and  as  it  makes  a  strong  cement,  the  shales 
that  adhere  to  the  stone  possibly  adding  an  hydraulic 
quality,  it  is  generally  used  in  laying  foundations  of  all 

The  shales  are  sometimes  resorted  to  for  the  manufac- 
ture of  brick,  tile,  and  pottery  ware.  The  instances  are, 
however,  rare,  and  are  confined  to  the  uppermost  beds  of 



the  system.  The  products  were,  in  the  few  instances 
noted,  unusually  fine,  the  clay  working  very  smoothly 
and  burning  into  cream-colored  ware  of  great  strength  and 

The  occurrence  of  concretions  in  the  shales  of  the 
Point  Pleasant  beds  and  in  the  lowest  strata  of  the  divis- 
ion found  at  Cincinnati,  has  already  been  noticed.  The 
analysis  of  specimens  from  the  river  quarries  suggests 
hydraulic  cement,  and  they  are  in  fact  found  to  possess  a 
high  degree  of  hydraulic  energy.  The  supply  of  these 
concretions  depends  upon  the  extent  of  the  quarrying, 
but  at  the  present  rate  several  hundred  tons  are  thrown 
out  each  year,  and  as  the  concretions  prove  nearly  enough 
uniform  in  composition,  they  can  certainly  be  turned  to 
good,  economical  account  in  the  manufacture  of  a  fine 
quality  of  cement.  The  famous  Roman  cement  of  Eng- 
land is  obtained  from  similar  concretions,  which  are  gen- 
erally gathered  on  the  shore  after  storms  and  high  tides, 
though  sometimes  obtained  by  digging.  All  of  the  river 
quarries  from  Point  Pleasant  to  Lawrenceburgh,  Indiana, 
yield  these  concretions — the  lowermost  beds  of  all  most 
abundantly.  It  may  be  added  that  the  limestones  en- 
closing the  concretions  are  silicious  enough  in  composi- 
tion to  transfer  them  to  the  best  of  cements. 

The  Cincinnati  section  exhausts  the  scale  of  the  coun- 
ty, the  upper  division  of  the  blue  limestone,  as  before 
stated,  having  never  been  found  within  its  limits.  The 
River  Quarry  beds  do  not  constitute  a  marked  feature,  in 
any  respect,  of  the  geology  of  the  county.  There  are 
but  comparatively  few  points  where  these  strata  are  ex- 
posed. A  moderate  amount  of  building  stone  of  super- 
ior quality  is  taken  from  the  Covington  quarries,  oppo- 
site Cincinnati.  But  little  of  the  stone  in  this  portion  of 
the  series  can  be  burned  into  lime,  but  the  concretions 
so  abundant  in  many  of  the  beds,  as  just  hinted,  consti- 
tute an  hydraulic  lime  of  great  energy. 

The  second  element  of  the  Cincinnati  section — the 
Middle  or  Eden  shales — is  as  much  more  prominent 
than  the  first  in  the  county  as  its  greater  extent  in  the 
vertical  scale  would  lead  us  to  infer.  It  is,  however, 
mainly  found  in  the  slopes  of  the  hills,  as  it  is  not  firm 
enough  in  structure  to  resist  denuding  agencies,  when 
unprotected  by  the  higher  series.  Very  few  products  of 
economical  value,  as  we  have  seen,  are  derived  from  this 
part  of  the  scale.  Indeed,  its  relations  to  economical 
interests  are  mainly  in  the  way  of  disadvantages  to  be 
overcome.  These  disadvantages  result  directly  from  the 
nature  of  the  materials  of  which  these  beds  are  com- 
posed. It  will  be  remembered  that  in  the  two  hundred 
and  fifty  feet  now  under  consideration,  not  more  than 
one  foot  in  ten  is  limestone;  the  remainder  being  soft 
shales,  or  soapstones,  as  they  are  variously  designated. 
These  shales  have  scarcely  tenacity  enough  to  hold  their 
place  in  steep  descents  when  acted  on  by  water  and  ice; 
still  less,  when  they  have  been  removed  from  their  or- 
iginal beds,  can  they  be  made  to  cohere;  and  they  thus 
form  treacherous  foundations  for  buildings  erected  on 
theiii  or  for  roadways  constructed  in  them. 

The- city  of  Cincinnati,   in  many  of  its  building  sites. 

streets,  and  approaches,  encounters  these  disadvantages, 
which  can  only  be  overcome  by  increased  outlay  in  the 
way  of  foundations.  These  facts  are  most  clearly  shown 
in  the  approaches  to  the  city  from  the  east  by  the  Ohio 
valley,  frequent  slides  occurring  along  the  steep  slopes  of 
shale  in  which  streets  and  dwelhngs  are  involved.  Gilbert 
avenue,  in  process  of  construction  through  Eden  park, 
especially  suffered  from  its  geological  formation,  and  re- 
quired a  large  expenditure  to  give  it  stability  along  this 

Nearly  all  the  smaller  streams  that  are  bedded  in  these 
shales  show  contortions  and  flexures  of  their  strata  that 
have  resulted  from  the  slipping  of  the  higher  beds  into 
the  valleys. 

The  third  division,  viz.,  of  the  Hill  Quarry-  series, 
which  makes  the  upland  of  the  county,  is  by  far  the  most 
important  of  the  three,  in  the  area  it  covers  and  the  pro- 
ducts it  furnishes.  The  summits  of  the  insulated  masses 
already  named  belong  to  this  division,  and  constitute 
about  three-fourths  of  the  surface  of  the  county.  Most 
of  the  quarry  stone  of  the  county  is  also  derived  from  this 
source.  The  Cincinnati  quarries  have  thus  far  been  vast- 
ly more  important  than  those  of  any  other  district;  but 
as  the  hills  within  and  adjoining  the  city  limits  are  being 
occupied  for  building  sites,  it  will  result  that  railroad 
transportation  will  be  invoked;  and  when  it  comes  to 
this,  the  more  desirable  building  stone  of  the  different 
formations  from  adjoining  counties  will  come  into  com- 
petition and  be  more  largely  used. 

It  may  be  noticed  here  that  it  is  chiefly  due  to  the 
fact  that  so  large  an  amount  of  quarrying  has  been  done 
about  Cincinnati,  that  this  particular  locality  has  become 
the  classic  ground  in  the  way  of  fossils  that  it  now  is. 
The  numerous  and  ample  exposures  gave  to  the  ear- 
lier collectors  unexampled  opportunities — opportunities 
which  are  not  likely  to  be  repeated.  Many  of  the  most 
interesting  localities  of  twenty  to  twenty-five  years 
ago  are  now  covered  by  permanent  buildings,  and  every 
year  diminishes  the  available  areas.  The  waste  of  the 
hill  quarries  furnishes,  however,  by  far  the  larger  propor- 
tion of  the  admirable  fossils  in  the  vicinity  of  Cincin- 
nati. Scarcely  any  exposure  of  it  in  the  county  has 
failed  to  yield  choice  forms  of  the  various  and  rarer 


The  drift  formations  of  the  county  are  mainly  divided 
into  two  groups,  corresponding  to  the  main  topographical 
features  of  the  county  already  indicated,  viz. ; 

First — The  drift  deposits  of  the  highlands  and  slopes. 

Second — The  low  land,  or  valley  drift  beds. 

I. — Drift  deposits  cover  the  highlands  of  Hamil- 
ton county,  with  but  very  limited  exceptions.  Towards 
the  southern  boundary  these  beds  are  light,  measuring 
but  a  few  feet  (four  to  ten)  in  thickness;  and,  as  already 
intimated,  areas  are  occasionally  found  from  which  these 
deposits  are  altogether  absent,  the  shallow  coating  of 
soil  found  in  such  areas  being  native  or  referable  to  the 
decomposition  of  the  limestone  that  has  been  bedded 

There  is  a  good  degree  of  uniformity  among  these 



high  level  drifts,  and  the  distinction  between  them  and 
the  native  soils,  indeed,  is  not  always  very  manifest. 
The  presence  of  rounded  pebbles  of  blue  limestone  and 
of  northern  rocks,  the  drift  beds,  though  often  but  very 
sparingly  distributed,  is  the  best  means  of  distinguishing 
these  beds  from  the  native  soils.  The  drift  clays  are 
certainly  derived  in  large  part  from  the  waste  of  blue 
limestone,  eifected  in  their  case  by  glacial  attrition ;  while 
the  native  soils  have  the  same  origin,  except  that  the 
work  of  disintegration  has  been  done  in  their  case  by 
the  slow  action  of  the  atmosphere.  The  agreement  be- 
tween the  drift  soils  of  these  southern  counties  and  the 
native  soils  which  are  met  here,  is  closer  than  is  found 
between  native  and  foreign  soils  in  most  sections  of  the 
State.  This  seems  to  be  accounted  for  by  the  fact  that  a 
large  area  of  the  same  formation  lies  north  of  them, 
which  the  glacial  sheet  was  obhged  to  traverse  and  de- 
nude before  striking  upon  this  region.  The  blue  lime- 
stone of  these  counties  is  thus  largely  covered  with  blue 
limestone  waste. 

The  average  thickness  of  these  upland  drift  beds  falls 
below  twenty  feet,  but  occasionally  heavier  sections  are 
found.  In  the  northern  part  of  Sycamore  township,  in 
the  vicinity  of  White  Oak  school-house,  a  high  drift 
ridge  occurs  in  which  twenty  feet  of  surface  clays  are 
underlain  with  a  deposit  of  fine  yellow  moulding  sand. 
This  stratum,  when  filled  with  water,  is  a  quicksand, 
and  renders  wells  impossible,  or  at  least  very  difficult  to 
secure.  But  little  clean  gravel  occurs  in  the  uplands  of 
the  county,  and  boulders  also  are  infrequent. 

The  yellow  surface  clays  sometimes  overlie  a  few  feet 
of  tough  blue  boulder  clay,  filled  with  scratched  and 
striated  pebbles,  apparently  the  product  of  the  melting 
glacial  sheet.  This  is  not,  however,  by  any  means  a  con- 
stant element  in  the  section. 

In  short,  the  upland  drift  of  this  county  is  not  as 
varied  and  interesting  as  that  of  the  regions  immediately 
to  the  northward,  or  even  to  the  eastward.  The  slopes 
show  the  same  characters  in  their  drift  beds  that  have 
already  been  described,  except  that  the  deposits  are 
generally  heavier. 

II. — The  second  division,  or  the  lowland  drift- 
beds  of  the  county  are  in  their  characteristic  formations 
of  much  later  date  than  the  deposits  already  discussed. 
These  deposits  can  be  classified  in  their  superficial 
aspects,  under  the  principal  divisions,  viz:  (a)  The  bot- 
tom lands;  (b)  the  terraces  or  second  bottoms. 

These  divisions  are  distinguished  from  each  other,  not 
only  by  their  different  elevations  but  also  by  the  different 
materials  of  which  they  are  composed,  the  terraces 
being  largely  composed  of  gravel,  with  occasional  beds  of 
sand  and  clay,  while  the  bottom  lands  contain,  in  all 
cases,  a  greater  proportion  of  fine  materials. 

Of  the  upland  drift  no  general  or  typical  section  was 
given,  for  the  reason  that,  aside  from  the  monotonous  de- 
posits of  yellow  clay,  there  is  no  uniformity  in  the  order 
in  which  the  different  formations  occur;  but  in  the  case  of 
the  division  now  under  consideration,  it  is  possible  to 
represent  in  a  single  section  the  more  important  facts  that 
are  to  be  observed.     The  deposits  of  the  Ohio  valley,  it 

will  be  remembered,  are   to  be  especially  considered  in 
this  report. 

A  section  is  here  appended,  taken  at  Lawrenceburgh, 
Indiana,  which  gives  the  general  structure  of  the  Ohio 
bottom  lands  more  clearly  than  any  exposure  met  with, 
strictly  within  the  limits  of  the  county.  Beginning  at 
low-water,  we  find  the  deposits  that  make  up  the  river 
bank  arranged  in  the  following  order  (ascending): 


6.   Brick  clay,  covered  with  one  to  two  feet  of  soil 6 

5.  Land,  gravel,  and  loam 30 

4.  Ochreous  sand I'A 

3.   Carbonaceous  clay,  an  ancient  soil  or  forest  bed 7 

2.  Ochreous  sand J^ 

I.   Clean   gravel 6 

Total SI 

The  elements  of  this  section  will  be  noted  in  their 
order.  The  first  of  them,  six  feet  of  gravel,  is  perhaps 
the  least  constant  of  the  series,  being  sometimes  substi- 
tuted by  some  of  the  clays  of  the  drift.  The  gravel  of 
the  Ohio  differs  from  that  of  the  Miamis  in  being  largely 
composed  of  sandstone  pebbles  instead  of  limestone. 
It  is,  consequently,  less  durable  than  the  river  or  bank 
gravel  of  the  Miami  districts,  and  this  fact,  taken  in  con 
nection  with  the  difficulty  of  access,  withholds  it  generally 
from  applications  to  road-making. 

The  second,  third,  and  fourth  elements  need  to  be 
taken  together,  as  they  are  closely  connected  in  their  his- 
tory. The  point  to  be  noted  in  regard  to  them  is  the 
constant  occurrence  of  carbonaceous  clay  between  the 
seams  of  ochreous  gravel.  The  clay  is  quite  heavily 
charged  with  vegetable  matter,  much  of  it  in  such  a 
state  of  preservation  that  it  can  be  readily  identified,  and 
often  portions  again  intermingled  in  a  fine  state  of  subdi- 
vision with  the  substance  of  the  clay.  The  minutest 
roots  of  trees — some  of  the  latter  still  in  place — twigs 
and  branches,  layers  of  leaves,  ripened  fruits,  grapes,  and 
sedges,  are  all  clearly  distinguishable.  Several  of  the 
species  of  trees  can  be  determined,  some- by  their  wood, 
others  by  their  leaves  and  fruits.  Among  them  may  be 
named  the  sycamore,  the  beech,  the  shellbark  hickory, 
the  buckeye,  and  the  red  cedar.  A  cucurbitaceous  plant, 
probably  the  wild  balsam  apple,  is  also  shown  to  have 
been  abundant  by  its  seeds,  which  are  preserved  in  the 

The  leaves  frequently  occur  in  layers  several  inches 
thick,  and  are  very  like  the  accumulations  that  are  now 
left  in  eddies  of  the  river  by  freshets  or  floods.  The  de- 
posits of  the  river  at  present  always  have  an  elevation  of 
at  least  twenty  feet  and  sometimes  even  of  forty  feet 
above  the  bed  now  under  review. 

The  constant  occurrence  of  vivianite  or  phosphate  of 
iron  in  this  deposit  is  to  be  noticed.  Its  presence,  in- 
deed, is  an  invariable  characteristic.  The  mineral  is 
usually  found  in  small  grains,  but  sometirnes  it  replaces 
twigs  and  leaves  and  other  vegetable  growths.  The 
quantity  in  some  portions  of  the  beds  is  considerable, 
amounting,  sometimes,  to  two  or  three  per  cent,  of  the 
whole  deposit.  In  such  cases  it  imparts  its  color  to  the 
mass,  and  this  justifies  the  name  by  which  it  is  known, 
"blue  earth." 



Several  apparently  trustworthy  accounts  have  been  re- 
ceived of  the  discovery  of  the  bones  and  teeth  of  the 
mastodon  and  mammoth  in  this  deposit;  but  these  and 
all  other  mammalian  remains  are  of  very  rare  occurrence. 
It  is  possible  that  the  "chips"  and  "axe-marked"  stumps 
reported  at  various  points  in  excavations  in  the  drift  beds, 
attest  the  former  presence  here  of  the  gigantic  beaver  now 
extinct — castoroides  Ohioeinis.  It  was  certainly  a  tenant 
of  the  State  during  the  general  period  to  which  this  old 
forest  bed  must  be  referred.  That  its  work  upon  trees 
might  easily  be  mistaken  for  axe  marks,  will  need  no 
proof  to  any  one  acquainted  with  the  work  of  the  existing 
species  of  beaver. 

In  a  few  instances,  land  and  fresh  water  shells  have 
been  found  in  the  clay,  sometimes  in  quantity  enough  to 
convert  the  clay  into  a  shell  marl. 

This  stratum  is  shown  at  all  points  along  the  valley  in 
which  bottom  lands  occur.  Its  elevation  above  low- 
water  varies  from  five  to  twenty  feet.  It  is  generally 
covered  superficially  with  the  waste  of  the  overlying 
banks;  but  even  in  such  cases  it  reveals  its  presence  by 
the  long  lines  of  willows  and  other  vegetable  growths  that 
establish  themselves  upon  its  outcrop.  Two  things  con- 
spire to  adapt  it  especially  to  the  growth  of  vegetation. 
In  the  first  place,  it  is  an  impervious  stratum,  and  turns 
out  the  water  that  descends  through  the  overlying  loams 
and  sandy  clays,  thus  giving  to  willows  and  other  plants 
of  like  requirements  a  constant  supply  of  moisture;  and 
secondly,  this  stratum,  as  has  been  already  intimated,  is 
in  reality  an  ancient  soil,  having  been  carried  at  an  earlier 
day  through  the  processes  of  amelioration  by  which  beds 
of  sand  and  clay  are  fitted  to  support  vegetable  growths. 

There  are,  however,  many  places  where  the  force  of 
the  current  in  high  water  uncovers  these  beds,  and  where 
consequently  good  sections  are  always  offered.  Excel- 
lent disclosures  of  them  are  found  at  New  Richmond, 
Clermont  county,  and  also  at  Point  Pleasant,  on  the  Ken- 
tucky shore.  The  spring  flood  of  1872  furnished  an  un- 
surpassed exhibition  of  this  formation  at  the  mouth  of 
the  Little  Miami  river.  Rafts  of  tree  trunks  are  shown 
at  all  of  these  points,  though  the  wood  generally  perishes 
very  quickly  when  exposed  to  the  air. 

That  this  very  interesting  stratum  so  long  escaped  ob- 
servation is  probably  due  to  the  fact  that  it  could  so  easily 
be  referred  to  the  agencies  that  are  now  at  work  in  the 
valley.  When  the  trunks  of  trees  and  layers  of  leaves  be- 
longing to  it  have  been  noticed  in  the  banks  of  the  river, 
it  has  naturally  enough  been  supposed  that  they  are  the 
deposits  of  earlier  floods,  agreeing  as  they  do  with  the 
materials  transported  by  the  floods  of  our  own  time.  But 
in  describing  the  Lawrenceburgh  section,  now  under  con- 
sideration, as  the  general  section  of  the  Ohio  valley  de- 
posits, it  has  already  been  shown,  at  least  by  implication, 
that  this  explanation  is  inadmissible.  The  extension  of 
this  sheet  of  carbonaceous  clay  under  all  the  various  drift 
deposits  of  the  valley,  as  is  shown  by  very  numerous  nat- 
ural and  artificial  sections,  proves  that  it  is  of  earlier  date 
than  these  overlying  deposits,  and  the  character  of  this 
stratum  shows  that  it  has  a  very  different  history  from  that 
which  these  higher  deposits  record. 

It  is,  perhaps,  still  too  early  to  write  out  this  history  in 
its  minuter  features,  but  the  facts  already  given  show  us 
that  we  have  in  this  sheet  of  blackened  clay  the  bottom 
lands  of  the  Ohio  at  an  earlier  day,  and,  indeed,  under 
very  different  conditions  from  those  that  now  prevail. 
The  river  then  ran  in  a  channel  lower  by  forty  feet,  at 
least,  than  that  which  it  now  holds,  and  the  great  valley 
was  then  empty  of  the  immense  accumulations  of  sand, 
clay,  loam,  and  gravel,  which  constitute  its  bottom  lands 
and  terraces  to-day. 

The  various  vegetable  growths  with  which  this  stratum 
is  filled,  are  to  be  regarded  as  largely  the  production  of 
the  soil  on  which  they  are  now  found.  There  is  no  other 
satisfactory  mode  of  accounting  for  the  particular  kinds 
and  enormous  amount  of  vegetable  matter  traced  here. 

The  ochre  seams  above  and  below  this  ancient  soil 
seem  to  point  to  marshy  conditions  that  were  brought  in 
with  the  changing  levels  of  the  valley.  Of  the  two,  the 
upper  seam  is  the  more  constant. 

In  the  Lawrenceburgh  section  we  find  thirty-five  feet 
(thirty  to  fifty  in  the  general  section)  of  sands,  gravels, 
clays  and  loams,  which  constitute  the  Ohio  bottoms,  as 
the  term  is  generally  used.  There  is  no  fixed  order  in 
the  alternation  of  these  materials,  except  that  the  surface 
portions  have,  for  a  few  feet  in  depth,  a  tolerably  uniform 
character.  The  soil  of  the  bottom  lands  is  quite 
homogeneous  in  constitution,  and  has  obviously  been 
formed  by  the  subjection  to  atmospheric  agencies  of  just 
such  material  as  it  now  covers.  Beneath  the  soil,  and 
extending  to  a  depth  of  about  fifteen  feet,  beds  of  yellow 
clay  occur.  The  proportions  of  sand  mixed  with  the 
clay  vary  somewhat,  increasing  towards  the  lower  limit 
named,  and  below  this  the  beds  consist  rather  of  sand 
than  clay.  The  beds  of  clay  above  named  furnish  an 
excellent  material  for  brickmaking.  The  supply  of  the 
Cincinnati  market  is  almost  entirely  derived  from  this 
horizon.  The  great  depth  of  these  brick  clays,  and  their 
entire  freedom  from  pebbles,  render  a  very  economical 
manufacture  of  brick  possible. 

Below  this  limit,  sand  and  gravel  and  streaks  of  loam 
are  met,  without  regularity  of  arrangement.  Of  the  fif- 
teen to  twenty  feet  intervening  between  the  bottom  of  the 
brick  clays  and  the  summit  of  the  buried  soil,  the  larger 
part  consists  of  gravel.  The  gravel  of  this  horizon  is 
seldom  clean,  like  that  described  at  the  level  of  low- 
water,  but  consists  of  large-sized  sandstone  pebbles,  four 
to  six  inches  in  diameter,  mingled  with  finer  materials. 

An  equivalent  of  these  beds,  but  of  local  occurrence, 
is  the  fine-grained  clay  described  in  the  geological  reports 
as  "Springfield  clay."  It  never  occurs  in  extensive 
sheets,  but  is  quite  limited  in  vertical  and  horizontal  ex- 
tent. The  heaviest  accumulation  of  it  observed  in 
Hamilton  county  is  in  the  city  of  Cincinnati,  on  East 
Pearl  street,  above  Pike.  It  has  a  thickness  there  of 
more  than  thirty  feet,  as  has  been  aiscertained  in  the  ex- 
cavations for  the  foundations  of  buildings.  It  has  been 
turned  to  account  in  its  different  exposures  for  different 
purposes — at  Miamisburgh,  for  the  manufacture  of  paint; 
at  Springfield,  for  the  manufacture  of  "Milwaukee  brick," 
the  clay  being  rich  in  lime  and  poor  in   oxide,  and  thus 


burning  white,  while  a  new  use  has  been  found  for  it  in 
Cincinnati.  It  was  successfully  employed  in  preparing 
the  floor  of  the  new  reservoir,  its  fineness  of  grain  and 
consequent  toughness  fitting  it  admirably  for  this  purpose. 
It  must  have  been  accumulated  in  eddies  or  protected 
areas,  during  the  later  ages  of  the  period  of  submergence. 

The  gravel  terraces  occupy  a  higher  level  than  the 
formations  already  described.  The  terrace  on  which 
Cincinnati  stands,  may  be  taken  as  a  fair  example  of 
them  all.  Its  altitude  above  low-water  varies  from  one 
hundred  to  one  hundred  and  twenty  feet,  the  average 
elevation  being  one  hundred  and  eight  feet.  It  is  com- 
posed of  distinctly  stratified  gravel  and  sand  of  varying 
degrees  of  fineness  and  purity.  The  gravel  stones  are  all 
water-worn.  In  weight  they  seldom  reach  ten  pounds. 
The  upper  tributaries  of  the  Ohio  supply  the  materials  in 
part,  but  a  much  larger  proportion  in  the  vicinity  of  Cin- 
cinnati is  derived  from  the  limestone  rocks  of  western 
Ohio  and  the  crystalline  beds  of  Canada.  The  propor- 
tion here  to  be  noted  among  the  smaller-sized  pebbles  is, 
of  ten  feet,  five  of  Upper  Silurian  and  Devonian  lime- 
stones, three  of  Lower  Silurian,  least  worn,  one  foot  of 
granitic,  and  one  of  sandstones,  etc.,  of  the  Upper  Ohio. 

Occasional  seams  of  clay  loam  occur,  but  seldom  of 
extent  or  tenacity  enough  to  constitute  reliable  water- 
bearers.  Less  frequently  met,  but  still  constituting  a 
noteworthy  feature  of  the  gravel  terraces,  are  seams  of 
bituminous  coal,  in  small  water-worn  fragments. 

The  terraces  overlie,  as  will  be  seen,  the  formation 
previously  described.  Few  sections  are  carried  deep 
enough  to  reveal  the  lower  beds,  but  the  leaves  and  wood 
of  the  buried  soil  are  occasionally  met  at  considerable 
depth,  and  usually,  on  this  account,  they  attract  attention. 
The  following  general  order  of  materials  will  be  observed 
in  passing  from  the  surface  of  the  terrace  to  low-water. 

Soil 2-  s 

Gravel  and  sand,   with  seams  of  loam -4060 

Brick  clay,  with  sand  and  loam  ^ .  , 20-30 

Buried  soil,  witli  trees,  leaves,  etc  5-10 

Gravel  and  clay 5-10 

72. 1  IS 

The  leading  facts  in  the  structure  of  the  terraces  show 
that  their  history  is  not  to  be  explained  by  the  present 
conditions  of  the  continent.  They  must  have  been 
formed  under  water  at  a  time  when  the  face  of  the  coun- 
try held  a  lower  level  than  it  now  does,  by  one  hundred 
or  more  feet.  They  thus  bear  direct  testimony  to  two  of 
the  most'  surprising  conclusions  which  the  study  of  the 
Drift  period  has  furnished  to  us,  viz:  That  the  continent 
sank,  during  the  latter  stages  of  this  period,  considerably 
below  its  present  level,  and  that  it  was  afterwards  re-ele- 

There  is  one  other  line  of  facts  in  connection  with  the 
drift  beds  of  the  county  that  must  not  be  omitted  here. 
It  is  the  great  depth  which  some  of  these  deposits  have 
been  found  to  hold  below  the  present  drainage  of  the 
country.  The  series  of  facts  obtained  by  Timothy  Kirby, 
esq.,  in  boring  a  deep  well  in  Mill  Creek  valley,  at  Cum- 
minsville,  now  within  the  corporate  limits  of  Cincinnati, 
proves  very  interesting  in  this  as  well  as  in  other  respects. 

Beginning  at  an  elevation  of  ninety  feet  above  low-water 
of  the  Ohio,  a  succession  of  drift  deposits  was  penetra- 
ted until  a  depth  of  sixty  feet  below  low-water  was 
reached,  the  bedded  rock  being  first  struck  at  a  depth  of 
one  hundred  and  fifty-one  feet  below  the  point  of  begin- 
ning. The  deposits  included,  in  descending  order,  twelve 
feet  of  soil  and  brick  clay,  four  of  sand,  thirty-four  of 
blue  clay  with  gravel,  nineteen  of  gravel,  three  of  coarse 
sand,  eleven  of  sand  with  fragments  of  bituminous  coal, 
nine  of  blue  clay  with  gravel  (at  the  bottom  of  this  the 
level  of  low-water  in  the  Ohio  was  reached),  sixteen  of  blue 
clay  and  fine  sand  and  sprinkled  with  coal,  and  forty-three 
of  sand,  water-worn  gravel,  and  blue  clay,  with  occasional 
fragments  of  bituminous  coal,  below  which,  at  the  depth 
of  one  hundred  and  fifty-one  feet  from  the  surface, 
were  the  shales  of  the  Blue  Limestone  group.  Several 
remarkable  facts  are  to  be  observed  in  this  section,  the 
most  striking  of  which  is  the  great  depth  to  which  the 
excavation  of  Mill  Creek  valley  was  formerly  carried. 
The  bed  of  the  stream  that  occupies  the  valley  to-day  is 
at  a  higher  level  by  one  hundred  and  twenty  feet  than 
that  of  the  ancient  channel.  It  is  easy  to  see  that  this 
erosion  could  not  have  been  effected  under  existing  con- 
ditions. It  can  only  be  explained  by  a  higher  altitude 
of  the  continent,  and  is  thus  referred  to  the  opening 
division  of  the  glacial  period.  It  has  not  been  demon- 
strated that  continuous  channels  exist  at  this  great  depth ; 
but  the  rocky  barriers  that  fringe  the  streams  do  not  at 
best  disprove  this  theory,  as  there  is  always  room  for  a 
deeper  channel  on  one  side  or  the  other  of  the  great 

Another  interesting  fact  is  the  occurrence  of  water- 
worn  fragments  of  bituminous  coal,  quite  similar  to  those 
found  in  the  terraces  already  noticed.  They  occur  at 
various  depths,  the  lowest  at  one  hundred  and  fifty  feet 
below  the  surface  and  the  highest  at  eighty  feet  below. 
These  facts,  so  far  as  known,  stand  by  themselves,  and 
no  explanation  is  proposed.  It  is  hard  to  see  how  the 
waste -of  Ohio  coal-fields  should  find  its  way  in  quantity 
into  Mill  Creek  valley,  and  there  is  certainly  no  other 
obvious  source  of  supply. 

The  well  from  which  these  facts  were  obtained  was 
carried  to  a  depth  of  five  hundred  and  forty-one  feet  be- 
low the  surface.  Analysis  of  the  chips  and  borings 
brought  up  and  preserved  reveal  the  character  of  the 
strata  underlying  Ohio  to  a  depth  greater  by  about  four 
hundred  feet  than  any  other  rocks  exposed  within  the 
limits  of  the  State.  The  shales  of  the  blue  limestone 
series  appear  to  continue  to  a  depth  of  four  hundred 
feet  from  the  point  of  beginning. 

Carburetted  hydrogen  gas  escaped  from  the  well  in 
considerable  quantity  from  a  depth  of  two  hundred  and 
eighty  feet  downwards,  but  no  large  accumulations  of 
petroleum  compounds  were  indicated. 




Are  they  here — 
The  dead  of  other  days? — and  did  the  dust 
Of  these  fair  solitudes  once  stir  witli  life 
And  burn  with  passion?     Let  the  mighty  mounds 
*       That  overlook  the  rivers,  or  that  rise 

In  the  dim  forest  crowded  with  old  oaks, 

Answer.     A  race  that  long  has  passed  away, 

Built  them  ; — a  disciplined  and  populous  race 

Heaped,  with  long  toil,  the  earth,  while  yet  the  Greek 

Was  hewing  the  Pentelicus  to  forms 

Of  symmetry,  and  rearing  on  its  rock 

The  glittering  Parthenon.     These  ample  fields 

Nourished  their  harvests;  here  their  herds  were  fed. 

When  haply  by  their  stalls  the  bison  lowed 

And  bowed  his  maned  shoulder  to  the  yoke. 

The  red  man  came. 
The  roaming  liunter-tribes,  warlike  and  fierce. 
And  the  Mound  Builders  vanished  from  the  earth. 

— W.  C.  Bryant,  "The  Prairies." 


The  red  men  whom  Columbus  found  upon  this  conti- 
nent, and  whom  he  mistakenly  calls  Indians,  were  not  its 
aborigines.  The  Western,  not  the  Eastern  hemisphere 
is  the  Old  World.     Agassiz  finely  said: 

First-born  among  the  continents,  though  so  much  later  in  culture  and 
civilization  than  some  of  more  recent  birth,  America,  so  far  as  her 
physical  history  is  concerned,  has  been  falsely  denominated  the  New 
World.  Hers  was  the  first  dry  land  lifted  out  of  the  waters,  hers  the 
first  shore  washed  by  the  ocean  that  enveloped  all  the  earth  beside;  and 
while  Europe  was  represented  onlv  by  islands  rising  here  and  there 
above  the  sea,  America  already  stretched  an  unbroken  line  from  Nova 
Scotia  to  the  Far  West. 

Great,  learned,  and  eloquent  as  was  Agassiz,  however, 
his  doctrine  of  the  separate  creation  of  the  races  of  hu- 
manity— that  men  must  have  originated  in  nations,  as 
the  bees  have  originated  in  swarms,  and  as  the  different 
social  plants  have  covered  the  extensive  tracts  over  which 
they  have  naturally  spread — has  failed  to  obtain  general 
acceptance  among  the  scientists.  Later  investigations 
tend  to  return  anthropology  and  ethnology  to  their  an- 
cient basis,  upon  the  principle  sounded  forth  by  Paul  in 
the  scholarly  air  of  Mars  Hill:  "God  hath  made  of  one 
blood  all  nations  of  men."  America,  old  world  as  it  is, 
is  not  a  cradle-land.  Her  native  physiognomies,  the 
manners  and  customs  of  the  races  found  by  Europeans 
upon  her  soil,  their  traditions,  and  something  in  their 
architecture,  point  toward  the  historic  regions  of  the 
far  east.  The  travellers  who  see  Kalmuck  Tartars  upon 
the  Asiatic  steppes,  with  almost  the  precise  face  and  figure 
of  the  American  Indian,  catch  thus  a  hint  of  the  far-away 
past  of  emigration  to  and  colonization  of  this  continent. 
Not  only  across  the  tract  now  occupied  by  Behring's 
Straits, — very  likely  dry  land  in  the  period  of  exodus 
from  Asia, — but  also  across  the  Atlantic  sea,  storm-driven 
or  pushed  by  adventurous  souls  who  never  returned  to  tell 
their  tale,  the  wave  of  immigration  may  have  come. 
Quite  certain  it  is  now,  the  time  of  man's  appearance 
upon  American  soil  dates  long  back  among  the  ages  pre- 
vious to  the  advent  of  Christ.  Before  the  Indians  were, 
as  dwellers  here;  before  the  Mound  Builders;  before 
Aztec  and  Nahuan  and  Mayan  civilizations,  was  still,  in 
all  probability,  the  pre-historic  man  of  millenniums  ago. 

So  long  since,  in  the  study  of  our  antiquities,  as  1839,  ■ 
Dr.  McGuire,  in  the  Transactions  of  the  Boston  Society 
of  Natural  History,  brought  forward  evidence,  from  dis- 
coveries recently  made  in  the  improvement  of  the  High 
Rock  spring  at  Saratoga,  to  show  the  presence  of  human 
beings  there  fifty-five  hundred  years  before.  The  find 
of  a  human  bone  near  Natchez,  in  association  with  the 
remains  of  the  mastodon  and  the  megalonyx;  the  human 
skeleton  dug  from  an  excavation  at  New  Orleans,  at  a 
depth  of  sixteen  feet,  and  beneath  four  successive  buried 
forests  of  cypress;  the  matting  and  pottery  found  on 
Petit  Anse  Island,  Louisiana,  fifteen  to  twenty  feet  below 
the  surface,  underneath  the  fossil  bones  of  the  elephant 
and  the  mastodon;  the  mastodon  found  in  his  miry  grave 
on  the  bottom  lands  of  the  Bourbense  river,  in  Missouri, 
with  every  token  about  his  remains  that  he  had  been 
hunted  and  killed  by  savages  there;  the  skeletons  found 
under  some  depth  of  soil  and  accumulations  of  bones 
in  caves  at  Louisville,  Kentucky,  and  Elyria,  Ohio ; — all, 
with  other  facts  developing  from  time  to  time,  seem  to 
point  a  high  antiquity  for  the  aboriginal  American.  Col- 
onel Whittlesey,  of  Cleveland,  in  his  Evidences  of  the 
Antiquity  of  Man  in  the  United  States,  argues  from  the 
find  in  the  Elyria  cave,  that,  "judging  from  the  appear- 
ance of  the  bones  and  the  depth  of  accumulations  over 
them,  two  thousand  years  may  have  elapsed  since  the  hu- 
man skeletons  were  laid  on  the  floor  of  this  cave."  The 
arguments  from  other  finds  multiply  this  number  to  sev- 
eral scores  of  centuries.  In  a  later  and  very  recent 
pamphlet  Colonel  Whittlesey  says: 

Man  may  have  existed  in  Ohio  with  the  mastodon,  elephant,  rhinoc- 
eros, musk  ox,  horse,  beaver,  and  tapir  of  the  drift  period,  as  he  did  in 
Europe;  but  to  decide  such  a  ciuestion  the  proof  should  be  indisputable. 
There  is  some  reason  to  conclude  that  there  were  people  on 
this  territory  prior  to  tire  builders  of  the  mounds.  Our  cave  shelters 
have  not  been  much  explored,  but  as  far  as  they  have  been  examined 
the  relics  lying  at  the  bottom  of  the  accumulations  indicate  a  very  rude 
people.  I  anticipate  that  we  shall  find  here,  as  in  other  countries,  that 
the  most  ancient  race  were  the  rudest  and  were  cave-dwellers.  I  have 
seen  at  Portsmouth,  Ohio,  on  the  banks  of  the  Ohio  river,  fire-hearths 
more  ancient  than  the  earthworks  at  that  place.  Whoever  the  people  were 
who  made  these  fires,  they  must  have  had  arrow-points,  war-clubs,  and 
stone  axes  or  mauls.  But  we  have  at  this  time  no  evidence  to  connect 
such  a  primeval  race  with  the  human  effigies  scattered  profusely  through- 
out Ohio.  These  effigies  present  no  uniformity  of  type,  and,  therefore, 
cannot  represent  race  features.  They  approach  nearer  to  the  North  Amer- 
ican savage  than  any  other  people,  but  are  so  uncouth  that  they  are  of 
little  or  no  ethnological  value.  There  was  no  school  of  art  among  either 
the  cave-dwellers,  the  builders  of  the  mounds,  or  the  more  recent  Nor- 
thern Indians,  which  was  capable  of  a  correct  representation  of  the 
human  face.  These  effigies  must  have  been  the  result  of  the  fancies  of 
idle  hours,  produced  under  no  system  and  with  no  uniformity  of  pur- 
pose. They  thus  have  no  meaning  which  the  historian  or  antiquarian 
can  lay  hold  of  to  advance  his  knowledge  of  the  pre-historic  races. 


We  are  thus  brought  to  consider  the  peoples  who,  pos- 
sibly later,  but  still  anciently,  dwelt  in  the  valley  of  the 
Ohio.  They  left  no  literature,  no  inscriptions  as  yet  de- 
cipherable, if  any,  no  monuments  e.xcept  the  long  forest- 
covered  earth-  and  stone-works.  No  traditions  of  them, 
by  common  consent  of  all  the  tribes,  were  left  to  the 
North  American  Indian.  As  races,  they  have  vanished 
utterly  in  the  darkness  of  the  past.  But  the  compara- 
tively slight  traces  they  have  left  tend  to  conclusions  of 
deep  interest  and  importance,  not  only  highly  probable. 


but  rapidly  approaching  certainty.  •  Correspondences  in 
the  manufacture  of  pottery  and  in  the  rude  sculptures 
found,  the  common  use  of  the  serpent-symbol,  the  likeli- 
hood that  all  were  sun-worshippers  and  practiced  the 
horrid  rite  of  human  sacrifice,  and  the  tokens  of  com- 
mercial intercourse  manifest  by  the  presence  of  Mexican 
porphyry  and  obsidian  in  the  Ohio  Valley  mounds,  to- 
gether with  certain  statements  of  the  Mexican  annalists, 
satisfactorily  demonstrate,  in  the  judgment  of  many  anti- 
quaries, the  racial  alliance,  if  not  the  identity,  of  our 
Mound  Builders  with  the  ancient  Mexicans,  whose  de- 
scendants, with  their  remarkable  civilization,  were  found 
in  the  country  when  Cortes  entered  it  in  the  second  dec- 
ade of  the  sixteenth  century. 


It  is  not  improbable  that  the  first  marks  of  Mayan  civ- 
ilization upon  the  continent  are  to  be  found  among  the 
relics  of  the  Mound  Builders,  particularly  in  the  South- 
ern States.  The  great  Maya  race,  the  first  of  which 
Mexican  story  bears  record,  inhabited  Yucatan  and  the 
adjacent  districts  as  early  as  looo  B.  C,  when  Nachan,  the 
"city  of  the  serpents,."  afterwards  Palenque,  the  seat  of  re- 
markable ruins  to  this  day,  was  founded  as  their  capital. 
It  is  accounted  to  have  been  among  the  most  civilized  of 
the  American  aboriginal  nations.  It  possessed  an  alpha- 
bet and  so  a  literature,  engaged  in  manufactures  and 
trade,  cultivated  the  ground,  sailed  the  waters,  built  great 
temples  and  other  edifices,  and  executed  sculptures 
which  remain,  the  wonder  of  antiquaries,  at  Palenque, 
Copan,  Uxmal,  and  other  ancient  capitals  and  centers  of 
population.  It  was,  undoubtedly,  the  oldest  civilization 
in  the  Western  Hemisphere ;  and  so  permanent  was  its 
influence,  and  so  numerous  did  the  race  enjoying  it  be- 
come, that  no  less  than  fifteen  languages  or  dialects  of 
Central  America,  north  and  south  of  the  Tehauntepec 
sthmus,  are  found  related  to  the  Mayan  tongue.  It  was 
already  ancient  and  perhaps  decaying  when  the  Nahuas 
pressed  upon  it  from  the  northward,  partially  adopted  it, 
carried  it  on,  and  gave  it  fresh  life  and  vigor. 

The  legends  of  the  Maya  people  indicate  an  origin  in 
the  Mediterranean  countries  of  Europe  or  Asia.  It  is 
supposed,  accordingly,  that  their  home  here  was  upon  the 
Atlantic  coast,  and  that  thence  they  emigrated  to  Cuba, 
and  in  due  time  into  Yucatan  and  the  region  south  of  the 
Tehauntepec  isthmus,  whence  they  spread  in  both  direc- 
tions, reaching  finally  as  high  as  Vera  Cruz  at  the  north- 
ward. Their  story,  as  still  found  in  the  manuscripts,  is 
that  their  ancestors  went  into  the  country  from  the  direc- 
tion of  Florida,  which  was  long  afterwards  the  general 
name  of  the  country  traversed  by  De  Soto  (who  gave  the 
name),  from  the  present  Florida  coast  to  the  Mississippi. 
It  seems  quite  within'the  limits  of  probability,  then,  that 
some  of  the  more  ancient  of  the  remains  in  the  east  and 
south  of  the  United  States,  particularly  the  immense 
shell-heaps  on  the  Atlantic  seaboard,  found  all  the  way 
from  Nova  Scotia  to  the  Floridian  peninsula,  along  the 
Gulf  shores,  and  up  the  southern  river  valleys,  were 
left  by  the  Mayas  in  their  advance  on  the  final  home  in 
Central  America.    It  is  hardly  probable,  however,  though 

not  at  all  impossible,  that  their  habitations  extended  so 
far  north,  on  any  line  west  of  the  Alleghanies,  as  the 
Ohio  valley. 


The  conclusion  is  different,  however,  concerning  the 
race  which,  many  ages  after  the  settlement  of  the  Mayas 
at  their  ultimate  destination,  confronted  them  thS'e — 
the  Nahuas,  notably  that  tribe  or  nation  of  them  known 
as  the  Toltecs — neighbored,  probably,  somewhere  in  the 
valley  of  the  Mississippi  by  the  conquerors  of  the  latter 
in  the  eleventh  century  of  our  era.  The  Chichimecs  are 
believed  to  be  racially,  if  not  identically,  the  same  with 
our  Mound  Builders.  The  Mexican  traditions  name  the 
Olmecs  as  the  first  of  Nahua  blood  to  colonize  the  re- 
gions north  of  the  Tehuantepec  isthmus,  where  they 
overcame  a  race  of  giants,  and  found  also  the  Miztecs 
and  Zapotecs,  not  of  Nahua  stock,  who  had  built  up,  in 
what  is  now  the  Mexican  State  of  Oajaca,  a  civilization 
rivaling  the  subsequent  splendor  of  the  Aztecs.  The 
Olmecs  came  in  ships  or  barks  from  the  east,  as  did  their 
relatives  some  time  after,  the  Xicalancas.  The  former 
tribe  settled  mainly  in  the  present  State  of  Pueblo,  and 
built  the  tower  or  pyramid  of  Cholula,  as  a  memorial,  tra- 
dition says,  of  the  tower  of  Babel,  whose  building  the 
progenitors  of  the  Olmec  chiefs  witnessed.  Other  of  the 
Nahua  tribes,  as  the  Toltecs,  possessed  a  tradition  of 
the  deluge  coming  close  to  the  Scriptural  account.  Both 
of  these  look  to  the  other  side  of  the  continent  as  afford- 
ing the  points  of  ingress  for  the  later  immigration,  which 
was  doubtless  originally  from  Asia,  and  many  think  was 
of  Jewish  descent.  Long  before  entering  Mexico,  how- 
ever, as  the  story  runs,  the  seven  families  of  similar  lan- 
guage who  were  the  ancestors  of  the  Toltec  nation,  wan- 
dered in  many  lands  and  across  the  seas,  living  in  caves 
and  enduring  many  hardships,  through  a  period  of  one 
hundred  and  four  years,  when,  five  hundred  and  twenty 
years  after  the  flood,  twenty  centuries  or  more  before  the 
Christian  era,  they  arrived  at  and  settled  in  "Hue  hue 
Tlapalan,"  which  has  been  identified  with  reasonable 
probability  as  the  valley  of  the  Mississippi.  Here  their 
families  grew  and  multiplied,  extending  their  boundaries 
far  and  wide,  until  about  the  middle  of  the  sixth  century 
after  Christ,  when  two  families  of  the  land  revolted,  but 
unsuccessfully,  and  were  driven  out,  with  their  numerous 
followers,  and  took  their  way  by  devious  wanderings  to 
Mexico.  Here  they  fixed  their  capital  at  Tulancingo, 
and  eighteen  years  afterward  more  permanently  at  Tolean, 
on  the  present  site  of  the  village  of  Tula,  thirty  miles 
northwest  of  the  city  of  Mexico. 

The  character  and  dates  of  subsequent  Toltec  or 
Mound  Builder  immigrations,  with  slight  exceptions,  has 
not  even  the  dim  light  of  Mexican  tradition  to  reveal 
them.  The  last  irruption  of  the  Nahuan  tribes  is  fixed 
at  about  iioo  A.  D.  One  of  them,  and  the  best  known, 
the  famous  Aztecs,  did  not  reach  Anahuac  with  their 
unique  and  magnificent  civilization  until  near  the  close 
of  the  twelfth  century.  Previously,  however  (1062  A.  D.), 
the  Toltec  capital  had  been  taken  and  its  empire  had 
fallen  by  the  hands  of  the  martial  Chichimecs,  their  for- 
mer neighbors  in  the  far  north,  who  had  followed  them 



to  their  new  home,  and  upon  a  son  of  whom,  three  and 
a  half  centuries  before,  as  a  peace  offering,  they  had  be- 
stowed the  throne  of  the  Toltec  monarchy.  The  Toltecs 
now  disappear  from  history,  except  as  amalgamated  with 
their  conquerors,  and  as  founding,  by  many  of  its  fugi- 
tive noble  families  and  in  conjunction  with  Mayan  ele- 
ments, the  Quiche-Cakchiqual  monarchy  in  Guatemala, 
which  was  flourishing  with  some  grandeur  and  power  so 
late  as  the  time  of  Cortes. 

The  migrations  of  the  Toltecs  from  parts  of  the  terri- 
tory now  covered  by  the  United  States,  are  believed  to 
have  reached  through  about  a  thousand  years.  Apart 
from  the  exile  of  the  princes  and  their  allies,  and  very 
likely  an  exodus  now  and  then  compelled  by  their  ene- 
mies -and  ultimate  conquerors,  the  Chichimecs,  who,  as 
we  have  seen,  at  last  followed  them  to  Mexico,  the 
Mound  Builders  were  undoubtedly,  in  the  course  of  the 
ages,  pressed  upon,  and  finally  the  last  of  them — unless 
the  Natchez  and  Mandan  tribes,  as  some  suppose,  are  to 
be  considered  connecting  links  between  the  Toltecs  and 
the  American  Indians — driven  out  by  the  red  men.  The 
usual  opening  of  the  gateways  in  their  works  of  defence, 
looking  to  the  east  and  northeastward,  indicates  the  di- 
rection from  which  these  enemies  were  expected.  They 
were,  not  improbably,  the  terrible  Iroquois  and  their 
allies,  the  first  really  formidable  Indians  encountered  by 
the  French  discoverers  and  explorers  in  "New  France"  in 
the  seventeenth  century.  A  silence  as  of  the  grave  is 
upon  the  history  of  their  wars,  doubtless  long  and 
bloody,  the  savages  meeting  with  skilled  and  determined 
resistance,  but  their  ferocious  and  repeated  attacks,  con. 
tinned,  mayhap,  through  several  centuries,  at  last  ex- 
pelling the  more  civilized  people — 

"And  the  Mound  Builders  vanished  from  the  eartli," 

unless,  indeed,  as  the  works  of  learned  antiqua- 
ries assume*  and  as  is  assumed  above,  they  afterwards 
appear  in  the  Mexican  story.  Many  of  the  remains  of 
the  defensive  works  at  the  South  and  across  the  land  to- 
ward Mexico  are  of  an  unfinished  type  and  pretty 
plainly  indicate  that  the  retreat  of  the  Mound  Builders 
was  in  that  direction,  and  that  it  was  hastened  by  the  re- 
newed onslaughts  of  their  fierce  pursuers  or  by  the  dis- 
covery of  a  fair  and  distant  land,  to  which  they  deter- 
mined to  emigrate  in  the  hope  of  secure  and  untroubled 
homes,  t  Professor  Short,  however,  arguing  from  the 
lesser  age  of  trees  found  upon  the.  southern  works,  is 
"led  to  think  the  Gulf  coast  may  have  been  occupied  bv 
the  Mound  Builders  for  a  conple  of  centuries  after  they 
were  driven  by  their  enemies  from  the  country  north  of' 
the  mouths  of  the  Missouri  and  Ohio  rivers."  He  be- 
lieves two  thousand  years  is  time  enough  to  allow  for 
their  total   occupation  of  the   country  north  of  the  Gulf 

*  Wc  have  so  far  relied  chiefly  upon  the  very  excellent  and  recent 
work  from  the  pen  of  Professor  John  T.  Short,  of  the  State  university  at 
Columbus,  Ohio,  the  latest  and  probably  the  best  authority  on  "The 
North  Americans  of  Antiquity"  yet  in  print.  Harper  &  Brothers, 
1880.  Professor  Short  must  not,  however,  be  held  responsible  for  all 
the  statements,  inferences,  and  conclusions  set  out  in  the  foregoing 

fSee,  further.  Judge  M.  F.  Force's  interesting  paper  on  the  Builders, 
Cincinnati,  rS72  and  1874. 

of  Mexico,  "though  after  all  it  is  but  conjecture."  He 
adds:  "It  seems  to  us,  however,  that  the  time  of  aban- 
doninent  of  their  works  may  be  more  closely  approxi- 
mated. A  thousand  or  two  years  may  have  elapsed 
since  they  vacated  the  Ohio  valley,  and  a  period  em- 
bracing seven  or  eight  centuries  may  have  passed  since 
they  retired  from  the  Gulf  coast."  The  date  to  which 
the  latter  period  carries  us  back,  it  will  be  observed,  ap- 
proximates somewhat  closely  to  that  fixed  by  the  Mexi- 
can annalists  as  the  time  of  the  last  emigration  of  a 
people  of  Nahua  stock  from  the  northward. 


Here  we  base  upon  firmer  ground.  The  extent  and 
soinething  of  the  character  of  this  are  known.  They  are 
tangible  and  practical  realities.  We  stand  upon  the 
mounds,  pace  off  the  long  lines  of  the  enclosures,  collect 
and  handle  and  muse  upon  the  long-buried  relics  now  in 
our  public  and  private  museums.  The  domain  of  the 
Mound  Builders  is  well-nigh  coterminous  with  that  of  the 
Great  Republic.  Few  States  of  the  Union  are  wholly 
without  the  ancient  monuments.  Singular  to  say,  how- 
ever, in  view  of  the  huge  heaps  and  barrows  of  shells 
left  by  the  aboriginal  man  along  the^tlantic  shore,  there 
are  no  earth  or  stone  mounds  or  enclosures  of  the  older 
construction  on  that  coast.     Says  Professor  Short : 

No  authentic  remains  of  the  Mound  Builders  are  found  in  the  New 
England  States,  ...  In  the  former  we  have  an  isolated 
mound  in  the  valley  of  the  Kennebec,  in  Maine,  and  dim  outlines  of 
enclosures  near  Sanborn  and  Concord,  in  New  Hampshire;  but  there  is 
no  certainty  of  their  being  the  work  of  this"'people.  .... 
Mr.  Squier  pronounces  them  to  be  purely  the  work  of  Red  Indians. 
Colonel  Whittlesey  would  assign  these  fort-like  struc- 
tures the  enclosures  of  western  New  York,  and  common  upon  the 
rivers  discharging  themselves  into  Lakes  Erie  and  Ontario  from  the 
south,  differing  from  the  more  southern  enclosures,  in  that  they 
were  surrounded  by  trenches  on  their  outside,  while  the  latter  uniformly 
have  the  trench  on  the  inside  of  the  enclosure,  to  a  people  anterior  to 
the  red  Indian  and  perhaps  contemporaneous  with  the  Mound  Builders, 
but  distinct  from  either.  The  more  reasonable  view  is  that  of  Dr.  Fos- 
ter, that  they  are  the  frontier  works  of  the  Mound  Builders,  adapted  to 
the  purposes  of  defence  against  the  sudden  irruptions  of  hostile  tribes. 
It  is  probable  that  these  defences  belong  to  the  last 
period  of  the  Mound  Builders'  residence  on  the  lakes,  and  were  erected 
when  the  more  warlike  peoples  of  the  north,  who  drove  them  from 
their  cities,  first  made  their  appearance. 

The  Builders  quarried  flint  in  many  places,  soapstone 
in  Rhode  Island  and  North  Carolina,  and  in  the  latter 
State  also  the  translucent  mica  found  so  widely  dispersed 
in  their  burial  mounds  in  association  with  the  bones  of 
the  dead.  They  mined  or  made  salt,  and  in  the  Upper 
Peninsula  of  Michigan  they  got  out,  with  infinite  labor, 
the  copper,  which  was  doubtless  their  most  useful  and 
valued  metal.  The  Lower  Peninsula  of  that  State  is 
rich  in  ancient  remains,  particularly  in  mounds  of  sepul- 
ture; and  there  are  "garden  beds"  in  the  valleys  of  the 
St.  Joseph  and  the  Kalamazoo,  in  southwestern  Michi- 
gan; but,  "excepting  ancient  copper  mines,  no  known 
works  extend  as  far  north  as  Lake  Superior  anywhere  in 
the  central  region.  Farther  to  the  northwest,  however, 
the  works  of  the  same  people  are  comparatively  numer- 
ous. Dr.  Foster  quotes  a  British  Columbia  newspaper, 
without  giving  either  name  or  date,  as  authority  for  the 
discovery  of  a  large  number  of  mounds,   seemingly  the 



works  of  the  same  people  who  built  further  east  and 
south.  On  the  Butte  prairies  of  Oregon,  Wilkes  and  his 
exploring  expedition  discovered  thousands  of  similar 
mounds."     We  condense  further  from  Short ; 

All  the  way  up  the  Yellowstone  region  and  on  the  upper  tributaries 
of  the  Missouri,  mounds  are  found  in  profusion.  .  .  .  The 
Missouri  valley  seems  to  have  been  one  of  the  most  populous  branehes 
of  the  widespread  Mound  Builder  country.  The  valleys  of  its  affluents, 
the  Platte  and  Kansas  rivers,  also  furnish  evidence  that  these  streams 
served  as  the  channels  into  which  flowed  a  part  of  the  tide  of  popula- 
tion which  either  descended  or  ascended  the  Missouri.  The  Mississippi 
and  Ohio  River  valleys,  however,  formed  the  great  central  arteries  of  the 
Mound  Builder  domain.  In  Wisconsin  we  find  the  northern  central 
limit  of  their  works:  occasionally  on  the  western  shores  of  Lake  Michi- 
gan, but  in  great  numbers  in  the  southern  counties  of  the  State,  and  es- 
pecially on  the  lower  Wisconsin  river. 

The  remarkable  similarity  of  one  group  of  works,  on  a 
branch  of  Rock  river  in  the  south  of  this  State,  to  some 
of  the  Mexican  antiquities  led  to  the  christening  of  the 
adjacent  village  as  Aztalan — which  (or  Aztlan),  meaning 
whiteness,  was  a  name  of  the  "inost  attractive  land" 
somewhere  north  of  Mexico  and  the  sometime  home  of  the 
Aztec  and  other  Nahua  nations.  If  rightly  conjectured 
as  the  Mississippi  valley,  or  some  part  of  it,  that  country 
may  well  have  included  the  site  of  the  modern  Aztalan. 

Across  the  Mississippi,  in  Minnesota  and  Iowa,  the  predominant  type 
of  circular  tumuli  prevails,  extending  throughout  the  latter  State  to 
Missouri.  There  are  evidences  that  the  Upper  Missouri  region  was 
connected  with  that  of  the  Upper  Mississippi  by  settlements  occupying 
the  intervening  country.  Mounds  are  found  even  in  the  valley  of  the 
Red  river  of  the  north.         .         .         .  Descending  to  tlie  interior, 

we  find  the  heart  of  the  Mound  Builder  country  in  Illinois,  Indiana, 
and  Ohio,  It  is  uncertain  A\hether  its  \'ital  center  was  in  southern  Illi- 
nois or  Ohio — probably  the  former,  because  of  its  geographical  situa- 
tion with  reference  to  the  mouths  of  the  Missouri  and  Ohio  rivers. 
The  site  of  St.  Louis  was  formerly  covered  with 
mounds,  one  of  which  was  thirty-five  feet  high,  while  in  the  American 
Bottom,  on  the  Illinois  side  of  the  river,  their  number  approximates  two 

It  is  pretty  well  known,  we  believe,  that  St.  Louis  takes 
its  fanciful  title  of  "Mound  City"  from  the  former  fact. 

The  multitude  of  mound  works  which  are  scattered  over  the  entire 
northeastern  portion  of  Missouri  indicate  that  the  region  was  once  in- 
habited by  a  population  so  numerous  that  in  comparison  its  present 
occupants  are  only  as  the  scattered  pioneers  of  a  new-settled  coun- 
try. .  .  .  The  same  sagacity  which  chose  the  neighbor- 
hood of  St.  Louis  for  these  works,  covered  the  site  of  Cincinnati  with 
an  extensive  system  of  circumvallations  and  mounds.  Almost  the  en- 
tire space  now  occupied  by  the  city  was  utilized  by  the  mysterious 
Builders  in  the  construction  of  embankments  and  tumuli,  built  upon 
the  most  accurate  geometrical  principles,  and  evincing  keen  military 
foresight.  .  .  .  The  vast  number  as  well  as  magnitude  of 
the  works  found  in  the  .State  of  Ohio,  have  surprised  the  most  care- 
less and  indifferent  observers.  It  is  estimated  by  the  most  conservati\'e, 
and  Messrs.  Squier  and  Davis  among  them,  that  the  number  of  tumuli 
in  Ohio  equals  ten  thousand,  and  the  number  of  enclosures  one  thou- 
sand or  one  thousand  five  hundred.  In  Ross  county  alone  one  hun- 
dred enclosures  and  upwards  of  five  hundred  mounds  have  been  exam- 
ined. The  Alleghany  mountains,  the  natural  limit  of  the  great 
Mississippi  basin,  appear  to  have  served  as  the  eastern  and  southeast- 
ern boundary  of  the  Mound  Builder  country.  In  \vestern  New  York, 
western  Pennsylvania,  West  Virginia,  and  in  all  of  Kentucky  and  Ten- 
nessee, their  remains  are  numerous  and  in  some  instances  imposing.  In 
Tennessee,  especially,  the  works  of  the  Mound  Builders  are  of  the  most 
interesting  character.  .  .         .  Colonies  of  Mound  Builders 

seem  to  have  passed  the  great  natural  barrier  into  North  Carolina  and 
left  remains  in  Marion  county,  while  still  others  penetrated  into  South 
Carolina,  and  built  on  the  Wateree  river. 

Mounds  in  Mississippi  also  have  been  examined,  with 
interestinsj;  results. 

On  the  southern  Mississippi,  in  the  area  embraced  between  the  ter- 
mination of  the  Cumberland  mountains,  near  Florence  and  Tuscumbia, 
in  Alabama,  and  the  mouth  of  Big  Black  river,  this  people  left  numer- 
ous works,  inany  of  which  were  of  a  remarkable  character.  The  whole 
region  bordering  on  the  tributaries  of  the  Tombigbee,  the  country 
through  which  the  Wolf  river  flows,  and  that  watered  by  the  Yazoo 
river  and  its  affluents,  was  densely  populated  by  the  same  people  who 
built  mounds  in  the  Ohio  valley.  .  .  .  The  State  of  Louis- 
iana and  the  valleys  of  the  Arkansas  and  Red  rivers  were  not  only  the 
most  thickly  populated  wing  of  the  Mound  Builder  domain,  but  also 
furnish  us  with  remains  presenting  affinities  with  the  great  works  of 
Mexico  so  striking  that  no  doubt  can  longer  exist  that  the  same  people 
were  the  architects  of  both.  .  .  .  It  is  needless  to  discuss 
the  fact  that  the  works  of  the  Mound  Builders  exist  in  considerable 
numbers  in  Texas,  extending  across  the  Rio  Grande  into  Mexico,  es- 
tablishing an  unmistakable  relationship  as  well  as  actual  imion  between 
the  truncated  pyramids  of  the  Mississippi  valley  and  the  Tocalli  of 
Mexico,  and  the  countries  further  south. 

Such,  in  a  general  way,  was  the  geographical  dis- 
tribution of  the  Mound  Builders  within  and  near  the  ter- 
ritory now  occupied  by  the  United  States. 


They  are — such  of  them  as  are  left  to  our  day — gener- 
ally of  earth,  occasionally  of  stone,  and  more  rarely  of 
earth  and  stone  intermixed.  Dried  bricks,  in  some  ins- 
tances, are  found  in  the  walls  and  angles  of  the  best 
pyramids  of  the  Lower  Mississippi  valley.  Often,  especi- 
ally for  the  works  devoted  to  religious  purposes,  the  earth 
has  not  been  taken  from  the  surrounding  soil,  but  has 
been  transported  from  a  distance,  probably  from  some 
locality  regarded  as  sacred.  They  are  further  divided 
into  enclosures  and  mounds  or  tumuli.  The  classifica- 
tion of  these  by  Squier  &  Davis,  in  their  great  work  on 
"The  Ancient  Monuments  of  the  Mississippi  Valley," 
published  by  the  Smithsonian  Institution  thirty-two  years 
ago,  has  not  yet  been  superseded.     It  is  as  follows: 

I.    Enclosures — For  Defence,  Sacred,  Miscellaneous. 

11.  Mounds — Of  Sacrifice,  or  Temple-Sites,  of  Sep- 
ulture, of  Observation. 

To  these  may  properly  be  added  the  Animal  or  Efifigy 
(emblematic  or  symbolical)  Mounds,  and  some  would 
add  Mounds  for  Residence.  The  Garden-Beds,  if  true 
remains  of  the  Builders,  may  also  be  considered  a  sepa- 
rate class;  likewise  mines  and  roads,  and  there  is  some 
reason  to  believe  that  canals  may  be  added. 

In  the  treatment  of  these  classes,  briefly,  we  shall  fol- 
low in  places  the  chapter  on  this  subject  in  our  History 
of  Franklin  and  Pickaway  counties,  Ohio. 

I.  Enclosures  for  Defence.  A  large  and  interest- 
ing class  of  the  works  is  of  such  a  nature  that  the  object 
for  which  they  were  thrown  up  is  unmistakable.  The 
"forts,"  as  they  are  popularly  called,  are  found  through- 
out the  length  and  breadth  of  the  Mississippi  valley, 
from  the  AUeghanies  to  the  Rocky  mountains.  The 
rivers  of  this  vast  basin  have  worn  their  valleys  deep  in 
the  original  plain,  leaving  broad  terraces  leading  like 
gigantic  steps  up  to  the  general  level  of  the  country. 
The  sides  of  the  terraces  are  often  steep  and  difficult  of 
access,  and  sometimes  quite  inaccessible.  Such  locations 
would  naturally  be  selected  as  the  site  of  defensive  works, 
and  there,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  the  strong  and  complica- 
ted embankments  of  the  Mound  Builders  are  found. 
The  points  have  evidently  been  chosen  with  great  care, 
and  are  such   as  would,  in  most  cases,  be  approved  by 



modern  military  engineers.  They  are  usually  on  the 
higher  ground,  and  are  seldom  commanded  from  posi- 
tions sufficiently  near  to  make  them  untenable  through 
the  use  of  the  short-range  weapons  of  the  Builders,  and, 
while  rugged  and  steep  on  some  of  their  sides,  have 
one  or  more  points  of  easy  approach,  in  the  protection  of 
which  great  skill  and  labor  seem  to  have  been  expended. 
They  are  never  found,  nor,  in  general,  any  other  remains 
of  the  Builders,  upon  the  lowest  or  latest-formed  river 
terraces  or  bottoms.  They  are  of  irregular  shape,  con- 
forming to  the  nature  of  the  ground,  and  are  often 
strengthened  by  extensive  ditches.  The  usual  defence  is 
a  simple  embankment  thrown  up  along  and  a  little  below 
the  brow  of  the  hill,  varying  in  height  and  thickness  ac- 
cording to  the  defensive  advantage  given  by  the  natural 
declivity.  "The  walls  generally  wind  around  the  borders 
of  the  elevations  they  occupy,  and  when  the  nature  of 
the  ground  renders  some  points  more  accessible  than 
others,  the  height  of  the  wall  and  the  depth  of  the  ditch 
at  those  weak  points  are  proportionally  increased.  The 
gateways  are  narrow  and  few  in  number,  and  well 
guarded  by  embankments  of  earth  placed  a  few  yards  in- 
side of  the  openings  or  gateways  and  parallel  with  them, 
and  projecting  somewhat  beyond  them  at  each  end,  thus 
fully  covering  the  entrances,  which,  in  some  cases,  are 
still  further  protected  by  projecting  walls  on  either  side 
of  them.  These  works  are  somewhat  numerous,  and  in- 
dicate a  clear  appreciation  of  the  elements,  at  least,  of 
fortification,  and  unmistakably  point  out  the  purpose  for 
which  they  were  constructed.  A  large  number  of  these 
defensive  works  consist  of  a  line  of  ditch  and  embank- 
ments, or  several  lines  carried  across  the  neck  of  penin- 
sulas or  bluff  headlands,  formed  within  the  bends  of 
streams — an  easy  and  obvious  mode  of  fortification,  com- 
mon to  all  rude  peoples."*  Upon  the  side  where  a  pe- 
ninsula or  promontory  merges  into  the  mainland  of  the 
terrace  or  plateau,  the  enclosure  is  usually  guarded  by 
double  or  overlapping  walls,  or  a  series  of  them,  having 
sometimes  an  accompanying  mound,  probably  designed, 
like  many  of  the  mounds  apart  from  the  enclosures,  as  a 
lookout  station,  corresponding  in  this  respect  to  the  bar- 
bican of  our  British  ancestors  in  the  Middle  Ages.  As 
natural  strongholds  the  positions  they  occupy  could 
hardly  be  excelled,  and  the  labor  and  skill  expended  to 
strengthen  them  artificially  rarely  fail  to  awake  the  admi- 
ration and  surprise  the  student  of  our  antiquities.  Some 
of  the  works  are  enclosed  by  miles  of  embankment  still 
ten  to  fifteen  feet  high,  as  measured  from  the  bottom  of 
the  ditch.  In  some  cases  the  number  of  openings  in  the 
walls  is  so  large  as  to  lead  to  the  conclusion  that  certain 
of  them  were  not  used  as  gateways,  but  were  occupied  by 
bastions  or  block-houses  long  ago  decayed.  This  is  a 
marked  peculiarity  of  the  great  work  known  as  "Fort 
Ancient,"  on  the  Little  Miami  river  and  railroad,  in  War- 
ren county.  Some  of  the  forts  have  very  large  or  smaller 
"dug-holes"  inside,  seemingly  designed  as  reservoirs  for 
use  in  a  state  of  siege.  Occasionally  parallel  earth-walls, 
of  lower  height  than  the  embankments  of  the  main  work, 

*  American  Cyclopcedia,  article  "American  Antiquities." 

called  "covered  ways,"  are  found  adjacent  to  enclosures, 
and  at  times  connecting  separate  works,  and  seeming  to 
be  intended  for  the  protection  of  those  passing  to  and 
fro  within  them.  These  are  considered  by  some  antiqua- 
ries, however,  as  belonging  to  the  sacred  enclosures. 

This  class  of  works  abound  in  Ohio.  Squier  and 
Davis  express  the  opinion  that  "there  seems  to  have 
been  a  system  of  defences  extending  from  the  sources  of 
the  Susquehanna  and  Alleghany,  in  western  New  York, 
diagonally  across  the  country  through  central  and  north- 
ern Ohio  to  the  Wabash.  Within  this  range  the  works 
that  are  regarded  as  defensive  are  largest  and  most  nu- 
merous." The  most  notable,  however,  of  the  works 
usually  assigned  to  this  class  in  this  State  is  in  southern 
Ohio,  and  not  very  far  from  the  boundaries  of  Hamilton 
county,  being  only  forty-two  miles  northeast  of  Cincin- 
nati. It  is  the  "Fort  Ancient"  already  mentioned.  This 
is  situated  upon  a  terrace  on  the  left  bank  of  the  river, 
two  hundred  and  thirty  feet  above  the  Little  Miami,  and 
occupies  a  peninsula  defended  by  two  ravines,  while  the 
river  itself,  with  a  high,  precipitous  bank,  defends  the 
western  side.  The  walls  are  between  four  and  five  miles 
long,  and  ten  to  twenty  feet  high,  according  to  the  natural 
strength  of  the  line  to  be  protected.  A  resemblance  has 
been  traced  in  the  walls  of  the  lower  enclosure  "to  the 
form  of  two  massive  serpents,  which  are  apparently  con- 
tending with  one  another.  Their  heads  are  the  mounds, 
which  are  separated  from  the  bodies  by  the  opening, 
which  resembles  a  ring  around  the  neck.  They  bend  in 
and  out,  and  rise  and  fall,  and  appear  like  two  massive 
green  serpents  rolling  along  the  summit  of  this  high  hill. 
Their  appearance  under  the  overhanging  forest  trees  is 
very  impressive."*  Others  have  found  a  resemblance  in 
the  form  of  the  whole  work  to  a  rude  outline  of  the  con- 
tinent of  North  and  South  America. 

Another  fortified  eminence,  enclosing  sixteen  and  three- 
tenths  acres,  is  found  in  the  present  Butler  county,  once 
within  the  old  county  of  Hamilton.  The  entrance  to 
this  enclosure  is  guarded  by  a  complicated  system  of 
covered  ways.  Another,  and  a  very  remarkable  work,  as 
having  walls  of  stone,  constructed  in  their  place  at  the 
top  of  a  steep  and  lofty  hill  with  infinite  toil  and  difficulty, 
is  near  the  village  of  Bourneville,  Ross  county,  on  Spruce 
hill,  a  height  commanding  the  beautiful  valley  of  Paint 
creek.  The  wall  is  two  and  a  quarter  miles  long,  and 
encloses  one  hundred  and  forty  acres,  in  the  center  of 
which  was  an  artificial  lake.  Many  enclosures  of  the 
kind  have  been  surveyed  and  described  in  other  counties 
of  the  State. 

II.  Sacred  Enclosures. — Regularity  of  form  is  the 
characteristic  of  these.  They  are  not,  however,  of  inva- 
riable shape,  but  are  found  in  various  geometrical  figures, 
as  circles,  squares,  hexagons,  octagons,  ellipses,  parallelo- 
grams, and  others,  either  singly  or  in  combination.  How- 
ever large,  they  were  laid  out  with  astounding  accuracy, 
and  show  that  the  Builders  had  some  scientific  knowl- 
edge, a  scale  of  measurement,  and  the  means  of  com- 
puting areas  and  determining  angles.     They  are  often  in 

'Rev.  S,  D.  Peet,  in  the  American  Antiquarian  for  April,  1878. 



groups,  but  also  often  isolated.  Most  of  them  are  of 
small  size,  two  hundred  and  fifty  to  three  hundred  feet 
in  diameter,  with  one  gateway  usually  opening  to  the  east, 
as  if  for  the  worship  of  the  sun,  and  the  ditch  invariably 
on  the  inside.  These  are  frequently  inside  enclosures  of 
a  different  character,  particularly  military  works.  A  sac- 
rificial mound  was  commonly  erected  in  the  center  of 
them.  The  larger  circles  are  oftenest  found  in  connec- 
tion with  squares;  some  of  them  embrace  as  many  as  fifty 
acres.  They  seldom  have  a  ditch,  but  when  they  do,  it 
is  inside  the  wall.  .The  rectangular  works  with  which 
they  are  combined  are  believed  never  to  have  a  ditch. 
In  this  State  a  combined  work  of  a  square  with  two 
circles  is  often  found,  usually  agreeing  in  this  remarkable 
fact,  that  each  side  of  the  rectangle  measures  exactly  one 
thousand  and  eighty  feet,  and  the  circles  respectively  are 
seventeen  hundred  and  eight  hundred  feet  in  diameter. 
The  frequency  and  wide  prevalence  of  this  uniformity 
demonstrate  that  it  could  not  have  been  accidental.  The 
square  enclosures  almost  invariably  have  eight  gateways 
at  the  angles  and  midway  between,  upon  each  side,  all 
of  which  are  covered  or  defended  by  small  mounds. 
The  parallels  before  mentioned  are  sometimes  found  in 
connection  with  this  class  of  works.  From  the  Hope- 
town  work,  near  Chillicothe,  a  "covered  way"  led  to  the 
Scioto  river,  many  hundred  feet  distant. 

More  of  the  enclosures  left  by  the  Mound  Builders  are 
believed  to  belong  to  this  class  than  to  the  class  of  de- 
fensive works.  They  especially  abound  in  Ohio.  The 
finest  ancient  works  in  the  State— those  near  Newark, 
Licking  county-^are  undoubtedly  of  this  kind.     They  are 

rather  were — twelve  miles  in  total  length  of  wall,  and 

enclose  a  tract  of  two  miles  square.  The  system  of  em- 
bankment is  intricate  as  well  as  extensive,  and  encloses  a 
number  of  singular  mounds — one  of  them  in  the  shape  of 
an  enormous  bird  track,  the  middle  toe  one  hundred  and 
fifty-five  feet,  and  each  of  the  other  toes  one  hundred  and 
ten  feet  in  length.  A  superb  work,  representing  the  combi- 
nation of  a  square  with  two  circles,  of  the  dimensions  pre- 
viously stated,  exists  in  Liberty  township,  Ross  county,  a 
few  miles  from  Chillicothe.  A  work  in  Pike  county  con- 
sists of  a  circle  enclosing  a  square,  each  of  the  four  cor- 
ners of  which  touches  the  circle,  the  gateway  of  the  circle 
being  opposite  the  opening  in  the  square.  Several  com- 
binations of  the  square  and  the  circle  appear  in  the  Hope- 
town  works,  four  miles  north  of  Chillicothe.  Circleville 
derives  its  name  from  the  principal  ancient  work — a  cir- 
cle and  a  square — which  formerly  stood  upon  its  site. 
Many  other  remains  of  the  kind  are  familiarly  known  in 
Ross  and  Pike,  Franklin,  Athens,  Licking,  Montgomery, 
Butler,  and  other  counties. 

III.  Miscellaneous  Enclosures. — The  difficulty  of 
referring  many  of  the  smaller  circular  works,  thirty  to 
fifty  feet  in  diameter,  found  in  close  proximity  to  large 
works,  to  previous  classes,  has  prompted  the  suggestion  that 
they  were  the  foundations  of  lodges  or  habitations  of  chiefs, 
priests,  or  other  prominent  personages  among  the  Build- 
ers. In  one  case  within  the  writer's  observation,  a  rough 
stone  foundation  about  four  rods  square  was  found  iso- 
lated from  any  other  work,  near  the  Scioto  river,  in  the 

south  part  of  Ross  county.  At  the  other  extreme  of  size, 
the  largest  and  most  complex  of  the  works,  as  those  at 
Newark,  are  thought  to  have  served,  in  part  at  least,  other 
than  religious  purposes — that  they  may,  besides  furnishing 
spaces  for  sacrifice  and  worship,  have  included  also  arenas 
for  games  and  marriage  celebrations  and  other  festivals, 
the  places  of  general  assembly  for  the  tribe  or  village, 
the  encampment  or  more  permanent  residences  of  the 
priesthood  and  chiefs.  Mr.  Isaac  Smucker,  a  learned 
antiquary  of  Newark,  to  whom  we  are  indebted  for  im- 
portant facts  presented  in  this  chapter,  says : 

Some  archseologists  maintain  that  many  works  called  Sacred  Enclo- 
sures were  erected  for  and  used  as  places  of  amusement,  where  our 
predecessors  of  pre-historic  times  practiced  their  national  games  and 
celebrated  their  great  national  events  ;  where  they  held  their  national 
festivals  and  indulged  in  their  national  jubilees,  as  well  as  performed 
the  ceremonials  of  their  religion.  And  it  may  be  that  those  (and  there 
are  many  such)  within  which  no  central  elevation  or  altar  occurs,  were 
erected  for  the  purposes  last  named,  and  not  exclusively  (if  at  all)  for 
purposes  connected  with  their  religion,  and  are  therefore  erroneously 
called  Sacred  Enclosures.  Other  ancient  peoples,  if  indeed  not  all  the 
nations  of  antiquity,  have  had  their  national  games,  amusements,  fes- 
tivals, and  jubilees  ;  and  why  not  the  Mound  Builders,  too?  Notably 
in  this  regard  the  ancient  Greeks  may  be  named,  with  whom,  during 
the  period  known  as  the  "lyrical  age  of  Greece,"  the  Olympic,  the 
Pythian,  the  Nemean,  and  the  Isthmian  games  became  national  festi- 
vals. And  without  doubt  the  Mound  Builders,  too,  had  their  national 
games,  amusements,  festivals,  and  jubilees,  and  congregated  within 
their  enclosures  to  practice,  celebrate,  and  enjoy  them. 

IV.  Mounds  of  Sacrifice. — These  have  several  dis- 
tinct characteristics.  In  height  they  seldom  exceed  eight 
feet.  They  occur  only  within  or  near  the  enclosures, 
commonly  considered  as  the  sacred  places  of  the  Build- 
ers, and  are  usually  stratified  in  convex  layers  of  clay  or 
loam  alternating  above  a  layer  of  fine  sand.  Beneath 
the  strata,  and  upon  the  original  surface  of  the  earth  at 
the  center  of  the  mound,  are  usually  symmetricaly  formed 
altars  of  stone  or  burnt  clay,  evidently  brought  from  a 
distance.  Upon  them  are  found  various  remains,  all  of 
which  exhibit  signs  of  the  action  of  fire,  and  some  which 
have  excited  the  suspicion  that  the  Builders  practiced  the 
horrid  rite  of  human  sacrifice.  Not  only  calcined  bones, 
but  naturally  ashes,  charcoal,  and  igneous  stones  are  found 
with  them;  also  beads,  stone  implements,  simple  sculp- 
tures, and  pottery.  The  remains  are  often  in  such  a  con- 
dition as  to  indicate  that  the  altars  had  been  covered 
before  the  fires  upon  them  were  fully  extinguished.  Skele- 
tons are  occasionally  found  in  this  class  of  mounds; 
though  these  may  have  been  "  intrusive  burials"  made 
after  the  construction  of  the  works  and  contrary  to  their 
original  intention.  Though  symmetrical,  the  altars  are 
by  no  means  uniform  in  shape  or  size.  Some  are  round, 
some  elliptical,  others  square  or  parallelograms.  In  size 
they  vary  from  two  to  fifty  feet  in  length,  and  are  of  pro- 
portional width  and  height,  the  commoner  dimensions  be- 
ing five  to  eight  feet. 

V.  Temple  Mounds  are  not  so  numerous.  In  this 
State  it  is  believed  they  were  only  at  Marietta,  Newark, 
Portsmouth,  and  about  Chillicothe.  They  are  generally 
larger  than  the  altar  and  burial  mounds,  and  are  more 
frequently  circular  or  oval,  though  sometimes  found  in 
other  shapes.  The  commonest  shape  is  that  of  a  trun- 
cated cone;  and,  in  whatever  form  a  mound  of  this  class 



may  be,  it  always  has  a  flattened  or  level  top,  giving  it  an 
unfinished  look.  Some  are  called  platforms,  from  their 
large  area  and  slight  elevation.  They  are,  indeed,  almost 
always  of  large  base  and  comparatively  small  height. 
Often,  as  might  reasonably  be  expected,  they  are  within 
a  sacred  enclosure,  and  some  are  terraced  or  have  spiral 
ascents  or  graded  inclines  to  their  summits.  They  take 
their  name  from  the  probable  fact  that  upon  their  flat  tops 
were  reared  structures  of  wood,  the  temples  or  "  high 
places"  of  this  people,  which  decayed  and  disappeared 
ages  ago.  In  many  cases  in  the  northern  States  these 
must  have  been  small,  from  the  smallness  of  their  sites 
upon  the  mounds;  but  as  they  are  followed  southward 
they  are  seen,  as  might  be  expected,  to  increase  gradual- 
ly and  approximate  more  closely  to  perfect  construction, 
until  they  end  in  the  great  teocallis  ("houses  of  God"). 
One  remarkable  platform  of  this  kind  in  Whitley  county, 
Kentucky,  is  three  hundred  and  sixty  feet  long  by  one 
hundred  and  fifty  wide  and  twelve  high,  with  graded  as- 
cents; and  another,  at  Hopkinsville,  is  so  large  that  the 
county  court  house  is  built  upon  it.  The  great  mound 
at  Cahokia,  Missouri,  is  of  this  class.  Its  truncated  top 
measured  two  hundred  by  four  hundred  and  fifty-two  feet. 
VI.  Burial  Mounds  furnish  by  far  the  most  numer- 
ous class  of  tumuli.  The  largest  mounds  in  the  coun- 
try are  generally  of  this  kind.  The  greatest  of  all,  the 
famous  mound  at  Grave  creek,  Virginia,  is  seventy-five 
feet  high,  and  has  a  circumference  at  the  base  of  about 
one  thousand.  In  solid  contents  it  is  nearly  equal  to 
the  third  pyramid  of  Mykerinus,  in  Egypt.  The  huge 
mound  on  the  banks  of  the  Great  Miami,  twelve  miles 
below  Dayton,  has  a  hight  of  sixty-eight  feet.  Many  of 
the  burial  mounds  are  six  feet  or  less  in  height,  but  the 
average  height  as  deduced  from  wide  observation  of  them, 
is  stated  as  about  twenty  feet.  They  are  usually  of  con- 
ical form.  It  is  conjectured  that  the  size  of  these  mounds 
has  an  immediate  relation  to  the  former  importance  of 
the  personage  or  family  buried  in  them.  Only  three 
skeletons  have  so  far  been  found  in  the  mighty  Grave 
Creek  mound.  Except  in  rare  cases,  they  contain  but  one 
skeleton,  unless  by  "intrusive"  or  later  burial,  as  by  In- 
dians, who  frequently  used  the  ancient  mounds  for  pur- 
poses of  sepulture.  One  Ohio  mound,  however — that 
opened  by  Professor  Marsh,  of  Yale  college,  in  Licking 
county — contained  seventeen  skeletons;  and  another,  in 
Hardin  county,  included  three  hundred.  But  these  are 
exceptional  instances.  Calcined  human  bones  in  some 
burial  mounds  at  the  North  with  charcoal  and  ashes  in 
close  proximity,  show  that  cremation  was  occasionally 
practiced,  or  that  fire  was  used  in  the  funeral  ceremonies; 
and  "urn  burial"  prevailed  considerably  in  the  southren 
States.  At  times  a  rude  chamber  or  cist  of  stone  or  tim- 
ber contained  the  remains.  In  the  latter  case  the  more 
fragile  material  has  generally  disappeared,  but  casts  of  it 
in  the  earth  are  still  observable.  The  stone  cists  furnish 
some  of  the  most  interesting  relics  found  in  the  mounds. 
They  are,  in  rare  cases,  very  large,  and  contain  several 
bodies,  with  various  relics.  They  are  like  large  stone 
boxes,  made  of  several  flat  stones,  joined  without  cement 
or  fastening.     Similar,  but  much   smaller,  are  the  stone 

coffins  found  in  large  number  in  Illinois  and  near  Nash- 
ville, Tennessee.  They  are  generally  occupied  by  single 
bodies.  In  other  cases,  as  in  recent  discoveries  near 
Portsmouth  and  elsewhere  in  Ohio,  the  slabs  are  arranged 
slanting  upon  each  other  in  the  shape  of  a  triangle,  and 
having,  of  course,  a  triangular  vault  in  the  interior.  In 
Ihe  Cumberland  mountains  heaps  of  loose  stones  are 
found  over  skeletons,  but  these  stone  mounds  are  proba- 
bly of  Indian  origin,  and  so  comparatively  modern.  Im- 
plements, weapons,  ornaments,  and  various  remains  of 
art,  as  in  the  later  Indian  custom,  were  buried  with  the 
dead.  Mica  is  often  found  with  the  skeletons,  with  pre- 
cisely what  meaning  is  not  yet  ascertained;  also  pottery, 
beads  of  bone,  copper,  and  even  glass — indicating,  some 
think,  commercial  intercourse  with  Europe — and  other 
articles  in  great  variety,  are  present. 

Tiiere  is  also,  probably,  a  sub-class  of  mounds  that 
may  be  mentioned  in  this  connection — the  Memorial  or 
Monumental  mounds,  thrown  up,  it  is  conjectured,  to 
perpetuate  the  celebrity  of  some  important  event  or  in 
honor  of  some  eminent  personage.  They  are  usually  of 
earth,  but  occasionally,  in  this  State  at  least,  of  stone. 

VII.  Signal  Mounds,  or  Mounds  of  Observation. 
This  is  a  numerous  and  very  interesting  and  important 
class  of  the  works.  Colonel  Anderson,  of  Circleville, 
thinks  he  has  demonstrated  by  actual  survey,  made  at  his 
own  expense,  the  existence  of  a  regular  chain  or  system 
of  these  lookouts  through  the  Scioto  valley,  from  which, 
by  signal  fires,  intelligence  might  be  rapidly  flashed  over 
long  distances.  About  twenty  such  mounds  occur  be- 
tween Columbus  and  Chillicothe,  on  the  eastern  side  of 
the  Scioto.  In  Hamilton  county  a  chain  of  mounds, 
doubtless  devoted  to  such  purpose,  can  be  traced  from 
the  primitive  site  of  Cincinnati  to  the  "old  fort,"  near 
the  mouth  of  the  Great  Miami.  Along  both  the  Miamis 
numbers  of  small  mounds  on  the  projecting  headlands 
and  on  heights  in  the  interior  are  indubitably  signal 

Judge  Force  says:  "By  the  mound  at  Norwood  signals 
could  be  passed  from  the  valley  of  Mill  creek  to  the 
Little  Miami  valley,  near  Newtown,  and  I  believe  to  the 
valley  of  the  Great  Miami  near  Hamilton." 

Like  the  defensive  works  already  described  as  part  of 
the  military  system  of  the  Builders,  the  positions  of  these 
works  were  chosen  with  excellent  judgment.  They  vary 
in  size,  according  to  the  height  of  the  natural  eminences 
upon  which  they  are  placed.  Many  still  bear  the  marks 
of  intense  heat  upon  their  summits,  results  of  the  long- 
extinct  beacon  fires.  Sometimes  they  are  found  in  con- 
nection with  the  embankments  and  enclosures,  as  an  en- 
larged and  elevated  part  of  the  walls.  One  of  these,  near 
Newark,  though  considerably  reduced,  retains  a  height 
of  twenty-five  feet.  The  huge  mound  at  Miamisburgh, 
mentioned  as  a  burial  mound,  very  likely  was  used  also 
as  a  part  of  the  chain  of  signal  mounds  from  above  Day- 
ton to  the  Cincinnati  plain  and  the  Kentucky  bluff 

VIII.  Effigy  or  Animal  Mounds  appear  principally 
in  Wisconsin,  on  the  level  surface  of  the  prairie.  They 
are  of  very  low  height — one  to  six  feet — but  are  other- 


wise  often  very  large,  extended  figures  of  men,  beasts, 
birds,  or  reptiles,  and  in  a  very  few  cases  of  inanimate 
things.  In  this  State  there  are  three  enormous,  remark- 
able earthwork  effigies — the  "Eagle  mound"  in  the  cen- 
ter of  a  thirty-acre  enclosure  near  Newark,  and  supposed 
to  represent  an  eagle  on  the  wing;  the  "Alligator  mound," 
also  in  Licking  county,  two  hundred  and  five  feet  long; 
and  the  famous  "Great  Serpent,"  on  Brush  creek,  in 
Adams  county,  which  has  a  length  of  seven  hundred  feet, 
the  tail  in  a  triple  coil,  with  a  large  mound,  supposed  to 
represent  an  egg,  between  the  jaws  of  the  figure.  By 
some  writers  these  mounds  are  held  to  be  symbolical, 
and  connected  with  the  religion  of  the  Builders.  Mr. 
Schoolcraft,  however,  calls  them  "emblematic,"  and  says 
they  represent  the  totems  or  heraldic  symbols  of  the 
Builder  tribes. 

IX.  Garden  Beds. — In  Wisconsin,  in  Missouri,  and 
in  parts  of  Michigan,  and  to  some  extent  elsewhere,  is 
found  a  class  of  simple  works  presumed  to  be  ancient. 
They  are  merely  ridges  or  beds  left  by  the  cultivation  of 
the  soil,  about  six  inches  high  and  four  feet  wide,  regu- 
larly arranged  in  parallel  rows,  at  times  rectangular,  other- 
wise of  various  but  regular  and  symmetrical  curves,  and 
in  fields  of  ten  to  a  hundred  acres.  Where  they  occur 
near  the  animal  mounds,  they  are  in  some  cases  carried 
across  the   latter,  which  would  seem  to  indicate,  if  the 

■  same  people  executed  both  works,  that  no  sacred  charac- 
ter attached  to  the  effigies. 

X.  Mines. — These,  as  worked  by  the  Builders,  have 
not  yet  been  found  in  many  different  regions;  but  in  the 
Lake  Superior  copper  region  their  works  of  this  kind  are 
numerous  and  extensive.  In  the  Ontonagon  country 
their  mining  traces  abound  for  thirty  miles.  Colonel 
Whittlesey  estimates  that  they  removed  metal  from  this 
region  equivalent  to  a  length  of  one  hundred  and  fifty 
feet  in  veins  of  varying  thickness.  Some  of  their  opera- 
tions approached  the  stupendous.  No  other  remains  of 
theirs  are  found  in  the  Upper  Peninsula;  and  there  is  no 
probability  that  they  occupied  the  region  for  other  than 
temporary  purposes. 


Besides  the  human  remains  which  have  received 
sufficient  treatment  for  this  article  under  the  head  of 
Burial  mounds,  and  the  altars  noticed  under  Mounds  of 
Sacrifice,  the  contents  of  the  work  of  the  Mound  Builders 
are  mostly  small,  and  many  of  them  unimportant.  They 
have  been  classified  by  Dr.  Rau,  the  archteologist  of  the 
Smithsonian  Institution,  according  to  the  material  of 
which  they  are  wrought,  as  follows: 

I.  Stone. — This  is  the  most  numerous  class  of  relics 
They  were  fashioned  by  chipping,  grinding,  or  polishing" 
and  include  rude  pieces,  flakes,  and  cores,  as  well  as  fin. 
ished  and  more  or  less  nearly  finished  articles.  In  the 
first  list  are  arrow  and  spear-heads,  perforators,  scrapers, 
cutting  and  sawing  tools,  dagger-shaped  implements, 
large  implements  supposed  to  have  been  used  in  digging 
the  ground,  and  wedge  or  celt-shaped  tools  and  weapons. 
The  ground  and  polished  specimens,  more  defined  in 
form,   comprise  wedges   or  celts,  chisels,  gouges,  adzes 

and  grooved  axes,  hammers,  drilled  ceremonial  weapons, 
cutting  tools,  scraper  and  spade-like  implements,  pen- 
dants and  sinkers,  discoidal  stones  and  kindred  objects, 
pierced  tablets  and  boat-shaped  articles,  stones  used  in 
grinding  and  polishing,  vessels,  mortars,  pestles,  tubes, 
pipes,  ornaments,  sculptures,  and  engraved  stones  or  tab- 
lets. Fragmentary  plates  of  mica  or  isinglass  may  be 
included  under  this  head. 

2.  Copper. — These  are  either  weapons  and  tools  or 
ornaments,  produced,  it  would  seem,  by  hammering 
pieces  of  native  copper  into  the  required  shape. 

3.  Bone  and  Horn. — Perforators,  harpoon-heads,  fish- 
hooks, cups,  whistles,  drilled  teeth,  etc. 

4.  Shell. — Either  utensils  and  tools,  as  drinking-cups, 
spoons,  fish-hooks,  celts,  etc.,  or  ornaments,  comprising 
various  kinds  of  gorgets,  pendants,  and  beads. 

5.  Ceramic  Fabrics. — Pottery,  pipes,  human  and  ani- 
mal figures,  and  vessels  in  great  variety. 

6.  Wood. — The  objects  of  early  date  formed  of  this 
material  are  now  very  few,  owing  to  its  perishable  char- 

To  these  may  be  added : 

7.  Gold  and  Silver. — In  a  recent  find  in  a  stonecist 
at  Warrensburgh,  Missouri,  a  pottery  vase  or  jar  was 
found,  which  had  a  silver  as  well  as  a  copper  band  about 
it.  Other  instances  of  the  kind  are  on  record,  and  a 
gold  ornament  in  the  shape  of  a  woodpecker's  head  has 
been  taken  from  a  mound  in  Florida. 

8.  Textile  Fabrics. — A  few  fragments  of  coarse 
cloth  or  matting  have  survived  the  destroying  tooth  of 
time,  and  some  specimens,  so  far  as  the  texture  is  con- 
cerned, have  been  very  well  preserved  by  the  salts  of 
copper,  when  used  to  enwrap  articles  shaped  from  that 

the  mound  builders'  civilization. 

This  theme  has  furnished  a  vast  field  for  speculation, 
and  the  theorists  have  pushed  into  a  wilderness  of  vis- 
ionary conjectures.  Some  inferences,  however,  may  be 
regarded  as  tolerably  certain.  The  number  and  magni- 
tude of  their  works,  and  their  extensive  range  and  uni- 
formity, says  the  American  Cyclopaedia,  prove  that  the 
Mound  Builders  were  essentially  homogeneous  in  cus- 
toms, habits,  religion,  and  government.  The  general 
features  common  to  all  their  remains  identify  them  as 
appertaining  to  a  single  grand  system,  owing  its  origin  to 
men  moving  in  the  same  direction,  acting  under  com- 
mon impulses,  and  influenced  by  similar  causes.  Pro- 
fessor Short,  in  his  invaluable  work,  thinks  that,  however 
writers  may  differ,  these  conclusions  may  be  safely  ac- 
cepted: That  they  came  into  the  country  in  compara- 
tively small  numbers  at  first  (if  they  were  not  Autoch- 
thones, and  there  is  no  substantial  proof  that  the  Mound 
Builders  were  such),  and,  during  their  residence  in  the 
territory  occupied  by  the  United  States,  they  became 
extremely  populous.  Their  settlements  were  widespread, 
as  the  extent  of  their  remains  indicates.  The  magnitude 
of  their  works,  some  of  which  approximate  the  propor- 
tions of  Egyptian  pyramids,  testify  to  the  architectural 
talent  of  the  people  and  the  fact  that  they  developed  a 
system  of  government  controlling  the  labor  of  multitudes. 



whether  of  subjects  or  slaves.  They  were  an  agricultural 
people,  as  the  extensive  ancient  garden-beds  found  in 
Wisconsin  and  Missouri  indicate.  Their  manufactures 
offer  proof  that  they  had  attained  a  respectable  de- 
gree of  advancement  and  show  that  they  understood  the 
advantages  of  the  division  of  labor.  Their  domestic 
utensils,  the  cloth  of  which  they  made  their  clothing,  and 
the  artistic  vessels  met  with  everywhere  in  the  mounds, 
point  to  the  development  of  home  culture  and  domestic 
industry.  There  is  no  reason  for  believing  that  the  peo- 
ple who  wrought  stone  and  clay  into  perfect  effigies  of 
animals  have  not  left  us  sculptures  of  their  own  faces  in 
the  images  exhumed  from  the  mounds.  They  mined  cop- 
per, which  they  wrought  into  implements  of  war,  into  or- 
naments and  articles  for  domestic  use.  They  quarried 
mica  for  mirrors  and  other  purposes.  They  furthermore 
worked  flint  and  salt  mines.  They  probably  possessed 
some  astronomical  knowledge,  though  to  what  extent  is 
unknown.  Their  trade,  as  Dr.  Rau  has  shown,  was 
widespread,  extending  probably  from  Lake  Superior  to 
the  Gulf,  and  possibly  to  Mexico.  They  constructed 
canals,  by  which  lake  systems  were  united,  a  fact 
which  Mr.  Conant  has  recently  shown  to  be  well  es- 
tablished in  Missouri.  Their  defences  were  numer- 
ous and  constructed  with  reference  to  strategic  prin- 
ciples, while  their  system  of  signals  placed  on  lofty 
their  settlements,  and  communicating  with  the  great 
water  courses  at  immense  summits,  visible  from  dis- 
tances, rivaled  the  signal  systems  in  use  at  the  begin- 
ning of  the  present  century.  Their  religion  seems  to 
have  been  attended  with  the  same  ceremonies  in  all 
parts  of  their  domain.  That  its  rites  were  celebrated 
with  great  demonstrations  is  certain.  The  sun  and  moon 
were  probably  the  all-important  deities  to  which  sacri- 
fices (possibly  human)  were  offered.  We  have  already 
alluded  to  the  development  in  architecture  and  art  which 
marked  the  possible  transition  of  this  people  from  north 
to  south.  Here  we  see  but  the  rude  beginnings  of  a 
civilization  which  no  doubt  subsequently  unfolded  in  its 
fuller  glory  in  the  valley  of  Anahuac  and,  spreading 
southward,  engrafted  new  life  upon  the  wreck  of  Xibalba. 
Though  there  is  no  evidence  that  the  Mound  Builders 
were  indigenous,  we  must  admit  that  their  civilization 
was  putely  such,  the  natural  product  of  climate  and  the 
condition  surrounding  them.* 


Very  brief  notice  of  them  will  be  made  here,  anything 
like  detailed  description  being  reserved  for  the  special 
histories  to  come  later  in  this  work.  Reference  has  been 
made  above  to  the  extensive  signal  system  in  the  Miami 
country,  and  to  numerous  works  upon  the  present  site  of 
Cincinnati.  Elsewhere  in  the  county  the  Builders  have 
left  frequent  remains.  They  abound  in  Columbia,  An- 
derson, and  Spencer  townships,  and  are  found  all  along 
the  Little  Miami  valley  from  below  Newtown  to  points 
above  Milford.  On  the  other  side  of  the  county,  in  the 
valley  of  the  Great  Miami,  they  are  found  numerously  at 
the  mouth  of  the  stream,  about  Cleves,   and  for  miles 

*  The  Americans  of  Antiquity,  pp.  96-100. 

along  the  banks  above  and  below  Colerain.  Near  this 
place,  about  one  mile  south  of  the  county  Hne,  is  the  cel- 
ebrated enclosure  known  as  "the  Colerain  works,"  sur- 
rounding a  tract  of  about  ninety-five  acres.  Judge  Force 
thinks  there  was  a  strong  line  of  fortifications  along  the 
Great  Miami,  from  the  mouth  to  Piqua,  with  advanced 
works  near  Oxford  and  Eaton,  and  with  a  massive  work 
in  rear  of  this  line,  at  Fort  Ancient.  In  the  interior  of 
Hamilton  they  apiiear  at  Norwood,  Sharon,  in  Springfield 
township,  and  elsewhere  to  some  extent.  This  region 
was  undoubtedly  one  of  the  densest  centers  of  popula- 
tion. We  shall  view  some  of  their  works  more  closely 
before  this  volume  is  closed. 



' '  Tlien  a  darker,  drearier  vision 
Passed  before  me,  vague  and  cloudlilie; 
I  beheld  our  nations  scattered. 
All  forgetful  of  my  counsels. 
Weakened,  warring  with  each  other; 
Saw  the  remnants  of  our  people 
Sweeping  westward,  wild  and  woful, 
Like  the  cloud-rack  of  a  tem^^est. 
Like  the  withered  leaves  of  autumn. " 

H.  W.  Longfellow,  "Hiawatha." 

After  the  Mound  Builder  came  the  red  man.  For  un- 
told centuries  his  history  is  a  blank.  Whence  he  came, 
how  he  spread  over  the  continent,  what  his  earlier  num- 
bers, supplies  material  for  the  philosophic  historian. 
The  literature  of  past  ages  is  silent  concerning  these 
things;  the  voice  of  tradition  is  almost  equally  reticent. 
It  seems  quite  certain,  however,  notwithstanding  some 
speculations  to  the  contrary,  that  no  other  race  inter- 
vened between  the  mysterious  people  of  the  mounds  and 
the  savages  whom  Columbus  and  other  discoverers  found 
upon  our  soil.  By  the  red  men — fewer  in  numbers, 
doubtless,  but  fiercer,  braver,  and  more  persistent  than 
their  antagonists — the  Builders  were  driven  out  and 
pushed  to  the  southwest,  hosts  of  warriors  on  both  sides 
perishing  in  the  protracted  struggle.     As  Halleck  says: 

"What  tales,  if  there  be  tongues  in  trees. 
These  giant  oaks  could  tell 
Of  beings  born  and  buried  here!" 

The  new  race  was  vastly  inferior  to  the  older.  It  was 
more  a  nomadic  people.  Villages  and  other  permanent 
habitations  seldom  contained,  through  the  course  of 
many  generations,  the  same  tribes.  They  were  not 
given,  except  to  a  very  limited  extent,  to  the  tillage  of 
the  soil.  War  and  the  chase  were  their  chief  occupa- 
tions, and  the  products  of  the  latter,  with  spontaneous 
yields  from  the  forest  and  stream,  furnished  the  simple 
necessaries  of  their  lives.  Change  for  the  worse  as  it 
was,  apparently,  in  the  population  of  this  part  of  North 
America,  it  was  doubtless  in  the  order  of  Divine  Provi- 
dence, that  the  land-might,  by  and  by,  be  the  more  easily 
and  advantageously    occupied  by  the   white   man,  who 



would  come  to  fill  it  again  with  busy  life  and  to  dot  its 
surface  with  the  monuments  of  a  civilization  to  which 
the  wildest  dreams  of  his  predecessors  never  reached. 


(,.  The  light  of  history  begins  to  dawn  upon  the  Indians 
of  Ohio  during  the  latter  part  of  the  seventeenth  cen- 
tury. As  early  as  1609  the  explorer,  Champlain,  made 
mention  of  the  Iroquois,  who  then  dwelt  about  the 
eastern  end  of  Lake  Ontario.  In  1683  La  Hontan 
names  thgm  again  and  says'  they  are  "in  five  cantons, 
not  unlike  those  of  the  Swisses.  Though  these  cantons 
are  all  one  nation,  and  united  in  one  joint  interest,  yet 
they  go  by  different  names,  viz. :  The  Sonontouans  [Sen- 
ecas],  the  Goyagoans  [Cayugas],  the  Onnatagues  [Onon- 
dagas],  the  Ononyonts  [Oneidas],  and  the  Aguies  [Mo- 
hawks]." The  Five  afterwards  became  the  famous  "Six 
Nations,"  and  are  sometimes  mentioned  as  seven.  These 
formed  one  of  the  three  great  divisions  of  the  Indian 
tribes  east  of  the  Mississippi — the  Huron-Iroquois,  the 
Algonquins,  and  Mobilians,  dwelling  respectively,  it  may 
be  stated  in  a  general  way,  on  the  great  lakes,  the  Ohio 
river,  and  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.  The  second  of  these 
families,  though  perhaps  not  the  most  powerful  in  war, 
the  first  seemingly  holding  the  supremacy,  was  by  far  the 
most  numerous  and  widespread.  Their  habitat  is  de- 
scribed as  "originally  reaching  from  Lake  Superior  to  the 
mouth  of  the  St.  Lawrence,  and  from  the  west  of  Maine  to 
Pamlico  sound  along  the  Atlantic  coast,  and  from  the  Ro- 
anoke river  to  the  headwaters  of  the  Ohio  and  westward 
to  the  mouth  of  the  river,  and  from  that  point,  including 
all  south  and  west  of  Lake  Erie,  to  Lake  Superior  again, 
leaving  the  Iroquois  on  Lake  Ontario  like  an  island  in 
the  midst  of  a  great  sea."*  To  this  stock  belonged  most 
of  the  Ohio  tribes ;  but  to  their  neighbors,  east  and 
west,  the  Iroquois  and  the  Hurons,  were  allied  in  blood 
the  ill-fated  Filians,  or  Fries,  the  first  of  all  western  tribes 
to  be  observed  and  mentioned  by  the  French  explorers. 
They  are  first  designated  by  the  former  name  on  Cham- 
plain's  map,  published  in  1680;  are  again  so  named  on 
the  map  of  Richard  Blome  three  years  later;  and  so  gen- 
erally on  the  old  maps  until  1735.  Long  before  this, 
however,  they  are  supposed  to  have  been  driven  out,  ex- 
terminated, or  amalgamated  with  other  tribes.  Blome,  in 
1683,  places  the  "Senneks,"  or  Senecas,  one  of  the  Five 
Nations  of  the  Iroqouis,  among  the  Fries  on  the  south 
of  the  lake  to  which  the  latter  gave  the  name;  and  that 
probably  is  the  tribe  into  which  the  Fries  ultimately 
merged.  Charlevoix,  in  1744,  puts  their  later  tribal 
designation  upon  his  map  near  the  east  end  of  Lake 
Frie  (they  had  been  located  upon  a  map  of  1703  near 
the  west  end),  but  adds  the  remark:  "The  Fries  were 
destroyed  by  the  Iroquois  about  one  hundred  years  ago." 
Also,  upon  a  map  prepared  by  John  Hutchins  and  pub- 
lished in  175s,  where  the  tribe  is  assigned  a  former  terri- 
tory stretching  along  the  whole  south  shore  of  Lake  Erie, 
this  note  appears:  "The  antient  Fries  were  extirpated 
upwards  of  one  hundred  years  ago  by  the  Iroquois,  ever 
since  which  time  they  [the  Iroquois]  have  been  in  posses^ 

*Rev.  S.  D.  Peet.  in  The  Ainerican  Antiqiuirian,  Vol.  I..  No.  2. 

sion  of  Lake  Erie."  Mitchell's  map  of  the  same  year 
supplies  an  interesting  note:  "The  Six  Nations  have  ex- 
tended their  territories  to  the  river  Illinois  ever  since  the 
year  1672,  when  they  were  subdued  and  incorporated 
with  the  antient  Chaouanons,  the  native  proprietors  of 
these  countries  and  the  river  Ohio.       .  .  .      The 

Ohio  Indians  are  a  mixt  tribe  of  the  several  Indians 
of  our  colonies,  settled  here  under  the  Six  Nations,  who 
have  allwaies  been  in  Alliance  and  subjection  to  the 
English."  The  territory  of  these  renowned  conquerors 
appears  upon  the  rriaps  as  early  as  1722  as  a  geographical 
district  or  political  division  named  "Iroquois."  It  ex- 
tended from  Montreal  to  the  Susquehanna,  thence  to  the 
west  end  of  Lake  Erie,  north  to  Lake  Huron,  and  east 
to  Montreal  again — thus  including  about  half  of  the 
present  territory  of  Ohio.  In  the  maps  of  1755  the  Iro- 
quois' tract  is  extended  to  the  Mississippi,  and  includes 
everything  between  that  river  and  Lake  Ontario,  the  Ohio, 
and  the  great  lakes.  One  map  divides  "the  country  of 
the  confederate  Indians,"  now  enlarged  from  five  to 
seven  nations,  into  their  "place  of  residence,"  New  York;, 
their  "deer-hunting  country"  (Tunasonruntic),  which 
was  Ohio;  and  their  "beaver-hunting  countries,"  or 

Nearly,  then,  to  the  period  of  exploration  in  the  Ohio 
country,  the  Eries  dwelt  here;  and  fragments  of  their 
tribe  probably  remained  when  the  first  white  men  came, 
dwelling  amid  their  conquerors,  but  not  to  be  identified 
as  separate  from  them.  The  indications,  from  traditions 
and  the  maps,  which  furnish  the  only  data  we  have  con- 
cerning them,  are  that  the  Eries  only  occupied  the  lands 
east  of  the  Cuyahoga  and  south  of  the  lake;  while  that 
west  of  the  river  was  held  by  a  kindred  tribe,  the  Wyan- 
dots  or  Hurons.  The  later  of  the  two  classes  of  earth- 
works found  in  northern  Ohio  are  assigned  by  some  in- 
quirers to  the  Eries,  to  whom  many  of  the  burial  places 
and  skeletons  found  in  this  region  undoubtedly  belong. 
The  Indian  names  of  streams,  as  well  as  that  of  the  great 
lake  to  the  northward,  are  supposed  to  have  been  given 
by  them. 


After  the  middle  of  the  last  century,  knowledge  con- 
cerning the  Indians  of  Ohio  was  rapidly  multiplied. 
Traders  and  explorers  began,  a  little  before  that  time,  to 
contribute  information  about  the  tribes  among  whom  they 
journeyed  or  traded;  and  Colonel  Bouquet's  expedition 
in  1764,  to  the  Indian  valleys  on  the  Tuscarawas  and 
Muskingum  rivers,  offered  more  definite,  detailed,  and 
authentic  knowledge  than  had  been  accessible  to  that 
time.  Among  the  tribes  thus  early  reported,  one  of  the 
most  important  was  the  Wyandots,'br  Hurons,  as  they 
were  called  by  the  French.  This  was  a  branch  of  the 
great  Iroquois  family,  but  had  been  warred  upon  by  their 
red  kindred,  driven  from  their  homes  on  the  lake  whose 
name  perpetuates  their  memory,  pushed  to  the  northwest, 
into  Michigan  and  Wisconsin,  among  the  Ottawas  and 
other  tribes.  Here,  however,  they  encountered  an  un- 
friendly wing  of  the  Dakota  family,  from  the  west  of  the 
Mississippi,  and  were  by  them  hunted  again  southeastward. 
They  finally  appear  upon  the  maps  as  located  in  northern 



and  western  Ohio,  west  of  the  Cuyahoga  river,  "assigned 
to  this  territory,"  says  Evans'  map  of  1755,  "by  express 
leave  of  the  Iroquqis."  They  held  from  the  lake  south- 
ward to  the  headwaters  of  the  Scioto  and  the  Miamis, 
and  in  some  places  below.  They  had  villages  even 
upon  the  site  of  Columbus  and  elsewhere  in  the  present 
Franklin  county.  They  were  also  mingled  with  the  Del- 
awares  of  southeastern  Ohio.  Although  so  often  over- 
powered, they  were  still  a  martial  people,  and  never  sur- 
rendered themselves  prisoners.  General  Harrison  said 
of  the  Wyandot :  "  He  was  trained  to  die  for  the  inter- 
est or  honor  of  his  tribe,  and  to  consider  submission  to 
an  enemy  the  lowest  degradation."  Their  grand  sachem 
during  the  early  white  occupancy  of  the  State,  Tahre,  or 
the  Crane,  was  undoubtedly  a  distinguished  example  of 
the  finer  sort  of  American  Indian.  The  Wyandots  held 
their  lands  in  Ohio  for  a  long  time,  subject  to  the  Iro- 
quois, without  claiming  proprietorship;  and  their  name 
appears  on  none  of  the  treaties  with  the  English  or  the 
United  States  until  after  1784. 


These  claimed  to  be  the  elder  branch  of  the  Lenni- 
Lenape  tribes,  and  called  themselves  the  "grandfathers  " 
of  the  kindred  nations,  while  recognizing  the  superiority 
of  the  Wyandots.  This  claim  has  been  admitted  by 
most  writers  upon  the  Indians.  like  the  Fries,  they  were 
of  Algonquin  stock,  and  had  removed  from  the  Delaware 
and  Susquehanna  rivers  to  the  Alleghany  and  the  Ohio. 
This  territory  they  were  allowed  by  the  grace  of  the  all- 
cbnquering  Iroquois,  who  had  early  subjugated  them. 
Their  first  removal  from  their  original  seat  upon  or  near 
the  Atlantic  coast  did  not  occur,  however,  until  after  the 
advent  of  William  Penn.  They  then  occupied  lands  in 
Virginia,  but  sold  them  by  the  treaty  of  Lancaster  in 
1744,  and  moved  westward.  In  1752,  with  other  tribes, 
by  the  treaty  of  Logstown,  they  formaUy  assented  to  the 
settlement  oi  whites  in  the  region  south  of  the  Ohio. 
About  that  time  they  were  found  numerously  in  villages 
on  the  Muskingum  and  the  Beaver,  but,  according  to 
Gist's  journal  of  1754,  not  anywhere  west  of  the  Hock- 
hocking.  One  unimportant  Delaware  tribe,  the  Munsees 
(some  call  these  the  Mingses),  are  found  on  the  maps  as 
far  up  the  Ohio  as  the  Venango  river.  (JBetween  this  and 
the  Scioto  the  Delaware  territories  were  presumably 
located. y  In  1779,  however,  the  delegates  of  the  tribes 
gave  to  Congress,  then  at  Princeton,  New  Jersey,  the 
definition  of  a  boundary  which  included  the  Miami  and 
Wyandot  tracts,  and  very  likely  others,  as  well  as  their 
own.     It  was  as  follows : 

From  the  mouth  of  the  Alleghany  at  Fort  Pitt  to  Venango,  and  from 
thence  up  French  creek  and  by  LeBcBuf  along  the  old  road  to  Presque 
Isle,  on  the  west;  the  Ohio  river,  including  all  the  islands  in  it,  from 
Fort  Pitt  to  the  Oubache  (Wabash)  on  the  south;  thence  up  the  Ou- 
bache  to  the  broad  Opecom'ecah,  and  up  the  same  to  the  head  thereof; 
and  from  thence  to  the  headwaters  and  springs  of  the  northwestern 
branches  of  the  Great  Miami  or  Rocky  river;  thence  across  to  the  head- 
waters and  springs  of  the  most  northwestern  branches  of  the  Scioto 
river ;  thence  to  the  head  westernmost  springs  of  the  Sandusky  river ; 
thence  down  the  same  river,  including  the  islands  in  it  and  the  Httle 
lake,  to  Lake  Erie  on  the  west  and  northwest,  and  Lake  Erie  on  the 

There  is  no  probability  that  the  Delawares  ever  occu- 

pied, at  least  within  the  period  of  white  exploration  or 
occupancy,  any  large  part  of  this  vast  tract.  What  they 
did  own  north  of  the  Ohio  or  east  of  the  Cuyahoga  they 
ceded  to  the  whites  by  the  treaty  of  1785.  The  tribe, 
however,  was  represented  among  the  Ohio  Indians  so  late 
as  181 3,  when  Delawares  joined  with  others  in  a  contract 
of  amity  and  peace  with  the  whites  at  Frankhnton,  on 
the  present  site  of  the  western  part  of  Columbus. 


The  first  that  is  known  of  this  important  and  warlike 
tribe,  they  lived  to  the  south  of  the  Cumberland  and 
Ohio  rivers,  as  all  the  early  Frenth  and  English  maps  of 
the  western  country  show.  One  writer  says  they  formerly 
lived  on  the  Mississippi,  whence  they  removed  to  the 
sources  of  a  river  in  South  Carolina,  and,  there  coming 
in  contact  with  the  Cherokees  and  the  Catawbas,  they 
moved  on  to  the  Savannah.  This  seems  to  be  con- 
firmed, in  part,  by  the  tradition  of  the  Sauks  and  Foxes, 
of  the  Upper  Mississippi  region,  who  say  the  Shawnees 
were  of  the  same  stock  with  themselves,  but  migrated  to 
the  south.  As  early  as  1632  they  were  mentioned  by  De 
Laet  as  residing  on  the  Delaware  river,  whither  they  are 
supposed  to  have  emigrated  from  Ohio.  Forty  years 
after  the  above  date  they  joined  theinselves  in  an  alliance 
for  the  defence  of  the  Andastes  against  the  Iroquois. 
The  Andastes  were  themselves  an  Iroquois  tribe,  now 
long  extinct,  which  had  its  home  on  the  Alleghany  and 
the  Upper  Ohio,  and  are  said  at  this  time  to  have  been 
located  on  the  Susquehanna.  Soon  after,  however, 
they  are  again  found  among  the  Delawares  of  the 
Delaware,  where  they  staid  till  a  backward  emigration  to 
Ohio  began  about  1744.  They,  a  portion  of  the  tribe 
which  had  not  gone  south,  had  been  previously  on  the 
Miamis,  being  the  first  tribe  of  which  we  hear  in  this 
region;  and  were  there  attacked  and  scattered  by  the 
terrible  Iroquois.  They  now,  upon  their  return,  were 
located,  by  express  permission  of  the  Wyandots  and  the 
Iroquois,  on  and  near  the  Scioto  and  Mad  rivers.  Here 
they  were  divided  into  four  bands — the  Chillicothe, 
Piqua,  Kiskapocke,  and  Mequachuke;  and  in  the  Scioto 
valley  their  chief  town  was  situated,  called  by  the  English 
"Lower  Shawneetown."  There  is  also  a  Shawneetown  in 
southern  Illinois;  and  the  wide  wanderings  of  this  people 
are  elsewhere  shown  by  the  names  they  have  left,  as  the 
Suwanee  river  of  the  popular  song,  in  South  Carohna,  the 
Piqua  of  Pennsylvania  and  the  town  of  the  same  name 
in  the  Miami  country,  and  the  Chouanon  (now  Cumber- 
land) river  of  the  old  maps.  They  were  the  only  tribe 
among  the  northern  Indians  who  had  a  tradition  of  for- 
eign origin;  and  for  some  time  after  the  whites  began  to 
know  them,  they  held  a  yearly  festival  to  commemorate 
the  safe  arrival  of  their  ancestors  in  the  Western, world. 
After  their  arrival  in  the  Scioto  valley,  they  were  i(  id 
by  the  portion  of  the  tribe  which  had  settled  .1  the 
south.  From  this  branch,  son  of  a  Shawnee  father  who 
had  married  a  Creek  woman  during  the  southern  resi- 
dence, the  celebrated  Tecumseh  and  his  brother,  Els- 
quataway,  or  "the  Prophet,"  are  said  to  have  sprung. 
Under  the  leadership  of  the  former  a   part  of  the  tribe 



joined  the  British  in  the  AVar  of  1812,  in  which  Tecum- 
seh  lost  his  life.  Cornstalk,  the  leading  chieftain  of  the 
Scioto  bands;  the  Grenadier  Squaw,  his  sister,  so  called 
from  her  height  and  size,  and  whom  all  accounts  repre- 
sent as  an  Indian  woman  of  unusual  ability  and  acute- 
ness;  Cornplanter,  and  other  famous  warriors,  were  also 
of  the  Shawneesjand  Logan,  the  celebrated  Mingo  chief, 
lived  among  them  here.  The  sites  of  their  towns  and 
the  places  where  they  tortured  their  hapless  prisoners  are 
still  pointed  out  upon  the  fertile  "Pickaway  Plains,"  in 
Pickaway  county,  a  few  miles  from  Circleville.  Cornstalk 
is  described  as  "a  man  whose  energy,  courage,  and  good 
sense  placed  him  among  the  very  foremost  of  the  native 
heroes  of  this  land."  The  following  pathetic  story  is  told 
of  his  fate,  which  reflects  anything  but  credit  upon  the 
whites  who  were  concerned  in  it : 

"This  truly  great  man,  who  was  himself  for  peace,  but 
who  found  all  his  neighbors  and  the  warriors  of  his  own 
tribe  stuTcd  up  to  war  by  the  agents  of  England,  went 
over  to  the  American  fort  at  Point  Pleasant,  at  the  mouth 
of  the  Great  Kenawha,  to  talk  the  matter  over  with  Cap- 
tain Arbuckle,  who  was  in  command  there  and  with 
whom  he  was  acquainted.  This  was  in  the  early  summer 
of  1777  ;  and  the  Americans,  knowing  that  the  Shawnees 
were  inclining  to  the  enemy,  thought  it  would  be  a  good 
plan  to  detain  Cornstalk  and  a  young  chief.  Red  Hawk, 
who  was  with  him,  and  make  them  hostages.  The  old 
chief,  finding  himself  entrapped,  calmly  awaited  the  re- 
sult. Ellinipsco,  the  son  of  Cornstalk,  who  came  the 
next  morning  to  see  his  father,  was  also  detained.  Toward 
night,  one  of  the  white  hunters  having  been  shot  by  an 
unknown  Indian,  the  soldiers  raised  a  cry,  'kill  the  red  dogs 
in  the  fort,'  and  immediately  carried  their  bloody  thought 
into  execution,  the  commander  endeavoring,  though  almost 
unheeded,  to  dissuade  them  from  their  purpose.  Corn- 
stalk fell  pierced  by  seven  musket  balls,  and  his  son  and 
Red  Hawk  mel  the  same  fate.  Cornstalk  saw  his  assas- 
sinators coming,  and  met  them  at  the  door  of  the  hut  in 
which  he  was  confined,  his  arms  folded  upon  his  massive 
chest  and  his  whole  mien  expressing  a  magnificent  stoi- 
cism. This  was  by  no  means  the  only  shameful  act  of 
treachery  on  the  part  of  the  whites.  The  murder  very 
naturally  aroused  an  intense  feeling  of  hatred  for  the 
whites  throughout  the  Shawnee  division,  and  was  the 
cause  of  much  future  bloodshed." 

For  more  than  forty  years  after  the  return  and  reunion 
of  the  tribe,  1750,  it  was  engaged  in  almost  constant  war- 
fare with  the  whites.  They  were  among  the  most  active 
allies  of  the  French  and  sometimes  of  the  British.  After 
the  conquest  of  Canada  by  the  latter,  they  continued 
hostilities  against  the  settlements,  in  alliance  with  the 
Delawares,  until  after  the  successful  campaign  of  Colonel 
Bouquet.  He,  in  1764,  estimated  their  bands  upon  the 
Scioto  to  number  five  hundred  warriors.  They,  took  an 
active  part  against  the  patriots  in  the  war  of  the  Revolu- 
tion and  in  the  Indian  war  that  followed,  continuing  it 
among  the  early  settlers  in  this  State  until  hostilities  were 
terminated  by  the  peace  of  Greenville  in  1795.  These 
Indians  are  specially  distinguished  in  our  national  history. 
They  have  been  variously  called  the  "Bedouins  of  the 

American  wilderness"  and  "the  Spartans  of  the  race," 
from  their  constancy  in  braving  danger  and  enduring  the 
consequences  of  defeat.  They  were  undoubtedly  among 
the  ablest  and  bravest  of  the  red  men  of  the  Ohio  wilder- 


Of  these  there  is  not  much  to  say,  as  they  make  no 
great  figure  in  early  Ohio  history.  The  former  had  their 
headquarters  in  this  State,  near  or  with  the  Wyandots,  in 
the  valleys  of  the  Maumee  and  the  Sandusky.  They 
lived  originally,  so  far  as  is  known,  upon  the  banks  of 
the  Canadian  river  which  retains  their  name  (the  name 
also  of  the  capital  of  the  Dominion),  whence  they  were 
driven  by  the  confederated  Iroquois  and  scattered  west- 
ward and  southward  along  both  shores  of  Lake  Erie. 
Their  chief  seats  were  far  away  on  the  south  shore  of 
Lake  Superior,  where  they  became  a  powerful  tribe,  and, 
though  remote,  were  exceedingly  troublesome  to  the 
whites.  Pontiac,  hero  of  the  famous  conspiracy  of  1763, 
was  an  Ottawa  chief,  and  his  tribe  was  foremost  in  the 
meditated  mischief.  -They  were  the  last  of' the  greater 
tribes  to  succumb  U^  the  po\\:/r  of  the  whites. 

uiib  td' the  poWr 
;was  were  also  an 

The  ChippewaS  were  also  an  important  and  numerous 
people,  having  their  tribal  centre  in  the  far  north,  even 
beyond  the  Ottawas,  in  the  Lake  Superior  region.  There 
they  were  principally  known  as  Ojibways  or  Ojibbeways, 
and  were  the  first  Indians  met  in  that  country  by  the 
French  missionaries  and  explorers  about  1640.  They 
are  an  Algonquin  tribe,  and  were  formerly  all  well-de- 
veloped, fine-looking  fellows,  expert  hunters,  brave  war- 
riors, and  fond  of  adventure.  They  are  still  but  little 
given  to  agriculture;  yet  some  members  of  the  tribe  have 
proved  susceptible  of  considerable  education.  "George 
Copway,"  "Peter  Jones,"  "Edward  Cowles,"  and  perhaps 
others  of  the  tribe,  have  been  reputable  writers  and  speak- 
ers upon  matters  concerning  their  people.  In  Ohio  they 
occupied  lands  on  the  south  shore  of  Lake  Erie,  most  of 
which  they  surrendered  in  1805,  and  the  remainder  in 
1817.  They  were  much  engaged  in  hostilities  against 
the  settlers,  but  joined  in  the  peace  of  Greenville,  and 
gave  no  serious  trouble  afterwards  until  the  second  war 
with  Great  Britain,  when  they  were  again  hostile,  but 
joined  in  the  general  pacification  of  the  tribes  the  year 
after  it  closed. 

Not  much  is  recorded  in  Ohio  history  of  the  Mingos, 
who  are  by  some  supposed  to  be  identified  with  the 
Shawnees.  They  are  known  separately,  however,  as 
residing  in  considerable  number  about  "Mingo  Bottom," 
on- the  Ohio,  below  Steubenville,  and  to  some  extent  in 
the  Scioto  valley.  Here  their  most  famous  leader,  Tah- 
gah-jute,  or  Logan,  though  himself  the  son  of  a  Cayuga 
chief,  chose  his  home,  as  before  noted,  among  a  cluster 
of  the  Shawnee  towns  on  the  Pickaway  plains,  his  own 
residence  being  at  "Old  Chillicothe,"  now  Westfall. 
It  was  in  this  neighborhood  that  Logan  gave  Colonel 
Gibson  the  substance  of  his  famous  address  to  Lord  Dun- 
more,  and  at  Charlotte,  on  the  other  side  of  the  river, 
that  Dunmore's  campaign  of  1774  came  to  a  peaceful  end. 
They  are  believed,  unlike  the  Shawnees,  to  have  been 
an  offshoot  of  the  Iroquois  family.      It  may  here  be  noted 



that  the  Ohio  tribes  seem  to  have  Hved  in  general  friend- 
liness, and  that  some  of  their  lands  were  frequently  com- 
rnon  or  neutral  territory,  in  which  the  tribes  intermixed 
at  pleasure,  outside  of  the  tracts  claimed  as  peculiarly 
the  property  of  each.  Hence  they  became  more  or  less 
commingled,  and  in  the  Scioto  valley,  and  elsewhere  in 
the  State,  when  the  first  definite  knowledge  of  the  Ohio 
Indians  was  obtained,  not  only  the  Mingos  and  Shaw- 
nees,  and  the  Shawnees  and  Miamis,  but  also  the  Wyan- 
dots,  Delawares,  and  others  were  found  residing  amicably 


The  people  of  southwestern  Ohio  are  chiefly  interested 
in  the  story  of  the  Miami  Indians,  although  they  occu- 
pied but  a  comparatively  small  tract  in  this  State,  their 
habitat  being  mainly  between  the  Miami  country  and  the 

The  famous  Miami  chief.  Little  Turtle,  however,  thus 
outlined  the  former  boundaries  of  his  tribe,  in  the  great 
council  at,Greenville,  in  1795  :  "My  forefather  kindled 
the  first  fire  at  Detroit;  from  thence  he  extended  his 
lines  to  the  headwaters  of  the  Scioto;  from  thence  to  its 
mouth ;  from  thence  down  the  Ohio  to  the  mouth  of  the 
Wabash;  and  from  thence  to  Chicago,  on  Lake  Michigan. 
These  are  the  boundaries  within  which  the  prints  of  my 
ancestors'  houses  are  everywhere  to  be  seen."  The  nar- 
ratives of  the  early  French  explorers  singularly  confirm 
the  statements  of  the  Indian  orator.  They  found  the 
Miamis  here  and  there  upon  the  territory  thus  defined, 
and  not  anywhere  else. 

They  were  of  the  Algonquin  stock,  and  Charlevoixj  in 
1 72 1,  wrote  that  there  was  no  doubt  they  were  not  long 
before  identified  with  the  Illinois,  the  hereditary  and 
most  formidable  enemies  of  the  Iroquois,  and  the  first 
Indians  encountered  by  Father  Marquette  in  his  voyage 
down  the  Mississippi.  They  included  the  Ouiatenon  or 
Wea  tribe  of  Indiana,  the  Peanguichia  or  Piankeshaw, 
the  Pepikokia,  Kilatak,  and  other  tribes  or  bands.  In 
Ohio,  however,  they  were  known  in  but  three  sepa- 
rate tribes — the  Miamis  proper,  occupying  the  territory 
drained  by  the  Maumee;  the  Piankeshaws,  south  of  the 
former,  and  mainly  between  the  Wabash  and  the  Miami 
rivers;  and  the  Twigtwees  (by  which  name  all  the  Miamis 
have  sometimes  been  designated),  still  south  of  them, 
and  likewise  on  the  Wabash  and  Miami  rivers,  *vvhere 
they  had  invited  the  Shawnees  to  settle  among  them  and 
aid  in  resisting  the  incursions  of  the  Iroquois.  The 
Hon.  Albert  Gallatin  wrote  in  his  Indian  Tribes:  "In 
the  year  1684,  in  answer  to  the  complaint  of  the  French 
that  they  had  attacked  the  Twigtwees  or  Miamis,  the 
Five  Nations  assigned  as  one  of  the  causes  of  the  war 
that  the  Twigtwees  had  invited  into  their  country  the 
'Satanas'  [the  Shawnees]  in  order  to  make  war  against 
them."  There  was  another  and  probably  related  tribe 
toward  the  headwaters  of  the  Miamis,  called  Pickawil- 
lanies  or  Picts,  who  had  a  well  known  village  called 
Pickawillany,  where  was  also  an  English  fort  established 
in  1748,  and  marked  on  maps  of  that  period  as  "the 
extent  of  the  English  settlements." 

The  Miamis  were  found  by  the  French  in   1658  as  far 

to  the  northwest  as  Green  bay,  and  AUouez  fell  in  with 
a  large  village  of  them  in  1670,  at  the  head  of  Fox 
river.  Ten  years  afterward  La  Salle  found  them  in  con- 
siderable number  upon  the  St.  Joseph's  river,  in  south- 
western Michigan,  which  was  called  from  them  the  River 
of  the  Miamis.  They  also  frequented  the  region  about 
Chicago,  but  had  retired  from  both  these  districts  when 
Cadillac,  commandant  at  Detroit,  marched  against  them 
in  1707.  By  1721  they  had  returned  to  the  St.  Joseph's 
and  were  also  on  the  Miamis,  and  were  subsequently 
found,  in  their  various  bands,  scattered  through  the  Ohio 
and  Indiana  country  before  mentioned  as  their  home. 
They  joined  in  the  conspiracy  of  Pontiac,  and  captured 
the  British  forts  Miami  and  St.  Joseph's ;  but  during  the 
Revolution  sided  with  England,  and  made  peace  only 
after  the  successful  expedition  of  George  Rogers  Clark, 
in  which  some  of  their  towns  were  devastated.  They 
continued  hostilities  against  the  settlers  at  intervals,  how- 
ever, and  were  the  main  instruments  of  the  disastrous 
defeats  sustained  by  Generals  Harmar  and  St.  Clair,  in 
1790-91.  They  were  led  in  these  actions  by  their  most 
renowned  chief,  Meche  Cunnaqua,  or  "Little  Turtle," 
who  is  remembered  by  persons  still  living  as  a  noble 
looking  specimen  of  the  sons  of  the  forest,  and  other- 
wise a  superior  Indian.  He  was  present,  but  not  com- 
manding, at  the  defeat  of  the  savages  by  "Mad  Anthony 
Wayne"  in  1794,  and  advised  strongly  against  going  into 
action.  He  is  reported  to  have  said  on  this  occasion: 
"We  have  beaten  the  enemy  twice;  we  cannot  expect 
always  the  same  good  fortune.  The  Americans  are  now 
led  by  a  chief  who  never  sleeps.  The  day  and  the  night 
are  alike  to  him.  I  advise  peace."  He  was  one  of  the 
chiefs  who  signed  the  treaty  of  Greenville,  and  was  faith- 
ful to  it,  never  taking  the  war  path  thereafter.  He  died 
thirty  years  afterwards,  at  Fort  Wayne,  of  gout,  induced 
by  too  generous  living  among  his  white  friends.  Mr. 
E.  D.  Mansfield,  who  saw  Little  Turtle  at  his  father's 
house  early  in  the  century,  mentions  him  in  his  Personal 
Memories  as  "this  most  acute  and  sagacious  of  Indian 
statesmen,  and  a  polished  gentleman.  He  had  wit, 
humor,  and  intelligence.  He  was  an  extensive  traveller, 
and  had  visited  all  parts  of  the  country,  and  became 
acquainted  with  many  distinguished  men.  He  had  seen 
and  admired  General  Washington."  Colonel  John  Johns- 
ton, long  Indian  agent  in  Ohio,  has  also  put  on  record 
his  high  appreciation  of  Little  Turtle's  qualities  of  mind 
and  character.  For  many  years  after  the  peace  of  Green- 
ville, in  which  they  bore  full  part,  they  gave  the  whites 
little  trouble  and  rapidly  declined  as  a  tribe.  By  sundry 
treaties  between  this  time  (1795)  and  1809  they  ceded 
their  lands  between  the  Wabash  and  the  Ohio  State  line, 
beyond  which  they  do  not  seem  to  have  claimed  the 
territory,  or,  if  claimed,  the  claim  was  not  allowed  them. 
They  refused  to  join  in  the  hostile  alliance  proposed  by 
Tecumseh,  but  their  sympathies  were  finally  enlisted 
against  the  Americans  in  the  War  of  1812,  and  they 
attacked  a  detachment  of  General  Harrison's  army  sent 
among  them  under  Lieutenant  Colonel  Campbell.  De- 
feated in  this  action,  they  again  sued  for  peace,  and  a 
final  treaty  was  concluded  with  them  September  8,  1815. 



They  had  become  much  addicted  to  drunkenness  and 
violence,  and  their  numbers  decreased  fast.  They  are 
now  more  nearly  extinct  than  any  other  great  Indian 
nation  of  their  day. 

The  first  settlers  of  Hamilton  county  confronted  prin- 
cipally the  Twigtwees  or  Miamis.  We  shall  presently 
consider  the  character  of  their  intercourse,  and  rehearse 
some  of  the  thrilling  stories  of  Indian  massacre  in  this 


In  the  year  1811  the  following  fragments  of  tribes 
were  enumerated  or  estimated  as  still  remaining,  with 
the  numbers  stated,  in  the  northwest  corner  of  the  State 
— that  part  as  yet  unpurchased  from  the  Indians:  Shaw- 
nees,  seven  hundred;  Ottawas,  five  hundred  and  fifty; 
Wyandots,  three  hundred;  Senecas,  two  hundred;  Dela- 
wares  and  Miamis,  two  hundred.  An  aggregate  was 
thus  made  up  of  but  one  thousand  nine  hundred  and 
seventy;  and  the  number  continually  decreased  until 
their  ultimate  removal.  The  Shawnees  were  then  resid- 
ing about  the  headwaters  of  the  Auglaize  and  the  Great 
Miami  rivers,  the  Ottawas  principally  on  Lake  Erie,  the 
Wyandots  on  the  Sandusky,  and  the  little  bands  of  the 
Senecas,  Delawares,  and  Miamis  on  the  same  river  and 
its  tributary  streams. 



Long  after  the  occupancy  by  the  Mound  Builders 
ceased,  but  nearly  a  century  and  a  half  before  that  of 
the  red  man  had  closed  in  all  parts  of  Ohio,  came  in  the 
claim  of  the  French  to  possession.  The  daring  explora- 
tions of  that  renowned  discoverer,  Robert  Cavalier  de  La 
Salle,  included,  it  is  rather  hesitatingly  said,  a  journey 
from  Lake  Erie  to  the  southward,  over  the  portage  to  the 
Allegheny  river,  and  thence  down  the  Ohio  to  the  falls  at 
the  present  site  of  Louisville.  Upon  this  reputed  dis- 
covery was  based  the  claim  of  France  to  domination  of 
the  territory  thus  traversed  by  her  courageous  knight- 
errant;  and,  although  it  was  somewhat  feebly  disputed  by 
Great  Britain,  the  title  was  held  good  until  the  treaty  of 
Paris,  in  1763,  when  it,  together  with  the  title  to  all  the 
rest  of  "New  France"  northwest  of  the  Ohio,  was  vested 
in  the  British  Empire.  The  Revolutionary  war,  culmi- 
nating in  the  peace  convention  concluded  at -Paris  in 
1783,  transferred  the  ownership  thereof  to  the  new  Amer- 
ican Republic. 


Upon  the  arrogant  assumption  that  their  prowess  had 
subjected  all  the  territory  between  the  oceans,  the  Iro- 
quois, or  Six  Nations,  included  in  their  claim,  as  we  have 
seen,  the  present  State  of  Ohio.  The  treaty  of  Fort 
Stanwix,  October  22,  1784,  in  which  the  Indians  were 
represented  by  the  famous  chiefs,  Cornplanter  and  Red 

Jacket,  and  Congress  by  its  commissioners,  Oliver  Wolcott, 
Richard  Butler,  and  Arthur  Lee,  finally  extinguished  this. 
In  January  of  the  next  year  the  treaty  of  Fort  Mcintosh, 
negotiated  by  General  George  Rogers  Clark,  General 
Richard  Butler,  and  Arthur  Lee,  for  the  Government, 
and  the  chiefs  of  the  Delaware,  Wyandot,  Ottawa,  and 
Chippewa  Indians,  fixed  the  boundary  of  their  tribal 
territories  along  the  Cuyahoga  river  and  the  main 
branch  of  the  Tuscarawas,  to  the  fork  of  the  latter  near 
Fort  Laurens,  and  thence  westwardly  to  the  portage  be- 
tween the  headwaters  of  the  Great  Miami  and  the  Miami 
of  the  Lakes  (later  the  Maumee),  down  that  stream  to  the 
lake,  and  thence  along  the  south  shore  to  the  mouth  of 
the  Cuyahoga.  Similar  limitations  for  the  Ohio  tribes 
were  prescribed  by  the  treaty  of  Fort  Finney,  concluded 
with  the  Shawnees  at  the  mouth  of  the  Great  Miami, 
within  the  present  tract  of  Hamilton  county,  January  31, 
1786,  by  Generals  Butler,  Clark,  and  Parsons;  by  that  of 
Fort  Harmar,  arranged  by  Governor  Arthur  St.  Clair,  Jan- 
uary 9,  1789;  and  the  treaty  of  Greenville,  August  3,  1795. 
Subsequent  treaties  and  purchases  extinguished  all  re- 
maining Indian  titles  in  the  State. 


For  some  time  before  the  close  of  the  Revolutionary 
war,  and  thereafter,  the  States  of  Massachusetts,  Connec- 
ticut, and  New  York  laid  claims,  under  the  old  colonial 
grants,  to  parts  of  the  territory  now  occupied  by  the  com- 
monwealth of  Ohio.  Virginia  went  further,  and  claimed 
the  whole,  as  included  in  her  title  to  all  the  land  north- 
west of  the  Ohio,  holding,  she  asserted,  under  the  colo- 
nial charters  granted  by  King  James  I  in  1608,  1609,  and 
161 1,  and  by  right  of  conquest  by  General  Clark  in  1778 
and  1779.  The  conflicting  claims  were  composed  with- 
out serious  trouble.  New  York  led  the  way,  May  i, 
1782,  in  ceding  her  rights  therein  to  the  United  States. 
Virginia  followed  in  a  deed  of  cession,  March  17,  1784, 
reserving,  however,  for  grants  to  her  Revolutionary  sol- 
diers, what  has  since  been  known  as  the  "Virginia  Mili- 
tary District,"  between  the  Scioto  and  Little  Miami  rivers. 
Massachusetts  came  next,  in  a  resolution  of  November 
13,  1784,  authorizing  her  delegates  in  Congress  to  cede 
to  the  United  States  all  her  lands  west  of  New  York 
State.  Connecticut  closed  the  acts  of  cession  in  Sep- 
tember, 1786,  by  relinquishing  all  her  claims  west  of  the 
Western  Reserve.  This  grant  was  fitly  characterized  by 
the  late  Cliief  Justice  Chase  as  "the  last  tardy  and  re- 
luctant sacrifice  of  State  pretensions  to  the  common 


to  the  lands  of  Ohio  were  all  derived,  primarily,  from 
the  General  Government.  It  was  a  condition  in  the 
terms  of  admission  of  Ohio  as  a  State  into  the  Federal 
Union,  that  the  fee  simple  to  all  lands  within  her  bor- 
ders, especially  those  previously  sold  or  granted,  should 
vest  in  the  United  States.  Under  this  stipulation,  and 
by  earlier  grants  or  sales,  divers  companies,  corporations, 
and  persons  have  acquired  title  by  grant  or  sale  from  the 
General  Government.  An  unusual  diversity,  indeed,  for 
a  western  State,  has  prevailed   in  this  matter,  as  will  be 



seen  by  the  list  of  the  most  important  classes  into  which 
the  lands  of  Ohio  are  divided:  Congress  Lands,  United 
States  Military  Lands,  the  Virginia  Military  District,  the 
Western  Reserve,  the  Fire  Lands,  the  Ohio  Company's 
Purchase  on  the  Muskingum,  Symmes'  Purchase  (or 
the  Miami),  the  Donation  Tract,  the  Refugee  Tract,  the 
French  Grant,  Dolerman's  Grant,  Zane's  Grant,  Canal 
Lands,  Turnpike  Lands,  Maumee  Road  Lands,  School 
Lands,  College  Lands,  Ministerial  Lands,  Moravian 
Lands,  and  Salt  Sections.  The  history  of  some  of  these 
is  highly  interesting;  but  it  cannot  be  detailed  here. 
The  lands  belonging  to  the  present  county  of  Hamilton 
more  immediately  concern  us.  They  belong,  for  the 
most  part,  to  what  is  famous  in  Ohio  land  history  as  the 
Miami  or  Symmes  Purchase,  in  part  also  to  the  class 
designated  as  Congress  Lands,  and  in  part  to 


That  portion  of  Hamilton  county  lying  east  of  the 
Little  Miami  river,  being  the  township  of  Anderson,  is 
included  among  the  Virginia  Military  lands.  The  Gen- 
eral Assembly  of  the  Old  Dominion,  at  the  session  of 
October  20,  1783,  passed  an  act  authorizing  its  delegates 
in  Congress  to  convey  to  the  United  States  all  the  right 
and  title  of  that  commonwealth  to  the  territory  northwest 
of  the  Ohio  river.  Congress  agreed  to  accept  this  ces- 
sion, with  the  stipulations  that  this  vast  tract  should  be 
formed  into  States  containing  each  a  suitable  amount  of 
territory,  and  that  the  States  so  formed  should  be  dis- 
tinctly Republican,  and  admitted  members  of  the  Federal 
Union,  having  the  same  rights  of  sovereignty  and  free- 
dom as  the  other  States.  On  the  seventeenth  of  March 
following,  the  Hons.  Thomas  Jefferson,  Arthur  Lee, 
James  Monroe,  and  Samuel  Hardy,  the  Virginian  dele- 
gates in  Congress,  conveyed  to  the  United  States  "all 
right,  title,  and  claim,  as  well  as  of  jurisdiction,  which  the 
said  commonwealth  hath  to  the  territory,  or  tract  of 
country,  within  the  limits  of  the  Virginia  charter,  situate, 
lying,  and  being  northwest  of  the  river  Ohio."  The  act 
of  cession  contained,  however,  the  following  reservations: 

That  in  case  the  quantity  of  good  land  on  the  southwest  side  of  the 
Ohio,  upon  the  waters  of  Cumberland  river,  and  between  the  Great 
and  Tennessee  rivers,  which  have  been  reserved  by  law  for  the  Virginia 
troops  upon  Continental  establishment,  should,  from  the  North  Carolina 
line,  bearing  in  further  upon  the  Cumberland  lands  than  was  expected, 
prove  insufficient  for  these  legal  bounties,  the  deficiency  should  be  made 
up  to  the  said  troops  in  good  lands,  to  be  laid  off  between  the  rivers 
Scioto  and  Little  Miami,  on  the  northwest  side  of  the  river  Ohio,  in 
such  proportions  to  them  as  have  been  engaged  to  them  by  the  laws  Of 

The  land  embraced  in  this  reservation  constitutes  the 
Virginia  Military  district  in  Ohio,  and  is  composed  of  the 
counties  of  Adams,  Brown,  Clinton,  Clermont,  Highland, 
Fayette,  Madison,  and  Union,  and  portions  of  Scioto, 
Pike,  Ross,  Pickaway,  Franklin,  Delaware,  Marion, 
Hardin,  Logan,  Clark,  Greene,  Champaign,  Warren, 
and  Hamilton  counties. 

Congress  passed  an  act  authorizing  the  establishment 
of  the  reservation,  and  its  location  as  defined  by  the  leg- 
islature of  Virginia,  upon  the  report  of  the  executive  of 
that  State  that  the  suspected  deficiency  of  good  lands 
upon    the   waters    of  the    Cumberland  actually  existed. 

The  Virginia  soldiers  of  the  Continental  line,  who 
served  in  the  Revolutionary  war,  were  compensated  in 
bounty  awards  out  of  these  lands  according  to  their  rank, 
time  of  service,  and  other  bases  of  claim.  The  course  pur- 
sued in  locating  and  patenting  the  bounty  lands  was  as 
follows  :  The  Secretary  of  War  made  to  the  Executive 
of  Virginia  a  return  of  the  names  of  such  officers 
and  soldiers  as  were  by  the  State  law  entitled  to  them, 
and  the  governor  issued  warrants  to  the  same.  When 
these  were  located,  a  return  of  the  surveys  was  made  to 
the  Secretary  of  State  of  the  United  States,  the  warrant 
was  returned  to  the  Virginia  land  office  whence  it  issued, 
and  a  patent  signed  by  the  President  obtained,  which 
vested  full  ownership  in  the  patentee  or  his  grantees. 
When  it  was  found,  as  often  happened,  that  a  survey  in- 
cluded land  previously  located,  the  holder  of  the  warrant 
was  permitted  to  vacate  his  survey,  or  a  part  of  it,  and 
locate  his  warrant  elsewhere.  This  provision,  however, 
did  not  obviate  much  subsequent  litigation,  which  is  now 
mostly  quieted.  Dr.  Drake,  in  his  Picture  of  Cincinnati, 
pubHshed  181 5,  remarks  that  the  interfering  claims,  up 
to  that  time,  had  "  seldom  produced  litigation,"  which  is 
a  pleasant  thing  to  remember,  in  view  of  the  troubles 
that  arose  afterwards.  Not  only  the  soldier  primarily 
entitled  to  the  warrant,  but  any  heir  or  assignee  of  his, 
was  entitled  to  location.  Large  numbers  of  these  warrants 
came  into  the  hands  of  the  early  surveyors  and  settlers,  as 
General  Nathaniel  Massie,  Duncan  McArthur,  Mr.  Sulli- 
vant,  and  others,  and  were  by  them  used  in  securing  vast 
and  valuable  tracts  in  the  district.  The  names  of  these 
gentlemen  appear  very  frequently  as  original  owners  upon 
the  maps  of  the  townships  and  counties  now  lying  within 
its  territory;  and  some  of  them  are  in  the  list  of  original 
owners  in  Anderson  township,  which  will  be  given  in  the 
history  of  that  division  of  the  county. 

On  the  same  day  on  which  the  act  was  passed,  Richard 
C.  Anderson,  a  colonel  in  the  Federal  army,  was  appoint- 
ed surveyor  for  the  Continental  line,  by  the  officers 
named  in  the  act  and  authorized  to  make  such  appoint- 
ment as  they  saw  fit.  He  opened  his  office  at  Louisville, 
for  entries  upon  the  Kentucky  lands,  on  the  twentieth  of 
July,  1784.  When  the  Kentucky  grant  was  exhausted, 
he  opened  another  office — in  Chillicothe  we  believe — for 
entries  in  the  Ohio  tract.  He  held  this  position  up  to 
the  time  of  his  death  in  October,  1826;  and  during  the 
long  period  of  his  incumbency  faithfully  discharged  its 
onerous  duties.  His  son-in-law,  Allen  Latham,  esq.,  of 
Chillicothe,  was  appointed  surveyor  some  time  after  Col- 
onel Anderson's  death,  and  opened  his  office  in  the  town 
named  in  July,  1829.  The  office  is  still  held  in  that 
place  by  one  of  the  surveyors  under  Latham,  now  the 
venerable  E.  P.  Kendrick,  esq.,  though  its  duties  have 
become  little  more  than  nominal.  He  has  held  the  post, 
under  Presidential  appointment,  for  nearly  forty  years. 
The  district  was  originally  surveyed  with  extreme  irregu- 
larity, no  such  thing  as  section  or  range  lines  being 
recognized,  and  warrants  being  located  according  to  the 
eligibility  of  the  lands  or  the  taste  or  fancy  of  the  pro- 
prietor. Nothing  like  ranges  or  townships  was  laid  off 
until  the  work  was  done  by  the  county  commissioners  in 



the  several  counties,  when  it  became  necessary  to  erect 
townships  for  civil  purposes.  Hence  the  irregular  shape 
and  utter  want  of  uniformity  in  size  of  most  of  the  town- 
ships in  the  Military  District. 


In  this  division,  by  far  the  largest  known  to  the  history 
of  land  titles  in  this  State  or  the  country  at  large,  belongs 
all  the  territory  in  Hamilton  lying  west  of  the  Great  Mi- 
ami river,  viz.:  Whitewater,  Harrison,  and  Crosby  town- 
ships. The  immense  tract  of  which  these  are  part  was 
surveyed  and  put  into  market  at  first  by  direct  sales  from 
the  Treasury  Department  of  the  Government,  as  soon  as 
practicable  after  the  passage  of  an  ordinance  by  Congress 
to  that  effect,  in  1785,  when  the  several  States  claiming 
ownership  had  all  made  deeds  of  cession  to  the  United 
States  and  the  title  had  been  cleared  and  perfected  by 
Indian  treaties.  By  this  ordinance  the  initial  steps  of 
the  survey  were  directed  to  be  taken  by  the  "Geographer 
of  the  United  States,"  an  official  ■  personage  of  no  little 
importance,  considering  his  talents  and  character  and  the 
extraordinary  work  he  did,  but  whom  history  seems 
strangely  to  have  neglected.  A'  well  directed  attempt 
has  been  made  by  Colonel  Charles  Whittlesey,  of  Cleve- 
land, to  rescue  the  name  and  services  of  this  useful  public 
officer  from  oblivion;  and  we  take  pleasure  in  presenting 
here  in  full  his  note  upon  the  subject: 

An  office  was  created  by  the  Continental  Congress  about  the 
middle  of  the  Revolution,  called  the  "Geographer  of  the  United 
States."  Its  purpose  is  not  now  fully  understpod,  but  appears  at  first 
to  have  been  military.  The  Government,  and  especially  the  army, 
needed  a  bureau  of  charts  and  of  geographical  knowledge,  such  as  all 
civilized  governments  have,  but  of  which  it  was  then  destitute. 

At  the  opening  of  the  American  rebellion  Thomas  Hutchins,  of 
the  colony  of  New  Jersey,  was  a  captain  in  the  Si.\tieth  Regiment  of 
Foot,  which  was  raised  in  the  colonies,  forming  one  of  the  battalions 
known  as  the  "Royal  Americans."  This  regiment  constituted  part  of 
Colonel  Bouquet's  command  in  the  expeditions  of  1763  and  1764,  into 
the  Ohio  country  against  the  Indians  who  lived  upon  the  Muskingum 
river.  Hutchins  appears  to  have  been  a  well  educated  man.*  Bouquet 
made  him  engineer  to  the  e-xpedition,  and  in  pursuance  of  this  duty  he 
surveyed  and  measured  the  route  day  by  day,  after  it  moved  west  of 
Pittsburgh.  He  was  one  of  those  frontier  characters  who  combine 
fearlessness,  intelligence,  and  a  love  of  adventure,  of  whom  there  were 
at  that  time  quite  a  number  in  the  British  army.  Hutchins  kept  a 
journal  of  the  march,  with  a  map  of  the  route  showing  the  position  of 
each  encampment,  which  was  published  at  Philadelphia  in  1765,  by  the 
historian  of  the  expedition,  the  Rev.  William  Smith,  of  Philadelphia. 
While  in  the  Ohio  country,  he  conceived  the  plan  of  settling  it  by  mili- 
tary colonies,  as  the  best  mode  of 'securing  peace  with  the  Indians. 
The  scheme  was  at  the  same  time  brilliant  and  practical. 

At  the  outbreak  of  the  Revolution  Captain  Hutchins  was  in  Lon- 
don, where  he  was  soon  afterwards  suspected  by  the  British  agents  of 
being  in  communication  with  Benjamin  Franklin  at  Paris.  He  was  put 
in  prison,  and  his  fortune,  amounting  to  about  forty  thousand  dollars, 
confiscated.  In  1778  he  succeeded  in  reaching  Savannah  in  Georgia, 
and  was  soon  after  made  "Geographer"  to  the  Confederation.  There 
is  very  little  information  in  regard  to  his  functions  until  the  new  govern- 
ment had  achieved  its  independence,  and  in  1784  acquired  title  to  the 
western  lands.  By  the  ordinance  of  May  20,  1785,  the  geographer  is 
directed  to  commence  the  survey  of  Government  lands  on  the  north 
side  of  the  Ohio  river  where  the  west  line  of  Pennsylvania  should  cross 
the  same.  An  east  and  west  base  line  was  to  be  run  thence  westerly 
through  the  territory,  which  Mr.  Hutchins  was  required  to  superintend 
in  person  and  to  take  the  latitude  of  certain  prominent  points,  espe- 
cially the  mouths  of  rivers.  Longitude  on  land  was  not  then  attainable, 
for  want  of  proper  instruments. 

*  He  was  author  of  the  book   cited  in  Chapter  I  of  this  volil 
a  unique   description  of  the    Great  and  Little  "Miueanii"  rive 

,  from  which 

To  that  day  the  surveys  of  all  countries  had  been  made  on  a  base 
line  determined  arbitrarily  by  roads,  rivers,  mountains,  or  coasts.  The 
most  simple  of  all  modes,  that  of  north  and  south  and  east  and  west 
lines,  had  never  entered  the  minds  of  mathematicians;  or,  if  it  had, 
had  never  been  reduced  to  practice.  The  plan  provided  for  in  the 
ordinance  of  1785  is  no  doitbt  the  invention  of  Mr.  Hutchins,  which 
was  foreshadowed  in  his  scheme  for  military  settlements,  promulgated 
in  1765. 

By  this  original  mode  of  laying  out  land,  the  township  lines  were  to 
be  run  in  squares,  on  the  true  meridian,  six  miles  apart,  and  at  right 
angles,  east  and  west,  parallel  to  the  equator.  Within  these  squares 
the  lots  or  sections  are  laid  out,  also  in  squares,  thirty-six  in  number, 
of  one  mile  on  a  side,  each  containing  six  hundred  and  forty  acres. 
All  our  Government  lands  have  been  surveyed  on  that  plan,  from  that 
day  to  this.  Each  section  and  township  throughout  this  vast  space  is 
so  marked  as  to  be  distinguished  from  any  other.  Wherever  the  corner 
and  witness  trees  are  standing,  whoever  visits  them  can  at  once  deter- 
mine the  latitude  and  longitude  of  his  position,  and  the  distance  from 
each  base  and  meridian  line. 

"Hutchins,  as  geographer,  had  power  to  appoint  surveyors,  who 
were  first  to  run  the  lines  of  seven  ranges  of  townships,  next  west  of 
the  Pennsylvania  line,  from  the  Ohio  river  to  the  forty-first  parallel 
north  latitude.  It  was  accomplished  during  the  years  1786-7,  among 
hostile  Indians,  who,  notwithstanding  the  land  had  been  ceded  to  the 
United  States,  were  wholly  opposed  to  the  occupation  by  white  men. 
Colonel  Harmar's  battalion,  stationed  on  the  Ohio  and  Alleghany 
rivers,  was  required  to  do  duty  in  the  woods  as  a  guard  with  the  sur- 
veyors.    Otherwise  the  lines  could  not  have  been  run. 

While  Hutchins  was  zealously  engaged  in  this  work,  having  his 
office  at  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania,  he  was  called  away  from  it  by 
death  early  in  the  year  1788.  The  office  of  geographer  expired  with 
him.  Its  duties  were  fora  time  transferred  to  the  Treasury  department 
and  eventually  tlie  office  of  "Surveyor  General  of  the  Public  Lands" 
was  created.  Very  little  is  known  of  the  private  history  ot  this.tnodest 
patriot  of  the  Revolution.  Probably  he  left  no  descendants.  The 
office  he  held  during  nearly  the  entire  existence  of  the  Continental 
Congress  was  a  very  important  one,  requiring  a  high  order  of  mathe- 
matical talent,  physical  energy,  and  personal  courage.  As  the  author  of 
the  best  system  of  public  surveys  now. known,  his  name  should  in  some 
way  be  made  more  conspicuous  in  our  annals.  Even  the  place  where 
his  remains  were  interred,  has  passed  into  forgetfulness.  From  his  first 
journey  in  Ohio  with  Colonel  Bouquet,  he  foresaw  and  predicted  that  it 
would  become  a  populous  country.  He  lived  barely  long  enough  to 
see  his  favorite  scheme  of  colonization  commenced  at  Marietta  by  the 
soldiers  of  the  Revolution. 

The  office  of  "Surveyor-Generalof  the  Public  Lands" 
was  created  by  Act  of  Congress  May  18,  1796,  his  duties 
at  first  being  confined  to  the  Northwestern  Territory,  but 
including,  after  the  purchase  of  Louisiana,  all  the  public 
domain  west  of  the  Mississippi  and  north  of  the  thirty- 
third  parallel  of  latitude.  He  appointed  and  instructed 
his  own  deputies,  by  whom  the  field  surveys  were  exe- 
cuted. General  Rufus  Putnam,  one  of  the  Ohio  com- 
pany, and  a  pioneer  at  Marietta,  was  the  first  surveyor- 
general  (1796),  and  his  successors,  during  about  half  a 
century  after  the  creation  of  the  office,  were  Jared  Mans- 
field, 1803;  Josiah  Meigs,  1813;  Edward  Tiffin,  1814; 
William  Lytle,  1829;  Micajah  T.  Williams,  1831;  Robert 
G.  Lytle,  1835,  and  Ezekiel  S.  Haines,  1838.  The 
office  was  at  first  kept  in  Marietta,  but  was  removed  to 
Ludlow's  station,  near  Cincinnati,  in  1805,  by  Mr.  Mans- 
field, and  was  afterwards  for  a  long  time  kept  in  Cincin- 
nati. Very  important  work  was  done  in  the  surveys  by 
this  gentleman.  He  was  of  English  stock,  his  ancestors 
in  this  country  settling  at  Boston  in  1634,  and  at  New 
Haven  five  years  thereafter.  He  was  a  graduate  of  Yale 
college,  and  a  thorough  scientist  for  his  day.  Hon.  E. 
D.  Mansfield,  his  son,  in  his  "Personal  Memories,"  ex- 
presses the  opinion  that  he  was  the   only  man  appointed 



to  public  office  solely  on  the  ground  of  his  scientific  at- 
tainments. He  was  appointed  by  President  Jefferson 
while  a  teacher  at  the  West  Point  Military  academy,  in 
1803,  more  particularly  to  establish  meridian  lines,  for 
want  of  which  some  of  the  surveys  had  gone  sadly  astray 
and  made  much  trouble.  After  waiting  some  time  for 
the  importation  of  necessary  instruments  which  could 
not  then  be  procured  on  this  side  of  the  Atlantic,  he  es- 
tablished three  principal  meridians  in  Ohio  and  Indiana, 
which  have  since  been  among  the  fixed  bases  of  the  sur- 
veys. General  Mansfield  retained  the  office  until  1813, 
when  he  resigned,  and  after  some  engineering  duty  for 
the  Government,  resumed  his  professorship  at  West 
Point,  which  he  retained  for  fifteen  years. 
.  The  land-office  was  established  in  Cincinnati  under  the 
law  of  1800,  creating  the  Cincinnati  Land  district  and 
establishing  the  offices  of  register  and  receiver.  Similar 
offices  were  opened  by  the  Government  in  Marietta, 
Steubenville,  and  Chillicothe.  Before  this  time  the 
Congress  lands  had  been  sold  only  in  tracts  of  a  section 
or  more  each.  When  William  Henry  Harrison,  after- 
ward President  Harrison,  became  the  first  delegate  of  the 
Northwestern  Territory  in  Congress,  he,  feeling  the  obsta- 
cle presented  by  this  provision  to  the  rapid  settlement  of 
the  country,  secured  the  passage  of  the  law  of  1800, 
which,  among  other  enactments,  directed  a  portion  of 
the  public  lands  to  be  subdivided  and  sold  in  tracts  of 
three  hundred  and  twenty  acres,  or  a  half  section.  The 
working  of  this  beneficent  provision  was  so  satisfactory 
that,  by  a  subsequent  act,  the  subdivisions  were  offered 
in  lots  of  one  hundred  and  sixty  acres  each,  at  two  dol- 
lars per  acre,  on  a  credit,  if  asked,  of  five  years.  Finally, 
at  the  instance  of  Senator  Rufus  King,  of  New  York,  a 
law  was  passed  for  the  offer  of  eighty  acre  tracts  as  the 
minimum,  and  the  price  was  reduced  from  two  dollars  to 
one  dollar  and  twenty-five  cents  per  acre,  which  has  since 
been  the  standard  rate.  Under  the  credit  system,  how- 
ever, admitted  by  the  acts  of  1800  and  subsequently,  an 
immense  and  most  burdensome  debt  was  created  by  the 
settlers  on  Congress  lands.  In  1820  it  was  ascertained 
that  the  amount  due  from  purchasers  at  the  western  land 
offices  aggregated  twenty-two  millions  of  dollars — a  sum 
believed  to  exceed  the  total  volume  of  money  then  cir- 
culating in  the  Western  States,  and  one  far  beyond  the 
ability  of  the  delinquent  settlers  to  pay.  If  Congress 
should  grant  no  relief  and  the  laws  be  enforced,  nine- 
tenths  of  theai  would  be  ruined  by  the  loss  of  their  land 
and  improvements.  It  was  a  time  of  great  financial  de- 
pression. Money  could  not  be  had,  and  no  property 
could  be  sold  for  cash.  Over  half  of  the  settlers  north 
of  the  Ohio  were  indebted  to  the  Government,  and  the 
feeling  among  them  and  their  sympathizers  in  the  south- 
western States  was  such  that  there  was  imminent  danger 
of  civil  war  if  the  Government  should  rigidly  claim  its 
own.  Extension  of  time  for  payment  would  bat  increase 
the  obligations  and  postpone  the  evil  day;  and  it  was 
seen  that  no  practicable  way  was  to  be  had  out  of  the 
difficulty,  except  by  the  prompt  and  utter  extinguishment 
of  the  debt  as  an  act  of  generosity  and  policy  on  the 
part  of  the  Government.     In  this  exigency  a  conference 

of  a  number  of  leadmg  business  and  professional  citizens 
of  Cincinnati  resulted  in  the  preparation  by  Judge  Bur- 
net— who  has  left,  in  substance,  this  history  of  the  trans- 
action— of  a  memorial  to  Congress  setting  forth  the  facts 
in  the  case.  A  thousand  copies  of  this  were  speedily 
printed  and  sent,  with  a  letter  of  explanation  and  instruc- 
tion, to  every  city,  village,  and  post  office  in  the  States 
and  territories  where  public  lands  were  then  sold.  In  a 
comparatively  short  time  they  began  tO|  come  back  in 
lar-ge  numbers,  and  very  numerously  signed.  A  copy 
sent  to  Mr.  Worthington,  then  governor  of  the  State,  se- 
cured his  approval  and  influence  in  reaching  the  object 
of  the  movement.  At  the  next  session  of  Congress  the 
memorials  were  sent  in,  the  desk  of  every  western  mem- 
ber and  delegate  being  literally  covered  with  them  ;  and 
an  act  was  consequently  passed  granting  the  desired  re- 
lief. Under  it  the  delinquent  purchaser  received  in  fee 
simple  so  much  of  the  land  he  had  entered  as  he  had 
paid  for,  and  had  the  privilege  of  relinquishing  so  much 
as  he  had  not  paid  and  could  not  pay  for.  If  anything 
had  been  paid  upon  tracts  relinquished,  it  might  be  cred- 
ited upon  tracts  retained,  so  as  to  save  important 
improvements.  The  settler  was  further  reheved  by  this 
most  beneficent  enactment,  in  the-release  of  all  the  back 
interest  held  by  the  Government  against  him.  At  the 
same  session,  in  1821,  the  King  act  before  referred  to,  in 
relation  to  the  public  lands,  was  also  passed. 

Originally,  in  the  survey  and  sale  of  Congress  lands,  it 
was  proposed  to  reserve  one-seventh  of  the  lands  surveyed 
for  the  purpose  of  bounties  to  certain  of  the  Continental 
troops;  but  this  plan  was  presently  abandoned,  in  favor 
of  the  grant  of  an  entire  tract  in  the  central  part  of  the 
State,  containing  one  million  five  hundred  and  sixty 
thousand  acres,  and  including  the  whole  of  the  present 
county  of  Coshocton  and  parts  of  nine  other  counties. 
Four  sections  in  each  township  were,  however,  reserved 
for  future  sale  by  the  Government,  and  one  section  was 
set  apart  in  each  for  the  maintenance  of  the  public 

The  public  territory  immediately  west  of  the  Great 
Miami-was  surveyed  in  1799  and  the  following  year,  and 
the  first  sales  under  the  act  of  Congress  putting  it 
into  the  market  were  held  at  the  newly  established  land, 
office  in  Cincinnati,  under  direction  of  the  receiver,  Gen- 
eral James  Findlay,  beginning  the  first  Monday  in  April, 
1801;  and  were  by  public  vendue.  The  minimum  price, 
as  before  mentioned,  was  fixed  by  the  act  at  two  dollars 
an  acre.  Not  much  more  than  this  was  commonly  bid. 
Jeremiah  Butterfield  and  associates,  for  example,  by  the 
bid  of  ten  cents  per  acre  more  than  the  minimum,  se- 
cured two  thousand  acres  along  the  river,  in  the  north 
part  of  this  county,  and  south  part, of  Butler,  which  is 
among  the  finest  land  in  the  Miami  country,  and  is  to-day 
worth  at  least  two  hundred  thousand  dollars.  Five  per 
cent  of  the  purchase  money  was  to  be  deposited  at  the 
time  of  purchase,  and  to  be  forfeited  if  an  additional  sum 
making  the  whole  amount  equivalent  to  one-fourth  of  the 
price  were  not  paid  within  forty  days  after  the  sale.  An- 
other fourth  must  be  paid  within  two  years;  the  next 
within  three;    and  the  final  installment,   with  all  accu- 



mulated  interest,  within  four  years  from  the  day  of  sale. 
The  land-office  was  kept  in  Cincinnati  for  many  years, 
or  until  the  sales  of  Congress  lands  within  its  jurisdiction 
were  very  nearly  completed.  Colonel  Israel  Ludlow  was 
the  first  register,  and  General  Findlay  first  receiver.  The 
line  of  registers  was  continued  by  Charles  Killgore,  Daniel 
Symmes  (who  was  appointed  after  the  expiration  of  his 
term  as  judge  and  served  till  near  the  time  of  his  death, 
May  lo,  1 817),  and  Peyton  S.  Symmes,  who  had  his  office 
in  1819  at  the  corner  of  Lawrence  and  Congress  streets, 
while  General  Findlay,  still  receiver,  had  his  at  30  North 
Front  street,  "in  the  hotel."  The  latter  Symmes  held 
the  post  for  many  years — so  lately  as  1833,  at  least.  Of 
the  names  of  receivers  after  Findlay,  we  have  only 
those  of  Andrew  M.  Bailey,  who  was  receiver  in  1829; 
Morgan  Neville,  receiver  in  1831,  and  probably  for  some 
years  before  and  after;  and  of  Thomas  Henderson,  who 
was  appointed  July  28,  1838. 


Congress,  by  its  early  compact  with  the  people,  sug- 
gested in  the  ordinance  of  1785,  and  embodied  in  the 
act  of  1802,  by  which  Ohio  became  a  State,  gave  them 
one  thirty-sixth  part  of  the  public  domain  northwest  of 
the  Ohio  river  for  the  education  of  their  children.  The 
lands  set  apart  for  this  purpose,  in  this  State,  at  least, 
were  often  appropriated  by  squatters,  and  through  un- 
wise, careless,  and  sometimes  corrupt  legislation,  the 
squatters  were  actually  vested  with  a  proprietorship  with- 
out consideration.  Mr.  Atwater,  in  his  history  of  Ohio, 
says:  "Members  of  the  legislature  not  unfrequently  got 
acts  passed  and  leases  granted,  either  to  themselves,  to 
their  relatives,  or  to  their  warm  partisans.  One  senator 
contrived  to  get  by  such  acts  seven  entire  sections  of 
land  into  either  his  own  or  his  children's  possession." 
From  1803  to  1820  the  general  assembly  spent  much 
time  every  session  in  passing  acts  relating  to  these  lands, 
without  advancing  the  cause  of  education  to  any  appre- 
ciable extent.  In  1821  the  house  of  representatives  in 
the  State  legislature  appointed  five  of  its  members — 
Messrs.  Caleb  Atwater,  author  of  the  history  just  cited, 
Lloyd  Talbot,  James  Shields,  Roswell  Mills,  and  Josiah 
Barber — a  committee  on  schools  and  school  lands.  This 
committee  in  due  time  made  a  report  rehearsing  the 
wrong  management  of  the  school  land  tract  on  behalf  of 
the  State,  and  warmly  advocating  the  establishment  of  a 
system  of  education  and  the  adoption  of  measures  which 
would  secure  for  the  people  the  exercise  of  the  rights 
which  Congress  intended  they  should  possess.  In  com- 
pliance with  the  recommendation  of  the  committee,  the 
governor  of  the  State,  in  May,  1822,  having  been  so 
authorized  by  the  legislature,  appointed  seven  commis- 
sioners of  schools  and  school  lands,  viz.:  Caleb  Atwater, 
the  Revs.  John  Collins  and  James  Hope,  D.  D.,  Nathan 
Guilford,  Hon.  Ephraim  Cutler,  Hon.  Josiah  Barber,  and 
James  M.  Bell,  esq.  The  reason  why  seven  persons 
were  appointed  was  because  there  were  as  many  descrip- 
tions of  school  lands  in  the  State — i.  e.,  section  num- 
bered sixteen  in  every  township  of  the  Congress  lands 
and  in  Symmes'  Purchase,  and  a  similar  proportion  in  the 

Virginia  Military  District,  the  Ohio  Company's  Purchase, 
the  Refugee  lands,  and  the  Connecticut  Reserve.  For 
the  three  different  grants  represented  in  the  lands  of 
Hamilton  county  the  commissioners  were:  For  the  Mil- 
itary lands,  Mr.  Bell;  for  the  Congress  lands,  Mr.  Col- 
lins; for  the  Symmes  Purchase,  Mr.  Guilford.  The 
commission  of  seven  was  finally  reduced,  by  various 
causes,  to  three  members,  Messrs.  Atwater,  Collins,  and 
Hoge,  who  performed  the  arduous  duties  incumbent 
upon  them  with  little  remuneration  and  (at  the  time)  few 
thanks,  though  posterity  has  not  been  wholly  unmindful 
of  their  valuable  services.  Mr.  Guilford,  of  Cincinnati, 
always  a  warm  friend  of  education  and  an  active  pro- 
moter of  the  public  school  interest,  though  his  name  may 
not  much  appear  in  the  later  transactions  of  the  commis- 
sion, was  specially  prominent  and  influential  in  its  forma- 
tion and  earlier  work. 

The  legislature  of  1823  adjourned  without  having 
taken  any  definite  action  upon  the  report  presented  by 
the  commission;  but  during  the  summer  and  autumn  of 
the  next  year  the  subject  of  the  sale  of  the  school  lands 
was  warmly  agitated,  and  the  friends  of  this  measure  tri- 
umphed over  the  opposition  so  far  as  to  elect  large  ma- 
jorities to  both  branches  of  the  general  assembly  in  favor 
of  its  being  made  a  law.  The  quantity  of  land  conse- 
crated to  this  purpose  was  carefully  ascertained,  and 
amounted  in  1825  to  a  little  more  than  half  a  million  of 
acres,  valued  at  something  less  than  a  million  of  dol- 
lars. A  portion  of  these  lands  was  sold  by  the  State 
government,  under  due  authority  of  Congress,  and  the 
remainder  was  leased,  the  avails  of  the  leases  and  sales 
forming  a  part  of  the  present  school  fund  of  the  State. 


The  time  had  come  for  planting  the  foundations  of 
"the  State  first  born  of  the  ordinance  of  1787."  That 
organic  act  had  called  the  attention  of  the  New  World 
to  the  great  fertile  wastes  to  the  north  and  west  of  La 
Belle  Riviere.  The  rich  valleys  and  deep  forests  had 
been  growing  into  knowledge  and  fame  for  more  than  a 
generation,  and  had  even  attracted  the  notice  and 
prompted  the  official  remark  of  members  of  the  British 
government.  In  1 750-1  Christopher  Gist,  as  agent  of 
the  old  Ohio  Land  Company,  which  had  been  organized 
a  year  or  two  before  by  some  Enghshmen,  and  the  Wash- 
ingtons,  Lees,  and  other  Virginians,  accompanied  by 
George  Croghan,  reached  the  Great  Miami  in  his  journey 
across  the  wilderness  country  from  the  present  site  of 
Pittsburgh,  and  explored  its  valley  for  about  a  hundred 
miles  to  its  mouth.  His  companion  had  brought  liberal 
presents  from  Pennsylvania  to  the  Miamis,  and  in 
return  obtained  the  concession  to  the  English  of  the 
right  to  plant  a  fortified  trading  house  at  the  junction  of 
Loramie's  creek  and  the  Miami,  in  the  country  of  the 
Piankeshaws,  the  subsequent  county  of  Shelby — an  en- 
terprise carried  into  effect  the  next  year,  the  stockade 
then  erected  being  considered  the  first  point  of  English 
settlement  in  Ohio.  It  was  taken  by  the  French  and  In- 
dians in  1752,  and  in  1782  was  plundered  and  destroyed 
by  George  Rogers  Clark,  in  his  expedition  against  the 



Miami  towns.  The  soldiers  who  returned  from  these  in- 
cursions, and  particularly  the  Virginians  and  Marylanders 
who  accompanied  Lord  Dunmore  in  his  campaign  to  the 
Scioto  valley  in  1774,  carried  back  glowing  accounts  of 
the  beauty  and  fertility  of  the  virgin  country,  and  pre- 
pared the  way  for  its  subsequent  colonization.  The  Mi- 
ami valleys  were  carefully  inspected  by  Daniel  Boone, 
when  a  captive  among  the  Shawnees  in  1778,  and  by  the 
war  ])arties  led  from  Kentucky  by  Bowman  and  Clark, 
against  the  Indians  on  the  Little  Miami  and  Mad  rivers. 
In  the  autumn  and  winter  of  1785,  scarcely  more  than 
three  years  before  the  permanent  occupancy  began,  Gen- 
eral Richard  Butler,  with  a  company  comprising  Parsons, 
Zane,  Finney,  Lewis,  and  others  who  were  or  became  ce- 
lebrities, voyaged  on  a  tour  of  observation  and  official 
duty  from  Fort  Pitt  (Pittsburgh)  to  the  mouth  of  the 
Great  Miami,  where  they  built  a  fort,  dwelt  for  some 
months,  and  concluded  an  impartial  treaty..  In  the 
years  about  this  time,  1784-5-6,  the  way  was  cleared 
by  Indian  treaties  and  Congressional  legislation  — 
specially  by  the  ordinance  of  May  20,  1785,  providing 
for  the  survey  and  sale  of  the  public  lands — for  the  set- 
tlement of  southern  Ohio.  The  more  renowned  ordi- 
nance of  July  13,  1787,  erecting  the  Northwest  Territory, 
and  certain  minor  measures  adopted  by  Congress  at  the 
same  session,  granting  authority  to  the  Government 
"board  of  treasury"  to  contract  for  the  sale  of  the  lands 
thus  opened  to  civilization,  completed  the  preliminaries 
necessary  to  regular  and  permanent  settlement.  A  be- 
ginning of  this  was  promptly  made  the  next  year,  as  is 
well  known,  by  the  settlement  of  the  Ohio  Company, 
mainly  New  Englanders,  under  the  leadership  of  General 
Rufus  Putnam,  upon  their  purchase  at  and  about  the 
mouth  of  the  Muskingum,  where  they  founded  Marietta, 
named  from  the  hapless  Marie  Antoinette,  at  that  time 
queen  of  France. 

Among  those  who  had  been  attracted  by  a  visit  to  the 
Miami  country  was  one  Captain  (or  Major)  Benjamin 
Stites,  of.  Redstone,  Old  Fort,  now  Brownsville,  Pennsyl- 
vania, who  was  the  prime  mover  in  the  inception  of  the 
Miami  Purchase.  Stites  is,  indeed,  the  real  hero  of  the 
Purchase,  as  regards  the  original  conception  of  it.  He 
was,  like  many  of  the  first  colonists  in  the  tract,  a  native 
of  New  Jersey,  born  at  Scotch  Plains,  Essex  county. 
While  still  young  he  emigrated  to  western  Pennsylvania 
and  settled  on  Ten  Mile^ creek,  in  the  present  county  of 
Green.  Here  he  became  a  captain  in  the  militia,  and 
took  an  active  part  in  the  frontier  struggles  with  the  In- 
dians. In  the  spring  of  1787  he  descended  the  Ohio 
from  Redstone  with  a  trading  venture,  in  the  shape  of  a 
flat-boat  loaded  with  flour,  whiskey,  and  other  wares 
adapted  to  the  river  market  of  that  day,  and  floated 
down  to  Limestone,  or  Limestone  Point,  now  Maysville, 
Kentucky.  Here  his  sales  had  small  success,  and  he 
pushed  with  his  goods  into  the  interior  at  Washington,  a 
few  miles  back,  where  he  had  better  fortune.  While 
here  the  Indians  came  upon  a  marauding  expedition  into 
the  neighborhood,  and  ran  off  some  horses,  taking  other 
property  with  them.  Stites  was  a  man  of  great  strength 
and  courage,  and  accustomed  to  Indian  warfare.      He  at 

once  volunteered  to  go  with  a  party  in  pursuit.  It  was 
speedily  raised,  and  he  hastened  with  it  across  the  coun- 
try on  the  Indian  trail  until  the  river  was  reached,  below 
where  Augusta  now  stands,  when  they  kept  the  Kentucky 
shore  down  to  a  point  opposite  the  mouth  of  the  Little 
Miami.  Here  it  was  ascertained  that  the  red  robbers 
had  made  a  raft  and  crossed  with  their  booty,  evidently 
striking  for  their  towns  in  the  Miami  country.  The 
whites  likewise  made  a  raft,  crossed  themselves  and  their 
horses,  and  pursued  the  enemy  to  the  vicinity  of  Old 
Chillicothe,  a  few  miles  north  of  Xenia,  near  the  head- 
waters of  the  Little  Miami,  which  it  was  deemed  prudent 
not  to  approach  closely,  and  the  expedition  retraced  its 
steps.  The  return  through  the  valley  was  made  more 
leisurely,  and  Stites  had  the  better  opportunity  to  observe 
its  beauty  and  fertility.  Before  recrossing  the  Ohio  he 
had  decided  to  come  back  to  the  valley  with  a  colony, 
and  make  a  permanent  settlement.  The  idea  of 
the  Miami  Purchase,  in  its  rude  outlines  at  least,  was 
born  in  his  sagacious  mind.  He  closed  his  business  at 
Washington  as  soon  as  possible  and  returned  to  his  fam- 
ily. Some  time  afterwards  he  went  to  New  Jersey  for 
means  with  which  to  accomplish  his  intents;  and  there, 
at  Trenton,*  met  him  whose  name  was  to  be  forever  more 
conspicuously  identified  with  the  memory  of  the  Pur- 
chase than  his,  the  active  agent  in  the  prosecution  and 
consummation  of  the  enterprise — Judge  John  Cleves 

Judge  Symmes  held  at  this  time  an  influential  position 
as  a  member  of  Congress  from  the  State  of  New  Jersey. 
This  celebrated  Ohio  pioneer  was  born  Iul;^2i,  1742, 
at  Riverhead,  Long  Island,  the  oldest  son  of  the  Rev. 
Timothy  and  Mary  (Cleves)  Symmes.  In  early  life  he 
was  engaged  in  teaching  and  land-surveying.  He  went 
to  New  Jersey  some  time  before  the  war  of  the  Revolu- 
tion, in  which  he  bore  an  active  and  honorable  part — 
was  chairman  of  the  Sussex  county  Committee  of  'Safety 
and  colonel  of  a  militia  regiment  in  1774,  and  took  his 
regiment  in  March,  1776,  to  New  York,  and  buill  fortifica- 
tions, and  was  afterwards  in  the  battle  of  Saratoga.  He 
was  presently  elected  delegate  to  the  New  Jersey  State 
convention,  and  helped  to  draft  the  State  constitution. 
During  the  remainder  of  the  war  he  performed  important 
military  and  civil  services.  In  his  own  State  he  was  suc- 
cessively lieutenant-governor,  member  of  the  council,  and 
twelve  years  a  judge  of  the  supreme  court;  and  was  for  two 
years  a  member  of  the  Continental  Congress.  February 
19,  1788,  he  was  elected  by  Congress  one  of  the  judges 
of  the  Northwest  Territory.  He  was  thrice  married,  his 
last  wife  being  a  daughter  of  Governor  Livingston,  of 
New  Jersey,'  He  had  two  daughters  as  his  sole  offsping, 
one  of  whom,  Maria,  married  Major  Peyton  Short,  of 
Kentucky,  and  the  other,  Annie,  became  the  consort  of 
General  William  H.  Harrison.  '  He  was  the  founder  of 
North  Bend  and  South  Bend,  upon  the  Purchase  secured 
by  himself  and  colleagues,  and,  after  a  long  and  useful 

*  We  here  follow  the  narrative  of  Dr.  Ezra  Ferris,  of  Columbia,  af- 
terwards of  Lawrenceburgh,  Indiana,  in  his  communication  to  the  Cin- 
cinnati Daily  Gazette oi  July  20,  1844.  The  common  statement  is  that 
Stites  met  Judge  Symmes  in  New  York,  during  tlie  session  of  Congress. 


but  troubled  life,  he  died  at  Cincinnati  February  26, 
1814.  In  his  later  years  he  became  so  straitened  in 
circumstances  that  he  was  compelled  to  assign  his 
property  to  his  sons-in-law.  Some  further  notice  of 
Judge  Symmes,  including  a  copy  of  his  remarkable  will, 
may  be  found  hereafter  in  the  annals  of  Cincinnati.  He 
is  fitly  called  by  Mr.  Cist,  author  of  numerous  booksand 
miscellaneous  writings  upon  Cincinnati  and  early  local 
history,  "the  patriarch  of  the  Miami  wilderness,"  "the 
William  Penn  of  the  West,"  "the  Columbus  of  the 
woods."  The  compiler  of  Annals  of  the  West  has  neatly 
applied  to  him  the  words  (with  slight  variation)  of  R.  J. 
Meigs'  poem,  pronounced  at  Marietta  during  the  Fourth 
of  July  celebration  of  1788  : 

To  him  glad  Fancy  brightest  prospect  sliows, 
Rejoicing  Nature  all  around  Iiim  glows; 
Where  late  the  savage,  hid  in  ambush,  lay, 
Or  roamed  the  uncultured  valleys  for  his  prey. 
Her  hardy  gifts  rough  Industry  extends, 
The  groves  bow  down,  the  lofty  forest  bends. 
Arid  see  the  spires  of  towns  and  cities  rise. 
And  domes  and  temples  swell  unto  the  skies. 

To  Judge  Symmes  Major  Stites,  probably  for  the  sake, 
mainly,  of  Symmes'  influence  in  Congress  and  with  the 
officers  of  fhe  Government,  proposed  the  purchase,  for 
themselves  and  their  associates,  of  a  large  body  of  land 
in  the  Miami  country,  the  first  eligible  tract  west  of  the 
Ohio  company's  purchase  and  the  Virginia  Military  reser- 
vation. Symmes  is  said  to  have  visited  the  land  of 
promise,  with  five  companions,  no  doubt  in  the  summer 
of  1787,  before  deciding  upon  the  proposal;  and  on  his 
return  began  operations  in  his  own  name  by  the  following 
memorial : 
To  his  excellency,  the  President  of  Cotigfess: 

The  petition  of  John  Cleves  Symmes,  of  New  Jersey,  sboweth: 
I'hat  your  petitioner,  encouraged  by  the  resolutions  of  Congress  of  the 
twenty-third  and  twenty-se\'enth  of  July  last,  stipulating  the  condition 
of  a  transfer  of  Federal  lands  on  the  Scioto  and  jMuslcingum  rivers 
unto  Winthrop  Sargent  and  Manasseh  Cutler,  esqrs. ,  and  their  asso- 
ciates of  New  England,  is  induced,  on  behalf  of  the  citizens  of  the 
United  States  westward  of  Connecticut,  wlio  also  wish  to  become  pur- 
chasers of  Federal  lands,  to  pray  that  the  honorable  the  Congress  will 
be  ]3leased  to  direct  that  a  contract  be  made  by  the  Ironorable  the 
coiiimissioners  of  the  treasury  board  with  your  petitioner,  for  himself 
and  his  associates,  in  all  respects  similar  in  form  and  matter  to  tlie  said 
grant  made  to  Messrs.  Sargent  and  Cutler,  differing  only  in  quantity 
and  place  where,  and,  instead  of  two  townships  for  the  use  of  a  uni- 
versity, that  one  only  be  assigned  for  the  benefit  of  an  academy;  that 
by  such  transfer  to  your  petitioner  and  his  associates,  on  their  comply- 
ing with  the  terms  of  the  sale,  the  fee  may  ]Dass  of  all  the  lands  lying 
within  the  following  limits,  viz;  Beginning  at  the  mouth  of  the  Great 
Miami  river,  thence  running  up  the  Ohio  to  the  mouth  of  the  Little 
Miami  river,  thence  up  the  main  stream  of  the  Little  Miami  river  to 
the  place  where  a  due  west  line,  to  be  continued  from  the  western 
termination  of  the  northern  boundary  line  of  the  grant  to  Messrs.  Sar- 
gent, Cutler  &  Company  shall  intersect  the  said  Little  Miami  river, 
llience  due  west,  continuing  the  said  western  line,  to  the  place  where 
the  said  line  shall  intersect  the  main  branch  or  stream  of  the  Great 
Miami  river,  thence  down  the  Great  Miami  to  the  place  of  beginning. 
[Signed]  John  C.  Symmes. 

New  York,  August  29,  1787. 

This  was  the  same  day,  as  a  letter  of  the  next  June 
from  the  treasury  commissioners  shows,  when  a  favorable 
act  of  Congress  was  passed,  in  regard  to  contracts  for 
the  pubHc  lands.  Another  act,  of  similar  character,  was 
passed  on  the  twenty-third  of  October,  authorizing  the 
board  of  treasury  to  contract   with  anyone  for  tracts  of 

not  less  than  a  million  acres  of  western  lands  in  a  single 
purchase,  the  front  of  which  on  the  Ohio,  the  Wabash, 
or  other  river,  shall  not  exceed  one-third  the  depth.  Un- 
der this,  as  we  shall  see.  Judge  Symmes  presently  sub- 
mitted a  second  proposal.  His  associates  in  this  under- 
taking were  a  number  of  friends  of  his,  mostly,  if  not  all, 
Jerseymen,  and  a  number  of  whom  had  been  fellow- 
officers  in  the  Revolution.  Chiefly  notable  among  them 
was  Captain  Jonathan  Dayton,  also  a  delegate  in  Con- 
gress from  New  Jersey,  and  subsequently  speaker,  under 
the  constitution,  of  the  house  of  representatives,  and  the 
gentleman  from  whom  Dayton,  Ohio,  was  named.  He 
was  the  principal  mouthpiece  of  the  association  (called 
the  "East  Jersey  Company")  in  the  long  and  complica- 
ted correspondence  and  negotiations  with  Symmes  which 
ensued.  Their  scheme  looked  to  the  acquisition  of  two 
millions  of  acres,  which,  in  the  imperfect  knowledge  then 
had  of  the  country,  was  supposed  to  be  included  within 
the  limits  designated,  though  the  survey  ultimately 
showed  but  about  six  hundred  thousand  acres  there. 
Symmes  drew  up  a  plan  for  the  management  and  dis- 
posal of  the  vast  estate  they  expected  to  acquire,  which 
was  approved  by  his  associates.  His  petition  had  been, 
on  the  second  of  October,  as  an  endorsement  upon  it 
states,  referred  to  the  board  of  treasury  to  take  order. 
The  "board  of  treasury"  was  a  small  body  of  Govern- 
•ment  officials,  representing  the  treasury  department,  and 
entrusted  with  the  power  of  disposal  of  the  public  lands, 
which  was  afterwards  vested  in  the  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury,  and  finally  in  the  general  land  office.  The 
reference  of  Symmes'  petition  to  Congress  to  the  board 
"to  take  order"  gave  them  discretionary  power  in  the 
premises;  and  they  presently  agreed  to  negotiate  the 
sale  to  Symmes  and  his  associates. 

Meanwhile,  so  confident  was  the  judge  of  the  success 
of  his  application,  that  he  soon  began  to  advertise  the 
lands  and  make  conditional  grants  thereof.  On  the 
twenty-sixth  of  November,  1787,  he  issued  at  Trenton, 
in  pamphlet  form,  "Terms  of  Sale  and  Settlement  ot 
Miami  Lands,"  a  sort  of  elaborate  circular  addressed  "to 
the  respectable  public."  In  this  the  advantages  of  the  new 
country  are  suitably  set  forth.  The  price  of  the  lands 
offered  is  fixed  for  the  present  at  sixty-six  and  two-thirds 
cents;  but,  "after  the  first  of  November  next,  the.  price 
of  the  lands  will  be  one  dollar  per  acre,  and  after  the 
first  day  of  November  next  [ensuing],  the  price  will  rise 
higher,  if  the  country  is  settled  as  fast  as  is^xpected." 
The  certificates  raised  by  this  augmentation  in  the 
price  shall  be  applied  towards  the  making  of  roads  and 
bridges  in  the  purchase.  One  penny  proclamation,  or 
the  ninetieth  part  of  a  dollar,  per  acre,  in  specie  or  bills 
of  credit  of  the  States  of  New  York,  New  Jersey,  or 
Pennsylvania,  must  be  paid  by  the  purchaser  at  the  time 
of  purchasing  the  land- warrant.  This  fee  of.  one  penny 
per  acre  is  to  defray  the  expense  of  surveying  the  country 
into  townships  and  lots,  agreeably  to  the  land  ordinance. 
And  one  farthing  proclamation,  or  the  three  hundred  and 
sixtieth  part  of  a  dollar,  per  acre,  in  specifti  ar  paper 
money  aforesaid,  to  be  paid  by  the  purchaser  to  defray 
the  expense  of  printing   the    land-warrants,    purchasing 



proper  books  for  record,  accommodating  and  paying  the 
register  for  his  services  in  attending  to  the  recording  of 
entri-es,  and  other  incidental  charges  which  will  necessa- 
rily accrue.  It  was  further  expressly  stipulated  as  to  "al' 
purchasers  of  lands  from  the  said  John  Cleves  Symmes, 
within  his  grant  from  the  United  States,  of  lands  lying 
between  the  Great  and  Little  Miami  rivers,  that  if  the 
locator  (purchaser)  shall  neglect,-for  two  years,  after  loca- 
tion entered,  to  make  a  settlement  on  every  section 
which  he  or  they  may  have  located,  or  to  settle  some 
other  persons  thereon,  or  in  some  station,  who  shall  con- 
tinue to  improve  the  same  for  seven  years,  in  such  case 
one-sixth  part  of  every  such  neglected  section  or  quarter- 
part  of  a  section,  to  be  taken  off  in  a  regular  square  at 
the  northeast  corner,  shall  be  forfeited,  and  shall  revert 
back  to  the  register  for  the  time  being,  in  trust  so  far  as 
to  authorize  him  to  grant  the  same  gratis  to  any  volun- 
teer settler  who  shall  first  make  application  to  the  register 
thereof;  and  the  register  shall  proceed  to  make  out  a 
deed  to  such  volunteer  settler  for  such  forfeited  sixth 

In  this  prontinciamento  Symmes  reserved  to  himself 
the  entire  township  lowest  in  the  neck  between  the  Ohio 
and  the  Great  Miami,  and  the  three  fractional  parts  of 
townships  north,  west,  and  south  between  that  and  the 
rivers.  These  he  would  pay  for  himself,  and  lay  out  "a 
handsome  town  plat "  thereon.  It  was  here,  evidently, 
that  the  judge  expected  to  locate  the  future  metropolis  of 
the  Ohio,  and  where,  indeed,  he  did  made  his  pioneer 
settlement.  The  tract  reserved  included  what  afterwards 
became  Miami,  Green,  and  Delhi  townships,  in  Hamilton 
county.  He  also  proposed  an  appropriation  or  reserva- 
tion, for  the  benefit  of  an  academy  or  college,  of  one  full 
township,  to  be  laid  off  as  nearly  opposite  to  the  mouth 
of  the  Licking  river  as  an  entire  township  might  be 
found  eligible  in  respect  to  soil  and  situation. 

Mr.  Symmes  likewise  began  the  issue  of  certificates  or 
"Miami  land  warrants,"  the  first  of  which,  date  of  De- 
cember 17,  1787,  authorizing  the  location  of  six  hundred 
and  forty  acres  in  the  Purchase,  was  issued  to  Mayor' 
Stites,  and  seems  to  have  been  used  by  him  "at  the  point 
betwixt  the  mouth  of  the  Little  Miami  and  the  Ohio  in 
the  pint,"  in  securing  the  tract  upon  which  he  after- 
wards set  down  the  first  stakes  of  Columbia.  Stites  does 
not  appear  in  the  history  of  the  Purchase  thereafter,  ex- 
cept as  a  pioneer  settler  and  prominent  citizen  at  Colum- 
bia. He  had,  however,  a  liberal  arrangement  with 
Symmes,  by  which  he  was  entitled  to  locate  ten  thousand 
acres  in  the  Purchase,  as  near  as  might  be  about  the 
mouth  of  the  Little  Miami.  These,  however,  as  we  shall 
see,  he  was  in  imminent  danger  of  losing  some  time  after, 
by  the  determined  effort  made  to  compel  Symmes  to  fix 
his  eastern  boundary  upon  a  line  drawn  northeastward 
from  a  point  on  the  Ohio  twenty  miles  above  the  mouth 
of  the  Great  Miami. 

On  the  eleventh  of  June  following  Symmes  addressed 
another  letter  to  the  board  of  treasury,  reciting  the  diffi- 
cultier  ^^  had  experienced  in  arranging  credits  with  "the 
late  Jersey  line" — the  soldiers  of  the  New  Jersey  contin- 
gent in  the  war  of  the  Revolution — in  regard  to  their 

bounty  lands,  so-  as  to  help  his  first  payment  on  the  ex- 
pected contract  for  the  Purchase,  and  asking  a  new  con- 
tract "for  a  part  of  the  same  lands  of  one  million  of  acres 
fronting  on  the  Ohio  and  extending  inland  from  the  Ohio 
between  the  Great  Miami  river  and  the  Little  Miami 
river,  the  whole  breadth  of  the  country  from  river  to 
river,  so  far  as  to  include  on  an  east  and  west  rear  line 
one  million  acres,  exclusive  of  the  five  reserved  sections 
in  every  township,  as  directed  in  the  ordinance  of  the 
twentieth  of  May,  1785,  and  that  the  present  grant  be 
made  on  the  principles  laid  down  by  the  resolution  of 
Congress  of  the  twenty-third  of  October  last."  The 
board  now  declined  to  agree  to  these  boundaries,  and  pro- 
posed the  inclusion  of  a  million  of  acres  within  confines 
starting  from  a  point  on  the  Ohio  river  twenty  miles  above 
the  mouth  of  the  Great  Miami,  along  the  courses  of  the 
former  and  following  the  latter,  an  east  and  west  line  on  the 
north,  and  a  line  running  nearly  parallel  with  the  general 
direction  of  the  Miami  to  the  place  of  beginning.  This 
point  was  within  the  present  limits  of  Cincinnati.  Aline 
drawn  northwestward  from  it  would  leave  Stites  and  other 
purchasers  (for  Symmes  continued  to  sell  the  lands  be- 
tween the  Little  Miami  and  that  line)  outside  of  the  Pur- 
chase. More  than  three  years  afterwards — July  19,  1791 
— Governor  St.  Clair  issued  his  proclamation  warning 
against  such  purchases,  and  threatening  ejection  by  the 
officers  of  the  United  States,  at  the  same  time  defining 
the  boundaries  of  the  Purchase  pretty  nearly  as  in  the 
letter  of  the  treasury  board.  Much  annoyance  was 
caused  to  Symmes,  and  much  trouble  and  alarm  to  the 
settlers  of  Columbia  and  elsewhere  on  the  west  side  of 
the  Little  Miami,  by  this  uncertainty  as  to  their  lands; 
but  the  patent  finally  granted  and  fixing  the  Miamis  as 
the  eastern  and  western  limits  of  the  Purchase,  quieted 
and  confirmed  their  titles. 

Shortly  after  the  action  of  the  board  of  treasury  agree- 
ing to  the  proposed  Miami  purchase,  Thomas  Hutchins, 
then  geographer  of  the  United  States,  offered  Israel  Lud- 
low, a  young  surveyor  from  New  Jersey,  an  appointment 
to  survey  the  boundary  of  the  tract,  "being  assured,"  he 
wrote,  "of  your  abilities,  diligence,  and  integrity."  He 
was  also  commissioned  to  survey  the  Ohio  company's 
purchase,  and  received  an  order  from  the  Secretary  of 
War  on  the  frontier  posts  for  sufificient  troops  to  serve  as 
an  escort  into  the  wilderness.  He  accepted  the  appoint- 
ment, and  made  repeated  application  for  escorts  to  Major 
Zeigler  and  Generals  Harmar  and  St.  Clair;  but  without 
success,  on  account  of  the  weakness  of  the  garrisons, 
until  October  21,  1791,  when  St.  Clair  gave  him  a  ser- 
geant and  fifteen  men.  With  these  he  accomphshed  the 
survey  of  the  Ohio  company's  boundaries,  but,  he  writes, 
"with  the  loss  of  six  of  the  escort,  and  leaving  in  the 
woods  all  my  pack-horses  and  their  equipage,  and  being 
obliged  to  make  a  raft  of  logs  to  descend  the  Ohio  as  far 
as  Limestone,  from  opposite  the  mouth  of  the  Great 
Sandy  river."  At  Fort  Washington  he  now  applied  to 
Major  Zeigler,  commandant,  for  an  escort  on  the  Miami 
survey,  but  could  get  none,  and  undertook  the  work,  in 
the  winter  of  1791-2,  with  sin:iply  the  protection  of  three 
woodsmen  to  serve  as  spies  and  give  notice  of  approach- 

\     (" 



ing  danger.  He  Vent  with  these  a  hundred  miles  up  the 
Great  Miami,  through  deep  snow  and  severely  cold 
weather,  during  which  his  men  had  their  feet  frozen  and 
were  unable  to  hunt  for  the  supply  of  the  expedition; 
and  he  consequently  returned.  When  the  season  moder- 
ated, he  made  another  attempt  to  run  the  boundaries, 
with  but  three  armed  men  in  the  party;  but  was  fright- 
ened back  by  signs  of  Indians,  and  was  again  denied  an 
escort  at  J'ort  Washington.  By  May  5,  1792,  Ludlow 
could  only  report  to  the  Government  that  "I  now  have 
the  satisfaction  to  present  to  you  the  whole  of  the  survey 
of  the  Ohio  and  part  of  the  Miami  purchases  executed 
agreeably  to  instructions."  The  full  commission  was, 
however,  finally  executed  by  Colonel  Ludlow,  and  in  good 
shape.  He  was  subsequently  the  surveyor  of  the  original 
site  of  Cincinnati,  in  which  he  was  also  a  joint  proprietor. 

Messrs.  Dayton  and  Marsh,  representing  the  Synimes 
company,  concluded  a  contract  with  the  treasury  com- 
missioners May  15,  1788,  for  two  millions  of  acres,  in 
two  separate  and  equal  tracts.  The  judge  in  July  made 
up  his  mind  to  take  but  one  million-acre  tract,  and,  after 
his  departure  for  the  west,  Dayton  and  Marsh  arranged 
a  new  contract  with  the  Government  for  that  amount  of 
land  between  the  Miamis,  but  its  eastern  boundary  begin- 
ning at  a  Hne  twenty  miles  up  the  Ohio  from  the  mouth 
of  the  Great  Miami.  This  agreement  seems  now  absurd, 
in  the  light  of  knowledge  that  less  than  six  hundred  thou- 
sand acres  are  included  in  the  entire  tract  between  the 
rivers  south  of  a  line  from  the  headwaters  of  the  Little 
Miami  due  west  to  the  other  stream,  and  that,  between 
the  boundaries  now  agreed  upon,  less  than  half  the 
quantity  of  land  was  enclosed  that  had  been  solemnly 
bargained  for. 

On  the  fourteenth  of  July,  1788,  Judge  Symmes  again 
addressed  the  treasury  board,  expressing  his  desire  "to 
adhere  to  the  banks  of  both  Miamis  in  the  boundaries 
of  the  one  million  acres,"  but  asked  permission  to  enter 
the  tract  with  a  party  of  settlers  and  cause  a  survey  to  be 
made  and  an  accurate  map  of  the  country  to  be  prepared, 
"on  which  you  may  delineate  your  pleasure.  Until  we 
have  better  knowledge,"  he  adds,  reasonably  enough,  "I 
conceive  any  further  stipulations  of  boundaries  would  be 
rather  premature."  The  board  made  no  concession, 
however,  and  withheld  the  desired  permission  for  him  to 
enter  upon  the  premises.  Confiding  in  the  ultimate  decis- 
ions of  Congress,  he  nevertheless,  as  Stites  and  other 
purchasers  had  already  started  for  the  Miamis,  and  part 
of  his  own  following  had  been  equipped  and  had  crossed 
the  Delaware  en  route  westward,  set  out  with  a  consider- 
able caravan,  reached  Pittsburgh  August  20th,  and  the 
mouth  of  the  Great  Miami  on  the  twenty-second  of  Sep- 
tember. From  here  he  explored  the  country  as  far  up  as 
the  north  side  of  the  fifth  range  of  townships,  and  re- 
turned to  Limestone,  from  which  he  did  not  set  out  with 
his  party  to.  make  permanent  settlement  at  North  Bend 
until  the  twenty-ninth  of  the  next  January. 

Limestone  was  still  a  small  place.  Only  three  years 
before.  General  Buder,  one  of  the  commissioners  to  ne- 
gotiate treaties  with  the  Indian  tribes,  passed  it  with  a 
large  party,  and  thus  recorded  his  impressions  in  his  diary. 

This  I  think  to  be  a  settlement  of  fine  land,  and  believe  the  people 
will  do  very  well,  provided  they  have  peace.  There  are  about  fifteen 
good  cabins  for  families,  kitchens,  etc.,  included,  and  twenty-five  houses. 
Here  is  a  small  creek,  and  from  here  a  good  wagon-road  to  Lexington 
and  other  places.  The  people  seem  determined  to  defend  themselves; 
every  man  walks  with  his  rifle  in  his  hand,  so  enured  are  they  to  alarm. 
They  are  very  civil,  but  possess  that  roughness  of  manner  so  univer- 
sally attendant  on  seclusion  from  general  society. 

Meanwhile,  though,  the  settlement  of  Columbia  had 
been  made  by  Major  Stites  and  others,  and  surveying 
parties  sent  out  by  Symmes  to  begin  the  survey  of  the 
proposed  Purchase,  a  party  on  each  of  the  Miamis,  each 
to  move  north  to  points  sixty  miles  in  a  straight  line  from 
the  Ohio.  The  Losantiville  (Cincinnati)  colony  had  also 
made  its  settlement  opposite  the  mouth  of  the  Licking. 
The  occupation  of  the  Purchase  had  fully  begun.  Con- 
gress took  alarm  at  the  departure  of  Symmes  before  the 
closing  of  the  business,  fearing  that  he  would  get  posses- 
sion of  the  tract  and  set  the  Government  at  defiance. 
Judge  Burnet,  in  his  Notes  on  the  settlement  of  the 
Northwestern  Territory,  says  a  resolution  was  offered  in 
the  body,  ordering  Colonel  Harmar  to  dispossess  him  and 
pay  the  expenses  of  any  military  operations  thus  made  nec- 
essary, out  of  the  moneys  deposited  for  his  first  payment; 
but  that,  through  the  representations  of  Dr.  Boudinot  and 
Captain  Dayfon,  two  of  his  associates  and  also  members  of 
Congress,  the  message  was  withdrawn.  Certain  it  is,  a  reso- 
lution was  moved  in  Congress  a  month  after  Symmes  left, 
repealing  the  several  acts  of  the  previous  October,  by  which 
the  board  of  treasury  was  authorized  to  contract  for  the 
sale  of  western  territory.  It  was  referred  to  a  commit- 
tee, who  consented  to  waive  their  report  of  the  resolu- 
tion back  with  recommendation  of  its  passage,  upon  the 
intercession  of  the  gentlemen  named,  together  with  Dan- 
iel Marsh,  also  of  the  East  Jersey  association.  These 
persons  urged  its  suppression  mainly  upon  the  ground 
that  Judge  Symmes,  before  departure,  had  completed 
his  first  payment  in  certificates  and  "army  rights,"  and 
that  in  accepting  it  the  United  States  were  as  firmly 
bound  as  if  a  contract  had  been  signed.  They  agreed, 
in  consideration  of  the  failure  to  report  the  resolution,  to 
sign  a  contract  with  the  Government  for  the  Purchase, 
with  the  limits  prescribed  by  the  board  in  the  letter  of 
June  1 6th.  Symmes  had  given  Marsh  a  power  of  attorney 
at  Pittsburgh,  and,  although  technical  objection  was  made 
to  it,  a  tripartite  contract  was  finally  concluded  October  15, 
1 788,*  after  many  difficulties  and  disputes  with  the  treasu- 
ry board,  between  the  board  representing  the  Government 
as  party  of  the  first  part,  Dayton  and  Marsh  as  party  of 
the  second,  and  Symmes  and  his  associates  as  party  of 
the  third  part,  for  one  million  of  acres  in  the  Miami 
country,  to  be  bounded  as  insisted  upon  by  the  commis- 
sioners and  agreed  to  by  Dayton,  Boudinot,  and  Marsh. 

The  contract  stipulated  that  if  Symmes,  of  the  party  of 
the  third  part,  should  neglect  or  refuse  to  execute  it,  the 
same  should  inure  to  the  benefit  of  the  parties  of  the 
second  part,  who,  in  that  case,  covenanted  to  perfect  it 
themselves.  It  was  further  stipulated  that  the  association 
should  have  the  privilege  of  selling  and  locating  as  much 

*  This  instrument  was  not  entered  in  the  official  records  of  Hamilton 
county  until  March  17,  1821. 



of  the  remainder  of  the  Purchase  as  they  chose  to  take 
at  the  contract  price — sixty-six  and  two-thirds  cents  per 
acre,  payable  in  cirtificates  of  Federal  indebtedness. 
These  could  then  be  bought  for  five  shillings  on  the 
pound,  Pennsylvania  currency — so  that  the  original  cash 
price  of  lands  in  the  Miami  Purchase,  paid  by  Syrames  & 
Company  was  but  fifteen  pence,  or  sixteen  and  two- 
thirds  cents  per  acre.  In  pursuance  of  this  provision 
the  community  at  large  was  publicly  invited  to  become 
associated  with  the  company  and  avail  themselves  of  this 
privilege.  The  terms  of  this  offer  bore  a  general  and  in 
some  respects  close  resemblance  to  the  original  "Terms  of 
Sale  and  Settlement,"  issued  at  Trenton  in  November, 
1787.  To  induce  them  to  do  so  without  loss  of  time, 
it  was  stipulated  that  after  the  first  of  May  then  ensuing 
the  price  of  the  land  should  be  one  dollar  "proclamation 
money,"  but  that  it  would  be  still  further  increased  as 
the  settlement  of  the  country  would  justify.  It  was  ex- 
pressly promised  that  all  moneys  received  on  those  sales, 
above  the  Congress  price,  should  be  deposited  with  the 
register  and  expended  in  opening  roads  and  erecting 
bridges  for  the  benefit  of  the  settlements.  It  was  also 
stipulated  that  a  register  should  be  appointed  by  the  as- 
sociates to  superintend  the  location  of  the  land  and  to 
receive  and  apply  the  surplus  money  to  those  purposes. 
This  provision,  however,  was  neglected  by  the  company, 
Mr.  Symmes  himself  acting  practically  as  register,  receiv- 
ing and  using  all  moneys  paid  in  after  as  well  as  before 
the  raising  of  the  price.  '  The  consideration  money  was 
to  be  paid  to  the  parties  of  the  second  and  third  parts  in 
six  semi-annual  equal  instalments,  and  they  were  to  re- 
ceive patents  for  proportionate  parts  of  the  lands.  Pur- 
chasers could  pay  one-seventh  of  the  amount  in  military 
land  warrants,  issued  by  the  Government  to  the  Revolu- 
tionary officers  and  soldiers;  and,  for  the  convenience  of 
those  who  wished  to  do  so,  Colonel  Dayton  was  appointed 
to  receive  such  payments.  Subsequently  the  third  entire 
range  of  townships  in  the  Purchase  was  conveyed  to  Day- 
ton, in  trust  for  persons  holding  these  warrants;  it  hence 
was  called  the  Military  range.  It  is  now  in  Butler 
and  Warren  counties.  Every  locator  was  required  to 
place  himself  or  some  other  person  on  the  land  he 
purchased,  within  two  years  from  entering  his  location, 
or  in  some  station  of  defence,  beginning  improvement 
on  every  tract  if  it  could  be  done  with  safety,  and  con- 
tinuing the  improvement  seven  years,  if  not  disturbed  by 
Indians,  on  penalty  of  forfeiture  of  one-sixth  of  each 
tract.  This  fractional  part  the  register  was  to  lay  off  at 
the  northeast  corner  in  a  regular  square,  and  grant  to  any 
settler  who  should  first  apply  and  perform  the  require- 
ments. The  object  of  this  was  to  secure  actual  inhabi- 
tants, who  would  open  up  the  country,  and  to  make  sure 
of  at  least  one  bona  fide  settler  on  each  section.  The 
tract  thus  held  in  abeyance  was  commonly  called  the 
"forfeiture."  No  register,  as  before  noted,  was  appointed, 
though  the  forfeiture  tracts  were  reserved ;  and  the  busi- 
ness was  otherwise  somewhat  loosely  conducted,  so  that 
it  is  considered  doubtful  whether  any  "forfeiture"  title  in 
the  purchase  was  free  from  incumbrance;  but  when  they 
came  into  litigation,  the  courts  and  juries  took  liberal 

views  of  the  equities  of  the  case  and  sustained  the  settlers. 

Symmes  and  his  associates  were  to  survey  the  Purchase 
at  their  own  expense,  and  adopted  a  plan  which  was  more 
economical  than  accurate.  The  principal  surveyor — at 
first  John  Filson,  and,  after  his  death  at  the  hands  of  the 
Indians,  Colonel  Israel  Ludlow — was  instructed  to  run  a 
line  east  and  west  from  one  Miami  river  to  the  other, 
sufficiently  north  to  avoid  the  bends  of  the  Ohio,  for  a  " 
base  line,  and  to  plant  stakes  every  mile.  The  assistant 
surveyors  were  to  run  meridian  lines  by  compass  from 
each  of  these  stakes,  and  plant  a  stake  at  the  end  of  each 
mile  for  a  section  corner.  Purchasers  were  then  allowed 
to  complete  surveys  by  running  east  and  west  lines  be- 
tween the  corners,  at  their  own  expense.  This  was,  of 
course,  a  very  defective  plan,  and  it  resulted  that  scarcely 
two  sections  could  be  found  in  the  purchase  of  the  same 
shape  or  of  equal  contents.  Some  were  too  narrow, 
others  too  wide.  It  was  doubted  whether  there  was  one 
in  the  entire  tract  of  which  the  corresponding  corners, 
either  on  the  north  or  south  side,  were  in  the  same  east 
and  west  line.  In  some  instances,  says  Judge  Burnet, 
the  corner  on  one  meridian  would  prove  to  be  ten, 
twenty,  and  sometimes  thirty  rods  north  or  south  of  the 
corresponding  corner  on  the  other  meridian.  This  irreg- 
ularity was  very  much  the  subject  of  complaint.  Three 
or  four  years  afterward,  when  many  of  the  sections  had 
been  occupied  and  improved.  Judge  Symmes  adopted  a 
plan  to  remove  the  difficulty,  which  rather  increased  it. 
He  caused  the  meridian  line,  part  of  which  formed  the 
eastern  boundary  of  the  site  of  old  Cincinnati,  to  be  re- 
measured,  and  new  stakes  to  be  set  at  the  terminus  of 
each  mile.  This  line  he  then  declared  to  be  the  stand- 
ard, and  directed  purchasers  and  settlers  to  run  their 
lines  anew  east  and  west  from  these  stakes,  and  re-estab- 
lish their  corners  at  the  points  of  intersection  on  the  me- 
ridians. This  plan,  had  it  been  persisted  in,  would  have 
changed  every  original  corner  in  the  purchase.  Some  of 
the  land  owners  followed  the  judge's  directions,  and 
bounded  their  possessions  by  the  new  lines  thus  estab- 
lished. Much  confusion  and  trouble  resulted;  but  not 
for  a  great  while,  since  a  decision  was  presently  obtained 
from  the  supreme  court  of  the  State,  which  confirmed 
the  old  corners  on  the  ground  that  the  original  surveys 
had  been  made  under  authority  of  an  act  of  Congress 
and  accepted  at  the  treasury  department,  and  were  there- 
fore final  and  obligatory,  and  not  to  be  disturbed  by 
either  party.  The  territorial  lines  of  many  parts  of  Ham- 
ilton county  therefore  remain  to  this  day  exceedingly  un- 
even. The  county  maps  show  its  northern  line,  for  ex- 
ample, about  as  angular,  in  places,  as  a  Virginia  rail  fence. 

About  the  same  time  a  similar  difficulty  arose  as  to 
the  boundaries  of  the  Military  range;  but  in  this  case  also 
the  original  surveys  were  confirmed  by  the  supreme  court. 

In  the  former  case,  as  some  sections  were  too  large 
and  others  too  small.  Judge  Symmes  adopted  a  rule  that 
he  would  pay  the  purchasers  four  dollars  an  acre  for  the 
amount  that  their  land  was  short  of  the  quantity  bar- 
gained for,  and  require  the  payment  of  a  like  sum  per 
acre  for  those  who  had  secured  too  much  by  the  incor- 
rect surveys.     Notwithstanding  all  his  eflbrts  to  obviate 



the  dififiiculties,  however,  they  continued  to  multiply,  re- 
sulting in  much  litigation,  kept  up  in  some  cases  even 
after  the  decision  of  the  supreme  court. 

The  contract  of  October,  1788,  required  the  payment 
of  the  purchase  money  to  be  completed  within  three 
years  after  the  boundary  lines  of  the  entire  tract  had  been 
surveyed  and  plainly  marked  by  the  geographer  of  the 
United  States  or  some  other  person  appointed  for  the 
purpose.  The  last  instalment  fell  due  early  in  1792, 
when  only  the  first  and  part  of  the  second  payment  had 
been  made;  and  so  the  entire  contract  became  liable  to 
forfeiture.  Symmes  had  sold  not  only  in  the  purchase 
as  defined  by  the  contract,  but  also  most  of  the  land  be- 
tween his  east  line  and  the  Little  Miami.  In  the  spring 
of  that  year  he  petitioned  Congress  to  allow  the  altera- 
tion of  the  contract  extending  the  eastern  boundary  to 
that  river,  as  originally  asked.  It  was  fortunately  granted 
by  an  act  of  April  12,  1792,  and  by  this  a  large  number 
of  innocent  purchasers  were  secured  in  the  quiet  posses- 
sion of  their  lands.  It  also  provided  for  the  reservation 
of  fifteen  acres  to  the  Government,  near  the  first  town 
plat  of  Cincinnati,  upon  which  Fort  Washington  was 
afterwards  built.  .  Judge  Symmes  then  petitioned  for  a 
law  authorizing  the  President  to  issue  to  him  a  patent  for 
so  much  of  the  purchase  as  he  had  paid  and  could  pay 
for.  This,  too,  was  allowed  May  5,  1792,  and  two  years 
thereafter  he  visited  Philadelphia,  then  the  seat  of  Gov- 
ernment, settled  with  the  Treasury  department,  found  he 
had  paid  for  two  hundred  and  forty-eight  thousand  five 
hundred  and  forty  acres,  and  received  a  patent  signed  by 
President  Washington  and  dated  September  30,  1794, 
for  three  hundred  and  eleven  thousand  si.x  hundred  and 
eighty-two  acres,  which  included  total  reservations  of 
sixty-three  thousand  one  hundred  and  forty-two  acres, 
fifteen  acres  for  Fort  Washington,  and  all  sections 
or  lots  numbered  eight,  eleven,  twenty-six,  and  twenty- 
nine,  for  such  purposes  as  Congress  might  direct.  All 
these,  including  the  Fort  Washington  reserve,  were  re- 
leased and  put  into  the  market  by  Congress  in  1808. 
The  remainder  of  the  original  Miami  Purchase  under  the 
contract  of  course  reverted  to  the  Government.  Sections 
sixteen  were  also  reserved  for  public  schools,  and  the 
equivalent  of  a  section  at  or  near  the  mouth  of  the  Great 
Miami  river,  probably  for  a  fortificaton,  but  afterwards  sold 
to  the  Symmes'  company;  and  one  full  township,  to  be  lo- 
cated as  near  the  center  of  the  tract  as  possible,  "for  the 
purpose  of  establishing  an  academy  and  other  public 
schools  and  seminaries  of  learning."  The  boundaries  of  the 
tract  were  substantially  defined  as  the  Great  and  Little  Mi- 
ami rivers,  the  Ohio,  and  a  parallel  of  latitude  to  be  drawn 
between  the  two  former  rivers,  so  as  to  comprise  three  hun 
dred  and  eleven  thousand  six  hundred  and  eighty-two 
acres.  These  enclosed,  of  course,  all  of  Hamilton  county 
between  the  rivers,  and  parts  of  the  present  counties  of 
Butler  and  Warren  to  the  northern  boundary  of  the  third 
range  of  townships,  on  an  east  and  west  line  several 
miles  north  of  the  subsequent  site  of  Lebanon.  The 
tracts  sold  by  Symmes  north  of  this  line  were  allowed  by 
the  Government  to  be  regularly  pre-empted  and  entered 
at  Cincinnati  by  the  purchasers,  they  taking  the  usual 

patents  therefor  at  two  dollars  per  acre.  This  re- 
sult was  not  reached  without  long  delay  and  much  dif- 
ficulty. Doubts  of  his  right  to  sell  lands  so  far  to  the 
northward  had  previously  harassed  purchasers,  and  they 
finally  insisted  that  he  should  take  steps  for  their  security. 
They  wanted  to  petition  Congress,  but  he  dissuaded 
them,  went  again  to  Philadelphia  in  the  fall  of  1796, 
and  spent  the  following  winter  and  spring  in  efforts  to 
induce  the  Government  to  take  his  offered  money  and 
make  him  a  further  grant  in  the  Purchase,  which  would 
cover  his  troublesome  sales.  The  arrangement  of  1792 
had  apparently  left  open  the  contract  of  1788,  as  to  the 
remainder  of  the  million  acres  bargained  for;  and,  even 
so  late  as  1797,  Symmes  and  his  agents  continued  to 
offer  lands  in  the  fourth,  fifth,  sixth,  and  even  the  tenth 
range  of  townships  "in  the  Miami  Purchase."  Congress 
finally  decided,  however,  that  the  law  of  1792  and  the 
settlement  and  patent  of  1794  constituted  a  fiill  adjust- 
ment of  his  claims  and  a  full  performance  by  the  Gov- 
ernment of  its  obligations  toward  the  company,  and  that 
he  had  no  further  rights  under  the  contract.  The  situa- 
tion of  his  grantees  outside  the  Purchase  was  now  despe- 
rate. Many  had  paid  in  full,  all  had  in  part,  and  most 
had  spent  much  money  and  labor  in  improvements, 
which  they  were  now  liable  to  lose,  together  with  their 
lands.  Several  towns  had  been  laid  out  and  settled  upon 
this  tract,  mills  built,  orchards  planted,  and  other  im- 
portant beginnings  made.  Of  all  these  there  was  danger 
the  rightful  proprietors  would  be  dispossessed,  without 
remuneration.  Congress  was  memorialized,  and  was 
generous  in  its  provisions  for  relief  By  an  act  passed  in 
1799  all  persons  having  made  written  land  contracts  with 
Symmes  before  Aiml  ist  of  that  year,  outside  his  patent, 
were  secured  preference  over  all  other  purchasers  from 
the  Government.  Two  years  thereafter  the  right  of  pre- 
emption was  extended  to  all  purchasers  from  Symmes 
prior  to  the  first  of  January,  1800.  The  extension  of 
credit  by  Congress  was  so  liberal  that  many  were  enabled 
to  complete  their  payments  from  the  produce  of  the 
farms;  and  all,  it  is  believed,  by  the  indulgence  of  the 
Government  from  year  to  year,  were  at  last  made  secure 
in  their  titles. 

The  act  of  Congress  March  3,  1801,  provided  in  ef- 
fect that  any  person  who  had  contracted  in  writing,  be- 
fore the  first  of  January,  1800,  with  Judge  Symmes,  or 
any  of  his  associates,  or  had  made  payment  to  them 
for  the  purchase  of  any  land  between  the  Miami  rivers, 
within  the  limits  of  the  survey  of  the  Purchase  made  by 
Ludlow,  and  not  within  the  tract  which  Symmes  had  re- 
ceived, his  patent  should  be  entitled  to  preference  in 
purchasing  said  land  from  the  United  States,  at  the  then 
fixed  price  of  public  lands,  two  dollars  per  acre.  Under 
another  section  of  the  act  President  Jefferson  appointed 
Messrs.  John  Reily  and  William  Goforth  to  act  with 
General  Findlay,  receiver  of  public  moneys  at  Cincin- 
nati, as  commissioners  to  hear  and  determine  the  rights 
of  claimants  under  the  law.  A  year  did  not  suffice  for 
the  settlement  of  all  claims,  and  by  another  law  of  May 
I,  1802,  the  provisions  of  the  former  act  were  extended 
twelve  months  longer.      Mr.  Reily  was  re-appointed  com- 



missioner;  Dr.  John  Sellman  was  also  appointed;  and  the 
two,  with  General  Findlay,  as  commissioner  ex  officio, 
closed  up  the  business  within  the  year. 

The  following  copy  of  the  letter  of  transmittal  ac- 
companying the  commission  to  Dr.  Goforth,  a  well-known 
member  of  the  board,  will  be  read  here  with  interest: 

Treasury  Department,  October  9,  1801. 

Sir: — The  President  of  the  United  States  having  thought  proper  to 
appoint  you  a  commissioner,  tinder  the  fourtli  section  of  an  act  of 
Congress,  passed  March  3.  1801,  entitled  "an  act  giving  a  riglit  of 
pre-emption  to  certain  persons  who  have  contracted  with  John  Cleves 
Symmes,  or  liis  associates,  for  lands  lying  between  the  Miami  rivers, 
in  the  territory  of  the  United  States  northwest  of  the  Ohio,"  I  en- 
close to  you,  herewith,  a  commission  for  that  purpose. 

The  duties  to  be  performed,  and  the  compensation  to  be  allowed  to 
you  therefor,  being  fully  detailed  in  the  act  above  recited,  I  shall  only 
remark  that,  as  the  commissioners  will  not  arrive  in  time  to  admit  of 
the  three  weeks'  notice  required  by  the  law,  all  practicable  means 
should  be  employed  to  apprise  the  parties  concerned  of  the  appoint- 
ment of  the  commissioners,  as  well  through  the  medium  of  the  news- 
paper published  at  Cincinnati,  as  by  hand-bills  posted  up  in  the  neigh- 
boring districts.  As  it  will  be  proper,  however,  that  the  commissioners 
should  act  in  concert  in  this,  and  all  other  matters  confided  to  them,  I 
.  beg  leave  to  recommend  that  a  meeting  be  immediately  held  for  that 
purpose.     I  am,  very  respectfully,  sii, 

Your  obedient  servant, 

Albert  Gallatin. 

William  Goforth,  esq.,  at  Cincinnati. 

THE  "college  township" 

also  gave  Judge  Symmes  and  others  much  embarrassment. 
He  had  sold  all  or  most  of  the  township  proposed 
to  be  reserved  for  academic  purposes,  which,  originally 
advertised  in  his  "Tenns  of  Sale  and  Settlement,"  was 
one  of  the  best  tracts  in  the  purchase.  It  is  now  Green 
township — the  only  regular  thirty-six  section  township  in 
the  county.  Strictly,  the  Purchase  was  not  entitled  by  law 
to  a  college  township,  since  the  ordinance  under  which 
the  early  sales  of  public  lands  were  made  only  allowed  it 
when  a  purchase  of  two  millions  or  more  of  acres  was 
made.  When  Symmes'  associates  and  agents  reduced 
the  Purchase  to  one  million,  he  accordingly  gave  up 
the  idea  of  a  college  township,  erased  the  entry  of  it 
which  had  previously  been  marked  out  upon  his  map, 
and  sold  its  lands  with  the  rest.  But  when  the  bills  for 
the  change  of  boundaries  and  the  grant  of  the  patent 
were  before  Congress,  Dayton  had  secured  the  insertion 
of  a  provision  for  such  township,  for  "an  academy,  or 
other  school  of  learning,  to  be  located  within  five  years 
in  nearly  the  center  of  the  patent  as  might  be."  There 
was  now  not  an  entire  township  left  unsold  in  the  Pur- 
chase. Symmes,  in  1799,'  offered  the  Government 
the  second  township  of  the  second  fractional  range; 
but'  that  had  also  been  sold  in  large  part,  and  the 
offer  was  rejected  successively  by  the  Federal  and 
Territorial  Governments,  the  State  legislature,  and  then 
Congress  again,  to  whoin  he  in  turn  offered  it,  holding 
previous  sales  from  it  to  be  void.  After  the  State  gov- 
ernment was  formed  Congress  granted  the  legislature  an- 
other township,  or  thirty-six  sections,  from  the  public  lands, 
in  lieu  of  one  in  the  Purchase,  which  was  selected  by  a 
commission  appointed  in  1803,  from  unsold  lands  west 
of  the  Great  Miami.  These  form  the  pecuniary  foundation 
— such  as  it  is,  through  mismanageinent  and  waste — of 
Miami  University,  established  by  the  legislature  in  1809, 

located  at  first  by  the  commissioners  at  Lebanon,  within 
the  Purchase,  but  afterwards  fixed  by  the  legislature  at 
the  present  village  of  Oxford,  Butler  county,  where  it 
has  since  remained.* 

The  troubles  of  Judge  Symmes  concerning  his  Pur- 
chase were  endless,  and  embittered  much  of  his  later  life. 
In  1 811  his  house  at  North  Bend  was  burned,  presum- 
ably by  an  enemy  who  was  angered  at  him  for  having  re- 
fused to  vote  for  the  incendiary  for  some  local  office.  In 
the  destruction  of  this  house  also  perished  the  certificates 
of  the  original  proprietors  of  Cincinnati,  upon  which  the 
judge  had  made  deeds  to  purchasers  after  he  was  enabled 
to  do  so  by  the  obtainment  of  his  patent.  In  some  cases 
they  had  been  irregularly  and  fraudulently  secured;  in 
others  deeds  had  been  made  to  assignees  of  certificates, 
upon  assignments  asserted  by  the  original  holders  to  be 
fraudulent.  It  was  also  important  to  learn  whether  all 
deeds  for  lots  in  the  town  had  been  authorized  by  the 
proprietors;  but,  whatever  the  facts  were,  the  loss  of 
certificates,  which  was  irreparable,  shut  off  investigation, 
and  operated  as  a  quietus  for  the  claimants  in  possession. 
The  agitations  created  by  the  disaster,  however,  increased 
seriously  the  burdens  of  the  now  aged  pioneer.  Four 
years  thereafter  the  enterprising  adventurer  and  hero  of 
the  Miami  Purchase  found  rest  in  the  grave,  where, 

After  life's  fitfnl  fever,  he  sleeps  well.  . 



' '  I  beheld,  too,  in  that  vision 
All  the  secrets  of  the  future, 
Of  the  distant  days  that  shall  be. 
I  beheld  the  westward  marches 
Of  the  unknown,  crowded  nations. 
All  the  land  was  full  of  people — 
Restless,  struggling,  toiling,  striving. 
Speaking  many  tongues,  yet  feeling 
But  one  heart-beat  in  their  bosoms. 
In  the  woodlands  rang  their  axes, 
Smoked  their  towns  in  all  the  valleys, 
Over  all  the  lakes  and  rivers 
Rushed  their  great  canoes  of  thunder." 

— H.  W.  Longfellow,  "Hiawatha." 


By  the  winter  of  1788-9  there  were  white  settlements 
on  all  sides  of  the  Miami  Purchase,  though  some  of 
"them  were  distant.  Pittsburgh  was  founded;  the  Ohio 
company's  colony  was  set  down  at  Marietta;  Limestone 
Point,  or  Limestone,  afterwards  Maysville,  was  much 
nearer  at  the  eastward,  and  Lexington  and  Louisville,  in 
the  same  State,  both  founded  already  ten  years  or  more, 
lay  at  other  points  of  the  compass;  while  Detroit  at  the 

*  Almost  the  entire  account  of  the  contract  of  1788,  and  the  subse- 
quent transactions,  has  been  derived  from  Judge  Burnet's  interesting 
and  instructive  Notes  upon  the  settlement  of  the  Northwestern  Terri- 



northward,  Vincennes  to  the  west,  and  St.  Louis  yet  be- 
yond, might  be  said  to  complete  a  cordon,  though  some- 
what far  away,  of  civilized  settlement.  In  Kentucky, 
particularly  at  Lexington,  as  we  shall  see  more  fully  in 
opening  the  history  of  Cincinnati,  a  lively  interest  be- 
gan to  be  taken,  in  the  summer  and  fall  of  1788,  in  the 
colonization  of  the  fertile  tract  between  the  Miamis. 
Attention  was  especially  directed  to  the  eligible  site  oppo- 
site the  mouth  of  the  Licking,  which  many  of  the  men 
of  Kentucky  had  seen,  as  they  crossed  the  Ohio  going 
upon  or  returning  from  their  expeditions  against  the 
Indians.  In  this  region  the  first  steps  were  taken  for  the 
planting  of  Losantiville,  which  became  Cincinnati,  the 
"Queen  City."  So  far  had  the  project  gone  in  early 
autumn  that  the  fifteenth  of  September  of  that  year  was 
appointed  "for  a  large  company  to  meet  in  Lexington 
and  make  a  road  from  there  to  the  mouth  of  the  Licking, 
provided  Judge  Symmes  arrives,  being  daily  expected." 

The  first  organized  parties  for  the  settlement  of  the 
Miami  country,  however,  set  out  from  the  far  east.  A 
feeble  scatter  of  emigrants  had  come  to  the  Purchase  and 
its  vicinity  on  either  side,  from  time  to  time,  in  the  spring 
and  summer  of  1788;  none  of  whom,  however,  dared  at- 
tempt permanent  settlement  as  yet,  through  fear  of  the 
savages  and  the  total  want  of  military  protection.  Some 
of  them,  on  their  return,  remained  at  Limestone  and 
joined  the  early  expeditions  back  to  the  Miami  country. 
Meanwhile  the  material  of  those  expeditions  was  collect- 
ing, under  the  auspices  of  Symmes  and  Stites,  away  in 
the  comparatively  old  districts  of  Pennsylvania  and  New 
Jersey.  The  latter  started  with  his  party,  at  just  what 
date  we  know  not,  but  probably  in  the  early  summer  of 
1788,  and  waited  at  Limestone  until  and  for  some  time 
after  the  arrival  of  Judge  Symmes.  The  latter  left  New 
Jersey  late  in  July  of  the  same  year,  with  an  imposing 
train  of  fourteen  four-horse  wagons,  and,  with  the  wagons 
and  on  horseback,  sixty  persons,  including  his  own  family. 
He  travelled  leisurely  across  the  then  difficult  country  to 
Pittsburgh,  and  thence  to  Wheeling,  sending  his  horses 
by  land  to  the  latter  place  from  Devon's  Ferry,  on  the  Mo- 
nongahela,  while  he  embarked  his  people  and  their  effects 
on  the  river.  He  regretted  afterwards  that  he  had  not 
purchased  ox-teams  instead  of  horses,  declaring  that  he 
should  have  saved  three  hundred  pounds  by  it.  He 
recommended  his  eastern  friends  proposing  to  immigrate 
to  come  with  oxen,  "as  they  are  cheaper  by  one  half  in 
the  first  purchase,  not  so  much  exposed  to  accidents — 
the  Indians  have  never  disturbed  them  in  any  instance 
(except  in  the  attack  on  Colerain,  when  the  enemy  took 
all  the  cattle  for  the  supply  of  their  small  army) — and 
after  long  service  they  are  still  of  their  original  value." 
He  was  not  troubled  by  Indians  on  the  route,  but  was 
delayed  somewhat  by  heavy  rains  and  bad  roads,  which 
caused  the  breakage  of  several  of  his  axles  by  the  time 
Pittsburgh  was  reached.  He  remained  in  that  city  but 
two  days,  and  pushed  on  to  Wheeling,  as  before  recited, 
from  which  the  party  floated  briskly  down,  the  Ohio  being 
in  flood  at  the  time,  to  the  infant  colony  at  Marietta,  and 
thence  to  Limestone,  at  which  he  arrived  the  latter  part 
of  September,  two  months  from  his  departure  from  New 

Jersey.  This  place  was  to  be  his  base  of  operations  for 
some  months.  He  paid  an  early  visit  of  exploration  to 
the  Miami  country,  but  was  doomed  to  weeks  of  weary 
waiting,  at  first  for  a  sufficient  military  escort  to  justify 
the  completion  of  his  journey  and  the  execution  of  the 
Muskingum  treaty  pending  with  the  Indians,  which  was 
delayed  till  almost  midwinter;  then  for  supplies.  He 
complained  bitterly  of  the  delay  of  General  Harmar  in 
sending  him  troops  from  the  fort  at  Marietta;  and  when, 
on  the  twelfth  of  December,  Captain  Kearsey  reached 
Limestone  with  a  force  of  forty-five  men,  the  arrival  was 
"much  more  detriment  than  use,"  as  Symmes  wrote, 
since  he  was  not  ready  to  start,  St.  Clair  not  yet  having 
advised  him  of  the  conclusion  of  the  treaty,  and,  the 
troops  coming  to  him  with  very  limited  supplies  and 
Harmar  failing  to  send  more,  he  had  to  feed  them  from 
his  own  stores.  The  purchases  he  was  compelled  to 
make  from  the  surrounding  country  after  a  time  were  ef- 
fected with  difficulty  and  at  large  cost,  since  the  "amaz- 
ing emigration, "  as  he  called  it,  into  Kentucky  had  al- 
most exhausted  the  Limestone  region  and  put  every  kind 
of  provisions  up  to  three  times  the  price  at  Lexington. 


There  had  been  a  numerous  gathering  at  Limestone, 
waiting  to  go  on  to  the  Miamis.  Major  Stites,  however, 
got  away  the  twenty-fifth  of  November  with  the  surveyors 
dispatched  by  Symmes  into  the  Purchase,  determined  to 
wait  no  longer  for  the  beginning  of  his  meditated  settle- 
ment at  or  near  the  mouth  of  the  Little  Miami.  The 
two  or  three  block-houses  (Fort  Miami)  erected  by  the 
party,  with  the  adjoining  cabins,  formed  the  nucleus  of 
Columbia,  now  the  oldest  part  of  Cincinnati  and  the  old- 
est white  settlement  in  Hamilton  county  or  anywhere  in 
the  Purchase.  A  sergeant  and  eighteen  men  were  pres- 
ently sent  to  Stites.  A  sergeant  and  twelve  men  were 
also  started  with  a  party  of  settlers  coming  down  the 
river  for  the  "Old  Fort"  at  the  mouth  of  the  Great  Mi- 
ami; but  all  these  were  turned  back  at  Columbia  by  ice 
in  the  river  gorging  it  and  damaging  their  boats,  and  re- 
turned, discouraged  but  in  safety,  to  Limestone.  Just 
one  month  after  the  departure  of  Stites's  company,  on 
the  twenty-fourth  of  December,  the  throng  at  Limestone 
was  further  relieved  by  the  exodus  of  the  party  led  by 
Colonel  Patterson,  of  Lexington — which,  however,  was 
composed  much  more  of  eastern  men  than  of  Kentuck- 
ians.  Their  objective  point  was  the  coveted  spot  opposite 
the  debouchure  of  the  Licking  into  the  Ohio,  to  which 
they  moved  accordingly,  and  successfully  arrived,  though 
with  some  trouble  from  floating  ice — probably  on  the 
twentj'-eighth  of  December,  1788.  The  town  they  found- 
ed here  took  at  first  the  name  suggested  by  the  pedantic 
Filson,  who  was  one  of  the  original  projectors — "Losanti- 
ville," a  name  compounded  of  little  words  from  several 
languages,  and  intended  to  signify  "the  village  opposite 
the  mouth  of  the  Licking  river."  Thus  was  the  second 
settlement  in  the  Purchase  made.  The  third  was  effect- 
ed by  Judge  Symmes  himself  and  the  party  then  over 
six  months  out  from  their  New  Jersey  homes.  He  had 
taken  a  house  for  himself  and   family  at  Limestone,  ex- 



pecting  to  be  detained  there  until  spring.  He  waited 
vainly  and  long,  struggling  with  the  difficulties  of  subsist- 
ing the  troops  and  his  following  there,  for  a  boat-load  of 
flour  which  had  been  ordered  from  up  the  river,  and 
which  had  been  promised  him  by  Christmas  at  furthest, 
or  for  Harmar  to  forward  supplies.  But  the  last  of  Jan- 
uary bringing  an  enormous  freshet  in  the  river,  sweeping 
out  the  ice  and  furnishing  a  current  favorable  for  rapid 
movement  down  the  stream,  he  determined  to  tarry  no 
longer.  This  determination  was  hastened  also  by  mes- 
sengers from  Stites,  who  came  on  foot  through  the  wil- 
,  derness  along  the  river  banks,  to  advise  him  of  the  ex- 
pressed friendship  of  the  Indians  and  their  eagerness  to 
see  him.  A  second  message  of  this  kind  led  him  to  fear 
that,  if  his  journey  were  longer  delayed,  the  savages 
would  retire  in  disgust  and  anger;  and  he  decided  to 
leave.  Collecting  with  much  difficulty  a  small  supply 
of  flour  and  salt,  he  embarked  his  family  and  furniture, 
with  Captain  Kearsey  and  the  residue  of  the  force,  and 
committed  his  fortunes  to  the  swelling  waters  on  the 
twenty-ninth  day  of  January,  1789.  Reaching  Columbia, 
he  found  it  flooded,  with  the  soldiers  driven  to  the  gar- 
rets of  the  block-houses  and  finally  to  boats,  and  only 
one  house,  built  on  high  ground,  out  of  water.  Passing 
on  to  Losantiville  he  found  the  people  there  entirely  out 
of  the  floods;  but,  knowing  from  his  previous  observa- 
tions of  the  country  at  the  mouths  of  the  Miamis  that 
the  land  about  the  "Old  Fort"  would  be  flooded,  he 
abandoned  his  project  of  founding  a  city  at  the  point 
between  the  Great  Miami  and  the  Ohio,  and,  at  three 
o'clock  in  the  afternoon,  as  he  carefully  notes,  on  the 
second  of  February,  1789,  in  an  inclement  season,  his 
party  stepped  ashore  at  the  site  of  North  Bend.  Im- 
provement here  was  speedily  begun;  and  Howe,  in  his 
Historical  Collections  of  Ohio,  says  that  about  the  same 
time  another  beginning  was  made,  three  miles  below  this 
place  and  two  from  the  Indiana  line,  on  the  tract  which 
afterwards  formed  part  of  the  farm  of  the  younger  Wil- 
liam Henry  Harrison.  This  took  the  name  of  the 
"Sugar  Camp  Settlement,"  and  at  one  time,  says  Howe, 
had  as  many  as  thirty  houses.  The  block-house  built 
here  was  still  standing  in  1847,  though  almost  a  ruin. 
Soon  after  the  North  Bend  occupation,  a  site  was  select- 
ed by  Judge  Symmes  for  another  town,  which  was  des- 
tined to  have  a  short  career  and  a  limited  fame — South 
Bend,  at  the  southernmost  point  of  the  Ohio  in  the  pur- 
chase. North  Bend,  says  Mr.  Francis  W.  Miller,  in 
Cincinnati's  Beginnings,  obtained  its  appellation  from 
being  farther  to  the  north  than  any  other  northwardly 
extending  deflection  of  the  Ohio  between  the  Muskingum 
and  the  Mississippi.  Judge  Symmes  wrote  in  August, 
1 791,  that  "South  Bend  is  pretty  well  established,"  and 
Mr.  Miller  says  "the  village  which  was  started  there 
soon  showed  such  signs  of  progress  as  to  be  considered 
for  a  time  a  competitor  in  the  race  for  supremacy."  In 
September,  1791,  it  had  eighteen  or  twenty  families. 
The  entire  chain  of  settlements  along  the  river,  particu- 
larly Columbia,  Losantiville,  and  North  Bend,  received 
rapid  accessions  of  immigration.  In  the  years  1789-90 
the  first -named  had  the  largest  population  of  any  of  them. 

THE    "stations." 

At  all  periods  of  its  history,  the  vast  majority  of  immi- 
grations to  the  Miami  country  has  come  in  by  way  of  the 
river  Ohio.  In  the  early  day  there  was  rarely  an  arrival 
by  any  other  means  of  transportation,  from  the  absence 
or  paucity  and  poorness  of  roads  in  the  interior.  It  was 
natural,  therefore,  that  the  settlements  along  the  north 
bank  of  that  river  should  be  the  first  made  in  the  Pur- 
chase. The  policy  of  Judge  Symmes,  however,  was  to 
disperse  settlers  through  the  entire  tract.  In  this  he  dif- 
fered from  the  Ohio  company.  He  wrote  to  Dayton  in 
May,  1789: 

At  Marietta,  the  directors  of  tlie  company  settled  tlie  settlers  as  tliey 
pleased,  on  the  New  England  plan  of  concentrating  in  towns  and  vil- 
lages, so  as  to  gtiard  against  Indians.  In  "Miami"  every  purchaser 
chose  his  ground,  and  converted  the  same  into  a  station,  village,  or 
town  at  pleasure,  with  nothing  to  anticipate  but  fear  of  the  Indians. 
If  ten  or  twelve  men  agree  to  form  a  station,  it  is  certainly  done. 
This  desultory  way  of  settling  will  soon  carry  many  through  the  Pur- 
chase, if  the  savages  do  not  frustrate  them.  Encouragements  are 
given  at  every  man's  will  to  settlers,  and  they  bid  on  each  other,  in  or- 
der to  make  their  post  the  more  secure." 

In  accordance  with  this  wise  policy,  Symmes  was  soon 
able  to  announce  (to  Dayton,  April  30,  1790): 

We  here  established  three  new  stations  some  distance  up  in  the  coun- 
try. One  is  twelve  miles  up  the  Big  Miami,  the  second  is  five  miles  up 
Mill  creek,  and  the  third  is  nine  miles  back  in  the  country  from  Colum- 
bia.    These  all  flourish  well. 

The  first  of  these  small  forts  or  stockades  was  named 
"Dunlap's  station,"  at  Colerain,  seventeen  miles  north- 
west of  Cincinnati,  about  which  a  good  many  settlers 
early  concentrated;  the  second,  although  at  first  called 
by  Symmes  "Mill  Creek  station,"  is  better  known  as  Lud- 
low's, and  was  at  Cumminsville,  within  the  present  limits 
of  Cincinnati;  and  the  third  was  probably  "  Covalt's  sta- 
tion." A  few  months  later,  in  November,  after  Harmar's 
defeat,  Mr.  Symmes  writes:  "  But  for  the  repulse  of  our 
army,  I  should  have  had  several  new  stations  advanced 
further  into  the  Purchase  by  next  spring;  but  I  now  shall 
be  very  happy  if  we  are  able  to  maintain  the  three  ad- 
vanced stations." 


The  next  year,  in  September,  General  St.  Clair,  while 
marching  to  his  defeat,  established  Fort  Hamilton  on 
the  Great  Miaini,  in  the  Purchase,  twenty-five  miles  from 
Cincinnati,  which  speedily  became  the  nucleus  of  a 
thriving  settlement,  and  finally  gave  way  to  the  town 
(now  city)  of  Hamilton,  founded  in  1794.  Long  before 
this,  in  June,  1789,  when  the  Mad  river  region  was  pre- 
sumed to  be  included  in  the  Purchase,  Major  Stites  and 
other  Columbians,  arranging  with  Symmes  for  the  pur- 
chase of  the  seventh  entire  range  of  townships,  drew  a 
superb  plan  for  a  town  upon  the  subsequent  site  of  Day- 
ton, for  which  they  proposed  the  name  "Venice."  The 
project  failed,  from  difficulties  in  obtaining  title  from 
Symmes,  and  very  likely  also  from  fear  of  the  savages. 
As  soon,  however,  as  the  Indian  troubles  were  pacificated 
this  very  desirable  site  at  the  mouth  of  the  Mad  river 
was  occupied  by  a  company  composed  of  Governor  St. 
Clair,  General  Dayton,  General  Wilkinson,  and  Colonel 
Ludlow,  who  founded  and  secured  a  rapid  early  growth 
for  their  new   town  of  "Dayton."     They  had  negotiated 



for  the  land  with  Symmes,  but  were  compelled,  of  course, 
eventually  to  purchase  from  the  Government,  as,  by  the 
Judge's  patent  of  1794,  it  lay  far  outside  of  his  tract. 
At  an  early  day,  also,  Lebanon  and  other  towns  and 
country  settlements  in  the  Miami  country,  in  and  out  of 
the  Purchase,  made  their  hopeful  beginnings. 


Thus  rapidly,  under  the  circumstances,  was  setting  in 
the  tide  of  Miami  immigration.  Some  of  those  circum. 
stances  were  specially  formidable  to  the  rapid  develop- 
ment of  the  country.  Notwithstanding  the  peaceful 
auspices  under  which  the  first  treaties  and  settlements 
had  been  made,  and  the  comparative  freedom  from 
attack  which  the  httle  communities  enjoyed  for  some 
time,  the  fear  of  savage  inroads  was  ever  present,  and 
even  afar  off  it  deterred  the  intending  immigrant  from 
making  his  venture.  The  fear  of  Indian  massacre,  cap- 
tivity, and  torture  hung  like  a  pall  over  the  advance 
guard  of  civilization  in  the  Miami  wilderness.  This  was 
greatly  increased  by  the  disastrous  defeats  of  Generals 
St.  Clair  and  Harmar,  and  was  not  entirely  removed 
until  after  the  victory  of  Wayne  at  the  battle  of  the 
Fallen  Timbers,  and  the  subsequent  peace  of  Greenville. 
An  era  of  security  and  peace  then  set  in.  The  inhabi- 
tants could  now  leave  their  fortified  stations  and  remove 
to  tracts  selected  in  the  open  country.  Here  they  built 
their  cabins  anew,  and  began  to  subdue  the  forest  and 
get  in  their  first  crops.  Other  immigrants  rapidly  arrived 
on  the  news  of  apparently  permanent  peace,  to  join 
them;  and  the  wonderful  growth  of  the  region  fairly 
began. . 

Another  cause  operated  almost  as  powerfully,  early  in 
the  immigration,  to  deter  settlement.  This  was  the  hos- 
tility of  the  Kentucky  people,  who,  from  being  warm 
friends  of  the  Miami  country,  had  become  its  bitter  ene- 
mies, and  lost  no  opportunity  to  decry  it.  They  doubt- 
less suffered  "the  piques  of  disappointment,"  as  Symmes 
put  it,  at  seeing  the  rich  prize  of  the  Purchase  carried  off 
by  eastern  men,  after  they,  the  leading  K=ntuckians,  had 
fixed  their  longing  eyes  upon  it.  Nevertheless,  many 
land-jobbers  from  that  region  had  bargained  with  the 
judge  for  tracts  of  his  land,  and  had  been  granted  gen- 
erous terms — abundant  time  in  which  to  pay  the  fees  for 
surveying  and  registering  required  of  land-buyers  at  that 
time,  and  to  make  their  first  payments.  In  most  cases 
they  utterly  failed  in  these ;  and  after  waiting  a  reason- 
able length  of  time,  their  negotiations  or  contracts  were 
declared  void  by  Mr.  Symmes.  They  consequently  took 
especial  pains,  particularly  at  Limestone,  where  all  parties 
of  immigrants  going  down  the  Ohio  called,  to  discourage 
settlers  from  locating  in  the  purchase.  Symiiies  writes 
to  Dayton  in  May,  1789: 

At  Limestone  they  assert  with  an  air  of  assurance  that  the  Miami 
country  is  depopulated,  that  many  of  the  inhabitants  are  killed  and 
the  settlers  all  fled  who  have  escaped  the  tomahawk,  adjuring  those 
bound  to  the  falls  of  the  Ohio  not  to  call  at  the  Miamis,  for  that  they 
would  certainly  be  destroyed  by  the  Indians.  With  these  falsehoods 
they  have  terrified  about  thirty  families,  which  had  come  down  the 
river  with  a  design  of  settling  at  Miami,  and  prevailed  with  them  to 
land  at  Limestone  and  go  into  Kentucky.  Nevertheless,  [added  the 
stout-hearted    pioneer]  every  week,  almost  every   day,    some    people 

arrive  at  one  or  other  of  our  towns,  and  become  purchasers  and  set- 
tlers. .  .  Many  persons  who  have  been  with  us,  made  pur- 
chases, built  houses,  and  are  fully  satisfied  and  much  pleased  with  the 
country,  go  back  and  get  their  families. 

But  later  the  feeling  in  Kentucky  seems  to  have 
changed,  or  the  disappointed  and  pestilent  landsharks 
there  had  lost  their  influence;  for  a  large  immigration 
from  that  very  region  northward  to  the  Miami  valley  was 
promised.     Judge  Symmes  wrote  November  4,  1790: 

Never  had  been  finer  prospects  of  speedy  sales  and  settlement  of 
lands  in  the  Purchase,  than  were  about  the  time  the  army  marched  to 
Harmar's  defeat.  Great  numbers  were  arranging  their  business  to 
emigrate  from  Kentucky  and  the  Pittsburgh  country:  but  the  strokes 
our  army  has  got  seem  to  fall  like  a  blight  upon  the  prospect,  and  for 
the  present  seem  to'  appall  every  countenance. 

Still  another  source  of  discouragement  was  found  in 
1 79 1,  in  the  arbitrary  conduct  of  Governor  St.  Clair  to- 
wards Judge  Symmes,  and  of  the  governor  and  the 
mihtary  towards  the  citizens  of  Cincinnati  and  the  pur- 
chasers of  lands  in  the  southeast  corner  and  elsewhere 
in  the  Purchase.  On  the  twelfth  and  fourteenth  of  July 
in  that  year  St.  Clair  addressed  somewhat  dictatorial  let- 
ters to  the  judge,  on  the  subject  of  his  continued  sales 
of  lands  between  the  Little  Miami  and  the  new  hne  es- 
tablished by  the  Treasury  board  as  the  eastern  boundary 
of  the  Purchase,  and  on  the  nineteenth  issued  the  proc- 
lamation of  warning  and  threat  mentioned  in  our  Chap- 
ter V.      Mr.  Symmes  wrote : 

EN'ery  person  must  admit  that  the  Governor  has  treated  me  and  the 
settlers  in  a  most  cruel  manner. 

He  also  writes  of  the  proclamation,  which  seems  to 
have  been  preceded  or  followed  by  another  placing  Cin  - 
cinnati,  or  some  part  of  it  outside  of  the  fort,  under 
martial  law: 

The  Governor's  proclamations  have  convulsed  these  settlements  be- 
yond your  conception,  sir,  not  only  with  regard  to  the  limits  of  the 
Purchase,  but  also  with  respect  to  his  putting  part  of  the  town  of  Cin- 
cinnati under  military  government. 

The  governor  had  shortly  before  summarily  arrested  a 
respectable  setrter  from  New  England,  named  Knoles 
Shaw,  although  he  lived  beyond  the  limits  of  martial 
law,  as  prescribed  by  the  proclamation,  put  him  in  irons, 
as  the  jadge  was  "credibly  informed,"  and  finally,  with- 
out hearing  before  judge  or  jury,  exiled  him  and  his 
family  from  the  territory,  while  his  house  had  been  burned 
by  the  troops,  under  St.  Clair's  orders.  The  charges 
against  him  related  to  the  purchase  of  some  articles  of 
soldiers'  uniform  and  the  advising  soldiers  to  desert ;  but 
they  rested  solely  upon  the  assertion  of  a  soldier  who 
deserted  and  was  retaken,  against  whom  Mr.  Shaw 
stoutly  asserted  his  innocence,  and  they  wer,e  not,  even 
if  fully  substantiated,  such  as  called  for  the  severe  penal- 
ties inflicted,  had  the  governor  legal  power  to  inflict 
theni  at  discretion.  Some  of  the  military  oflScers,  par- 
taking of  St.  Clair's  spirit,  had  been  guilty  of  other  high- 
handed and  unwarranted  acts.  One  Captain  Armstrong, 
commanding  at  Fort  Hamilton,  for  example,  ordered  out 
of  the  Purchase  some  of  the  settlers  at  Dunlap's  station, 
and  threatened  to  eject  them  vi  et  armis  if  they  did  not 
go.  Previously,  under  Harmar's  command  at  Fort 
Washington,  the  regular  officers  at  the  fort  committed 
"many  other  acts  of  a  despotic   complexion,"  "beating 



and  imprisoning  citizens  at  tiieir  pleasure,"  writes  Symraes. 
When,  late  in  the  same  year,  the  defeat  of  St.  Clair  by 
the  Indians  was  added  to  the  disastrous  repulse  of  Har- 
mar,  the  combined  discouragements  certainly  looked  as 
if  the  Purchase  would  be  ruined.  Symmes  wrote  to 
Dayton : 

I  expect,  sir,  that  the  late  defeat  will  entirely  discourage  emigration 
to  the  Purchase  from  Jersey  for  a  long  time.  Indeed,  it  seems  that  we 
are  never  to  have  matters  right.  What  from  the  succeeding  defeats  of 
our  army,  and  the  Governor's  arbitrary  conduct  towards  the  settlers^ 
still  more  discouraging  at  the  time  than  even  the  defeats,  many  settlers 
became  very  indifferent  in  their  attachment  to  the  Purchase,  and  num- 
bers had  left  it  on  accoimt  of  the  Governor's  conduct  before  his  unpar- 
alleled defeat. 

Yet  the  elasticity  of  the  indomitable  spirit  of  the 
pioneers  and  their  leaders  rebounded  from  all  depres- 
sions, and  the  immigration,  after  a  period  of  relapse,  went 
bravely  on.  It  is  estimated  that  there  were  two  thou- 
sand white  persons  already  in  the  Miami  country  in  1790, 
and  that  ten  years  thereafter  the  number  had  jumped  to 
fifteen  thousand.  In  1810  Hamilton  county  alone  had 
fifteen  thousand  two  hundred  and  four,  and  the  entire 
Miaini  country  about  seventy  thousand,  or  one-seventh  of 
the  whole  population  then  in  the  State.  By  August, 
1815,  it  was  judged  by  Dr.  Drake  that  one  hundred  thou- 
sand at  least  were  in  the  same  region,  or  twenty-five  per 
square  mile,  scattered  over  about  four  thousand  square 
miles.  It  was  a  remarkable  growth  for  the  first  quarter 
of  a  century. 

The  expectations  entertained  of  the  whole  Ohio  coun- 
try, long  before  it  was  permanently  settled,  are  well  shown 
by  an  official  communication  addressed  in  1770  to  the 
Earl  of  Hillsborough,  then  attached  to  the  British  govern- 
ment as  Secretary  of  State  for  the  North  American  De- 
partment, in  which  the  following  passage  occurs: 

No  part  of  North  America  will  require  less  encouragement  for  the 
production  of  naval  stores  and  raw  materials  for  manufactories  in 
Europe,  and  for  supplying  the  West  India  islands  with  lumber,  provi- 
sions, etc.,  than  the  country  of  the  Ohio. 

The  writer  then  gives  six  excellent  reasons  for  the  faith 
that  is  in  him,  with  observations  that  involve  many  com- 
pliments to  and  a  high  appreciation,  of  the  beautiful 
fertile  land  watered  by  the  Ohio  and  its  tributaries. 


It  was  a  beautiful  land  to  which  the  Miami  immigra- 
tion was  invited — 

A  wilderness  of  sweets  ;  for  Nature  here 
Wantoned  as  in  her  prime,  and  played  at  will 
Her  virgin  fancies,  pouring  forth  more  sweet, 
Wild  above  rule  or  art ;  the  gentle  gales. 
Fanning  their  odoriferous  wings,  dispense 
Native  perfumes,  and  whisper  whence  they  stole 
Those  balmy  spoils. 

Judge  Symmes  had  called  it,  with  tolerably  clear  pre- 
science, "a  country  that  may  one  day  prove  the  brightest 
jewel  in  the  regalia  of  the  nation."  The  forest  was  lux- 
uriant, and  fertile  in  native  fruit  products.  The  fine  bot- 
tom lands  in  the  valleys  had  been  cultivated  by  the  sav- 
ages, and  by  the  Mound  Builders  before  them,  for  untold 
centuries,  and  were  found  by  the  early  settlers  as  mellow 
as  ash  heaps,  and  with  their  fertility  unimpaired  by  long 
culture,  much  less  exhausted.  Said  Symmes  to  Dayton, 
in  a  letter  from  North  Bend,  May  27,  1789:  "The  coun- 

try is  healthy,  and  looks  like  a  mere  meadow  for  many 
miles  together  in  some  places."  The  "Turkey  Bottom," 
still  so-called,  a  clearing  of  about  six  hundred  and  forty 
acres,  or  a  "section,"  made  ready  to  the  hand  of  civiliza- 
tion, a  mile  and  a  half  above  the  mouth  of  the  Little 
Miami,  on  the  east  side  of  the  Purchase,  with  the  produce 
of  soiTie  smaller  lots  near  Columbia,  furnished  the  entire 
supply  of  corn  for  that  hamlet  and  for  Cincinnati  during 
their  first  year.  This  tract,  like  many  others  in  the  val- 
leys, was  extremely  fertile.  Benjamin  Randolph,  one  of 
the  occupants,  planted  a  single  acre  of  corn  upon  it, 
which  he  had  no  time  to  hoe,  hastening  back  to  New 
Jersey  upon  some  errand  of  affection  or  business;  and 
when  he  came  back  in  the  fall,  he  found  that  his  neglect- 
ed acre  had  one  hundred  bushels  of  excellent  maize  ready 
for  him  to  husk.  From  nine  acres  of  this  tract,  the  tra- 
dition goes,  the  enormous  crop  of  nine  hundred  and 
sixty-three  bushels  was  gathered  the  very  first  season. 

Oliver  M.  Spencer,  one  of  the  earliest  residents  at  this 
corner  of  the  Purchase,  thus  pleasantly  records  his  im- 
pressions of  the  Miami  country  in  the  primitive  time: 

The  winter  of  1791-92  was  followed  by  an  early  and  delightful 
spring ;  indeed,  I  have  often  thought  that  our  first  Western  winters 
were  much  milder,  our  springs  earlier,  and  our  autumns  longer  than 
they  now  are.  On  the  last  of  February  some  of  the  trees  were  putting 
forth  their  foliage ;  in  iVIarch  the  redbud,  the  hawthorn,  and  the  dog- 
wood, in  full  bloom,  checkered  the  hills,  displaying  their  beautiful  col- 
ors of  rose  and  lily ;  and  in  April  the  ground  was  covered  with  May- 
apple,  bloodroot,  ginseng,  violets,  and  a  great  variety  of  herbs  and 
flowers.  Flocks  of  paroquets  were  seen,  decked  in  their  rich  plumage 
of  green  and  gold.  Birds  of  various  species  and  every  hue,  were  flit- 
ting from  tree  to  tree,  and  the  beautiful  redbird  and  the  untaught  song- 
ster of  the  west  made  the  woods  vocal  with  their  melody.  Now  might 
be  heard  the  plaintive  wail  of  the  dove,  and  now  the  rumbling  drum  of 
the  partridge  or  the  loud  gobble  of  the  turkey.  Here  miglit  be  seen 
the  clumsy  bear,  doggedly  moving  off;  or,  urged  by  pursuit  into  a  la- 
boring gallop,  retreating  to  his  citadel  in  the  top  of  some  lofty  tree ;  or, 
approached  suddenly,  raising  himself  erect  in  the  attitude  of  defence, 
facing  his  enemy  and  waiting  his  approach  ; — there  the  timid  deer, 
watchfully  resting  or  cautiously  feeding,  or,  aroused  from  his  thicket, 
gracefully  bounding  off,  then  stopping,  erecting  his  stately  head  for  a 
moment,  gazing  around,  or  snuffing  the  air  to  ascertain  his  enemy,  in- 
stantly springing  off,  clearing  logs  and  bushes  at  a  bound,  and  soon 
distancing  his  pursuers.  It  seemed  an  earthly  paradise  ;  and,  but  for 
apprehension  of  the  wily  copperhead,  which  lay  silently  coiled  among 
the  leaves  or  beneath  the  plants,  waiting  to  strike  his  victim  ;  the  hor- 
rid rattlesnake,  which,  more  chivalrous,  however,  with  head  erect 
amidst  its  ample  folds,  prepared  to  dart  upon  his  foe,  generously  with 
the  loud  noise  of  his  rattle  apprised  him  of  danger ;  and  the  still  more 
fearful  and  insidious  savage,  who,  crawling  upon  the  ground  or  noise- 
lessly approaching  behind  trees  or  thickets,  sped  the  deadly  shaft  or 
fatal  bullet,  you  might  have  fancied  you  were  in  the  confines  of  Eden  or 
the  borders  of  Elysium. 

Many,  notwithstanding  these  drawbacks,  were  the 
charms,  attractions,  and  delights  of  the  Miami  country. 
The  immigration  thereto,  as  we  shall  now  see,  was  every 
way  worthy  of  it. 




I  hear  the  tread  of  pioneers, 

Of  nations  yet  to  be ; 
The  first  low  wash  of  waves,  where  soon 

Shall  roll  a  human  sea. 
The  elements  of  empire  here 

Are  plastic  yet  and  w.arm. 
And  the  chaos  of  a  mighty  world 

Is  rounding  into  form. 

— J.  G.  Whittier. 

"The  Miamese  (so  we  call  ourselves),"  wrote  Symmes 
to  Dayton  in  1789.  They  were  the  noble  men  and 
women  of  the  earliest  Miami  immigration.  Very  fortun- 
ate was  the  Purchase,  from  the  beginning,  in  the  charac- 
ter of  its  settlers.  The  general  expression  of  those  who 
met  them  personally,  or  have  known  them  as  represented 
in  their  descendants,  concurs  with  thetestimony  of  Mr.  F. 
W.  Miller,  in  his  valuable  work  on  Cincinnati's  Beginnings : 

Whoever  traces  his  lineage  up  to  the  early  emigrants  to  the  Miami 
Purchase  comes  of  a  stock  which  may  be  extolled  on  grounds  that  will 
bear  scrutiny.  Of  course,  those  who  were  the  first  to  seek  homes  in 
this  section  of  the  country,  while  yet  in  its  primitive  condition,  were  not 
so  self-sacrificing  as  to  suppose  they  were  coming  to  a  field  which  was 
likely  to  prove  ungrateful  to  the  laborer's  toil.  On  the  contrary,  the 
idea  was  universally  entertained  that  the  field  was  one  of  great  promise' 
Still,  the  promise  was  not  of  a  nature  to  attract,  to  any  considerable 
e.xtent,  a  kind  of  adventurers  who  abound  in  some  of  our  new  settle- 
ments nowadays — people  who  come  merely  with  a  view  of  making  a 
sudden  impact  on  some  oleaginous  deposit,  and,  in  the  pursuit  of  their 
object,  are  usually  more  or  less  affected  with  an  apprehension  of  eon. 
tingencies  which  may  render  an  expeditious  change  of  their  location 
desirable  or  necessary  within  a  brief  period,  and  such  like  carpet-bag- 
gers of  the  worst  description.  The  early  emigrant  hither  sought  here  a 
permanent  abode,  looking  forward  to  a  time  when  he  might  expect  to 
repose  in  peace  and  plenty  under  his  own  vine  and  fig-tree,  yet  well 
aware  that  there  was  a  great  preliminary  work  to  be  performed — the 
work  of  reclaiming  a  wilderness  ,  and  naturally  a  goodly  portion  of  the 
first-comer's  were  such  as  came  with  characters  and  capacities  adapted 
to  the  task  which  they  saw  before  them.  Moreover,  those  who  pro- 
jected and  managed  the  commencement  of  the  civilizing  process  in  this 
quarter  were  persons  who  could  have  given,  as  well  as  any  Sir  'Wise" 
acre,  the  answer  to  the  question,    "'What  constitutes  a  State?" 

The  late  E.  D.  Mansfield,  in  his  Life  of  his  brother-in- 
law.  Dr.  Daniel  Drake,  published  in  1855,  gives  yet  more 
glowing  and  eloquent  testimony  to  the  valor  and  virtues 
of  the  Ohio  pioneers: 

The  settlement  of  the  Ohio  valley  was  attended  by  many  circum- 
stances which  gave  it  pecuhar  interest.  Its  beginning  was  the  first  hui^ 
■  of  the  Revolution.  Its  growth  has  been  more  rapid  than  that  of  any 
modern  colony.  In  a  period  of  little  more  than  half  a  century,  its 
strength  and  magnitude  exceed  the  limits  of  many  distinguished  nations 
Such  results  could  not  have  been  produced  without  efficient  causes.  It 
is  not  enough  to  account  for  them  by  referring  to  a  mild  climate,  fer- 
tile soil,  flowing  rivers,  or  even  good  government.  These  are  important. 
But  a  more  direct  one  is  found  in  the  character  and  labors  of  its  early 
citizens ;  for  in  man,  at  least,  consists  the  life  and  glory  of  every  State. 

This  is  strikingly  true  of  the  States  and  institutions  which  have  gone 
up  on  the  banks  of  the  Ohio.  The  first  settlers  had  no  such  doubtful 
origin  as  the  fabled  Romulus,  and  imbibed  no  such  savage  spirit  as  he 
received  from  the  sucklings  of  a  wolf.  They  were  civilized — derived 
from  a  race  historically  bold  and  energetic ;  had  naturally  received  an 
elementary,  and  in  some  instances  a  superior,  education ;  and  were 
bred  to  free  thought  and  brave  actions  in  the  great  and  memorable 
school  of  the  American  Revolution.  If  not  actors,  they  were  the  chil- 
dren of  those  who  were  actors  in  its  dangers  and  sufferings.  These 
settlers  came  to  a  country  magnificent  in  extent  and  opulent  in  all  the 
wealth  of  nature.  But  it  was  nature  in  her  ruggedness.  All  was  wild 
and  savage.  The  wilderness  before  them  presented  only  a  field  of  bat- 
tle or  of  labor.  The  Indian  must  be  subdued,  the  mighty  forest  leveled, 
the  soil  in  its  wide  extent  upturned,  and  from  every  quarter  of  the  globe 

must  be  transplanted  the  seeds,  the  plants,  and  all  the  contrivances  o 
life  which,  in  other  lands,  had  required  ages  to  obtain.  In  the  midst  of 
these  physical  necessities  and  of  that  progress  which  consists  in  con- 
quest and  culture,  there  were  other  and  higher  works  to  be  performed. 
Social  institutions  must  be  founded,  laws  must  be  adapted  to  the 
new  society,  schools  established,  churches  built  up,  science  culti- 
vated, and,  as  the  structure  of  the  State  arose  upon  these  solid  columns, 
it  must  receive  the  finish  of  the  fine  arts  and  the  polish  of  letters. 
The  largest  part  of  this  mighty  fabric  was  the  work  of  the  first  settlers 
on  the  Ohio — a  work  accomplished  within  the  period  of  time  allotted 
by  Providence  to  the  life  of  man.  If,  in  after  ages,  history  shall  seek 
a  suitable  acknowledgment  of  their  merits,  it  will  be  found  in  the  sim- 
ple record  that  their  characters  and  labors  were  equal  to  the  task  they 
had  to  perform.     Theirs  was  a  noble  work,  nobly  done. 

It  is  true  that  the  lives  of  these  men  were  attended  by  all  the  common 
motives  and  common  passions  of  human  nature ;  but  these  motives  and 
passions  were  humbled  by  the  greatness  of  the  result,  and  even  co.m- 
mon  pursuits  rendered  interesting  by  the  air  of  wildness  and  adventure 
which  is  found  in  all  the  paths  of  the  pioneer.  There  were  among 
them,  too,  men  of  great  strength  and  intellect,  of  acute  powers,  and  of 
a  freshness  and  originality  of  genius  which  we  seek  in  vain  among  the 
members  of  conventional  society. 

These  men  were  as  varied  in  their  characters  and  pursuits  as  the  parts 
they  had  to  perform  in  the  great  action  before  them.  Some  were  sol- 
diers in  the  long  battle  against  the  Indians  ;  some  were  huntsmen,  like 
-  Boone  and  Kenton,  thirsting  for  fresh  adventures  ;  some  were  plain 
farmers,  who  came  with  wives  and  children,  sharing  fully  in  their  toils 
and  dangers;  some  lawyers  and  jurists,  who  early  participated  in  coun- 
cil and  legislation ;  and  with  them  all,  the  doctor,  the  clergyman,  and 
even  the  schoolmaster,  was  found  in  the  earliest  settlements.  In  a  few 
years  others  came,  whose  names  will  long  be  remembered  in  any  true 
account  (if  any  such  shall  ever  be  written)  of  the  science  and  literature 
of  America.  They  gave  to  the  strong  but  rude  body  of  society  here  its 
earliest  culture,  in  a  higher  knowledge  and  purer  spirit. 


It  was  a  hopeful  mixture  of  elements  and  stocks  in 
this  part  of  the  valley  of  the  Ohio.  Various  States  and 
nationalities  had  their  representatives  here,  and  some  of 
the  "crosses"  of  blood  were  fortunate  for  the  history  of 
their  succeeding  generations.  New  Jersey,  at  first  and 
later,  contributed  such  representative  men  as  Judges 
Symmes  and  Burnet;  New  England  appeared  by  her  dis- 
tinguished son,  Jared  Mansfield,  and  by  others  before 
and  after  him;  Pennsylvania  sent  citizens  of  the  mental 
and  moral  stature  of  Jeremiah  Morrow,  Judge  Dunlavy, 
and  Major  Stites;  the  Old  Dominion  had  worthy  sons 
among  the  pioneers  in  the  persons  of  William  H.  Harri- 
son, William  McMillan,  and  others;  while  Kentucky 
spared  to  the  rising  young  empire  beyond  its  borders  a 
few  noted  and  useful  citizens  like  Colonel  Robert  Patter- 
son, one  of  the  original  proprietors  of  Cincinnati  for  a 
time,  and  later  and  more  permanently,  the  Rev.  James 
Kemper,  one  of  the  founders  of  Lane  seminary.  In  the 
one  settlement  of  Columbia,  among  its  founders  or  very 
early  settlers  were  not  only  Stites  and  Dunlavy,  but  the 
Rev.  John  Smith,  afterwards  United  States  Senator,  Col- 
onels Spencer  and  Brown,  Judges  Goforth  and  Foster, 
Majors  Kibby  and  Gam,  Captain  Flinn,  Messrs.  Jacob 
White  and  John  Reiley,  and  others  equally  worthy  of 
mention — all  of  them  men  of  energy  and  enterprise,  and 
most  of  whom  were  then  or  subsequently  distinguished. 
The  letters  interchanged  by  Symnies  and  his  associates 
of  the  East  Jersey  Company  show  that  many  people  of 
the  best  class,  as  Senator  Richard  Henry  Lee,  of  Virginia, 
the  Rev.  Dr.  David  Jones,  of  Pennsylvania,  and  others, 
were  inquiring  with  a  view  to  purchase  or  settlement  in 
the  new  country.     Those  who  actually  did  so,  as  the 



event  has  proved,  were  the  very  sort  of  persons,  in  the 
words  of  Judge  Symmes  himself,  already  quoted,  "to  re- 
claim from  savage  men  and  beasts  a  country  that  may  one 
day  prove  the  brightest  jewel  in  the  regalia  of  the  nation." 
In  much  of  the  material  of  the  succeeding  immigration 
the  purchase  was  equally  fortunate.  Dr.  Drake,  a  care- 
ful and  conscientious  writer,  was  able  to  say  in  1815: 
"The  people  of  the  Miami  country  may  in  particular  be 
characterized  as  industrious,  frugal,  temperate,  patriotic, 
and  religious;  with  as  much  intelligence  as,  and  more 
enterprise  than,  the  families  from  which  they  were  de- 

Such  were  the  "Miamese,"  the  pioneers  of  one  of  the 
grandest  armies  the  earth  ever  knew,  an  army  whose  hosts 
are  still  sweeping  irresistibly  on,  and  which  now,  after 
more  than  ninety  years,  has  hardly  yet  fully  occupied  the 
country  it  has  won.  It  was  the  army  of  peace  and  civiliza- 
tion, that  came,  not  to  conquer  an  enemy  with  blood  and 
carnage  and  ruin,  but  to  subdue  a  wilderness  by  patient 
toil,  to  make  the  wild  valleys  and  hills  to  blossom  as  the 
rose,  to  sweep  away  the  forest,  till  the  prairie's  pregnant 
soil,  make  fertile  fields,  and  hew  out  homes,  which  were 
to  become  the  abodes  of  happiness  and  plenty.  The 
pioneers  were  the  valiant  vanguard  of  such  an  army  as 
this.  They  came  not,  as  has  already  been  suggested,  to 
enjoy  a  life  of  lotus-eating  and  ease.  They  could  admire 
the  pristine  beauty  of  the  scenes  that  unveiled  before 
them;  they  could  enjoy  the  vernal  green  of  the  great  forest 
and  the  loveliness  of  all  the  works  of  nature  spread  so  lav- 
ishly and  beautifully  about  them;  they  could  look  forward 
with  happy  anticipation  to  the  life  they  were  to  lead  in 
hte  midst  of  all  this  beauty,  and  to  the  rich  reward  that 
would  be  theirs  from  the  cultivation  of  the  mellow,  fer- 
tile soil — but  they  had,  first  of  all  things,  to  work.  The 
seed-time  comes  before  the  harvest,  in  other  fields  than 
that  of  agriculture. 


to  which  these  pioneers  were  exposed  were  serious.  The 
Indians,  notwithstanding  their  peaceful  attitude  at  first, 
could  not  be  trusted,  and,  as  will  be  detailed  in  the  next 
chapter,  often  visited  the  early  settlements  with  devasta- 
tion and  slaughter.  The  larger  wild  beasts  were  often  a 
cause  of  dread,  and  the  smaller  were  a  source  of  constant 
and  great  annoyance.  Added  to  these  was  the  liability, 
always  great  in  a  new  country,  to  sickness.  In  the  midst 
of  all  the  loveliness  of  the  surroundings,  there  was  a 
sense  of  lonehness  that  could  not  be  dispelled;  and  this 
was  a  far  greater  trial  to  the  men  and  women  who  first 
dwelt  in  the  western  country  than  is  generally  imagined. 
The  deep-seated,  constantly  recurring  feehng  of  isolation 
made  many  stout  hearts  turn  back  to  the  older  settle- 
ments and  to  the  abodes  of  comfort,  the  companionship 
and  sociability  they  had  left  in  the  Atlantic  States  or  in 
the  Old  World. 


Many  of  the  Miamese  arrived  at  their  new  homes  with 
but  little  with  which  to  begin  the  battle  of  life.  They 
had  brave  hearts  and  strong  arms,  however;  and  they 
were  possessed  of  invincible  determination.     Frequently 

they  came  on  alone,  to  make  a  beginning;  and,  this  hav- 
ing been  accompHshed,  would  return  to  their  old  homes 
for  their  wives  and  children.  It  was  hard  work,  too,  get- 
ting into  the  country.  On  this  side  of  Redstone  and 
Wheeling  there  were  for  a  long  time  no  roads  westward, 
and  the  flat-  or  keel-boats  used  in  floating  down  the  Ohio 
were  so  crowded  with  wagons,  horses,  cows,  pigs,  and 
other  live  stock,  with  provisions,  and  with  the  emigrant's 
"plunder,"  that  there  was  scarcely  room  for  a  human 
being  to  sit,  stand,  or  sleep.  There  was  much  inevitable 
exposure  to  the  weather  and  many  dangers  from  ice, 
snags,  and  other  perils  of  the  stream. 


The  first  thing  to  be  done,  after  a  temporary  shelter 
from  the  rain  or  snow  had  been  provided,  was  to  prepare  a 
little  spot  of  ground  for  some  crop,  usually  corn.  This  was 
done  by  girdling  the  trees,  clearing  away  the  underbrush, 
if  there  chanced  to  be  any,  and  sweeping  the  surface 
with  fire.  Ten,  fifteen,  twenty,  or  even  thirty  acres  of 
land,  by  a  vigorous  arm,  might  thus  be  prepared  and 
planted  the  first  season.  In  autumn  the  crop  would  be 
gathered  carefully  and  garnered  with  the  least  possible 
waste,  for  it  was  the  food  supply  of  the  pioneer  and  his 
family,  and  life  itself  depended,  in  part,  upon  its  preserva- 
tion. •  Their  table  was  still  largely  furnished,  however, 
from  the  products  of  the  chase,  and  supplies  of  the 
minor  articles  of  food,  of  salt,  etc.,  were  often  only  to  be 
obtained  at  a  distance.  In  this  respect  the  settlers  in  the 
southern  part  of  the  Purchase  were  more  favored  than 
those  in  the  interior,  since  merchants  were  in  all  their 
towns  almost  from  the  beginnmg,  and  with  stocks  pretty 
weH  supplied.  By  January,  1796,  Judge  Symmes  wrote, 
"we  have  twenty  or  more  merchants  in  Cincinnati."  At 
first  there  was  much  difficulty  in  getting  grain  ground,  as  it 
had  to  be  done  often  at  a  great  distance,  and  in  a  clumsy 
and  rude  way  by  floating  mills,  whose  wheels  were  turned 
by  the  current  of  a  stream  or  by  horse-power.  Some  had  • 
hominy  hand-mills  at  home,  or  grated  the  grain  or 
pounded  it  into  the  semblance  of  meal  or  flour  with  an 
extemporized  pestle.  In  default  of  cultivated  breadstuff's, 
as  sometimes  happened,  certain  roots  of  wild  grasses  and 
plants  served  for  food.  This  was  particularly  true  of  the 
beargrass,  which  grew  abundantly  on  the  Turkey  bottom 
and  elsewhere  in  similar  places.  Its  bulbous  roots  were 
gathered  by  the  women,  washed,  dried  on  smooth  boards, 
and  pounded  into  a  kind  of  flour,  from  which  bread  and 
other  preparations  were  made.  Many  families  at  Colum- 
bia, at  one  time  of  scarcity,  lived  on  this  food.  Some- 
times even  this  was  wanting.  One  person,  who  was  a 
boy  in  the  first  days  of  Columbia,  long  afterward  averred 
that  he  had  subsisted  for  three  days  together  upon  noth- 
ing more  than  a  pint  of  parched  corn.  Crops  were  liable 
to  be  damaged  or  destroyed,  if  near  a  stream,  by  its  over- 
flow; and  sometimes  serious  inconvenience  to  the  settler 
and  his  family  resulted.  It  was  hard  to  keep  one's 
horses,  and  most  other  portable  property,  from  being 
stolen  by  the  Indians;  and  from  this  fact,  as  late  as  1792, 
according  to  a  note  in  one  of  Judge  Symmes'  letters, 
"more  than  half  the  inhabitants  were  obliged  to  raise 



their  corn  by  the  hoe,  without  the  aid  of  ploughs."  The 
redskins  commonly  refused,  however,  to  meddle  with  the 
slow  ox. 

While  the  first  crop  was  growing,  the  settler  busied 
himself  with  the  building  of  his  cabin,  which  must  serve 
as  shelter  from  the  coming  storms  of  winter  and  from 
the  ravages  of  wild  animals,  and,  possibly,  as  a  place  of 
refuge  from  the  savage.  If  he  was  completely  isolated 
from  his  fellows,  his  lot  in  this  was  apt  to  be  hard,  for 
without  assistance  he  could  construct  only  a  poor  sort  of 
habitation.  In  such  cases  the  cabin  was  generally  made 
of  light  logs  or  poles,  and  was  laid  up  roughly,  only  to 
answer  the  temporary  purpose  of  shelter,  until  others  had 
come  into  the  neighborhood,  by  whose  help  a  more  solid 
structure  could  be  built.  In  the  Miami  country,  how- 
ever, as  has  been  observed,  the  plan  at  first  was  to  gather 
in  small  clusters  of  population  at  fortified  stations,  where 
sufficient  help  \yas  always  available.  Assistance  was 
readily  gi-'en  one  pioneer  by  others,  whether  near  or  far 
removed,  within  a  radius  of  many  miles.  The  usual  plan 
of  erecting  a  log  cabin  was  through  such  union  of  labor. 
The  site  of  a  cabin,  home  was  generally  selected  with 
reference  to  a  good  water  supply,  often  by  a  stream  or 
never-failing  spring,  or,  if  such  could  not  be  found,  it  was 
not  uncommon  first  to  dig  a  well.  When  the  cabin  was 
to  be  built,  the  few  neighbors  gathered  at  the  site,  and 
first  cut  down,  within  as  close  proximity  as  possible,  a 
number  of  trees  as  nearly  of  the  same  size  as  could  be 
found,  but  ranging  from  a  foot  to  twenty  inches  in  diame- 
ter. Logs  were  chopped  from  these,  and  rolled  to  a 
common  centre.  This  work,  and  that  of  preparing  the 
foundation,  would  consume  the  greater,  part  of  the  day 
in  most  cases,  and  the  entire  labor  would  very  likely  oc- 
cupy two  or  three  days,  and  sometimes  four.  The  logs 
were  raised  to  their  places  with  handspikes  and  skid-poles, 
and  men  standing  at  the  corners  notched  them  with  axes 
as  fast  as  they  were  laid  in  position.  Soon  the  cabin 
•  would  be  built  several  logs  high,  and  the  w-ork  would  be- 
come more  difficult.  The  gables  were  formed  by  bevel- 
ing the  logs,  and  making  them  shorter  and  shorter  as 
each  additional  one  was  laid  in  place.  These  logs  in  the 
gables  were  held  in  position  by  poles,  which  extended 
across  the  cabin  from  end  to  end,  and  served  also  as 
rafters,  upon  which  to  lay  the  rived  clapboard  or  "shake" 
roof  The  so-called  "shakes"  were  three  to  six  feet  in 
length,  split  from  oak  or  ash  logs,  and  made  as  smooth 
and  flat  as  possible.  They  were  laid  side  by  side,  and 
other  pieces  of  split  stuff  laid  over  the  cracks  so  as  to 
keep  out  the  rain  effectually.  Upon  these  logs  were  laid 
to  hold  them  in  place,  and  these  in  turn  were  held  by 
blocks  of  wood  placed  between  them.  The  chimney 
was  an  important  part  of  the  building,  and  sometimes 
more  difficult  to  construct,  from  the  absence  of  suitable 
tools  and  material.  In  the  river  valleys,  and  wherever 
loose  stone  was  accessible,  neat  stone  chimneys  were  fre- 
quently built.  Quite  commonly  the  chimney  was  made 
of  sticks,  and  laid  up  in  a  manner  very  similar  to  the 
walls  of  the  cabin.  It  was,  in  nearly  all  cases,  built  out- 
side of  the  cabin,  and  at  its  base  a  huge  opening  was  cut 
through  the  wall  to  answer  as  a  fireplace.     The  stakes  in 

the  chimney  were  held  in  place,  and  protected  from  fire 
by  mortar,  formed  by  kneading  and  working  clay  and 
straw.  Flat  stones  were  procured  for  back  and  jambs  of 
the  fireplace,  and  an  opening  was  sawed  or  chopped  m  the 
logs  on  one  side  the  cabin  for  a  doorway.  Pieces  of 
hewed  timber,  three  or  four  inches  thick,  were  fastened 
on  each  side  by  wooden  pins  to  the  ends  of  the  logs,  and 
the  door,  if  there  were  any,  was  fastened  to  one  of  these 
by  wooden  hinges.  The  door  itself  was  apt  to  be  a  rude 
piece  of  woodwork.  It  was  made  of  boards,  rived  from 
an  oak  log,  and  held  together  by  heavy  cross-pieces. 
There  was  a  wooden  latch  upon  the  inside,  raised  by  a 
string  which  passed  through  a  gimlet-hole,  and  hung 
upon  the  outside.  From  this  mode  of  construction  arose 
the  old  and  familiar  hospitable  saying,  "You  will  find 
the  latch-string  always  out."  It  was  pulled  in  only  at 
night,  and  the  door  was  thus  easily  and  simply  fastened. 
Many  of  the  pioneer  cabins  had  no  doors  of  this  kind, 
and  no  protection  for  the  entrance  except  such  as  a 
blanket  or  skin  of  some  wild  beast  afforded.  The  begin- 
ners on  the  banks  of  the  Ohio  frequently  enjoyed  the 
luxury  of  heavy  boat-planks  and  other  sawed  material 
obtained  from  the  breaking  up  of  the  boats  in  which  they 
came  (a  quite  customary  procedure),  from  which  floors, 
doors,  or  roofs,  and  perhaps  other  parts  of  the  cabin, 
were  constructed.  The  window  was  a  small  opening, 
often  devoid  of  anything  resembling  a  sash,  and  seldom 
glazed.  Greased  paper  was  not  infrequently,  used  in  lieu 
of  the  latter,  but  more  usually  some  old  garment  consti- 
tuted a  curtain,  which  was  the  only  protection  at  the 
window  from  sun,  rain,  or  snow.  The  floor  of  the  cabin 
was  made  of  "puncheons" — pieces  of  timber  split  from 
trees  about  eighteen  inches  in  diameter,  and  hewed  toler- 
ably smooth  on  the  upper  surface  with  a  broadaxe.  They 
were  made  half  the  length  of  the  floor.  Some  of  the 
cabins  first  erected  in  this  part  of  the  country  had  nothing 
but  the  earthen  floor  which  Nature  provided.  At  times 
they  had  cellars,  which  were  simply  small  excavations  for 
the  storage  of  a  few  articles  of  food  or,  it  may  be,  of 
cooking  utensils.  Access  to  the  cellar  was  readily  gained 
by  lifting  a  loose  puncheon.  There  was  generally  a  small 
loft,  used  for  various  purposes,  among  others  as  the 
guest-chamber  of  the  house.  This  was  reached  by  a 
ladder,  the  sides  of  which  were  split  pieces  of  sapling, 
put  together,  like  everything  else  in  the  house,  without 
nails.  It  is  worthy  of  note  that  Judge  Symmes,  writing 
from  North  Bend  New  Year's  day,  1790,  some  descrip- 
tion of  his  new  houses  at  that  place,  took  pains  to 
mention  those  that  were  "well-shingled  with  nails,"  and 
the  "good  stone  chimney"  and  "sash-windows  of  glass" 
that  several  of  them  had. 


of  the  pioneer  cabin  was  in  many  cases  as  simple  and 
primitive  as  the  cabin  itself  A  forked  stick,  set  in  the  , 
floor  and  supporting  the  poles,  the  other  ends  of  which 
rested  upon  the  logs  at  the  end  and  side  of  the  cabin, 
formed  a  bedstead.  A  common  form  of  table  was  a 
split  slab,  supported  by  four  rude  legs,  set  in  auger-holes. 
Three-legged  stools  were  made  in  a  similar  simple  man- 



ner.  Pegs,  driven  in  auger-holes  in  the  logs  of  the  wall, 
supported  shelves,  and  others  displayed  the  limited  ward- 
robe of  the  family  not  in  use.  A  few  other  pegs,  or  per- 
haps a  pair  of  deer's  antlers,  formed  a  rack  where  hung 
rifle  and  powder-horn,  which  no  cabin  was  without.  The 
cradle  for  the  pioneer  babe  was  more  likely  than  not  to 
•  be  a  bee-gum  or  a  sugar-trough.  Some  who  became 
prominent  citizens  of  Cincinnati  and  other  parts  of  the 
Purchase  were  rocked  in  sugar-troughs.  These,  and 
perhaps  a  few  other  simple  articles  brought  from  the  old 
home,  formed  the  furniture  and  equipment  of  many  a 
pioneer  cabin.  The  utensils  for  cooking  and  the  dishes 
for  table  use  were  few.  The  best  were  of  pewter,  which 
the  careful  housewife  of  the  olden  time  kept  shining  as 
brightly  as  the  more  pretentious  plate  of  our  latter-day 
fine  houses.  It  was  by  no  means  uncommon  that  wooden 
vessels,  either  coppered  or  tinned,  were  used  upon  the 
table.  Knives  and  forks  were  few,  crockery  scarce,  and 
tinware  by  no  means  abundant.  Food  was  simply 
cooked  and  served,  but  it  was,  in  general,  very  excellent 
of  its  kind  and  wholesome  in  quality.  The  hunter  kept 
the  larder  supplied  with  venison,  bear  meat,  squirrels, 
wild  turkeys,  and  many  varieties  of  smaller  game.  Plain 
corn-bread,  baked  in  a  kettle,  in  the  ashes,  or  upon  a 
board  in  front  of  the  great  open  fireplace,  answered  the 
purpose  of  all  kinds  of  pastry.  The  wild  fruits  in  their 
season  were  made  use  of,  and  afforded  a  pleasant  variety. 
Sometimes  a  special  effort  was  made  to  prepare  a  deli- 
cacy, as,  for  instance,  when  a  woman  experimented  in 
mince-pies,  by  pounding  wheat  to  make  the  flour  fo  rthe 
crust  and  using  crab-apples  for  fruit.  In  the  cabin-lofts 
was  usually  to  be  found  a  miscellaneous  collection  that 
made  up  the  pioneer's  materia  medica,  the  herb  medicines 
and  spices,  catnip,  sage,  tansy,  fennel,  boneset,  penny- 
royal, and  wormwood,  each  gathered  in  its  season;  and 
there  was  also  store  of  nuts  and  strings  of  dried  pump- 
kin, with  bags  of  berries  and  fruit. 


of  the  Miamese  were  of  a  simplicity  and  purity  in 
conformity  with  their  surroundings  and  belongings. 
The  men  were  engaged  in  the  herculean  labor,  day 
after  day,  of  enlarging  the  little  patch  of  sunshine 
about  their  homes,  cutting  away  the  forest,  burning  off 
brush  and  debris,  preparing  the  soil,  planting,  tending, 
harvesting,  caring  for  the  few  animals  which  they  brought 
with  them  or  soon  procured,  and  in  hunting. 


While  the  men  were  engaged  in  the  heavy  labor  of  the 
field  and  forest  or  in  following  the  deer  or  other  game, 
their  helpmates  were  busied  with  their  household  duties, 
providing  for  the  day  and  for  the  winter  coming  on, 
cooking,  making  clothes,  spinning,  and  weaving.  They 
were  commonly  well  fitted,  by  nature  and  experience,  to 
be  consorts  of  the  brave  men  who  first  came  into  the 
western  wilderness.  They  were  heroic  in  their  endurance 
of  hardship,  privation,  and  loneliness.  Their  industry 
was  well  directed  and  unceasing.  Woman's  work,  then, 
like  man's,  was  performed  under  disadvantages  since  re- 
moved.    She  had  not  only  the  common  household  duties 

to  perform,  but  many  now  committed  to  other  hands. 
She  not  only  made  the  clothing  of  the  family,  but  also 
the  fabric  for  it.  The  famous  old  occupation  of  spin- 
ning and  weaving,  with  which  woman's  name  has  been 
associated  throughout  all  history,  and  which  the  modern 
world  knows  little,  except  through  the  stories  of  the  grand- 
mother, which  seems  surrounded  with  a  halo  of  romance 
as  we  look  back  to  it  through  tradition  and  poetry,  and 
which  alwyas  conjures  up  visions  of  the  graces  and  virtues 
of  a  generation  gone — that  was  the  chief  industry  of  the 
pioneer  women.  Every  cabin  resounded  with  the  softly 
whirring  wheel,  and  many  forest  homes  with  the  rhyth- 
mic thud  of  the  loom.  The  pioneer  woman,  truly,  an- 
swered the  ancient  description  of  King  Lemuel  in  the 
Proverbs:  ''She  seeketh  wool  and  flax,  and  worketh 
willingly  with  her  hands :  she  layeth  her  hands  to  the 
spindle,  and  her  hands  hold  the  distaff."  Almost  every 
article  of  clothing  not  made  of  deerskin,  as  many  a  hunt- 
ing shirt  and  pair  of  leggins  was,  and,  indeed^-about  all 
the  cloth  to  be  found  in  some  of  the  old  cabins,  was  the 
product  of  her  toil.  She  spun  flax  and  wove  linen  and 
woolen  for  shirts  and  pantaloons,  frocks,  sheets  and 
blankets.  Linen  and  wool,  the  "linsey-woolsey"  of  the 
primitive  day,  furnished  most  of  the  material  for 


of  the  men  and  women,  though  some  was  obtained  from 
the  skins  of  wild  beasts.  Men  commonly  wore  the  hunt- 
ing shirt,  a  kind  of  loose  frock  reaching  half-way  down 
the  thighs,  open  before,  and  so  wide  as  to  lap  over  a  foot 
or  more  upon  the  chest.  This  generally  had  a  cape, 
which  was  often  fringed  with  a  ravelled  piece  of  cloth  of  a 
different  color  from  that  which  composed  the  garment. 
The  capacious  bosom  of  the  shirt  often  served  as  a  pouch, 
in  which  could  be  carried  the  smaller  articles  that  a  hunter 
or  woodsman  needs.  It  was  always  worn  belted,  and 
was  made  of  coarse  linen,  linsey,  or  buckskin,  according 
to  the  taste  or  fancy  of  the  weaver.  In  the  belt  was  worn 
a  hunting  or  "scalping"  knife,"  unhappily  too  ready  at 
hand,  as  was  sometimes  proved  at  the  cost  of  a  human 
life,  upon  occasions  of  deadly  quarrel.  Breeches  were 
made  of  heavier  cloth  or  dressed  deer-skin,  and  were 
often  worn  with  leggings  of  the  same  material  or  some 
kind  of  leather,  while  the  feet  were  frequently  encased  in 
moccasins  after  the  Indian  fashion,  which  were  quickly 
and  easily  made,  though  they  often  needed  mending. 
The  buckskin  breeches  or  leggings  were  very  comfortable 
when  dry,  but  seemed  cold  when  wet,  and  were  almost 
as  stiff  as  wooden  garments  would  be  when  next  put  on. 
Hats  or  caps  were  generally  made  of  coonskin,  wildcat, 
or  other  native  fur.  The  women,  when  they  could  not 
procure  "store  duds,"  dressed  in  linsey  petticoats,  coarse 
shoes  and  stockings,  and  wore  buckskin  mittens  or  gloves, 
not  for  style,  but  when  any  protection  was  required  for 
the  hands.  All  of  her  wearing  apparel,  like  that  of  the 
men,  was  made  with  a  view  to  service  and  comfort,  and 
was  quite  commonly  of  home  manufacture  throughout. 
Other  and  finer  articles  were  worn  sometimes,  but  they 
were  brought  from  former  homes  or  bought  at  the  stores 
in  the  settlements  along  the  river,  in  the  former  case  being 



often  the  relics  handed  down  from  parents  to  children. 
Jewelry  was  not  common;  but  occasionally  some  orna- 
ment was  displayed. 


In  the  cabins  of  the  more  cultivated  pioneers  were 
usually  a  few  books — the  Bible  and  a  hymn-book,  the 
Pilgrim's  Progress,  Baxter's  Saint's  Rest,  Hervey's  Medi- 
tations, Esop's  Fables,  Gulliver's  Travels,  Robinson 
Crusoe,  and  the  like.  The  long  winter  evenings  were 
spent  pardy  in  poring  over  a  few  well-thumbed  volumes 
by  the  light  of  the  great  log  fire,  and  partly  in  curing  and 
dressing  skins,  knitting,  mending,  and  other  employ- 
ments. Hospitality  was  simple,  unaffected,  hearty,  and 
unbounded.  The  latch-string  was  "always  out"  at  nearly 
every  cabin. 


was  in  common  use,  and  was  furnished  on  all  occasions 
of  sociability.  It  was  brought  in  from  Kentucky  and  the 
Monongahela  country,  and  down  the  Ohio  and  Licking 
rivers.  A  few  years  later  many  of  the  settlers  put  up 
small  stills,  and  made  an  article  of  corn  whiskey  that 
was  not  held  in  so  high  esteem,  though  used  for  ordinary 
drinking  in  large  quantities.  Nearly  every  settler  had 
his  barrel  of  it  stored  away.  It  was  quite  the  universal 
drink  at  merry-makings,  bees,  house-warmings,  and  wed- 
dings, and  was  always  set  before  the  traveller  who  chanced 
to  spend  the  night  or  take  a  meal  at  a  pioneer  cabin.  In 
this  the  settler  but  followed  the  custom  of  other  pioneer 


As  settlements  increased,  the  sense  of  loneliness  and 
isolation  was  dispelled,  the  asperities  of  life  were  soft- 
ened, its  amenities  multiplied,  social  gatherings  became 
more  numerous  and  enjoyable,  the  log-roUing,  harvesting, 
and  husking  bees  for  the  men,  and  the  apple-butter 
making  and  quilting  parties  for  the  women,  furnished 
frequent  occasions  for  social  intercourse.  The  early  set- 
tlers took  much  pride  and  pleasure  in  rifle-shooting,  and, 
as  they  were  accustomed  to  the  use  of  the  gun  in  the 
chase  and  relied  upon  it  as  a  weapon  of  defence,  they 
exhibited  considerable  skill.  A  wedding  was  the  local 
event  of  chief  importance  in  the  sparsely  setded  new 
country.  The  young  people  had  every  inducement  to 
marry,  and  generally  did  marry  as  soon  as  able  to  pro- 
vide for  themselves.  When  a  marriage  was  to  be  cele- 
brated, all  the  neighborhood  turned  out.  It  was  custom- 
ary to  have  the  ceremony  performed  before  dinner,  and, 
in  order  to  be  on  time,  the  groom  and  his  attendants 
usually  started  from  his  father's  house  in  the  morning  for 
that  of  the  bride.  All  went  on  horseback,  riding  in 
single  file  along  the  narrow  trails.  Arriving  at  the  cabin 
of  the  bride's  parents,  the  ceremony  would  be  performed, 
and  after  that  dinner  was  served.  This  was  a  substantial 
backwoods  feast  of  beef,  pork,  fowls,  and  deer  or  bear 
meat,  with  such  vegetables  as  could  be  procured.  The 
greatest  hilarity  prevailed  during  the  meal.  After  it  was 
over,  dancing  began,  and  was  usually  kept  up  till  the 
next  morning,  though  the  newly  made  husband  and  wife 
were,  as  a  general  thing,  put  to  bed  by  the  company  in 
the  most  approved  old    fashion  and  with   considerable 

formality,  in  the  midst  of  the  evening's  rout.  The  tall 
young  men,  when  they  went  on  the  floor  to  dance,  had 
to  take  their  places  with  care  between  the  logs  that  sup- 
ported the  loft  floor,  or  they  were  in  danger  of  bumping 
their  heads.  The  figures  of  the  dances  were  three  and 
four-handed  reels,  or  square  sets  and  jigs.  The  com- 
mencement was  always  a  square  four,  which  was  followed 
by  "jigging  it  off."  The  settlement  of  a  young  couple 
was  thought  to  be  thoroughly  and  generously  made  when 
the  neighbors  assembled  and  raised  a  cabin  for  them. 


During  all  the  early  years  of  the  settlements,  varied 
with  occasional  pleasures  and  excitements,  the  great  work 
of  increasing  the  tillable  ground  went  slowly  on.  The 
implements  and  tools  were  few,  compared  with  what  the 
farmer  may  command  nowadays,  and  of  a  primitive  kind; 
but  the  soil,  that  had  long  held  in  reserve  the  accumu- 
lated richness  of  centuries,  produced  splendid  harvests, 
and  the  husbandman  was  well  rewarded  for  his  labor. 
The  soil  was  warmer  then  than  now,  and  the  seasons  ear- 
lier. The  bottom  lands,  if  not  flooded  by  the  freshets, 
were  often  as  green  by  the  first  of  March  as  fields  of 
grain  now  are  a  month  later.  The  wheat  was  pastured 
in  the  spring,  to  keep  it  from  growing  up  so  early  and 
fast  as  to  become  lodged.  The  harvest  came  early,  and 
the  yield  was  often  from  thirty-five  to  forty  or  more  bush- 
els per  acre. 


The  first  circulating  medium  in  the  new  country  was 
composed  mainly  of  raccoon  and  other  skins  from  the 
forest.  Mr.  John  G.  Olden  says,  in  his  entertaining  His- 
torical Sketches  and  Early  Reminiscences:  "A  deer-skin 
was  worth  and  represented  a  dollar;  a  fox-skin,  one-third 
of  a  dollar;  a  coon-skin,  one-fourth  of  a  dollar; — and 
these  passed  almost  as  readily  as  the  silver  coin.  The 
buffalo  and  bear-skins  had  a  more  uncertain  value,  and 
were  less  used  as  a  medium  of  trade."  Spanish  dollars, 
very  likely  cut  into  quarters  and  eighth  pieces,  sometimes 
appeared,  and  in  time  constituted,  with  the  smaller  pieces 
of  Mexican  coinage,  the  greater  part  of  the  currency 
afloat.  Smaller  sums  than  twelve  and  a  half  cents  were 
often  paid  or  given  in  change  in  pins,  needles,  writing- 
paper,  and  other  articles  of  little  value.  A  Cincinnati 
merchant  named  Bartle  brought  in  a  barrel  of  copper 
coins  to  "inflate  the  currency"  in  1794,  but  his  fellow- 
merchants  were  so  exasperated  at  his  action  that  they  al- 
most mobbed  him.  These  troops  at  Fort  Washington  were 
paid  in  Federal  money,  commonly  bills  of  the  old  Bank 
of  the  United  States,  of  which  a  three-dollar  note  was 
then  the  monthly  pay  of  a  private.  The  bills  were  usu- 
ally called  "oblongs,"  especially  at  the  gaming  tables, 
which  many  of  the  officers  and  soldiers  frequented.  The 
funds  disbursed  at  Fort  Washington  made  valuable  addi- 
tions to  the  currency  of  the  lower  Miami  country,  and 
greatly  facifitated  its  commercial  and  mercantile  growth 
and  business  operations  there. 


From  some  parts  of  the  Purchase  long  journeys  had 
to  be  made  upon  occasion,  and  very  likely  on  foot,  when 



medicines  or  delicacies  were  required  for  the  sick,  or 
some  indispensable  article  for  the  household  or  farm  was 
to  be  procured.  The  commonest  goods  at  first  com- 
manded large  prices,  from  the  distance  of  the  wholesale 
houses  in  the  Eastern  cities  where  they  were  purchased, 
and  the  cost  of  transportation.  In  parts  of  Ohio,  if  not 
in  the  Miami  Purchase,  in  the  early  days  coffee  brought 
seventy-five  cents  to  a  dollar;  salt  five  or  six  dollars  a 
bushel  of  fifty  pounds;  and  the  plainest  calico  one  dollar 
a  yard.  What  was  raised  in  the  country,  however,  was 
cheap  enough.  Judge  Syrames  notes  in  August,  1791, 
that  "provisions  are  extremely  plenty;  corn  may  be  had 
at  Columbia  for  two  shillings  cash  per  bushel;  wild  meat 
is  still  had  with  little  difficulty;  and  hogs  are  increasing 
in  number  at  a  great  rate,  so  that  I  expect  any  quantity 
of  pork  may  be  had  next  killing  time  at  twenty-five  shil- 
lings per  hundred." 


During  the  War  of  181 2  many  of  the  pioneer  husbands 
and  fathers  volunteered  in  the  service  of  the  United 
States,  and  others  were  drafted.  Women  and  children 
were  left  alone  in  many  an  isolated  log-cabin  all  through 
Ohio,  and  there  was  a  long  reign  of  unrest,  anxiety,  and 
terror.  It  was  feared  by  all  that  the  Indians  might  take 
advantage  of  the  desertion  of  these  homes  by  their  nat- 
ural defenders,  and  pillage  and  destroy  them.  The  dread 
of  robbery  and  murder  filled  many  a  mother's  heart;  but 
happily  the  worst  fears  of  this  kind  proved  to  be  ground- 
less, and  this  part  of  the  country  was  spared  any  scenes 
of  actual  Indian  violence  during  the  war.  After  it  end- 
ed, a  greater  feehng  of  security  prevailed  than  ever  before. 
A  new  motive  was  given  to  immigration,  and  the  country 
more  rapidly  filled  up.     An 


was  fairly  begun.  Progress  of  the  best  kind  was  slowly, 
surely  made.  The  log  houses  became  more  numerous 
in  the  clearings;  the  forest  shrank  away  before  the  wood- 
man's axe ;  frame  houses  began  to  appear  in  many  local- 
ities where  they  were  before  unknown;  the  pioneers,  as- 
sured of  safety,  laid  better  plans  for  the  future,  resorted 
to  new  industries,  enlarged  their  possessions,  and  im- 
proved the  means  of  cultivation.  Stock  was  brought  in 
greater  numbers  from  Kentucky  and  the  east.  Every 
settler  now  had  his  horses,  oxen,  cattle,  sheep,  and  hogs. 
More  commodious  structures  about  the  farm  took  the 
place  of  the  old  ones.  The  double  log  cabin,  of  hewed 
logs,  or  a  frame  dwelling,  took  the  place  of  the  smaller 
one;  log  and  frame  barns  were  built  for  the  protection  of 
stock  and  the  housing  of  the  crops.  Then  society  began 
more  thoroughly  to  organize  itself;  the  school-house  and 
the  church  appeared  in  all  the  rural  coinmunities ;  and 
the  advancement  was  noticeable  in  a  score  of  other  ways. 
The  work  of  the  Miamese  pioneers  was  mainly  done. 
Their  hardships  and  privations,  so  patiently  and  even 
cheerfully  borne  in  the  time  of  them,  were  now  pleasantly 
remembered.  The  best  had  been  njade  of  what  they 
had,  and  they  had  toiled  with  stout  hearts  to  lay  the 
foundations  of  the  civilization  that  began  to  bloom  about 
them.     Industrious  and  frugal,  simple  in  their  tastes  and 

pleasures,  happy  in  an  independence,  however  hardly 
gained,  and  looking  forward  hopefully  to  an  old  age  of 
plenty  and  peace  which  should  reward  them  for  the  toils 
of  their  earliest  years,  and  a  final  rest  from  the  struggle 
of  many  toilsome  seasons,  they  were  ready  to  join  in  the 
song  which  was  pleasantly  sung  for  them  long  after  by 
the  Buckeye  poet,  William  D.  Gallagher,  dedicated  to  the 
descendants  of  Colonel  Israel  Ludlow,  and  entitled  ' 

A  song  of  the  early  times  out  west  and  our  green  old  forest  home, 
Whose  pleasant  memories  freshly  yet  across  the  bosom  come! 
A  song  for  the  free  and  gladsome  life  in  those  early  days  we  led, 
With  a  teeming  soil  beneath  our  feet  and  a  smiling  heaven  o'erhead ! 
O,  the  waves  of  life  danced  merrily  and  had  a  joyous  flow, 
In  the  days  when  we  were  pioneers,  sixty  years  ago! 

The  hunt,  the  shot,  the  glorious  chase,  the  captured  elk  or  deer! 
The  camp,  the  big,  bright  fire,  and  then  the  rich  and  wholesome  cheer; 
The  sweet,  sound  sleep  at  dead  of  night  by  our  camp-fire  blazing  high, 
Unbroken  by  the  wolfs  long  howl  and  the  panther  spnnging  by, 
O,  merrily  passed  the  time,  in  spite  our  wily  Indian  foe. 
In  the  days  when  we  were  pioneers,  sixty  years  ago! 

We  shunn'd  not  labor;  when  'twas  due,  we  wrought  with  right  good-will; 

And  for  the  homes  we  won  for  them,  our  children  bless  us  still. 

We  lived  not  hermit  lives,  but  oft  in  social  converse  met; 

And  fires  of  love  were  kindled  then  that  burn  on  warmly  yet. 

O,  pleasantly  the  stream  of  life  pursued  its  constant  flow. 

In  the  days  when  we  were  pioneers,  sixty  years  ago! 

'We  felt  that  we  were  fellow-men,  we  felt  we  were  a  band 
Sustain'd  here  in  the  wilderness  by  Heaven's  upholding  hand  ; 
And  when  the  solemn  Sabbath  came  we  gather'd  in  the  wood. 
And  lifted  up  our  hearts  in  prayer  to  God,  the  only  good. 
Our  temples  then  were  earth  and  sky;  none  others  did  we  know 
In  the  days  when  we  were  pioneers,  sixty  years  ago! 

Our  forest  life  was  rough  and  rude,  and  dangers  closed  us  round ; 
But  here,  amid  the  green  old  trees,  we  freedom  sought  and  found. 
Oft  through  our  dwellings  wintry  blasts  would  rush  with  shriek  and  moan : 
We  cared  not,  though  they  were  but  frail ;  we  felt  they  were  our  own. 
O,  free  and  manly  lives  we  led,  'mid  verdure  or  'mid  snow. 
In  the  days  when  we  were  pioneers,  sixty  years  ago! 

But  now  our  course  of  life  is  short;  and  as,  from  day  to  day. 
We're  walking  on  with  halting  step  and  fainting  by  the  way. 
Another  land,  more  bright  than  this,  to  our  dim  sight  appears, 
And  on  our  way  to  it  we'll  soon  again  be  pioneers; 
Yet,  while  we  linger,  we  may  all  a  backward  glance  still  throw 
To  the  days  when  we  were  pioneers,  sixty  years  ago! 

Without  an  iron  will  and  an  indomitable  resolution, 
they  could  never  have  accomplished  what  they  did.  Their 
heroism  deserves  the  highest  tribute  of  praise  and  admi- 
ration that  can  be  awarded,  and  their  brave  and  toil- 
some deeds  should  have  permanent  record  in  the  pages 
of  history. 




Let  us  welcome,  then,  the  strangers. 
Hail  them  as  our  friends  and  brothers. 
And  the  heart's  right  hand  of  friendship 
Give  them  when  they  come  to  see  us, 
Gitche  Manito,  the  Mighty, 
Said  this  to  me  in  my  vision. 

H.  W.  Longfellow,  "Hiawatha." 

Friendship  was  in  tlieir  loolcs,  but  in  their  hearts  there  was  hatred. 

Straight  there  arose  from  tlie  forest  the  awful  sound  of  the  war-whoop. 

And,  lilce  a  flurry  of  snow  in  the  whistling  wind  of  December, 

Swift  and  sudden  and  keen  came  a  flight  of  feathery  arrows ; 

Then  came  a  cloud  of  smoke,  and  out  of  the  cloud  came  the  lightning, 

Out  of  the  lightning  thunder,  and  death  unseen  ran  before  it. 

Longfellow,  "Courtship  of  Miles  Standish." 


It  was  remarked  in  the  last  chapter  that,  while  Tyflge 
Symmes  was  detained  with  his  party  at  Limestone,  he 
had  repeated  information  from  Major  Stites,  then  just 
getting  settled  in  his  block-houses  and  cabins  at  Colum- 
bia, that  Indians  had  coine  in  to  see  him  (Stites)  and 
share  his  hospitality,  and  that  they  had  expressed  a  strong 
desire  to  see  the  great  man  of  the  Miami  Purchase  and 
make  a  peace  compact  with  their  new  white  brethren. 
This  information  was  evu^ntly  considered  important  by 
the  pioneer  Columbian,  since  he  dispatched  two  mes- 
sengers on  foot,  in  the  inclement  days  of  early  December, 
to  make  their  way  for  sixty  miles  along  the  banks  of  the 
Ohio,  to  convey  his  tidings  to  the  leader  still  tarrying  at 
Limestone.  Symmes  not  appearing,  and  the  Indians  con- 
tinuing their  visits  and  beginning  to  express  some  impa- 
tience at  his  delay,  another  message  was  sent  to  him, 
which,  as  we  have  seen,  had  the  effect  of  hastening  his 
departure  with  the  colony  for  the  settlement  contem- 
plated near  the  mouth  of  the  Great  Miami.  Before  his 
expedition  set  out,  however,  he,  remembering,  perhaps, 
the  great  example  of  Penn  in  his  dealings  with  the  In- 
dians, prepared  and  dispatched  the  following  unique 
proclamation  or  letter  to  the  red  men  of  the  Miamis: 

Brothers  of  the  JVyandots  and  Shawancei :  Hearken  to  your  brother, 
who  is  commg  to  live  at  the  Great  Miami.  He  was  on  the  Great  Mi- 
ami last  summer,  while  the  deer  was  yet  red,  and  met  with  one  of  your 
camps  ;  he  did  no  harm  to  anything  which  you  had  in  your  camp  ;  he 
held  back  two  young  men  from  hurting  you  or  your  horses,  and  would 
not  let  them  take  your  skins  or  meat,  though  your  brothers  were  very 
hungry.  All  this  he  did  because  he  was  your  brother,  and  would  live 
in  peace  with  the  red  people.  If  the  red  people  will  live  in  friendship 
with  him  and  his  young  men,  who  came  from  the  great  salt  ocean,  to 
plant  corn  and  build  cabins  on  the  land  between  the  Great  and  Little 
Miami,  then  the  white  and  red  people  shall  all  be  brothers  and  live  to- 
gether, and  we  will  buy  your  furs  and  skins,  and  sell  you  blankets  and 
rifles,  and  powder  and  lead  and  rum,  and  everything  that  our  red 
brothers  may  want  in  hunting  and  in  their  towns. 

Brothers !  a  treaty  is  holding  at  Muskingum.  Great  men  from  the 
thirteen  fires  are  there,  to  meet  the  chiefs  and  head  men  of  all  the  na- 
tions of  the  red  people.  May  the  Great  Spirit  direct  all  their  councils 
for  peace.  But  the  great  men  and  the  wise  men  of  the  red  and  white 
people  cannot  keep  peace  and  friendship  long,  unless  we,  who  are  their 
sons  and  warriors,  will  also  bury  the  hatchet  and  live  in  peace. 

Brothers !  I  send  you  a  string  of  beads,  and  write  to  you  with  my 
own  hand,  that  you  may  believe  what  I  say.  I  am  your  brother,  and 
will  be  kind  to  you  while  you  remain  in  peace.     Farewell ! 

JNO.  C.  Symmes. 

Jan.  the  3d,  1789. 

What  was  the  immediate  effect  of  this  epistle  upon  the 
aboriginal  mind  has  not  been  recorded;  but  a  few  months 

afterwards  a  white  man,  Mr.  Isaac  Freeman,  going  in  from 
the  Maumee  towns,  with  several  captives  released  by  the 
Indians,  was  charged  in  reply  with  the  delivery  of  the 
following  address  to  Judge  Symmes  : 

Mawme,  July  7,  1789. 

Brothers  !  Americans !  of  the  Miami  Warriors  !  Listen  to  us  war- 
riors what  we  have  to  say. 

Now,  Americans  !  Brothers  !  we  have  heard  from  you,  and  are  glad 
to  hear  the  good  speech  you  sent  us.  You  have  got  our  flesh  and  blood 
among  you,  and  we  have  got  yours  among  us,  and  we  are  glad  to  hear 
that  you  wish  to  exchange.  We  really  think  you  want  to  exchange,  and 
that  is  the  reason  we  listen  to  you. 

As  the  Great  Spirit  has  put  your  flesh  and  blood  into  our  hands,  we 
now  deliver  them  up. 

We  warriors,  if  we  can,  wish  to  make  peace,  and  our  chiefs  and 
yours  will  then  listen  to  one  another.  As  we  warriors  speak  from  our 
hearts,  we  hope  you  do  so  too,  and  wish  you  may  be  of  one  mind,  as 
we  are. 

Brothers,  Warriors — when  we  heard  from  you  that  you  wished  to 
exchange  prisoners,  we  listened  attentively,  andnowwe  send  some,  as  all 
are  not  here  nor  can  be  procured  at  present,  and  therefore  we  hope  you 
will  send  all  ours  home;  and  when  we  see  them,  it  will  make  us  strong 
to  send  all  yours,  which  cannot  now  all  be  got  together. 

Brothers,  Warriors — when  we  say  this,  it  is  from  our  hearts,  and  we 
hope  you  do  the  same;  but  if  our  young  men  should  do  anything  wrong 
before  we  all  meet  together,  we  beg  you  to  overlook  it.  This  is  the  mind 
of  us  warriors,  and  our  chiefs  are  glad  there  is  hope  of  peace.  We 
hope,  therefore,  that  you  are  of  the  same  mind. 

Brothers,  Warriors — it  is  the  warriors  who  have  shut  the  path  which 
vour  chiefs  and  ours  formerly  laid  open;  but  there  is  hope  that  the 
path  will  soon  be  cleared,  that  our  women  and  children  may  go  where 
they  wish  in  peace,  and  that  yours  may  do  the  same. 

Now,  Brothers,  Warriors — you  have  heard  from  us;  we  hope  you  will 
be  strong  like  us,  and  we  hope  there  will  be  nothing  but  peace  and 
friendship  between  you  and  us. 

In  explanation  of  a  part  of  this  missive  it  should  be 
said  that  Symmes  held  at  North  Bend  ten  Indian 
women  and  children,  who  had  been  ■  left  with  him  by 
Colonel  Robert  Patterson,  as  captives  taken  in  a  raid 
from  Kentucky  to  the  Indian  towns,  to  be  exchanged  for 
whites  when  the  opportunity  should  offer.  Freeman  had 
been  sent  by  Symmes  to  the  Maumee,  with  a  young  In- 
dian for  interpreter,  to  arrange  such  exchanges.  Subse- 
quently, while  under  a  flag  of  truce  approaching  the  In- 
dians on  a  friendly  mission,  Freeinan  was  fired  upon  and 


The  reference  of  Judge  Symmes'  letter  to  his  visit  to 
the  Great  Miami  the  preceding  "summer"  seems  rather 
to  refer  to  his  tour  of  exploration  in  that  valley  in  the 
early  fall,  thus  mentioned  in  a  letter  of  his  dated  Octo- 
ber, 1788:  "On  the  twenty-second  ultimo  I  landed  at 
Miami,  and  explored  the  country  as  high  as  the  upper 
side  of  the  fifth  range  of  townships.  "  About  forty  miles 
inland,  at  some  point  on  the  Great  Miami,  his  party  came 
upon  a  small  camp  of  the  savages,  so  small  that  they 
could  easily  have  destroyed  it  and  its  inhabitants.  In 
his  company  were  a  number  of  Kentuckians,  who  had 
accompanied  Colonel  Patterson  and  the  surveyor  Filson, 
two  of  the  projectors  of  Losantiville,  in  the  "blazing"  of 
a  road,  through  the  forest  from  Lexington  to  the  mouth 
of  the  Licking,  as  one  of  the  preliminary  steps  to  the 
proposed  settlement  opposite  that  point,  and  had  incited 
him  to  make  the  exploration  by  promising  him  their  es- 
cort until  it  was  finished.  These  men,  sharing  the  in- 
veterate hostility  of  their  people  to  the  red  man,  desired 



to  make  away  with  this  little  band  of  wandering  savages 
and  their  humble  property  at  once.  Symmes  prevented 
them,  however,  and  would  not  allow  the  Indians  to  be 
harmed  or  their  stuff  to  be  taken.  About  half  the  Ken- 
tuckians,  therefore,  after  giving  him  all  the  trouble  they 
dared  by  their  disorderly  conduct,  deserted  his  party  and 
started  for^horae,  leaving  him  almost  defenceless  in  the 
perilous  wilderness.  The  rest  of  the  men  of  Kentucky 
soon  also  showing  an  intention  to  desert,  he  was  obliged 
to  leave  his  exploration  but  partially  accomplished,  and 
make  his  way  as  rapidly  as  possible  back  to  the  Ohio,  up 
which  he  pushed  again  to  his  headquarters  at  Limestone. 
Filson,  who,  together  with  Patterson,  had  accompanied 
the  expedition,  also  deserted  it  about  the  time  the  first 
Kentuckians  went,  through  fear  of  remaining  longer  with 
either  detachment  of  the  party;  but,  strange  to  say,  in 
his  eagerness  to  make  greater  haste  out  of  the  wilderness, 
he  decided  to  confront  its  dangers  solitary  and  alone,  and 
so  swung  away  from  even  the  feeble  protection  which  he 
had  with  Symmes  and  the  remainder  of  the  escort.  He 
was  never  seen  or  directly  heard  from  again.  Within 
three  hours  from  the  time  of  his  abandonment  of  the 
party,  it  is  supposed  he  had  fallen  a  victim  to  the  ferocity 
of  the  Indians.  The  locahty  of  the  occurrence,  thinks 
Mr.  Miller,  author  of  Cincinnati's  beginnings,  was  "prob- 
ably not  far  from  the  northern  boundary  line  of  Hamilton 
county,  and  the  northeast  corner  of  Colerain  township. " 
With  Filson  also  perished  his  plan  of  Losantiville,  which 
had  been  carefully  prepared  at  Lexington,  and  is  believed 
to  have  been  on  his  person  at  the  time. 


Notwithstanding  subsequent  hostilities  between  the 
Indians  and  the  whites  of  the  Purchase,  the  feeling  of 
the  sons  of  the  forest  toward  Judge  Symmes  personally 
appears  to  have  been  kind  and  friendly — perhaps  in  mem- 
ory, if  not  of  his  proclamation  or  letter,  yet  of  his  re- 
straint of  the  Kentuckians  when  some  of  their  people 
were  threatened  with  pillage  and  murder,  and  of  his  sub-' 
sequent  kindness  to  them.  He  does  not  appear  ever  to 
have,  been  attacked  or  otherwise  molested  by  them  in  his 
own  person  or  property;  and  nearly  seven  years  after- 
wards, at  the  negotiation  of  the  treaty  of  Greenville, 
some  of  the  Indians  assembled  there  told  him  that  they 
had  often  been  on  the  point  of  shooting  him,  but  had 
recognized  him  in  time  to  save  his  life.  Nevertheless  the 
kind-hearted  and  hospitable  judge  was  sorely  tried  and 
troubled  by  their  hostility  to  his  settlers  on  the  Purchase 
— a  feeling  which  early  developed  in  cruel  and  bloody 
deeds.  The  traditions  of  the  region  were  those  of  in- 
veterate warfare  and  hatred  between  the  races.  Only  ten 
years  before  Symmes'  settlement  at  North  Bend,  Colo- 
nels Bowman  and  Logan  had  led  a  hundred  and  si.xty 
Kentuckians  up  between  the  rivers  against  the  Shawnee 
towns  on  the  Little  Miami,  within  the  present  limits  of 
Greene  county,  in  retaliation  for  atrocities  committed  by 
the  Indians  in  Kentucky  shortly  before,  and  had  experi- 
enced some  sharp  fighting.  The  Indians  pursued  them 
to  the  mouth  of  the  Little  Miami,  where  they  recrossed 
the  Ohio  on  their   homeward  march.     The  next   year 

after  this  e.xpedition  the  redoubtable  George  Rogers 
Clark  headed  a  troop  of  a  thousand  Kentuckians  against 
the  Little  Miami  and  Mad  river  towns,  and  destroyed  the 
Indian  village  at  Piqua  and  much  corn  of  the  growing 
crops  of  the  Indians.  It  is  said  that  after  crossing 
the  Ohio  at  the  mouth  of  the  Licking,  on  their  north- 
ward march,  they  built  two  block-houses  on  the  present 
site  of  Cincinnati,  and  that  the  force  was  disbanded  there 
on  their  return,  homeward  bound. 


were  destined  to  play  an  active  part  in  die  Indian  and 
pioneer  affairs  of  the  Symmes  Purchase.  They  were 
erected  by  associations  of  colonists  for  mutual  safety, 
upon  a  plan  of  settlement  proposed  by  Judge  Symmes  as 
best  for  the  development  of  the  country.  A  strong  log 
block-house  being  put  up,  it  was  surrounded  by  the  cabins 
of  the  settlers,  rather  closely  crowded  together,  and  the 
whole  was  then  encircled  by  a  stout  stockade  or  picket, 
made  of  tree  trunks  or  logs  set  pretty  deep  in  the  ground, 
and  making,  in  some  cases,  a  really  formidable  work  of 
defence.  Not  until  this  was  completed  did  the  settlers 
venture  to  begin  clearing  land  and  planting  crops.  Even 
then  they  were-  obliged  to  work  with  their  rifles  near  and 
sentinels  constantly  on  the  alert.  At  sunset  all  returned 
to  the  -  stockade,  taking  everything  portable  and  of  value 
with  them.  These  stations  were  made  as  numerous  as 
the  number  of  settlers,  and  more  particularly  the  number 
of  troops  that  could  be  obtained  for  each  from  the  mili- 
tary commander  in  this  region,  would  warrant.  It  might 
be  presumed  that,  in  the  exposed  state  of  the  country, 
nothing  would  have  been  easier  than  to  get  or  retain  sol- 
diers for  the  protection  of  the  settlers,  since  that  was  pre- 
cisely for  what  the  forces  of  the  United  States  were  sent 
to  the  valley  of  the  Ohio.  But  it  was  not  always  so.  We 
have  recorded  the  difficulties  and  detentions  which  beset 
Judge  Symmes  at  Limestone,  while  endeavoring  to  get 
his  colony  to  its  destination,  through  the  failure  of  Gen- 
eral Harraar  to  send  him  an  escort  promptly.  After  he 
had  secured  the  protection  of  Captain  Kearsey  and  the 
small  remnant  of  his  troop,  and  had  made  his  settlement 
at  North  Bend,  he  was  very  soon  unceremoniously  de- 
serted by  Kearsey  and  all  but  five  of  his  command,  the 
rest  putting  off  down  the  river  to  Louisville,  without  even 
building  him  a  stockade  or  block-house.  It  was  then 
nearly  a  month  before  the  earnest  persuasions  of  Symmes 
prevailed  with  Major  Wyllys,  the  commandant  at  that 
place,  to  secure  him  a  garrison,  consisting  of  an  ensign 
and  eighteen  men,  which  speedily,  by  desertion  and  In- 
dian attack,  was  reduced  to  twelve,  and  Luce,  after  build- 
ing a  tolerable  block-house  and  remaining  four  months, 
transferred  his  little  force  to  Losantiville,  again  leaving 
Symmes'  hamlets  nearly  or  quite  unprotected.  The 
country  had  no  adequate  protection,  indeed,  until  the 
early  part  of  the  following  summer,  when  Major  Doughty 
arrived  from  Fort  Harmar  with  two  companies  of  sol- 
diers and  began  the  erection  of  Fort  Washington.  Even 
then,  and  for  some  time  after,  troops  were  arbitrarily  sent 
to  or  withdrawn  from  the  stations. 

In  a  letter  from  North  Bend,  January  17,  1792,  Symmes 



relates  how  "General  St.  Clair,  by  much  importunity,  gave 
Mr.  Dunlap  a  guard  of  six  soldiers.  With  these  the  set- 
tlers returned  to  Colerain  [Dunlap's  station].  In  a  very 
few  days  after  the  station  was  re-settled,  the  Governor 
ordered  the  six  soldiers  back  again  to  Fort  Washington. 
But  the  next  day  General  St.  Clair  set  out  for  Philadel- 
phia, and  Major  Zeigler  came  to  the  command.  His 
good  sense  and  humanity  induced  him  to  send  the  six 
men  back  again  in  one  hour's  time,  as  I  am  told,  after 
General  St.  Clair  left  Fort  Washington,  and  he  assured 
Mr.  Dunlap  that  he  should  have  more  soldiers  than  si.\, 
rather  than  the  station  should  break.  Majors  sometimes 
do  more  good,"  he  naively  adds,  "than  generals." 

Dr.  Goforth,  then  of  Columbia,  wrote  September  3, 

The  number  of  militia  at  these  stations,  from  the  best  accounts  I 
have  received,  are  at  Columbia,  200;  Cincinnati,  150;  South  Bend,  20; 
City  of  Miami,  80  ;  Dunlap's,  15  ;  and  Covalt's,  20. 

A  considerable  number  of  these  stations,  more  or  less 
strongly  fortified,  are  known  to  have  existed  within  the 
present  limits  of  the  county  during  the  period  of  Indian 
warfare ;  and  it  is  quite  possible  that  the  memory  of  others 
has  disappeared.     So  far  as  known,  they  were  as  follows: 

1.  Covalt's  Station,  at  Round  Bottom,  twelve  miles 
up  the  Little  Miami,  below  the  present  site  of  Milford. 
This  was  erected  in  1789,  and  Mr.  John  G.  Olden,  author 
of  Historical  Sketches  and  Early  Reminiscences  of  Lock- 
land  and  Reading,  is  disposed  to  place  it  first  in  chrono- 
logical order,  although  similar  claims  have  been  made  for 
Clemens',  Gerard's,  Dunlap's,  and  Ludlow's  stations. 

2.  Clemens'  station,  also  on  the  Round  Bottom,  about 
,  half  a  mile  below  Covalt's. 

3.  Gerard  and  Martin's  station,  on  the  west  side  of 
the  Little  Miami,  and  about  two  miles  from  its  mouth, 
near  the  present  Union  bridge. 

4.  Dunlap's  station,  established  in  the  early  spring  of 
1790,  in  Colerain  township,  on  the  east  side  of  the  Great 
Miami  and  in  the  remarkable  bend  of  that  stream  which 
begins  about  half  a  mile  south  of  the  county  line. 

5.  Campbell's  station,  also  on  the  east  bank  of  the 
Great  Miami  and  in  Colerain  township,  opposite  the 
present  site  of  Miainitown. 

6.  Ludlow's  station,  whose  site  is  now  embraced 
within  the  limits  of  Cincinnati,  about  five  miles  from 
Fountain  square,  in  the  north  part  of  Cumminsville.  It 
was  also  established  in  the  spring  of  1790.  This  was  the 
most  famous  of  all  the  stations. 

7.  White's  station,  probably  established  in  1792,  on 
the  bank  of  Mill  creek,  northeast  of  the  present  site  of 
Carthage,  near  the  aqueduct,  and  about  where  the  ice- 
pond  now  is. 

8.  Tucker's  station,  on  section  four,  Springfield  town- 
ship, east  of  the  old  Hamilton  road  and  about  a  mile  and 
a  half  northwest  of  Lockland. 

9.  Runyan's  station,  also  of  1792,  on  section  nine- 
teen, Sycamore  township,  about  a  mile  and  a  half  north 
of  Sharonville,  and  near  the  present  county  line.  This 
was  the  outpost  in  that  direction. 

10.  Griffin's  station,  established,  probably,  in  the  fall  of 
1793,  about  half  a  mile  west  of  White's  station,  where  the 

Carthage  and  Springfield  turnpike  now  crosses  Mill  creek. 

11.  Voorhees'  station,  in  the  south  part  of  section 
thirty-three,  Sycamore  township,  on  the  west  bank  of 
Mill  creek,  built  early  in  1794. 

12.  Pleasant  Valley  station,  on  the  line  between  sec- 
tions four  and  ten,  Springfield  township,  near  the  "Sta- 
tion Spring."  Also  built  in  the  spring  of  1794,  by  the 
builders  of  Tucker's  station,  to  protect  them  and  another 
party  which  had  moved  in  to  the  westward. 

13.  McFarland's  station,  in  Columbia  township,  near 
the  site  of  Pleasant  Ridge,  established  in  the  spring  of 
1795,  and  believed  to  be  the  last  founded  of  the  pioneer 
stations  in  this  county. 

Some  of  these  stations  were  the  scene  of  fierce  Indian 
attacks,  and  others  of  cowardly  murders  by  the  savages. 
Their  story  will  be  more  particularly  related  in  the  histo- 
ries of  the  townships. 

In  1794-5  Mr.  Benjamin  Van  Cleve,  then  of  Cincin- 
nati, but  soon  afterwards  of  Dayton,  made  many  interest- 
ing memoranda  of  affairs  in  the  Miami  country,  among 
which  we  find  the  following,  made  in  the  latter  year: 

On  the  twentieth  [ot  August],  seventeen  days  after  the  treaty  [of 
Greenville],  Governor  St.  Clair,  General  Wilkinson,  Jonathan  Dayton, 
and  Israel  Ludlow  contracted  with  John  Cleves  Symmes  for  the  pur- 
chase and  settlement  of  the  seventh  and  eighth  ranges,  between  Mad 
River  and  Little  Miami.  One  settlement  was  to  be  at  the  mouth  of  Mad 
River,  one  on  the  Little  Miami  in  the  seventh  range,  and  one  on  Mad 
River  above  the  mouth. 

Two  parties  of  surveyors  set  off  [from  Cincinnati]  on  the  twenty- 
first  of  September — Mr.  Daniel  C.  Cooper,  to  survey  and  mark  a  road 
and  cut  out  some  of  the  brush,  and  Captain  John  Dunlap  to  run  the 
boundaries  of  the  Purchase.  I  went  with  Dunlap.  There  were  at  this 
time  several  stations  on  Mill  Creek :  Ludlow's,  White's,  Tucker's, 
Voorhees's,  and  Cunningham's,*  The  last  was  eleven  miles  from  Cin- 
cinnati.    We  came  to  Voorhees's  and  encamped. 

A  limited  number  of  regulars  was  stationed  at  several 
of  these  by  General  Harmar  or  his  subordinate  officers. 
All  together  they  afforded  protection  and  food  to  a  large 
number  of  pioneer  families,  who  must  otherwise  have 
been  driven  out  of  the  country.  They  were  of  use  else- 
where among  the  early  settlements,  as  well  as  for  local 
defence,  and  the  pioneers  in  other  parts  of  southern 
Ohio  were  less  annoyed  after  their  establishment,  because 
the  Indians  had  to  spend  a  part  of  their  time  in  watch- 
ing the  stations,  instead  of  taking  the  war-path  against 
the  scattered  and  isolated  settlers.  They  regarded  these 
defences,  indeed,  with  peculiar  disfavor.  Judge  Burnet 
accompanies  an  interesting  paragraph  upon  the  stations, 
in  his  Notes,  with  these  remarks: 

The  Indians  viewed  these  stations  with  great  jealousy,  as  they  had 
the  appearance  of  permanent  military  establishments,  intended  to  re- 
tain possession  of  their  country.  In  that  view  they  were  correct ;  and 
it  was  fortunate  for  the  settlers  that  they  wanted  either  the  skill  or  the 
means  of  demolishing  them.  The  truth  is,  they  had  no  idea  of  the 
flood  of  emigration  which  was  setting  towards  tlieir  borders,  and  did 
not  feel  the  necessity  of  submitting  to  the  loss  to  which  immediate 
action  would  subject  them.  .  .  Their  great  error  consisted  in 
permitting  those  works  to  be  constructed  at  all.  They  might  ha\'e  pre- 
\ented  it  with  great  ease,  but  theyappeared  not  to  be  aware  of  the  serious 
consequences  which  were  to  result,  until  it  was  too  late  to  act  with  ef- 
fect. Several  attacks  were,  howe\'er,  made  at  different  times,  with  an 
apparent  determination  to  destroy  them  ;  but  they  failed  in  every  in_ 

*  Cunningham's  settlement,  according  to  Mr.  Olden,  "was  not  a  regular  sta- 
tion in  the  proper  sense  of  that  term.  No  block-house  or  other  defensive  work 
were  erected,  and  there  was  no  organized  community. 



"captain  blackbeard. " 
Shortly  after  the  permanent  location  of  Judge  Symmes 
upon  the  Purchase,  he  had  the  honor  to  entertain,  in  his 
rude  shelter  at  North  Bend,  a  Shawnee  chief  bearing  the 
English  piratical  name  of  "Captain  Blackbeard,"  who 
lived  some  scores  of  miles  to  the  northward,  near  Roche 
de  Boeuf,  on  the  Maumee  river.  The  Judge  has  left  the 
following  entertaining  account  of  the  interview: 

The  chief  (tlie  others  sitting  around  him)  wished  to  be  informed  how 
far  I  was  supported  by  the  United  States,  and  whether  the  thirteen 
fires  (States)  had  sent  me  hitlier.  I  answered  in  the  affirmative,  and 
sf)read  before  them  the  thirteen  stripes  which  I  had  in  a  flag  then  in 
my  camp.  I  pointed  to  the  troops  in  their  uniform,  then  on  parade, 
and  informed  the  chief  that  those  were  the  warriors  which  the  thirteen 
fires  kept  in  constant  pay  to  avenge  their  quarrels,  and  that,  though 
the  United  States  were  desirous  of  peace,  yet  they  were  able  to  chas- 
tise any  aggressor  who  should  dare  offend  them,  and  to  demonstrate 
this  I  showed  them  the  seal  of  my  commission,  on  which  the  American 
arms  are  impressed,  observing  that  while  the  eagle  had  a  branch  of  a 
tree  as  an  emblem  of  peace  in  one  claw,  she  had  strong  and  sharp 
arrows  in  the  other,  which  denoted  her  power  to  punish  her  enemies. 
The  chief,  who  observed  the  device  on  the  seal  with  great  attention, 
replied  to  the  interpreter  that  he  could  not  perceive  any  intimation  of 
peace  from  the  attitude  the  eagle  was  in,  having  her  wings  spread  as  in 
fiight,  when  folding  of  the  wings  denoted  rest  and  peace;  that  he  could 
not  understand  how  the  branch  of  a  tree  could  be  considered  a  pacific 
emblem,  for  rods  designed  for  correction  were  always  taken  from 
the  boughs  of  trees;  that  to  him  the  eagle  appeared,  from  her  bearing 
a  large  whip  in  one  hand  and  such  a  number  of  arrows  in  the  other, 
and  in  full  career  of  flight,  to  be  wholly  bent  on  war  and  mischief.  I 
need  not  repeat  here  my  arguments  to  convince  him  of  his  mistake, 
but  I  at  length  succeeded,  and  he  appeared  entirely  satisfied  of  the 
friendship  of  Congdis  (for  so  they  pronounce  Congress)  to»  the  red 

Captain  Blackbeard  staid  a  month  or  so  in  the  neigh- 
borhood of  Judge  Symmes,  with  whom  he  had  frequent 
friendly  conferences,  and  whose  hospitality  he  accepted, 
especially  when  it  took  the  form  of  whiskey,  without 
reservation  or  stint.  Notwithstanding  subsequent  martial 
events,  some  of  which  must  have  come  very  near  to  his 
lodge  on  the  Maumee,  Blackbeard  seems  to  have  re- 
mained friendly  to  the  whites,  and  long  afterward  he 
repaid  with  interest  the  kindness  and  hospitality  he  had 
received  from  Symmes  by  requitals  to  Judge  Burnet 
and  other  lawyers  and  federal  officials  on  their  way 
through  the  wilderness  from  Cincinnati,  to  attend  the 
courts  in  Detroit. 

treachery  and  murder. 

Much  of  the  promise  of  the  Indians  to  thetri,  however, 
was  to  be  broken  to  the  hope.  Their  expressed  friend- 
liness was  undoubtedly,  in  some  cases,  used  to  mask 
treachery.  Scarcely  more  than  two  months  after  the  de- 
parture of  Blackbeard,  namely,  on  the  ninth  day  of  April, 
1789,  one  of  Symmes'  exploring  parties  was  fired  upon 
by  the  savages  while  leaving  its  camp,  and  two  of  its 
number — a  man  named  Holman,  from  Kentucky,  and 
Mr.  Wells,  from  Delaware — were  instantly  killed.  John 
Mills  and  three  others,  staying  not  to  fight  the  foe  and 
standing  not  upon  the  order  of  their  going,  escaped  to 
the  settlements.*     A  straggler  into  the  forest  from  the 

*  The  year  before  Symmes  came  with  his  colony,  about  the  twentieth 
of  May,  a  large  party  of  whites,  descending  the  river  in  three  boats 
was  attacked  by  the  Indians  a  little  below  the  mouth  of  the  Great 
Miami,  and  cut  off  or  captured  to  a  man.  Samuel  Purviance,  a  prom- 
inent citizen  of  Baltimore,  was  one  of  the  company,  and  was  never 
afterwards  heard  of,   though  General  Harmar  caused  a  long  and  careful 

villages  had  now  and  then  also  been  picked  off,  and  on 
the  twenty-first  of  May  an  attack  was  made  in  some  force 
from  the  Ohio  shore  upon  a  boat-load  of  settlers  whom 
Ensign  Luce,  the  officer  then  stationed  at  North  Bend, 
was  escorting  with  a  detachment  of  his  men  from  that 
place  up  the  river  to  South  Bend.  The  boat  was  not 
captured  with  its  precious  freight ;  but  by  the  fire  one  of 
the  soldiers — Runyan,  a  New  Jersey  recruit — was  killed, 
and  four  others  of  the  troops  were  wounded.  Mills,  also 
a  Jerseyman,  who  had  escaped  the  previous  disaster,  was 
now  among  the  wounded,  being  shot  through  the  lungs; 
but  was  taken  in  hand  by  friendly  squaws  and  cured  with- 
out much  difficulty.  One  of  the  settlers — William  Mont- 
gomery, of  Kentucky — was  also  hurt,  and  so  badly  as  to 
be  sent  to  Louisville  for  treatment.  The  affair  created 
intense  excitement  and  fear  at-  North  Bend,  where  the 
garrison  was  now  felt  to  be  utterly  inadequate;  and 
Symmes,  in  an  indignant  letter  to  Dayton,  bitterly  re- 
news his  complaints  of  the  neglect  of  the  commanders 
to  send  him  troops  enough  for  protection.  He  says:  "We 
are  in  three  defenceless  villages  along  the  banks  of  the 
Ohio,  and  since  the  misfortune  of  yesterday  many  citi- 
zens have  embarked  and  gone  to  Louisville;  and  others 
are  preparing  to  follow  them  soon;  so  that  I  fear  I  shall 
be  nearly  stripped  of  settlers  and  left  with  one  dozen 
soldiers  only.  Kearsey's  leaving  the  Purchase  in  the  man- 
ner he  did,  ruined  me  for  several  weeks."  Five  days  later 
he  writes :  "  I  believe  that  fifty  persons  of  all  ages  have 
left  this  place  since  the  disaster  of  the  twenty-first.  The 
settlers  consider  themselves  as  neglected  by  the  Govern- 
ment. .  .  We  are  really  distressed  here  for  the 
want  of  troops."  About  this  time  the  jealous  and  angry 
Kentuckians,  before  mentioned,  began  to  designate  the 
Purchase  as  "a  slaughter-house,"  from  the  danger  of  mas- 
sacre they  really  had  some  reason  for  representing  as  ex- 
isting there. 


At  this  time  the  settlers  at  Losantiville  and  Columbia 
were  tilling  their  in. lots,  as  well  as  out-lots,  with  firearms 
at  their  elbows  and  sentinels  carefully  posted.  Weeks 
before  the  pacificatory  letter  of  the  Indians  at  "Mawme" 
to  Symmes,  it  became  evident  that,  as  soon  as  they  could 
prepare  for  serious  inroads,  the  tribes  would  show  their 
thorough-going  antagonism  to  the  new  settlements  being 
planted  upon  the  Ohio,  whatever  their  verbal  or  written 
words  might  be.  The  most  alarming  reports  were  brought 
in  by  Mr.  Isaac  Freeman,  who  had  penetrated  the  Indian 
country  on  an  errand  from  Symmes,  and  had  returned  in 
safety  and  with  several  released  captives,  and  also  the  ■ 
olive-branch  missive  from  "Mawme,"  but,  writes  the 
judge,  he  "brings  such  terrifying  accounts  of  the  warlike 
preparations  making  at  the  Indian  towns,  that  it  has  raised 
fresh  commotions  in  this  village,  and  many  families  are 
preparing  to  go  down  to  the  Falls"  [Louisville].  British 
influence  was  busy  in  stirring  up  the  Indians  to  acts  of 
hostility.     In  the  same  letter  Symmes  writes : 

While  Mr.  Freeman  was  at  the  Indian  towns  he  was  lodged  at  the 

search  to  be  made  for  him.  It  was  one  of  the  most  terrible  and  sweep- 
ing disasters  from  Indian  attack  that  ever  occurred  in  the  valley  of  the 



house  of  a  chief  called  Blue  Jacket,  and  while  there  he  saw  the  pack- 
horses  come  to  Blue  Jacket's  house  loaded  with  five  hundred  weight  of 
powder  and  lead  equivalent,  with  one  hundred  muskets;  this  share  he 
saw  deposited  at  the  house  of  Blue  Jacket.  He  says  the  like  quantity 
was  sent  them  from  Detroit,  to  every  chief  through  all  their  towns. 
Freeman  saw  the  same  dividend  deposited  at  a  second  chief's  house  in 
the  same  town  with  Blue  Jacket.  On  the  arrival  of  the  stores  from  De- 
troit, British  colors  were  displayed  on  the  housetop  of  every  chief,  and 
a  prisoner  among  the  Indians  who  had  the  address  to  gain  full  credit 
with  them  and  attended  at  their  council-house  every  day,  found  means 
to'  procure  by  artifice  an  opportunity  of  conversing  with  Freeman.  He 
assured  Freeman  that  the  Indians  were  fully  determined  to  rout  these 
settlements  altogether;  that  they  would  have  attempted  it  before  this 
time,  but  had  no  military  stores;  but  these  being  then  arrived,  it  would 
not  be  long  before  they  would  march. 

Confirmation  of  these  reports  was  received  about  the 
same  time  from  two  widely  separated  points  at  the  east 
and  west,  from  Vincennes  and  from  Pittsburgh. 


We  can  find  in  Mr.  Freeman's  account  one  reason  at 
least  why  the  infant  settlements  along  the  Ohio  were  for 
so  many  months  spared  from  Indian  outrage,  conflagra- 
tion, and  general  massacre.  Individual  cases  of  capture, 
maiming,  or  murder  were  not  wanting,  however.  Judge 
Symmes  writes,  January  i,  1790:  "We  have  already  had 
a  man  murdered  by  the  Indians  within  the  squares  of 
the  city."  This  may  refer  to  the  case  of  a  young  son  of 
John  Hilliers,  a  settler  at  the  Bend,  who  had  gone  out  on 
the  morning  of  the  twelfth  of  December  next  previous, 
to  drive  home  the  cows,  and,  when  scarcely  half  a  mile 
from  the  block-house,  was  tomahawked  and  scalped,  and 
his  gun  and  hat  were  carried  off.  On  the  seventeenth  of 
the  same  month  two  young  men  from  the  settlement, 
James  Lafferty  and  Andrew  Vaneman,  hunting  along  the 
river,  were  surprised  by  Indians  while  sitting  at  night  by 
their  camp-fire,  and  were  both  killed  at  the  first  shot. 
Their  bodies  were  then  stripped  of  clothes,  and  toma- 
hawked and  scalped  in  the  most  barbarous  manner.  A 
letter  from  Judge  Symmes,  written  in  May  following,  re- 
ferring to  matters  at  North  Bend,  says:  "Things  were 
prosperous,  considering  the  mischief  done  there  this 
spring  by  the  Indians.  They  plant  considerable  corn, 
though  much  more  would  have  been  planted  if  no  mis- 
chief had  been  done.  Many  fled  on  those  occasions — 
two  men  have  been  killed.  The  Indians  are  universally 
hostile,  and  the  contrary  opinion  is  ill-founded." 

On  the  other  side  of  the  Purchase,  the  settlers  at  Co- 
lumbia were  greatly  troubled  after  the  depredations  and 
attacks  once  began,  which  was  not  until  nearly  a  year 
after  the  founding  of  the  colony.  In  time  too  soon,  how- 
ever, the  dreaded  blows  fell.  Among  the  cultivators  of 
the  soil  to  whom  Major  Stites  had  leased  the  rich  clear- 
ing known  as  Turkey  Bottom  was  one  James  Seward, 
who  occupied  a  lot  upon  it  for  his  daily  labor,  but  had 
his  residence  on  the  hillside  near  the  village.  Two  sons 
of  his,  Obadiah  and  John,  aged  respectively  twenty-one 
and  fifteen  years,  were  at  work  in  this  field  one  afternoon, 
September  20,  1789,  when  they  were  surprised  by  a  small 
party  of  Indians,  at  a  hickory  tree  which  had  been  felled 
for  nuts,  whose  bushy  top  gave  the  savages  an  excellent 
opportunity  for  concealment  and  stealthy  approach. 
Obadiah  gave  himself  up  at  once,  and  was  securely  bound 
by  withes  or  twigs;  but  the  other  ran  for  his  life,  in  a  cir- 

cuitous course  towards  home.  The  Indians  easily  gained 
upon  him,  however,  and  one  of  them  hurled  his  toma- 
hawk at  the  boy  with  such  force  as  to  cleave  his  skull 
immediately  behind  the  right  ear.  He  dropped  in  his 
tracks,  and,  when  overtaken  an  instant  later,  was  again 
tomahawked  and  was  then  scalped.  His  mangled  form 
was  not  found  until  the  next  morning,  when  John  Claw- 
son,  one  of  the  pitying  neighbors  who  gathered  around, 
carried  it  on  his  back  to  the  bereaved  home.  Strange  to 
say,  young  Seward  was  not  yet  dead,  though  unconscious, 
and  in  his  delirium,  as  his  clothing  and  the  surroundings 
showed,  he  had  dragged  himself  round  and  round  upon 
his  knees.  He  actually  survived  the  terrible  injury  for 
thirty-nine  days,  his  senses  returning  to  him,  and  even 
cheerfulness  and  good  spirits,  so  that  he  was  able  to  give 
a  correct  and  detailed  account  of  the  affair.  Obadiah 
was  for  some  time  unheard  from;  but  a  captive  returning 
at  length  from  the  Indian  country  brought  word  that  he 
had  been  killed  by  a  bloodthirsty  and  drunken  Indian, 
simply  for  taking  the  wrong  fork  of  a  trail.  The  young 
man,  it  is  said,  had  long  cherished  a  presentiment  that 
he  should  perish  at  the  hands  of  the  savages.  The 
doubly  bereaved  father  afterwards  removed  to  Springdale, 
where  he  suffered  the  loss  of  another  son  by  the  fall  of  a 

The  captive  just  mentioned  was  Ned  Larkin,  an  em- 
ploye of  Mr.  John  Phillips  who  was  seized  and  taken  by 
the  Indians  the  same  day  the  young  Sewards  were  at- 
tacked. He  was  alone  in  the  field  at  the  time,  cutting 
and  binding  cornstalks  for  fodder,  and  was  bound  and 
marched  through  the  wilderness  to  Detroit,  where  his  cap- 
tors sold  him  to  a  French  trader.  By  this  man,  who 
seems  to  have  had  a  heart  in  his  bosom,  Larkin  was  lib- 
erated not  long  after,  and  with  other  released  captives 
made  his  way  to  Pittsburgh,  whence  he  found  conveyance 
down  the  river  to  Columbia. 

In  1790  there  were  further  outrages  by  the  Indians  at 
this  place.  At  one  time  the  families,  of  whom  there 
were  several,  located  on  that  part  of  the  face  of  the  hill 
afterwards  called  Morristown,  lost  all  their  clothes  hung 
out  to  dry.  A  party  of  the  thieving  redskins  being  sus- 
pected, was  pursued,  the  property  found  in  their  posses- 
sion and  partially  recovered;  but  they  had  already  de- 
stroyed the  coverlets  to  make  belts.  James  Newell,  one 
of  the  most  valued  of  the  early  settlers  of  Columbia,  also 
lost  his  life  by  the  red  hand  of  Indian  murder — at  just 
what  date  we  have  not  ascertained. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  incidents  of  the  Indian 
period  in  Hamilton  county  occurred  July  7,  1792,  on  the 
river  between  Cincinnati  and  Columbia,  and  about  four 
miles  from  the  present  Broadway,  then  Eastern  Row. 
It  was  the  custom  of  boats  on  the  river,  both  large  and 
small,  to  hug  pretty  closely  the  Kentucky  side,  as  being 
the  safer  from  Indian  attack;  but  a  canoe  which  left  Cin- 
cinnati for  Columbia  on  the  afternoon  of  the  day  named, 
had  neglected  this  precaution,  and  was  proceeding  up 
what  was  designated,  from  its  perils,  as  the  "Indian 
shore."  It  contained  one  lady,  Mrs.  Coleman,  wife  of  a 
settler  at  Columbia,  two  men  named  Clayton  and  Light, 
and  another  whose  name  has  not  been   preserved,  and  a 



young  lad,  Oliver  M.,  the  only  son  of  Colonel  Spencer, 
a  prominent  pioneer  then  residing  at  Columbia,  and  who 
had  served  gallantly  in  the  war  of  the  Revolution.  The 
boy  had  been  to  Cincinnati  to  spend  the  Fourth  of  July, 
and  had  remained  for  two  or  three  days  after.  The 
stranger,  a  drunken  soldier  from  the  fort,  presently  lurched 
overboard,  nearly  upsetting  the  canoe;  but  managed  to 
get  ashore,  and  was  soon  left  behind,  thus  escaping  mas- 
sacre, although  his  late  companions,  looking  back  at  him, 
remarked  that  he  "would  be  good  food  for  Indians." 
The  boy  also  took  to  the  water-side  path,  and  walked 
along  near  the  party  remaining  in  the  canoe.  A  pair  of 
Indians  had  concealed  themselves  near  the  path  which 
connected  the  two  villages,  and  as  the  boat  approached 
fired  a  volley  upon  its  occupants.  Clayton  was  wounded 
at  the  first  fire,  fell  overboard,  was  at  once  dragged 
ashore  by  the  Indians,  killed  and  scalped.  Light  was  also 
wounded  in  the  arm,  but  not  severely,  and  throwing  him- 
self into  the  stream,  swam  off  with  one  arm  through  the 
fire  of  the  Indians  and  escaped.  Mrs.  Coleman  like- 
wise flung  herself  into  the  water,  and  the  Indians,  saying, 
"squaw  must  drown,"  left  her  to  her  fate.  She  was 
buoyed  up  by  her  clothing,  however,  and  floated  down 
a  mile,  to  a  point  where  she  could  get  ashore,  then  took 
the  path  for  Cincinnati,  crossing  Deer  creek  at  its  mouth, 
went  to  the  house  of  Captain  Thorp,  at  the  artificer's  yard 
near  Fort  Washington,  where  she  obtained  dry  clothing, 
and  remained  until  recovered  from  her  fright  and  fatigue. 
The  Indians  had  seized  young  Spencer,  wdthout  doing 
him  injury,  and  hastily  departed  with  him,  carrying  him 
into  captivity.  He  was  taken  to  their  towns  on  the  head- 
waters of  the  Great  Miami,  where  he  was  adopted  into 
an  Indian  family,  and  lived  with  them  several  months, 
when  he  was  ransomed  for  one  hundred  and  twenty-five 
dollars  through  the  intervention,  it  is  said,  of  President 
Washington,  who  had  a  very  high  regard  for  his  father, 
Colonel  Spencer,  and  secured  the  ransom  of  the  son 
through  the  British  Minister  and  the  commandant  of  the 
British  forces  at  Detroit.  Young  Spencer  afterwards  be- 
came a  distinguished  citizen,  a  clergyman  and  bank 
officer  in  Cincinnati.  In  his  manhood  he  wrote  and  pub- 
lished a  narrative  of  his  capture  and  captivity. 

The  settlers  at  Columbia  became  exceedingly  hostile  to 
the  red  men,  and  with  reason,  as  these  narratives  show. 
Their  labors  were  greatly  interrupted  by  the  constant 
necessity  for  the  exercise  of  vigilance  against  the  onset 
of  the  wily  foe.  For  a  time  they  had  to  work  and  watch 
in  equal  divisions,  as  many  as  one-half  standing  guard, 
while  the  other  half  labored,  the  divisions  being  ex- 
changed in  the  morning  and  afternoon.  Their  annoy- 
ances, and  the  outrages  from  which  they  suffered,  bore 
their  natural  fruit  in  an  intense  and  abiding  desire  for  re- 
venge. On  the  principle,  we  suppose,  that  the  devil  must 
be  fought  with  fire,  they  even  adopted  some  of  the  Indian 
methods.  Colonel  Whittlesey,  of  Cleveland,  contributes 
this  corroborative  paragraph  in  one  of  his  valuable  his- 
torical pamphlets: 

In  1844  I  spent  an  evening  with  Benjamin  Stites,  jr.,  of  Madison- 
ville,  Ohio,  the  son  of  Benjamin  Stites,  who  settled  at  Columbia,  near 
Cincinnati,  in  17S8.     Benjamin,   junior,  was  then  a  boy,  but  soon  grew 

to  be  a  woodsman  and  an  Indian  figliter.  Going  over  the  incidents  of 
the  pioneer  days,  he  said  the  settlers  of  Columbia  agreed  to  pay  thirty 
dollars  in  trade  for  every  Indian  scalp.  He  related  an  instance  of  a 
man  who  received  a  mare  for  a  scalp,  under  this  arrangement.  The 
frontier  men  of  those  times  spoke  of  "hunting  Indians,"  as  they  would 
of  hunting  wolves,  bears,  or  any  other  wild  animal.  I  met  another  old 
man  who  then  lived  near  Covington,  on  the  Kentucky  side  of  the  Ohio, 
who  said  he  had  often  gone  alone  up  the  valley  of  the  iVIiami  on  a  hunt 
for  scalps.  With  most  of  these  Indian  hunters  the  bounty  was  a 
minor  consideration.  The  hatred  of  the  red  man  was  a  niucli  stronger 

A  tradition  goes  that  on  one  occasion  a  reeking  scalp, 
just  torn  from  the  head  of  an  Indian,  was  brought  on 
the  Sabbath  into  or  near  the  house  of  God  in  Columbia, 
breaking  up  the  meeting  and  sending  the  inhabitants 
home  to  prepare  against  an  attack  from  the  savages. 

The  settlers  of  Cincinnati  of  course  shared  the  gen- 
eral peril.  Some  fifteen  or  twenty  of  them  were  killed 
by  the  Indians  in  the  one  year  1790.  Not  only  was  it 
necessary  to  post  sentinels  when  at  work  in  the  out-lots 
or  improving  the  town  property,  but  rifles  were  carried 
to  service  by  the  congregation  of  the  First  Presbyterian 
church,  whose  place  of  meeting  was  close  by  where  the 
the  same  society  worships  now,  near  the  corner  of  Main 
and  Fourth  streets.  A  fine  of  seventy-five  cents  was 
imposed  upon  male  attendants  neglecting  this  precau- 
tion; and  it  is  said  to  have  been  actually  inflicted  upon 
Colonel  John  S.  Wallace,  a  noted  hunter  and  Indian 
fighter  of  those  days,  and  perhaps  upon  others. 

In  1790  the  road  from  Cincinnati  eastward  crossed 
the  mouth  of  the  water-course  near  the  then  eastern 
limits  of  the  town,  as  noted  in  the  account  of  the  adven- 
ture to  Mrs.  Coleman.  At  the  point  of  crossing  there 
was  a  dense  forest  of  maple  and  beech,  with  tangled 
grape-vines  and  a  heavy  undergrowth  of  spicewood.  Mr. 
Jacob  Wetzel,  of  the  village,  had  had  a  successful  day  of 
hunting,  October  7th,  of  that  year,  and  on  his  way  home 
to  get  a  horse  with  which  •  to  bring  in  his  heavier  spoils, 
sat  down  here  upon  a  decayed  tree-trunk  to  rest.  He 
shortly  heard  a  rustling  in  the  woods;  his  dog  pricked 
up  his  ears,  growled,  and  a  moment  afterwards  barked 
loudly  as  he  saw  an  Indian  presenting  his  rifle  from 
behind  a  large  oak  tree.  Wetzel  caught  sight  of  him  at 
the  same  instant,  and,  springing  behind  another  tree, 
both  fired  together.  He  received  the  Indian's  fire  un- 
harmed, and  succeeded  in  wounding  his  enemy's  left 
elbow.  Before  the  Indian  could  reload,  Wetzel  took 
the  offensive  and  charged  upon  him  with  his  hunting 
knife,  and  the  Indian  drew  his  to  defend  himself.  The 
conflict  that  ensued  was  sharp  and  desperate,  a  life-or- 
death  struggle.  The  white  man  made  the  first  blow  as 
he  rushed,  but  the  red  one  parried  it,  knocking  the 
other's  knife  from  his  hand  to  a  distance  of  thirty  feet  or 
more.  Nothing  daunted,  Wetzel  seized  him  with  a  vice- 
like grasp  about  the  body,  holding  down  and  tightly 
against  it  the  arm  with  the  knife.  In  the  struggle  both 
were  thrown,  but  the  Indian  got  uppermost  and  was 
about  to  use  his  knife  with  deadly  effect,  when  the  dog 
sprang  at  his  throat  with  such  a  savage  attack  as  made 
him  drop  the  weapon,  which  Wetzel  seized  and  instantly 
stabbed  his  antagonist  to  the  heart.  The  Indian  so  far 
had  maintained  the  contest  on   his  side   alone;  but  after 



the  victor  had  despoiled  his  body  of  its  armament  and 
gone  a  little  distance  on  his  way  home,  he  heard  the 
whoop  of  a  party  of  savages,  and  ran  hastily  to  the  river, 
where  he  seized  a  canoe  and  escaped  to  the  cove  then 
existing  at  the  foot  of  Sycamore  street.  He  afterwards 
learned  that  the  Indian  killed  was  one  of  the  bravest 
chiefs  of  his  tribe,  by  whom  he  was  greatly  lamented. 

The  savages  were  also  making  mischief  this  year  on  the 
other  side  of  the  river,  in  the  interior.  Judge  Symmes 
wrote  the  last  of  April ; 

The  Indi.ins  are  beyond  me.isure  troublesome  throughout  Kentucky. 
They  have  destroyed  Major  Doughty  and  a  party  of  troops  on  the 
Tennessee.  If  the  President  knew  of  half  the  murders  they  commit, 
he  surely  would  rouse  in  indignation  and  dash  those  barbarians  to  some 
other  clime. 

After  the  defeat  of  General  Harmar  in  two  actions  by 
the  Indians,  in  October,  they  grew  bolder,  but  still  made 
no  concerted  attacks  upon  the  settlements  on  the 
Symmes  Purchase  until  January,  when  Dunlap's  station 
was  attacked,  as  will  be  presently  narrated.  November 
4th  the  judge  writes  : 

The  strokes  our  army  has  got  seem  to  fall  like  a  blight  upon  the 
prospect,  and  for  the  present  seem  to  appall  every  countenance.  I  con- 
fess that,  as  to  myself,  I  do  not  apprehend  that  we  shall  be  in  a  worse 
situation  with  regard  to  the  Indians  than  before  the  repulse.  What  the 
Indians  could  do  before,  they  did,  and -they  now  have  about  one  hun- 
dred less  of  their  warriors  to  annoy  us  with  than  they  had  before  the 
two  actions;  besides,  it  will  give  them  some  employment  this  winter  to 
build  up  new  cabins  and  repair  by  hunting  the  loss  of  their  corn. 

The  settlers  at  them  [the  stations]  are  very  much  alarmed 
at  their  situation,  though  I  do  not  think  that  the  houses  will  be  at- 
tacked at  those  stations;  yet  I  am  much  concerned  for  the  safety  of  the 
men  while  at  work,  hunting,  and  travelling. 

Judge  Symmes  did  not  divine  with  his  usual  prescience 
in  this  case.  Scarcely  more  than  two  months  had  passed 
after  this  dehverance  before  the  Indians  appeared  in 
force  but  a  few  miles  from  his  home  and  made  a  desperate 
attack  upon  one  of  his  stations.  On  the  eighth  of  Janu- 
ary, 1791,  Colonel  John  S.  Wallace,  of  Cincinnati,  lately 
mentioned  in  this  chapter,  together  with  Abner  Hunt, 
who  was  a  surveyor,  John  Sloane,  and  a  Mr.  Cunning- 
ham, engaged  in  exploring  the  country,  fell  in  with  this 
war-party,  or  a  detachment  of  it,  somewhere  on  the  west 
bank  of  the  Great  Miami,  where  the  whites  had  encamped 
the  night  before.  When  setting  out  that  morning  to  ex- 
plore the  bottoms  above  their  camp,  towards  Colerain, 
or  Dunlap's  station,  they  had  got  but  about  seventy  yards 
away  when  they  were  assailed  by  savages  from  the  rear, 
an  ambuscade  having  evidently  been  prepared  for  them. 
Cunningham  was  shot  down  instantly;  Hunt  was  vio- 
lently dismounted  by  the  fright  of  his  horse,  and  made 
prisoner;  and  Sloane  was  shot  through  the  body,  but 
managed  to  keep  his  feet  and  effect  his  escape.  Wallace 
also  dashed  off,  but  on  foot,  and  was  followed  by  two  In- 
dians, when  he  overtook  Sloane  and  mounted  Hunt's 
riderless  horse,  which  had  kept  along  with  its  companion. 
Both  Wallace  and  Sloane  thus  escaped  safely  and  unin- 
jured to  Dunlap's  station.  Colonel  Wallace  had  a  nar- 
row escape,  however.  He  was  repeatedly  fired  upon  in 
his  flight,  and  at  the  first  shot  his  leggings  became  loose, 
the  fastenings  perhaps  cut  by  the  missile,  when  he  tripped 
and  fell.  Coolly  but  rapidly  he  retied  the  strings,  in  time 
to   resume  his   flight  without  being  overtaken.     Hunt's 

fate  was  terrible,  being  that  which  too  often  befell  the 
captive  among  the  savages.  During  a  lull  in  the  siege  of 
Dunlap's  station,  the  third  night  after  the  capture,  they 
occupied  themselves  in  the  torture  of  the  hapless  pi  is- 
oner.  He  was  prostrated  across  a  log  with  his  legs  and 
arms  stretched  and  fastened  in  painful  positions  to  the 
ground;  he  was  scalped,  his  body  agonized  by  knife- 
wounds,  and  the  cruel  work  completed,  as  one  account 
relates,  by  building  a  fire  upon  his  naked  abdomen,  or, 
as  others  have  it,  by  thrusting  blazing  firebrands  into  his 
bowels,  which  had  been  exposed  by  the  cutting  and 
slashing  to  which  he  had  been  subjected.  In  this 
dreadful  situation  his  remains  were  found  aftei^  the  In- 
dians had  retired,  and  were  taken  up  decently  and  buried 
by  the  garrison. 

The  attack  on  Dunlap's  began  in  the  early  morning  of 
January  roth.  About  five  hundred  Indians  appeared  be- 
fore the  stockade,  with  three  hundred  more  in  reserve  in 
the  neighborhood,  and  demanded  its  surrender,  promis- 
ing the  garrison  and  settlers  safety.  They  are  believed 
to  have  been  led  by  the  notorious  white  renegade, 
Simon  Girty,  who  was  guilty  of  so  many  atrocities  and 
barbarities  toward  the  whites,  and  is  said  to  have  died, 
himself,  in  the  centre  of  a  blazing  log-heap,  where  he 
was  placed  by  a  party  of  avengers,  who  recognized  him 
long  after  Indian  hostilities  had  ceased.  Girty's  brother 
was  also  in  the  attacking  force,  with  Blue  Jacket  and 
other  well-known  chiefs.  During  the  parley  with 
Kingsley,  which  lasted  two  hours,  Simon  Girty  was  seen 
holding  the  rope  with  which  the  prisoner's  (Hunt's)  arms 
were  tied,  and  sheltered  behind  a  log.  Lieutenant 
Kingsley  was  in  command,  but  had  only  eighteen  reg- 
ulars, who,  with  eight  or  ten  armed  residents,  made  but 
a  feeble  garrison  in  point  of  numbers.  Nevertheless  the 
Indian  demand  was  refused  and  fire  was  opened  by  the 
garrison,  being  promptly  returned  by  the  besiegers.  As 
soon  as  possible  a  runner  was  got  off  to  Fort  Washing- 
ton for  reinforcements,  and  the  defence  continued  to  be 
stoutly  maintained.  The  women  in  the  station  kept  up 
the  supply  of  bullets  to  their  defenders  by  melting  spoons 
and  pewter  plates  and  running  them  into  balls;  and  the 
fire  on  both  sides  was  scarcely  intermitted  for  hours. 
The  Indians  entirely  surrounded  the  stockade  on  the 
land  side,  their  flanks  resting  on  the  river;  and  their  fire 
was  hot  and  distressing.  It  was  kept  up  until  late  in  the 
afternoon,  when  the  Indians  drew  off  and  during  the 
night  put  Hunt  to  the  torture  in  full  view  of  the  garrison, 
between  the  fort  and  an  ancient  work  remaining  near. 
The  attack  was  renewed  in  the  evening  and  maintained 
in  a  desultory  way  until  midnight,  when  the  beleagured 
people  again  had  comparative  rest,  but  no  refreshment  in 
their  weariness  and  terror  except  parched  corn,  their  sup- 
ply of  water  being  cut  off  by  the  merciless  foe.  The 
Indians  in  this  attempt  set  fire  to  the  brush  about  the 
station  and  threw  many  blazing  brands  upon  the  struc- 
tures within  it,  but  they  were  happily  extinguished  before 
serious  mischief  was  done.  Again  the  Indians  came  on 
the  next  day,  but  were  met  with  the  steady,  unrelenting  fire 
of  the  garrison,  and  hastily  withdrew,  probably  hastening 
their  retreat  from  the  report  of  their  scouts  that  relief  was 



marching  from  Fort  Washington.  In  their  retreat  the 
Indians  shot  all  the  cattle  within  their  reach.  A  force  of 
thirty  regulars  and  thirty-three  volunteers  had  been  dis- 
patched from  Fort  Washington,  under  the  command  of 
Captain  Timmons,  reaching  the  neighborhood  of  the 
station  the  next  forenoon  about  ten  o'clock,  but  finding 
the  Indians  already  gone.  They  went  in  pursuit  at  once, 
but  with  litde  effect,  the  detachment  not  being  numerous, 
enough  to  make  an  effective  attack. 

This  heroic  defence  of  Colerain  against  an  overwhelm- 
ing force  of  savages  is  one  of  the  most  noteworthy  inci- 
dents in  the  history  of  the  county.  Sometime  before  the 
fight  David  Gibson  and  John  Crum,  of  the  station,  had 
been  taken  prisoners  by  the  Indians,  and  Thomas  Lawi- 
son  and  William  Crum  driven  to  the  stockade,  to  the 
imminent  danger  of  their  lives.  The  inhabitants  there 
were  kept  in  a  pretty  constant  state  of  alarm,  and,  after 
the  defeat  of  General  St.  Clair  the  following  November, 
the  settlers  at  Dunlap's,  vividly  remembering  the  attack 
which  followed  Harmar's  misfortune,  and  reasonably  ex- 
pecting a  similar  sequel  to  St.  Clair's,  abandoned  the  sta- 
tion, and  were  only  persuaded  to  return  with  considerable 
difficulty.  It  was  important  that  this  station  should-  be 
maintained.  Judge  Symmes  wrote  in  January,  1792: 
"Colerain  has  always  been  considered  the  best  barrier  to 
all  the  settlements,  and'when  that  place  became  re-peo- 
pled the  inhabitants  of  the  other  stations  became  more 
reconciled  to  stay." 

At  North  Bend,  during  the  same  year,  there  were  fresh 
attacks  by  the  Indians.  In  September,  1791,  a  Mr.  Ful- 
ler and  his  son  WiUiam,  employes  of  John  Matson,  sr., 
were  accompanied  by  Matson's  mother  and  George  Cul- 
lum  to  a  fish-dam  that  was  planted  in  the  Great  Miami, 
about  two  miles  from  North  Bend.  Towards  night  Ful- 
ler sent  his  son  away  alone,  to  take  the  cows  to  the  settle- 
ment, when  he  disappeared,  and  was  seen  no  more  until 
after  Wayne's  victory,  or  nearly  four  years  after  he  was 
taken  by  the  Indians,  when  he  was  restored  to  his  friends 
by  Christopher  Miller,  a  white  man  who  was  among  the 
savages  at  the  time  of  his  capture. 

The  outrages  at  Cincinnati  were  also  numerous  in 
1791.  In  May  of  this  year  Colonel  Wallace,  whose 
misfortune  it  was  to  figure  considerably  in  the  Indian  his- 
tory of  this  period,  was  at  work  with  his  father  and  a 
small  lad,  hoeing  corn  upon  the  subsequent  site  of  the 
Cincinnati  hospital,  while  two  men  named  Scott  and 
Shepherd  were  plowing  corn  upon  a  spot  near  the  corner 
of  Central  avenue  and  Clinton  street.  To  them  suddenly 
appeared  five  or  six  Indians,  who  jumped  the  fence  and 
raised  a  yell,  whereupon  the  plowmen  took  to  their  heels, 
and  were  fortunately  not  caught  by  the  pursuing  savages, 
though  they  were  chased  as  far  as  the  corner  of  Fifth  and 
Race  streets.  Colonel  Wallace  may  have  been  forgetful, 
as  before  noted,  about  taking  his  rifle  to  church;  but  he 
had  it  with  him  on  this  occasion,  lying  in  an  adjacent 
furrow,  and  telling  the  rest  to  escape  to  town  as  quietly 
as  possible,  snatched  it  up  and  fired  at  an  Indian  about 
eighty  yards  distant,  who  took  himself  off  at  once.  The 
other  Indians  rode  away  on  the  plow-horses  at  the  top  of 
their  speed.   Contrary  to  their  usual  custom,  however,  they. 

in  the  haste  of  their  flight,  unintentionally,  of  course,  left 
something  by  way  of  exchange.  Light  blankets  and  blan- 
ket capotes,  a  leg  of  bear  meat,  a  horn  of  powder,  and 
some  other  small  articles,  were  the  spoils  from  the  raiders; 
but  they  hardly  made  up  an  equivalent  for  the  horses 
taken.  As  soon  as  the  alarm  could  be  given  and  pre- 
parations made,  the  best  foresters  and  hunters  in  town 
started  in  pursuit,  mounting  all  the  horses  available,  a 
party  going  ahead  at  once  on  foot.  The  chase  was  fol- 
lowed up  the  Great  Miami  valley  to  where  Hamilton  now 
stands ;  but  unavailingly,  as  the  Indians  had  just  crossed, 
and  the  pursuers  were  turned  back  by  tremendous  rains 
and  floods. 

On  the  twenty-first  of  the  same  month  Benjamin  Van- 
Cleve  and  Joseph  Cutler,  while  engaged  in  clearing  an 
out-lot,  were  fired  at,  and  the  latter  captured,  carried  off, 
and  never  heard  of  afterwards.  The  trail  of  the  party 
was  easily  followed,  as  Cutler  had  lost  a  shoe,  and  was 
kept  at  full  run  till  dark,  and  resumed  the  next  day;  but 
the  Indians  got  off  safely  with  their  captive. 

Eleven  days  after,  on  the  first  of  June,  Mr.  VanCleve, 
again  working  in  his  out-lot,  with  two  others,  was  attacked 
and  pursued.  He  started  first  in  the  retreat;  but  was 
stopped  an  instant  by  a  fallen  tree-top,  giving  an  Indian 
time  to  seize  him.  VanCleve  threw  his  assailant,  but 
the  savage  rose  at  once  and  stabbed  him,  following  this 
by  the  usual  barbarity  of  scalping.  He  then  took  himself 
out  of  the  way  of  the  two  white  men  who  were  running 
some  distance  in  VanCleve's  rear,  and  who  found  their 
companion  lifeless  when  they  reached  the  spot.  On  the 
same  day  Sergeant  Michael  Hahn,  of  the  garrison,  with 
a  corporal  and  a  young  man  from  Colerain,  taking  a  cow 
to  Dunlap's  station,  the  party  was  attacked  soon  after 
starting,  within  the  present  limits  of  the  city,  and  all  were 
killed  and  scalped. 

These  are  recorded  as  the  last  cases  of  assasination  by 
the  red  men  in  Cincinnati;  but  they  continued  to  prowl 
about  the  outlying  streets  and  roads,  and  sometimes 
killed  cattle;  in  one  case,  it  is  said,  an  Indian  shot  his 
stone-headed  arrow  clean  through  the  body  of  an  ox. 
They  also  stole  horses  from  time  to  time,  and  committed 
other  depredations,  until  Anthony  Wayne  instituted  his 
energetic  measures  for  the  protection  of  this  region  in 
1793  and  1794. 

In  the  spring  of  the  latter  year,  however,  John  Lud- 
low, brother  of  Colonel  Israel  Ludlow,  of  the  station, 
left  his  late  residence  in  Cincinnati  to  return  to  his  farm, 
near  the  junction  of  the  old  Hamilton  road  with  the  hill 
road  to  Carthage.  An  attack  had  been  made  on  White's 
station,  in  the  country,  which,  with  a  defeat  sustained  by 
Lieutenant  Lowrey  near  Eaton,  Preble  county,  had  greatly 
alarmed  the  Cincinnatians.  Mr.  White  himself  was  in 
this  party,  which  was  escorted  by  Colonel  Ludlow  and 
his  company  of  militia.  They  reached  the  farm  without 
molestation,  and  began  unloading  the  wagon  with  them, 
while  White,  mounted  on  a  sick  horse,  went  on  toward 
his  station.  When  he  reached  a  point  abtfut  two  hun- 
dred yards  from  the  stream  since  called  Bloody  run,  he 
heard  rifle-shots,  and  presently  saw  four  pack-horses 
where  as  many  whites  had  been  waylaid  by  the  Indians. 



One  of  them  was  killed,  tomahawked,  and  scalped;  his 
body  was  found  in  the  river.  Another  was  mortally 
hurt,  but  managed  to  get  to  Abner  Benton's  place,  at 
Ludlow's  Ford  on  Mill  creek,  where  he  died  of  his 
wounds.  A  third  was  sjightly  wounded,  and  the  fourth 
escaped  unhurt.  White  now  abandoned  the  journey  to 
his  station,  and  returned  to  Ludlow's  party  to  give  the 
alarm.  Pursuit  was  promptly  taken  up  by  the  whole 
company  and  the  Indians  followed  vainly  for  five  or  six 
miles,  when  the  party  rode  back  to  the  scene  of  the  at- 
tack and  buried  the  dead. 

One  of  the  saddest  incidents  of  this  time  occurred 
while  Wayne's  campaign  was  in  progress.  Colonel 
Robert  Elliott,  a  Pennsylvanian  born,  but  a  resident  of 
Hagerstown,  Maryland,  was  a  contractor  for  the  supply 
of  General  Wayne's  army,  and  was  in  person  superin- 
tending the  delivery  of  supplies.  While  on  the  way  from 
Fort  Hamilton  to  Cincinnati,  on  the  present  Winton 
road,  he  was  fired  upon  and  killed  by  the  enemy,  his 
servant  escaping  in  safety  with  both  horses.  An  attempt 
was  made  to  scalp  the  Colonel,  which,  from  the  absence- 
of  his  natural  capillary  covering  and  the  adoption  of  a 
substitute,  led  the  Indian  attempting  it  to  the  exclama- 
tion, as  is  reported  in  English,  "bigd — d  lie!"  Mr. 
Elliott's  body  was  recovered  the  next  day,  put  in  a  box, 
and  started  for  Cincinnati  in  one  of  his  own  wagons. 
Near  or  exactly  at  the  place  where  the  Colonel  was  shot, 
the  servant,  by  .a  singular  fatality,  received' a  second  fire 
from  the  savages,  and  was  this  time  killed.  The  escort 
was  stampeded,  and  the  Indians  seized  the  box  and 
broke  it,  but  did  not  further  disturb  its  contents,  though 
they  took  away  the  horses  that  drew  it.  An  armed  party 
was  then  detached  from  Fort  Washington,  which  went 
out  and  brought  the  body  in.  It  was  buried  in  the  old 
Presbyterian  cemetery  at  the  corner  of  Main  and  Fourth 
streets,  and  afterwards  removed  to  the  new  "  God's  acre " 
of  that  church  on  Twelfth  street.  A  monument  was 
erected  many  years  after,  to  commemorate  the  tragedy, 
by  Commodore  Elliott,  his  son,  with  an  inscription  as 
follows:  "In  memory  of  Robert  Elliott,  slain  by  a  party 
of  Indians  near  this  point,  while  in  the  service  of  his 
country.  Placed  by  his  son,  Commodore  J.  D.  Elliott, 
United  States  Navy,  1835.      Damon  and  Fidelity." 

Several  outrages  whose  history  we  have  found  recorded, 
and  doubtless  many  others  so  far  unnoticed  to  the  writer, 
occurred  during  the  period  of  Indian  warfare,  some  of 
whose  dates  we  are  not  able  to  fix  with  certainty.  Judge 
Symmes,  in  April,  1790,  notes  that  a  lad  had  been  "cap- 
tivated" by  the  Indians  a  few  weeks  before  at  the  Mill 
creek  (Ludlow's)  station;  but  adds:  "Otherwise  not 
the  smallest  mischief  has  been  done  to  any,  except  we 
count  the  firing  by  the  Indians  on  our  people  mischief, 
for  there  have  been  some  instances  of  that,  but  they  did 
no  hurt. "  Not  a  great  many  years  ago  a  large  elm  might 
still  be  seen  on  one  of  the  roads  leading  north  from  the 
city,  about  three  miles  from  the  old  corporation  line,  be- 
hind which  a  small  party  of  Indians  had  been  concealed, 
to  await  the  approach  on  horseback  of  a  man  named 
Baily,  whom  they  halted,  seized,  and  took  prisoner. 

At  Blue   Bank,  a  locality  on  the  Great   Miami  near 

Dunlap's  station,  while  Michael  Hahn,  one  of  the  early 
settlers  of  Cincinnati,  Martin  Burkhardt,  and  Michael 
Lutz,  were  viewing  lots  on  the  second  of  January,  1792, 
Lutz  was  killed  and  scalped,  and  finally  stabbed  by  the 
Indians.  Hahn  was  shot  through  the  body,  but  ran  for 
the  station,  within  sight  of  which  the  Indians  followed 
him,  and  there,  seeing  they  were  otherwise  likely  to  lose 
the  chance  of  his  scalp,  shot  a  second  time  and  brought 
him  down?"  Burkhardt  was  shot  through  the  shoulder 
and  took  to  the  river,  where  he  was  drowned  and  his 
body  found  near  North  Bend  six  weeks  subsequently. 
Thus  perished  this  whole  party  by  Indian  massacre. 

About  two  miles  below  the  same  station,  at  a  riffle  in 
the  Great  Miami,  a  canoe  in  which  John  McNamara, 
Isaac  Gibson,  jr.,  Samuel  Carswell,  and  James  Barnett 
were  taking  a  millstone  up  the  river,  was  fired  upon  with 
mortal  effect.  McNamara  was  killed,  Carswell  wounded 
in  the  shoulder  and  Gibson  in  the  knee,  Barnett  alone 
escaping  unhurt 

Elsewhere  in  the  county,  at  Round  Bottom,  two  set- 
tlers named  Hinkle  and  Covalt,  while  engaged  in  hewing 
logs  in  front  of  their  own  cabin,  were  instantly  killed  by 
the  barbarians. 

An  interesting  narrative  of  the  captivity  of  Israel  Don- 
alson,  contributed  to  the  American  Pioneer  for  Decem- 
ber, 1842,  contains  a  passage  which  is  of  some  local 
value,  especially  as  illustrating  the  character  of  a  famous 
old-time  citizen,  long  since  passed  away.  Donalson  was 
captured  by  the  Indians  April  22,  1791,  while  on  a  sur- 
veying expedition  with  Massie  and  Lytle,  four  miles  above 
Manchester,  on  what  was  called  from  that  day  Donalson 
creek,  and  escaped  a  few  days  afterwards,  reaching  the 
Great  Miami,  and  following  down  Harmar's  trace  until 
he  arrived  at  what  he  called  "Fort  Washington,"  now  Cin- 
cinnati.    Mr.  Donalson  says: 

On  "W^ednesday,  the  day  that  I  got  in,  I  was  so  far  gone  that  I 
thought  it  entirely  useless  to  make  any  further  exertion,  not  knowing 
what  distance  I  was  from  the  river ;  and  I  took  my  station  at  the  root 
of  a  tree,  but  soon  got  into  a  state  of  sleeping,  and  either  dreamt  or 
thought  that  I  should  not  be  loitering  away  my  time,  that  I  should  get 
in  that  day ;  which,  on  reflection,  I  had  not  the  most  distant  idea. 
However,  the  impression  was  so  strong  that  I  got  up  and  walked  on 
some  distance.  I  then  took  my  station  again  as  before,  and  the  same 
thoughts  occupied  my  mind.  I  got  up  and  walked  on.  I  had  not 
travelled  far  before  I  thought  I  could  see  an  opening  for  the  river ;  and 
getting  a  little  farther  on  I  heard  the  sound  of  a  bell.  I  then  started 
and  ran,  at  a  slow  speed,  undoubtedly  ;  a  little  farther  on  I  began  to 
perceive  that  I  was  coming  to  the  river  hill,  and  having  got  about  half- 
way down,  I  heard  the  sound  of  an  a.xe,  which  was  the  sweetest  music 
I  had  heard  for  many  a  day.  It  was  in  the  extreme  out-lot ;  when  I 
got  to  the  lot  I  crawled  over  the  fence  with  difficult)-,  it  being  very  high. 
I  approached  the  person  very  cautiously  till  within  about  a  chain's 
length,  undiscovered  ;  I  then  stopped  and  spoke  ;  the  person  I  spoke  to 
was  Mr.  "W^illiam  "Woodward,  the  founder  of  the  Woodward  high  school. 
Mr.  Woodward  looked  up,  hastily  cast  his  eyes  round,  and  saw  that  I 
had  no  deadly  weapon ;  he  then  spoke :  "In  the  name  of  God,"  said 
he,  "who  are  you?"  I  told  him  I  had  been  a  prisoner  and  had  made 
my  escape  fi'om  the  Indians.  After  a  few  more  questions  he  told  me 
to  come  to  him.  I  did  so.  Seeing  my  situation,  his  fears  soon  sub- 
sided ;  he  told  me  to  sit  down  on  a  log  and  he  would  go  and  catch  a 
horse  he  had  in  the  lot,  and  talie  me  in.  He  caught  his  horse,  set  me 
on  him,  but  kept  the  bridle  in  his  own  hand.  When  we  got  into  the 
road,  people  began  to  enquire  of  Mr.  Woodward,  "Who  is  he — an 
Indian?"  I  was  not  surprised  nor  offended  at  the  enquiries,  for  I  was 
still  in  Indian  uniform,  bareheaded,  my  hair  cut  off  close,  except  the 
scalp  and  foretop,  which  they  had  put  up  in  a  piece  of  tin,  with  a  bunch 
of  turkey  feathers  ;  which  I  could  not  undo.     They  had  also  stripped 



off  the  feathers  of  about  two  turkeys,  and  hung  them  to  the  hair  of  my 
scalp  ;  these  I  had  taken  off  the  day  I  left  them.  Mr.  Woodward  took: 
me  to  his  house,  where  every  kindness  was  shown  me.  They  soon  gave 
me  other  clothing  ;  coming  from  different  persons  they  did  not  fit  me 
very  neatly ;  but  there  could  not  be  a  pair  of  shoes  got  in  the  place  that 
I  could  get  on,  my  feet  were  so  much  swollen.  But  what  surprised  me 
most  was,  when  a  pallet  was  made  down  before  the  fire,  Mr.  Woodward 
condescended  to  sleep  with  me. 

The  next  day,  soon  after  breakfast,  General  Harmar  sent  for  me  to 
come  to  the  fort.  I  would  not  go.  A  second  messenger  came :  I  still 
refused.  At  length  a  Captain  Shambrough  came  ;  he  pleaded  with  me, 
told  me  I  might  take  my  own  time,  and  he  would  wait  for  me.  At 
length  he  told  me  if  I  would  not  go  with  him,  the  next  day  a  file  of  men 
would  be  sent,  and  I  would  then  be  compelled  to  go.  I  went  with  him; 
he  was  as  good  as  his  word,  and  treated  me  very  kindly.  When  I  was 
ushered  into  the  quarters  of  the  commander,  I  found  the  room  full  of 
people  waiting  my  arrival.  I  knew  none  of  them  except  Judge  Symmes, 
and  he  did  not  know  me,  which  was  not  surprising,  considering  the  fix 
I  was  in.  The  General  asked  me  a  great  many  questions  ;  and  when 
he  got  through  he  asked  me  to  take  a  glass  of  liquor,  which  was  all  the 
aid  he  offered ;  meantime  had  a  mind  to  keep  me  in  custody  as  a  spy, 
which,  when  I  heard,  it  raised  my  indignation  to  think  that  the  com- 
mander of  an  army  should  have  no  more  judgment  when  his  own  eyes 
were  witnessing  that  I  could  scarce  go  alone. 


The  glorious  victory  of  General  Wayne  brought  infi- 
nite relief  to  the  harassed  people.  They  no  longer 
trembled  with  anxiety  and  fear  of  Indian  outrage.  One 
immediate  effect  of  the  victory  and  the  treaty  of  Green- 
ville was  the  partial  abandonment  of  the  river  villages 
and  the  stations,  by  the  desire  of  the  people  to  settle  in 
the  open  country.  August  6,  1795,  Judge  Symmes 
wrote  from  Cincinnati : 

This  village  is  reduced  more  than  one-half  in  its  numbers  since  I  left 
it  to  go  to  Jersey  in  February,  1793.  The  people  spread  themselves 
into  all  parts  of  the  Purchase  below  the  military  range  since  the  Indian 
defeat  on  the  twentieth  of  August,  and  the  cabins  are  of  late  deserted 
by  dozens  in  a  street. 

Another  letter  of  his  the  next  year,  however,  shows 
that  the  Indians  were  again  giving  trouble,  though  not 
very  serious  this  time : 

They  now  begin  to  crowd  in  upon  us  in  numbers,  and  are  becoming 
troublesome.  We  have  but  one  merchant  in  this  part  of  the  Purchase 
[North  Bend],  and  he  will  not  buy  their  deer-skins.  The  next  result  is 
to  beg  from  me,  and  I  was  compelled  last  week  to  give  them  upwards 
of  forty  dollars  value,  or  send  near  forty  of  them  away  offended. 

They  must  have  a  market  for  their  skins,  or  they  can  purchase 
nothing  from  us.  Though  we  have  twenty  or  more  merchants  at  Cin- 
cinnati, not  one  of  them  is  fond  of  purchasing  deer-skins.  Some 
attention  of  Government  is  certainly  necessary  to  this  object. 
Some  of  our  citizens  will  purchase  horses  from  the  Indians,  The  con- 
sequence is  that  the  Indians  immediately  steal  others,  fo  rnot  an  Indian 
will  walk  if  he  can  steal  a  horse  to  ride.  I  wish  it  was  made  penal  by 
Congress  to  buy  horses  directly  or  indirectly  from  the  Indians. 

But  these  annoyances  and  losses  were  petty,  compared 
with  the  awful  dangers  of  the  earlier  years.  The  Miami 
country,  though  not  without  occasional  alarms,  especially 
during  the  Indian  war  of  181 1  and  the  war  with  Great 
Britain  that  began  the  ne.xt  year,  was  thenceforth  almost 
exempt  from  savage  atrocities.  "Poor  Lo,"  with  the  inev- 
itable destiny  of  his  race,  was  being  crowded  westward 
and  to  eventual  extermination. 



What  constittites  a  State? 
Not  high-raised  battlements  or  labored  mound. 

Thick  wall  or  moated  gate; 
Not  cities  proud  with  spires  and  turrets  crowned; 

Not  bays  and  broad-armed  ports, 
Where,  laughing  at  the  storm,  rich  navies  ride; 

Not  starred  and  spangled  courts. 
Where  low-browed  baseness  wafts  perfume  to  pride. 

No; — men,  high-minded  men. 
With  powers  as  far  above  dull  brutes  endued. 

In  forest,  brake,  or  den. 
As  beasts  excel  cold  rocks  and  brambles  rude, — 

Men  who  their  duties  know, 
But  know  theii  rights,  and,  knowing,  dare  maintain. 

Prevent  the  long-aimed  blow. 
And  crush  the  tyrant  while  they  rend  the  chain; — 

These  constitute  a  State. 

— Sir  William  Jones. 


In  chapter  IV  it  was  remarked  that  upon  some  of  the 
early  maps  of  the  territory  which  includes  the  present 
State  of  Ohio,  a  geographical  district  was  marked  and 
entitled  "Iroquois,"  since  the  confederated  tribes  called 
by  that  generic  name  claimed  jurisdiction  over  it.  It  is 
not  probable  that  their  government  was  represented  here 
by  satrap,  prator,  viceroy,  or  other  governor;  but  theirs  is, 
we  believe,  the  first  authority  distinctly  recognized  by 
geography  or  history  as  existing  over  this  region.  One  of 
the  maps  of  1755  designates  this  as  Tunasoruntic,  or 
"the  deer-hunting  country,"  a  part  of  "the  country  of  the 
confederate  Indians,"  covering  the  present  territory  of 
New  York,  Ohio,  and  Canada,  and  thus  signifying  about 
the  same  thing  as  the  former  "Iroquois." 

"new    FRANCE." 

The  Ohio  country,  however,  was  long  before  this  time 
claimed  by  the  French,  as  an  integral  part  of  their  great 
North  American  possessions,  "New  France,"  by  virtue  of 
the  discoveries  of  her  brave  explorer,  Robert,  Cavalier  de 
la  Salle,  and  the  earlier  voyage  (1640)  of  the  Jesuit 
Fathers  Charemonot  and  Brebceuf,  along  the  south  shore 
of  Lake  Erie.  With  the  Iroquois  they  were  constantly 
at  war,  and  the  claims  of  the  confederated  tribes  to  the 
territory  weighed  nothing  with  the  aggressive  leaders  of 
the  French  in  the  New  World.  When,  some  time  in  the 
first  half  of  the  eighteenth  century,  the  French  built  a 
fort  on  the  Iroquois  lands  near  Niagara  falls,  the  governor 
of  Canada  proclaimed  their  right  of  encroachment,  say- 
ing that  the  Five  Nations  were  not  subjects  of  England, 
but  rather  of  France,  if  subjects  at  all.  But,  by  the 
treaty  of  Utrecht,  April  11,  17 13,  Louis  XIV,  Le  Grand 
Monarque,  renounced  in  favor  of  England  all  right  to  the 
Iroquois  country,  reserving  only  the  St.  Lawrence  and 
Mississippi  valleys  to  France.  Boundaries  were  so  vaguely 
defined,  however,  that  disputes  easily  and  frequently 
arose  concerning  the  territories  owned  by  the  respective 
powers;  and  in  1740,  the  very  year  after  that  in  which 
the  Ohio  Land  company  of  the  Washingtons,  Lee,  and 
others  was  organized  under  a  grant  from  George  II,  to 
occupy  half  a  million  acres  west  of  the  AUeghanies,  De 
Celeron,  the  French  commandant  of  Detroit,  led  an  ex- 



pedition  to  the  Ohio  dispatched  by  the  Marquis  de  la 
GalHssoniere,  commander-in-chief  of  New  France,  buried 
a  leaden  tablet  "at  the  confluence  of  the  Ohio  and 
Tchadakoin"  (?)  "as  a  monument  of  the  renewal  of  pos- 
session which  we  have  taken  of  the  said  river  Ohio, 
and  of  all  those  that  therein  fall,  and  of  all  the  lands  on 
both  sides,  as  far  as  the  sources  of  said  rivers" — a  sweep- 
ing claim,  .truly.  He  ordered  the  English  traders  out  of 
the  country,  and  notified  the  governor  of  Pennsylvania 
that  if  they  "should  hereafter  make  their  appearance  on 
the  Beautiful  River,  they  would  be  treated  without  any 
delicacy."  The  territorial  squabbles  which  then  ensued 
led  up  to  the  Frenchand  Indian  war  of  1755-62,  which 
closed  by  the  cession  to  England,  on  the  part  of  France, 
of  Canada  and  all  her  American  possessions  east  of  the 
Mississippi,  except  some  fishing  stations.  Thus  the  Ohio 
region  at  length  passed  into  the  undisputed  possession  of 
the  British  crown. 


In  1766  (though  some  confidendy  say  1774*),  the 
British  Parliament  insisted  upon  the  Ohio  river  as  the 
southwestern  boundary,  and  the  Mississippi  river  as  the 
western  limit  of  the  dominions  of  the  English  crown  in 
this  quarter.  By  this  measure  the  entire  northwest,  or 
so  much  of  it  as  afterwards  became  the  Northwest  Terri- 
tory, was  attached  to  the  province  of  Quebec,  and  the 
tract  that  now  constitutes  the  State  of  Ohio  was  nomi- 
nally under  its  local  administration. 


In  1769  the  colony  of  Virgjnia,  by  an  enactment  of 
the  house  of  burgesses,  attempted  to  extend  its  jurisdic- 
tion over  the  same  territory,  northwest  of  the  river  Ohio, 
by  virtue  of  its  royal  grants.  By  that  act  the  county  of 
Botetourt  was  erected  and  named  in  honor  of  Lord  Bote- 
tourt, governor  of  the  colony.  It  was  a  vast  county, 
about  seven  hundred  miles  long,  with  the  Blue  Ridge  for 
its  eastern  boundary,  and  the  Mississippi  for  its  west- 
ern boundary.  It  included  large  parts  of  the  pres 
ent  States  of  West  Virginia,  Ohio,  Indiana,  and  Ilh- 
nois,  and  was  the  first  county  organization  covering  what 
is  now  Hamilton  county.  Fincastle,  still  the  seat  of 
county  for  the  immensely  reduced  Botetourt  county,  was 
made  the  seat  of  justice;  but  so  distant  from  it  were  the 
western  regions  of  the  great  county,  that  the  thoughtful 
burgesses  inserted  the  following  proviso  in  the  creative  act : 

IV/u-rcas.  The  people  situated  on  the  Mississippi,  in  the  said  county 
of  Botetourt,  will  be  very  remote  from  the  court  house,  and  must  neces- 
sarily become  a  separate  county  as  soon  as  their  numbers  are  sufficient, 
which  will  probably  happen  in  a  short  time,  be  it  therefore  enacted  by 
the  authority  aforesaid,  that  the  inhabitants  of  that  part  of  the  said 
county  of  Botetourt  which  lies  on  the  said  waters,  shall  be  exempted 
from  the  payment  of  any  levies  to  be  laid  by  the  said  county  court  for 
the  purpose  of  building  a  court-house  and  prison  for  said  county. 

"west   AUGUSTA." 

In  1776,  the  present  territory  of  Ohio  was  included  in 
what  was  known  as  the  "District  of  West  Augusta,  fbut 
we  are  not  informed  to  what  State  or  county  authority  it 
was  subordinated — though  probably  to  that  of  Virginia,  as 
was  the  Kentucky  region  at  this  time. 

*As  Isaac  Smucker,  in  Secretary  of  State's  report  for  1877. 
tBryant's  Popular  History  of  the  United  States,   Vol.  I.,  6io. 


Government  was  still  nominal,  however,  so  far  as  the 
county  organization  was  concerned,  between  the  Ohio 
and  the  Mississippi  rivers ;  and  the  Indians  and  few 
white  settlers  within  those  borders  were  entirely  a  law 
unto  theinselves.  After  the  conquest  of  the  Indiana  and 
Illinois  country  by  General  George  Rogers  Clark  in  1778 
the  county  of  Illinois  was  erected  by  the  Virginia  legisla- 
ture out  of  the  great  county  of  Boietourt,  and  included 
all  the  territory  between  the  Pennsylvania  line,  the  Ohio, 
the  Mississippi,  and  the  northern  lakes.  Colonel  John 
Todd  was  appointed  the  first  county  lieutenant  and  civil 
commandant  of  the  county.  He  perished  in  the  battle  of 
Blue  Licks,  August  18,  1782;  and  Timothy  de  Montbrun 
was  named  as  his  successor.  At  this  time  there  were  no 
white  men  in  Ohio,  except  a  few  Indian  traders,  some 
French  settlers  on  the  Maumee,  and  the  Moravian  mis- 
sionaries on  the  Tuscarawas. 


After  the  title  of  the  United  States  to  the  wide  tract 
covered  by  Illinois  county,  acquired  by  the  victories  of 
the  Revolution,  had  been  perfected  by  the  cession  of 
claims  to  it  by  Virginia  and  other  States  and  by  Indian 
treaties.  Congress  took  the  next  step,  and  an  important 
one,  in  the  civil  organization  of  the  country.  Upon  the 
thirteenth  of  July  (a  month  which  has  been  largely  as- 
sociated with  human  liberty  in  many  ages  of  history),  in 
the  year  1787,  the  celebrated  act  entitled  "An  ordinance 
for  the  government  of  the  territory  of  the  United  States 
northwest  of  the  river  Ohio,"  was  passed  by  Congress. 
By  this  great  organic  act — "the  last  gift,"  as  Chief  Justice 
Chase  said,  "of  the  Congress  of  the  old  Confederation 
to  the  country,  and  it  was  a  fit  consummation  of  their 
glorious  labors" — provision  was  made  for  various  forms 
of  territorial  government  to  be  adopted  in  succession, 
in  due  order  of  the  advancement  and  development  of 
the  Western  country.  To  quote  Governor  Chase  again: 
"When  the  settlers  went  into  the  wilderness,  they  found 
the  law  already  there.  It  was  impressed  upon  the  soil 
itself,  while  it  yet  bore  up  nothing  but  the  forest."  This 
measure  was  succeeded,  on  the  fifth  of  October  of  the 
same  year,  by  the  appointment  by  Congress  of  General 
Arthur  St.  Clair  as  governor,  and  Major  Winthrop  Sar- 
gent as  secretary  of  the  Northwest  Territory.  Soon 
after  these  appointments,  three  territorial  judges  were  ap- 
pointed— Samuel  Holden  Parsons,  James  Mitchell  Var-' 
num,  and  John  Armstrong.  In  January  the  last  named, 
not  having  entered  upon  service,  declined  his  appoint- 
ment, which  now  fell  to  the  Hon.  John  Cleves  Symmes, 
the  hero  of  the  Miami  Purchase.  The  appointment  of 
Symmes  to  this  high  office  gave  much  offence  in  some 
quarters,  as  it  was  supposed  to  add  to  his  opportunities  of 
making  a  great  fortune  in  the  new  country.  It  is  well 
known  that  Governor  St.  Clair's  appointment  to  the 
Northwest  Territory  was  promoted  by  his  friends,  in  the 
hope  that  he  would  use  his  position  to  relieve  himself  of 
pecuniary  embarrassments.  There  is  no  evidence,  how- 
ever, that  either  he  or  Judge  Symmes  prostituted  the 
privileges  of  their  places  to  such  ends. 



All  these  appointments  being  made  under  the  articles 
of  confederation,  they  expired  upon  the  adoption  and 
operation  of  the  Federal  constitution.  St.  Clair  and 
Sargent  were  reappointed  to  their  respective  places  by 
President  Washington,  and  confirmed  by  the  senate  on 
the  twentieth  of  September,  1789.  On  the  same  day 
Parsons  and  Symmes  were  reappointed  judges,  with  Wil- 
liam Barton  as  their  associate.  Meanwhile,  on  the  ninth 
of  July,  1788,  the  governor  arrived  at  Marietta,  and  pro- 
ceeded to  organize  the  territory.  He  and  the  judges,  of 
whom  only  Varnum  and  Parsons  were  present,  consti- 
tuted, under  the  ordinance,  the  territorial  legislature. 
Their  first  law  was  proclaimed  July  25th,  and  on  the 
twenty-seventh  Governor  St.  Clair  issued  a  proclamation 
establishing  the  county  of  Washington,  to  cover  all  the 
territory  to  which  the  Indian  title  had  been  extin- 
guished between  Lake  Erie,  the  Ohio  and  Scioto  rivers, 
and  the  Pennsylvania  line,  being  a  large  part  of  the 
present  State  of  Ohio.  Marietta,  the  capital  of  the 
Territory,  was  made  the  seat  of  justice  for  Washington 
county.     The  next  civil  division  proclaijmed  was 


On  the  second  of  January,  1790,  in  the  thirteenth 'month 
and  second  year  ab  urbe  co?idita,  the  governor  arrived  at  Lo- 
santiville.  His  august  approach  was  duly  heralded,  and  as 
he  stepped  ashore  from  his  flat-boat,  pirogue,  or  barge, 
he  was  received  with  a  salute  of  fourteen  guns,  and  four- 
teen more  were  fired  as  he  moved  with  his  suite  to  the 
embattled  precincts  of  Fort  Washington.  He  dispatched 
a  message  to  North  Bend  for  Judge  Symmes,  who  ar- 
rived the  next  day,  and,  after  consultation,  the  ensuing 
day  (the  fourth)  was  signalized  by  the  erection,  as  the 
Judge  put  it  in  a  subsequent  letter,  of  "this  Purchase  in- 
to a  county."  St.  Clair's  proclamation  established  the  fol- 
lowing as  the  boundary  hues  of  the  new  creation :  "Begin- 
ning on  the  bank  of  the  Ohio  river,  at  the  confluence  of 
the  Little  Miami,  and  down  said  Ohio  river  to  the  mouth 
of  the  Big  Miami',  and  up  said  Miami  to  the  Standing 
Stone  forks,  or  branch  of  said  river,  and  thence  with  a 
line  to  be  drawn  due  east  to  the  Little  Miami,  and  down 
said  Little  Miami  to  the  place  of  beginning."  This  was 
a  long  and  narrow  county,  decidedly  inconvenient  in 
shape,  if  it  had  been  settled  throughout  all  its  borders; 
but  it  was  no  doubt  formed  in  accordance  with  the  sug- 
gestions of  Judge  Symmes,  and  its  northern  boundary 
was  much  better  defined  than  was  that  of  the  Miami 
Purchase  at  that  time,  or  at  any  time  until  the  patent  for 
the  Purchase  was  issued.  The  Judge  writes:  "His  ex- 
cellency complimented  me  with  the  honor  of  naming  the 
county.  I  called  it  Hamilton  county,  after  the  Secretary 
of  the  Treasury" — Colonel  Alexander  Hamilton,  the  dis- 
tinguished revolutionary  and  cabinet  officer,  now  but 
thirty-three  years  old,  in  the  prime  of  his  powers,  and 
considered  the  pride  of  the  Federal  party,  perishing  mis- 
erably fourteen  and  a  half  years  afterwards,  from  a  mor- 
tal wound  received  in  the  duel  with  Aaron  Burr.  It  is 
altogether  probable  that  Judge  Symmes  may  have  desired 
to  do  the  secretary  fitting  honor;  but  it  is  also  not  impos- 
sible that,  since  the  negotiations  for  the  Purchase  were  still 

incomplete,  and  the  duties  of  the  late  treasury  board,  in 
regard  to  the  sales  of  the  public  lands,  had  now,  under 
the  new  constitution  and  before  the  organization  of  the 
general  land  office,  devolved  upon  the  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury,  he  was  also  prompted  by  a  lively  sense  of  favors 
to  come.  He  adds,  in  his  notes  of  this  affair:  "The 
governor  has  made  Losantiville  the  county  town  by  the 
name  of  Cincinnata  [thus  Symmes  spells  it,  for  reasons 
that  will  appear  by  and  by],  so  that  Losantiville  will  be- 
come extinct."  St.  Clair  soon  afterwards  made  it  the 
capital  of  the  Northwest  Territory,  and  in  1799  the  first 
session  of  the  territorial  legislature  was  held  there. 

On  the  same  day  that  Hamilton  county  was  proclaimed 
commissions  were  issued  by  the  gov^nor  for  a  county 
court  of  common  pleas  and  general.  Quarter  sessions  of 
the  peace,  for  said  county.  Messrs.'  William  McMillan, 
William  Goforth,  and  WiUiam  Wells — a  triumvirate  of 
Williams — were  appointed  judges  of  the  court  of  com- 
mon pleas  and  justices  of  the  court  of  general  quarter 
sessions  of  the  peace.  They  were  also  appointed  and 
commissioned  as  justices  of  the  peace  and  of  the  quorum 
in  said  court.  Other  justices  of  the  peace  were  appointed 
for  the  new  county,  in  the  persons  of  Benjamin  Stites, 
our  old  Columbia  pioneer,  John  Stites  Gano,  another 
Columbian,  and  Jacob  Topping.  J.  Brown,  "Gent," 
was  commissioned  sheriff  "during  the  governor's  pleas- 
ure;" Israel  Ludlow,  esq.,  was  made  prothonotary  to  the 
court  of  common  pleas  and  clerk  of  the  court  of  general 
quarter  sessions  of  the  peace. 

Some  appointments  were  also  made  at  this  time  to 
commands  in  the  "First  Regiment  of  MiUtia  in  the 
County  of  Hamilton."  Israel  Ludlow,  John  S.  Gano, 
James  Flinn,  and  Gershom  Gerard,  were  commissioned 
as  captains;  Francis  Kennedy,  John  Ferris,  Luke  Foster, 
and  Brice  Virgin,  as  lieutei'iailts;  and  Scott  Traverse, 
Ephraim  Kibby,  Elijah  Stites,  and  John  Dunlap,  as  en- 
signs. Provision  seems  to  have  been  made  by  these 
appointments  for  the  formation  of  but  four  companies. 

On  the  twenty-fourth  of  the  following  May  the  organi- 
zation of  the  county  was  furthered  by  the  appointment 
of  William  Burnet  as  register  of  deeds,  and  on  the  next 
fourteenth  of  December  Mr.  George  McCullum  was 
added  to  the  justices  of  the  peace. 

The  boundaries  of  the  county  were  afterwards  changed 
by  the  governor,  as  the  settlements  widened ;  and  its  area 
was  greatly  enlarged.  By  his  proclamation  September 
15,  1796,  erecting  Wayne  county  (now,  as  reduced,  in 
Michigan),  with  Detroit  as  its  seat  of  justice,  St.  Clair 
described  the  eastern  boundary  of  Hamilton  county  as  a 
"due  northern  line  from  the  lower  Shawnees'  town  upon 
the  Scioto  river,"  which  was  a  long  remove  to  the  east- 
ward from  the  Little  Miami." 

By, proclamation   June   22,    1798,   an    alteration  was 
made  in  the  boundaries  of  Hamilton,  Wayne,  and  Knox  - 
(now,  as  reduced,  in  Indiana)  counties,  by  which  the  west- 
ern line  of  Hamilton  was  laid  down  as  follows : 

The  western  boundary  of  the  county  of  Hamilton  shall  begin  at  the/ 
spot  on  the  bank  of  the  Ohio  river  where  the  general  boundary  line 
between  the  lands  of  tlie  United  States  and  the  Indian  tribes,  estab- 
lished at  Greenville  the  third  day  of  August,  1795,  intersects  the  bank 
of  that  river,  and  run  with  the  general  boundary  line  to  Fort  Recovery, 



and  from  thence  by  a  line  to  be  drawn  due  north  from  Fort  Recovery 
until  it  intersects  the  south  boundary  line  of  the  county  of  Wayne;- 
and  the  said  line  from  the  Ohio  to  Fort  Recovery,  and  from  thence  to 
the  southern  boundary  line  of  the  county  of  Wayne,  shall  also  be  the 
eastern  boundary  of  the  county  of  Knox. 

Fort  Recovery  was  a  stockade  upon  a  bend  of  the 
Wabash,  very  near  the  present  western  boundary  of 
Ohio,  and  also  near  the  line  dividing  Darke  and  Mercer 
counties.  The  mouth  of  the  Kentucky  river  is  at  Car- 
roUton,  fifty  miles  in  a  direct  line  southwest  of  Cincinnati, 
though  much  further  by  the  winding  river.  The  treaty 
of  Greenville  defined  the  "general  boundary  line"  men- 
tioned above,  as  to  run  thence  (from  Fort  Recovery) 
southwesterly  in  a  direct  line  to  the  Ohio,  so  as  to  inter- 
sect the  river  opposite  the  mouth  of  Kentucke  or  Cut- 
tawa  river.  Hamilton  county,  then,  by  this  time,  com- 
prised a  considerable  triangular  tract  in  the  southeastern 
part  of  what  is  now  the  State  of  Indiana.  It  was  a  very 
large  county  that  was  enclosed  between  the  east  and  west 
lines  above  described,  the  Ohio,  and  the  southern  boun- 
dary of  Wayne  county.  It  is  estimated  to  have  included 
five  thousand  square  miles,  or  over  three  millions  of 
acres,  and  to  have  been  equal  to  about  one-eighth  part 
of  the  tract  that  became  the  State  of  Ohio. 

Just  before  the  creation  of  a  number  of  new  coun- 
ties from  its  territory,  by  one  of  the  first  acts  of  the  first 
State  legislature,  the  county  is  said,  somewhat  vaguely,  to 
have  stretched  from  the  Ohio  one  hundred  miles  north- 
ward to  the  headwaters  of  the  Great  Miami,  and  west- 
ward from  a  meridian  line  drawn  from  the  eastern  sour- 
ces of  the  Little  Miami  to  the  Ohio,  to  a  meridian  from 
the  mouth  of  the  Great  Miami  to  the  parallel  drawn 
from  the  headwaters  of  that  stream.  These  boundaries, 
if  correctly  stated,  represent  a  vast  enlargement  of  the 
original  county,  and  included  the  present  counties  of 
Hamilton,  Clermont,  Warren,  Butler,  Montgomery, 
Preble,  Darke,  Miami,  Champaign,  Clark,  Clinton,  and 
Greene.  The  Western  Annals,  third  edition,  says  that 
the  county  "comprehended  the  whole  country  contigu- 
ous to  the  Ohio,  from  the  Hocking  river  to  the  Great 

A  gubernatorial  proclamation,  dated  September  20, 
1798,  attached  a  part  of  Hamilton  to  Adams  county — 

To  begin  on  the  bank  of  the  Ohio,  where  Elk  river,  or  Eagle  creek, 
empties  into  the  same,  and  run  from  thence  due  north  until  it  intersects 
the  boundary  of  the  county  of  Ross,  and  all  and  singular  the  lands  ly- 
ing between  said  north  line  and  Elk  river,  or  Eagle  creek,  shall,  after 
the  said  twentieth  day  of  September  next,  be  separated  from  the 
county  of  Hamilton  and  added  to  the  county  of  Adams. 

From  the  great  county  of  Hamilton,  or  from  coun- 
ties carved  out  of  it,  there  are  said  to  have  been  organ- 
ized, by -1 8 1 5,  the  counties  of  Clermont,  Warren,  Butler, 
Preble,  Montgomery,  Greene,  Clinton,  Champaign, 
Miami,  and  Darke.  St.  Clair  undertook  to  erect  Bel- 
mont, Fairfield,  and  Clermont  sometime  before  his 
resignation  in  1802,  but  Congress  refused  to  recog- 
nize his  action,  holding  him  "not  endowed  with  such 
power,  in  view  of  the  existence  of  the  territorial  legis- 
lature. Early  in  1802  the  inhabitants  of  Hamilton 
residing  north  of  the  south  boundary  of  the  third  or 
Military  Range,  petitioned  Mr.  Charles  Willing  Bird, 
then  secretary  of  the  territory  and  acting  governor  in  the 

absence  of  General  St.  Clair,  for  a  division  of  the  county. 
He  replied  in  a  respectful  letter,  of  the  fifteenth  of  May, 
1802,  saying  that  he  could  not  grant  the  petition,  but 
promising  that  it  should  be  laid  before  the  territorial 
legislature  and  recominended  to  their  serious  consider- 
ation— which  was  undoubtedly  the  proper  course  in  the 

The  people  in  all  the  northern  parts  of  Hamilton 
county,  above  a  line  pretty  nearly  the  same  as  the  present 
north  boundary  of  the  county,  had  their  wishes  promptly 
gratified.  Part  of  the  Northwest  Territory  became  the 
State  of  Ohio  in  the  winter  of  1802-3;  ^^^  '^^^  ^^  '^'^^ 
first  acts  passed  by  the  new  legislature,  in  session  at 
Chillicothe,  was  that  of  March  24,  1803,  erecting  from 
Hamilton  the  counties  of  Warren  (named  from  General 
Joseph  Warren,  the  Revolutionary  hero),  and  Butler 
(named  from  General  Richard  Butler,  also  a  distinguished 
Revolutionary  and  Indian  fighter,  who  fell  in  St.  Clair's 
defeat);  and  from  Hamilton  and  Ross  the  counties  of 
Montgomery  (named  from  General  Richard  Montgomery, 
who  fell  in  the  attack  on  Quebec  December  31,  1775), 
and  Greene  (named  from  General  Nathaniel  Greene, 
still  another  hero  of  the  Revolution).  The  act  was  to 
take  effect  May  i,  1803,  which  is  therefore  the  proper 
natal  day  of  these  counties.  In  the  separation  of  the 
new  counties  it  was  made  lawful  for  the  coroners, 
sheriffs,  constables,  and  collectors  of  Hamilton  and  Ross 
counties  "to  make  distress  for  all  dues  and  officers'  fees 
unpaid  by  the  inhabitants  within  the  bounds  of  any  of 
the  said  new  counties,  at  the  time  such  division  shall  take 
place,  and  they  shall  be  accountable  in  like  manner  as  if 
this  act  had  not  been  passed."  The  courts  of  Hamilton 
and  Ross  were  to  maintain  jurisdiction  in  all  actions 
pending  at  the  time  of  the  separation,  try  and  determine 
them,  issue  process,  and  otherwise  conclude  the  pending 
matters.  Temporary  seats  of  justice  were  established 
for  the  new  counties:  For  Warren,  at  the  house  of 
Ephraim  Hathaway,  on  Turtle  creek;  for  Butler,  at  the 
house  of  John  Warrener,  in  Hamilton;  for  Montgomery, 
the  house  of  George  Newcum,  in  Dayton;  and  for 
Greene,  the  house  of  Owen  Davies,  on  Beaver  creek. 

The  boundaries  of  Butler  county,  that  one  of  the  new 
erections  which  is  Hamilton's  next  neighbor  on  the  north, 
were  defined  as  follows:  "Beginning  at  the  southwest 
corner  of  the  county  of  Warren,  running  thence  west  to 
the  State  line;  thence  with  the  same  north  to  a  point 
due  west  from  the  middle  of  the  fifth  range  of  townships 
in  the  Miami  Purchase ;  thence  east  to  the  northwest 
corner  of  the  aforesaid  county  of  Warren;  thence 
bounded  by  the  west  line  of  the  said  county  of  Warren 
to  the  place  of  beginning."  The  south  line  thus  de- 
scribed, being  the  boundary  between  the  counties  of 
Hamilton  and  Butler,  appears  not  to  have  been  satis- 
factory, no  doubt  owing  to  the  irregularity  in  the  early 
surveys,  and  the  consequent  cutting  across  many  sections 
or  parts  of  sections  by  a  straight  east  and  west  line,  and 
an  act  was  passed  by  the  legislature  February  20,  1808, 
re-establishing  the  boundary  line  thus:  "Beginning  at 
the  southwest  corner  of  the  county  of  Warren  and  at  the 
southwest    corner  of  section    numbered    seven,    in   the 



third  township  of  the  second  entire  range  of  townships, 
in  the  Miami  Purchasej  thence  westwardly  along  thehne 
of  said  tier  of  sections  to  the  Great  Miami  river;  thence 
down  the  Miami  river  to  the  point  where  the  line  of  the 
next  original  surveyed  township  strikes  the  same;  thence 
along  the  said  line  to  the  west  boundary  of  the  State. " 
This  act  allowed  Hamilton  county  to  retain  the  irregular 
north  line  to  be  seen  upon  the  later  as  well  as  earlier 


&6me  of  the  townships  of  Hamilton  county  at  or  near 
>its  beginnings  can  hardly  be  identified  now.  JH*e*e^s 
not  much  trouble  in  recognizing  Cincinnati^ Columbia, 
Miami,  Anderson,  Colerain,  and  Springfield.  "^South 
Bend"  included  the  tract  which  afterwards  became  Delhi 
and  the  major  part  of  Green;  and  Dayton,  Fairfield, 
Franklin,  Ohio,  Deerfield,  Washington,  and  St.  Clair,  were 
no  doubt  on  territory  now  belonging  to  other  counties. 

The  erection  of  townships  in  the  early  day  is  among  the 
most  difficult  topics  for  the  local  historian.  Prior  to  the 
formation  of  the  State  constitution  they  were  created  in 
the  several  counties  by  order  of  the  courts  of  general 
quarter  sessions  of  the  peace;  after  that  by  the  county 
commissioners  and  the  associate  judges  of  the  court  of 
common  pleas,  acting  with  concurrent  jurisdiction,  until 
the  act  of  the  legislature  of  February  19,  rSio,  which  gave 
the  county  commissioners  the  exclusive  jurisdiction  in  the 
matter  they  have  since  retained.  Sources  of  information 
are  thus,  in  an  old  county,  widely  dispersed  through  the 
offices  and  records,  and  full  and  satisfactory  data  are  ex- 
ceedingly difficult,  and  in  this  instance  probably  impossi- 
ble to  reach.  So  long  ago  as  1839,  near  the  middle  year 
of  the  county's  history,  when  it  would  seem  to  have  been 
much  easier  to  prosecute  the  inquiry  than  now,  Mr.  H. 
McDougal,  then  county  auditor  for  Hamilton,  in  answer 
to  a  circular  from  the  Hon.  John  Brough,  State  auditor, 
issued  in  pursuance  of  a  legislative  requirement  of  that 
year,  reported  as  follows:  "I  find  it  almost  impossible, 
from  the  data  in  my  possession,  to  give  ;ill  the  required 
information.  Most  of  the  townships  within  the  lines  of 
this  county  were  organized  under  the  Territorial  Gov- 
ernment. ...  I  cannot  tell  when  they 
were  organized."  He  was  able  to  furnish  only  the  dates 
of  the  organization  of  Fulton  and  Storrs,  respectively,  as 
1830  and  1835;  and  in  regard  to  the  former  of  these  he 
was  clearly  mistaken,  as  Fulton  appears  in  the  list  of 
townships  so  early  as  1826,  and  it  was  created,  as  was 
also  the  township  of  Symmes,  at  some  time  between  1820 
and  that  year.  The  other  township  he  mentions  disap- 
peared some  years  ago,  through  the  growth  of  the  city- to 
the  westward,  which  absorbed  it;  and  Fulton  was  pre- 
viously absorbed  by  its  extension  to  the  eastward;  so  that 
these  two  of  the  "second  growth"  townships  are  al- 
ready wiped  out. 

The  original  townships  in  the  old  Hamilton  county 
were  only  Cincinnati,  Columbia,  and  Miami,  the  three 
representing  the  three  settlements  on  the  Ohio  in  the 
Purchase,  and  together  extending  the  whole  distance  be- 
tween the  rivers,  their  north  boundaries  being  at  the 
Military  Range,  on  a  line  six  miles  north  of  the  present 

Springdale.  The  townships  named  in  the  records,  down 
to  1796-7,  were,  in  the  order  of  their  mention:  Cincin- 
nati, Columbia,  Miami,  Anderson,  Fairfield,  Deerfield, 
Dayton,  Iron  Ridge  (taken  into  Adams  county  in  1797), 
South  Bend,  Colerain,  and  Springfield. 

Iron  Ridge  township  was  created  on  the  application  of 
Nathaniel  Massie  to  the  quarter-sessions  court  in  1793, 
to  be  received  among  the  townships  of  the  Hamilton 
county  group.  The  request  was  granted,  and  ofScers  for 
it  duly  appointed;  but  the  township  soon  disappeared 
from  Hamilton  county  history.  It  lay  north  of  the  Ohio 
river,  east  of  White  Oak  creek,  around  the  town  of 
Manchester,  in  what  is  now  Adams  county. 

Washington  township  is  found  mentioned  in  1798, 
also  Ohio  and  St.  Clair;  and  Franklin  township  was  rec- 
ognized in  1797. 

The  following  table  of  1799  (which,  of  course,  omits 
Iron  Ridge,  but  includes  all  the  others),  representing  the 
assessment  for  taxation  on  the  several  duplicates  of  the 
townships  and  their  acting  constables  at  that  time,  has 
some  interest  just  here : 


Columbia $66056  James  Spears. 

Cincinnati 723  3°  John  Bailey. 

South  Bend 55  69  Robert  Levy. 

Miami 192  88  John  Willdnson. 

Anderson 32662  Josiah  Crossly. 

Colerain 106  81  Allan  Shaw. 

Springfield 281  15  John  Patterson. 

Fairfield 26048  Darius  Orcutt. 

Dayton 23372  Samuel  Thompson. 

Franklin 282  83  Enos  Potter. 

Deerfield 37174  William  Sears. 

Washington ;  339  61  William  Laycock. 

Ohio 10988  Isaac  Miller. 

^'-  Clair 134  72  John  Newcomer. 

Total $4,079  99 

Fairfield  township  was  laid  off  by  the  quarter-sessions 
in  1795.  It  began  at  the  northwest  corner  of  Spring- 
field township,  thence  north  along  the  then  Colerain  six 
miles  to  its  northeast  corner;  thence  west  to  the  Miami; 
thence  up  that  stream  to  a  meridian  which  is  the  eastern 
boundary  of  township  numbered  three,  in  the  first  entire 
range;  thence  south  to  Springfield;  thence  west  six  miles 
to  the  place  of  beginning.  The  brand  of  its  cattle 
was  ordered  to  be  "H."  Its  first  officers  in  1795  were: 
John  Greer,  town  clerk;  William  B.  Brawnes,  constable; 
Patrick  Moore,  overseer  of  the  poor;  Darius  Orcutt 
supervisor  of  highways;  Charles  Bruin,  Patrick  Moore 
and  William  B.  Brawnes,  viewers  of  enclosures  and  ap- 
praisers of  damages.  Fairfield  is,  of  course,  now  in  But- 
ler county.  Dayton,  of  the  present  county  of  Mont- 
gomery, was  also  established  by  the  Hamilton  County 
court  in  1795.  Benjamin  Van  Cleve  says  in  his  memor- 
anda, published  in  McBride's  Pioneer  Biography,  in  a 
volume  of  the  Ohio  Valley  Historical  Series,  that  Day- 
ton township  included  all  the  Miami  country  from  the 
fifth  range  of  townships  upward.  He  took  the  returns 
of  taxable  property  for  it  in  1801,  and  found  three  hun- 
dred and  eighty-two  free  male  persons  over  the  age  of 
twenty-one  between  the  two  Miamis,  from- the  south  line 
of  the  township  to  the  heads  of  Mad  river  and  the  Great 
Miami.     West  of  the  latter  stream  there   were  twenty- 



eight  such  inhabitants  in  the  township,  and  east  of  the 
Little  Miami  less  than  twenty.  He  received  less  than 
five  dollars  in  fees  for  his  immense  toil  and  exposure  in 
rendering  this  public  service. 

The  names  of  some  of  the  constables  previous  to  this 
date  have  been  preserved:  Cincinnati  township,  Abraham 
Gary,  1797;  Levi  McLean,  1798;  Columbia,  Amos  Mun- 
son,  1796;  James  Spears,  1797-8;  Miami,  Andrew  Hill, 
1797-8;  Anderson,  Josiah  Crossly,  1797-8;  Fairfield, 
George  Codd,  1797;  Darius  Orcutt,  1798;  Deerfield, 
Isaac  Lindly,  1797;  Joshua  Drake;  Dayton,  Cyrus  Os- 
born,  1797;  James  Thompson,  1798;  Iron  Ridge,  Damon 
McKinsey,  1796;  "South  Bend,  Isaac  Wilson,  1797; 
William  Cullum,  1798;  Colerain,  Allan  Shaw,  1797; 
Springfield,  James  Lowes,  1797;  Washington,  Jacob 
Williams,  1798;  FrankUn,  Jos.  Henry,  1798. 

Colerain  township  was  created  in  1794,  and  Springfield 
in  1803.  Cincinnati,  Miami,  and  Springfield  townships  had 
important  changes  made  in  their  boundaries  in  1809,  by 
the  creation  of  Mill  Creek  and  Green  townships  iri  that 
year.  In  1800  Sycamore  township  appears  to  have  been 
in  existence.  Whitewater  township  was  erected  in 
1803,  to  include  all  the  territory  of  Hamilton  county 
west  of  the  Great  Miami  river.  Its  boundaries  were 
more  elaborately  defined  the  next  year,  when  Crosby  town- 
ship was  also  mentioned,  and  probably  erected  at  that 
time.  This  is  about  the  sum  of  the  knowledge  possessed 
in  this  year  of  grace  1881,  concerning  the  old  townships 
of  Hamilton  county.  But  more  may  appear  in  the 
township  histories. 



Sweet  clime  of  my  kindred,  blest  land  of  my  birth — 
The  fairest,  the  dearest,  the  brightest  on  earth  ! 
Where'er  I  may  roam,_howe'er  blest  I  may  be, 
My  spirit  instinctively  turns  mito  thee. 

— Anonymous. 


About  two  thousand  people  were  in  the  Miami  coun- 
try, which  may  be  considered  as  practically  identical  with 
Hamilton  county  at  this  time,  by  1790,  although  the  first 
settler  had  pitched  his  camp  at  Columbia  but  thirteen 
months  before.  It  was  a  very  humble  and  modest 
beginning  that  the  infant  county  had,  except  in  reach  of 
fertile  territory  and  the  possibilities  of  the  future.  Had 
a  census  qualification  been  required  for  the  erection  of  a 
county  in  that  day,  as  nowfor  the  admission  of  a  State  to 
the  Federal  Union,  it  must  needs  have  been  a  very  mod- 
erate one,  or  the  Northwest  Territory  would  have  waited 
longer  for  the  birth  of  the  county  which  has  since  be- 
come as  great  in  wealth  and  population,  in  arts  and  arms, 
and  in  the  higher  arts  of  civilization,  as  it  was  then  great 
in  ar:ea  and  resources  waiting  to  be  developed.     In  a  very 

few  years,  however — as  soon  as  the  peace  of  Greenville 
gave  assurance  of  safety  to  the  immigrant  against  Indian 
massacre  or  the  plunder  of  his  property — the  country 
began  to  fill  up  with  some  rapidity.  The  census  of  1800, 
the  first  taken  in  the  county,  although  its  enumerators 
probably  missed  many  of  the  settlers  in  so  wide  and 
sparsely  settled  a  tract,  exhibited  the  goodly  number  of 
fourteen  thousand  six  hundred  and  ninety-one  persons  as 
the  white  population  of  Hamilton  county.  It  is  interest- 
ing to  note,  in  this  early  day,  when  the  conditions  of 
life  were  so  different  from  those  prevailing  in  the  older 
communities,  how  this  number  was  divided  between  the 
sexes,  and  also  between  the  different  ages  of  which  the 
census  makes  record.  There  were,  of  children  under  ten 
years  of  age,  three  thousand  two  hundred  and  seventy- 
three  males,  three  thousand  and  ninety  females;  young 
persons  between  ten  and  sixteen  years,  one  thousand  three 
hundred  and  thirty-five  males,  one  thousand  and  sixty-five 
females;  between  sixteen  and  twenty-six,  one  thousand 
five  hundred  and  two  males,  one  thousand  two  hundred 
and  ninety-seven  females;  adults  between  twenty-six  and 
forty-five  years,  one  thousand  two  hundred  and  fifty-one 
males,  nine  hundred  and  fifty-four  females;  over  forty- 
five,  four  hundred  and  eighty  males,  three  hundred  and 
forty-four  females; — total,  fourteen  thousand  six  hundred 
and  ninety-one,  of  whom  seven  thousand  eight  hundred 
and  forty-one  were  males,  and  six  thousand  eight  hun- 
dred and  fifty  females. 

The  noticeable  facts  in  this  brief  statement  are  ; 

1.  The  disparity  of  the  sexes,  which  was  particularly 
marked  in  this  country  when  new.  Usually,  in  a  long- 
settled  community,  notably  in  the  State  of  Massachusetts, 
as  the  censqs  shows,  the  gentler  sex  is  somewhat  in  the 
majority,  and  sometimes  very^much  so ;  but  here  we  find, 
at  the  end  of  the  first  eleven  to  twelve  years  of  coloniza- 
tion, that  the  males  led  by  very  nearly  one  thousand  in 
less  than  fifteen  thousand,  or  by  about  six  and  eight- 
tenths  per  cent,  of  the  whole.  Or,  to  make  the  differ- 
ence appear  more  striking,  there  were  nearly  one-sixth 
more  males  than  females,  or  about  fifteen  per  cent. — a 
considerable  and  important  difference.  Even  with  young 
children,  and  through  all  the  ages  noted,  the  disparity  is 
marked;  but  particularly  so  in  the  more  vigorous  working 
ages,  from  sixteen  to  twenty-six,  and  thence  to  forty-five, 
where  the  percentages  of  difference  are  over  sixteen  and 
nearly  thirty-one,  respectively.  Still  more  striking  is  the 
inequality  of  numbers  where  we  should  least  expect  it, 
among  adults  over  forty-five  years  of  age,  where  it 
amounts,  in  this  case,  to  forty  per  cent,  advantage  in 
point  of  numbers,  in  favor  of  the  men.  These  facts  ar- 
gue well  for  the  ma'terial  foundations  in  Hamilton  county, 
in  the  laying  of  which  the  male  mind,  in  its  maturity  and 
strength,  as  well  as  the  muscle  of  the  man  in  his  prime, 
were  imperatively  needed. 

2.  The  comparative  paucity  of  old  persons,  or  of  men 
and  women  distantly  approaching  old  age,  is  to  be  noted. 
Of  really  aged  persons  there  were  probably  very  few;  but 
as  to  this  we  have  no  exact  data.  The  census  figures 
show  that,  reckoning  all  down  to  the  age  of  forty-five, 
there  were  but  eight  hundred  and  twenty-four,  or  only 



five  and  six-tenths  per  cent,  of  the  whole;  while  of  those 
in  the  hardier  laboring  ages  there  were  over  nineteen  and 
fifteen  per  cent,  respectively,  leaving  for  the  youngest 
children  and  the  younger  youth  sixty  per  cent,  of  the 

3.  The  last  statement  offers  a  fact  of  considerable  in- 
terest. Three  of  every  five  in  the  total  population  were 
c  hildren  under  sixteen  years  of  age.  This  demonstrates 
how  large  a  share  of  the  early  settlers  brought  their  fam- 
ilies with  them,  apparently  coming  to  stay  and  aid  in  lay- 
ing the  foundations  of  stable  communities,  in  which  law 
and  order  should  ever  abide.  Contrast  with  this  the  im- 
migration at  mining  camps  and  settlements,  which  usually 
consists,  with  almost  absolute  exclusiveness,  of  men  only. 
The  beginnings  were  certainly  well  made  in  Hamilton 


In  18 10  the  census  exhibited  a  population  for  the 
county  of  but  little  more  than  the  enumeration  of  1800 
had  shown — fifteen  thousand  two  hundred  and  four,  or 
but  five  hundred  and  thirteen  more  than  were  in  the 
county  ten  years  before.  It  must  be  borne  in  mind,  how- 
ever, that  the  Hamilton  county  of  1800  was  still,  for  the 
most  part,  the  great  county  of  Governor  St.  Clair's  second 
creation — that  it  might  be  said,  indeed,  in  a  general  way, 
to  be  pretty  nearly  coterminous  with  the  broad  and  long 
"Miami  country,"  since  that  was  estimated  to  contain 
fifteen  thousand  white  people  at  the  beginning  of  the 
century,  while  the  county  itself  was  shown  by  official 
count  to  have  fourteen  thousand  six  hundred  and 
ninety-one.  Ten  years  later  Hamilton  had  been  shorn 
of  its  fair  proportions,  and  reduced  to  be',  as  it  is  now, 
one  of  the  smallest  counties  in  the  State  in  territorial 
dimensions,  having,  as  we  have  seen,  less  than  four 
hundred  square  miles.  A  population  of  fifteen  thou- 
sand two  hundred  and  four,  or  forty  to  the  square 
mile,  represented  a  very  creditable  growth  for  a  county 
just  coming  of  age  in  its  twenty-first  year.  It  is  also 
noteworthy,  when  placed  against  the  figures  of  1800, 
which  showed  scarcely  three  white  persons  to  the  section 
in  the  vast  county.  In  1810  the  Miami  tract,  formerly 
almost  identical  with  Hamilton  county,  was  estimated  to 
contain  seventy  thousand  civilized  inhabitants,  or  about 
one  fourth  of  the  entire  white  and  colored  population  of 
the  State,  indicating  that  growth  of  settlement  through- 
out this  region  was  by  no  means  confined  to  the  Ohio 
valley,  but  extended  far  up  the  Miami  valleys  as  well. 

Within  this  decade  were  founded  three  of  the  oldest 
villages  in  the  county — Reading,  in  1804;  Montgomery, 
in  1805;  and  Springfield,  in  1806. 


The  map  prefixed  to  Dr.  Drake's  Picture  of  Cincin- 
nati, pubhshed  in  1815,  shows  the  towns  and  villages  of 
the  county  at  that  time  to  have  been  Cincinnati  (three 
miles  east  of  Mill  Creek),  Columbia,  Cleves,  Colerain, 
Crosby,  Springfield,  Reading,  Montgomery,  and  New- 
town, with  roads  running  from  Cincinnati  to  each  of 
these  points,  and  one  other  road  making  into  Indiana. 
Four  years  later  Cincinnati  had  become  a  chartered  city, 

and  Carthage  and  Miami  were  added  to  the  list  of  vil- 
lages. Nearly  all  places  in  the  county  were  considered 
worthy  of  mention  in  the  State  Gazetteer  of  that  year 
only  as  "post  towns,"  with  their  respective  locations  and 
distances  from  Cincinnati.  The  county  had  now  twelve 
townships  —  Cincinnati,  Crosby,  Colerain,  Springfield, 
Sycamore,  Anderson,  Columbia,  Mill  Creek,  Delhi, 
Green,  Miami,  and  Whitewater.  The  aggregate  valua- 
tion of  property  in  the  county,  for  purposes  of  taxation, 
was  five  million  six  hundred  and  four  thousand  nine 
hundred  and  fifty-foiir  dollars. 

By  1815  the  beginnings  of  the  Miami  and  Erie  canal 
had  been  projected,  so  far  as  an  artificial  water-way  up 
the  valley  of  Mill  creek  to  Hamilton  would  go.  The 
text  of  Dr.  Drake's  Picture  notes  the  mills  on  this  stream 
as  "numerous,  but  the  loose  and  unstable  composition 
of  its  bed  renders  the  erection  of  permanent  dams  as 
difficult  and  expensive,  in  proportion  to  its  width,  as  on 
the  Miamis."  Prices  of  land  had  greatly  appreciated 
throughout  the  county.  Judge  Symmes  and  his  asso- 
ciates, twenty-seven  years  before,  had  bought  the  Pur- 
chase for  sixty-six  and  two-thirds  cents  per  acre  (really  for 
sixteen  and  two-third  cents  per  acre,  in  specie),  and  sold 
most  of  it  at  a  uniform  price  of  two  dollars,  except  at 
auction,  when  it  often  commanded  higher  rates.  The 
reserved  sections  also  formed  an  exception:  they  were  at 
one  time  fiixed  to  be  sold  at  eight  dollars  per  acre,  but 
afterwards  sold  at  four.     In  1815,  Dr.  Drake  observes: 

Within  tliree  miles  of  Cincinnati,  at  tliis  time,  tlie  prices  of  good 
unimproved  land  are  between  fifty  dollars  and  one  hundred  and  fifty- 
dollars  per  acre,  varying  according  to  the  distance.  From  this  point  to 
the  extent  of  twelve  miles,  they  decline  from  thirty  dollars  to  ten  dol- 
lars. Near  the  principal  villages  of  the  Miami  country,  it  commands- 
from  twenty  dollars  to  forty  dollars:  in  the  remaining  situations  it  is 
from  four  to  eight  dollars — improvements  in  all  cases  advancing  the 
price  from  twenty-five  to  four  hundred  per  cent.  An  average  of  the 
settled  parts  of  the  Miami  country,  still  supposing  the  land  fertile  and 
uncultivated,  may  be  stated  at  eight  dollars;  if  cultivated,  at  twelve 
dollar's.  .  .  These  were  not  the  prices  in  1812,  the  war,  by 
promoting  immigration,  having  advanced  the  nominal  value  of  land 
from  twenty-five  to  fifty  per  cent. 

Mr.  Burnet  (not  the  judge),  a  traveller  through  this 
region  two  years  afterwards,  ina  published  account  of  his 
journeyings,  supplies  the  following  interesting  note : 

The  land  round  Cincinnati  is  good.  Price,  a  mile  or  two  from  the 
city,  fifty,  eighty,  and  one  hundred  dollars  per  acre,  according  to  qual- 
ity and  other  advantages.  This  same  land,  a  few  years  ago,  was 
bought  for  two  and  five  dollars  per  acre.  Farms  with  improvements 
ten  miles  from  the  town,  sell  for  thirty  and  forty  dollars  per  acre.  Fifty 
si.xty,  and  one  hundred  miles  up  the  country,  good  uncleared  land  may 
be  bought  for  from  two  dollars  to  five  dollars  per  acre.  The  farms  are 
generally  worked  by  the  farmer  and  his  family.  Labor  is  dear,  and 
not  to  be  had  under  fourteen  or  sixteen  dollars  per  month  and  board. 
They  have  but  little  machinery  and  no  plaster  or  compost,  but  what 
is  made  by  the  farmer  is  used  for  manure.  Taxes,  in  the  country,  are 
a  mere  nothing.  Farmers,  in  any  part  of  the  State  of  Ohio,  who  have 
one  hundred  acres  of  their  own,  well  stocked,  do  not  pay  above 
five  to  ten  dollars  per  annum. 

The  population  of  Hamilton  county,  in  1820,  footed 
up  thirty-one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  sixty-four, 
divided  among  the  townships  as  follows:  Cincinnati, 
nine  thousand  six  hundred  and  forty-two ;  Columbia,  two 
thousand  eight  hundred  and  fourteen;  Mill  Creek,  two 
thousand  one  hundred  and  ninety-eight;  Springfield,  two 
thousand  one  hundred  and  ninety-seven  (Springfield  vil- 



lagetwo  hundred  and  twenty);  Sycamore  three  thousand 
four  hundred  and  sixty-three;  Whitewater,  one  thousand 
six  hundred  and  sixty-one ;  Anderson,  two  thousand  one 
hundred  and  twenty-two;  Colerain,  one  thousand  nine 
hundred  and  six;  Crosby,  one  thousand  seven  hundred 
and  twenty-one;  Delhi,  one  thousand  one  hundred  and 
fifty-eight;  Green,  one  thousand  four  hundred  and  fifty- 
six;  Miami,  one  thousand  four  hundred  and  twenty-six. 
The  population  of  Springfield  and  Sycamore  townships 
this  year,  each  appears  larger  than  their  respective  popu- 
lations by  the  census  of  1830;  but  the  formation  of  new 
townships  from  them  sufficiently  accounts  for  that,  since 
they  had  then  to  part  with  a  portion  of  their  people, 
thenceforth  to  be  enumerated  in  the  new  divisions. 

This  decade  was  signalized  by  the  laying-off  (or  at 
least  recording  the  plats)  of  an  extraordinary  number, 
for  the  period,  of  town  and  village  sites.  In  1813,  by 
the  date  of  record,  Harrison  was  founded;  in  1815, 
Carthage;  1816,  New  Burlington  and  Miamistown;  1817, 
Elizabeth  town  and  "Symmestown";  18 18,  New  Haven, 
Cheviot,  Sharon,  and  "Clevestown";  and,  in  1819,  New 
Baltimore.  Most  of  these  have  survived,  at  least  as  local 
post  offices  and  hamlets;  but  others,  several  in  number, 
have  made  little  more  figure  in  history  or  in  actual  ex- 
istence than  the  countless  "paper  towns"  that  studded 
the  prairies  and  the  banks  of  western  rivers  (in  imagina- 
tion and  speculative  description  and  platting)  twenty 
years  later. 


The  Ohio  State  Gazetteer  of  182 1  notes:  "There  has 
been  an  uncommonly  rapid  increase  of  emigrants  from 
other  States  into  this  county  during  several  years  past; 
and,  the  land  being  of  a  peculiarly  good  quality  for  the 
production  of  grain,  one  of  the  principal  articles  neces- 
sary for  subsistence,  this  county  has,  therefore,  become 
an  important  section  of  the  State." 

The  thickening  of  population  in  parts  of  the  county 
made  the  size  of  some  of  the  old  townships  incon- 
venient for  a  part  of  the  voters  and  residents  therein ; 
and  the  new  townships  of  Fulton  and  Symmes  were 
presently  created.  There  were  fourteen  townships  iry 
1826;  Georgetown,  Lockland,  Lewistown,  Madison, 
Nassau,  and  Prospect  Hill,  were  added  during  the  decade 
to  the  list  of  villages  whose  plats  were  recorded;  and  the 
suburb  of  "Eastern  Liberties"  was  laid  off  adjacent  to 
the  city  of  Cincinnati.  The  population  of  the  county 
was  estimated  that  year  at  forty-four  thousand,  about  one- 
eighteenth  of  all  the  inhabitants  of  the  State,  while  the 
year  before  the  aggregate  value  of  taxable  property  in  the 
county,  assessed  on  the  ad  valorem  system,  was  six  mil- 
lion eight  hundred  and  forty-eight  thousand  four  hun- 
dred and  thirty-three  dollars,  or  more  than  one-eighth  of 
the  entire  valuation  of  the  State.  A  very  satisfactory  and 
rather  remarkable  increase  in  the  wealth  of  the  county, 
both  absolute  and  relatively  to  population,  as  compared 
with  other  parts  of  the  State,  is  thus  shown. 

The  convictions  for  crime  in  Hamilton  county  during 
1826  were:  Murder  in  the  first  degree,  one;  rape,  one; 
perjury,  one;  assault  with  intent  to  murder,  one;  assault 
with  intent  to  commit   mayhem,   two;  stabbing  with  in- 

tent to  kill,  one;  burglary,  two;  uttering  counterfeit 
money,  three;  horse-stealing,  three;  grand  larceny,  four; 
petit  larceny,  four;  total  convictions,  twenty-three.  So 
the  county  was  making  progress,  unhappily,  in  the  accu- 
mulation of  a  crime  record,  as  well  as  in  more  reputable 
and  honorable  affairs. 

The  census  of  1830  exhibited  the  handsome  total  of 
fifty-two  thousand  three  hundred  and  eighty,  an  increase 
of  twenty-one  thousand  six  hundred  and  sixteen,  or 
sixty-six  per  cent.,  upon  the  count  of  ten  years  before. 
Much  of  this  increase,  of  course,  was  in  the  city,  which 
had  jumped  from  nine  thousand  six  hundred  and  forty- 
two  to  twenty-four  thousand  eight  hundred  and  thirty-one 
increasing  fifteen  thousand  one  hundred  and  eighty-nine 
people  during  the  decade,  or  one  hundred  and  fifty-seven 
per  cent.  The  remaining  townships  of  the  county  had 
now  population  as  follows :  Anderson,  two  thousand 
four  hundred  and  ten;  Colerain,  one  thousand  nine  hun- 
dred and  twenty-eight;  Columbia,  three  thousand  and 
fifty-one;  Crosby,  one  thousand  eight  hundred  and 
ninety-five;  Delhi,  one  thousand  five  hundred  and  twen- 
ty-seven; Fulton,  one  thousand  and  eighty-nine;  Green, 
one  thousand  nine  hundred  and  eighty-five;  Miami,  one 
thousand  five  hundred  and  forty-nine;  Mill  Creek,  three 
thousand  three  hundred  and  fifty-six;  Springfield,  three 
thousand  and  twenty-five;  Sycamore,  two  thousand  seven 
hundred  and  seventy-nine;  Symmes,  one  thousand  one 
hundred  and  fifty-eight;  Whitewater,  one  thousand  seven 
hundred  and  thirty-four;  total  in  the  townships,  twenty- 
seven  thousand  four  hundred  and  eighty-six.  This  was 
the  last  of  the  Federal  censuses  in  Hamilton  county  in 
which  the  country  population  outnumbered  the  city,  as 
it  now  did,  but  by  only  two  thousand  six  hundred  and 
fifty-five.  At  the  next  census  Cincinnati  was  nearly 
thirteen  thousand  in  advance  of  all  the  county  besides. 
It  had  this  year  twenty-four  thousand  eight  hundred  and 
thirty-one  inhabitants.  The  total  for  the  county  was 
fifty-two  thousand  three  hundred  and  seventeen. 


The  enumeration  of  1830  showed  the  population  of 
each  of  four  of  the  townships — Columbia,  Crosby,  Delhi, 
and  Symmes — to  be  somewhat  greater  than  it  proved  to 
be  at  the  next  census — a  falling  off  to  be  accounted  for  in 
one  case  by  the  erection  of  a  new  township  (Storrs),  which 
took  place  in  this  decade.  The  county's  growth  in  most 
parts  continued  hopefully  and  satisfactorily;  and  when  the 
count  of  1840  was  made,  it  displayed  an  increase  of 
twenty-seven  thousand  seven  hundred  and  eighty- five,  or 
nearly  fifty  per  cent,  within  ten  years.  Cincinnati  had, 
as  ever  in  this  county  since  1810,  the  lion's  share  of  the 
spoils,  all  the  new  immigration  and  natural  increase,  so 
far  as  represented  by  the  figures  upon  their  face,  going  to 
the  city,  except  six  thousand  three  hundred  and  twenty- 
one.  About  three-fourths  of  the  total  growth  of  the 
county  in  population  was  claimed  by  the  city,  which  now 
had  forty-six  thousand  three  hundred  and  thirty-eight 
people.  The  townships  were  assigned  the  following 
numbers:  Anderson,  two  thousand  three  hundred  and 
eleven ;  Colerain,  two  thousand  two  hundred  and  seventy 



two;  Sycamore,  three  thousand  two  hundred  and  seven; 
Columbia,  three  thousand  and  forty-three;  Fulton,  one 
thousand  five  hundred  and  six;  Mill  Creek,  six  thousand 
two  hundred  and  forty-nine;  Crosby,  one  thousand  eight 
hundred  and  seventy-six;  Symmes,  one  thousand  and 
thirty-four;. Delhi,  one  thousand  four  hundred  and  sixty- 
six;  Storrs,  one  thousand  and  thirty-four;  Green,  two 
thousand  nine  hundred  and  thirty-nine;  Miami,  two 
thousand  one  hundred  and  eighty-nine;  Springfield,  three 
thousand  and  ninety-two;  Whitewater,  one  thousand 
eight  hundred  and  eighty-two.  Nearly  two-fifths  of  the 
increase  in  the  county  during  this  decade  belongs  to  Mill 
Creek  township,  about  one-sixth  to  Green,  one-tenth  to 
Miami,  and  the  rest  is  pretty  nearly  divided  between  the 
townships  which  show  any  increase.  Mill  Creek,  being 
very  favorably  situated  next  the'city,  had,  and  retains,  so 
much  of  it  as  is  left  from  the  annexations,  special  advan- 
tages for  growth.  It  nearly  doubled  its  population,  as 
may  be  seen  by  comparison  of  previous  sunnnaries  of 
the  census,  between  1820  and  1830,  and  again  in  the  de- 
cade 1830-40.  The  entire  population  of  the  county  was 
now  eighty  thousand  one  hundred  and  forty-five — an 
average  of  a  little  over  two  hundred  and  five  to  the 
square  mile,  or,  leaving  out  the  city's  area  and  popula- 
tion, an  average  of  nearly  eighty-nine  to  the  mile. 

The  assessed  valuation  of  property  in  the  county  in 
1836,  as  exhibited  by  the  tax  duplicate,  was  nine  million, 
seven  hundred  and  one  thousand,  three  hundred  and 
eighty-seven  dollars,  an  increase  of  nearly  fifty  per  cent 
since  1825.  The  tax  paid  the  former  year  was  one  hun. 
dred  and  fifty-nine  thousand  six  hundred  and  seventy- 
eight  dollars. 

During  this  decade  were  founded,  according  to  record- 
ed plats,  the  villages  of  Carrsville  and  Walnut  Hills,  Ver- 
non Village,  and  the  suburb  of  "Northern  Liberties." 


The  increase  in  valuation  during  this  period  was  very 
rapid.  In  1S41  the  valuation  of  the  county  was  ten  mil- 
lion, seven  hundred  and  sixty  thousand,  four  hundred 
and  ninety-four  dollars,  but  one  million  and  fifty-nine 
thousand,  one  hundred  and  seven  dollars  more  than  it 
had  been  for  years  before.  For  Cincinnati,  however, 
now  set  in  an  era  of  great  prosperity  and  growth  in  man- 
ufactures, trade,  and  commerce;  and  the  valuation  in- 
creased forty-five  millions  in  nine  years.  In  1850  it  was 
fifty-five  million,  six  hundred  and  seventy  thousand,  six 
hundred  and  thirty-one  dollars;  and  we  may  anticipate 
the  course  of  this  narrative  a  little  by  saying  just  here, 
while  surprising  figures  are  in  hand,  that  the  valuation  of 
1855  was  one  hundred  and  twelve  million,  nine  hundred 
and  forty-five  thousand,  four  hundred  and  forty-five  dol- 
lars; that  of  1S60  was  one  hundred  and  nineteen  million, 
five  hundred  and  eight  thousand,  one  hundred  and 
seventy  dollars;  that  of  1868,  one  hundred  and  sixty-six 
million,  nine  hundred  and  forty-five  thousand,  four  hun- 
dred and  ninety-seven.  The  increase  in  nine  years 
(1841-50)  was  over  four-fold,  and  was  three-fold  in  the 
nineteen  years  1850-69.  From  i860  to  '69  the  increase 
was  thirty-two  per  cent. 

The  increase  of  population  in  the  city  of  Cincinnati 
was  not  less  surprising.  In  the  ten  years  1840-50  the 
number  of  its  inhabitants  had  jumped  from  forty-six 
thousand  three  hundred  and  thirty-eight  to  one  hundred 
and  fifteen  thousand  four  hundred  and  thirty-eight — an 
absolute  increase  of  sixty-nine  thousand  one  hundred,  or 
very  nearly  one  hundred  and  fifty  per  cent. — an  average 
of  fifteen  per  cent,  or  six  thousand  nine  hundred  and 
ten  persons  every  year.  Nineteen  immigrants,  on  an 
average,  arrived  in  this  city  every  day,  Sundays  and  all, 
during  the  ten  years.  The  country,  however — the  town- 
ships— increased  but  four  thousand  six  hundred  and  five, 
or  less  than  fourteen  per  cent,  during  the  decade.  The 
population  of  the  city,  by  the  canvass  of  1850,  was  one 
hundred  and  fifteen  thousand  four  hundred  and  thirty- 
eight;  of  the  townships,  forty-one  thousand  four  hundred 
and  twelve; — total,  one  hundred  and  fifty-six  thousand 
eight  hundred  and  fifty. 

The  Mexican  war,  which  occurred  during  this  decade, 
had  no  appreciable  effect  in  retarding  the  growth  and 
prosperity  of  Hamilton  county. 


At  the  expiration  of  this  (in  i860)  the  population  of 
the  county  had  mounted  to  the  high  figure  of  two  hundred 
and  fifteen  thousand  six  hundred  and  seventy-seven,  of 
which  Cincinnati,  with  its  now  seventeen  wards,  had 
nearly  three-fourths,  or  one  hundred  and  sixty-one  thou- 
sand and  forty-four.  The  remainder  of  the  population 
was  dispersed  as  follows:  Columbia  township,  two 
thousand  nine  hundred  and  thirty-one;  Sycamore,  three 
thousand  four  hundred  and  twenty-seven;  Anderson, 
three  thousand  four  hundred  and  thirty-nine;  Green, 
four  thousand  four  hundred  and  twenty-six;  Mill  Creek, 
thirteen  thousand  eight  hundred  and  forty-four;  Spring- 
field, four  thousand  eight  hundred  and  forty;  .Cole- 
rain,  three  thousand  nine  hundred  and  thirty-three;  Delhi, 
two  thousand  seven  hundred;  Miami,  one  thousand  six 
hundred  and  eighty-three;  Crosby,  one  thousand  one 
hundred  and  eighty-two;  (Reading  village,  one  thousand 
two  hundred  and  thirty);  Whitewater,  one  thousand  four 
hundred  and  twenty-one;  Harrison,  one  thousand  three 
hundred  and  fort)'-three;  Symmes,  one  thousand  one 
hundred  and  seven;  Storrs,  three  thousand  eight  hun- 
dred and  sixty-two;  Spencer,  two  thousand  five  hundred 
and  fifty-two.  Total,  fifty-four  thousand  six  hundred  and 

In  this  decade  the  village  of  College  Hill  was  incor- 
porated, and  several  other  towns  were  surveyed  and  their 
plats  recorded.  The  township  of  Harrison  was  also 


In  1870  the  |3opulation  of  the  county  was  two  hun- 
dred and  sixty  thousand  three  hundred  and  seventy. 
The  chief  productions  of  the  year,  according  to  the  cen- 
sus, were  one  hundred  and  sixty-two  thousand  six 
hundred  and  seven  bushels  of  wheat,  one  million  two 
hundred  and  twenty-six  thousand  seven  hundred  and 
twenty-six  of  Indian  corn,  two  hundred  and  sixty-eight 
thousand   and   eighty-nine  of  oats,   ninety-six  thousand 



nine  hundred  and  seventy-nine  of  barley,  five  hundred 
and  sixty-two  thousand  five  hundred  and  thirty-seven  of 
potatoes,  seven  hundred  and  seventy-three  thousand 
three  hundred  and  eighty-seven  pounds  of  butter,  one 
hundred  and  twenty-six  thousand  four  hundred  of  cheese, 
and  twenty-five  thousand  three  hundred  and  four  tons  of 
hay.  The  county  possessed  eight  thousand  five  hundred 
and  thirty-one  horses,  twelve  thousand  four  hundred  and 
thirteen  milch  cows,  three  thousand  two  hundred  and 
fifty-four  other  cattle,  three  thousand  six  hundred  and 
forty-seven  sheep,  and  twenty-one  thousand  one  hundred 
and  sixty-five  swine.  The  manufactories  of  all  kinds 
numbered  two  thousand  four  hundred  and  sixty-nine, 
with  a  total  capital  of  forty-two  million  six  hundred  and 
forty-six  thousand  one  hundred  and  fifty-two  dollars,  and 
an  annual  product  of  seventy-eight  million  nine  hundred 
and  five  thousand  nine  hundred  and  eighty  dollars.  The 
value  of  real  and  personal  property  in  the  county  in 
1870  was  three  hundred  and  forty-one  million  two  hun- 
dred and  fifty  thousand  dollars. 

Notwithstanding  the  great  civil  war  during  nearly  half 
of  this  decade,  the  growth  of  the  county  was  very  satis- 
factory. Lockland,  Mt.  Airy,  Cumminsville,  Woodburn, 
Avondale,  Riverside,  Mt.  Washington,  and  Carthage,  were 
incorporated  and  the  foundations  of  other  flourishing 
villages  were  laid. 


The  earlier  part   of  this    was    marked    by  numerous 

annexations  to  the  city,  which  rapidly  grew  from  seven  to 
twenty-four  square  miles,  and  corresponding  losses  to 
the  townships.  The  census  of  1880,  in  consequence  of 
the  financial  crisis  and  industrial  prostration  which 
characterized  nearly  all  the  years  of  this  decade,  did  not 
exhibit  surprising  growths  of'population  for  either  city  or 
county.  Still,  the  increase  was  healthy,  and  on  the 
whole  satisfactory,  being  fourteen  thousand  one  hundred 
and  thirty-one  for  the  townships,  or  about  thirty-two  per 
cent,  for  the  decade;  and  in  the  city  thirty-nine  thousand 
three  hundred  and  sixty-nine,  or  about  eighteen  per  cent. 
The  totals  of  population  for  the  townships  were  fifty- 
eight  thousand  two  hundred  and  sixty-two;  for  the  city, 
two  hundred  and  fifty-five  thousand  six  hundred  and 
eight;  aggregate  for  the  county,  three  hundred  and  thir- 
teen thousand  eight  hundred  and  seventy.  Most  of  the 
townships  showed  a  good  increase,  and  Columbia  had 
nearly  trebled  its  population. 


A  comparative  statement  or  table  of  the  censuses  taken 
by  the  Federal  officers  since  the  first  enumeration  of  the 
county  was  made,  will  help  to  the  -rapid  comprehension 
of  its  growth  from  year  to  year.  For  those  of  1800  and 
1810  we  have  the  total  footings  for  the  county,  from 
which  the  aggregate  population  of  the  townships  is  ob- 
tained by  subtracting  the  known  population  of  Cincinnati 
at  the  respective  periods : 








v  Harrison.. 


Mill  Creek 









Total  for  the  county. 





















1. 107 







260, 372 










The  indebtedness  of  Hamilton  county  July,  1879,  was 
but  four  hundred  and  two  thousand  five  hundred  and 
ninety-eight  dollars,  principally  in  court-house  building 

•  The  valuations  of  personal  property  in  Hamilton  county 
for  1879  and  1880,  exclusive  of  Cincinnati,  which  will  be 
found  hereafter,  as  returned  for  taxation  to  the  county 
auditor's  office  last  June  are  as  follows: 


Anderson  Tp.,  Northern  Pt.* 

Anderson  Tp. ,  Central  Pt 

Anderson  Tp. ,  Southern  Pt 

Mt.  Washington  Cor.,*  Anderson  Tp, 

Colerain  Tp. ,  Northeastern  Pt 

Colerain  Tp.,  Southwestern  Pt 

Columbia  Tp.,  Eastern  Pt 

Columbia  Tp.,  Western  Pt 

Columbia  Tp.,  Central  Pt 

Columbia,  Oakley  Pt 

Madisonville  Cor.,  Columbia  Tp 

Crosby  Tp 

Delhi  Tp.,  Eastern  Pt 

Delhi  Tp.,  Western  Pt 

Riverside  Cor.,  Delhi  Tp 

Home  City,  Delhi  Tp 

Green  Tp.,  Northeastern  Pt 

Green  Tp.,  Northwestern  Pt 

Green  Tp. ,  Southeastern  Pt a. 

Green  Tp. ,  Southwestern  Pt 

Mt.  Airy  Cor.,  Green  Tp 

Westwood  Cor. ,  Green  Tp 

Harrison  Tp 

Harrison  Cor. ,  Harrison  Tp 

Miami  Tp 

Cleves  Cor. ,  Miami  Tp 

North  Bend  Cor.,  Miami  Tp 

Millcreek  Tp.,  Bond  Hill  Pt 

Millcreek  Tp.  Northeastern  Pt   

Millcieek  Tp.,  St.  Bernard  Pt 

Millcreek  Tp.,  Winton  Pt 

Avondale  Cor. ,  Millcreek  Tp 

Carthage  Cor. ,  Millcreek  Tp 

Clifton  Cor.,  Millcreek  Tp 

College  Hill  Cor.,  Millcreek  Tp 

Mt.  Airy  Cor.,  Millcreek  Tp 

St.  Bernard  Cor.,  Millcreek  Tp 

Western  Pt.,  Millcreek  Tp 

College  Hill  Pt.,  Millcreek  Tp 

Soencer  Tp. ,  Southern  Pt 

Linwood  Cor. ,  Spencer  Tp 

Springfield  Tp. ,  Eastern  Pt 

Springfield  Tp.,  Western  Pt 

Springfield,  Northeastern  Pt 

Springfield,  Southeastern  Pt 

Carthage  Cor. ,  Springfield  Tp 

Glendale  Cor.,  Springfield  Tp 

Hartwell  Cor.,  Springfield  Tp 

Lockland  Cor.,  Springfield  Tp 

Wyoming  Cor.,  Springfield  Tp 

Sycamore  Tp.,  Eastern  Pt 

Sycamore  Tp. ,  Sharon^^lle  Pt 

Sycamore  Tp. ,  Reading  Pt 

Lockland  Cor.,  Sycamore  Tp 

Reading  Cor.,  Sycamore  Tp 

Symmes  Tp.,  Northern  Pt 

Symmes  Tp.,  Camp  Dennison  Pt. . . . 

Loveland  Cor.,  Symmes  Tp 

West  Loveland  Pt.,  Symmes  Tp 

Riverside,  Storrs  Tp 

Whitewater  Tp.,  Northern  Pt 

Whitewater  Tp. ,  Southern  Pt 












































1. 195 








57, 806 









































































































70, 146 



69. 137 




26, 107 

























The  comparative  statement  for  1879-80  of  the  taxable 
value  of  new  structures  erected  during  those  years,  in  all 
parts  of  the  county,  except  Cincinnati,  is  as  follows. 
The  figures  are  presumed  to  represent  the  actual  value 
added  to  the  property  by  the  improvements  of  those  years : 

Precinct — Corporation. 


Anderson  Township,  Northern  Precinct 

Anderson  Township,  Central  Precinct 

Anderson  Township,  Southern  Precinct . . 

Mt.  Washington  Corporation,  Anderson  Township 

Colerain  Township,  Northeastern  Precinct 

Colerain  Township,  Southwestern  Precinct 

Columbia  Township,  Eastern  Precinct 

Columbia  Township,  Western  Precinct 

Columbia  Township,  Central  Precinct 

Columbia,  Oakley  Precinct 

Madisonville  Corporation,  Columbia  Township.. . . 

Crosby  Township 

Delhi  Township,  Eastern  Precinct 

Delhi  Township,  Western  Precinct 

Riverside  Corporation,  Delhi  Township 

Home  City  Delhi  Township 

Green  Township,  Northeastern  Precinct 

Green  Township,  Northwestern  Precinct 

Green  Township,  Southeastern  Precinct 

Green  Township,  Southwestern  Precinct 

Mt.  Airy  Corporation,  Green  Township 

Westwood  Corporation  Green  Township 

Harrison  Township 

Harrison  Corporation,  Harrison  Township 

Miami  Township 

Cleves  Corporation,  Miami  Township 

North  Bend  Corporation,  Miami  Township 

Millcreek  Township,  Bond  Hill  Precinct. 

Millcreek  Township,  Northeastern  Precinct 

Millcreek  Township,  St.  Bernard  Precinct 

Millcreek  Township,  Winton  Precinct 

Avondale  Corporation,  Millcreek  Township 

Carthage  Corporation,  Millcreek  township 

Chfton  Corporation,  Millcreek  township 

College  Hill  Corporation,  Millcreek  Township. . . . 

Mt.  Airy  Corporation,  Millcreek  Township 

St.  Bernard  Corporation,  Millcreek  Township 

Western  Precinct,  Millcreek  Township 

Spencer  Township,  Southern  Pr;cinct 

Linwood  Corporation  Spencer  Township 

Springfield  Township,  Eastern  Precinct 

Springfild  Township,  Western  Precinct 

Springfield  Township  Northeastern  Precinct 

Springfield  Township,  Southeastern  Precinct 

Carthage  Corporation,  Springfield  Township 

Glendale  Corporation,  Springfield  Township 

Hartwell  Corporation,  Springfield  Township 

Lockland  Corporation,  Springfield  Township 

Wyoming  Corporation,  Springfield  Township 

Sycamore  Township,  Eastern  Precinct 

Sycamore  Township,  Sharonville  Precinct 

Sycamore  Township,  Reading  Precinct 

Lockland  Corporation,  Sycamore  Township 

Reading  Corporation,  .Sycamore  Township.    

Symmes  Township,  Northern  Precinct 

Symmes  Township,  Camp  Dennison  Precinct 

Loveland  Corporation,  Symmes  Township 

Riverside,  Storrs  Township 

Whitewater  Township,  Northern  Precinct 

Whitewater  Township,  Southern  Precinct ■. 







$   2,850 



































6, goo 









1. 575 























































As  a  sort  of  a  foot-note  or  appendix  to  these  notes 
of  progress,  we  here  more  appropriately,  perhaps,  than 
anywhere  else  in  this  division  of  the  History,  make  men- 
tion of 


The  first  church  built  in  Hamilton  county  was  that  at 
Columbia,  for  the  Baptist  society,  organized  in  that  set- 
tlement March  24,  1790.  It  was,  further,  the  first  meet- 
ing-house erected  in  the  territory  now  covered  by  the 
state  of  Ohio,  except  the  church  building  of  the  Mora- 
vian missionaries  at  Schonebrunn  and  Gnadenhutten,  in 
the  valley  of  the  Tuscarawas. 

The  first  ordination  of  a  clergyman  in  the  Miami  coun- 
try was  that  of  the  Rev.  Daniel  Clark,  a  young  Baptist 
minister  at  Columbia,  by  the  Rev.  Messrs.  Gano  and  Smith, 
in  a  grove  of  elms  near  that  place,  September  23,  1793. 



The  first  school  in  the  county  was  opened  July  21, 
1790,  also  in  Columbia,  by  John  Reily,  afterwards  a 
distinguished  citizen  of  Butler  and  Hamilton  counties. 
The  next  year  Francis  Dunlavy  was  joined  in  the.  in- 
struction of  the  school,  taking  a  classical  department, 
while  Mr.  Reily  confined  his  labors  to  the  English  stu- 
dies.   The  first  regular  school-house  was  probably  there. 

The  first  ferry  from  the  front  of  Hamilton  county  on 
the  river  to  the  Kentucky  shore  at  the  present  site  of  Cov- 
ington was  run  in  1790  by  Robert  and  Thomas  Kennedy, 
one  of  whom  lived  at  each  end  of  the  line.  The  first  to 
Newport  was  run  by  Captain  Robert  Benham,  under  a 
license  from  the  Territorial  government,  granted  Septem- 
ber 24,  1792,  from  Cincinnati  to  the  opposite  bank,  the 
present  Newport,  on  the  east  side  of  the  Licking. 

The  first  mill  run  in  Hamilton  county  was  started  by 
Mr.  Neaiad  Coleman,  a  citizen  of  Columbia,  soon  after  the 
planting  of  the  colony.  It  was  a  very  simple  affair,  quite 
like  that  known  at  Marietta  in  the  early  day,  and  figured 
in  Dr.  S.  P.  Hildreth's  Pioneer  History.  The  flat- 
boats  were  moored  side  by  side  near  the  shore,  but  in  the 
current,  and  with  sufficient  space  between  them  for  the 
movement  of  a  water-wheel.  The  grindstones,  with  the 
grain  and  flour  or  meal  handled,  were  in  one  boat,  and 
the  machin'ery  in  another.  This  rude  mill,  kept  going 
by  the  cultivation  'of  the  rich  soil  at  or  near  Colum- 
bia, was  the  chief  source  of  supply  for  the  soldiers  of 
Fort  Washington  and  the  citizens  of  Cincinnati  for  one 
or  two  years.  Without  it,  there  would  at  one  time,  at  least, 
have  been  danger  of  abandonment  of  the  fort,  if  not  of 
the  settlements.  Before  its  construction,  settlers  who  had 
no  access  to  hand-mills  or  who  wished  to  economize  their 
labor,  went  far  into  Kentucky  to  get  their  grinding  done. 
At  one  time  Noah  Badgeley  and  three  other  Cincinnati 
settlers  went  up  the  Licking  to  Paris,  for  a  supply  of 
breadstuff,  and  on  their  return  were  caught  in  a  flood, 
their  boat  overturned,  Badgeley  drowned,  and  the  others 
exposed  to  peril  and  privation  upon  branches  of  trees  in 
the  raging  waters  for  two  or  three  days.  It  is  possible 
that  Coleman's  mill  is  identical  with  that  mentioned  in 
early  annals  as  the  property  of  one  Wickerslham  (Wicker- 
ham  he  is  called  in  Spencer's  Indian  Captivity,  probably 
by  error  of  the  types),  which  is  sometimes  referred  to  as 
the  first  mill,  and  was  situated  at  a  rapid  of  the  Little 
Miami,  a  little  below  the  Union  bridge,  where  Philip  Tur- 
pin's  mill  was  afterwards  erected. 

Soon  after  Coleman  started  his  grist-mill,  another,  but 
of  different  character,  was  built  on  Mill  creek,  near  Cin- 
cinnati. A  horse-mill  existed  in  that  town  at  a  very  early 
day,  near  the  site  of  the  First  Presbyterian  church,  and 
some  of  the  meetings  of  that  society  were  held  in  it. 

The  first  cases  of  capital  punishment  in  the  county 
occurred  at  the  southeast  end  of  Fort  Washington  in 
1789 — the  execution  of  two  soldiers,  John  Ayers  and 
Matthew  Ratn:iore,  for  desertion.  The  first  execution  by 
the  civil  authorities  was  that  of  John  May,  in  Cincinnati, 
near  the  close  of  the  century,  by  hanging,  under  sentence 
for  the  murder  of  his  friend,  Wat  Sullivan,  whom  he  stab- 
bed with  a  hunting-knife  during  a  drunken  brawl  at  a 
party  given  in  a  log  cabin  then  standing  near  the  corner 

of  Sixth  and  Main  streets.  He  was  hanged  by  Sheriff 
Ludlow,  at  the  spot  on  the  south  side  of  Fifth  street,  east 
of  Walnut,  where  B.  Cavagna  now  has  his  grocery  store, 
and  where  the  first  jail  stood.  The  country  for  fifty 
miles  around  turned  out  its  population  to  see  the  execu- 

Other  "first  things"  will  be  recorded  in  connection 
with  the  special  histories  of  Cincinnati  and  other  parts  of 
the  county,  where  full  notes  will  be  made  of  these  to 
which  we  have  given  rapid  mention. 



The  landis  holy  where  they  fouglu, 

And  holy  where  they  fell ; 
For  by  their  blood  that  land  was  bought, 

The  land  they  loved  so  well. 
Then  glory  to  that  valiant  band, 

The  honored  saviors  of  the  land ! 

The  God  of  battles  heard  their  cry, 
And  sent  to  them  the  victory. 

They  left  the  plowshare  in  the  mould, 

Their  flocks  and  herds  without  a  fold. 

The  sickle  in  the  unshorn  grain. 

The  corn,  half  garnered,  on  the  plain; 

And  mustered,  in  their  simple  dress. 

For  wrongs  to  seek  a  stern  redress. 

To  right  their  wrongs,  come  weal,  come  woe. 

To  perish,  or  o'ercome  their  foe. 


Probably  no  county  in  the  United  States — certainly 
none  in  the  States  that  date  their  origin  since  the  war  of 
the  Revolution — has  a  more  brilliant  military  record  than 
Hamilton  county.  In  the  Indian  period,  during  the  last 
war  with  Great  Britain,  the  skirmish  with  Mexico,  and 
the  great  civil  war,  the  men  of  Cincinnati,  and  of  Hamil- 
ton county  at  large,  bore  full  and  honorable  part.  Their 
patriotism  from  the  beginning  has  been  clear  and  un- 
doubted; their  readiness  to  serve  the  country  in  any  hour 
of  its  peril  has  been  equally  manifest,  whenever  the  occa- 
sion for  its  exhibition  has  come.  From  Fort  Washington, 
near  the  old  Cincinnati,  marched  the  troops  ofHarmar,  of 
St.  Clair,  and  of  Wayne,  in  their  several  campaigns 
against  the  savages  of  the  north  country;  and  hence, 
much  later,  moved  gaily  out,  likewise  on  the  Hamilton 
road,  and  one  bright  May  morning,  the  Fourth  regiment 
of  infantry  in  the  Federal  army,  which  formed  the  main 
stay  of  the  beleaguered  force  at  the  battle  of  Tippecanoe. 
From  Hamilton  county  went  large  and  gallant  contin- 
gents in  the  War  of  181 2-15  and  the  war  with  Mexico; 
and  her  contingent  in  the  war  of  the  Rebellion  was  num- 
bered by  many  thousands — a  very  large  percentage,  in- 
deed, of  the  entire  force  (three  hundred  and  ten  thou- 
sand six  hundred  and  fifty-four  men)  recruited  in  the 
State  of  Ohio  during  the  struggle.  It  is  doubtful  whether 
any  city  in  the  Union  furnished  more  men  to  the  Federal 
cause,  in  proportion  to  its  population,   than   Cincinnati. 



The  record  of  the  entire  county,  in  this  regard,  is  greatly 
to  its  honor.  Of  one  hundred  thousand  two  hundred 
and  twenty-four  men  raised  for  the  Union  army  in  Ohio 
in  1861,  eight  thousand  one  hundred  and  ninety-two,  or 
very  nearly  one-twelfth,  were  from  this  one  county.  It 
had  at  any  time,  considering  its  numerous  population, 
but  an  exceedingly  light  requisition  upon  it  for  drafted 
militia.  The  total  quota  assigned  it  for  draft  during  the 
war  was  but  two  thousand  one  hundred  and  forty-eight, 
of  which  one  thousand  eight  hundred  and  sixty-nine  were 
furnished  in  voluntary  recruits,  and  the  actual  entire 
draft  from  Hamilton  county,  in  the  four  years  of  war, 
was  but  a  paltry  one  hundred  and  seventy-eight.  Through 
some  accident,  neglect,  or  failure  of  calculation — for  it 
cannot  have  been  through  inability  to  procure  the  men, 
or  other  necessity — this  still  left  the  trifling  deficit  of 
ninety-five  men.  But  there  were  only  twenty-three  coun- 
ties in  all  the  State  that  were  not  deficient  in  the  filling 
of  their  quotas;  and  six  of  the  counties  in  which  there 
was  a  shortage  exhibit  on  their  military  record,  notwith- 
standing the  immense  disparity  of  population,  greater  de- 
ficits than  does  Hamilton  county.  The  general  work  and 
record  of  the  county  during  the  bloody  years  are  better 
shown  by  the  statistical  history  of  1862.  Upon  the  first 
of  September  of  that  year,  the  number  of  enrolled  militia 
in  the  county  was  thirty-nine  thousand  nine  hundred  and 
twenty-six,  of  whom  the  volunteers  in  the  armies  of  the 
Union  numbered  fourteen  thousand  seven  hundred  and 
ninety-five.  The  number  then  ordered  to  be  drafted  was 
one  thousand  one  hundred  and  seventy-five;  but  so  rapid 
were  the  enlistments,  and  so  many  errors  were  demon- 
strated in  the  figuring  of  the  enrolling,  recruiting,  and 
mustering  officers  that  the  number  was  more  than  made 
good  (credits  of  one  thousand  five  hundred  and  twenty- 
nine  men  being  obtained  through  volunteers  and  errors 
shown),  and  there  was  consequently  no  draft. 


In  almost  the  earliest  days  of  Cincinnati  and  Colum- 
bia, as  we  have  seen  in  chapter  IX.,  and  shall  see  more 
fully  hereafter,  provision  was  made  for  an  organized  mili- 
tia. One  of  the  first  acts  of  Governor  St.  Clair,  after  the 
erection  of  Hamilton  county,  was  the  appointment  of 
officers  at  these  two  places  for  a  battalion  of  militia;  and 
the  protection  and  defence  of  the  settlements,  and  the 
punishment  of  the  marauding  and  murdering  savages, 
which  had  before  proceeded  in  an  irregular  though 
effective  way,  was  thenceforth  under  the  eye  of  the  Terri- 
torial government.  Some  of  the  officers  and  men  of  the 
early  companies  greatly  distinguished  themselves  after- 
wards in  the  battles  of  Indian  warfare  and  the  War  of 
1812,  and  not  a  few  laid  down  their  lives  upon  the  bloody 
fields.  Since  the  date  of  their  enrollment,  ninety  years 
ago,  Hamilton  county  has  never  been  without  an  organ- 
ized military  force  of  her  own. 

harmar's  campaign  and  defeat. 
About  the  middle   of    the   year  1790,    Governor  St. 
Clair,  upon  his  return  to   Fort  Washington  from  a  pro- 
tracted tour  of  official  duty  in  the  more  distant  parts  of 
the  Territory,  beginning  with  the  creation  of  Hamilton 

county  at  Cincinnati  the  previous  January,  had  a  pro- 
longed consultation  with  General  Harmar,  who  had 
shortly  before,  in  April,  led  an  unsuccessful  expedition 
against  the  Indians  of  the  Scioto  valley.  As  a  result  of 
the  council,  it  was  determined  to  send  a  force  against  the 
Indians  of  the  Maumee,  whose  depredations  upon  the 
settlements  along  the  Ohio  had  become  persistent  and 
exceedingly  annoying.  St.  Clair  accordingly  issued  cir- 
cular letters  to  the  militia  commanders  in  Kentucky,  Vir- 
ginia, and  western  Pennsylvania,  calling  out  their  troops 
to  reinforce  the  regular  army  for  this  campaign.  The  lat- 
ter formed  but  two  small  battalions,  commanded  by 
Majors  Wyllys  and  Doughty,  with  an  artillery  company  of 
three  field-guns.  The  Pennsylvania  and  Virginia  militia 
formed  another  battalion,  under  Colonel  John  Hardin; 
and  the  Kentuckians  mustered  three  battalions,  com- 
manded by  Lieutenant-Colonel  Trotter.  Virginia  seems 
not  to  have  sent  enough  troops  to  form  a  separate  organ- 
ization, and  the  whole  force  for  the  expedition  consisted 
of  but  one  thousand  four  hundred  and  fifty-three  men,  of 
whom  only  three  hundred  and  twenty  were  regular  sol- 
diers. They  were  very  poorly  equipped,  having  few  of 
the  necessaries  of  military  life,. as  camp  kettles  and  axes; 
and  their  arms  were  generally  in  bad  condition,  many  of 
them  absolutely  unfit  for  service.  Some  of  the  Pennsyl- 
vanians  had  no  arms  whatever.  Not  a  few  old  and  in- 
firm men  and  mere  boys  also  appeared  among  the  mili- 
tia. The  temper  of  the  volunteers,  too,  was  by  no  means 
good.  They  were  averse  to  act  with  the  regular  troops, 
and  manifested  considerable  jealousy  of  them,  giving  the 
commander  of  the  expedition.  General  Harmar,  a  deal 
of  trouble.  There  were  also  unfortunate  quarrels  for 
precedence  among  the  principal  officers  of  the  volun- 
teers, in  which  they  were  stubbornly  backed  by  the  men 
of  their  respective  commands. 

On  the  twenty-second  of  September,  Major  Wyllys 
arrived  with  his  detachment  of  regulars  from  the  garrison 
at  the  falls  of  the  Ohio;  on  the  twenty-fifth  came  Major 
Doughty  with  part  of  the  Fort  Harmar  garrison,  and 
Lieutenant  Frothingham  followed  soon  after  with  the 
remainder.  The  last  of  the  Pennsylvanians  came  on  the 
twenty-fifth.  The  Kentuckians  had  not  all  arrived  when 
the  march  began;  but,  as  the  tardy  volunteers  were  dra- 
goons and  mounted  riflemen,  they  were  able  to  overtake 
the  moving  column,  which  they  did  on  the  fifth  of  Oc- 

About  the  thirtieth  of  the  previous  month,  General 
Harmar  moved  his  force  from  Fort  Washington  by  a 
route  represented  to  him  by  his  guides  as  the  shortest 
and  best  to  the  objective  points  of  his  campaign,  and  en- 
camped about  ten  miles  from  the  fort.  Had  he  been  able 
here,  as  Wayne  afterwards  was,  in  the  Mill  creek  valley, 
to  halt  for  better  organization  and  equipment  of  his  mot- 
ley command,  and  for  drill  and  other  necessary  prepara- 
tion for  the  field,  a  happier  story  might  be  told  of  the 
result.  He  decided  to  go  on  at  once,  however;  and  on 
the  thirteenth  of  October  the  little  army  neared  the 
Maumee  villages.  Colonel  Hardin  was  detached  with  a 
company  of  regulars  and  six  hundred  militia,  as  an  ad- 
vance party  to  find   the  enemy  and  keep  them  engaged 



until  the  main  body  could  get  up.  He  found  the  towns 
abandoned;  and  when  the  remainder  of  the  column 
arrived,  on  the  morning  of  the  seventeenth,  they  were 
destroyed,  with  a  large  quantity  of  corn,  estimated  at 
twenty  thousand  bushels,  standing  in  the  fields.  This 
was  the  only  real  damage  inflicted  upon  the  savages  by 
the  campaign,  and  alone  redeemed  the  movement  from 
absolute  failure.  Colonel  Trotter  was  then  sent  with 
three  hundred  men  to  scout  in  the  woods,  but  to  no 
effect;  and  Colonel  Hardin,  on  the  nineteenth,  led  an- 
other reconnoisance  in  force.  Falling  in  with  a  much 
smaller  party  of  the  enemy  and  being  fired  upon,  the 
whites,  without  even  stopping  to  form  line  of  battle,  dis- 
gracefully retreated  in  disorder,  losing  nine  militiamen 
and  twenty-four  regulars  killed.  Two  days  afterwards, 
the  whole  army  began  to  retire;  but  on  the  night  of  that 
day,  the  twenty-first,  Hardin  obtained  permission  to  lead 
another  detachment  the  next  morning  back  to  the  site  of 
the  Indian  villages  in  hopes  of  finding  and  punishing 
the  enemy.  He  did  so,  and  was  again  defeated  with 
much  loss ;  when  further  aggressive  operations  were  sus- 
pended. The  scene  of  these  disasters  was  near  Keki- 
onga,  an  Indian  village  opposite  the  subsequent  site  of 
Fort  Wayne.  The  army  returned  in  an  orderly  way,  by 
slow  and  easy  marches,  to  Fort  Washington,  pursued 
cautiously  by  the  red  men,  who  did  no  serious  injury. 
Arrived  at  the  fort,  the  militia  were  disbanded  and  dis- 
missed, and  the  regulars  sent  again  to  their  garrisons. 
Harmar  hastened  to  Washington,  resigned  his  commis- 
sion, and  demanded  a  court  of  inquiry,  which  was 
ordered.  Its  finding  substantially  vindicated  him,  and 
put  the  blame  of  the  failure  of  the  expedition  mainly 
upon  the  inefficiency  of  the  militia  force  and  the  insuffi- 
ciency of  their  equipment. 

Wilkinson's  expedition. 

In  July  following,  at  Governor  St.  Clair's  suggestion, 
the  Kentucky  board  of  war — a  body  of  leading  citizens 
and  militia  officers  authorized  by  Congress — determined 
upon  an  expedition  against  the  Elk  River  Indian  towns, 
in  the  present  Indiana  country.  It  was  to  rendezvous  at 
Fort  Washington,  and  be  under  command  of  Colonel 
Wilkinson,  of  that  post.  On  the  twentieth  of  July  the 
Kentuckians  duly  arrived  and  mounted,  and  provis- 
ioned for  thirty  days,  began  to  assemble  at  the  fort,  and 
on  the  first  of  the  next  month  a  column  of  five  hundred 
and  twenty-five  men  began  the  movement.  It  marched 
first  upon  the  Maumee  villages,  but  without  provoking  an 
engagement,  Wilkinson  intending  merely  to  feint  in  this 
direction,  and  on  the  sixth,  after  some  skirmishing, 
reached  an  extensive  Ouiatenon  village  called  L'Anguille, 
on  Eel  river,  near  its  debouchure  into  the  Wabash.  It 
was  captured  and  destroyed,  together  with  two  hundred 
acres  of  corn  in  the  milk,  a  number  of  Indians  being 
killed  and  others  taken  prisoners.  Among  the  latter  were 
the  son  and  sisters  of  the  Ouiatenon  chief  or  "King,"  as 
Wilkinson  calls  him  in  the  official  report.  Advancing  to 
the  prairies  of  western  Indiana  a  small  Kickapoo  town 
was  burned  and  the  standing  corn  destroyed,  and  on  the 
twenty-first  of  the  month,  after  a  march  of  four  hundred 

and  fifty-one  miles  from  Fort  Washington,  he  reached 
safely  the  falls  of  the  Ohio,  where  the  expedition  was  dis- 

ST.    CLAIR'S    C.\MP.4.IGN    AND    DEFEAT. 

The  Indians  derived  great  encouragement  from  the 
retreat  of  General  Harmar,  although  exceedingly  exasper- 
ated by  the  destruction  of  their  villages  and  crops,  and 
they  harried  the  frontier  settlements  worse  than  before. 
Another  expedition  became  necessary  to  punish  them,  and 
also  to  establish  a  military  post  at  an  important  strategic 
point,  near  the  junction  of  the  St.  Joseph's  and  St.  Mary's 
rivers,  at  the  head  of  the  Maumee.  Governor  St.  Clair, 
having  been  made  a  major-general  in  the  regular  army 
and  commander  in  chief  of  the  forces  in  the  northwest, 
was  entrusted  with  the  command  in  this  campaign,  with 
General  Richard  Butler  second  in  authority.  They 
began  preparations  early  in  1791,  and  by  the  middle  of 
July  the  first  regiment  of  the  Federal  troops,  numbering 
two  hundred  and  sixty-nine  men,  reached  Fort  Washing- 
ton. Two  thousand  and  three  hundred  militia  and 
regulars,  most  of  whom  were  raw  recruits,  were  soon 
gathered  there,  and  after  encamping  for  a  season  at  Lud- 
low's Station  (now  Cumminsville),  six  miles  from  the 
fort,  along  which  is  now  "Mad  Anthony"  street,  the 
army  marched,  September  17th,  to  the  Great  Miami, 
where  the  city  of  Hamilton  now  stands,  and  where  Fort 
Hamilton — named,  like  this  county,  from  the  then  Secre- 
tary of  the  Treasury — was  built  by  St.  Clair's  men,  a 
strong,  well-constructed  work,  about  one  thousand  feet  in 
circuit.  Leaving  a  sufficient  garrison  and  resuming  the 
march  forty-four  miles  further,  the  troops  halted  again 
for  twelve  days,  to  buiUi  Fort  Jefferson,  six  miles  south 
of  the  present  site  of  Greenville.  October  24th  the 
final  advance  into  the  Indian  country  began,  but  under 
many  difficulties.  St.  Clair  was  seriously  ill  with  the 
gout,  having  to  be  carried  on  a  litter;  the  men  were 
deserting  singly  and  in  large  parties;  the  trails  were  ex- 
ceedingly difficult  for  artillery  and  wagons;  provisions 
were  scant,  and  the  march  proceeded  very  slowly  and 
toilsomely.  Only  about  fourteen  hundred  men  and 
eighty-six  officers  remained  when  the  scene  of  action 
was  reached,  on  the  third  of  November.  This  was  upon 
a  branch  of  the  Wabash  river,  just  south  of  the  head- 
waters of  the  St.  Mary  of  the  Maumee,  which  was  the 
stream  to  which  St.  Clair  supposed  he  had  arrived. 
Fort  Recovery  was  afterward  built  upon  the  battlefield, 
and  a  town  of  the  same  name  still  perpetuates  its  mem- 

The  very  next  morning,  at  daylight,  the  Indians  at- 
tacked in  great  force.  The  first  pressure  came  upon  the 
militia,  who,  as  in  Harmar's  defeat,  speedily  gave  way, 
and  in  their  retreat  threw  two  of  the  regular  battalions 
into  much  disorder.  The  enemy  were,  however,  checked 
and  temporarily  driven  back,  but  their  fire  was  heavy 
and  very  deadly,  particularly  among  the  officers,  and  the 
raw  troops  were  soon  in  precipitate  flight,  abandoning 
the  camp  and  artillery,  and  strewing  the  line  of  retreat  with 
their  arms  and  accoutrements.  Major  Clark's  battalion 
courageously  covered  the  retreat,  and  prevented  the 
absolute  destruction  of  the  columns.     The  race  to  the 



rear  was  maintained  without  Halt  until  Fort  Jefferson, 
twenty-nine  miles  distant,  was  reached  about  sunset  of  the 
same  day.  Eight  hundred  and  ninety  men  and  sixteen 
officers,  more  than  sixteen  per  cent,  of  the  whole  number 
engaged — were  left  dead  or  wounded  in  this  engagement.- 
It  is  accounted  the  most  terrible  reverse  the  American 
arms  ever  suffered  from,  the  Indians — even  more  disas- 
trous than  Braddock's  defeat.  *  It  was  but  a  feeble  rem- 
nant of  the  expedition  that  finally,  four  days  after  the 
defeat,  found  rest  and  shelter  within  the  walls  of  Fort 

Among  the  killed  were  General  Butler,  the  heio  of 
the  Fort  Finney  treaty,  and  second  in  command  of  the 
expedition.  Lieutenant  Colonel  ©Idham,  and  other 
prominent  officers.  The  wounded  included  Colonel 
Winthrop  Sargent,  of  Cincinnati,  secretary  of  the  North- 
west Territory,  and  the  Viscount  Malartie,  a  foreigner  of 
distinction,  serving  as  a  volunteer  aid  upon  St.  Clair's 
staff.  He  had  been  a  captain  in  the  guard  of  Louis 
XVI,  but  left  it  to  join  the  Gallipolis  colony,  and  volun- 
teered as  an  aid-de-camp  to  St.  Clair  when  his  expedition 
reached  that  point  on  its  way  down  the  river.  After  the 
defeat  and  his  wound,  which  was  severe,  he  had  no 
stomach  for  more  Indian  fighting,  and  soon  made  his 
way  to  Philadelphia,  and  thence  back  to  France. 

Colonel  Wilkinson  succeeded  St.  Clair  as  commandant 
at  Fort  Washington;  and  in  the  following  January,  the 
troops  being  idle,  he  called  for  volunteers  from  the  sur- 
rounding county  to  reinforce  his  two  hundred  regulars 
for  an  expedition  to  the  scene  of  defeat,  to  bury  the 
dead,  and  bring  off  the  cannon  and  other  public  property- 
that  might  have  been  left  by  the  Indians  upon  the  field. 
The  yeomanry  of  ^Hamilton  county,  and  some  of  the 
neighboring  Kentuckians,  promptly  responded,  and 
rendezvoused  at  the  fort.  The  snow  lay  two  feet'deep 
upon  the  ground,  deeper  than  had  been  known  since  the 
white -man's  occupancy  of  that  region;  and  the  ice  was 
so  thick  in  the  Ohio  that  the  Kentucky  volunteers.£ould 
not  ferry  their  horses  over,  and  had  to  cross  them  upon  a 
still  stronger  tract  of  ice  above  the  mouth  of  the  Little 
Miami.  On  the  twenty-fifth  of  the  month  Wilkinson 
moved  out,  upon  the  trace  opened  by  St.  Clair,  and  en- 
camped the  first  night  upon  the  hill  south  of  Mount 
Pleasant,  afterwards  occupied  by  Cary's  academy,  and 
the  second  night  at  Fort  Hamilton.  By  the  time  he 
reached  Fort  Jefferson  the  difficulties  and  hardships  of 
the  march  were  telling  severely  upon  the  detachment, 
and  he  determined  to  send  back  the  regulars,  retaining 
the  mounted  volunteers  and  the  public  sleds  whereon  to 
bring  off  the  guns.  With  these  he  reached  the  theatre 
of  St.  Clair's  disaster  on  the  first  of  February,  finding 
the  snow  there  also  deep,  but  not  completely  concealing 
the  remains  of  the  dead.  As  many  of  these  as  could 
be  conveniently  found  under  the  circumstances  were 
collected  and  buried  in  pits;  but  so  many  remained  un- 
buried  that  persons  with  Wayne's  expedition  eighteen 
months  afterwards  reported,  doubtless  with  exaggeration 
(since  the  Indians  carry  off  their  dead),  that  six  hundred 

*Western  Annals,  third  edition,  585. 

skulls  were  found  upon  the  field,  and  that  it  was  neces- 
sary to  clear  the  tents  of  bones  before  beds  could  be 
spread  upon  the  surface.  Three  gun-carriages  were 
found  and  brought  away,  with  some  small  arms;  five 
others  had  been  so  damaged  as  to  be  useless.  The  can- 
non had  disappeared;  but  as  the  adjacent  creek  was 
covered  with  thick  ice  and  snow,  a  thorough  search  in  it, 
where  it  was  believed  they  had  been  thrown,  was  not 
practicable.  They  were  subsequently  found,  however, 
and  mounted  on  Fort  Recovery,  where  they  were  used 
M'ith  effect  during  Wayne's  occupancy  of  the  battle- 
ground. Evidences  were  observed  of  great  cruelties  in- 
flicted by  the  savages  upon  the  unfortunates  of  St.  Clair's 
expedition  who  had  been  left  wounded  upon  the  field. 
Wilkinson  was  not  disturbed  by  the  enemy  during  his 
brief  campaign  of  humanity,  and  he  returned  quietly  to 
Fort  Washington  when  its  object  was  accomplished. 
Wayne's  campaign  and  victory. 

The  most  vigorous  measures  on  the  part  of  the  Gen- 
eral Government  were  now  necessary  to  preserve  the 
frontier  settlements  in  the  northwest  from  destruction 
and  to  prevent  the  early  reflux  of  the  advancing  wave  of 
civilization.  A  competent  leader  was  first  in  demand. 
From  a  number  of  able  officers  of  the  army,  most  of  them 
Revolutionary  heroes,  whose  names  were  submitted  to 
President  Washington,  he  selected  the  hero  of  the  storm- 
ing of  Stony  Point,  the  brave  "Mad  Anthony  Wayne" — 
he  who  showed  so  much  method,  withal,  in  his  madness. 
In  June,  1792,  Wayne  reached  Pittsburgh,  with  ample 
powers,  and  set  about  the  slow,  yet,  as  the  sad  experience 
of  Harmar  and  St.  Clair  had  proved,  the  indispensable 
preparations  necessary  to  success.  He  addressed  him- 
self at  once  to  the  recruiting  and  drill  of  the  new  "Le- 
gion of  the  United  States,"  which  was  presently,  by  a 
bloody  victory,  to  pacificate  the  savages  of  the  northwest. 

Establishing  a  camp  on  the  Ohio,  twenty-two  miles  be- 
low Pittsburgh — called  "Legionville,"  from  the  title  of 
his  army — he  gathered,  by  December,  a  considerable 
force  there.  About  the  last  of  April,  1793,  he  moved  it 
down  the  river  to  Fort  Washington,  and  thence,  as  it  was 
too  numerous  to  occupy  that  work,  out  to  a  camp  he 
formed  in  the  Mill  Creek  valley,  near  the  village  of  Cin- 
cinnati, about  the  spot  upon  which  the  gas-works  were 
long  afterwards  erected.  This  camp  was  designated  by 
him  as  "Hobson's  Choice,"  since  it  was  the  only  one  in 
the  vicinity  which  the  high  water  of  that  spring  made  eli- 
gible for  the  purpose. 

The  following  is  Judge  Burnet's  interesting  note  upon 
the  selection  of  this  camp: 

On  tlie  arrival  of  General  Wayne,  at  Cincinnati,  witli  the  troops 
from  Legionville,  late  in  1793,  he  ordered  the  quartermaster,  with  two 
or  three  of  his  officers,  to  make  a  careful  examination  of  the  grounds 
adjoining  the  town,  and  select  the  most  eligible  spot  for  the  construc- 
tion of  an  encampment.  After  a  careful  execution  of  the  order,  they 
reported  that  there  was  no  situation  near  the  town,  on  which  the  army 
could  be  conveniently  encamped,  and  that  tlie  only  ground  which  was 
in  any  degree  calculated  for  the  purpose  was  on  the  river  bank,  between 
the  village  and  Mill  creek.  The  general  replied,  "if  that  be  so,  we 
have  Hobson's  choice,  and  must  take  it."  From  that  expression  the 
place  selected  was  immediately  called  "Hobson's  Choice,"  and  ha.s 
been  known  by  that  name  ever  since.  The  general  was  evidently  a 
reader  of  the  Spectator,  or  was  at  least  familiar  with  the  term  which 
has  its  origin  in  a  notable  chapter  of  that  work. 



Here  the  work  of  organizing  and  drilling  the  soldiers 
went  steadily  on  through  the  summer.  Washington 
wrote  to  Wayne:  "Train  and  discipline  them  for  the 
service  they  are  meant  for;  and  do  not  spare  powder  and 
lead,  so  the  men  be  made  marksmen."  One  of  Wayne's 
sentinels  at  this  time  was  posted  upon  the  lofty  ancient 
mound  which  stood  until  1841  at  the  intersection  of 
Mound  and  Fifth  streets.  The  force  suffered  much  from 
fevers  and  influenza  and  by  desertion.  Wayne  also  found 
it  difficult  to  obtain  the  mounted  volunteers  he  wanted 
from  Kentucky,  as  the  militia  of  that  State  retained  the 
old  prejudices,  and  disliked  to  serve  with  regulars.  All 
obstacles  were,  however,  gradually  overcome;  and  on  the 
seventh  of  October,  the  faithful  and  well  directed  efforts 
of  the  Government  to  secure  peace  by  diplomacy  having 
so  far  failed,  the  army  began  an  aggressive  campaign. 
It  numbered  two  thousand  si.x  hundred  regular  troops, 
three  hundred  and  sixty  mounted  militia,  and  thirty-six 
guides  and  scouts.  One  thousand  Kentucky  volunteers, 
under  General  Charles  Scott,  joined  it,  soon  after,  at  Fort 
Jefferson.  A  strong  position  six  miles  in  front  of  this  work 
was  occupied  on  the  thirteenth,  and  held  for  several 
months,  while  the  "peace  talks"  with  the  Indians  were 
renewed  by  the  commissioners  of  the  Government.  On 
the  sixth  of  November  the  Kentucky  mounted  infantry 
had  a  sharp  affair  with  the  Indians  not  far  from  Fort  St. 
Clair,  a  work  constructed  near  the  present  site  of  Eaton, 
Preble  county,  in  which  the  whites  lost  some  men  and 
nearly  all  their  horses. 

Wayne's  army,  now  called  the  "Northwestern,"  win- 
tered at  the  new  camp  on  the  Stillwater  branch  of  the 
Miami.  It  was  fortified,  and  many  cabins  put  up  during 
the  season.  Wayne  gave  the  group  of  huts  and  fort  the 
name  of  Greenville,  which  was  retained  for  the  flourish- 
ing town  that  now  covers  its  site.  Here  he  awaited  the 
arrival  of  the  convoys  with  provisions,  and  continued 
his  preparations  for  the  struggle.  About  the  last  of  De- 
cember a  detachment  was  sent  forward  to  the  field  of 
St.  Clair's  defeat,  which  built  and  garrisoned  Foit  Recov- 
ery there.  Under  the  walls  of  that  work  an  escort  of 
one  hundred  and  fifty  men,  commanded  by  Major  Mc- 
Mahon,  was  attacked  by  a  thousand  Indians,  led  by  Lit- 
tle Turtle,  the  noted  Miami  chief;  but  they  were  beaten 
off,  after  a  severe  action,  with  great  slaughter.  The  next 
month  Wayne  was  joined  by  sixteen  hundred  mounted 
volunteers  from  Kentucky,  and  on  the  twenty-eighth  of 
July,  1794,  he  began  his  first  movement  against  the 
enemy.  August  8th,  the  army  reached  Grand  Glaize, 
near  the  union  of  the  Auglaise  and  Maumee,  where  Fort 
Defiance  was  built,  and  Wayne  despatched  a  firm  but 
conciliatory  message  to  the  Indians.  In  reply  they  gent 
word  that  if  he  would  wait  ten  days  longer  at  Grand 
Glaize,  they  would  decide  for  peace  or  war;  but  he 
would  not  wait,  and  continued  his  movement  until  the 
eighteenth  of  August,  when  he  reached  a  place  forty-one 
miles  from  Grand  Glaize,  where,  ascertaining  that  he  was 
almost  in  the  presence  of  the  enemy,  he  began  to  throw 
up  a  light  work  called  Fort  Deposit,  to  cover  the  trains 
and  heavy  baggage  of  the  army.  On  the  morning  of 
the  twentieth,  moving  cautiously  down  the  north  bank  of 

the  Maumee  about  five  miles,  the  advance  guard  was 
ambuscaded  by  the  Indians,  and  received  so  severe  a 
fire  that  it  was  driven  back  upon  the  main  body.  The 
enemy  was  very  favorably  posted  in  high  grass  and 
among  trees  felled  bv  a  tornado — which  gave  the  action 
the  name  of  "the  Battle  of  the  Fallen  Timbers."  Among 
these  it  was  impossible  for  the  cavalry  to  operate  with 
effect  on  a  considerable  part  of  the  line  of  battle.  They 
were  promptly  moved  against  the  enemy's  flanks,  how- 
ever, while  the  front  line  of  infantry  charged  the  savages, 
which  it  did  with  such  impetuosity  as  to  oust  them 
speedily  from  their  coverts,  and  in  less  than  an  hour  to 
drive  them  more  than  two  miles  and  disperse  them  so 
thoroughly  that  the  battle  was  not  renewed. 

The  brunt  of  this  gallant  affair  was  borne  by  less  than 
nine  hundred  of  Wayne's  men,  opposed  to  more  than 
twice  their  number,  representing  the  Miami,  Delaware, 
Ottawa,  Shawnee,  and  Wyandot  tribes,  and  led  by  sev- 
eral of  their  bravest  chiefs.  A  number  of  Canadian 
militia  and  British  regulars,  with  their  officers,  were  also 
on  the  field  as  auxiliaries  to  the  savages;  and  some  of 
them  were  killed  in  the  fight.  In  the  spring  of  this  year 
a  fortification  had  been  constructed  by  the  British  in  the 
neighborhood  of  the  battle  ground,  upon  the  territory  of 
the  United  States.  To  the  vicinity  of  this  (Fort  Miami) 
Wayne  now  moved,  and  while  engaged  in  a  spirited  cor- 
respondence with  its  commander,  in  regard  to  the  intru- 
sion of  the  British  upon  Federal  territory,  occupied  his 
army  with  the  devastation  of  the  Indian  villages  and 
cornfields  above  and  below  the  British  post.  Included 
in  the  destruction  were  the  buildings  and  other  property 
of  Colonel  McKee,  the  British  Indian  agent  and  "prin- 
cipal stimulator,"  as  Wayne  calls  him,  of  the  war  on  the 
side  of  the  savages,  having  been  personally  present  on 
the  field  of  the  Fallen  Timbers. 

Having  laid  waste  the  country  for  miles  about  the  fort, 
Wayne  returned  to  Fort  Defiance,  and  on  the  fourteenth 
of  September  moved  toward  the  junction  of  the  St.  Jo- 
seph's and  the  St.  Mary's,  where  the  Government  had  for 
years  desired  to  plant  a  military  work,  and  where  he 
built  one  whose  name  is  perpetuated  by  the  city  of  Fort 
Wayne,  at  the  same  place.  About  the  middle  of  Octo- 
ber the  Kentucky  contingent,  which  had  become  muti- 
nous and  troublesome,  was  marched  back  to  Fort  Wash- 
ington and  mustered  out  of  service.  On  the  twenty- 
eighth  the  remainder,  except  a  sufficient  garrison  for  the 
new  fortification,  moved  to  Fort  Greenville,  where  it  win- 
tered. The  several  tribes,  notwithstanding  constant 
British  instigation  to  the  contrary,  one  after  another  de- 
cided to  sue  for  peace.  Messages  to  that  effect  were 
received  in  December  and  January  by  the  commanders 
at  Forts  Wayne  and  Greenville;  prisoners  were  ex- 
changed; and  in  the  summer  of  1795  a  great  gathering 
of  the  leading  men  of  the  tribes  at  the  latter  place  re- 
sulted in  the  treaty  of  Greenville,  bearing  final  date 
August  3d,  of  that  year.  It  was  ratified  by  the  Senate 
of  the  United  States  in  December;  and  so,  through 
Wayne's  carefulness  and  foresight  in  preparation,  his 
masterly  strategy  in  the  construction  and  occupancy  of 
a  chain  of  military  posts  into  the  hostile  country,  and 


the  bravery  of  his  "Legion,"  the  terrible  Indian  wars 
of  the  eighteenth  century  in  this  country  were  closed. 
A  peace  lasting  until  the  temporary  outbreak  sixteen 
years  afterwards,  under  Tecumseh  and  the  "Prophet," 
was  secured  by  the  great  convention  of  Greenville. 


In  the  spring  of  1794,  while  General  Wayne  was  for  a 
time  in  or  near  Fort  Washington,  he  was  directed  by 
President  Washington  to  despatch  a  force  to  Fort  Massac, 
on  the  Mississippi,  to  intercept  an  irregular,  filibustering 
army,  understood  to  be  in  preparation  in  Kentucky,  and 
expected  to  invade  Louisiana  for  the  conquest  of  that 
province,  then  under  Spanish  domination.  Wayne  de- 
tached Major  Doyle,  with  a  company  of  infantry  and 
artillery,  to  perform  the  service,  which,  with  other  ener- 
getic measures  undertaken  by  Washington,  effectually 
broke  up  the  schemes  and  intrigues  mainly  instigated,  in 
Kentucky  and  elsewhere,  by  the  agents  of  M.  Genet, 
then  the  French  Minister  to  this  country.  The  "French 
party"  had  enlisted  the  sympathies  of  the  governor  and 
other  prominent  men  in  Kentucky,  and  arranged  for 
the  rendezvous  of  two  thousand  men  at  the  Falls  of  the 
Ohio  (Louisville)  to  constitute  an  army  of  invasion ;  so 
that  the  movement  thus  checked,  in  part  from  Fort 
Washington,  was  really  somewhat  formidable. 


seemed  to  be  made  necessary  in  southwestern  Ohio  at 
one  time  during  the  latter  part  of  the  first  decade  of  this 
century,  by  the  suspected  hostile  conspiracies  of  Tecum- 
seh ■  and  his  brother,  the  Prophet,  who  resided  at  Green- 
ville from  1805  to  1809.  They  were  visited  there  by 
many  Indians  of  influence  and  martial  prowess;  who 
were  roused  almost  to  frenzy  by  the  intrigues  of  the 
Prophet  and  the  eloquent  appeals  of  Tecumseh.  So 
strong  became  the  signs  of  hostility  at  last  that  war  was 
confidently  expected.  The  militia  of  this  region  were 
called  out  and  rendezvoused  at  Dayton,  supplies  gathered, 
wagon-  and  pack-trains  organized,  and  other  preparations 
made.  The  scare  was  shortly  'over,  however ;  and  the 
troops,  after  about  a  fortnight's  service,  were  disbanded. 
One  regiment  was  out  from  Hamilton  county,  command- 
ed by  Colonel  John  S.  Wallace,  of  which  Dr.  John  Black- 
burn, of  Cincinnati,  was  surgeon. 


It  is  probable  that  many  other  men  of  Hamilton 
county,  besides  the  gallant  commander,  General  William 
Henry  Harrison,  were  out  with  him  in  the  campaign  of 
181 1,  against  the  Indians  of  the  Indian  country;  but 
their  names  are  not  now  ascertainable.  The  sole  note  of 
.the  history  of  the  campaign,  connecting  Cincinnati  and 
the  county  with  it,  which  we  find,  is  in  Mr.  E.  D.  Mans- 
field's Personal  Memories.  He  was  then  a  little  boy, 
residing  with  his  father  at  Ludlow's  Station,  on  the  Ham- 
ilton road,  upon  which  he  remembered  seeing  the  Fourth 
regiment  of  infantry  march  from  Cincinnati  on  a  pleasant 
morning  in  May,  on  their  way  to  the  ultimate  victory  of 
the  campaign  at  Tippecanoe  the  following  November, 
where  they  found  the  main  body  and  chief  hope  of  the 
American  army.      The  renown  won  by  General  Harrison 

in  the  campaign  also  reflects  from  it  honor  upon  Hamil- 
ton county,  although  he  was  then  residing  at  Vincennes 
as  governor  of  Indiana  territory. 

THE  WAR  OF   1812-15. 

Early  in  the  spring  of  i8i 2,  before  this  struggle  had 
been  fully  enlisted;  the  President  made  a  requisition  upon 
the  State  of  Ohio  for  one  thousand  two  hundred  mihtia. 
More  than  enough  to  fill  the  quota  were  soon  raised, 
many  of  them  from  Hamilton  county.  They  were  ordered 
by  Governor  Meigs  to  rendezvous  at  Dayton,  on  the 
twenty-ninth  day  of  April.  By  the  fourth  of  May  one 
thousand  four  hundred  troops,  mostly  volunteers,  were 
encamped  at  Camp  Meigs,  three  miles  above  that  place, 
and  one  hundred  more  were  added  within  a  week.  Gen- 
erals Cass  and  Gano,  the  latter  a  Cincinnatian,  were  in 
command,  under  the  governor,  who  was  commander-in- 
chief  The  force  was  divided  into  three  regiments,  led, 
respectively,  by  Lewis  Cass,  Duncan  McArthur,  and 
another  Cincinnati  soldier,  James  S.  Findlay,  who,  al- 
though a  general  in  the  militia,  consented  to  take  a  col- 
onel's place.  May  25th,  the  equipment  of  the  troops 
being  measurably  complete.  Governor  Meigs  formally 
surrendered  the  command  of  the  Ohio  contingent  to 
General  Hull,  of  the  United  States  army,  who  was  to  lead 
it  away  to  the  disgraceful  surrender  at  Detroit. 

Upon  the  outbreak  of  the  contest,  Governor  Meigs 
had  called  out  the  First  division  of  Ohio  militia,  which, 
rendezvoused  in  Hamilton  county,  at  Hutchinson's 
tavern  (later  Jacob  Hoffner's,  in  Curaminsville),  on  the 
road  from  Cincinnati  through  Colerain.  Mr.  Mansfield 
says  the  volunteers  presented  a  motley  appearance, 
dressed  as  they  were  in  a  great  variety  of  apparel,  some 
with  hunting-shirts,  some  with  butternut  jackets,  and 
others  in  more  fantastic  costumes.  Many  of  the  men 
had  rifles  or  other  arms;  but  most  of  them  drilled  with 
sticks  and  cornstalks  in  place  of  firelocks.  When  the 
governor's  call  was  made,  the  response  was  generous 
from  this  county,  as  from  other  parts  of  the  State.  Two 
companies  volunteered  at  once  in  Cincinnati.  One  was 
of  mounted  infantrjf,  commanded  by  Captain  John  F. 
Mansfield,  a  nephew  of  Jared  Mansfield,  the  surveyor- 

He  was  in  the  Hull  surrender  with  his  command,  but 
was  presently  released.  He  was  extremely  mortified  by 
the  terrible  disgrace,  and  also  taking  a  fever  while  cross- 
ing Lake  Erie,  he  died  soon  after  his  return  to  Cincin- 
nati— "of  fever  and  a  broken  heart,"  says  his  cousin,  Mr. 
Mansfield,  in  his  Personal  Memories.  Captain  Mans- 
field is  thus  further  eulogized  by  his  distinguished  rela- 
tive, Hon.  E.  D.  Mansfield,  in  his  Memories  of  Dr. 
Drake : 

He  was  a  most  extraordinary  young  man,  whose  character  produced 
a  more  intense  and  enduring  impression  upon  those  who  knew  him 
than  did  any  one  of  whom  I  have  ever  heard.  The  impression  made 
upon  others — an  impression  deep  and  durable — is  the  highest  testimony 
to  the  reality  of  a  great  and  noble  character.  The  fleeting  effect  of 
brilliant  genius,  or  the  doubtful  applause  given  to  talent  without  virtue, 
may  be  possessed  by  many  ;  but  it  is  seldom  we  find  that  perfection  of 
character  which  demands  a  praise  which  never  wavers  and  which  no 
time  destroys.  Still  more  seldom  do  we  find  in  it  such  kindly  affection 
as  draws  within  its  embrace  the  hearts  of  both  strangers  and  friends. 
Such  was   the  character  of  Captain  Mansfield ;  and  1  judge  it  only  by 


the  concurrent  testimony  of  a  large  number  of  persons,  from  the  pass- 
ing citizen  to  tlie  near  relatives,  from  the  soldier  who  served  with  him 
to  the  officer  who  commanded. 

Returning  after  Hull's  suirender,  in  an  open  boat  on  the  lake  and 
river,  he  was  seized  with  an  autumnal  fever.  Enfeebled  by  disease,  he 
was  not  less  broken  in  spirit;  and  his  sensitive  mind  seemed  to  have 
sunk  under  the  stain  of  disgrace  and  disappointiuent.  In  this  state 
Dr.  Drake  found  him,  when  returned  to  Cincinnati.  No  power  of 
medicine  or  care  of  friend  availed  against  his  deep-seated  malady  of 
mind  and  body.  He  was  already  delirious,  and  soon  sank  to  the  grave. 
He  was  only  in  his  twenty-fifth  year;  and  one  so  young,  so  unassum- 
ing, and  so  full  of  worth,  was  never  so  much  lamented  by  so  many 
who  knew  what  worth  was.  The  public  honors  paid  to  his  memory — 
not  a  few — were  small  compared  to  the  tribute  of  sorrows  poured  out 
by  hearts  bound  to  him  by  no  tie  of  nature,  but  endeared  by  strong  af- 

Neither  the  roll  of  Captain  Mansfield's  company  (the 
Cincinnati  Light  infantry),  nor  of  Captain  J.  W.  Sloan's 
dragoons  (the  Cincinnati  troop),  nor  of  any  other  com- 
pany known  to  have  been  from  Hamilton  county,  is  in 
the  office  of  the  adjutant-general  of  the  State ;  and  we 
have  been  unable  to  recover  any  such  roll  from  private 
hands.  The  rules  of  the  adjutant-general's  office  at 
Washington  do  not  permit  the  copying  of  military  rosters 
there,  through  fear  of  frauds  in  the  procurement  of 
bounty  lands  and  otherwise.  Another  company  that 
went  out  from  Cincinnati  during  the  war  was  that  of  Cap- 
tain Carpenter,  and  Captains  McFarland  and  Hugh 
Glenn  are  said  to  have  had  Hamilton  county  companies 
in  this  service,  but  we  are  likewise  unable  to  present  a 
copy  of  their  rolls  of  honor.  The  entire  regiment  com- 
manded by  General  Findlay  was  from  the  Miami  coun- 
try. The  two  companies  first  enlisting  marched  to  join 
Hull's  army  with  the  Fourth  United  States  infantry, 
which  had  crossed  from  Newport  Barracks  to  take  the 
road  northward;  and  a  sermon  was  preached  to  them  be- 
fore starting,  on  the  fourth  of  May,  1812,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Wilson.  Mr.  Mansfield  thus  related  the  incident,  at 
a  pioneer  celebration  in  1874: 

Just  before  they  set  out  they  were  called  into  the  First  Presbyterian 
church,  corner  of  Main  and  Fourth  streets,  to  hear  an  address  from 
Dr.  Joshua  L.  Wilson.  The  text  was,  in  substance:  "Cursed  be  he 
that  goeth  not  forth  to  battle,  and  cursed  be  he  that  keepeth  back  his 
hand  from  blood."  The  brave,  earnest,  patriotic  Wilson  never  hesi- 
tated to  speak  his  mind,  and  speak  it  freely.  That  noble  army  was 
surrendered  without  a  cause;  and  none  who  did  not  know  those  men, 
can  know  with  what  anguish  and  sorrow  and  indignation  that  surren- 
der was  received. 

August  5,  I  Si  2,  orders  were  sent  by  Governor  Meigs 
to  General  John  S.  Gano,  at  Cincinnati,  to  march  imme- 
diately with  three  hundred  men  of  his  division  to  Ur- 
bana,  in  charge  of  Captain  Sutton.  They  were  to  be  "un- 
der the  command  of  a  major,"  and  furnished  with  a 
blanket  and  knapsack,  arms  and  ammunition.  "Volun- 
teers under  the  law  of  Ohio  will  be  preferred,"  wrote  the 
governor.  No  pubhc  money  was  in  hand  for  the  pur- 
pose of  recruiting  or  equipment;  the  credit  of  the  Gov- 
ernment was  low;  and  many  of  the  military  and  naval 
operations  of  the  war  were  conducted  only  under  pledges 
or  pecuniary  obligations  for  which  private  persons  be- 
came responsible.  This  order  gave  General  Gano  a 
similar  opportunity.  Fifteen  days  after  the  order  was 
despatched  he  wrote : 

I  had  to  get  Major  Barr  to  join  me  to  put  our  note  in  bank  for  three 
thousand   five   hundred  dollars,    payable   in  ten  days,  which  is  all  we 

could  raise,  and  the  bills  on  Government  will  not  command  the  cash 
here — there  are  so  many  drawn  they  cannot  be  accommodated. 

I  have  six  as  good  companies  as  I  have  seen  in  the  State  ; 
four  have  marched  from  here  yesterday  to  join  two  others  at  Lebanon, 
where  they  will  elect  their  major.         .         .  .  The  detatchment 

is  as  follows;  Captain  Jenkinson  with  his  company  of  artillery,  fitted 
completely  with  muskets,  etc.,  etc.:  Lebanon  Light  infantry,  inexactly 
the  same  uniform  as  Mansfield's  company;  four  companies  of  riflemen 
completely  equipt,  one  company  one  hundred  strong.  All  can  instantly 
fix  bayonets  to  their  rifles;  the  others  every  man  a  tomahawk  and  knife. 
The  whole  are  volunteers,  except  the  light  infantry  of  Lebanon. 

On  the  sixth  of  September,  1813,  when  the  events  of 
the  war  were  rapidly  thickening.  Colonel  Henry  Zumalt, 
of  Cincinnati,  was  ordered  by  General  Gano  to  march 
his  regiment  of  militia,  near  eight  hundred  strong,  "this 
evening,  if  possible,"  to  Daytoij,  thence  to  Franklinton, 
the  present  western  division  of  Columbus.  He  was  to 
be  joined  on  his  way  by  two  companies  from  Hamilton 
and  two  from  Lebanon.  Extra  pay  was  offered  if  the 
troops  should  be  called  into  actual  service.  He  was  in- 
structed to  procure  musicians,  if  possible;  and  an  order 
was  given  on  Major  Morton  for  fifty  stand  of  arms  and 

The  story  of  the  war  need  not  be  recounted  here.  It 
will  be  sufficient  if  some  mention  of  the  deeds  of  Hamil- 
ton county's  sons  is  made.  This  was  admirably  done  by 
General  Harrison,  in  an  after-dinner  speech  at  the  cele- 
bration of  the  forty-fifth  anniversary  of  the  settlement  of 
Cincinnati  and  the  Miami  country,  held  in  Cincinnati  on 
the  twenty-sixth  of  December,  1833,  ^Y  natives  of  Ohio. 
We  extract  in  full  that  portion  of  his  address  referring  to 
their  exploits: 

Your  young  orator  [Joseph  Longworth,  esq.]  has  mentioned  the  per- 
formances of  our  own  Buckeye  population  in  the  late  war,  in  terms  as 
elocjuent  as  they  were  just.  I  could  not  think  of  trespassing  upon  the 
patience  of  the  company  by  recounting  the  merits  of  all  who  distin- 
guished tiiemselves ;  but  I  cannot  resist  the  gratification  of  informing 
the  citizens  of  Cincinnati  that  they  have  amongst  their  number  some 
who  were  as  conspicuous  for  their  gallantry  as  any  from  Ohio  or  else- 

As  those  who  are  truly  brave  are  always  backward  and  retiring,  I 
think  it  probable  that  the  anecdotes  I  shall  relate  are  unknown  to  the 
greater  portion  of  the  inhabitants  of  this  city.  To  do  full  justice  to  my 
gallant  friend  whom  I  perceive  at  some  distance  on  my  right  [Major 
Gwynne],  I  must  necessarily  recount  the  circumstances  which  afforded 
the  opportunity  for  distinguishing  himself  to  which  I  have  referred. 
The  siege  of  Fort  Meigs  had  continued  some  days,  when  the  enemy, 
despairing  of  making  an  impression  upon  our  works  from  their  position 
in  front,  took  possession  of  one  on  our  right  flank,  on  which,  in  the 
night,  they  erected  two  batteries,  with  the  view  of  enfilading  our  lines. 
It  became  necessary  to  dislodge  them,  and  a  sortie  for  that  purpose  was 
ordered.  I  had  no  means  of  ascertaining  the  force  by  which  these  bat- 
teries were  defended.  But  it  was  impossible  to  suppose  it  very  small, 
and  allow  their  commander  the  possession  of  any  military  knowledge, 
as  a  large  river  separated  them  from  his  main  body-  It  became  neces- 
sary, therefore,  to  make  the  detachment  ordered  on  this  duty  as  strong 
as  circumstances  would  permit.  It  was  composed  of  the  com- 
panies of  the  Seventeenth  and  Nineteenth  regiments  of  the  line 
then  in  the  fort ;  the  former  raised  in  Kentucky,  the  latter  in  Ohio. 
The  whole  rank  and  file  of  .both  regiments  was  about  three  hundred  and 
fifty.  To  these  were  added  the  battalion  of  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania, 
and  Petersburgh,  Virginia,  volunteers  of  about  one  hundred,  and  a 
small  company  of  Boone  county,  Kentucky,  militia,  for  flankers.  The 
aggregate  of  the  detachment  being  about  five  hundred  rank  and  file, 
were  put  under  the  command  of  Colonel  John  Miller,  of  Ohio,  the  com- 
mandant of  the  Nineteenth  regiment.  These  troops  were  drawn  up  in 
a  deep  ravine  which  flanked  the  fort,  to  prevent,  if  possible,  the  enemy 
from  knowing  the  object  they  were  intended  to  accomplish.  Before  the 
advance  was  ordered  the  troops  were  addressed,  and  the  necessity  of 
their  succeeding  and  the  motives  for  every  one  to  perform  his  duty 
pointed  out.     They  were  ordered  to  advance  witli  trailed  arms,  to  pre- 



vent  their  fire  from  being  expended  before  they  reached  the  enemy,  and 
the  most  positive  directions  given  to  put  to  death  any  man  who  should 
fire  before  orders  were  given  to  do  so. 

The  advance  was  made  in  hne,  the  regular  troops  on  the  left,  their 
centre  directly  opposite  the  batteries  of  the  enemy,  on  their  right  the 
Pittsburgh  and  Petersburgh  volunteers,  and  the  Kentucky  company  of 
militia  still  farther  on  that  flank.  From  the  shape  of  the  ravine  from 
which  the  advance  was  made,  the  regular  troops  had  reached  the  sum- 
mit before  the  volunteers,  and  the  latter  were  in  some  measure  masked 
by  the  hill,  when  the  whole  of  the  enemy's  fire  was  poured  upon  the 
regulars.  The  meditated  attack  was  discovered  by  the  enemy,  who 
looked  into  the  ravine  by  climbing  trees,  and  were  of  course  prepared 
to  receive  it.  The  effect  of  the  fire  was  dreadful,  as  may  well  be  sup- 
posed, from  a  thousand  Northwestern  Indians  and  upwards  of  two 
hundred  British  troops  in  position,  delivered  from  the  corner  of  a  wood 
upon  troops  in  line  marching  through  an  open  plain.  I  have  always 
been  of  opinion  that  the  loss  was  greater  for  the  numbers  engaged,  and 
for  the  period  that  the  firing  lasted,  than  has  ever  occurred  before  or 
since  in  America.  A  moment's  halt  was  necessary  to  close  the  ranks 
and  to  disencumber  them  of  the  killed  and  wounded.  This  was  done 
with  the  precision  and  coolness  of  a  parade  exercise.  In  another 
moment  the  "march!  march!"  was  given  by  the  gallant  commander, 
and  the  whole  line,  regulars  and  volunteers,  rushed  upon  the  enemy. 
They  did  not  remain  to  receive  the  shock,  although  still  possessing  the 
advantage  of  position,  and  then  outnumbering  the  assailants  by  three 
to  one.  With  the  exception  of  the  extreme  left  flank  of  Indians, 
their  whole  line,  British  and  Indians,  and  Tecumseh,  the  commander 
of  the  latter, 'fled;  the  British  to  their  boats  and  the  Indians  to  the 
swamps.  The  company  to  which  your  fellow-citizen.  Major  Gwynne, 
then  a  lieutenant  of  the  Nineteenth  infantry,  was  attached,  was  on  the 
right  of  the  line  of  regulars.  The  battle  being  over  in  front,  he  dis- 
covered that  on  the  right  the  Kentuckians  were  still  engaged  with  the 
Indians  who  had  composed  the  enemy's  extreme  left,  and  that  they  had 
cut  them  off  from  our  line.  Seeing  that  the  danger  was  pressing,  with- 
out waiting  for  orders  he  changed  the  front  of  his  company,  charged 
the  Indians  on  the  rear,  relieved  the  brave  Kentuckians,  and,  with  their 
assistance,  completely  routed  them.  That  Major  Gwynne  by  this  bold 
and  prompt  movement  saved  many  valuable  lives,  there  can  be  no 
doubt.  The  highest  reward  bestowed  upon  a  Roman  soldier  was  given 
to  him  who  saved  the  life  of  a  Roman  in  battle. 

But  I  perceive  that  there  is  another  Buckeye  at  the  table  who  merited 
well  of  his  country  under  my  command  in  the  late  war.  I  am  per- 
suaded that  a  relation  of  the  circumstances  will  not  be  unacceptable  to 
the  company.  When  the  enemy  were  first  discovered  advancing  on 
Fort  Meigs,  and  their  Indians  had  already  encircled  the  fort,  it  became 
necessary  to  send  orders  to  Brigadier-General  Green  Clay,  who  was,  as 
I  knew,  advancmg  with  a  brigade  of  Kentucky  militia  to  join  me.  As 
it  would  have  been  improper  to  send  a  written  order,  when  there  were 
so  many  chances  of  its  falling  into  the  hands  of  the  enemy,  a  person 
was  wanted  who,  to  the  quahties  of  sagacity,  bravery,  fortitude,  and 
perseverance,  united  unquestionable  patriotism.  For  a  service  of  that 
character  it  is  not  usual  to  command  its  performance  by  an  officer. 
Your  fellow-citizen.  Major  Oliver,  at  that  time  an  officer  of  the  commis- 
sariat, proffered  his  services.  They  were  accepted,  and  he  performed 
the  duty  to  my  entire  satisfaction.  The  hazard  of  the  undertaking  was 
very  great,  and  it  was  of  that  kind  that  even  the  bravest  men  would  dis- 
like to  encounter.  The  fame  which  is  acquired  by  such  a  death,  is  one 
of  the  strongest  motives  to  distinguished  actions  in  the  field.  If  Major 
Oliver  had  perished  on  this  occasion,  and  the  chances  were  greatly 
against  him,  he  certainly  would  have  been  "wept"  by  his  numerous 
friends,  but  to  requote  what  has  been  already  given,  he  would  have  been 
"unhonored  and  unsung."  What  have  been  the  rewards  of  Major 
Gwynne  and  Major  Oliver  from  their  country  for  the  services  they 
rendered,  I  cannot  say.  Indeed,  it  appears  that  the  Buckeyes  have 
been  rather  unfortunate  in  that  respect,  although  always  in  the  hour  of 
danger  and  on  the  day  of  battle,  they  appear  to  have  been  frequently 
'overlooked  in  the  division  of  the  spoil. 

A  glance  at  the  president  of  the  day  [Major  Daniel  Gano]  reminds 
me  of  the  important  services  rendered  by  his  father;  and  as  he  is  the 
proper  representative  of  that  father,  it  is  within  the  rules  that  I  should 
mention  them.  When  I  first  saw  the  late  Major-General  John  S. 
Gano,  it  was  in  the  hard  winter  of  1791-2,  at  the  head  of  some  forty  or 
fifty  volunteers,  united  with  a  body  of  regular  troops,  on  an  excursion 
to  the  scene  of  the  disastrous  battle-ground  of  the  preceding  fourth  of 
November.  An  uncommon  fall  of  snow  made  it  necessary  for  General 
(then  Colonel)  Wilkinson,  who  commanded  the  detachment,  to  leave 
the  infantry  and  proceed  with  the  mounted  volunteers.     The  great 

depth  of  snow  prevented  the  accomplishment  of  the  pious  purpose  of 
burying  the  dead,  for  which  the  enterprise  was  undertaken.  In  a  few 
weeks  from  this  time.  Captain  Gano  again  joined  us  on  the  hazardous 
expedition  to  erect  the  fort  which  was  named  St.  Clair.  With  similar 
small  bodies  he  was  ever  on  the  alert— ever  ready  to  afford  any  assist- 
ance in  his  power  toward  the  protection  of  the  frontiers,  until  the  gen- 
eral peace  with  the  Indians  in  r795.  In  the  last  war  he  served  under 
my  command  as  major-general  at  the  head  of  the  Ohio  quota  of  mihtia, 
and  during  my  absence  on  th  northern  frontier  he  commanded  the 
Ninth  Military  district,  as  general-in-chief  I  can  state  with  confi- 
dence that  in  all  of  these  situations,  whether  at  the  head  of  forty  men  01 
of  some  thousands,  he  discharged  his  duty  with  the  strictest  fidelity, 
usefulness,  and  honor. 

It  is  unnecessary  for  me  to  speak  of  the  military  services  of  my  long 
tried  and  valued  friend  immediately  on  my  right  [General  Findlay].  It 
is  well  known  that  at  the  head  of  a  gallant  regiment  of  volunteers,  dis- 
ciplined by  himself,  he  sen-ed  on  the  first  northwestern  campaign  of  the 
late  war.  It  is  equally  wefl  known  that,  if  his  advice  and  that  of  his 
gallant  compeers  (the  other  colonels  of  the  army)  had  been  adopted, 
the  campaign  would  have  had  a  different  result,  and  the  honor  of  our 
arms  would  not  have  been  tarnished  by  an  inglorious  surrender. 


"Upon  the  requisition  of  the  President  under  an  act  of 
Congress  approved  May  13,  1S46,  Ohio  was  called  upon 
to  furnish  three  regiments  of  infantry  to  the  army  being 
prepared  for  the  invasion  of  Mexico.  They  were  promptly 
raised  and  forwarded,  notwithstanding  many  citizens  of 
the  State  were  opposed  to  the  war,  and  one  of  them  had 
said,  upon  the  floor  of  Congress,  that,  were  he  a  Mexi- 
can, he  would  welcome  the  Americans  "with  bloody 
hands  to  hospitable  graves."  Colonel  Curtis,  George  W. 
Morgan,  and  A.  M.  Mitchell  commanded  the  first  regi- 
ments despatched.  The  next  year  a  fourth  regiment  was 
called  out,  and  sent  to  the  field  in  command  of  Colonel 
Charles  H.  Brough,  who  died  some  years  after  in  Cin- 

Of  the  entire  Ohio  contingent,  however,  the  roll  of 
but  one  company  is  on  file  in  the  adjutant-general's  office 
at  Columbus.  It  is  that  of  Captain  Otto  Zirckel's  com- 
mand, in  the  Fourth  regiment  of  Ohio  volunteers,  com- 
manded by  Colonel  Brough.  The  regiment  was  mustered 
into  service  at  Cincinnati,  May  2.7,  1847,  by  Colonel 
Ewing,  United  States  army,  and  mustered  out  at  the 
same  place  July  18,  1848.  The  following  names  are  re- 
corded upon  the  roll  of  Captain  Zirckel's  company  as  , 
those  of  Hamilton  county  men : 

Musician  Henry  Snyder. 


Christopher  Kastner,  Charles  Hantzsche,  Benedict  Diesterweig,  John 
Gobler,  George  Schatzman. 

The  rendezvous  at  Cincinnati  was  at  Camp  "Washing- 
ton," established  for  the  purpose  of  this  war  in  a  conve- 
nient locality  near  Mill  creek,  upon  ground  now  covered, 
in  part,  by  the  city  workhouse  and  the  house  of  refuge. 
The  headquarters  of  the  camp  are  still  shown,  in  a  long, 
low  building,  now  used  for  residence  and  saloon  keeping, 
not  far  south  of  the  workhouse.  The  district  yet  bears 
the  old  name,  though  not  in  a  corporate  capacity,  it  now 
and  for  many  years  past  being  a  part  of  the  city. 


It  would  require  a  huge  volume  to  write,  in  full  detail, 
the  honarable  record  made  by  this  county  during  the 
great  civil  war.  Special  chapters  will  be  given  in  this 
work  to  "Cincinnati  in  the  War,"  "The  Siege  of  Cincin- 


nati,"and  "The  Morgan  Raid  Through  Ohio;"  and  due 
notices  of  patriotism  and  patriotic  efforts  will  be  made  in 
the  histories  of  the  townships.  These  will  allow  us  to  be 
very  brief  in  this  introduction  to  what  is,  after  all,  the 
best  exhibit  of  good  deeds  during  the  fearful  struggle — a 
roster  of  the  immense  contingent  furnished  by  Hamilton 
county  to  the  Federal  armies. 

The  number  of  camps  of  rendezvous  and  equipment 
established  in  the  county  would,  of  itself,  furnish  evidence 
of  the  activity  of  her  people  in  the  maintenance  of  the 
war.  The  following  minor  encampments  may  be  enu- 

Camp  Harrison,  north  of  Cincinnati;  established  by 
order  of  Governor  Dennison,  and  named  from  ex-Presi- 
dent Harrison. 

Camp  Clay,  at  Pendleton,  in  the  then  eastern  suburbs 
of  Cincinnati. 

Camp  John  McLean,  near  Cincinnati;  named  from 
Justice  McLean,  of  the  United  States  Supreme  court. 
The  Twenty-fifth  Ohio  infantry,  commanded  by  Colonel 
N.  E.  McLean,  a  son  of  the  judge,  was  quartered  here. 

.Camp  Gurley;  named  from  the  Hon.  John  A.  Gurley, 
one  of  the  members  of  Congress  from  Cincinnati. 

Camp  Dick  Corwine,  also  near  the  city;  named  from 
Major  Richard  M.  Corwine. 

Camp  Colerain,  near  the  place  of  that  name,  ten  miles 
north  of  Cincinnati. 

Mention  is  also  made  of  a  Camp  Wheeler,  near  Union 
Ridge,  in  this  county,  where  "Tod's  Independent  Scouts" 
made  their  headquarters  in  July,  1863. 

In  September,  1861,  the  Thirty-first  Ohio  infantry  ren- 
dezvoused at  the  orphan  asylum  in  Cincinnati;  and  many 
other  public  buildings  in  and  about  the  city  were  tempo- 
rarily used  for  quarters  at  various  times  during  the  war. 

The  great  camp,  however,  one  of  the  most  famous 
cantonments  in  the  county  at  the  time,  was  Camp  Denni- 
son, near  Madisonville,  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  county, 
on  the  Little  Miami  railroad,  seventeen  miles  from  the 
then  limits  of  Cincinnati.  It  was  named  from  Hon.  Wil- 
liam Dennison,  governor  of  the  State  at  the  outbreak  of 
the  war,  at  whose  request  a  site  for  such  camp  was  se- 
lected in  the  latter  part  of  April,  1861,  by  General  Rose- 
crans,  then  a  retired  army  officer  in  business  in  Cincinnati. 
One  of  the  prime  objects  in  establishing  a  large  encamp- 
ment in  this  region  was  to  give  a  feeling  of  security  to 
the  people  of  the  city,  in  view  of  the  doubtful  position  of 
Kentucky  at  this  early  stage  of  the  war.  Captain  George 
B.  McClellan,  president  of  the  Ohio  &  Mississippi  rail- 
road, also  a  young  officer  of  the  regular  army,  who  had 
resigned  to  engage  in  civil  pursuits,  had  been  appointed 
by  Governor  Dennison  major-general  of  the  Ohio  mili- 
tia; and  by  his  invitation  Rosecrans  accepted  the  post  of 
topographical  engineer  upon  his  staff,  and  proceeded  to 
select  the  camp.  The  site  chosen  was  a  stretch  of  level 
land,  not  very  broad  or  long,  but  sufficient  for  most  pur- 
poses of  the  camp.  The  ground  was  necessarily  leased 
at  the  high  rates  put  ujjon  it  by  the  owners ;  and  the  gov- 
ernor was  much  blamed  for  what  was  deemed  an  extrav- 
agant outlay.  It  was  named  from  him  by  General  Mc- 
Clellan, who  was  put  in  command  of  the  camp,  but  soon 

left  it  to  assume  his  new  duties  as  a  major-general  in  the 
regular  army.  At  first  it  was  in  charge  of  the  State,  and 
gave  the  governnor  and  other  Ohio  officers  infinite 
trouble  through  complaints  of  bad  treatment,  insufficient 
food,  clothing,  tents,  arms,  etc.,  and  other  ills.  It  was 
early  turned  over  to  the  General  Government,  however; 
and  was  one  of  the  two  great  camps  (the  other  being 
Camp  Chase)  maintained  by  the  United  States  in  Ohio 
during  and  for  some  time  after  the  Rebellion.  Scores  of 
regiments  were  recruited  or  rendezvoused,  equipped,  and 
drilled  here.  Countless  thousands  of  "boys  in  blue'' 
passed  its  gates  going  into  or  out  of  the  service,  or  re- 
turning from  rebel  prison  pens  to  refit  for  the  field.  Little 
of  it  now  remains,  save  a  glorious  memory,  the  cemetery 
where  rest  its  hero  dead,  and  the  old  sign  at  the  entrance. 
The  very  name  of  the  post  office  maintained  there,  sad 
to  say,  has  been  changed.  The  old  camp,  however,  with 
all  its  bustle,  in  the  pomp  and  circumstance  of  war,  will 
long  live  in  the  recollections  of  the  myriad  citizen-soldiers 
who  from  time  to  time  inhabited  it. 

The  military  committee  of  Hamilton  county  should  not 
pass  without  a  notice.  Its  intelligent  activity  and  patriotic 
zeal,  in  aiding  the  recruitment  of  troops  and  otherwise  for- 
warding the  Federal  cause,  were  eminently  serviceable  to 
our  armies,  and  were  gratefully  acknowledged  by  the  au- 
thorities of  the  State  and  the  Union.  It  was  originally  ap- 
pointed by  Governor  Dennison,  and  was  mantained,  with 
some  changes  in  its  personnel,  until  the  close  of  the  war. 
At  the  end  of  1863  it  was  composed  as  follows:  General 
Joshua  H.  Bates,  chairman;  W.  H.  Davis,  secretary;  Hon. 
N.  W.  Thomas,  Colonel  A.  E.  Jones,  W.  W.  Lodwick, 
John  W.  Ellis,  Francis  Weisnewski,  Thomas  Sherlock,  Eli 
Mushmore,  Amzi  Magill.  Its  headquarters  were  of  course 
in  Cincinnati. 

It  may  here  also  be  observed  that,  besides  the  long  list 
of  general  officers  in  the  service,  who  reflected  honor  upon 
Cincinnati,  and  who  will  be  enumerated  hereafter,  the 
county  elsewhere  furnished  to  the  Northren  armies  dis- 
tinguished soldiers  in  the  persons  of  Brigadier-General 
Jacob  Am  men,  of  Lockland,  and  brevet  Brigadiers  Thom- 
as Kirby  Smith,  of  Colerain,  E.  Barrett  Langdon,  of  Lin- 
wood,  and  Benjamin  C.  Ludlow,  of  Cumminsville,  a 
native  of  the  old  Ludlow's  Station,  at  the  same  place;  be- 
sides many  of  lesser  rank. 

We  now  come  to 


of  the  Hamilton  county  contingent  in  the  late  war.  If 
has  been  compiled  from  the  rolls  in  the  bureau  of  the 
Adjutant-General  of  the  State,  where  every  courtesy  and 
convenience  have  been  kindly  afforded  for  the  work. 
Happily,  few  RebeUion  rolls  are  missing  from  this  great 
collection,  except  in  some  cases  of  three-months  regi- 
ments or  companies;  and  fortunately,  too,  for  twenty-nine 
regiments  of  infantry,  eight  regiments  of  cavalry,  and 
seven  batteries,  at  the  time  this  compilation  was  made, 
the  records  had  been  reduced  to  such  system  and  shape 
that  it  was  possible  to  present  a  full  roster  of  each  of 
these  commands.  For  the  others,  the  muster-in  rolls 
must  in  general  suffice,  as  is  usual  in  histories  of  this 



kind.  The  writer  has  been  embarrassed,  not  only  by  the 
magnitude  of  the  Ust,  but  by  the  difficulty,  in  many 
cases,  of  identifying  officers  or  men  as  belonging  to 
Hamilton  county.  No  means  exist  in  the  adjutant- 
general's  office,  apart  from  the  rolls,  for  such  identifica- 
tion; and  these  are  not  always  reliable.  Entire  com- 
panies, raised  in  other  parts  of  the  State,  were  re-enrolled 
at  Cincinnati  or  Camp  Dennison,  and  appear  accordingly 
upon  the  rolls,  and  large  numbers  of  men  from  other 
parts  of  the  State  and  country  went  to  these  places  for 
their  original  enlistment;  while  many  Hamilton  county 
citizens  were  enrolled  at  points  outside  of  the  county  or 
"in  the  field,"  particularly  for  veteran  services,  and  can- 
not now  be  recognized,  except  by  those  who  personally 
know  the  facts,  as  Hamilton  county  volunteers.  Not- 
withstanding the  faithful  use  of  Mr.  Raid's  invaluable 
book,  Ohio  in  the  War,  and  other  available  sources  of  in- 
formation as  to  the  locale  of  companies,  regiments,  and 
individual  enlistments,  it  is  probable  that  some  hundreds, 
at  least,  are  herein  accredited  to  this  county  that  belong 
to  other  counties,  and  that  quite  as  many  whose  names 
should  appear  upon  this  roster,  have  been  omitted,  be- 
cause the  rolls  do  not  furnish  the  data  by  which  they  can 
be  recognized  as  of  the  Hamilton  "Grand  Army."  But 
every  effort  has  been  made  to  secure  as  full  and  nearly 
accurate  a  roster  as  possible  under  the  circumstances. 

In  general,  it  has  been  thought  safest  to  include  in  this 
roll  of  honor  all  who  were  recruited  in  Cincinnati  or  the 
townships  of  Hamilton  county,  so  far  as  shown  by  the 
records;  and  to  omit  those  enrolled  at  Camp  Dennison, 
unless  some  other  evidence  has  been  found  that  they  be- 
long to  the  county.  Many  names,  it  will  be  observed, 
are  duplicated,  and  some,  perhaps,  triplicated,  by  re-en- 
listments, transfers,  or  promotions.  In  all  cases,  if  the 
period  of  service  is  not  specified  in  the  history  or  roll  of 
the  regiment,  it  will  be  understood  that  the  muster-in  was 
"for  three  years,  or  during  the  war."  The  orthography 
of  the  rolls  has'been  followed;  but  discrepancies  of  spell- 
ing to  be  found  in  them  make  it  reasonably  certain  that 
many  whose  names  appear  herein  will  experience  that 
peculiar  sort  of  fame  of  which  Byron  speaks — having 
their  names  spelt  wrongly  in  print. 


A  number  of  companies  recruited  in  this  county,  which 
could  not  be  received  for  the  three-months'  service,  ren- 
dezvoused spontaneously  at  the  Methodist  camp-meeting 
ground,  on  the  Colerain  pike,  eleven  miles  from  the  city 
(Camp  Colerain).  Among  these  were  the  Valley  guards,, 
recruited  in  and  about  Clifton,  Cumminsville,  and  Carth- 
age, of  which  the  following  named  were  officers : 


Captain  Flamen  Ball,  jr. 

First  Lieutenant  W.  H.  Hiclcock. 

Second  Lieutenant  Fredericlc  Cook. 


^    First  Sergeant  John  Joyce, 
Sergeant  Henry  Hayward. 
Sergeant  William  Scanlan. 
Sergeant  S.  J.  Lawrence. 
Corporal  John  Shaw. 
Corporal  C.  Drier. 
Corporal  Henry  Jessan. 

Colonel  P.  J.  Sullivan  was  recruiting  a  regiment  in  Cin- 
cinnati, and  finding  it  could  not  be  received  at  Camp 
Harrison,  marched  a  number  of  his  companies,  about 
eight  hundred  men  in  all,  to  the  camp-meeting  ground. 
They  included  the  Rough  and  Ready  guards,  Captain 
Spellmyer;  the  Miami  guards.  Captain  Boyer;  the 
Zouave  cadets,  Captain  Joseph  A.  Stacy;  the  Beck 
guards.  Captain  Beck;  the  Fulton  Continentals,  Captain 
David  Johns;  and  the  Union  artillery.  Captain  Joseph 
Whittlesey.  The  several  companies  subsequently  went 
to  Camp  Clay,  where  they  were  joined  by  a  company 
from  Louisville,  for  which  no  provision  was  made  in 
Kentucky,  the  governor  of  that  State  having  declined 
to  furnish  the  men  asked  from  that  State.  Patriotic 
Ohio,  however,  supplied  the  deficiency  in  great  part;  and 
President  Lincoln,  upon  the  solicitations  of  Judge  Chase 
and  other  Ohioans,  consented  to  receive  as  the  First  and 
Second  Kentucky  regiments  the  organizations  effected  at 
Camp  Clay.  They  were  equipped  and  prepared  for  the 
field  at  the  expense  of  this  State,  but  >vere  in  time  lecog- . 
nized  by  the  authorities  of  Kentucky,  who  issued  com- 
missions to  their  officers.     They  were  as  follows : 


Colonel  James  N.  Guthrie. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  D.  H.  Enyart. 
Major  Bartholomew  Loper. 
Quartermaster  Captain  Gilbert  Clemmens. 



Colonel  William  E.  Woodruff. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  George  W.  Neff. 
Major  Thomas  G.  Sedgwick. 
Quartermaster  Captain  Joseph  Blundell. 

By  far  the  larger  part  of  these,  like  the  men  of  the  regi- 
ments, were  Hamilton  county  citizens — Cincinnatians. 
The  commands  saw  their  first  service  in  the  brigade  of 
General  Jacob  D.  Cox,  in  the  army  of  West  Virginia. 
They  served  a  longer  term  than  the  period  of  original 
enlistment,  and  made  very  creditable  records  in  the  field. 


For  the  material  of  the  following  introductionary  his- 
tories, recourse  has  been  had  almost  exclusively  to  that 
unrivalled  repository  of  information  concerning  Ohio  in 
the  war — Mr.  Whitelaw  Reid's  great  work  bearing  that 


(Three  months'  service.) 



John  Bischansen,   Nicholas  Kirchhimer,   Charles  Kneip,  John  Link, 

Robert  Visel,  Martin  Ritter,  Henry  Speier,  Nicholas  Schmid,  William 

Schubert,  Albert  Voelkle. 

(Three  years'  service.) 


Sergeant  Major  Charles  H,  Winner. 



Charles  A.  Stine. 



Corporal  Alfred  Smift. 
Teamster  Daniel  Groves. 




Matthew  Asken,  Jacob  Effinger,  .Abraham  Busch,  Samuel  S.  Dean, 
Richard  Gregory,  Hugh  Gray,  William  A.  Huddard,  George  Jamison, 
Chester  C.  Logan,  Cornelius  Lowe,  Franlilin  Moon,  John  Phillips, 
William  A.  Withrop,  Benjamin  Young,  Lewis  Young. 


This  was  enlisted  at  first  for  three  months,  under  the 
call  of  President  Lincoln  for  seventy-five  thousand  men. 
It  was  mustered  into  service  at  Columbus,  April  17, 
1 86 1,  only  three  days  after  Fort  Sumter  was  evacuated. 
It  was  at  the  first  battle  of  Bull  Run,  and  bore  honorable 
part  in  the  service  around  Washington  until  July,  when  it 
was  mustered  out  at  the  expiration  of  its  term,  and  re- 
organized at  Camp  Denison  as  a  three-years'  regiment  in 
August  and  September.  A  majority  of  the  field,  line, 
and  staff  officers  had  already  seen  service  with  the  three- 
months'  men.  The  regiment  moved  into  eastern  Ken- 
tucky in  September,  1861,  and  by  its  good  behavior  did 
much  to  ingratiate  itself  and  the  Union  cause  in  that 
region.  Its  subsequent  service  was  with  General  Buell's 
army,  Generals  Rosecrans,  Thomas  and  Sherman.  It 
was  in  the  battle  of  Stone  River  and  Chickamauga,  in 
those  of  the  Atlanta  campaign,  and  in  several  minor 
actions.  The  nucleus  of  the  regiment,  like  that  of  the 
Sixth  and  others  raised  iri  Cincinnati,  was  formed  in  one  of 
the  peace  organizations  of  the  city.  It  was  commanded 
during  part  of  its  career  by  Colonel  Leonard  A.  Harris, 
ex-mayor  of  Cincinnati,  and  a  native  of  that  city.  Most 
of  the  field,  staff  and  band,  two  companies,  and  some 
recruits  scattered  through  other  companies,  were  from 
Hamilton  county. 


Colonel  Anson  G.  McCoolc. 
Colonel  Leonard  A.  Harris. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  John  Kell. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Obediah  C.  Maxwell. 
Major  William  T.  Beatty. 
Surgeon  Daniel  E.  Wade. 
Surgeon  Benjamin  F.  Miller. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Thomas  J.  Shannon. 
Assistant  Surgeon  William  A.  Carmichael. 
Quartermaster  Ira  H.  Bird. 
Adjutant  George  Vandegriff. 
Adjutant  John  W.  Thomas. 
Chaplain  Ma.vwell  P.  Gaddis. 


Sergeant-Major  Horace  R.  Abbott. 

Quartermaster  Sergeant  Albert  F.  Fisher. 

Commissary  Sergeant  Jacob  Hogue. 

Principal  Musician  Charles  Seibold. 

Prisoner  of  War.^oseph  C.  Ault,  Hospital  Steward. 

Died. — Marion  A.  Ross,  Jacob  Thompson,  Sergeant-Majors ;  Samuel 
Price,  of  the  band. 

Transferred. — George  Cochran,  Quartermaster  Sergeant ;  William 
Dodge,  Principal  Musician. 

Discharged. — George  H.  Hollister,  Julius  F.  Williams,  Aaron  W. 
McCune,  Sergeant  Majors ;  Enoch  P.  Hoover,  Hospital  Steward ; 
George  Thayer,  Ordnance  Sergeant. 


Burton  C.  McCoy,  Leader;  First  class  musicians,  John  W.  Bates, 
Charles  Bates,  John  Clinton,  Cyprian  H.  Winget ;  Second  class, 
Hiram  Cooli,  Franlilin  Steven,  David  Shatter,  Ransford  R.  Whitehead, 
Thomas  Witmore ;  Third  class,  John  Busby,  George  Brant,  John  H. 
Brown,  Jason  M.  Case,  George  W.  Owens,  Rosoloo  Smith,  Benjamin 
F.  Tufts. 


Captain  William  A.  Smith. 

Captain  James  Warnock. 

First  Lieutenant  George  W.  Landrum. 
Second  Lieutenan,  John  F.  Davis. 


First  Sergeant  Anthony  W.  Henry. 
Sergeant  Henry  E.  Ross. 
Sergeant  Ezekiel  A.  Howard. 
Sergeant  James  Purden. 
Sergeant  Geoige  W.  Briggs. 
Corporal  John  H.  Quigley. 
Corporal  Isaac  W.  Craig. 
Corporal  Albert  Jenkins. 
Corporal  John  C.  Wones. 
Corporal  George  Rust. 
Wagoner  James  Cowan. 


William  Allen,  George  Ansfaugh,  Joseph  Binkley,  Joseph  N.  Cutler, 
Thomas  Clark,  Francis  M.  Cox,  John  H.  Dressing,  Henry  Gilson, 
Michael  Gallivan,  John  B.  Hunston,  Theodore  Hughes,  John  Huddle- 
ston,  Alfred  Jones,  Alexander  Johnson,  Michael  Lynch,  John  Ludrick, 
Lewis  Mangum,  George  Mollitor,  William  Menke,  George  W.  Mitch- 
ell, Joseph  McAfee,  Thomas  O'Connor,  Marcus  O'Connor,  Philip 
Reilly,  David  W.  Slusser,  William  Simpson,  Michael  Tovey,  Amos 
Westfall,  William  A.  Williams,  James  Welsh,  Richard  Benson, 
Walter  B.  Bell,  John  Clifford,  Samuel  Graham,  John  Kennedy, 
David  S.  Long,  Michael  Mclneray,  John  McCune,  Bernard 
O'Meally,  William  Porter,  Charles  A.  Proctor,  Hugh  Redmon,  Julius 

Prisoners  of  War. — Albert  E.  Thatcher,  James  Peese,  John  Darragh, 
Walter  S.  McHugh,  James  McNally,  William  Patton,  Peter  Reenan, 
Jonathan  Simpson. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Corporal  William  H.  Jones.  Privates  Michael 
Bausch,  Henry  Demeling,  James  Doyle,  Harry  Harle,  James  Henry, 
John  Meade,  Thomas  Traccy. 

Missing. — Corporal  William  Cunningham. 

Died. — Sergeant  Thomas  J.  Moore,  Corporal  John  C.  Elliott,  Pri- 
vates Daniel  Bannon,  Charles  H.  Beal,  Frederick  Ropp,  Thomas 
Stack,  John  E.  Weaver. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeants  George  N.  Gates  and  John  F.  Davis, 
Privates  Michael  Costegan,  Murty  Gallevan,  Augustus  Wood,  William 
Harvey,  Marion  Julian,  James  Matthews,  William  McCarter,  Archibald 
McAfee,  Michael  Newman,  William  Pitman,  George  W.  Ross,  Henry 
Straddhng,  William  J.  Weist,  Hannibal  Wilson. 

Transferred. — Sergeant  Julius  F.  Williams,  Musician  William  Dodge, 
Privates  Marcus  L.  Brown,  Lawrence  Coen,  Jacob  A.  Hogue,  George 
Moore,  Abraham  Smith. 



Frank  Nolte  harles  McGurn,  William  M.  Tatman  (both  discharged). 


Captain  John  Henell. 

Captain  Jacob  Totrell. 

First  Lieutenant  Jerome  A.  Fisher. 

Second  Lieutenant  Henry  Purlier. 


Sergeant  Alfred  Lafore. 
Sergeant  Augustus  Crawford. 
Corporal  James  McLaughlin. 
Corporal  Charles  E.  Brown. 
Corporal  Isaac  Wilson, 
Corporal  James  C.  Norton. 
Corporal  John  Keifer. 


Charles  H.  Abbott,  Jonas  Boggs,  James  Duncan,  Michael  Doherty, 
George  Epke,  William  Gold,  John  R.  Hallam,  Jeremiah  Hogan,  Rob- 
ert L,  Lind,  Theodore  Spinner,  John  Striker,  John  Whistler,  Thomas 
Wiggins,  Ernest  Beerbaum,  John  Battles,  George  Cook,  William  T. 
Gray,  Halford  H.  Heick,  John  Norvasky,  James  Rice.  ^ 

Prisoners  of  War. — Sergeants  George  M.  Hall  and  Benjamin  John- 
son: Corporal  Philip  Lipps;  Privates  Robert  Baggott,  Charles  W. 
Chard,  John  Dumas,  William  Egan,  John  Hillstrip,  Bernard  Hester, 
Henry  Lanfersiek,  John  Miner. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Corporal  Samuel  Hall;  Privates  George  Capp  and 
Patrick  O'Donnell. 



Died. — Privates  George  W.  Hacliwalder  and  James  L.  Shell. 

Discharged. — Sergeant  Henry  Purlier;  Privates  William  Camer, 
Lawrence  Fagan,  John  Gold,  Ezra  Mock,  Patrick  McCarty,  Joseph 
Nealy,  Thomas  H.  Orr,  Frederick  Quamby,  George  Thayei,  William 
H.  Walker. 

Transferred. — First  Sergeant  Aaron  W.  McCune;  Sergeant  James  A. 
Suter;  Privates  Timothy  Brannon,  James  Crouch,  Joshua  Dunkley, 
Charles  F.  English,  James  Kirby,  John  Mageer,  Richard  N.  Ross,  Jo- 
seph Wellington,  Jesse  C.  Young. 

On  muster-in  but  not  on  muster-out  roll. — Musician  Kendall  Edson. 

Private  John  Kramer,  transferred 


This  regiment  was  raised  for  the  three  months'  service, 
and  was  re-enlisted  for  three  years.  It  was  first  mustered 
into  service  April  27,  r86r.  Its  earliest  duty  was  in  the 
preparation  of  Camp  Dennison,  a  few  miles  from  Cincin- 
nati, and  it  did  not  take  the  field  until  after  its  re-organ- 
ization in  June.  Its  most  notable  service  was  as  mounted 
infantry  in  Colonel  Streight's  expedition  into  northern 
Georgia,  in  early  April,  1863,  when  almost  the  entire 
command  was  captured.  One  company  of  the  three 
years'  regiment  was  from  Cincinnati,  and  the  other  com- 
panies from  the  city  were  in  the  three  months'  service. 

(For  three  months). 


Colonel  Lewis  Wilson. 

Fife  Major  Jerome  F.  Dandelet. 



Captain  George  M.  Finch. 
First  Lieutenant  Edwin  D.  Saunders. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frederick  S.  Wallace. 
Lieutenant  Stephen  M.  Athearn. 


First  Sergeant  Charles  Swift. 
Sergeant  Roswell  G.  Feltus. 
Sergeant  William  Buchman. 
Sergeant  William  Suckles. 
Corporal  William  Young. 
Corporal  James  M.  Walker. 
Corporal  Joseph  L.   Flenner. 
Corporal  Milton  H.  Lydick. 
Musician  E.  Vanpelt. 
Musician  George  T.  Suter. 


W.  H.  H.  Taylor,  jr.,  Charles  L.  Feltus,  Henry  Hofkanip,  William 
Kiefer,  Edwin  C.  Saunders,  J.  Martin,  M.  B.  Chamberlain,  C.  D. 
Griggs,  A.  B,  Benton,  Charles  Hulvershorn,  James  Vanpelt,  J.J.  Beahr, 
Frank  A.  Armstrong,  E.  S.  Cooke,  George  W.  Johnson,  J.  Frank  Mil- 
ler, William  W.  Miller,  William  C.  Mudge,  Thomas  L.  Wentworth 
George  L.  Pendery,  John  Davis,  George  F.  Walters,  J.  B.  Holman, 
John  C.  Martin,  Enoch  C.  Jacobs,  D.  S.  Pearce,  J.  L.  Hann,  Charles 
B.  Schondt,  A.  J.  Noble,  William  Scott,  Charles  M.  Stout,  R.  C.  Steen, 
O.  Taxis,  Edmond  H.  Davis,  A.  King,  John  L.  McElhaney,  Joseph 
A.  Clark,  W.  H.  Speed,  S.  A.  Harrison,  William  Weye,  D.  W.  Sny- 
der, Joseph  Foss,  Robert  Cameron,  F.  McGrew,  Thomas  Colgan,  A. 
Alexander,  Charles  Guiss,  Charles  L.  Shannon,  A.  Stevens,  Samue. 
Warwick,  T.  P.  Cavanaugh,  W.  H.  McDevitt,  P.  Bohl,  Urath  B 
Jones,  N.  B.  Holman,  John  Holtzwiger,  John  M.  Hubbell,  William  A. 
Koon,  William  Torrey,  Joseph  Ryan,  John  Nealy,  Henry  L.  Williams. 
George  C.  Kithchen,  Andrew  Reuss,  Henry  De  Bus,  William  Sterritt, 
William  Stewart,  J.  N.  Kuntz,  W.  K.  Perrine,  Lewis  Roderige,  James 
R.  Smith,  Frank  Thieman. 



Captain  J.  E.  Baldwin. 
First  Lieutenant  J.  E.  Riggs. 
Second  Lieutenant  G.  H.  Aiken. 
Lieutenant  George  Vandergriff. 

Lieutenant  C.  A.  Newman. 
Lieutenant  Eugene  C.  Wilson. 


First  Sergeant  W.  E.  Oakley. 
Sergeant  C.  S.  Bums. 
Sergeant  Charles  Mendenhall. 
Sergeant  W.  G.  Ross. 
Corporal  B.  T.  Wright. 
Corporal  D.  W.  Pierson. 
Corporal  P.  R.  Mitchell. 
Corporal  L.  V.  Horton. 
Bugler  J.  F.  Dandelet. 


E.  R.  Davidson,  J.  Calhoun  Wright,  M.  Strohraeier,  C.  W.  Miner, 
David  S.  French,  Jacob  S.  Burnett,  A.  E.  Doisey,  C.  F.  McKenzie, 
W.  H.  Childs,  George  H.  Hull,  W.  P.  Egan,  Charles  Faulman,  Thomas 
Jones,  O.  T.  Gunn,  E.  J.  Lukens,  George  McCammon,  J.  T.  Piggott, 
jr.,  Ira  Athearn,  E.  E.  C.  Swift,  W.  W.  Wilmot,  Charles  B,  Ellis, 
Thomas  T.  Wheeler,  B.  H.  Parsons,  S.  H.  Bascom,  Thomas  Coen 
J.  W.  Johnston,  George  H.  Palmer,  J.  W.  Craven,  P.  Bucher,  George 
W.  Ward,  T.  Brickham,  J.  Small,  C.  H.  Phelps,  Isaac  West,  B.  H. 
Snyder,  R.  W.  McComas,  Thomxs  Webb,  J.  H.  Simpson,  Nathan 
Guilford,  Alfred  Koste,  L.  H.  Hill,  E.  H.  Hussey,  M.  B.  Bailey,  A.  H. 
Russell,  William  Mitchell,  G.  Rudolph,  H.  P.  Radcliff,  T.  Deming, 
E.  E.  Isabel,  B.  B.  Fearing,  T.  Wilton,  R.  R.  Martin,  H.  Tilden, 
Benjamin  Harbison,  John  Snosey,  jr.,  F.  S.  Taylor,  jr.,  Henry  Schultz, 
W.  C.  Williams,  Ogden  Mender,  John  A.  Wright,  J.  A.  Arthur,  Frank 


Captain  Leonard  A.  Harris. 

First  Lieutenant  William  J.  Smith. 

Second  Lieutenant  John  Herrel. 


.     First  Sergeant  Axe.xander  Campbell. 
Sergeant  Francis  N.  Gibson. 
Sergeant  John  Anthony. 
Sergeant  Charles  C.  Martin. 
Corporal  Timothy  Crannon. 
Corporal  Jerome  A.  Fisher. 
Corporal  F.  Rickey. 
Corporal  John  Davis. 


Herman  Act,  Patrick  Burk,  John  Barrett,  Victor  Burnham,  John  H. 
Burnham,  Joshua  Bailey,  Henry  Bleaker,  Edward  Brady,  Marshall 
Bruce,  Frederick  Brodey,  Edward  Blackburn,  Edward  Clyde,  John 
Cosgrove,  Frederick  Carson,  William  I.  Campbell,  George  Curtis, 
John  Davis,  James  Disberry,  Irwin  C.  Darling,  John  Dixon,  William 
Dorley,  Simon  P.  Elliott,  Christopher  Ellis,  John  Ernest,  John  Ford, 
Martin  Foltz,  John  Feber,  Benjamin  Gylle,  Jasper  Holman,  Adam 
Hass,  Henry  Hosmanger,  Jere  Hogan,  Thomas  Hartless,  James  Ho- 
ban,  Herman  Kopper,  WiUiam- Johnson,  Frederick  Johnson,  John 
Johnson,  Norris  JaUison,  Henry  Kokenbrink,  Thomas  Kenneday, 
Timothy  Lawton,  Martin  Leopold,  Valentine  Lenhart,  James  Lozier, 
Henry  McCren,  George  N.  McCabe,  John  McGovern,  George  Miller, 
John  Mitchell,  Patrick  Morrisey,  James  Manshot,  Henry  M.  Nichols, 
Sames  N.  Nutt,  Alfred  G.  Norissey,  Charles  Newman,  Paul  Newmiller, 
James  O'Conner,  John  O'Connell,  John  Penny,  Thomas  Powers, 
Thomas  Payne,  Thomas  Reynold,  Fjancis  Rhody,  Anthony  Schwagart, 
William  Stager,  Henry  Sanders,  Thomas  Simons,  William  Schafer, 
John  Sailman,  William  Swift,  John  Stewart,  David  Thayer,  Henry 
Vanfield,  Christopher  Whaking,  William  Walfeck,  Charles  Young, 
Herman  Bartlett,  Charles  Cary,  Paul  M.  Farnsworth,  Charles  Kent, 
Peter  N.  Smidth. 

(For  three  years.) 



Captain  Philip  Fithian. 
Captain  Edward  M.  DriscoU. 
First  Lieutenant  John  Richey. 
First  Lieutenant  WiUiam  A.  Curry. 
Second  Lieutenant  Charles  Trownsell. 


First  Sergeant  Henry  D.  Bander. 
Sergeant  Thomas  W.  Kruse. 


Sergeant  Gilbert  B.  McWhick. 
Corporal  Philip  Stegner. 
Corporal  Jesse  Bronson. 
Corporal  Thomas  B.  Teetor. 
Wagoner  William  Stoul. 


Rudolph  Baehr,  August  Brewer,  James  Curry,  William  Dooley,  Cal- 
lahill  Dooley,  Edward  English,  Benjamin  Holmes,  Harry  Hamilton, 
George  W.  Howell,  Lewis  Klingler,  William  Lawler,  Frank  Metz, 
Albert  Musser,  Edwin  McMillen,  John  McClamthan,  Frank  O'Connor, 
Robert  Potts,  Henry  Phillips,  Albert  Stimson,  John  Stanferman,  Charles 
Schwab,  August  Schwager,  Andrew  Schneller,  Fred  Vanlieu,  Herman 
D.  Willman,  Joseph  Weber,  Manasses  Brown,  George  Bellville,  Caspar 
Davis,  Calvin  Bills,  Fred  Eichenlaub,  Parker  Ernst,  David  Finch,  James 
Frank,  Frank  Gallagher,  Richard  Howe,  Harrison  Kipp,  James  King, 
William  Linch,  John  D.  Moore,  William  McMillen,  Daniel  O'Keef, 
Charles  Phillips,  John  Pohlman,  Jacob  Smith,  Daniel  Spencer,  Michael 
Str.aber,  Frank  Stanferman,  Thomas  Tydings,  John  Wellman,  Conrad 
Webber,  John  T.  Welsh.     . 

Killed  in  Battle. — Sergeant  William  V.  McCoabrie,  Corporal  Joseph 
Bahlman.  Privates  Louis  Whitmore,  Henry  Barney,  Henry  Loche- 
mey,  John  B.  Naylor. 

Died. — Sergeant  Charles  Cannon.     Private  Charles  Hart. 

Discharged.— First  Sergeants  William  A.  Curry,  David  J.  Krule ; 
privates  John  Atkins,  Michael  Black,  John  Baird,  Benjamin  Bonner, 
Henry  C.  Bliner,  Benjamin  Crawford,  William  Cartman,  William  Chase, 
John  F.  Droste,  George  A.  Henry,  John  Knapp,  James  Lawrence, 
Arthur  Lyle,  George  Richey,  James  Smith,  Cincinnatus  Stinson,  James 
Vaulien,  Edward  Wessel. 

Transferred. — Sergeant  Sebastian  E.  Francis,  Musician  Richard  De- 
Butts ;  privates  August  Birnbriger,  John  Coste,  Alexander  Driscoll, 
Frank  Dick,  Charles  Graham,  Joan  Hartley,  WiUiam  N.  Keys,  John 
Lanch,  John  Lawrence,  Emil  Miller,  William  Mills,  William  H.  Mc- 
Graw,  Edward  Massey,  James  O'Conner,  Charles  T.  Palmer,  Nathan 
Reed,  George  F.  Say,  Yeustace  Smith,  Martin  Smith,  Joseph  Schweder. 
Daniel  Shaw,  Sylvan'us  Stewart,  Joseph  Shries,  Thomas  Thackeray, , 
Copple  Tippanhauer,  James  Vermilyea. 

On  muster-in,  but  not  on  muster-out  roll. — Privates  James  Cottle, 
Charles  French,  Richard  Linch,  James  Linton,  Joseph  D.  Murry,  Wil- 
liam Vandine. 

On  muster-in  roll  March  31,  1864,  but  not  on  muster-out  roll. — Private 
Cornelius  Driscoll. 

Mustered  into  service  April  4  and  May  5,  1861. 

Private  George  Wilson. 


This  was  also  originally  one  of  the  three-months' 
organizations,  and  was  made  up  of  young  men  from  Cin- 
cinnati and  the  vicinity.  It  went  into  Camp  Harrison, 
near  that  city,  April  20,  1861;  was  mustered  into  the 
Federal  service  May  3d;  was  transferred  to  Camp  Den- 
nison  May  23d;  re-enlisted  in  a  body  for  three  years  the 
next  month,  and  was  re-mustered  June  20th,  and  started 
for  the  , field  in  western  Virginia,  July  loth.  Its  first 
service  here  was  under  Brigadier  General  Charles  W. 
Hill,  under  whom  a  very  toilsome  march  was  taken  over 
the  spurs  of  the  Alleghanies,  in  a  vain  effort  to  intercept 
the  retreating  troops  of  the  rebel  General  Garnet.  It 
then  engaged  in  guard  duty  and  drill  at  Parkersburgh 
until  August  5th,  when  it  moved  to  Buckhannon,  and  lay 
there  until  November  3d.  Near  this  point  companies  A, 
B,  and  C  had  a  sharp  fight  with  a  party  of  rebels,  losing 
one  man  and  killing  several  of  the  enemy.  Thence  the 
regiment  marched  to  New  Creek  on  the  Baltimore  & 
Ohio  railroad,  and  presently  to  Romney,  where  it  had 
hard  service,  entire  companies  being  sent  out  daily  on 
scouts,  and  supplying  very  large  details  for  picket  duty, 
some  of  whom  had  their  posts  six  or  seven  miles  from 
camp.     Colonel  Dunning,  of  the  Fifth,  here  took  com- 

mand of  the  forces  in  and  about  Romney,  in  place  of 
General  Kelly,  who  was  disabled  by  a  wound.  Hearing 
of  a  rebel  force  of  fifteen  hundred  at  Blue's  Gap,  sixteen 
miles  out,  he  moved  a  detachment  against  it  during  a 
driving  snow  storm  on  the  night  of  January  6,  1862, 
surprised  the  enemy,  killing  twenty  of  them,  capturing  a 
number,  with  two  cannon,  and  destroying  the  mill  and 
other  property  of  the  rebel  Colonel  Blue,  at  that  point. 
This  was  the  beginning  of  the  Fifth  Ohio's  reputation  for 
bravery  and  thorough-going  dealing  with  the  rebels. 
The  confederate  papers  soundly  anathematized  the  regi- 
ment led  "by  a  butcher,"  and  advised  their  commanders 
to  show  its  metnbers  no  quarter.  Within  fifteen  hours 
from  the  time  of  starting  the  regiment  was  back  at  Rom- 
ney, having  in  that  short  space  of  time  marched  thirty- 
four  miles  and  fought  a  spirited  and  successful  action. 

General  Lander  took  command  of  the  forces  shortly 
after,  and  the  regiment  was  moved  in  rapid  succession 
to  a  number  of  places,  marching  and  countermarching 
for  more  than  a  month,  and  suffering  much  from  the 
inclement  season.  February  13th,  with  the  Eighth  Ohio 
and  a  cavalry  force,  it  made  a  reconnoisance  in  force  on 
Bloomney  Furnace,  during  which  the  cavalry  engaged 
the  enemy  and  won  a  victory.  March  18th,  under  Gen- 
eral Shields,  it  participated  in  another  reconnoisance  to 
Strasburgh,  the  enemy  being  pushed  several  miles 
beyond  Mt.  Jackson,  but  without  bringing  on  an  action. 
On  the  twenty-second,  from  Winchester  the  regiment 
was  moved  out  hastily  and  the  next-  day  reached  Kerns- 
town  and  took  a  position  to  support  a  battery,  where  it 
was  attacked,  with  other  forces  in  the  battle,  about  nine 
A.  M.  It  held  its  place  until  afternoon,  when  five  com- 
panies were  detached  and  moved  alone  against  an  over- 
whelming force,  whose  fire  they  sustained  alone  in  an 
open  field  for  some  time,  returning  it  with  interest,  until 
reinforcements  came,  when  the  united  commands  ad- 
vanced and  soon  routed  the  enemy.  Five  color-bearers 
of  the  regiment  were  successively  shot  down  in  this  short 
but  sharp  fight,  among  them  Captain  George  B.  Whit- 
com,  of  Cincinnati.  The  Fifth  is  believed  to  have  saved 
the  day,  at  least  on  this  part  of  the  field.  Not  long 
after  the  rout  here  the  enemy  began  his  retreat,  getting 
off  without  further  disaster  in  the  darkness  of  the  night.  , 
The  Fifth  lost  forty-seven  killed  and  wounded  in  the  bat- 
tle of  Winchester.  The  regimental  colors  received 
forty-eight  bullet  holes  in  this  .action,  and  the  State  flag  ten. 
A  movement  was  soon  after  begun  beyond  ,  Strasburgh, 
through  Woodstock,  and  to  the  Shenandoah,  where  a 
destroyed  bridge  and  Ashby's  cavalry  on  the  other  side 
checked  their  advance.  A  dash  was  made  by  the  Fifth 
and  some  cavalry  into  Mt.  Jackson,  but  the  enemy  fled 
before  their  arrival.  The  regiment  then  encamped  at 
Newmarket,  Colonel  Dunning  commanding  the  brigade. 
In  a  fortnight  it  advanced  to  Harrisonburgh,  where.  May 
7th,  a  beautiful  stand  of  colors  was  presented  by  a  depu- 
tation from  the  city  council  of  Cincinnati,  as  a  token  of 
appreciation  at  home  of  the  regiment's  bravery  and 
efficiency  in  the  late  battle. 

May  1 2th  another  march  was  begun,  which  continued 
to  Falmouth,  one  hundred  and  fifty  miles  distant.     May 


25th  it  moved  to  Front  Royal,  and  June  3d  reached  the 
Shenandoah  again,  having  marched  in  three  weeks  two 
hundred  and  eighty-five  miles  through  mud  and  rain 
without  meeting  an  enemy  and  with  scarcely  half  rations. 
June  9th,  however,  at  Port  Republic,  it  became  hotly 
engaged,  and  behaved  with  its  usual  courage  and  dash. 
After  some  firing  by  volley,  it  charged  two  rebel  regi- 
ments covered  by  a  fence  and  drove  them  into  the  woods, 
where  they  were  again  charged  and  one  field  gun  cap- 
tured. Moving  to  the  left,  it  repelled  a  charge  upon  one 
of  our  batteries,  but  had  presently  to  cover  a  retreat,  in 
which  it  lost  one  hundred  and  eighty-five  men  taken  cap- 
tive. Its  total  loss  in  this  affair — killed,  wounded,  and 
prisoners — was  two  hundred  and  forty-four.  Many  inci- 
dents of  personal  valor  and  cunning  occurred  to  the  Fifth 
here.  Lieutenant  Kirkup,  of  Cincinnati,  after  being 
taken,  escaped  his  guard  and  went  but  a  little  way,  when 
he  met  two  rebels  and  claimed  them  as  prisoners.  They 
gave  up,  and  under  their  guidance  he  got  out  of  the 
mountains  and  rejoined  his  command.  The  colors  were 
saved  on  the  retreat  by  color  corporals  Brinkman  and 
Shaw  wrapping  them  about  their  bodies  and  swimming 
the  Shenandoah,  whence  they  made  their  way  to  General 
Fremont's  command  four  days  after.  The  retreat  was 
kept  up  to  Luray,  where  rest  was  had  till  June  24th, 
when  the  regiment  moved  through  Thoroughfare  Gap  to 
Bristow's  Station,  and  was  thenceforth  on  daily  march  for 
five  weeks,  over  more  than  five  hundred  miles,  compelled 
thereto  by  the  rapid  and  obscure  movements  of  Stonewall 
Jackson  in  the  valley.  When  at  last  halted  at  Alexan- 
dria, the  men  o'"  the  Fifth  were  completely  fagged  out, 
were  shelterless,  and  nearly  naked.  After  rest  and  re- 
equipment  on  the  twenty-fifth  of  July  it  went  by  rail  to 
Warrenton,  remaining  there  some  days,  and  thence  march- 
ing to  Little  Washington.  Here  General  Tyler,  com- 
manding the  brigade,  took  leave  of  it,  and  particularly  of 
the  Fifth,  which  was  specially  endeared  to  him.  Gen- 
eral Geary,  afterwards  governor  of  Pennsylvania,  suc- 
ceeded him.  August  9th,  from  Culpeper  Court-House, 
the  regiment  made  a  forced  march  to  the  battle-field  of 
Cedar  Mountain,  in  which  it  took  full  part.  Colonel  Pat- 
rick commanding.  The  Union  forces  were  pressed  back 
by  overwhelming  numbers,  and  the  Fifth  lost  eighteen 
killed,  thirteen  officers  and  eighty-nine  men  wounded, 
and  two  missing,  out  of  two  hundred  and  seventy-five  in 
the  action.  Among  the  badly  wounded  was  Lieutenant 
Colonel  Armstrong,  who  was  obliged  to  retire  from  field 

The  Fifth  participated  in  the  retrograde  movements  of 
Pope's  army  and  the  terrible  battles  on  the  plains  of  Man- 
assas. After  brief  respite  it  joined  the  forces  pursuing 
the  rebels,  passing  through  Frederick  City  and  other 
points,  and  reaching  the  field  of  Antietam  September 
i6th.  Here  it  was  closely  engaged  the  next  day,  under 
command  of  Major  Collins,  once  in  a  hand-to-hand  con- 
flict, in  which  many  of  the  men  used  the  butts  of  their 
guns,  until  the  enemy  slowly  and  slubbornly  gave  way. 
At  another  point  the  brigade  to  which  it  belonged,  reduced 
to  five  hundred  men,  held  its  ground  against  a  much 
larger  force,  and  was  so  poorly  supported  that  it  had  to 

fall  back  to  avoid  being  outflanked.  In  this  battle  the 
Fifth  emptied  its  cartridge  boxes  three  times,  firing  about 
one  hundred  shots  per  man,  and  marking  the  front  of  its 
positions  by  rows  of  dead  rebels.  It  lost  fifty-four  men 
killed  and  wounded,  of  one  hundred  and  eighty  engaged. 
Its  next  camp  was  at  Dumfries,  in  December,  where  the 
garrison  was  attacked  on  the  twenty-seventh  by  Stuart's 
cavalry,  the  action  lasting  through  an  entire  afternoon, 
when  the  rebels  retreated.  Lieutenants  Walker  and  Le- 
Force,  of  company  G,  were  killed,  three  of  the  regiment 
wounded,  and  five  taken.  The  Fifth  then  rested  at 
Dumfries  till  April  24,  1863,  when  it  joined  the  advance 
of  Hooker  across  the  Rappahannock,  and  was  engaged 
throughout  at  Chancellorsville,  performing  a  distinguished 
part  in  that  bloody  action.  It  was  also  in  the  great  bat- 
tle of  Gettysburgh,  July  3d,  and  in  the  fruitless  pursuit 
that  followed.  Lieutenant  Brinkman,  one  of  the  heroes  of 
Port  Republic,  was  killed  at  Gettysburgh.  In  August, 
the  regiment  was  sent  to  New  York  city  to  quell  the 
draft  riots,  and  remained  there  till  September  8th,  when 
it  returned  to  Alexandria,  and  after  sundry  marches  was 
taken  by  rail  to  Murfreesborough,  Tennessee,  receiving 
many  tokens  of  regard  as  it  passed  through  Ohio,  but  not 
being  allowed  to  visit  Cincinnati,  where  many  of  the 
men  had  not  been  for  two  and  a  half  years.  October  3, 
1863,  they  reached  the  intrenchments  at  Murfreesborough, 
and  finding  the  enemy  in  the  vicinity,  whom  they  assisted 
in  repelling.  Rejoining  the  Potomac  troops,  the  Elev- 
enth and  Twelfth  corps,  which  had  been  transported  to 
Lookout  valley,  the  Fifth  took  part  in  the  famous  "battle 
above  the  clouds;"  afterwards  did  post  duty  at  Bridge- 
port, Alabama,  was  in  the  advance  on  Atlanta  and  some 
of  the  battles  of  that  campaign,  in  one  of  the  first  of 
which  Colonel  Patrick  lost  his  life.  The  time  of  the  reg- 
iment expired  during  this  movement,  and  it  was  moved 
to  the  rear  in  charge  of  prisoners.  Many  of  the  men, 
notwithstanding  their  hard  service,  decided  to  re-enlist, 
and  had  the  privilege  of  a  short  furlough.  They  soon 
rejoined  the  conquering  host  pressing  upon  Atlanta,  and 
were  in  the  march  to  the  sea  and  through  the  Carolinas 
and  the  great  reviews  at  Washington,  from  which  they 
returned  to  Cincinnati.  They  were  mustered  out  at 
Louisville,  July  26,  1865,  and  finally  paid  and  discharged 
at  Camp  Dennison. 

Scarcely  any  Ohio  regiment  has  a  more  remarkable 
history.  It  took  part  in  twenty-eight  engagements,  in- 
cluding six  pitched  battles,  with  many  reconnoissances 
and  skirmishes,  marched  on  foot  one  thousand  three  hun- 
dred and  seventy-five  miles,  travelled  nine  hundred  and 
ninety-three  miles  by  rail,  and  sustained  a  total  loss  of 
five  hundred  men,  killed,  wounded,  and  prisoners. 

(Three  Months'  Service). 
Colonel  Samuel  H.  Dunning 
Lieutenant  Colonel  John  H.  Patrick. 
Major  William  Gaskill. 
Adjutant  Harry  G.  Armstrong. 
Quartermaster  Caleb  C.  Whetson. 
Surgeon  Alfred  Ball. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Curtis  J.  Bellows. 
Chaplain  Samuel  L.  Youstice. 
Sergeant  Major  James  W.  Miller. 



Quartermaster  Sergeant  William  P.  Jackson. 

Commissary  Sergeant  William  F.  Sheffield. 

Hospital  Steward  William  F.  Tibbals. 

Principal  Musician  William  JVIcAUister. 

Principal  Musician  Thomas  Davis. 

Principal  Musician  Edward  White. 

Band  Leader  William  J.  Jewess. 

Band— Henry  W.  Scherer,  Edward  Schellhorn,  Peter  Spryer,  Wil- 
liam C.  Lynn,  Andrew  Mather,  Alexander  H.  Bierman,  James  A. 
Campbell,  Alexander  H.  Hatcher,  Thomas  C.  Sheppard,  James  D. 
Fuller,  James  H.  Rider,  James  M.  Heyl,  Thomas  Marlatt,  Robert 

(All  Other  rolls  of  this  regiment,  for  the  three-months' 
service,  are  missing  froin  the  adjutant  general's  office). 

(Si.x  Months'  Service). 


Colonel  Samuel  H.  Dunning. 

Colonel  John  H.  Patrick. 

Lieutenant  Colonel  Harry  G.  Armstrong. 

Lieutenant  Colonel  Robert  L.  Kilpatrick. 

Lieutenant  Colonel  Robert  Kirkup. 

Major  William  Gaskill. 
,  Major  John  Collins. 

Major  Henry  E.  Symmes. 

Major  Krewson  Yerkes. 

Surgeon  Alfred  Ball. 

Surgeon  Alexander  E.  Jenner. 

Assistant  Surgeon  Charles  Greenleaf. 

Assistant  Surgeon  Curtis  J.  Bellins. 

Assistant  Surgeon  Orestes  L.  Fields. 

Assistant  Surgeon  William  F.  Tibbals. 

Assistant  Surgeon  Jairies  G.  Jenkin. 

Chaplain  Samuel  L.  Yousteer. 

Adjutant  Thomas  Hefferman. 

Adjutant  Charles  Smith. 

Adjutant  William  H.  Thomas. 

Adjutant  Henry  A.  Tortman. 

Adjutant  Henry  C.  Koogle. 

Quartermaster  John  M.  Paver. 

Quartermaster  Caleb  C.  Whitson. 

Sergeant  Major  James  Richey. 

Quartermaster  Sergeant  Michael  Ward. 

Commissary  Sergeant  Andrew  J.  Barr. 

Hospital  Steward  Robert  S.  McClure. 

Fife  Major  Edward  White. 

Drum  Major  James  Lyons. 

Died. — Sergeant  Major  Robert  Graham. 

Discharged. — Sergeant  Majors  Herman  Belmer,  Stephen  Codding- 
ton,  James  Clark,  Joseph  Miller,  Augustus  Moovert;  Quartermaster 
Sergeants  Williani  Calter,  Peter  A.  Cozine,  George  P.  Humphreys, 
-  William  P.  Jackson,  Matthias  Schwab,  William  Tomlinson;  Commis- 
sary Sergeants  Edward  R.  Anthony,  Charles  Baldwin,  Joseph  L. 
Gaul;  Drum  Majors  George  W.  Bennett,  William  McAllister;  Fife 
Majors  Thomas  Davis,  Henry  Kent. 

Transferred. — Sergeant  Major  Thomas  Hussey;  Quartermaster  Ser- 
geant William  Daum;  Commissary  Sergeants  Alfred  G.  Swain  and 
William  Sheffield;  Hospital  Stewards  Francis  McNaily  and  Edward 


Leader,  William  J.  Jervis;  first-class,  Henry  W.  Scherer,  Edward 
Schellhorn,  Peter  Schreger;  second-class,  W.  C.  Lynn,  A.  H.  Bier- 
man, Andrew  Mather,  J.  A.  Campbell;  third-class,  A.  H.  Hatcher, 
Thomas  C.  Sheppard,  James  D.  Fuller,  James  W.  Heyl,  Robert  Davis, 
James  H.  Rider,  Thomas  Marlatt. 



Captain  Jacob  A.  Remley. 
Captain  Frederick  W.  Moore. 
Captain  Charles  Friedshurn. 
Captain  Thomas  W.  Scott. 
First  Lieutenant  George  H.  Whiteamp. 
First  Lieutenant  Thomas  Hussey. 
First  Lieutenant  Austin  T.  Shirer. 
First  Lieutenant  Caleb  C.  Whitson. 

First  Lieutenant  Edward  R.  Anthony. 
First  Lieutenant  William  B.  Neal. 
Second  Lieutenant  Peter  A.  Cozine. 
Second  Lieutenant  Robert  H.  Barret. 
Second  Lieutenant  Joseph  W.  Miller. 


First  Sergeant  George  Heinzenberg. 
Sergeant  Christian  Krauft. 
Sergeant  George  Beinhart. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Rice. 
Sergeant  George  Spinger. 
Corporal  Daniel  O'Leary. 
Corporal  Anton  Brightman. 
Corporal  Christian  Duer. 
Corporal  James  McFarland. 
Corporal  Jacob  Fuchs. 
Corporal  Frederick  Helwig. 


Robert  Barbour,  John  Birgler,  Henry  Boy,  Cornelius  Collins,  Robert 
H.  Crook,  David  Casner,  David  Fitzgerald,  Henry  Griese,  George 
Hamm,  Adam  Heintz,  Nicholas  Hernet,  Noah  Harris,  Stephen  H. 
Keegan,  Conrad  Machback,  Patrick  Malone,  Charles  H.  Miller, 
George  W.  Moore,  William  T.  Patterson,  Archibald  Robbins,  Kil- 
lian  Stranbert,  Ralph  Sutherland,  Henry  Yeager,  Allen  H.  Leonard. 
Frederick  Best,  Charles  Backley,  Frederick  Bojison,  Paul  Bein- 
hart, Charles  B.  Baab,  Charles  Burgman,  John  Baker,  William 
Deter,  St.  Clair  French,  Thomas  Ferguson,  Henry  Earwig,  David  E. 
Harper,  Stephen  Instner,  Philip  Myers,  James  Marshall,  Jeremiah 
Pendergrass,  Henry  Polk,  Levi  Reischeimer,  William  Retteger,  James 
M.  Reed,  Charles  Trible,  Morgan  Wade,  David  Watkins,  Patrick 
Walsh,  Henry  Winters,  Michael  Welch,  John  Young. 

Killed  in  Battle.— Corporals  William  Craft,  Jacob  Direling,  Martin 
Benneger,  William  Sharp;  Color  Corporal  William  Wessling;  Privates, 
Pleasant  A.  Brown,  Conrad  Brown,  Jacob  Gutzter,  Edwin  Lockwood, 
Christian  MetzkeJ,  Jesse  Riffle,  John  Snatzer. 

Died. — Privates  Adam  Backman,  Winfield  S.  Cook,  Marcus  D.  Cald- 
well, Frank  Ebbler,  John  R.  McKinley.'^John  Sanning,  John  Thorn- 

Discharged. — Sergeants  Wesley  Crouch,  Frederick  Fuchs,  George 
Kleister,  Hess  Vincent,  Thomas  W.  Scott;  Corporals  John  Geyer, 
Matthew  McFarland,  Jacob  Ries,  William  Swinburne;  Privates  Wil- 
liam H.  Avery,  Byron  Andrews,  James  Burns,  Robert  G.  Bell,  John  H. 
Bowser,  Daniel  Brady,  Andrew  W.  Barber,  Thomas  B.  Beal,  Frederick 
Boch,  George  W.  Butler,  Leander  W.  Butz,  Charles  Bausch,  Charles 
Burckhart,  Edward  Baird,  Andrew  Bowman,  Patrick  Birmingham, 
Henry  Brant,  James  Blakesley,  William  T.  Barrett,  Edward  Burkhart, 
Joseph  Burkhart,  William  Baehr,  Nicholas  Becker,  Frank  Betz,  Joseph 
B.  Channel,  Mortimer  Cole,  Peter  H.  Coffman,  David  C.  Cross,  Pat- 
rick Carroll,  Jacob  Christ,  Hugh  Coleman,  Oliver  C.  Donnelly,  Fran- 
cis Daum,  James  Dwyer,  Charles  Evans'  Henry  Enye,  Francis  Engal. 
Charles  Ewighause,  August  Evans,  George  Fletcher,  Joseph  Fleming, 
Harmon  Foelkin,  Caleb  Glazier,  Frank  Hotchkiss,  Patrick  H.  I'viggins, 
George  Hochsoilder,  James  Hastle,  William  H.  Justice,  Seth  James 
Peter  Keifert,  Jacob  Kunst,  Frederick  Keirchgreber,  Frederich  Kohr, 
Robert  H.  Kind,  John  H.  Lindenwood,  .'\lonzo  Leavitt,  Martin  Marsh, 
Francis  M.  Meek,  William  Meyer,  Henry  Menke,  William  Mullerhause, 
Antone  Muller,  Truman  McMaster,  Patrick  Maloney,  George  Munjar, 
Benjamin  Meyers,  Willis  I.  Mills,  Joseph  Noyes,  Christian  Asteroth, 
Joseph  A.  Patterson,  David  Ross,  Daniel  C.  Roderick,  Lawrence  N. 
Shorts,  Peter  Sell,  John  SuUivan,  Frederick  Sleiter,  Christopher  Sny- 
der, Joseph  Seifert,  Lawrence  Seifert,  John  Stofful,  Frank  Stortz,  Peter 
Shyrer,  James  Thrasher,  Ludwig  Thobaben,  Edward  Welch,  Richard 

Transferred. — Musicians,  James  D.  Fuller,  James  M.  Hoyle,  William 
T.  Jervess. 

On  muster-in  but  not  on  muster-out  rolls. — Javer  Stewart,  Frederick 
Geyer,  Robert  Kind,  Henry  Megers,  Michael  Batch,  John  Booker, 
Samuel  Bolser,  Henry  Bateman,  Edward  Cahill,  Ignatius  Cannon, 
Frederick  Daum,  John  S.  Dale,  William  Doolsy,  William  Darrel,  John 
F.  Drosty,  Daniel  W.  Dewitt,  John  Ellick,  Lawrence  Ferncoast,  Jacob 
Fuchs,  William  Fotts,  Charles  Hoffman,  Michael  Hite,  John  W.  Jew- 
ett,  Lewis  Klingler.  Frank  Kebbler,  George  Lambertson,  John  Miller, 
Peter  Marks,  William  Morris,  Thomas  Miller,  Philip  Marshofer,  John 
Pritchard,  William  Phillips,  George  Strubert,  George  Smith,  August 
Shyltheise,  Albert  Stimpson,  Charles  Schwabe,  Austin  F.  Sherir,  Syl- 
vanus  Stuart,  James  L.  Thomson,  Joseph  Cordeman. 




Captain  Robert  L.  Kilpatrick. 
Captain  James  L.  Tliompson. 
First  Lieutenant  John  C.  A'IcDonald. 
First  Lieutenant  Hugh  Marshall. 
First  Lieutenant  George  A,  Thorpe. 
Second  Lieutenant  Robert  Graham. 


Sergeant  George  Haig. 
Sergeant  Charles  Hamilton. 


Hugh  Breen,  George  Baner,  John  Cook,  David  C.  Custard,  William 
Foster,  James  Hughs,  George  Haines,  Isaac  Hillyer,  Eldridge  Lemoin, 
William  MothersiU,  John  D.  Miller,  Donald  Macdongal,  James  Ma- 
hood,  John  Pigman,  Dennis  Reardin  (No.  2),  John  Roth,  Cooney 
Roth,  Charles  Riter,  Joseph  Schlick,  Jaines  Swinson,  Frank  Stall, 
August  Seifert,  Casper  Webert, 

Discharged. — Sergeants  George  Dalzell,  Albert  Fuhrman,  Thomas  F. 
Soden ;  Corporals  Edwin  Booth,  Henry  M.  Gastiell,  Hugh  Liddy, 
William  Muirson,  Leo  Pistner,  J9hn  Ridnian,  Henry  Teal,  Frank 
Burns,  James  Bowrie,  James  Craig,  Henry  Cunningham,  James  Davis, 
Robert  E.  Davis,  Henry  Dopke,  William  IJ.  Dunlap,  Daniel  Dooley, 
Alloy  Emeru,  John  C.  Edwards,  David  Ford,  John  Feidler,  John 
Gray,  Joseph  Grau,  William  B.  Goodling,  Edward  Garrett,  Fred  Hoff, 
Joseph  Hopkinson,  William  G.  Howell,  John  G.  Hoyhicht,  Henry 
Hove,  Levi  Jackson,  William  Kelley,  James  Kelley,  George  Koyer 
James  Lyons,  John  Lee,  Henry  Lotze,  Charles  Lapp,  James  Moore, 
Charles  Meyers,  Edward  O'Mallay,  Peter  Philips,  Martin  Richardson, 
Michael  Roth,  Thomas  Southwait,  Michael  Sherer,  Peter  Spreyer, 
George  Thomson,  George  Turpin,  Henry  Weaving,  Thomas  Watson, 
Michael  Walsh,  Daniel  Carroll,  George  C.  M.  Heglin,  Timothy 
Keeshaw,  Lewis  Koehan,  Andrew  Manning,  John  C.  Peterson,  Dennis 
Reardin  (No.  i),  Jacob  Schutt,  Thomas  Virtue,  Robert  H.  White, 

Killed  in  Battle. — Corporals  Thomas  Hozs  and  Patrick  Sullivan  ; 
Private  George  H.  Neihaus. 

Died. — Private  George  Howard. 

Transferred. — Michael  Collins,  Thomas  Davies,  Porter  Dennin, 
Clemens  Rozeman. 



Captain  Henry  E.  Symmes. 

Captain  Morgan  S.  Shaw. 

Captain  Charles  B.  Jacobs. 

First  Lieutenant  Theodore  A.  Startsman. 

First  Lieutenant  Fred  Fairfax. 

First  Lieutenant  Wilson  B.  Gaither. 

First  Lieutenant  Herman  Strieker. 

First  Lieutenant  John  M.  Paver. 

Second  Lieutenant  Charles  Friedeborn. 

First  Sergeant  James  H.  Cline. 
Sergeant  Peter  Schneider. 
Sergeant  Frank  Millen. 
Sergeant  William  G.  Rafferty. 
Corporal  Charles  S.  Horn. 
Corporal  Robert  Kind. 
Corporal  Harrison  Goddard. 
Corporal  William  W.  Watkins.      - 
Corporal  Aaron  H.  Templeton. 
Corporal  Francis  H.  Defiie. 
Corporal  James  Crawford. 
Musician  James  Dwyre. 

William  F.  Black,  Charles  E.  Burr,  James  Browsley,  George  S. 
Bostler,  George  M.  Clayton,  Luther  Conklin,  Alfred  Craig,  Mathew 
Clyne,  John  Carroll,  John  H.  Donaldson,  Charles  A.  Etzler,  Orlando 
Fox,  James  Fox,  John  Fries,  Jacob  Frietze,  John  Feldner,  Matthew 
Flemming,  Charles  Gord,  William  Geaniard,  Leonard  Hessnold, 
William  Haunsz,  Charles  Johnston,  John  Kern,  James  A.  Morrow, 
Ludwig  Mauhlig,  Christian  Querner,  Benjamin  Roasker,  Andrew  J. 
Sellers,  John  F.  Spriggs,  Frederick  Sommers,  Xavier  Switzer,  Peter 
Smith,  Cyrus  E.  Watkins,  Benjamin  Yeates,  John  Myers,  Herman 
Brown,  John  Casey,  George  B.  Campbell,  William  Egner,  Theodore 
Fox,  James  Jones,  Thomas  Kennedy,  John  Loback,  John  McDonald, 

Philip   A.   McConnel,   Sylvester  P.  Maxon,  James  O'Connor,  Richard 
Reeves,  John  Stotsman,  Jacob  Wright,  Charles  Wier,  Thomas  Wilch. 

Killed  in  battle.— Corporals  John  W.  Clayton,  Parker  S.  Robinson, 
Charles  Talbott,  George  W.  Young ;  Privates  William  Bogart,  Wil- 
liam H.  Bogart,  Charles  Gill,  Henry  C.  Jacobs,  Charles  L.  Perkins, 
William  H.  Arbor. 
•  Died. — Corporal  Richard  Bussey  ;  Privates  John  Brumry,  Daniel  W. 
Beck,  Joseph  Coleman,  John  F.  Coverdale,  George  Case,  Bonkratz 
Deinline,  Peter  Gisswood,  Hezekiah  Smith,  Frederick  Lousing,  Silas 
C.  Woolsten. 

Discharged,— Charles  Fairfax,  Henry  P.  McKenzie,  James  A.  Mc- 
Collough,  Herman  Strieker,  George  W.  Stone,  William  P.  Sands,  Paul 
CroUey,  George  W.  Gough,  Samuel  Hall,  John  Stallcup,  Henry  A. 
Wetsell,  Charles  S.  Howard,  Agustus  Querner,  Henry  Albers,  Cornelius 
L.  Andrews,  James  Bogart,  Charles  Bascom,  Moses  Bray,  Thomas 
Bradley,  David  Crolley,  William  Cotter,  James  S.  Cross,  John  Clucos, 
David  A.  Casstellen,  Daniel  K.  Charles,  Michael  Cassiday,  Daniel 
Cook,  Wyatt  Cordell,  William  Clark,  Emery  B.  Day,  William  Doug- 
lass, John  C.  Doudney,  Bartholomew  Ehlenbest,  Frederick  Easton, 
Reuben  T.  Everhard,  Henry  Foot,  Frederick  Foot,  Frederick  Faulkin- 
burg,  Joseph  Fettevar,  George  Fiestone,  Leonard  Griggs,  John  Good- 
hue, John  Gardner,  David  Goodrich,  George  Gardner,  Henry  Hess, 
Thomas  Hudson,  James  S.  Hayden,  Joseph  Horton,  George  Hazen, 
Reuben  Knox,  James  Leonard,  David  McDaniel,  Thomas  G.  Morrow, 
William  Miller,  James  Morrow,  William  McCormick,  Frederick  Miller, 
Edward  Newman,  Samuel  E.  Palmer,  Samuel  E.  Pierpoint,  Charles 
Querner,  Michael  Swier,  Charles  Sanders,  Henry  Stuffrigen,  George 
W.  Shipley,  John  Story,  William  J.  Skimball,  Charles  S.  Swaine, 
Edward  Shellhorn,  Robert  Shipps,  George  Shane,  John  C.  Stebbins, 
Joseph  Tonacliff,  Grafton  M.  Thrasher,  Jacob  Troy,  Frederick  Vocht, 
Henry  Walters,  Harvey  Woodard,  William  Wiedeman,  Nicholas 
Walters,  Richard  B.  Wright,  Joseph  Wippragtiger. 

Transferred. — First  Sergeant  Joseph  L.  Gaul;  Sergeant  Andrew  J. 
Barr;  Privates  William  D.  Bloom,  Thomas  H.  Turner,  Henry  Hill, 
Francis  W.  McNally,  Augustus  Moonert. 

On  muster-in,  but  not  on  muster-out  roll. — Corporal  Henry  S. 



Captain  Robert  Hays. 

Captain  Robert  Kirkup. 

Captain  Jere  Robinson. 

First  Lieutenant  Robert  Logan. 

First  Lieutenant  James  Clark. 

First  Lieutenant  Herman  Belmer. 

Second  Lieutenant  Krewson  Yerkes. 


Sergeant  Donald  McLeod. 

Sergeant  John  Lee. 

Sergeant  Thomas  Gorman. 

Corporal  Henry  Huber. 

Corporal  David  C.  Harrison. 


Archibald  Bowie,  Paul  Bealer,  James  Craig,  Flenry  S.  Cohn, 
Andrew  C.  Chamberland,  William  H.  Dunlap,  Charles  Dubois,  Rich- 
ard Evans,  John  Fords,  John  Fisk,  John  Farleigh,  Benjamin  Fry, 
Henry  Fulman,  Gottheb  Fiedel,  Christopher  Gable,  Henry  B.  House- 
man, James  Hopkinson,  Peter  Huber,  Francis  Henskie,  James  H. 
Jacobs,  George  W.  Lively,  Henry  Longa,  Henry  Myers,  James  H. 
Mahon,  Malcolm  McMillen,  Joseph  Morean,  James  O'Connor,  Martin 
Pistner,  Martin  Richardson,  Henry  Rist,  Joseph  Roth,  Charles  Robin- 
son, Joseph  Steinbecker,  Jacob  Schillenburg,  Lucas  Sebastian, 
Michael  Shirer,  John  Shumate,  Oliver  Sturgis,  Charles  Smith, 
WiUiam  Swigart,  Frank  Thomas,  John  M.  Taylor,  Daniel  Winters, 
WilUam  Wright,  Noah  Anderson,  William  Bingham,  William  J. 
Bradford,  ."Uexander  Bradford,  James  Bains,  Marion  M.  Black,  Daniel 
Blankman,  Dennis  Berry,  William  Conger,  William  Cox,  Milton  Car- 
lile,  Daniel  Corigan,  Jere  Cronin,  Samson  Delworth,  Samuel  W.  Down- 
ing, Martin  Enderidan,  Patrick  Fitzgerald,  Michael  Fitzgerald,  Peter 
Gremmell,  William  Garber,  James  Graham,  John  Hannah,  James  H. 
Howard,  William  Henderson,  John  Harris,  Nicholas  Haust,  William 
J.  Hastings,  Peter  Jordon,  William  Johnson,  Henry  Johns,  Levi  Jack- 
son, William  Keene,  William  Kelley,  John  Kirby,  Matthew  Kenney, 
William  Lister,  Daniel  McGlinn,  Joseph  Myers,  Charles  B.  Martin, 
Burnett  Moran,  Patrick  Maloney,  Robert  Miller,  Charles  Murphy, 
Joseph  Lipphart,  Frank  Long,  Emerson  Horton,  John  Nelson,  Josiah 



Paris,  William  Patterson,  Edward  Rice,  Henry  Riese,  Archibald  Rob- 
bins,  James  Ryan,  James  Roecamp,  Charles  Scott,  John  Smith, 
Modest  Urbine,  James  Vaughan,  Newman  Whitney,  James  Wilson, 
Samuel  Winston. 

Killed  in  battle. —Sergeant  David  Johnson;  Corporals  Charles  E, 
Gray,  Hugh  Liddy;  Privates  Daniel  Bowie,  Peter  Gewton,  Martin 
Healy,  Albert  C.  Harrison,  Henry  Hill,  John  HoUihan,  Charles 
Hausel,  Henry  Lippen,  Henry  Myers,  James  Roberts,  Frederick 
Shoemaker,  Henry  Shaw,  Peter  Strassell. 

Died. — Frederick  Morey,  Albert  Buchart,  John  Buike,  James  Davis, 
John  Logan,  John  Lenhart,  John   Nolan. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeant  Wilson  B.  Gaither;  Sergeants  Patrick 
Conway,  Joseph  Doak,  Tobias  Hattle,  John  McElhaney,  Jere  B. 
Roscoe;  Corporals  Thomas  Aitkin,  William  T.  Darlington,  Charles 
Dillon,  Richard  E.  Forger,  George  Gates,  George  Granger,  Michael  H. 
Garry,  Joseph  Morgan,  George  Peare,  Ferdinand  W.  Schulties; 
Teamster  John  Solomon;  Musician  George  W.  Foster;  Privates  Wil- 
liam Alexander,  Sebastian  Butz,  Frederick  Bruning,  Henry  A.  Bier- 
man,  Samuel  Balby,  Joseph'  Bradford,  Benjamin  Clyne,  James  Cul- 
bertson,  Robert  Dow,  William  Dow,  Henry  Doner,  Baltizer  Ernest, 
Marshal  H.  Folger,  William  Franks,  Adam  Felix,  Trimble  Ford,  Wil- 
liam Fortney,  John  Farrington,  Valentine  Gibb,  William  J.  Gordon, 
Eddy  Goin,  John  Gibney,  William  B.  Gooding,  Peter  Griffin,  Joseph 
Hollinger,  Richard  Hassett,  Abraham  Hening,  Thomas  Humphreys, 
Thomas  Hussey,  Robert  Hoendorf,  Charles  Harris,  Franklin  C.  Harvey, 
Edwin  Hughes,  Philip  Hockindhammer,  Thomas  G.  Hooper,  Lemuel 
Hisson,  Benton  Jones,  John  Kuster,  Peter  Kummer,  Jacob  Kummer, 
John  Knosp,  Thomas  Lewis,  Philip  Lippert,  Simon  Marienthal,  Mat- 
thew McCracken,  Jonathan  Mitchell,  Peter  A.  Mark,  Josiah  Mc- 
.  Knight,  Andrew  Noidheim,  John  O'Neil,  Bruman  Osmers,  Alex- 
ander Patten,  John  Rentz,  Andrew  Ryan,  Michael  Richett,  Andrew 
Simons,  James  Steward,  George  W.  Schmidt,  William  .Spearing, 
Xavier  Stoll,  James  Trooborn,  John  Troy,  Orlando  Van  Skiver,  James 

Transferred. — Sergeants  Eli  Delzell,  James  Clark;  Corporal  John 
McGregor;  Privates  James  Deamon,  Owen  Healy,  William  McAllister, 
Thomas  Mountjoy,  Henry  Williams,  Ulysses  Cox,  Leopold  Ahlenfeld, 
John  Laken,  George  Lanehart,  William  Schmitte. 

Mustered  out  with  company  D,  but  not  on  company  rolls. — Private 
Emmet  Goddard. 



Captain  George  B.  Whitcom. 
Captain  Louis  C.  Robinson 
Captain  William  U.  Dick. 
Captain  Krewson  Yerkes. 
Captain  Joseph  Plaisted. 
First  Lieutenant  George  A.  Thorpe. 
First  Lieutenant  Heniy  Brinkman. 
First  Lieutenant  Stephen  Coddington. 


First  Sergeant  Charles  Williams. 
Sergeant  Martin  Ruffley. 
Sergeant  Christian  Kroog. 
Sergeant  Samuel  McCormack. 
Corporal  William  Miller. 
Corporal  James  Smith. 


Harry  Bloomer,  John  BaskerviUe,  George  Beercis,  Thomas  Bruner, 
James  Cavenaugh,  Jolin  D.  Craddick,  John  Carney,  George  F.  Dun- 
can, Joseph  Dupee,  Francis  G.  Davis,  John  W.  Free,  William  Gal- 
breath,  Marcellus  Gray,  Gustavus  Hirsch,  Joseph  Hughes,  James  Jack- 
son, William  Ketcham,  Lawrence  King,  George  Kellogg,  John  Line, 
James  Moorehead,  Christian  Millingcr,  .Aaron  Miller,  JohnW.  Morgan, 
John  Manch,  Henry  McGiven,  Joseph  Nedderman,  Jere  Simpson,  Al- 
exander Tilton,  Samuel  Tapping,  Henry  Weismiller,  William  Wyatt, 
Gottleib  Winkelman,  James  Anderson,  Daniel  Burns,  John  Barrett, 
Thomas  H.  Burgess,  William  Crouse,  Henry  Carr,  James  Duckworth, 
Andrew  L.  Dohavant,  John  Dalton,  Cornelius  Donohue,  Francis  Gaff- 
ney,  Theophius  G.  Hammond,  William  Hefferman,  Patrick  Kennedy, 
Henry  E,  Miller,  Charles  Muegga,  Patrick  Martin,  Micafah  T.  Nor- 
dyke,  James  Riley,  John  Reinhart,  Arnold  Stuttleberg,  Patrick  Shea, 
William  Vaughn,  Edward  R.  Wood. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Sergeant  Edward  Swain;  Coiporals  George  W. 
Gentle  and  Ingersoll  B.  Sheridan;  Privates  John  W.  Armstrong, 
Thomas  Burns,  Alonzo  Carnahan,  John  Fortune,  John  Garner,  Peter 

Hassel,  Joseph  Hunter,   Franklin  Huntly,   Jacob  Kalcoff,  William  B. 
Mayjers,  Robert  Spellman,  William  .Spellman. 

Died. — Sergeant  Lawrence  Vial;  Privates  John  G.  Hudson,  Freder- 
ick Lanfersiek,  James  Pollock,  Perry  Wright. 

Discharged.— First  Sergeants  Charles  A.  Thorpe  and  Joseph  Plais- 
ted; Sergeant  Charles  A.  Walker,  Morgan  S.  Shaw,  William  H.  Wil- 
liams; Corporals  Simson  H.  Cottle,  Emery  A.  Hurlbut,  Benjamin  F. 
Kephart,  Randolph  Minnick,  Benton  R.  Noble;  Musician  Philip  C. 
Maddocks;  Teamster  Thomas  R.  Folger;  Pri\ates  George  W.  Aldridge 
William  Anderson,  John  Anderson,  William  L.  Anginbaugh,  Joseph 
E.  Asper,  Robert  BaskerviUe,  Patrick  Brady,  Charles  M.  Brown,  John 
Brinkman,  Alfred  Coleman,  Charles  Cobb,  Joseph  Corderman,  Thomas 
Dale,  James  Dillon,  Joseph  Derwoet,  Alva  H.  Doan,  Abraham  Egger, 
William  Enyart,  Francis  Enyart,  Charles  A.  Fisher,  William  Fisher, 
Frederick  Funk,  Cyrus  C.  Foote,  William  Foley,  John  A.  Fenner, 
William  Gould,  Louis  Gegan,  Joseph  Goodall,  John  J.  Gold,  Joseph 
Huff,  Edwin  Hindley,  Michael  Huber,  Perry  Hallan,  Henry  Huene- 
man,  Edward  H.  Hardin,  Jonas  Heaton,  Joseph  Hell,  John  Heyer, 
Eli  Heifner,  Thomas  Hudson,  William  G.  Hanley,  Jonas  Hale,  Fred- 
erick Hauck,  Shelton  Ingram,  John  Inquire,  James  F.Jones,  Peter  J. 
Jennings,  Peter  Kraning,  John  Know,  William  L.  Kee,  Adam  Long, 
Henry  Lawson,  John  Lewis,  Joseph  Lansihger,  Isaac  Listen,  John  R. 
Lamb,  Edward  Myers,  Robert  Morse,  James  May,  John  Martin,  Peter 
A.  Miller,  Thomas  Poland,  George  Petzer,  George  Peet,  Michael  Phe- 
lan,  Elmer  S.  Rosebrough,*Jacob  B.  Rahn,  Thomas  Rice,  John  Rice, 
Alfred  G.  Swain,  Lewis  C.  Smith,  Edward  Stoner,  Henry  Strock,  Eli 
Tarbutton,  Robert  H.  Thrush,  Henry  Tealbozle,  Charles  A.  Thorpe, 
Henry  Wisselman,  John  W.  Wright,  Nathan  Williams,  Theodore 
Wright,  Alfred  Winter,  A.  Wilson,  Albert  Wo'.f,  Robert  Young,  Jacob 
Yeager,  Henry  Yeager,  William  Brown. 

Transferred.—  First  Sergeants  Herman  Belmer  and  James  Richey; 
Sergeants  Henry  A.  Trotman  and  Henry  C.  Koogle;  Musician  Wash- 
ington G.  Bennett;  Privates  John  Collins,  George  Gates,  Franklin 
Morrell,  Gersham  D.  Miller,  Andrew  Seary,  James  Woods. 



Captain  Theopilus  Gaines. 

Captain  James  Kincaid. 

Captain  Benjamin  Jelleff,  jr. 

Captain  Stephen  Coddington. 

Captain  Henry  C.  Koogle. 

First  Lieutenant  Robert  Brumwell. 

First  Lieutenant  Alexander  A.  Littell. 

First  Lieutenant  Lewis  S.  Stevens. 

First  Lieutenant  Joseph  Grunkemeyer. 

First  Lieutenant  Jere  Robinson. 


First  .Sergeant  Spillman  Jones. 

Sergeant  Vansant  Morris. 

Sergeant  Charles  Henke. 

Sergeant  George  Enocke. 

Corporal  Frederick  Hoff. 

Corj^oral  John  Lemon. 

Corporal  William  Parker. 

Musician  William  Lister. 


Ferdinand  Axtell,  Edwin  Booth,  Henry  Dowka,  William  Foley,  John 
Gray,  Henry  Lotze,  Herman  Pieper,  Henry  Wellman,  Abner  C.  Wil- 
son, Christian  Behring,  George  W.  Belcher,  John  P.  Burns,  John 
Brace,  Windsor  M.  Buck,  Philip  Bolther,  John  Dillon,  Gideon  Hyde, 
Mich.ael  Laducer,  John  Lottmair,  John  Leonhard,  David  McNally, 
Charles  W.  McFarlin,  Cornelius  Morris,  John  Tompkins,  John 
Thompson,  William  Umstead,  Jeremiah  Kennedy,  Lewis  Landers, 
Francis  Malloy,  William  McDonald,  Da\id  McOllister,  Jacob  Minet, 
Frank  Miller,  Nicholas  Nernsgen,  Henry  Ohr,  Nicholas  D.  Patry,  Pat- 
rick Varley,  Cornelius  Welsch. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Sergeant  Charles  VanHautan;  Corporals  Valen- 
tine Helde  and  John  McCabe;  Privates  Frederick  W.  Drexelions, 
Richard  Heringer,  Charles  Hinck,  John  H.  Haner,  William  Huchnen- 
koch,  John  Miller,  Frederick  Preismyer,  Horace  Squires,  Michael  Vo- 

Died. — Corporal  John  F.  Behrens;  Privates  Isaac  A.  Baum,  Richard 
Carston,  Thomas  McCune,  John  McClintock,  George  W.  Noggle,  Wil- 
liam H.  Nash,  George  W.  Westerman. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeants  Jeremiah  Robinson  and  Charles  D. 
Moore;  Sergeants  William   H.  Lee,  George  W.  Helde,  James  Kelley, 



Joseph  W.  Miller,  James  Fitch;  Corporals  Joseph  Grunkemeyer,  Jesse 
McLane,  John  Baker,  Joseph  Smoozka,  John  Stevens,  Francisco 
Leach;  Privates  Wilham  T.  Aichles,  Daniel  Belsher,  Joseph  Brogle, 
Carston  Bode,  William  B.  Bennemyer,  George  Brown,  James  Britt, 
Henry  Brokarap,  Michael  Boyle,  John  W.  Carr,  Daniel  L.  Carson,  An- 
drew Crawford,  John  Coleman,  William  F.  Cain,  Patrick  Claffy, 
Charles  T.  Doney,  Reuben  Daily,  James  Emerson,  Frederick  Evers, 
James  Farrell,  Jacob  Folhorbst,  Charles  Goble,  Thomas  Render, 
Moses  Harmon,  Edward  Hemstreal,  Henry  Hanker,  Ferdinand  Hab- 
enicht,  John  Ingle,  John  Jungciaus.  Peter  Kunkel,  Frederick  Knost, 
Francis  Kroger,  David  Ketcham,  Francis  Ludlow,  John  Loughner, 
Jonas  Lantz,  Andrew  Myers,  Michael  Moran,  Frederick  Mohus,  Jacob 
Mumford,  Christian  Myers,  James  McFaiiand,  Patrick  McDonald, 
William  McGafifick,  William  S.  Moore,  James  McKnery,  John  Martin, 
David  W.  Merrell,  John  Messersmith,  August  Minning,  John  Myer, 
John  McGrork,  Isaac  N.  Moses,  Henry  Myers,  Edward  McLean,  Bar- 
ney New,  Andrew  Nesselhof,  George  Oswalt,  Daniel  Oswalt,  John  L. 
Oswalt,  Loyd  Pardee,  John  Patterson,  Pleasant  W.  Randall,  James 
Robinson,  Lewis  H.  Stevens,  Joseph  B.  Stevens,  John  Slopner,  Jacob 
Stube,  James  F.  Schuier,  Adam  Fritsch,  John  H.  Wellerman,  Cornelius 
Welsch,  William  A.  Hinch,  Charles  Lapp,  Charles  Viner;  Corporals 
James  Reynolds,  jr.  and  John  Lally,  Teamster  John  B.  Maddocks. 

Transferred. — Corporal  Charles  Lillelt;  Privates  Henry  Carr,  John 
Craddick,  Barney  Fledderman,  Seth  James,  Jesse  McLean,  Martin 
Madder,  John  Springmyer,  George  Tyce,  James  Trasher,  G.  Winkel- 



Captain  Alonzo  C.  Horton. 
Captain  Waldo  C.  Booth. 
Captain  Theodore  A.  Startzman. 
Captain  Austin  T.  Shirer. 
First  Lieutenant  PYederick  W.  Moore. 
First  Lieutenant  Colin  F.  McKinzie. 
First  Lieutenant  Alexander  Lytell. 
First  Lieutenant  Morgan  S.  Shaw. 
Second  Lieutenant  Patrick  McCann. 
Second  Lieutenant  Augustus  Moonert. 
Second  Lieutenant  Charles  Walker. 
Second  Lieutenant  Charles  S.  Jessup. 


First  Sergeant  Philip  Nunn. 
Sergeant  George  B.  Annawault. 
Sergeant  Herbert  L.  Sheppard. 
Sergeant  John  T.  Callander. 
Corporal  David  P.  Bell. 
Corporal  Thomas  K.  Ross. 
Corporal  Andrew  M.  Morris. 
Corporal  Wilham  Soller. 
Corporal  Henry  Eichler. 
Corporal  Frank  Horst. 
Corporal  William  Kruse. 
Musician  Henry  R.  Haywood. 


Henry  Adams,  Jason  Atterholt,  D.  Barton,  James  Blake, 
Frank  Bush,  Thomas  Carroll,  Patrick  Carroll,  John  F.  Collins,  William 
Eichler,  Henry  Eifert,  Jacob  Fry,  George  Geisendorf,  Anthony  Gerst 
Samuel  G.  Hyndman,  Samuel  Jenkins,  John  Julien,  John  P.  Julien' 
Andrew  Lister,  Francis  Murphy,  James  McMillen,  William  H.  Ran- 
som, Thomas  Trustman,  August  Worthmiller,  William  C.  Wilson,  Nel- 
son Barrett, AlexanderM.  Gates,  Mallam,  John  Madden,  Michael  Quim 

Killed  in  battle.  — Corporals  Wilson  Gregg,  AUonzo  Myers,  George 
H.  Thompson;  Privates  Andrew  Coleman,  Anthony  LaForce,  Thomas 
Nolan,  Thomas  Mundy. 

Died. — Privates  James  Estelle,  Symond  Kohn,  Anthony  Murville, 
William  Papner,  Richard  P.  Ryan. 

Discharged. — Sergeants  Benjamin  Ford,  William  Hallam,  Charles  S. 
Jessup,  James  Leeke,  Patrick  McCann,  John  A.  Mohr,  William  Winter. 
Corporals  Henry  K.  Horton,  Charles  A.  Sperment,  Wilham  H.Webber' 
Musicians  Edwin  Lockwood,  John  L.  McDougall;  Privates  Edward  R.An.! 
thony,  George  Bahn,  Noah  Brake,  Edward  Barrett,  Richard  ConoUy,  Wil- 
liam Dorum,  Andrew  Donovan,  Samuel  Edgar,  Lewis  Fries,  James  Farm- 
er, John  C.  Foener,  William  Galbreth,  Christopher  Google,  Oscar 
Gunranet,  Marion  Hargrave,  Samuel  Hatcher,  George  Kerr,  Lewis  Lee. 
son,  Andrew  Mather,  George  Morris,  David  Pickett,  James  H.  Rider,  Mer- 

edith H.  Surrener,  Frank  Schaffer,  John  Speck,  William  Ubert,  John 
A.  Van,  Frederick  Wolschlager,  William  P.  Worth. 

Transferred. — Corporal  Charles  Baldwin;  Musician  James  S.  Cross; 
Privates  Charles  Ambruster,  William  H,  Harton,  Francis  M.  Neil, 
George  W.  Shipley,  Henry  Webb. 

On  muster-in,  but  not  on  muster-out  roll. — Sergeant  Edward  D. 
Spooner;  Privates  Joseph  Burkhardt,  Charles  Evans,  John  Sullivan, 
John  Snatse,  Charles  Tribbe. 



Captain  John  F.  Fletcher. 
Captain  William  V.  Neely. 
Captain  Joseph  M.  Jackaway. 
Captain  Alexander  Mott. 
First  Lieutenant  George  Frazier. 
First  Lieutenant  Joseph  L.  Gaul. 
First  Lieutenant  Henry  C.  Koogle. 


First  Sergeant  George  W.  Tyrrell. 

Sergeant  Eugene  Jacobs. 

Sergeant  Herman  Annegam. 

Sergeant  Patrick  Healy. 

Corporal  Conrad  Baker. 

Corporal  Henry  Kane. 

Corporal  William  C.  Powell. 

Corporal  Martin  Van  Hughes. 

Corporal  William  Barnum. 

Corporal  Joseph  S.  Miller.  ^ 

Corporal  Michael  Varner. 

Wagoner  William  Myers. 


John  Carey,  William  Cooper,  Joseph  M.  Evans,  Terrence  Earle, 
Christopher  Farlan,  Martin  Gillum,  Timothy  Grady,  John  Lanten- 
schlager,  John  Michael,  John  McDermott,  WiUiam  Kenney,  John  Rob- 
inson, Frederick  Sunderman,  George  Simpson,  Miles  Stansifer,  John 
J.  Wilson,  Hugh  Best,  Oscar  Brown,  John  Dyer,  Thomas  Dunn,  Mar- 
tin Earson,  Richard  Farrell,  Patrick  Flanney,  Frederick  Oilman,  Michael 
Kilkarry,  Natus  Legg,  William  Moran,  Martin  Moore,  John  Madden, 
John  Neil,  Charles  Peterson,  Phineas  Piatt,  Richard  Price,  David 
Quick,  Jacob  Snyder,  Alfred  Wagoner. 

Killed  in  battle. — Privates  Herman  Drentler,  Jeremiah  Hanley,  John 
McGoverney,  Michael  Pennyfeaiher,  John  Tigur,  John  Uplicher,  Wil- 
liam Washman,  Frederick  Wermsing. 

Died. — Sergeant  William  Boyd,  Corporal  Martin  Hoare ;  Privates 
John  G.  Johnte,  Leander  H.  Fisher,  Thomas  Kelley,  William  Tyler, 
Moritz  Wenalestein,  Alexander  Weichell. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeant  Alexander  Mott;  Sergeants  James  B. 
Russell,  Henry  Surls,  Joseph  M.  Jackaway,  Charles  B.  Jacobs  ;  Corpor- 
als James  Card,  John  Crawley,  Daniel  Salmon,  Jeremiah  Osterhaus  ; 
Musicians  Frank  Henlan,  George  B.  Ray ;  Bugler  William  Davis ; 
Wagoner  Joseph  D.  Murray;  Privates  Adam  Alexander,  Jesse  Alexan- 
der, Joseph  Branjanbey,  James  Belleville,  Augustus  A.  Bond,  Robert 
Bussemeyer,  Belthazer  Clauer,  David  Clark,  Alfred  B.  Chognill,  John 
W.  Day,  Elijah  Dix,  James  B.  Davis,  John  G.  Engler,  Samuel  Frank 
Michael  Freund,  George  H.  Frazier,  William  Goddard,  Lafayette 
Hughes,  Alberto  Harley,  James  Jones,  Joseph  Kaufman,  Michael 
Kaufman,  Joseph  Kerler,  Michael  J.  Kelley,  George  Limmerie,  James 
Linton,  Peter  Morling,  Thomas  Manning,  Joseph  Mantz,  James  Mc- 
Innes,  Joseph  McConnaughey,  William  Mahoney,  George  Murray, 
Joseph  A.  Miller,  Christian  Meuller,  David  D.  Millnime,  Segfried  Mack, 
John  H.  Porter,  George  Peppard,  Lawrence  Price,  Jesse  Parker,  Wil- 
liam T.  Phillips,  William  Partee,  Charles  Ponce,  William  H.  Pritchard, 
William  Ray,  Henry  Richper,  Samuel  Robbins,  David  Ricketts,  John 
Roetgerman,  Joseph  Raddiger,  John  Ryder,  Simon  Rousch,  William 
Ray,  John  A.  Sherman,  Isaac  R.  Snyder,  Abraham  Schnell,  Isaac  Steffe, 
Benjamin  J.  Scott,  Joel  Straub,  George  Steffe,  Joseph  Snyder,  John 
Schlatter,  John  Scott,  Clinton  F.  Taggert,  William  Warnafeldt,  George 

Transferred. — First  Sergeant  Michael  Ward  ;  Privates  George  Bridg- 
nian,  James  Lyons,  James  Murray,  John  V.  Smith,  Edward  White. 



Captain  John  Collins. 

Captain  Thomas  W.  Hefferman. 



Captain  John  C.  McDonald. 
Captain  Edward  R.  Anthony. 
First  Lieutenant  Joseph  Rudolph. 
First  Lieutenant  James  Timmons. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  S.  Jessup. 
First  Lieutenant  Henry  C.  Koogle. 
Second  Lieutenant  William  H.  Thomas. 
Second  Lieutenant  Hiram  R.  Treher. 


First  Sergeant  John  Ross. 

Sergeant  Joseph  H.  Christy. 
.     Sergeant  John  Griysinger. 
■    Sergeant  Joseph  B.  Bailey, 

Sergeant  Victor  H.  Felix. 

Corporal  Henry  J.  Heckrotte. 

Musician  Joseph  Ranl^in. 

Teamster  Frederick  Farmer. 


Manuel  Benetes,  Cliarles  R.  Barkley,  James  Conway,  William  David- 
son, William  Doyle,  Delos  Hills,  Kneelan  Hills,  George  J^.  Johnson 
George  R.  Jones,  Henry  Miller,  James  McClellan,  Daniel  J.  O'Con- 
nell,  Austin  Parrotte,  James  W.  Stephens,  Thomas  Watts,  John  Weber, 
WiUiaiTiZurfas.  James  J.  Atkins,  Michael  CoUing,  J oshuaDavidson,  Ed- 
ward Martin,  Paul  C.  Preston,  William  Riley,  Smith  Richardson,  Elihu 
Rising,  John  Smith,  Henry  Sullivan,  John  Zimmerman. 

Killed  in  battle. — Sergeant  George  Kent ;  Corporals  Thomas  B, 
Isdell,  Frank  Luchte;  Privates  Albert  C.  Day,  George  E.xall,  Pete^ 
Gillion,  Charles  H.  Helfred,  Andrew  Zurfas. 

Died.  — Corporal  Patrick  Fitzgibbons  ;  Privates  William  B.  S.  Ander- 
son, Henry  A.  Balser,  William  Bragg,  John  A.  Cowan,  Alexander  S. 
Rower,  Leverette  H.  S.  Whitcom. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeants  Martin  Baninger,  William  H.  Thomas, 
James  Trumons,  Hiram  R.  Treher;  Sergeant  Frederick  W.  Savin ! 
Corporals  Henry  Wilson,  Frank  S.  Wallace ;  Musician  H.  C.  R.  Ru. 
dolph ;  Privates  Mintonville  Aokley,  John  Butler,  Francis  M.  Bates, 
Cassius  N.  Bentz,  John  Conway,  George  W.  Chambers,  Henry 
Domaille,  Stephen  D.  Evans,  John  Evans,  John  R.  Gray,  Henry  P. 
Hewitt,  John  B.  Huffman,  Robert  B.  Isdell,  Samuel  Jones,  Benjamin 
F.  Knight,  Albert  H.  Lewis,  William  H.  Mantz,  Thomas  McLaugh- 
lin, Orlando  Moon,  Samuel  Remley,  Jacob  Schmucker,  William 
Sheffield,  James  Wilson,  James  A.  Wftrring,  William  F.  Wallace. 

Transferred. — Corporal  Joseph  B.  Hedrick;  Musician  Henry  Kent; 
Privates  Thomas  Finan,  Wesley  C.  Hickman,  William  H.  H.  Hubbell, 
Samuel  J.  Knof,  WiUiam  C.  Tomlinson. 

On  muster-in,  not  on  muster-out  roll. — First  .Sergeant  Harry  G. 
Armstrong;  Privates  Henry  Hayward,  Thomas  Marlatt,  Samuel  Robin- 
son, Frank  Seaman. 



Captain  Charles  H.  Jackson. 
Captain  James  Kinkead. 
Captain  Rolandes  E.  Fisher. 
Captain  Martin  Barringer. 
First  Lieutenant  Thomas  W.  Hefferman. 
First  Lieutenant  Stephen  Coddington. 
First  Lieutenant  Matthias  Schwab. 
Second  Lieutenant  Charles  W.  Smith. 
Second  Lieutenant  Morgan  S.  Shaw. 
Second  Lieutenant  William  P.  Jackson. 

First  Sergeant  Benjamin  E.  Ford. 
Sergeant  Meredith  H.  Surriner. 
Sergeant  Samuel  T.  Wolf. 
Sergeant  William  H.  Harrison. 
Corporal  Frederick  Wulschlager. 
Corporal  George  Crystal. 
Corporal  Frank  Shafer. 
Teamster  Alexander  Patton. 


M.  Ackley,  Richard  Barton,  Edward  Cecilious,  Henry  Durr,  John 
Evans,  William  J.  Hastings,  Jeremiah  Hirsch,  Thomas  Higgins,  Willis 

J.  Mills,  Horace  Marsh,  Charles  Querner,  Henry  C.  R.  Rudolph,  Mar- 
tin Rice,  John  Speck,  Henry  Schraff,  Tim  Shay,  Daniel  Sullivan,  James 
Thompson,  Jacob  Van  Pelt,_  William  Wetdeman,    Thomas  J.    Blair, 

John  Butler,  Antoine  Buckley,  Charles  Bowman,  Charles  Cronin,  Ale.x- 

ander  Chatman,  William  B.  Davidson,  James  H.  Dow,  Frank  Davis, 
William  B.  Duncan,  Peter  Derbey,  Charles  Edwards,  Robert  Gill,  Wil- 
liam Hughes,  John  Henderson,  George  Martin,  James  Ryan,  John 
Summer,  John  N.  Smith,  John  Shewbridge,  William  J.  Scott,  Henry 
Tick,  John  Williams,  Thomas  White,  Milo  Wiley,  John  Williams. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Sergeant  James  J.  Kelley  ;  Privates  George  H. 
Bahn,  William  Givens,  Alfred  J.  Jones,  Lorenzo  Kendall,  John  H.  Sass. 

Died. — Sergeant  Oscar  S.  Kincaid ;  Privates  Charles  H.  Lyon,  Con- 
rad Schmuch. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeant  R.  E.  Fisher,  Sergeants  Edwin  F.  Arm- 
stead,  Walter  Elliott,  Edward  L.  Quinton,  Matthias  Schwab,  Cadwalla- 
der  J.  Collins,  William  Bowman,  Andrew  Brownell,  Thomas  Collins, 
Charles  EUick,  Lycurgus  C.  Earhavt,  Daniel  Hudson,  Thomas  Lukens, 
Roderick  Maguire,  Samuel  Morehead,  Charles  Pendry,  William  Trindle, 
James  Wheeler,  Joseph  Westendorf,  William  C.  Wright,  Henry  C. 
Campbell,  John  Gray,  William  Asbury,  William  Boggs,  George  Bascom, 
George  W.  JJailey,  Mark  A.  Bairs,  Joseph  H.  Baldwin,  Frederick  B. 
Barney,  John  Craft,  Lewis  Copp,  Cubbertson  Collins,  Frank  Cuppin, 
John  Crippin,  George  C.  Cloud,  Jeremiah  Calden,  Jacob  S.  Crane, 
Herman  Clousing,  John  Cruger,  Samuel  Craig,  Richard  Calhoun, 
Charles  Connelly,  James  Doyle,  Thomas  P.  Davis,  Charles  Dimmick, 
Peter  M.  Drum,  William  Evans,  JobEsline,  John  Finley,  Jacob  Fritch, 
Joseph  Ferguson,  David  J.  Gibbon,  Lewis  C.  Gill,  Frederick  Greenr 
field,  Edgar  F.  Howell,  Peter  Hemmer,  Hiram  H.  Huntley,  Thomas 
Hastings,  William  R.  Hille,  William  Hodwell,  John  A.  Jamison,  James 
Kamboll,  William  G.  Keeley,  William  H.  Knight,  Howard  H.  King, 
James  Lamb,  John  Mason,  William  Mayan,  James  Minnis,  Cleon  Mc- 
Donald, Peter  Mettler,  John  P.  Medaris,  John  M.  McClennan,  John 
P.  Murphy,  Charles  C.  McKinsey,  James  W.  Maddo.x,  George  Phillips, 
Hiram  Preston,  William  K.  Rodgers,  John  E.  Rosser,  Clinton  J.  Riley 
William  H.  Rungle,  Philip  Riggs,  William  C.  Ramsdell,  Charles  Rose! 
burgh,  George  E.  Shoney,  Andrew  Settle,  Daniel  Smith,  John  Swee- 
ney, Cephas  Shull,  James  Sproul,  Christopher  Silk,  Samuel  H.  Smith, 
Truman  B.  Sloan,  John  G.  Selig,  Samuel  Trindle,  Frank  Taylor, 
George  Wilhelm,  Henry  Wamsley,  Thomas  Welstead,  Andrew  White,- 
John  Weisner,  William  D.  Ware,  Herman  Weichert,  Levi  Withrow, 
William  Weaver,  Robert  Webster,  .  Oscar  Wright,  Samuel  Walton, 
Samuel  Wise,  George  Williams,  Frank  Wilder. 

Transferred. — Sergeant  Stephen  Coddington,  John  T.  Callender,  Pe- 
ter A.  Cozine,  John  Ross;  Privates  Henry  Bloomer,  Thomas  F.  Camp- 
bell, George  P.  Humphries,  William  P.  Jackson,  William  Siebert,  Al- 
fred Spencer,  Edward  White,  Charles  Williams. 

On  muster  in,  but  not  muster  out  roll. — Private  George  Scott. 

On  muster-in  rolls  of  recruits,  but  not  accounted  for  on  muster-out 
rolls  of  regiment. — Privates  Frank  Anthony,  Thomas  Byrnes,  Barney 
Burns,  Edward  Barrett,  David  Breedloor,  George  Curtis,  Frank  Dorst, 
Charles  Druning,  Patrick  Donahue,  John  Duffey,  James  Dorsey,  Leon- 
ard Gungel,  James  Gillen,  John  Govert,  Sidney  Haggarty,  Charles 
Hassett,  Edward  Hawthorne,  William  Jackson,  Carl  Kray,  David  F. 
Lewis,  Robert  S.  McClure,  John  F.  Mealy,  John  Mahony,  Jasper  N. 
Meeks,  Henry  Moore,  Henry  G.  Miller,  James  McFarland,  Henry  Mc- 
Grew,  John  Payne,  William  Roberts,  Thomas  W.  Scott,  John  Tucker, 
Edwin  R.  Trenner,  William  Thompson,  Albert  Wood,  Charles  Wil- 
liams, John  Williams,  Robert  T.  Wilson,  John  Wilson,  Patrick  Wal- 
ters, James  Wood,  August  C.  Buckley. 

Drafted  men  and  substitutes  for  Hamilton  county  assigned  to  this 
regiment,  but  not  accounted  for  on  its  muster  out  rolls. — Lewis  Burke, 
John  Britton,  James  Campbell,  James  Stevens,  John  Williams. 


The  nucleus  of  the  Sixth  was  an  independent  organiza- 
tion in  Cincinnati — the  Guthrie  Gray  battalion.  It  was 
recruited  in  April,  1861,  for  three  months,  and  mustered 
April  1 8th,  at  Camp  Harrison,  by  Major  (afterwards 
Major  General)  Gordon  Granger.  It  reorganized  in  June 
for  three  years,  and  mustered  June  iSth,  with  one  thou- 
sand and  sixteen  officers  and  men.'  It  arrived  at  Grafton, 
West  Virginia,  June  30th,  marched  to  Philippi  Indepen- 
dence day,  and  thence  to  Laurel  Hill,  where  it  took  part 
against  Garret's  rebels  and  in  their  pursuit,  ending  in  the 
action  at  Carrick's  Ford  July  loth.  On  the  twentieth  it 
moved  to  Beverly,  where  Colonel  Bosley  took  command 
of  the  post,  and  in  August  reached  Cheat    mountain, 



where  it  lost  Captain  Bense,  Lieutenants  Scheiffer  and 
Oilman,  and  forty  men  of  company  I,  taken  prisoners 
while  on  picket.  In  November  the  regiment  was  trans- 
ported to  Louisville  to  join  Buell's  Army  of  the  Ohio, 
and  placed  in  the  Fourth  division  under  General  Nelson, 
and  Fifteenth  brigade,  Colonel  Hascall,  commanding. 
It  remained  in  camp  of  instruction  at  Camp  Wickliffe, 
sixty  miles-  south  of  Louisville,  till  the  middle  of  Feb- 
ruary, 1862,  when  it  was  taken  up  the  Cumberland  river 
to  Nashville,  just  after  the  surrender  of  Fort  Donelson. 
It  was  the  first  of  the  Army  of  the  Ohio  to  reach  that 
city,  and  its  regimental  flag  was  the  first  national  color 
hoisted  on  the  State  house.  Here  the  Sixth  was  changed 
to  the  Tenth  brigade.  March  27th  the  army  pushed, 
southward,  and  the  Sixth  was  in  the  advance  of  Buell's 
forces  that  came  up  to  relieve  the  distressed  combatants 
at  the  battle  of  Pittsburgh  Landing,  reaching  the  line  just 
in  time  to  repel  the  last  charge  made  by  the  rebels  upon 
the  left  that  day.  It  was  not  very  actively  engaged  the 
next  morning,  but  supported  a  battery  gallantly,  under 
heavy  artillery  fire.  After  the  battle  it  was  encamped 
upon  the  field  until  May  24th,  when  it  joined  the  advance 
on  Corinth,  took  full  part  in  the  operations  there  and  in  the 
pursuit  for  sixty  miles  southward,  returning  through  luka, 
Tuscumbia,  and  Florence  to  Athens,  Alabama,  and  there 
staid  in  camp  till  July  17th,  when  the  whole  division  was 
removed  to  Murfreesborough,  and  then  to  McMinnville. 
The  Sixth  was  here  quartered  in  the  village,  and  did  duty 
as  provost  guards.  August  17th  the  retrograde  move- 
ment of  General  Buell  to  the  Ohio  began;  the  Sixth 
moved  with  its  division  to  Louisville,  and  was  there 
brigaded  with  the  Third  brigade,  Second  division,  Four- 
teenth Army  corps.  It  engaged  in  the  chase  of  Bragg's  re- 
treating forces,  until  near  Cumberland  gap,  and  again  en- 
camped near  Nashville  November  23rd.  In  the  advance 
of  Rosecrans'  army  upon  Murfreesborough  the  last  of 
December,  it  did  full  share  of  skirmishing  and  picket 
duty,  and  was  very  heavily  engaged  on  the  thirty-first, 
losing  one  hundred  and  fifty-two  by  various  casualties — 
but  only  six  prisoners — of  three  hundred  and  eighty-three 
on  the  field.  Other  but  smaller  losses  were  sustained 
shortly  after.  It  went  into  camp  for  several  months,  eight 
miles  east  of  Murfreesborough,  and  while  here,  received 
from  the  ladies  of  Cincinnati  a  beautiful  stand  of  colors, 
and  from  the  city  council  a  regimental  banner,  \yhich 
were  thenceforth  proudly  borne  by  the  Sixth  to  the  close 
of  its  service.   ' 

While  at  Cripple  creek,  it  made  several  reconnois- 
sances  to  the  front,  marched  with  the  army  against  TuUa- 
homa  June  24,  1863,  and  remained  encamped  at  Man- 
chester from  July  7th  to  August  i6th,  when  the  campaign 
against  Chattanooga  began.  It  was  in  the  battle  of 
Chickamauga,  and  lost  one  hundred  and  twenty-five  of- 
ficers and  men  of  three  hundred  and  eighty-four  engaged. 
Colonel  Anderson  was  wounded  in  the  first  day's  fight, 
and  Major  Erwin  commanded  the  regiment  till  the  return 
of  Lieutenant  Colonel  Christopher  from  recruiting  ser- 
vice. At  Chattanooga,  after  the  battle,  the  Sixth  went 
into  the  Second  brigade,  Third  division.  Fourth  corps. 
It  shared   fully   the  privations   of  the  starvation  period 

there,  and  a  number  of  picked  men  from  it  were  in  the 
action  at  Brown's  Ferry  October  25th,  which  relieved  the 
partial  blockade.  It  was  with  its  corps  in  the  advance 
on  Orchard  Knob,  near  Chattanooga,  November  23rd, 
and  in  the  charge  up  Mission  Ridge  two  days  after. 
Major  Erwin  was  killed  in  the  preliminary  skirmish  of 
that  day.  On  the  twenty-eighth  it  moved  to  the  relief  of 
Knoxville,  then  menaced  by  Longstreet,  and  encamped 
near  it  December  7th.  The  winter  and  part  of  the 
spring  were  spent  in  East  Tennessee,  in  the  severest  ser- 
vice the  regiment  had,  marching  much,  living  in  shelter 
tents,  and  subsisting  scantily.  April  12,  1864,  it  rested 
near  Cleveland,  and  did  garrison  duty  till  May  17th, 
when  it  left  to  join  the  Atlanta  campaign,  and  guarded 
the  railroad  bridge  at  Resaca  till  June  6,  when  it  was 
ordered  home  to  be  mustered  out,  which  was  done  at 
Camp  Dennison  on  the  twenty-third.  It  had  marched 
three  thousand  two  hundred  and  fifty  miles,  and  other- 
wise travelled  two  thousand  six  hundred  and  fifty,  making 
in  all  five  thousand  nine  hundred  miles.  It  was  in  four 
pitched  battles,  losing  three  hundred  and  twenty-five 
killed,  wounded  and  missing,  and  in  several  minor  ac- 
tions. It  had  but  sixteen  deaths  by  disease,  and  at  least 
two  hundred  of  its  officers  and  men  never  lost  a  day's 
duty.  Thirty  officers  and  four  hundred  and  ninety-five 
enlisted  men  were  at  the  muster-out. 


Colonel  William  K.  Bosley. 

Colonel  Nicholas  L.  Anderson. 

Lieutenant  Colonel  Alexander  C.  Christopher. 

Major  Anthony  C.  Russell. 

Major  Samuel  C.  Erwin. 

Major  James  Bensc. 

Surgeon  Starling  Loving. 

Surgeon  Alfred  H.  Stephens. 

First  Assistajit  Surgeon  Fisher  W.  Ames. 

First  Assistant  Surgeon  Israel   Bedell. 

Second  Assistant  Surgeon  William  W.  Fountain. 

Adjutant  Charles  H.  Heron. 

Adjutant  Albert  G.  Williams. 

Adjutant  Everett  S.  Throop. 

Quartermaster  Edward  M.  Shoemaker. 

Quartermaster  Josiah  W.  Slanksr. 

Sergeant  Major  Frank  H.  Mellon. 

Quartermaster  Sergeant  Edwin  A.  Hannaford. 

Commissary  Sergeant  Julius  L.  Stewart. 

Hospital  Steward  Charles  E.  Lewis. 

Principal  Musician  George  W.  Pyne. 

Principal  Musician  John  H.  Bueltel. 

Discharged. — Sergeant  Majors,  William  E.  Sheridan,  Henry  Gee, 
Albert  G.  Wihiams,  James E.  Irwin,  James  E.  Graham;  Quartermaster 
Sergeants,  Charles  C.  Peck,  William  R.  Goodnough;  Commissary  Ser- 
geant Josiah  W.  Slanker;  principal  musicians,  Joe  A.  Fifer,  Benjamin 
F.  Phillips. 

Transferred. — Quartermaster  Sergeant  Robert  W.  Wise. 



Captain  Marcus  A.  WestroU.  ""-— VVvJ  C'C^S iCU 

Captain  Charles  Gilman. 

Captain  Frank  S.  -Schieffer. 

First  Lieutenant  Henry  McAlpin. 

First  Lieutenant  Jonathan  B.  Holmes. 

First  Lieutenant  James  R.  Reynolds. 

Second  Lieutenant  James  M.  Donavan. 

Second  Lieutenant  Charles  H.  Foster. 

Second  Lieutenant  George  T.  Lewis. 

Second  Lieutenant  William  P.  Anderson. 

Second  Lieutenant  William  R.  Goodnough. 



First  Sergeant  Henry  A.  Petty. 

Sergeant  John  W.  Moore. 

Sergeant  Edwin  Edwards.  » 

Sergeant  Robert  Delaney. 

Sergeant  Brian  P.  Critchell. 

Corporal  John  A.  Cashing. 


William  P.  Babbett,  Theodore  Creager,  Henry  Coon,  William  De 
Charmes, .  Charles  F.  Dressel,  Alexander  Drennen,  John  A.  Forbes, 
Darius  H.  Gates,  John  W.  Hussey,  George  C.  James,  Michael  J. 
Kelley.  Charles  D.  Martindale,  Charles  Messerchmidt,  Isaac  Newman, 
Christopher  Roth,  Clement  Schivarte,  Theodore  W.  Leib,  Oliver  H.  P. 
Tracy,  James  Valentine.  John  A.  West,  Henry  W.  Wilson;  Under- 
cook (colored),  James  Malone. 

Killed  in  battle. — Sergeant  James  F.  Canady;  Corporals  Kirkland 
W.  Caving,  James  M.  Newman,  Frank  B.  Brown,  Henry  Daggett, 
Frank  H.  Halliday,  William  Kromer,   Edward  B.  O'Brien. 

Corporal  Joseph  Kell;  Wagoner  George  W.  Kelly;  privates,  Sam- 
uel N.  CoUings,  Henry  M.  Lewis,  Charles  D.  Murdock,  Clement  H. 
Marzeretta,  Edwin  L.  Smith. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeants  Thomas  H.  Hunt,  Jonathan  B. 
Holmes;  Sergeants  William  P.  Anderson,  Albert  De  Villa,  Charles  D. 
Jones,  Everett  Throop;  Corporals  Joseph  A.  Culbertson,  Frank  R. 
Jones,  Israel  Ludlow,  Charles  Loomis,  Channing  Richards;  Drummer 
Alfred  West;  Privates  William  Bradford,  Henry  M.  Cist,  Josiah  A. 
Christinan,  George  De  Charmes,  Isaac  H.  Delong,  Frank  R,  Davis, 
Charles  M.  Evans,  Wood  Fosdick,  Spencer  Franklin,  James  B.  Fair- 
child,  Louis  A.  Foot,  Thomas  Fitzgibbon.  Theodore  C.  Fitch,  Lee  M. 
Fitzburgh,  William  M.  L.  Gwynne,  Dudley  S.  Gregory,  Welcome  L. 
F.  Gates,  John  W.  Gamble,  Henry  F.  Hawkes,  Henry  Hook,  George 
Hadel,  WiUiam  H.  Jenkins,  John  Krucker,  Charles  Kensey,  David 
Love,  Edward  Manser,  Elias  R.  Marifort,  John  E.  Miner,  James  Moore, 
Robert  P.  Moore,  Levi  Newkirk,  Samuel  H.  Perry,  Walter  W.  Pad- 
dock, Edward  S.  Richards,  James  R.  Reynolds,  Herman  Rodell,  Edwin 
F.  Smith,  Thomas  M.  Selby,  Peter  Shaw,  John  R.  Stewart,  Charles  N. 
Thompson,  Thomas  D.  Vetach,  Byron  D.  West. 

Transferred.— First   Sergeant    Frederick    N.     Mellen;    drum-major, 
Jacob  A.  Fifer;  Chief  Musician  Benjamin  F.    Phillips;  Bugler  George 
W.    Pyne;    Privates    Henry    Herman,    J; 
Peck,  Josiah  W.  Slanker,  Julius  L.  Stewart. 

On  muster-in,    but  not   no 

Henahan,    Charles  C. 

nuster-out    roll. — Private  Herman    F. 



Captain  Joseph  A.  Andrews. 
Captain  Henry  McAlpin. 
Captain  Jules  J.  Montagnier. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  B.  Russell. 
First  Lieutenant  James  K.  Reynolds. 
First  Lieutenant  Henry  C.  Choate. 
First  Lieutenant  Jonathan  B.   Holmes. 
Second  Lieutenant  Thomas  S.  Royse. 
Second  Lieutenant  Albert  G.  Williams. 
Second  Lieutenant  Wesley  B.  McLane. 


First  Sergeant  George  B.  Young. 
Sergeant  Thomas  M.  Carr. 
Sergeant  Frederick  J.  Miller. 
Sergeant  GuyC.   Nearing. 
Sergeant  Henry  M.  Palm. 
Corporal  John  Harvey. 
Corporal  Louis  N.  Kibby. 
Corporal  David  Schreiber. 
Corporal  Frederick  Rodenberg. 
Corporal  Henry  W.  Kahle. 
Wagoner  Michael  Coleman. 


John  Alver,  William  R.  Bartlett,  Christian  Behrens,  Alonzo  Burgoyne, 
John  C.  Bagott,  William  Barnes,  Thomas  M.  Cleveland,  John  Cline, 
Carlton  C.  Cable,  Rush  Drake,  John  Duffey,  William  E.  Doherty 
Charles  Fitzwater,  Emil  Fitz,  Albert  Goetle,  HoraceGates,  John  Keiss, 
Sebastian  Lerg,  James  Mitchell,  Daniel  T.  Miles,  Hiram  Marsh, 
Henry  Miller,  William    M.    Owen,    Robert    Rippon,    Robert   Rowell, 

Louis  N.  Ries,  Adam  Rohe,  Josiah  H.  Stratton,  Samuel  F.  Smith, 
Andrew  Schuttenhelm,  Moses  Thaunhauser,  James  Warren,  Edward 
Wells,  James  B.  Watkins,  Richafd  J.  Williamson,  John  A.  Zeigler, 
Undercooks  (African),  Daniel  Jennings,  Pink  Beagler. 

Killed  In  battle. — Corporals  Philip  B.  Helfenbein,  David  H.  Medary, 
Edwin  H.  Rowe;  privates,  Richard  R.  Allen,  John  Boerst,  Albert 

Missing  in  action.—  John  Logan,  Benjamin  Lewis. 

Died. — Privates,  John  Aufderheide,  Michael  Behrman. 

Deserted, — Corporal  Charles  W.  Tolle;  Privates  Squier  D.  Gray, 
Ellis  E.  Lloyd,  Jacob  Houck,  William  A.  Mallance,  Noah  H.  Phillips, 
Edwin  Stace,  Joseph  Scholer,  John  Wilson. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeants  George  W.  Cormany,  Chailes  H.  Fos- 
ter, James  Y.  SeLUple;  Sergeants  Hibbard  H.  Hendricks,  Stephen  A. 
Thayer,  Edward  B.  Warren;  corporals,  Edward  Brettman,  John  R. 
Taylor;  musician,  Gustavus  Franke;  privates,  Edwin  H.  Andrews, 
John  Collins,  Theophilus  Davis,  Edward  F.  Gettier,  John  Helfenbein, 
Jacob  Hannanum,  Hugo  Hochstedter,  Henry  P.  Jones,  Henry  Keiss, 
Joseph  Loeser,  William  J.  Souther,  Paul  Merker,  John  P.  Marvin, 
Arthur  Parker,  Henry  E.  Roberts,  Samuel  D.  Schroley,  Frederick  H. 
Smithorst.  William  H.  Windeler,  Samuel  Winram. 

Transferred. — Sergeant  William  J.  Thorp;  Corporals  Ebenezer 
Hannaford,  William  Rowell;  Privates  Robert  Andrews,  Charles  Burk- 
hardt,  Anson  Clapper,  Edwin  A.  Hannaford. 



Captain  J .  W.  Wilmington. 
Captain  Richard  Smithgate, 
First  Lieutenant  Francis  H.  Ehrman. 
First  Lieutenant  John  R.  Kestner. 
Second  Lieutenant  Charles  Oilman. 
Second  Lieutenant  Leonard  Boice. 


First  Sergeant  Matthew  H.  Hamilton. 
Sergeant  John  C.  Pope. 
Sergeant  Francis  H.  Thieman. 
Sergeant  William  Boyd. 
Corporal  Edward  P.  Thome. 
Corporal  James  Jordan. 
Corporal  Mervvin  Crowe. 
Corporal  John  Sykes. 
Corporal  John  Hefferman. 


Frederick  Arberdale,  William  Bente,  Anton  Brown,  John  Callahan, 
John  Collins,  Henry  F.  Engals,  James  Estell,  David  Fitzgibbon,  Joseph 
T.  Fo.\,  Hugh  P.  Gaddis,  William  J.  Hadskeys,  Henry  Hane.  David 
Henson,  Kayran  Horan,  Casper  Keller,  John  Lurch,  William  Leick- 
hardt,  William  Lidell,  George  Lind,  Francis  Ludwey,  Edward  Luthey, 
Mitchell  S.  Morsbeck,  Bernard  C.  Myers,  Thomas  J.  Ryan,  George 
Santhoff,  Ernest  Schrieber,  Francis  Scott,  Augustus  Seiver,  William  L. 
Smith,  Henry  Stocklin,  Jacob  Stocklin,  Alfred  H.  Sulser,  Lawrence 
Swartz,  Bernard  Uhling.      Under-cook  Nathaniel  Burnett. 

Sergeant  Bernard  O'Farrel;  Privates  Gustave  Bettge,  John  Burke, 
Joseph  Davis,  Clements  Dulle,  Joseph  M.  Donohue,  John  Farmer, 
William  H.  Holder,  Joseph  W.  Haslen,  James  W.  Kitchens,  Charles 
Keever,  John  B.  McGee,  James  B.  Meehan,  Herman  Mosler,  George 
Moore,  George  Mackley,  Gustave  Rhein,  Frederick  Smith,  Joseph 
Trickier,  William  H.  Van  Pelt,  George  Walters. 

Killed  in  battle. — Corporal  AK'es  Kaelin. 

Died. — Drummer  William  Schock,  Corporal  Hibbard  P.  Ward, 
Privates  Francis  Kelley,  William  Taaffe,  Herman  Volkers. 

Dicharged. — John  R.  Kestner,  John  Crotly,  William  Brown,  August 
Peters,  Francis  R.  Fresch,  Ezekiel  Craven,  Francis  Farley,  Thomas 
Kerwin,  J.  H.  Achtermeyer,  George  M.  Backus,  Rufus  E.  Byam,  Wil- 
liam A.  Baldwin,  Dennis  Collins,  James  Collins,  Charles  Gauckler, 
Frederick  B.  King,  Joseph  Kunkle,  Horace  A.  Kelley,  Henry  W. 
Kruse,  William  Kochler,  Herman  Kluffler,  William  L.  Mackenzie, 
Martin  Meehan,  Francis  M.  Murphy,  Thomas  Oliver,  Michael  Roger, 
Simon  B.  Rice,  John  K.  Smith,  James  W.  Sharp,  Andrew  Schube, 
John  Saquens,  Theodore  Wager,  Edward  Williams,  Joseph  Weisbrod. 

Transferred. — Privates,  Edwin  Ayres,  Adolph  Imaus.  James  M,  Peak, 
William  Whiteside. 

On  muster-in  but  not  on  muster-out  roll.  —  Privates  John  R.  .Auch- 
tumyer,  William  Burt,  Jasper  Kelley. 



Captain  Ezekiel  H.   Tatem. 
Captain  Cliarles  B.  Russell. 
First  Lieutenant  John  C.  ParlvCr. 
First  Lieutenant  George  W.  Morris. 
Second  Lieutenant  Tliomas  H.  Boylan. 
Second  Lieutenant  Harry  Gee. 
Second  Lieutenant  Joseph  L.  Antram. 
Second  Lieutenant  William  R.  Glisan. 


First  Sergeant  William  F.  Bohning. 
Sergeant  William  Bowers. 
Sergeant  Evel  West. 
Sergeant  Amos  Willoughby. 
Sergeant  Dennis  O'Brien. 
Corporal  William  A.  Clockenburg. 
Corporal  William  A.  Yates. 
Corporal  William  Drips. 
Corporal  John  Turner. 
Musician  William  A.  Cormany. 
Musician  Oliver  D.  Blakeslee. 


Joseph  Anter,  George  W.  Brown,  August  Bristol,  John  Butcher, 
Herman  Brockman,  Frederick  Bastian,  Charles  H.  Bansley,  Luther 
Carpenter,  William  F.  Dill,  Frank  Dellar,  William  Darby,  Joseph 
Desar,  Hugo  Edier,  William  F.  Failor,  John  Farrell,  Alexander  K. 
Green,  Conrad  Herring,  Thomas  Herring,  Reinhold  Hoffman,  Antone 
Imer,  Frank  Korte,  John  J.  Lodge,  Thomas  J.  Moyan,  A.  W.  H. 
Martheus,  John  Metchley,  Frank  A.  Manus,  Thomas  H.  B.  McNeil, 
George  F.  Mosher,  William  C.  Rees,  Thomas  J.  Rice,  George  Rich- 
arter,  Andrew  Remlinger,  Michael  Renner,  Frederick  Speck,  William 
Saxon,  Frederick  Soghan,  George  G.  Sabin,  Thomas  Scannell,  William 
Vont,  William  H.  Weeks,  Stephen  H.  Weeks,  Martin  Weiderrecht, 
John  L.  Williams,  John  Wakemann. 

Killed  in  battle. — Sergeant  James  F.  McGregor;  Privates  Joseph 
Imm,  George  Kopp,  Augustus  G.  Young. 

Died  — Anthony  Canell,  Adam  Hugel,  Joseph  Post,  Samuel  W. 
Stephenson,  Charles  Van  Way,  Simon  Week. 

Thomas  Daniels,  Edward  Chatlin,  Joseph  Livesley,  James  H. 
Mahon,  Adam  Roberts. 

Discharged — First  Sergeants  James  H.  Cocknower,  George  F. 
Marshall,  James  W.  Moyan;  Corporals  Hume  Wallace,  William  Haw- 
kins, James  Johnson,  Giles  D.  Richards;  Privates  John  Birmbaum, 
John  C.  Bender,  Christopher  C.  Cones,  Albert  Drips,  Charles  DeLeon, 
Jacob  Gross,  Samuel  Keller,  Henry  H.  Lanius,  Frederick  Lancaster, 
Charles  Mitchell,  John  E.  Rees,  John  F.  Wolfik,  Thomas  Wolcott, 
George  W.  Weise,  William  W.  Williams,  William  R.  Glisan. 

Transferred. — Corporal  Liberty  H.  Jinks;  Privates  Frederick  H. 
Alms,  William  F.  Doepke,  George  W.  Lawrence,  Levy  L.  Pritzel, 
Killian  Strassher,  Edwin  D.  Smith,  Nicholas  Stumppf,  Edward  Ulm. 

On  muster-in  but  not  on  muster-out  roll. — Privates,  Levi  L.  O'Brien, 
Jacob  Speck. 

'  COMPANY   E. 

Captain  Samuel  C.  Erwin. 
Captain  William  E.  Shenden. 
First  Lieutenant  John  F.  Hoy. 
First  Lieutenant  James  M.  Donovan. 
First  Lieutenant  James  F.  Graham. 
First  Lieutenant  Frank  S.  Schieffer. 
Second  Lieutenant  George  W.  Morris. 
Second  Lieutenant  Henry  C.  Choate. 


First  Sergeant  Abram  R.  Lemnion. 
Sergeant  James  Lawler. 
Sergeant  William  Fisher. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Turley. 
Sergeant  William  Lieke. 
Corporal  Pulaski  W.  Fuller. 
Corporal  Alex.  Rigler. 
Corporal  Peter  Ma'ois. 
Corporal  George  Hewson. 


Joseph  Ade,  George  W.  Adams,  Israel  Arnold,  George  W.  Bowen, 
Christopher  C.  Bowen,  Anthony  W.  Bowen,  John  Benedick,  Miles 
Blake,  Reuben  D.  Burgess,  Henry  A.  Brown,  Mannie  D.  Brown, 
James  Carr,  Patrick  Corcoran,  Eugene  Diserms,  Andrew  Deilman, 
Charles  Eckhart,  Adam  Emmert,  George  W.  Fisher,  John  Fisher, 
Adam  Hess,  John  Hoban,  John  G.  Jager,  John  Kincella,  Wilbarforce 
Knott,  John  Kauflin,  Joseph  Longanback,  Jofin  E.  Long,  Abiel  Lea- 
ver, James  H.  Lyons,  Richard  Lambert,  Andrew  Miser,  Robert  Porter, 
John  P.  Robenstein,  Benjamin  F.  Snell,  John  H.  Simmons,  John  B. 
Sampson,  Joseph  Sommers,  Samuel  Schroder,  William  Schroder,  Oli- 
ver Saffin,  George  T.  Seeley,  John  C.  Spiedel,  Abram  A.  Truesdale, 
Horatio  Tucker,  Enoch  West;  Robert  Wise,  William  Wise,  William 
Betts,  Valentine  Cummings,  John  Climer,  Jasper  Graham,  Charles  Ire- 
land, John  Jounghaus,  Henry  Morgan,  Hugh  O'Donnell,  John  O'Neil, 
Joseph  O'Conner,  John  Quinn,  Albert  S.  Ritchie,  Henry  Stanley,  Dan- 
iel Wilguss. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Privates  Robert  Davis,  Charles  Davis,  Charles 
Deekmyer,  Simeon  Shattuck,  Michael  Schaub,  Robert  E.  Truxworth. 

Died. — Corporal  Benjamin  F.  Terry,  Privates  Edward  H.  Hall,  Aga- 
thon  Otto. 

Discharged. — Sergeant  Earl  W.  Stimson,  Corporals  Charles  Wil- 
liams, Robert  Howden,  Privates  Charles  H.  Baldwin,  Oliver  Chamber- 
lain, John  E.  Craig,  Herman  Fastrom,  Joseph  L.  Ferdon,  Matthew 
Grogan,  Thomas  Greenwood,  Carl  Korner,  Samuel  J.  Lawrence,  Sam- 
uel Pierson,  Nicholas  Rudolph,  Joseph  Rebel,  Samuel  Skelton,  John 
Harrison,  Matthew  Smith,  James  L.  Terry,  Ulrich  Wahrenburger, 
Benjamin  V.  Williams. 

Transferred. — Sergeants  Joseph  L.  Antram,  Leonard  Boice,  James 
F.  Graham,  Corporal  Peter  H.  Britt,  Privates  Nelson  A.  Britt,  George 
Benn,  John  HoUister,  Peter  Kreps,  Archibald  Mangan,  Fairfax  W. 
Nelson,  Sherwin  S.  Perkins,  Henry  B.  Stites. 

On  muster-in  but  not  muster-out  roll. — Privates  James  H.  Clymer, 
Matthew  Gwinn,  Junius  E.  Long,  Junius  H.  Lyons. 

Captain  Charles  H.  Brutton. 
Captain  Justin  M.  Thatcher. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  H.  Herron. 
First  Lieutenant  James  F.  Irwin. 
First  Lieutenant  Jesse  C.  La  Bille. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frank  S.  Schaeffer. 

First  Sergeant  William  H.  Read. 
Sergeant  Otto  Brewer. 
Sergeant  Wilham  E.  Jackson. 
Sergeant  John  A.  Seigle. 
Sergeant  John  E.  Hewite. 
Corporal  John  B.  Miller. 
Corporal  Edward  Lawrence. 
Corporal  August  Nearman. 
Corporal  William  R.  Wood. 
Corporal  Frederick  Linnubrink. 
Corporal  Milton  Lunbaeh. 
Corporal  James  Wood. 
Corporal  Thomas  Manning. 
Musician  Joseph  Lefeber. 
Teamster  John  McClung. 

■       PRIVATES, 

Harry  Blake,  Edward  Beady,  John  Battell,  Lewis  Desbordes,  David 
Downey,  Henry  Eons,  Michael  Enright,  James  R.  Irwin,  Frederick 
Finer,  George  Hoffman,  Bernard  Klotte,  William  Keisemeier,  Ernst 
Lawrence,  John  Lawrence,  Henry  Leonard,  John  Linciman,  Peter 
Lagaly,  Herman  Linnis,  Franklin  Lefeber,  James  Lefeber,  Au- 
gustin  Martin,  Milton  McCuUy,  Perry  McAdams,  Joseph  T.  Nep- 
per,  Seth  G.  Perkins,  Jonathan  Reams,  Joseph  Ruff,  Henry  Rohl- 
man,  Gustave  Slube.  Levi  Sommers,  Henry  Smith,  Anthony  Schaeffer, 
Frederick  Terpborn,  Clement  Thusing,  Stuart  Terwilliger,  Daniel 
Toomire,  William  Witte,  Peter  West,  William  Wolf,  Charles  Young, 
James  Yost,  William  Young,  Michael  Carrigan,  William  Gloeb,  Louis 
Kolp,  Michael  Miller,  William  Overund,  George  W.  Plummer,  Irvina 
Rollins,  John  R.  Ramsey,  Larkin  Smith,  David  J.' Decamp,  Jesse  C. 
La  Bille,  Daniel  A.  Griffin,  Vere  W.  Royse,  John  R.  Faukeberger, 
Edward  P.  Perkins,  Jacob  Crites,  Casper  N.  Gunther,  George  Hearth, 
Thomas  Noble,  Henry  Nearman,  Henry  Peters,  Charles  Rocap, 
George  W.  M.  Vandegrift. 


Killed  in  Battle.— Privates  Thomas  Brown,  James  H.  Draus,  Lewis 
Evers,  Joseph  Hooth,  Joseph  Toomire. 

Died. — Privates  Christopher  Ark,  William  Brocksmith,  Ed^vin  Craw- 
ford,' Gottfried  Heileman,  Andrew  Overthal,  John  Q.  Root,  Henry 

Under-cooks  (African).— Carter  Hughes,  William  Pope. 

Transferred. — First  Sergeants  William  E.  Sheridan,  Albert  G.  Wil- 
liams ;  Corporal  Fredeack  Hipp ;  Privates  Joseph  Arumar  Ambruster, 
Frank  Butsch,  Joseph  Furst,  Charles  Hottendorf,  Thomas  Neald, 
John  Ruff,  William  Simpson,  Toby  Sayler,  Jacob  Weaver. 

On  muster-in,  but  not  on  muster-out  roll. — James  H.  Deans,  Herman 
Placke,  Seth  G.  Perkins,  George  Stube,  Robert  Wood. 



Captain  A.  O.  Russell. 

Captain  William  S.  Getty. 

First  I^ieutenant  Jules  J.  Montaginer. 

First  Lieutenant  Henry  C.  Choate. 

First  Lieutenant  George  W.  Cormany. 

Second  Lieutenant  James  F.  Irwin, 

First  Sergeant  Abraham  J.  Price. 
Sergeant  John  W.  Easley. 
Sergeant  Herbert  Sullivan. 
Sergeant  Henry  F.  Howe. 
Sergeant  John  Peer. 
Corporal  Dewitt  C.  Hayes. 
Corporal  Charles  S.  Dunn. 
Corporal  Harry  Simmons, 
Corporal  Charles  A.  Hucker. 
Corporal  John  Sullivan. 
Corporal  Thomas  Burnett. 
Corporal  William  Lotze. 
Corporal  George  W.  Miller. 
Drummer  Jacob  Brauns. 


Joseph  Burkhardt,  Peter  Balser,  Walter  Baldwin,  Hainer  Bradburj', 
William  Bodie,  Charles  Boutwell,  Thomas  Cranwell,  William  E.  Col- 
lins, Joshua  Cain,  Andrew  M.  Dunn,  Daniel  A,  Eagan,  Atlas  B. 
Fisher,  Horace  Fisher,  Andy  Fenhoff,  John  S.  Gilson,  William  Ganard, 
Peter  Hofsase,  Nicholas  Kehr,  Andrew  Keller,  John  H.  Lookam, 
Rudolph  iWackzum,  Robert  C.  Nelson,  William  C.  Perkins,  Albert  G. 
Parent,  Benjamin  Post,  John  Richards,  George  Rhynearson,  George 
W.  Knob,  William  B.  Rowe,  Isaac  H.  Sturgis,  William  H,  Sturgis, 
Anson  W.  Schenck,  William  F.  Sullivan,  John  R.  Sullivan,  William  H. 
Servise,  John  Singer,  James  A.  Taylor,  James  H.  Willis,  Peter 
Walton,  Henry  Zwibrick,  Alexander  Barclay.  Henry  Berrutter,  Ebon 
R.  R.  Biles,  H.  W.  H.  Dickman,  Thomas  Fennell,  James  J.  Geldea, 
Isaac  Huff,  William  Morrington,  Charles  McDoughtin,  Robert  Nolan, 
Michael  P.  Way. 

Under-cooks  (African). — ^John  Jennings.  George  Washington. 
Killed  in  battle. — Private  John  Huddleston. 

Died. — First  Sergeant  George  W.  Ridenour,  Sergeant  William  H. 
Loyd,  Corporal  Oliver  P.  Rockenfield,  Privates  Jeremiah  A.  Colwell, 
Samuel  P.  Stallcup,  Robert  Taulman. 

Discharged. — Sergeant  Louis  Schram  ;  Corporals  William  A.  Clark, 
Walter  Lawrence,  Julius  C.  Schenck ;  Privates  Alfred  Burnett,  Joseph 
Biggers,  Augustus  Clements,  William  H.  Eberle,  William  J.  Graham. 
Gottlie  Heirtsbruner,  Charles  Hebel,  William  R.  Joyce,  Joseph 
Metzler,  Ambrose  A.  Philips,  Alexander  Schenk,  August  Schraitman, 
William  H.  Sloan,  James  J,  Wagner,  Joseph  McMurmes. 

Transferred. — First  Lieutenant  James  F.  Irwin,  Privates  Gustave 
Binder,  Silas  S.  Dunn,  John  Fenhoff,  William  R.  Goodnough, 
Frederick  Haha,  Joseph  Katching,  Joseph  Long,  Maley  Lemings, 
Frank  Parsnip,  Milton  Parvin,  Michael  G.  Ryan. 



Captain  Henry  H.  Tinker. 
First  Lieutenant  John  W.  Morgan. 
First  Lieutenant  William  E.  Sheridan. 
First  Lieutenant  Joseph  L.  Antram. 
First  Lieutenunt  James  F.  Meline. 
Second  Lieutenant  Solomon  Bidwell. 


First  Sergeant  Benjamin  F,  Hopkins. 
Sergeant  Joseph  H.  McClintock. 

Sergeant  Charles  A.  Haller. 
Sergeant  Joseph  S.  Wehrle. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Gang. 
Corporal  Albert  Speece. 
Corporal  Benjamin  D.  Hall. 
Corporal  Joseph  R.  Northcraft. 
Corporal  Frank  P.  Winstell. 
Corporal  Frank  D.  Wentworth. 
Corporal  John  A.  Bonner. 
Corporal  Henry  Shaffer. 
Bugler  William  Schmitt. 
Musician  John  F,  Dressel. 
Wagoner  George  Harrison. 
Corporal  Ashmad  Charles. 


Thomas  Armstrong,  James  F.  Attee,  William  E.  Allen,  John  Cro- 
nin,  Joseph  O.  Clark,  Joseph  Chloe,  John  W.  Douglass,  Henry  Du- 
vall,  William  C.  Ellis,  August  Friday,  Henry  Frazier,  Henry  Frillman, 
George  Greenfield,  Lewis  Hahn,  Herman  Hinkley,  John  F.  Hanley, 
Hannibal  M.  Hopkins,  Thomas  Kennedy,  Henry  Keith,  Patrick 
Logue,  Robert  Menah,  Daniel  McGillicudy,  John  Meier,  Absalom 
Maxwell,  Joseph  Nevill,  James  O'Malley,  Cannville  Peyrot,  Hiram  C. 
Page,  Stephen  Ross,  Joseph  Kohler,  Charles  Schuster,  Killian  Stros- 
ser,  Richard  Thomson,  James  B.  Willets,  George  W.  Whippy,.  George 
Whistler,  Robert  Andrews,  William  Carrington,  Henry  Cahlenburg, 
John  Maley,  John  D.  Newman,  Nicholas  Stumpf,  Antonia  Smith, 
Henry  C.  Thatcher,  John  Wilson. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Privates,  Valentine  Merdian,   Charles  Waltermut. 
Missing  in  Action. — Michael  Munly. 

Died. — Privates,  John  Christ,  Henry  Rusher,  Martin  Seebaur,  Ben- 
jamin Worrell. 

Discharged. — Sergeant  William  H.  Pierce,  John  Mitter,  Samuel 
Walker,  William  A,  Ream.  Joseph  Sandheiger,  Levi  Thompson,  Levi 
H.  Banker,  John  J.  Bozle,  William  Boingard,  Deloraine  Brown,  Eugene 
Brown,  Bryan  C.  Eager,  John  M.  Gay,  Lawrence  Gay,  Max  Hen- 
dricks, John  Hollister,  John  G.  King,  Joseph  Legrand,  Owen  Mur- 
phy, Levi  L.  Pritzel,  John  Riley,  David  Singer,  Andrew  Sullivan,  Ed- 
ward Ulm,  Anthony  Walsh.     . 

Transferred — Privates,  Joseph  Hahn,  Samuel  Lawrence,  Maley  Lem- 
ing,  Ferdinand  Shvenpedder.  Edward  M.  Shoemaker. 

On  muster  in,  not  on  muster  out  roll. — Privates,  W.  A.  Bouregard, 
Levi  H.  Barchus,  Robert  Davis,  Lawrence  Guise,  George  Hoffman, 
Arthur  Inier,  John  Jager,  George  Willason,  John  O'Neil,  Joseph 
Reilly,  Avoni  Rollins,  William  H.  H.  Stout,  Henry  WiUiams,  Constan- 
tine  Zimmerman. 



Captain  James  Bense. 

Captain  Benjamin  F.  West. 

First  Lieutenant  Richard  Southgate. 

First  Lieutenant  George  T.  Lewis. 

Second  Lieutenant  Walter  Lawrence. 

Second  Lieutenant  Josiah  W.  Stanker. 


First  Sergeant  William  S.  Woolverton. 
Sergeant  John  Hanley. 
Sergeant  Ferdinand  McDonough. 
Corporal  William  Langenheim. 
Corporal  William  Crawford. 
Corporal  Charles  Fahlbush. 
Corporal  Richard  Garwood. 
Corporal  Henry  Harmeyer. 
Corporal  Frederick  Larkcom. 
Musician  Edward  Frike. 
Teamster  Frederick  Shoenck. 


Otto  Anner,  Newton  Burknell,  Henry  Buddenbaum,  Frank  Brahni, 
George  Bruner,  Adolph  Bruner,  Edward  P.  Catlin,  Benjamin  Clark,  Jo- 
seph Drehr,  Antone  Frave,  Joseph  Gutzweiler,  Edwin  Green,  August 
Grass,  Adolph  Hof,  Jacob  Hauser,  Gottlieb  Heller^  James  V.  Hirlez, 
David  Hummel,  Roland  O.Jones,  WiUiam  Jurgans,  Dennis  H.  Kenedy, 
Christopher  Kohli,  John  C.  Lynch,  Jacob  Liese,  Jacob  Landis,  Eli 
Miller,  Hiram  Mosier,  William  L.  May,  John  McGlone,  James  Mar- 
tin, August  Nischan,  Timothy  Ryan,  John  L.  Rea,  Matthias  Seibert, 
Christopher  Schweitzer,  William  C.  Webber,  Sylvester  Webber,  Wil- 



Ham  Yager,  John  Zimmerman.  Under-cook  (African)  George  Wash- 
ington. Peter  Bruner,  Frederick  Beck,  John  Biickhart.  Michael  Con- 
nell,  Samuel  Erumiger,  Robert  Fenley,  William  Geisel,  John  Little, 
Jacob  Litzel,  Thomas  Marshall,  John  Oysterbag,  Robert  H.  Pence, 
Michael  S.  Witmer,  Meritz  Zink. 

Killed  in  Battle.— Privates  Daniel  E.  McCarty,  Heinrich  Nortman, 
Samuel  Pulver,  Jacob  Rappellee,  Frederick  Springmeyer,  Gasquire 

Missing  in  Action. — Privates  James  Carson,  William  Maygaffoy- 

Died.— Privates  Ma.x  Essinger,  Jacob  Hillfecker,  William  Wenzel, 

Discharged.  —  Privates  George  T.  Lewis,  Wesley  B.  McClane, 
Henry  C.  Choate,  Henry  Gibson,  George  S.  La  Rue,  Thomas  Long, 
Edward  Roderija,  John  Williams,  Frederick  Bender,  Thomas  Cart- 
wright,  Frederick  Elerman,  William  Fenistall,  Frank  Gerhardt,  Ed- 
ward Hof,  Otto  Hof,  Frederick  Heckert,  John  Jackson,  John  Muhler, 
John  Storker,  Orlando  M.  Smith,  William  T.  Swift,  William  Z.  Thor- 
burn,  James  Wilson. 

On  muster  in,  not  on   muster  out  roll. — Privates,  Cornelius  Collins, 
John  Brauns,  William  Lyons,  Joseph  Fetz,  Linck  Morris. 


Captain  Charles  M.  Clark. 

Captain  James  M.  Donovan. 

First  Lieutenant  August  B.  D.   Merback. 

First  Lieutenant  Charles  C.  Beck. 

Second  Lieutenant  Justin  M.  Thatcher. 

Second  Lieutenant  Edward  F.  Getlier. 

Second  Lieutenant  Josiah  W.  Stanker. 


First  Sergeant  George  B.  Nicholson. 
Sergeant  Jethro  F.  Hill. 
■    Sergeant  William  S.  Squires. 
Sergeant  William  Gaines. 
Corporal  Albert  Kimble. 
Corporal  Joseph  H.  Cohagan. 
Corporal  Nehemiah  V.  Pennington. 
Musician  Lewis  Halt. 


Christopher  Albert,  George  W.  Bowlby,  John  H.  Bowlby,  John  A. 
Barth,  Louis  C.  Brehm,  George  Buskirk,  Henry  Beckman,  Robert  S. 
Culbertson,  Francis  I.  CuUom,  Charles  Cunningham,  Henry  Elsing, 
Frederick  Eggerman,  Constantine  Fecker,  William  Goodwin,  Joseph 
Grau,  John  Hailing,  Isaac  B.  Hart,  Daniel  Henria?  Peter  Hoffman,  Ja- 
cob Hoffnagle,  Lorenz  Huber,  John  A.  Roo,  August  Kreyenhagen, 
Jphn  C.  Leistner,  William  A.  Lohu,  Theodore  B.  McDonald,  Frank 
Meier,  Pedro  Montaldo,  John  Moorhouse,  Theodore  Ostman,  Thomas 
Parker,  Reason  Regin,  Clark  C.  Saunders,  Henry  E.  SchoUe,  John 
Leitz,  Henry  Shelton,  George  W.  G.  Shipman,  Henry  Shockman, 
Joshua  Tomson,  Samuel  Walker,  Charles  Warner,  Frederick  Wehking 
George  W.  Yeager,  Gerhard  Jumweilde,  Frank  Christman,  Clements 
Dulle,  Wesley  W.  Long,  Charles  Weideman,  George  K.  Wilder. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Sergeants  Thomas  G.  Drake,  John  H.  Oshng ; 
Corporal  Henry  F.  Fauk ;  Privates  Louis  F.  Fautz,  Theodore  Wessel- 

Died. — Corporals  Henry  G.  Kreyenhagen,  Joseph  Martin  ;  Privates 
Henry  L.  Ford,  Frank  Guhra,  George  Kelsch,  David  Klein,  Jacob 
Nikel,  Alexander  Schidtman,  Rairaond  Welling. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeant  James  F.  Meline ;  Sergeant  H.  E.  W. 
Backus,  Henry  N.  Conden ;  Corporals  James  F.  Bargulow,  Charles 
Donnelly.  Privates  George  Andrews,  Theodore  Austin,  Frank  Crests, 
David  D.  Davis,  Henry  C.  Davis,  Henry  Gauckstadt,  Joseph  Haddock, 
Christopher  H.  Kuhn,  Jefferson  McClure,  William  A.  Roebuck,  Mor- 
timer Singer,  James  F.  Smith,  Freeman  C.  Tryon,  Harrison' Waltz, 
Thomas  S.  Witherell. 

Transferred. — First  Sergeant  Henry  Gee,  Sergeant  WiUiam  Paper- 
brook,  Musicianjohn  H.  Buchtel,  Privates  John  M.  Darke,  Charies  E. 
Lewis,  Alexander  Love,  William  McBride,  Andrew  Murphy. 

On  muster  in,  but  not  on  muster  out  roll. — Privates  Thomas  Braun, 
Frederick  A.  Bemis,  John  J.  Cordry,  William  Camp,  Carneal  Conger, 
Henry  C.  Fowler,  Stephen  Grove,  Joseph  L.  Gibson,  Charles  Heine, 
Thomas  Johnson,  F.  H.  Lancaster,  Frederick  Martin,  Peter  Molloy, 
John  Rut,  Frank  Ross,  Luke  Rapplee,  James  W.  Roe,  Thomas  F. 
Ricker,  Francis  Sutchs,  Edwin  Thomas,  Diedrick  Evers,  John  Fagru, 
Barnard  Klenberg,  William  Lamont,  Frederick  Madeke,  George  Mc- 
Laughlin, Conrad  Milcher,  Albert  Malloy,  Michael  Nolan,  Jacob  Schaff- 

ner,  Julius  Winer,  Engelhart  Wolfer,  Jacob  Weiber,  Frederick  Krause, 
Louis  Stahl,  Martin  Erhardt. 

Transferred. — Sergeant  Newton  McKee,  Corporal  George  B.  Crist, 
Privates  Frederick  Bottles,  Victor  Liest,  Jacob  Mattern,  Darius  Cros- 
line,  Rinhard  Crist,  Samuel  Doatwart,  Sandy  Smith  (under-cook,  Af- 


Upon  receipt  of  the  thrilling  news  of  the  fall  of  Sum- 
ter, the  Germans  of  Cincinnati  promptly  held  a  meeting 
at  Turner  hall,  which  was    addressed  by  Judge  Stallo, 
Colonel  R.   L.  McCook,  and   other  prominent  citizens. 
The  issue  of  this  gathering  was  the  raising  of  a  German 
regiment,  for  which  two  hundred   men  enrolled  at  once, 
and    within    three   days    fifteen    hundred    were  offered. 
The  Ninth  was  mustered  for  three  months  April  2 2d,  at 
Camp  Harrison,  and   moved  to  Camp   Dennison  May 
1 8th,  where  it  was  soon  after  mustered  in  for  the  long 
term,  the  first  three  years'  regiment  from  the  State,  in 
consideration  of  which  the  Columbus  ladies  sent  it  a 
superb    bass   drum.      It  numbered    one   thousand   and 
thirty-five  officers  and  men,  with  a  band  of  twenty-four. 
On   the   twentieth  of  June   it   took   the  field    in  West- 
ern  Virginia,    made   a  rapid   march    from    Webster  to 
PhiHppi,  fifteen   miles   in  three    hours,  and    thence    to 
Buckhannon,  meeting  the  enemy  at  Little  Fork  bridge, 
but  not  in   force.      The   Ninth  was  engaged   at   Rich 
Mountain   directly   after,    and   sustained    a   small  loss. 
From   the   advance   to  Cheat  Mountain  it  was  ordered 
back  to  Beverly,  and  thence  to  New  Creek,  on  the  Po- 
tomac, arriving   July  27th.     Uncommonly  severe  guard 
duty  awaited   it   here    and  continued  about   a  month, 
when   the  regiment  moved  to  the  interior  and  was  as- 
signed to  the  Second  brigade.     September  7th  the  Ninth 
was  engaged  near  Carnifex  Ferry,  losing  two  killed  and 
eight  wounded.     For  two  months  and  half  it  was  en- 
camped on   New  river,  having  frequent  skirmishes  with 
the  enemy,  in  which  a  few  men  were  lost.    Ordered  west, 
it  left  "Camp  Anderson"  November  24th,  and  arrived  at 
Louisville  December  2d,  going  from  there  to  Lebanon, 
where  it  was  assigned  to  the  Third  brigade.  First  division, 
Army  of  the  Ohio.     January  i,  1862,  the  division  moved 
on  Columbia,  and  from  there  to  meet  ZoUicoffer.     The 
Ninth  was  in  the  action  at  Mill  Springs,  and  made  the 
decisive  charge  of  the  day.     Upon  the  return  to  Louis- 
ville in  February,  the  Union  ladies  of  the  city  presented 
it,  and  three  other  regiments,  each  with  a  stand  of  colors, 
for  their  bravery  in  this  battle.     The  regiment  was  then 
transported  by  water  to  Nashville,  reaching  it  March  2d, 
and  leaving  a   fortnight   after    for    Pittsburgh   Landing, 
where  it  arrived  too  late  to  join  in  the  battle.     It  was  in 
the  advance  on  Corinth,  and  for  some  way  in  the  pursuit 
beyond;  but  was  marched  to  Tuscumbia,  Alabama,  June 
2 2d.     While   in  camp  there  the  Ninth  received  an  ele- 
gant regimental  flag,  presented  by  the  city  of  Cincinnati. 
July  27th  it  moved  toward  Decherd,  Tennessee,  and  on 
this  march  its  colonel,  Robert  L.  Cook,  commanding  the 
brigade,  fell  ill,  and  riding  in  an  ambulance  ahead  of  the 
column,    was  overtaken  and  cruelly  murdered  by  gue- 
rillas.     From    Decherd  the   regiment  moved    with  the 
Army  of  the  Ohio  in  its  toilsome  and  painful  retreat  to 
Louisville,  which  was  reached  September  27th.     October 


3d  it  was  marched  out  toward  Perryville,  and  was  in  ac- 
tion, with  small  loss,  near  the  close  of  the  battle  on  the 
8th.  After  pursuing  Bragg  to  Crab  Orchard,  it  was 
posted  at  South  Tunnel,  to  clean  out  the  tunnel  and 
re-open  the  railway  from  Louisville  to  Nashville.  This 
was  done  by  hard,  energetic  work,  between  November  8th 
and  26th.  The  next  guard  duty  was  at  Pilot  Knob,  and 
during  the  battle  of  Murfreesborough  it  guarded  fords  on 
the  Cumberland.  January  14th  to  March  6,  1863,  the 
Ninth  was  on  duty  about  Nashville,  scouting  and  recon- 
noitering,  when  it  was  ordered  to  Triune  and  engaged 
in  drilling,  building  fortifications,  etc.  It  was  here 
equipped  with  Springfield  rifles,  and  also  welcomed  cordi- 
ally a  new  regimental  band.  Marched  again  June  24th, 
through  heavy  rains,  for  seventeen  days,  to  TuUahoma, 
and  thence  over  Lookout  Mountain,  reaching  McLemore's 
cove  September  loth.  On  the  17th  it  moved  toward  the 
battle-field  of  Chickamauga,  marching  all  night  through 
lanes  of  burning  fences,  and  was  in  the  thick  of  the  fight 
the  next  day.  It  recaptured  a  lost  battery,  aided  in  the 
repulse  of  Longstreet,  and  on  the  second  day  took  part 
in  the  famous  bayonet  charge  of  Van  Dervour's  brigade. 
In  the  battle  the  Ninth  sustained  one-third  of  the  entire 
loss  of  its  brigade,  losing  eleven  officers  and  two  hundred 
and  thirty-seven  men,  almost  exactly  half  of  its  whole 
number  in  action.  It  then  suffered  with  the  rest  of  the 
army  for  a  season  at  Chattanooga.  When  General 
Thomas  took  command,  the  regiment  entered  the  Sec- 
ond brigade.  Third  division.  Army  of  the  Cumberland. 
It  was  in  the  assault  on  Mission  Ridge,  and,  with  one 
other  regiment  repulsed,  a  charge  by  a  greatly  superior 
force.  December  30th  it  escorted  a  battery  and  train  to 
Calhoun;  and,  February  25,  1864,  took  part  in  a  sharp 
skirmish  at  Crow's  Valley.  In  March  and  April  it  was 
encamped  at  Ringgold,  and  May  5th  it  started  on  the 
Atlanta  campaign.  It  was  in  the  battle  of  Resaca  May 
15th,  moving  thence  to  the  Etowah  river,  where  it  re- 
mained on  active  duty  until  its  terra  expired.  May  27th. 
Up  to  the  last  moment  it  stood  within  range  of  the  ene- 
my's guns,  and  was  finally  relieved  by  General  Thomas  in 
person  from  the  outer  picket  line.  Their  fellow-soldiers 
lined  the  road  and  gave  it  enthusiastic  cheers  by  way  of  fare- 
well. It  was  received  with  great  enthusiam  at  Cincinnati, 
and  mustered  out  at  Camp  Dennison  June  7,  1864.  The 
attachment  of  the  members  of  this  regiment  to  its  memor- 
ies and  to  each  other  is  so  great  that  they  hold  reunions 
every  Sunday,  at  some  convenient  place  in  the  city,  where 
they  fight  their  battles  o'er  again. 


Colonel  Robert  L.  McCook. 
Colonel  Gustave  Kammerling. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Charles  Sandeshoff. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Charles  Joseph. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Fritz  Schweder. 
Major  August  Willich. 
Major  Bartholemevv  Benzswig. 
Major  Charles  E.  Boyle. 
Major  Conrad  Sottheim. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Rudolph  Werth. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Adam  M.  Beers. 
Assistant  Surgeon  James  Davenport. 
Adjutant  George  H.  Harris. 
Adjutant  Herman  Ponitz. 

Quartermaster  Joseph  Graeff. 

Chaplain  William  Stacugel. 

Chaplain  Joseph  A.  Fuchshuber. 

Sergeant-Major  Robert  Gronan. 

Commissary  Sergeant  Samuel  Landaner. 

Quartermaster  Sergeant  Gustave  Brockhous. 

Hospital  Steward  Louis  Zahn. 

Principal  Musician  Dominie  Emrninger. 

Principal  Musician  Richard  Schwenger. 

Discharged. — Hospital  Steward  William  Schmidt,  Principal  Musi- 
cian Guenther  Leidenstrucker,  Quartermaster  Sergeant  Emanuel 
Rodde,  musicians,  Leopold  Praeger,  Ernst  F,  Blum,  Albin  Studer, 
Richard  Meinhardt,  Anson  Hofichser,  Joseph  Kilian,  Louis  Strebel, 
Charles  Vogt,  John  Cochler,  George  Wolf,  Charles  Hammel,  Theodore 
Niemann,  Louis  Dorst,  Ernst  Meinhardt,  .Adolph  Schenck,  Anson 

Quartermaster  Sergeant  Frederick  Busse,  Christopher  Schendler. 

Transferred. — Sergeant-Major  Raymond  Hermann. 

Regimental  band. — Principal  Musician  Richard  Sclrvvenzer;  musicians, 
Jacob  Bauer,  John  Dietrich,  Charles  Harvy,  Theodore  Herth,  Charles 
Jutzi,  Michael  Koch,  John  Koch,  Lorenz  Mages,  Michael  Meiser, 
Leopold  Praeger,  Andrew  Reusing,  Herman  Weber,  Otto  Zink,  Wil- 
liam Hawk. 



Captain  Joseph  Charles  B.  Gentsch. 
First  Lieutenant  Louis  Henser. 
First  Lieutenant  Adam  Schuhmacher. 
Second  Lieutenant  Gustavus  Tafel. 
Second  Lieutenant  Herman  Pomitz. 


First  Sergeant  Louis  Mark. 
Sergeant  Charles  Teichmann. 
Sergeant  Adolph  Mueller. 
Corporal  August  Griess. 
Wagoner  William  Wittinger. 


Charles  Albrecht,  Louis  Ambrecht,  George  Ambsler,  Hermann  Bey- 
land,  Julius  Bertsch,  Albert  Booklet,  Franz  Brawninger,  Albert  Franke, 
Henry  Glyckherr,  Henry  Gnucklack,  Joseph  Goessler,  John  G. 
Himmber,  Peter  Hahn,  Frederick  Heyer,  Franz  Hohendorf,  Frederick 
Handel,  Joseph  Heck,  Otto  Hack,  Philip  Hartmann,  Theodore  Jacker, 
Louis  Killer,  Charles  Klinthworth,  Adam  Klingel,  Ernst  Koegal,  John 
Loge,  Adolph  Luethy,  August  Mathies,  William  Meyer,  Charles  Mad- 
dler,  Louis  Atting,  George  Popp,  Uriah  Panzer,  Ferdinand  Pfister, 
Frederick  Kumpf,  Henry  Rieger,  Joseph  Ruettinger,  George  Seihrt, 
Philip  Seibert,  Gustavus  Schultz,  Theodore  Schatgle,  John  Schmidt, 
Edward  Stremmel,  Frederick  Wendel. 

Privates,  Albert  Ahlers,  Rudolph  Burgmann,  Frank  Daum,  Otto 
Schultz,  Andrew  Schmidt,  William  Wachs. 

Joined  since  organization  of  company. — Sergeant  August  Ernst, 
Signer;  Corporals  Herman  Waldenmayer,  Thomas  Lorenz  Mages; 
paivates,  Emil  Gerhardt,  Martin  Koch,  Louis  Lissett,  Charles  Schatt- 
gen,  Adolph  Wagoner. 

Killed  in  battle. — Sergeant  William  Drewey;  Corporals  Hugo  Tafel, 
Godfrey  Krichfuss;  Privates  August  Reyland,  Philip  Herzog,  William 
Dake,  Ferdinand  Hildebrand,  Sadislaw  Settler. 

Died. — First  Sergeant  Frederick  Sturbe,  Corporal  Ferdinand  Borz; 
privates,  George  Wittman,  Ferdinand  Ludwig,  Peter  Schraffenbeger, 
Philip  Fueller, 

Discharged. — Sergeants,  Adam  Schumacher,  Gustavus  Tafel,  Her- 
mann Poenitz,  Charles  Feltan;  Corporals  Nicholas  Peters,  Henry 
Baer;  musician,  Michael  Koch;  Privates  Charles  Berkheimer,  Gustavus 
Baner,  Michael  Beyer,  Gustave  Beigmann,  Hermann  Franke,  Henry 
Hubert,  Ma.\  Hupfauf,  Louis  Hartleb,  Adam  Hermansderfer,  Fred- 
erick Kuchne,  Frederick  Mueller,  Louis  Neubacher,  Franz  Pfeffet, 
George  Pfaffinger,  John  Raepple,  Philip  Riehl,  George  Roehrig,  Joseph 

Prisoners  of  War. — Sergeant  Ernst  Riedel;  Private  Ernst  Schultz. 

Transferred. — First  Sergeant  Robert  Gronan;  Sergeant  Herman 
Reinstanz,  Corporal  Peter  Becker,  Musician  Richard  Schwenzer;  Fifer, 
Richard  Meinhardt;  Drummer  Frederick  Poschner;  Privates  Adolph 
Begmann,  Charles  Haebbe,  Bernhard  Grieschop. 

On  muster-in  but  not  on  muster-out  roll, — Charles  Vadler. 


COMPANY    p. 
Captain  I'erdinand  Mueller. 
First  Lieutenant  Jacob  Mueller. 
First  Lieutenant  Nicholas  Willich. 
First  Lieutenant  Frederick  Bertsch. 
Second  Lieutenant  Henry  Blandowski. 
Second  Lieutenant  Theodore  Rauck. 


First  Sergeant  Frederick  Maerthesheimer. 

Sergeant  George  F.  Trautner. 

Sergeant  John  Earth. 

Sergeant  Casper  Decker.    - 

Sergeant  Charles  Schutz. 

Corporal  John  Schmidt. 

Corporal  Jacob  Boehler. 

Corporal  Henry  Schenk. 

Corporal  Augustus  Kiefe. 

Corporal  Albin  Arand. 

Musician  Charles  Jutze. 

Wagoner  John  Roos. 


Jacob  Baron,  Clemens  Breitenbach,  Lewis  Buchtman,  Julius  Burk- 
hardt,  Arthur  Dreifus,  Lewis  Ehrlich,  John  Engel,  John  Engelhardt, 
Frederick  Freers,  Lewis  Freers,  Michael  Gierten,  Augustus  Genther, 
Maurice  Emery,  Gotleib  Hauser,  Frederick  Heine,  Otis  Howard,  Jost 
Hoesh,  Frederick  Huminan,  Henry  Jend,  August  Jungfelass,  Theodore 
Klunke,  Anton  Kutzleb,  John  Kraes,  Charles  Macule,  George  Maeir, 
William  May,  John  Orion,  Joseph  Piesche,  George  Rohland,  John 
Ruop,  John  Schaefer,  Thomas  Schaefer,  Henry  Schaeringhaus,  George 
Scheer,  Edward  Scheneser,  Jacob  Schlosser,  Peter  Schmiegel,  John 
Schwarz,  Henry  Schwessinger,  Ferdinand  C.  Schneeman,  Joseph 
Schweler,  Augustus  Stoeckle,  George  Tenn,  Adolph  Thedbold,  Henry 
Wahle,  Nicholas  Wedesty,  George  Wolpold,  John  Wuesthop,  Charles 

Privates  Gustavus  Buehl,  Moritz  Gross,  Jacob  Maurer. 

Killed  in  battle.— Corporals  Henry  Miller,  Henry  Wight;  Privates 
Jacob  Bauer,  Joseph  Hipp,  Andrew  Keller,  Frederick  Lecker,  Adam 

Died. — First  Sergeant  Adolph  Spaeth;  Corporals  Eugene  Huser, 
Charles  Pacher;  Privates  Conrad  Hosbach,  Casper  Mueller,  Francis 
Schapf,  Henry  J.  Theobold,  John  Troester,  Joseph  Floise. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeant  Theodore  Bauck;  Wagoner  Philip 
Maenninger;  Privates  John  Bauer,  Lewis  Benz,  Lewis  Bluttermann, 
John  Boss,  Philip  Bottler,  John  Deiters,  Emanuel  Honeck,  Robert 
Kaulig,  John  Kurhule,  George  Lauber,  Michael  Bracker,  Julius  Lessig, 
Peter  Maithic,  Charles  Rusckert,  Joseph  Scherer,  Francis  Schmidt, 
Casper  Semmber,  John  Wirzbricker,  Conrad  Ulmer,  Melchior  Wiget, 
Benedict  Wiesz,  Christopher  Fleddermann,  Jacob  Winzler. 

Transferred. — Gustave  Brockhause. 

Prisoner  of  War. — ^John  Pfeifer. 



Captain  Henry  Broderson. 
Captain  William  Straengel. 
Captain  Morris  Pohlman. 
First  Lieutenant  George  H.  Harris. 
First  Lieutenant  Henry  Liedke. 
First  Lieutenant  Joseph  Haider. 
First  Lieutenant  Henry  Spaeth. 


First  Sergeant  Charles  Abel. 
Sergeant  George  Ess. 
Sergeant  William  Brinkman. 
Sergeant  Matthias  Huett. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Mueller. 
Corporal  Francis  Reinfurt. 
Corporal  Henry  Elever. 
Corporal  Peter  Batz. 
Corporal  Jacob  Schweitzer. 
Corporal  Charles  N.  Nelson. 


Leoiiard  Banen,  Christopher  Bleiler,  Leopold  Busam,  Coustantine 
Boshardt,    August    Bunsch,   John    Bmemmelkamp,    George    Brueker, 

Jacob  Bihl,  Albert  Denerlich,  Martin  Eckerle,  Henry  Gausman,  Louis 
Guenther,  John  Goetz,  August  Grothe,  William  Gerhardt,  Phillipp 
Guerteth,  Louis  Gorman,  Herman  Gerhardt,  George  Hyde,  Martin 
Hankes,  Stephen  Huber,  Phillip  Holzmann,  Frederick  Hafner,  Wil- 
liam Hayne,  Charles  Hoffner,  Henry  Krauger,  Henry  Krite,  William 
Keiterborn,  Joseph  Kissiwelter,  August  Kraeger,  Frank  Kaiser,  Michael 
Lorenz,  Nathan  Loewenstein,  Julius  Lentz,  Christian  Mueller,  Peter 
Miller,  John  Mueller,  Louis  Mayer,  Matthias  Meister,  Henry  Remmin- 
ger,  Frederick  Rapp,  William  Stettleberg,  Nicholas  Schneider,  George 
Schneider,  Carl  Steiner,  Christian  Lickemeyer,  Lorenz  Spaeth,  Anton 
Schmidt,  Christian  Thaussen,  Herman  Upsing,  Phillipp  Ulrich,  Stanis- 
laus, VoUmen,  Herman  Wiltenberg,  Jacob  Wenz,  Michael  Zier,  John 
Steek,  William  Ott,  Nicholas  Birkman. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Fred  Waltenspeil,  William  Kaiser. 

Missing  in  Action. — Fred  Frost,  Charles  Groespel. 

Died. — Corporal  Herdia  Kilian;  Privates  Frederick  Gimble,  Frede- 
rick Shafer,  William  Hartig,  John  Rosselit,  Sebastian  Wipfler,  Jacob 

Discharged. — First  Sergeant  George  Schneider;  Sergeant  Anton 
Miller;  Privates  Henry  Byersderfer,  Clemens  Bonke,  Frederick  Buse, 
Bernhardt  Bruggemaur,  Xavier  Fahrubel,  Isaac  Hessbirg,  Joseph  Hill, 
Charles  Hoerst,  Magnus  Heyl,  Adolph  Jost,  Jean  Joab,  Frederick 
Koeffler,  Henry  Kramer,  Henry  Lotz,  Theodore  Pape,  William  Poppe, 
William  Rosenfeld,  Charles  Schottmueller,  John  Schulz,  Anton  Steifes- 
ter,  Theodore  Steiner,  Frederick  Vail,  Louis  Witzell. 

Transferred. — Sergeants  Lewis  Groos,  Louis  Kuster,  Louis  Zahn,  Ed- 
lief  Thomson,  Samuel  Lundaner,  Frederick  Bupe,  Frederick  Dister, 
Charles  Stalder. 

On  muster-in  but  not  on'muster-out  roll. — John  Goob. 



Captain  Frederick  Schroeder. 
Captain  Gustave  F.  Kepper. 
First  Lieutenant  Ernst  Reubeum. 
First  Lieutenant  Richard  Schneider. 
Second  Lieutenant  Daniel  Wagoner. 
Second  Lieutenant  Raymond  Herman. 


First  Sergeant  Gustave  Grims. 
Sergeant  August  Witte. 
Sergeant  William  Minning. 
Sergeant  Casper  Weger. 
Corporal  Adolph  Gumelman. 
Corporal  Ferdinand  Zimmerer. 
Corporal  Phillipp  Arnold. 
Corporal  Gotlieb  Strohm. 
Wagoner  Louis  Nordmann. 


Charles  Abraham,  Peter  Blinn,  George  Borntrager,  Louis  Bosch, 
Jacob  Buegler,  Thomas  Burger,  Henry  Cordes,  Bernhardt  Dorn,  John 
Eberhardt,  Martin  Eberhardt,  Martin  Path,  Henry  Faubel,  Rudolph 
Frischkueht,  Henry  Frederich,  William  Galle,  Henry  Gerding,  James 
Gerthot,  Peter  Guerther,  Henry  Hahn,  Jacob  Hermann,  Peter  Hugger, 
Herman  J ohanning,  Michael  Kosh,  Andrew  Langeubahn,  Hermann  C. 
W.  Suelbert,  Francis  Massner,  Charles  Mandell,  Bartholomew  Malt, 
Frederick  Meyer,  Henry  Meyer,  William  Meyer,  Henry  Minning,  Wil- 
liam Nenn,  Louis  Roesler,  George  Roesoh,  Adam  Reising,  Louis  Sand- 
man, Adam  Sandrack,  John  Sauser,  Herman  Schaf,  Hugo  Schassner, 
Matthew  Schleuker,  Herman  Schmidt,  Christian  Schmidt,  Michaei 
Schranck,  Charles  Schnebel,  Jabob  Schwarztrauber,  Charles  Seeger, 
William  Stagg,  William  Steinkamp,  Christian  Strademeyer,  Rudolph 
Strademeyer,  Francis  Studer,  Frederick  Turbez,  Christian  Vaneda 
Charles  Wirming,  Jacob  Betzold,  George  Koch,  John  Kierz,  Henry 
Weyminger,  Alexander  Pflueger,  Joseph  Walton. 

Killed  in  Battle. —Corporal  Louis  Fohmann;  Privates  Henry  Speller- 
berg,  August  Waldenspiel,  Charles  Funke,  Frederick  Conrade,  Anthony 
Mueller,  Ernst  Kuechler. 

Prisoner  of  War. — Private  John  Blessing. 

Died. — Corporal  Christian  Luchrmann;  Privates  Gustave  Begemann, 
August  Engelebrecht,  Henry  Large,  John  Luchbrechler. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeant  Charles  Dolezrich;  Sergeant  August 
Hampe;  Privates  John  Beck,  August  Begemann,  Jerome  Helreigel,  Wil- 
liam Knichhaus,  Joseph  Ligner,  Gebhardt  Meyer,  Herman  Otten, 
William  Voesti,  Bernhardt  Weikerte,  Henry  Winter,  William  Zerer, 
Henry  Spaeth. 

Transferred.— Privates  Valentine  Fleitz,  Dominie  Einminger. 




Captain  Bartholomew  Benz. 
Captain  George  H.  Harries. 
First  Lieutenant  Gustavus  F,  Nepper. 
First  Lieutenant  Martin  Bruner. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frederick  Steimer. 


First  Sergeant  George  H.  Lippert. 
Sergeant  Jolin  Eigner. 
Sergeant  Frederick  Saeger. 
Sergeant  Henry  S.  Scheuer. 
Sergeant  J  olin  Kochler. 
Corporal  Jolm  Mueller,  No.  i. 
Corporal  Frank  M.  Smith. 
Corporal  George  S.  Starm. 
Corporal  John  Schular. 
Corporal  Louis  Mossman. 
Corporal  Harry  E.  Bayer.  Henry  Feieatag. 
Wagoner  August  Broadeaberger. 


Henry  Behrens,  Balthasar  Baeche,  Theodore  Basch,  Richard  Baes- 
chia'',  Frederick  Biedeker,  Martin  Baabender,  Dietrich  Dorst,  Louis 
Eckelman,  Diebold  Eschenbrauer,  Simon  Ernst,  John  Fauke,  Frederick 
Feirp,  Charles  Fortacbacher,  George  Fisher,  Adam  Fath,  James  G. 
Froever,  Frederick  Hoffman,  Joseph  H.  Hagelai,  John  Hoeltzer,  John 
Houck,  Casper  Keller,  Christian  Laedeke,  Henry  Mowbrey,  Andrew- 
Mayer,  John  Mueller,  No.  2,  Frank  Natsch,  George  Obermeyer,  James 
Papaner,  George  Reiger,  Christian  Rapp,  Frank  Rarke,  George  Reip- 
ler,  John  Rost,  Joseph  Rein,  Jacob  Straab.  William  Schalmeyer,  Jacob 
Seebach,  William  Schraitzer,  John  Sehatte,  ■  Frank  Steimer,  Frank 
Schick,  lohn  Schmidt,  Phillipp  Sommer,  Frank  Tobergete,  John  Trick, 
Louis  Waltz,  Frank  Wedericke,  Frederick  Eberhardt,  Sebastian  Hen- 
rich,  Charles  Hoffacher,  William  Hesse,  George  Kollae,  Andrew 
Schwartz,  Herman  Whening. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Corporal  John  Ruoff ;  Privates  Fidel  Edelman, 
Christopher  Hornang,  Frederick  Noeka. 

Died. — Corporal  Henry  Seimers,  Martin  Dumbacher,  George  Gaul, 
Herman  Jarger. 

Discharged.— Sergeant  Phillip  Spangler  ;  First  Sergeant  Henry  W. 
Sanders;  Sergeants  John  Limberger,  Frederick  Steiner ;  Drummer  Fred- 
erick Blamerthal;  Pri^■ates  Frederick  Bruner,  Jacob  Arnold,  Henry 
Barwig,  Frederick  Gross,  Charles  Guilharme,  Christopher  Halbrider, 
William  E.  Hagedon,  John  Hellwig,  Joseph  Kirlack,  Charles  Kelb, 
John  Keiahardt,  Adam  Mayer,  Frederick  Meyers,  Henry  Pfisterer,  Da- 
vid Ross,  August  Scharck. 

Prisoners  of  War. — Privates  Leo  Wippel,  Frederick  Walker. 

Transferred. — Musician  Weber  Herman,  Charles  Benninger,  Daniel 
Eyser,  Joseph  Kelderich,  Henry  J.  Kock,  Thomas  Streiff,  Jacob  Wed- 



Captain  Gustav  Kammerling. 

Captain  Louis  Henser. 

First  Lieutenant  Herman  Luetkenhaus. 

Second  Lieutenant  Alexis  Hilbrun. 

Second  Lieutenant  John  Baumgartner. 


First  Sergeant  Frank  Hinman. 

Sergeant  Christian  Etzell. 

Sergeant  John  B.  Hoenemann. 

Sergeant  George  F.  Feir. 

Corporal  Julius  Geram. 

Corporal  Gerhardt  Ferber. 

Corporal  Alovis  Maver. 

Corporal  Joseph  Lehman. 

Corporal  John  Prichtel. 

Corporal  Joseph  Becker. 

Wagoner  Henry  Steffens. 


Henry  Arnold,  Matthew  Altinger,  William  Appenfenfelder,  Christian 
Bay,  Conrad  Dahloff,  Frederick  Engelay,  Charles  Fenderonich,  John 
Gueiither,  Frederick  Habenicht,  William  Hunskahl,  Henry  Hoer,  Wil- 

liam Kimberly,  Conrad  Kramer,  Charles  Messner,  Charles  May,  Julius 
Nordhoff,  Henry  Nickel,  Henry  Neulman,  Henry  Rume,  Andrew  Rohr, 
Charles  Rothfuss,  Phillipp  Steuber  William  Stern,  Ernst  Straup,  Vin- 
cent Schott,  August  Schoenfeld,  William  Schoenfeld,  John  SchmuUing, 
John  Schmidt,  Christian  Schnell,  Henry  Sander,  Anthony  Siebelder, 
Lawrence  Steuber,  Charles  Schaefer,  Frederick  Schroeder,  Frank  Traw, 
Andrew  Vollett,  Conrad  Vassler,  William  Wahlbrink,  Adolph  Brew- 
erer,  John  Brachle,  Jacob  Korii,  Charles  Merroth,  Phillip  Mella,  Wil- 
liam Schroer,  Henry  L.  Weber. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Privates  Gottlieb  Hirschmann,  George  Hirsbrun- 
ner,  Anton  Knittell,  Frederick  Mueller,  Herman  Schmidt,  Frederick 
Miefert,  Frederick  Werth,  Christian  Gerstaller ;  Corporal  Charles 

Died. — Privates  Matthew  Buehl,  Charles  Roller,  John  B.  Stieff,  John 

Discharged. — Sergeants  Frederick  Oberkline,  John  Obervahn,  Wil- 
liam Kiliam  ;  Privates  Jacob  Arnold,  Nicholas  Braun,  Charles  Berger, 
Charles  Brill,  Prosper  Binghard,  Christopher  Hornickle,  Charles  Hal- 
ler,  Paul  Jessing,  Martin  Kern,  Charles  Kern,  Conrad  Kauffman, 
Henry  Karp,  Henry  Moore,  George  Mietsch,  August  Nolte,  Edward 
Schenkel,  Gotlieb  Schaffner,  Herman  Stahl,  Casper  Rung. 

Prisoners  of  War. — Sergeant  V.  Hummell,  Charles  Corp,  Charles 
Daubenmerkel,  Henry  Pappenberg,  Leonard  Hermann  ;  Corporal  Jo- 
seph Becker. 

Recruits  and  Prisoners  of  War. — Privates  John  B.  Baumgartner,  An- 
drew Dietz,  Bernhardt  Klineberg,  Otto  Zink. 

Not  on  Muster  Roll. — Private  John  Trarbauch. 



Captain  Gustavus  Richter. 
Captain  Adam  Schumacker. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  Zahn. 
■  First  Lieutenant  Tlieodore  Lammer. 
First  Lieutenant  Alexander  Hillbrum. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frederick  Oberkline. 
Second  Lieutenant  George  Hartung. 


First  Sergeant  Charles  Golde. 
Sergeant  August  Gebhardt. 
Sergeant  Frederick  Emmert. 
Sergeant  Charles  Kaschule. 
-Corporal  Christian  Herman. 
Corporal  Henry  Nagel. 
Corporal  Franz  Winter. 
Corporal  Charles  Schronckhart. 
Corporal  Edward  Rapp. 
Corporal  Herman  Schutz. 
Corporal  Franz  Spahn. 


Adam  Wenzel,  George  Appelman,  Ernst  Buerkle,  Joseph  Bleible, 
Frederick  Cramer,  Charles  Doolharte,  Charles  Dutchman,  William 
Diehlmier,  Frank  Denkinger,  Henry  Dirkson,  Justus  Enter,  Louis 
Gschwind,  Herman  Howard,  Daniel  Hess,  Raymond  HoU,  William 
Heiderman,  Henry  Hinneche,  August  Kimple,  Jacob  Kreiss,  John 
Loffler,  Frederick  Leuke,  William  Leipnitz,  Frederick  Maeir,  John 
Mueller,  Lewis  Plattin,  Otto  Roggenbricker,  Philip  R.  Rack,  Bernhaid 
Sextro,  Henry  Stoddick,  Christian  Schetler,  Joseph  Schneider,  Peter 
Schneider,  Henry  Stamm,  August  Schroppe,  Herman  Spaemberg, 
Joseph  Schander,  Christian  Schmidt,  August  Seigmund,  John  Schmidt, 
Frederick  Strick,  Louis  Schmolze,  George  Wiedeworth,  Peter  Wet- 
terick,  William  Zarsk,e  Peter  Brummer,  Christopher  Dammier,  John 
Greberstein,  Anthony  Otto,  Casper  Oberdries,  John  Rudel,  Henry 
Rupprehct,  Jacob  Schifferdecker,  Conrad  Stein,  Anthony  Zeke. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Corporal  Herman  Lutz;  Privates  Frederick  Gor- 
dike,  William  Huth,  Otto  Kutter,  George  Kuhne. 

Died. — Sergeant  George  Honold;  Privates  Rudolph  Arnold,  Franz 
Baechle,  William  Baelser,  William  Federlin,  Frederick  Fisch,  Henry 
Racke,  William  Newman,  William  Trimemeyer. 

Missing  in  Action. — Private  John  Ganer. 

Discharged. — First  Sergeant  Ferdinand  Seyper;  Corporal  Andreas 
Hosfeld;  Privates  Ehrhart  Buettner,  Charles  Biedenbender,  John 
Friker,  George  Harting,  Lucas  Haettig,  Simon  Kaerling,  George  Lim- 
berger, WiUliam  Meir,  Henry  Mayer,  Joshua  Mueller,  August  Pert, 
William  Schnellman,  Henry  Schubrook,  Otto  Spankuch,  Valentine 



Transferred.  —  Private  Charles  Barker;  Musicians  John  Deiterich, 
Michael  Meiser. 

On  muster-in,  but  not  on  muster-out  roll.  —  First  Lieutenant  Charles 



Captain  Jacob  Glonchovvski. 
First  Lieutenant  Morris  Pohlman. 
First  Liuetenant  Herman  Groskordt. 
Second  Lieutenant  Adolphus  Kuhn. 
Second  Lieutenant  Louis  Kuster. 


First  Sergeant  Robert  Haile. 

Sergeant  Peter  Heischauer. 

Sergeant  Frederick  Brand. 

Sergeant  Wilhelm  Besseeke. 

Corporal  Carl  Kommandera. 

Corporal  Charles  Stuchle. 

Corporal  August  Stoeppel. 

Corporal  Peter  Stoltz. 

Corporal  William  Meinking. 

Corporal  August  Kettler. 

Wagoner  Andrew  Motrz. 


John  Bachmann,  Charles  Brandt,  Philip  Blum,  Louis  Bode,  Herman 
Buscher,  Wilhelm  Buscher,  John  Bulow,  Henry  DeVenkamp,  William 
Doepke,  Francis  Feuerstein,  Charles  Fischer,  John  Frommel,  John 
Grothen,  John  Hazeltein.  Jacob  Hatman,  Nicholas  Hanck,  Frederick 
Hebenstreel,  George  Hesch,  John  Janson,  Philip  Jacob,  Gustave  Kaiser, 
Christian  Kleinschmit,  Henry  Krumdick,  John  Kraus,  Isador  Kuhn, 
Theodore  Koehn,  Henry  Lubbert,  William  Meier,  Henrich  Meinking, 
Frederick  Munzer,  Frederick  Opitz,  Bernhardt  Ortmann,  Frederick 
Poff,  Bernhard  Quinke,  Lorenz  Quinke,  August  Roese,  Gustave  Rulle, 
John  Schaefer,  John  Schatzben,  George  Schatzmann,  John  Schiek, 
Emil  Schudert,  Albert  Schmidt,  Matthias  Schaller,  Jacob  Schneider, 
George  Seeger,  George  Severling,  Theodore  Skinner,  Henry  Struve, 
Christian  Tolle,  Christian  Voeckel,  Andrew  Woessner,  Joseph  Wegner, 
Paul  Dilley,  Henry  Pfaffenbauch,  Theodore  Hartz,  Matthias  Meier. 

Died. — Corporal  Louis  Weghurst;  Privates  John  Blankenheim,  George 
Belk,  Louis  Buscher,  Joseph  Danner,  Andrew  Haum,  Henry  Keifer, 
Theodore  Sabin. 

Discharged. — Sergeants  George  Graff,  Henry  Marting;  Privates  Fred- 
erick Abel,  George  Beigel,  Charles  Dolletsbeek,  Joseph  Dietsch,  Loyd 
Dixon,  WiUiara  Gehm,  Charles  Hillwein,  Michael  Rapp,  Anton  Wild. 

Transferred. — Sergeant  John  Lindner;  Corporals  Herman  Fischer, 
August  Wilsbacher;  Musician  Leopold  Praeger;  Privates  Albert  Bender, 
Frederick  Brandt,  Theodore  Herth,  Christopher  Miller,  John  Ridder- 

Prisoners  of  War. — Sergeant  Joseph  Hochler;  Privates  Christian 
Ehlert,  Joseph  Hillinger,  Bernhard  Riddamann,  Frederick  Vehrenkamp, 
Henry  Voss,  Henry  Foss. 



Captain  John  Ganson. 
First  Lieutenant  William  Henbig. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  Dolezich. 
Second  Lieutenant  Joseph  Graff. 
Second  Lieutenant  Andrew  Jenny. 


Sergeant  Ferdinand  Opitz. 
Sergeant  William  Huttenmiller. 
Sergeant  George  Stenken. 
Corporal  Herman  Liman. 
Corporal  Frederick  Jant. 
Corporal  John  Steffel. 
Corporal  Anton  Greiner. 
Corporal  Herman  Warnke. 
Corporal  John  Schmidt. 
Musician  Louis  Hoendorf. 


William  Bickmeyer,  Jacob  Boehler,  Philip  Burckhardt,  Emil  Becher, 
Christian  Balks,  William  Bock,  Joseph  Comarth,  Herman  Demme, 
Leopold  Dollen,  Philip  Fitz,  Benjamin  Foley,  Christian  Fleichman, 
Francis  FiUan,  Michael  Graw,  Louis  Haack,  Edward  Hammel,  Chris- 
tian Haffner,  Ignatz  Hoch,  John  Heine,   Louis   Hoerr,  Rudolph  Hoel- 

schen,  Frederick  Hoeller,  Fedolin  Kaffoden,  Charles  Leiser,  Anton 
Meier,  William  Muerer,  Philip  Merty,  Adolph  Newbrick,  Jolin  Ort- 
wein,  Charles  Ohl,  Henry  Paul,  Alexander  Ruf,  Peter  Rohland,  Joseph 
Shirm,  August  Stoecken,  William  Stoecken,  John  Schuman,  Frederick 
Schmidt,  Robert  Schmidt,  John  Seifert,  Charles  Slants,  Christian 
Soberer,  Charles  Slienle,  Fabian  Wiemer,  Henry  Westmeyer,  Conrarth 
Wolf,  Jacob  Blattner,  August  Beisen,  Gustav  Becker,  Charles  Haack, 
Peter  Hobstetter,  Daniel  Schmidt,  Leo  Schroeder,  Christian  Schott, 
Daniel  Schneider,  Joseph  Wiclort. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Sergeant  Michael  Hamman,  Corporal  Gottlieb 
Reiber;  Privates,  Lee  Bochler,  Frederick  Frill,  John  Kental,  Charles 
Mueller,  William  Reichman,  Gustav  Stoecken,  Conarth  Springgard. 

Died. — Drummer  Thornton  Eberhardt;  Privates  Henry  Blomeyer, 
Louis  Runk,  George  Vanan. 

Discharged. — F,rederick  Bauenmeister,  Christian  Constanz,  Bern- 
hardt Hoelscher,  Urban  Keifenheim,  George  Kapp,  Jacob  Lava, 
Charles  Mensing,  John  Adam  Nay,  Charles  Taucher. 

Prisoners  of  War. — First  Sergeant  James  Doll;  Sergeant  Casper 
Messemer;  Corporal  Charles  Hoppest,  Wagoner  Jacob  Schaeffer  Pri- 
vates Daniel  Grimm,  Edward  Uttendenfer. 

Transferred. — First  Sergeant  Richard  Schneider;  Privates  Philip 
Bikel,  Frederick  Banemeister,  Jacob  Bauer,  John  Boccord,  Lewis 



Captain  George  Sommer. 
Captain  E.  B.  Thomson. 
First  Lieutenant  Theodore  Hafner. 
First  Lieutenant  James  Mangold. 
First  Lieutenant  Louis  Grove, 
Second  Lieutenant  Louis  Fricker. 


First  Sergeant  Jacob  Mather. 

Sergeant  Peter  Kinzler. 

Sergeant  Charles  Kempf. 

Sergeant  Lorenz  Miller. 

Sergeant  Jolui  Kempfer. 

Corporal  Julius  Siegel. 

Corporal  Joseph  Frichs. 

Corporal  Philip  Marrer. 

Corporal  John  Radley. 

Corporal  David  Thaler. 

Teamster  Leonard  Wissmeier. 


Jacob  August,  Bernhard  Axra,  Ferdinand  Baldinger,  Martin  Bassler, 
Henry  Bauer,  Jacob  Beck,  Sebastian  Beringer,  Thomas  Buchta,  Rein- 
hard  Dalmon,  Alexander  Dalmon,  Peter  Erbacher,  George  Fellinger, 
August  Fellsman,  John  Grether,  Theodore  Gubser,  John  Geiger,  Con- 
stantine  Geschwind,  Frederick  Hartmann,  John  Hartman,  George  Hof, 
August  Halthof,  John  Hoch,  Jacob  Jetter,  Joseph  Knoble,  Leonard 
Kirscher,  Jacob  Kirschbaum,  Martin  Kramer,  William  Lenzer,  Anton 
Myer,  Emanuel  Marthi,  George  Meixner,  Frederick  Mueller,  Georg 
Mutter,  Jacob  Mandeiy,  John  Obenauer,  Michael  Reutschler,  Victor 
Ruedy,  Jacob  Sommer,  John  Scheverman,  Frederick  Schubert,  Philip 
Schubert,  Martin  Seifert,  Alpheus  Sommerhalder,  George  J.  Schenck, 
Henry  Waechler,  Jacob  Zellweyer,  Marcus  Ziegenhard,  Jacob  Hotz, 
Adam  Kuehn,  George  Sommer,  Ferdinand  Seyfried,  John  Seidel,  Her- 
man Teichert. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Privates  Godfrey  Hauth,  Gottfried  Grosser. 

Missing  in  Action. — George  Roller,  Andrew  Schuyeck. 

Died. — Privates,  William  Gerhard,  Albert  Homcger,  Leopold  Mar- 
rer, Solomon  Schneider,  John  Schneider,  John  Seibold,  Cyriack  Vogt. 

Discharged.  —  Corporals  William  Mueller,  Anthony  Mohler;  Pri- 
vates George  Buettner,  Lewis  Bauer,  Jacob  Honppler,  John  Kuhn, 
John  KuU,  Christopher  Kull,  John  Mueller,  John  Mickel,  Henry 
Neuman,  Louis  Preissel,  John  Renner,  Theodore  Rehse,  Martin  Sel- 
ler, John  Schenck,  William  Sauerwine,  Marcus  Wieser,  Conrad  Zie- 
gler,  Frederick  Zamp. 

Prisoners  of  War. — Privates  William  Berg,  Charles  Rauber. 

Transferred. — Corporal- Joseph  Krebs;  Privates  Adolph  Brandner, 
Julius  Fischer,  George  Gruntee,  Peter  Keltenbach,  Jacob  Orth,  Peter 
Schaus,  William  Hauck,  Charles  Henry,  Frederick  Lauch. 


This  was  one  of  the  several  regiments  raised  at  once 
in  Cincinnati  upon  the  outbreak  of  the  war.     It  mus- 



tered  in  May  7,   1861,  and  shortly  after  marched  from 
Camp  Harrison  to  Camp  Dennison,  seventeen  miles,  in 
less  than  four  hours.     Many  officers  and  enlisted  men 
had  seen  service  in  Mexico  and  Europe.    It  was  inspected 
at  Camp  Dennison  by  General   McClelian,   and  highly 
complimented  by  him.     In  the  latter  part  of  May  the 
Tenth  re-enlisted  almost  in  a  body  for  three  years,  and  was 
again  mustered  in,  June  3d,  as  a  three-years'  regiment, 
when  the  ladies  of  Cincinnati  presented   it  a  splendid 
stand  of  colors.  June  24th  it  was  reported  to  General  Mc- 
Clelian at  Grafton,  and  marched  thence  to  Clarksburgh, 
whence  it  moved  to  the  relief  of  a  beleaguered  force  at 
Glenville,  but   found  it   relieved  without  a  fight.     Two 
months  marching  and  scouting  in  the  mountains  followed, 
after  which  it  led  the  advance  of  Rosecrans  to  Carnifex 
Ferry.     Here  the  regiment  was  hotly  engaged  and  com- 
pelled to  fall  back.     In  the  subsequent  movements  the 
Tenth  took    an  active  share,  serving  in  every  skirmish 
and  battle  in  that  campaign,  closing  with  the  chase  of 
Floyd  from  Cotton  mountain.     November  2d,  the  Tenth 
returned  to  Cincinnati  on  its  way  to  Kentucky,  and  re- 
ceived a  most  enthusiastic  greeting  as  the  "heroes  of  Car- 
nifex."    Some  of  the  streets  through  which  it  moved  were 
so  thronged  that  space  was  scarcely  left  for  the  column. 
It  formed  in  line  on  Broadway,  opposite  Colonel  Lytle's 
home,  where  he  was  suffering  from  a  wound,  but  arose 
and  accompanied  his  regiment  on  its  triumphal  march. 
After  a  week  in  the  city  it  went  to  Kentucky  and  was  as- 
signed to  the  Thirteenth  brigade.  Third  division  of  Buell's 
army.     Through  Kentucky  and  Tennessee  it  shared  the 
splendid  achievements   of  General  Mitchel,  its  division 
commander,  and  upon  reaching  Huntsville,  Alabama,  it 
was  put  on  provost  guard  duty,  which  it  performed  to  the 
eminent  satisfaction  of  the  citizens.     Colonel  Lytle  was 
now  commanding  the  brigade,  and  led  it  on  the  long  march 
back  to  the   Ohio.     October  2d,  the  regiment  received 
sixty  recruits,  and  the  next  day  moved  toward  Perryville, 
where  it  was  very  sharply  engaged,  losing  almost  exactly 
one   half  the  number  with  which   it  went  into   action. 
When  General  Rosecrans  relieved  Buell  the  Tenth  was 
announced  as  headquarters  and  provost  guard  of  the  Ar- 
my  of  the  Cumberland,  relieving   the  Fifteenth  United 
States  infantry.     During  the  battle  of  Stone  River  it  pro- 
tected the  communications,  and  was  highly  commended 
in  the  official  report.     Seven  companies  of  the  regiment 
saved  a  train  which  was  being  plundered  by  Wheeler's 
cavalry,  besides  turning  back  several  thousand  fugitives 
from  the  battle-field.     At  headquarters,  some  time  after, 
Mrs.  Rosecrans  personally  presented  the  members  of  the 
"Roll  of  Honor"  in  the  regiment  with  their  badges,  and 
pinned  them  herself  on  the  breasts  of  the  veterans.     A 
beautiful  national  flag  was  also  received  from  the  city  of 
Cincinnati  in  appreciation  of  the  gallantry  and  daring  of 
the  Tenth.     The  regiment  was  present  with  Rosecrans 
at  Chickamauga,   and  with  Thomas  at  Mission  Ridge, 
Buzzard  Roost,  Rocky  Face  Ridge,  Resaca,  and  in  the 
Atlanta  campaign  to  Kingston.    When  its  term  had  near- 
ly expired  it  was  formed  in  front  of  headquarters,  where 
General  Thomas,  contrary  to  his  custom,  addressed  it  a 
few  words  of  parting  cheer  and  of  compliment  for  its 

bearing  on  all  occasions.  General  Whipple,  chief  of  staff", 
sent  a  eulogistic  letter  expressing  his  deep  regret  that  the 
army  was  about  to  lose  the  "glorious  old  Tenth  Ohio." 
The  boys  gave  "three  times  three"  for  General  Thomas, 
and  another  for  the  Army  of  the  Cumberland,  and  still 
another  for  the  Union  cause,  and  then  filed  off  ho'me- 
ward  bound.  Its  return  was  cordially  welcomed  in  Cin- 
cinnati, and  it  was  shortly  afterward  mustered  out  of  ser- 


Colonel  William  H.  Lytle. 
Colonel  Joseph  W.  Burk. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Herman  J.  Korff, 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Robert  M.  Moore. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  William  M.  Ward. 
Major  John  E.  Hudson, 
Adjutant  James  A.  Groves. 
Adjutant  Daniel  O'Connor. 
Adjutant  Thomas  A.  Patterson, 
Quartermaster  Francis  Darr. 
Quartermaster  Nicholas  Lacy, 
Quartermaster  Luke  Murrin. 
Surgeon  Charles  S.  Muscroft. 
Surgeon  Homer  C.  Shaw, 
Assistant  Surgeon  John  B.  Rice. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Joseph  H.  Van  Deman. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Francis  £.  Powers. 
Chaplain  William  T.  O'Higgins. 
Sergeant  Major  Nicholas  Knox. 
Sergeant  Major  Daniel  Troohig. 
Sergeant  Major  Newton  McKee. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  Luke  Murrin. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  John  Connolly. 
Commissary  Sergeant  Matthias  Reiddinger. 
Commissary  Sergeant  John  Heber. 
Hospital  Steward  John  J.  Memiinger. 
Chief  Bugler  Jacob  Seibeck. 
Principal  Musician  John  O'Grady. 


Principal  Musician  John  W.  Walter;  Musicians  John  Breslau,  Louis 
J.  Blackner,  William  Bierman,  Hugh  Coyle,  Charles  Colgan,  Daniel 
Finn,  John  W.  Fischer,  Hugh  Hurley,  Frederick  C.  Krull,  John  Man- 
oeue,  Simon  Moeller,  William  J.  O'Neill,  Charles  A.  Rademacher, 
Bernard  Strusberger,  Peter  C.  Schickle,  Charles  Schroth,  George  F. 
Wedemeyer,  Charles  Walter, 



Captain  John  O'Dowd. . 
Captain  John  Fanning. 
First  Lieutenant  John  Crauley. 
First  Lieutenant  Daniel  O'Neill. 
First  Lieutenant  Timothy  D.  McNeff. 
Second  Lieutenant  WiUiam  Lambert. 
Second  Lieutenant  James  Foley. 
Second  Lieutenant  Isaac  Shideler, 


First  Sergeant  Luke  Jones. 

Sergeant  Thomas  Burcell. 

Sergeant  Manuel  O'Ribe. 

Sergeant  Michael  O'Brien. 

Sergeant  John  P,  Williams, 

Corporal  Samuel  Hickman, 

Corporal  Patrick  Norton. 

Corporal  Patrick  Troohig, 


James  Brown,  Thomas  Barry,  Michael  Carey,  Dennis  Curran,  Wil- 
liam Crumley,  Patrick  Conroy,  Thomas  Coleman,  Thomas  Dolan, 
John  Deffley,  John  Fenn,  John  Gilligan,  Patrick  Giltman,  Matthew 
Herbert,  David  Higgins,  Edward  Hanlon,  Timothy  Hartnett,  Richard 
Jennings,  James  E.  Jones,  John  Kenney,  John  Logan,  Michael  Lar- 
kins,  Thomas  McDonald,  Patrick  McGarry,  James  Maloney,  John 
Muhan,  John  I.  Murphy,    Patrick   Nealon,  Francis   Phillips,  Thomas 



Ryan,  Dennis  Ryan,  Michael  Tydings,  Timothy  Umford,  Michael 
Barry,  Felix  McHugh,  James  Smith,  James  Horan,  Charles  B.  Davis, 
James  Boyd,  Thomas  O'Brien,  Michael  I.  Fatten,  Michael  Keenan, 
James  Tulty,  Hugh  Dennedy,  Henry  A.  Brown,  James  Clare,  Timo- 
thy Doyle,  Patricli  J.  Gillivan,  Patrick  Keenan,  Patrick  McCudgen, 
Samuel  McMuUen,  Charles  Malloy,  Robert  Kittrich,  James  McAndre, 
William  O'Brien,  Patrick  O'Neill,  Thomas  Bryan,  John  Reed,  Patrick 
Stark,  Jacob  Sage,  John  Ehiffy,  James  Galligher,  Thomas  Dwyer. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Sergeants  John  Dowd  and  Patrick  Kavanagh; 
t'rivates  Thomas  German,  William  Morehouse,  Harry  Rooney,  Patrick 
Keeshaw,  Daniel  Diffley,  James  Harrison,  James  Haley,  Bernard  Ken- 
ney,  Hamilton  Keown,  Tobias  Real. 

Died. — Corporals  Joseph  Dume  and  James  Fisher;  Privates  John 
Carey,  James  McCudley,  Patrick  Jourdan,  Hubert  Farrell. 

Discharged. — Sergeant  Daniel  O'Neill,  Daniel  Toohig,  William  Lam- 
bert, James  Foley;  Privates  John  Connelly,  Charles  Dennenhour, 
George  Leonard,  Charles  McDermott,  James  Malone,  Daniel  O'Con- 

Transferred. — Privates  Francis  Carroll,  James  Christy,  John  Barrett, 
David  Cullerton,  Michael  Cowan,  John  Gushing,  Patrick  Dowd,  James 
Malone,  John  Fitzpatnck,  Michael  Ryan,  John  Harte,  James  B.  Mar- 
tin, Thomas  Mahoney,  John  Donohoe,  Dennis  Murphy,  Edward  Can- 
non, Michael  Brophy. 



Captain  Emil  Seib. 

Captain  C.  F.  Nickel. 

Captain  Rudolph  Seebaum. 

First  Lieutenant  George  Schafanacker. 

First  Lieutenant  Charles  Weber. 

Second  Lieutenant  Matthias  Reidlinger. 

Second  Lieutenant  William  Thede. 

First  Sergeant  William  Grundkemeyer. 
Sergeant  August  Maak, 
Sergeant  Charles  Heok. 
Corporal  John  Keoh. 
Corporal  John  Dannenhauer. 
Corporal  Fritz  Tiemann, 
Corporal  Henry  Toppe. 
Corporal  William  Hblle. 


John  Dicks,  Henry  Borchers,  John  Burns,  Herman  Bnigemann, 
William  Caroteus,  Abraham  Creppel,  John  Dippel,  Christian  Drehs, 
Charles  Dreyer,  Frederick  Gleisker,  Lorenz  Germann,  Christian  Gill, 
Joseph  Hampiiing,  Brenhardt  Herbert,  Ulrich  Hepler,  Henry  Hofle, 
Charles  Junket,  PhiUip  S.  Kappes,  Andreas  Krogner,  Fritz  Kurz, 
Henry  Leive,  Charles  Linsel.  Jacob  Manshardt,  Henry  Mainsen,  Ernest 
Mathies,  Henry  Meyer,  Henry  Mueller,  August  Reinfield,  George 
Reinfelder,  Charles  Rosenplanter,  Casper  Schiller,  Henry  Schmidt, 
Ernst  Schmeisser,  Frederick  Schoeuben,  John  Schubert,  Thomas 
Schuster,  Simon  Seiger,  Thadeus  Sonnentag,  John  Spery,  Fritz 
Weckerlin,  Alexander  Westerkamra,  Frederick  Strew,  Fritz  Weiskopf, 
Wilhelm  Westler,  Jacob  Ziegle,  Charles  Rukhardt,  Clemens  Eickhof, 
Conrad  Fuchs,  Martrias  Hoff,  August  Kelding,  Edward  Marquardt, 
Jacob  Mueller,  Andreas  Poppe,  Peter  Pfeifer. 

Killedin  battle. — Corporal  Moritz  Kurz;  Privates  William  Marquardt, 
Kermaux  Schramm,  William  Wellman. 

Died. — Sergeant  Theodore  Murmann;  First  Sergeant  Henry  Gunkel; 
Privates  Frederick  Kensehler,  Frederick  Joerger,  Anton  Koffleer, 
Henry  Rodenberg. 

Discharged. — Privates  Henry  Aul,  Frederick  Bub,  Gotleib  Brugmann, 
Joseph  Erchenlohr,  John  Filgar,  Franz  Franzum,  Charles  Grau, 
Christian  Heck,  Franz  Krumel,  John  Kurtz,  Francis  Kinerehm,  Her- 
man Leffering,  John  Mueller,  Frederick  Meyer,  Henry  Nunhuser, 
Rudolph  Ruppiller,  Charles  Sohiker,  Lewis  Schulze,  MatthiesenSonker, 
Rudolph  Wiltgenfield. 

Transferred. — Privates  John  Koller,  Charles  Hohmann.,  Michael, 
Hess,  John  Fuller,  Felix  Keifel,  Folsche  Conrad,  William  Thede, 
Charles  Dicks. 



Captain  John  E.  Hudson. 
Captain  James  T.  Hickey. 
Captain  Thomas  J.  Kelly. 

First  Lieutenant  Dominick  J.  Burk. 
Second  Lieutenant  Thomas  Downey. 

First  Sergeant  Michael  Logan. 
Sergeant  Patrick  McDonnell. 
Sergeant  Patrick  Menich, 
Sergeant  Bernard  Duane. 
Sergeant  Samuel  Backas. 
Corporal  Patrick  Murphy. 
Corporal  Charles  Madden. 
Corporal  Phillip  Baxter. 
Corporal  Andrew  Philan. 


Charles  Allen,  Edward  Browne,  Paul  Burns,  Lawrence  Berry, 
Michael  Carroll,  Mathew  Callahan,  Michael  Cashen,  John  Cassedy, 
Henry  Clavin,  Henry  Cramer,  William  Costello,  Michael  Davey,  James 
Green,  WiUiam  Hayes,  Tim  Harris,  John  Herrmann,  Frederick  John- 
son, James  Kelly,  John  W.  Kelly,  Nicholas  Kierman,  WiUiam  Kebblel, 
Mathew  Lane,  Joseph  Langil,  Thomas  Lonard,  Michael  Loftus, 
Michael  Lowe,  Daniel  Marble,  James  Miller,  John  McCormick,  Samuel 
S.  Mathews,  Thomas  B.  Parr,  Thomas  Rooney,  William  Sellers, 
Michael  Stokes,  Michael  H.  Shannon,  Michael  Shannon,  Daniel  Shea, 
James  Taylor,  William  Willis,  Patrick  Dwyer,  Terrence  Doherty, 
Joseph  Guthrie,  Charles  R.  Le  Blanc,  Corporals  John  S.  Pierce,  Peter 
Bruin,  Patrick  Callahan,  John  Cavanagh,  William  Callahan,  Thomas 
Daly,  Michael  Delaney,  Thomas  Dyer,  John  Cum.mins,  Michael  Fitz- 
simmons,  Luke  Findley,  Peter  J.  Galagher,  James  Johnson,  Michael 
Lally,  William  Morrison,  Cornelius  Murphy,  Bartholomew  O'Donald, 
John  Quinn. 

Killed  in  battle. — Corporals  Patrick  Brogan,  William  Spence;  Pri- 
vates James  Peters,  John  Reed,  James  Costello,  Thomas  Singleton, 
Henry  Cohlmann. 

Died.— Sergeant  James  Smith;  Privates  John  Rymer,  John  Kelly, 
Terrence  Mahon,  James  M.  Smith,  Charles  'Cavanagh,  Christopher 

Discharged. — First  Sergeants  William  D.  Harman,  Thomas  Downey, 
Thomas  J.  Kelly,  Joseph  Hoban;  Sergeant  Joseph  Gibson;  Musician 
Michael  Griffin;  Privates  Charles  S.  Brown,  Patrick  Duffy,  Alfred 
Green,  Thomas  Gillick,  John  M.  Farwell,  Patrick  Fawley,  Patrick 
Knight,  John  Meyers,  Patrick  Mahon,  James  Marion,  Thomas  Reiley, 
Benjamin  Scott,  Edward  Wolf. 

Transferred. — Corporal  Peter  Moran;  Musician  John  Keiser;  Privates 
William  Hickev,  Edward  McGarrahan,  John  I.  McBride,  WiUiam 
Johnson,  John  Johnson,  John  Nicholson,  Malachi  Bonghani,  Michael 
Dillon,  Daniel  Cavanagh,  Jonah  R.  Gregory,  Patrick  Gilmartin, 
Thomas  Twan,  Michael  E.  Joyce,  Patrick  Sweeney,  Michael  Lawless. 



Captain  R.  M.  Moore. 
Captain  Philip  C.  Marmion. 
First  Lieutenant  Eugene  R.  Eaton. 
First  Lieutenant  Joseph  Donahue. 
First  Lieutenant  John  S.  Mulroy. 
Second  Lieutenant  Peter  Gessner. 

First  Sergeant  Matthew  J.  Redmond. 
Sergeant  James  J.  Quinn. 
Sergeant  John  Horn. 
Sergeant  Michael  Fernon. 
Sergeant  Matthew  Byarl. 
Corporal  James  Fitzsimmons. 
Corporal  Thomas  Hannon. 
Corporal  Bernard  M.  Kinney. 
Corporal  Bernard  C.  Corbett. 
Corporal  Thomas  O'Brien. 
Musician  James  A.  Devine, 
Wagoner  Lewis  Lee. 


Robert  Adamsf  Frank  Biggins,  Daniel  Callahan,  Felix  Devin,  John 
Enright,  Joseph  Enfelder,  Bernard  Fitzimmons,  Dennis  Fitspatrick, 
William  J.  Gray,  John  H.  Greene,  John  Gleason,  James  Hector, 
Michael  Hill,  Luke  Kelly,  Thomas  Lawrence,  Michael  Meara,  James 
Mullen,  James  Malia,  Thomas  McDonald,  John  McHugh,  Louis  J. 
Nadared,  John  O'Connel,  Edward  O'Neil,  John  Sonday,  Richard  A. 
Seymour,  Thomas  Huggins,  George  Shuck,  George  Underwood, 
Joseph  A.  Wise,  John  C.  Wood. 



Killed  in  Battle. — Privates,  George  Aichenger,  John  Corcoran,  Cor- 
nelius Haley,   Bernard  King,  Louis  Shuck. 

Died. — Corporal  John  T.  Cunningham:  Privates  James  Brannan, 
Patrick  Hays,  Daniel  Higgins,  Thomas  Higgins,  Christopher  Jones, 
Conrad  Kuich,  James  Murley,  Andrew  Reash,  Dennis  Shannon. 

Missing  in  Action. — Private  Michael  Kelly. 

Discharged. — Sergeant  Joseph  Donohue;  Corporal  John  C.  Quinn; 
Privates  Lewis  H.  AuU,  Maurice  J.  Bolger,  Luke  Brannon,  James 
Birmingham,  William  Cody,  Michael  Costello,  Patrick  Devitt,  John 
Ferguson,  Thomas  Hubbard,  James  Holland,  Timothy  Holland,  Henry 
Heredan,  Bryan  Kennedy,  John  Lennon,  James  Mahoney,  Daniel  N. 
Mariner,  John  D.  Myers,  Thomas  D.  Munion,  Edward  O'Neill,  Henry 
Witte,    William  Fitzgerald,  James  GiUen,  John  Greany. 

Corporals,  Edward  O'Connor,  John  C.  Hays,  Alfred  Edwards, 
Michael  Gavin;  Privates  Richard  Busker,  Dennis  Forbes,  James  Farley, 
Patrick  Hatton,  Thomas  Hanlin,  Andrew  Herbert,  James  Hines,  Wil- 
liam A.  Jones,  Dennis  Kennedy,  John  Lawley,  James  McMahon, 
Thomas  Moore,  William  O'Connor,  Michael  O'Cushing,  Timothy 
Ryan,  Josepii  Radle,  Thomas  Scott,  Michael  Russell,  William  Scully. 

Transferred. — Privates,  George  W.  Beadle,  Thomas  Crow,  Edward 
Crolty,  William  H.  Devine,  William  Duwellen,  John  Dougherty, 
Thomas  Fitzpatrick,  James  Finley,  John  Farrell,  John  Forrester,  Jerry 
F.  Halpin,  Jacob  Lubeck,  John  Lloyd,  Michael  Lane,  William 
Murphy,  William  H.  McElroy,  James  McGrath,  William  Noel, 
Thomas  Redmund,  Michael  Reany,  Richard  A.  Thomas,  James 
Thompson,  Robert  Walsh,  Patrick  Collins. 



Captain  James  M.  Fitzgerald. 
Captain  Stephen  J.  McGroarty. 
Captain  Luke  H.  Murdock. 
First  Lieutenant  James  A.  Grover. 
First  Lieutenant  Daniel  Twohig. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  Sullivan. 
Second  Lieutenant  Daniel  O'Connor. 
Second  Lieutenant  Timothy  McNeff. 


First  Sergeant  William  Donevon. 
Sergeant  Timothy  Sullivan. 
Sergeant  Andrew  Cunningham. 
Sergeant  John  B.  Filming. 
Corporal  Thomas  H.  Corcoran. 
Corporal  Austin  Walsh. 
Corporal  Thomas  F.  O'Shea. 
Musician  Lawrence  Callahan. 


David  Butler,  James  Butler,  William  Brown,  Peter  Campbell,  Patrick 
Cannon,  John  Conway,  Patrick  Connelly,  Michael  Caulfield,  Michael 
Craig,  William  Fitzgerald,  Daniel  Fitzpatrick,  Michael  Flanagan, 
Patrick  Flanagan,  Patrick  Fosner,  James  Goffney,  Patrick  Hen- 
nessy,  Michael  Hatton,  Maurice  Joyce,  John  Kehoe,  John  Keller, 
Patrick  Kelly,  John  Lewrien,  Michael  Manian,  James  Mullen, 
Michael  Meehan,  Thomas  Moken,  William  H.  McKeown ;  Pat- 
rick McGown,  Michael  O'Leary,  Timothy  Ryan,  John  Troy, 
Mathias  Coughlin,  Nicholas  Butler,  Richard  Carroll,  John  Con- 
nelly, John  Carey,  James  Christy,  Patrick  Conlier,  William  Dennis, 
Edward  Hasty,  Edward  Hackett,  Thomas  Helm,  Richard  Kelly. 
Charles  D.  Lynch,  Thomas  McVey,  James  McGlinehy,  James  Makin, 
Patrick  TcCabe,  Patrick  Malloy,  John  McGrea,  Samuel  Sullivan 
Michael  Smith,  William  A.  Smith,  Dennis  SchoUord,  Dennis  Sullivan, 
Patrick  Schollord,  George  W.  Truss. 

Killed  in  battle.— First  Sergeant  John  Kennedy;  Privates  Michaej 
Fitzgibbon,  George  Fisher,  Patrick  Duffy,  Patrick  McGeven,  James 
Robb,  John  McCostly. 

Died. — Privates  John  Anderson,  John  Cook,  Daniel  Cohill,  William 
Dugan,  Francis  Foley,  Robert  King,  George  S.  Murphy,  James  Mc- 
Hugh,  Patrick  O'Brien. 

Discharged. — Corporal  Michael  Sorigan;  Privates  Patrick  Burk-, 
Robert  Brown,  Michael  Donnelly,  Michael  Johnson,  Patrick  Kenny, 
Francis  J.  Kestings,  Peter  Haney,  John  Mahoney,  Cornelius  Moran 
Hugh  Meriorty,  Christopher  McCasIin,  James  P.  Rierdon,  Richard 
Sweetman,  Terrence  Sweeney,  Patrick  Sullivan,  John  Walsh,  William 

Transferred. — Sergeant,  Patrick  S.  Kerney;  privates,  John  Whalen, 
Michael  Coogan,  John  Donovan,  Dennis  Ennis,  Thomas  Hoban,  James 

Mokin,  Thomas  Wallace,  William  Cary,  William  Gillispie,  Patrick  W. 
Quinlin,  Hamilton  Keown,  John  Johnson,  Henry  Glass,  John  O.tbury, 
William  H.  Stein,  George  W.  Green. 

Captain  Christian  Amis. 
First  Lieutenant  Conrad  Frederick. 
First  Lieutenant  Alfred  Pritle. 

First  Lieutenant  Luke  Murrin.  ' 

First  Lieutenant  Sebastian  Eustachi. 
Second  Lieutenant  George  C.  MuUer. 
Second  Lieutenant  WiUhelm  Otendorf. 
Second  Lieutenant  WiUhelm  Thede. 


First  Sergeant  Frederick  Ahlborn. 
Sergeant  Valentine  Cornelius. 
Sergeant  John  Schultz. 
Sergeant  William  Kaiser. 
Sergeant  Wendelin  Broedler. 
Corporal  Charles  Schmidt. 
Corporal  Michael  Kraus. 
Corporal  John  Meyer. 
Corporal  Joseph  Fullherbst. 
Corporal  Joseph  Stranbriger. 
Corporal  Ferdinand  Henencoart. 
Corporal  Frank  Betzer. 
Wagoner  James  Stengel. 


Heinrich  -Andres,  Henry  Bolsinger,  Jacob  Breckle,  George  Boepple, 
Wilhelm  Braseninger,  Anton  Bur,  Charles  Ehrlicker,  Wilhelm  Fei- 
tag,  John  Freck,  Wilhelm  Fischer,  John  Fritz,  Frederick  M.  Fein, 
Martin  Fussz,  Charles  Grether,  Charles  Greis,  Lorenz  Gremler,  Henry 
Hetzel,  Philip  Hess,  Christian  Kumming,  William  Kruget,  John  Klein, 
Martin  Kuhn,  Jacob  Kuhn,  Dayobeith  King,  Fidel  Kopp,  Rudolph 
Kroeger,  Joseph  Mayer,  John  Mueller,  Philip Muller,  Friedoline  Reum, 
John  Reutschle,  Andrew  Schlachterager,  Franz  Seebach,  Frank  Sutor, 
Jacob  Stroble,  Wilhelm  Seehaus,  John  Stalline,  John  Schaefer,  Hein- 
rich Schneider,  Edward  Tourell,  Peter  Weber,  Joseph  Welter,  Mein- 
rathZelmder,  Joseph  Zuleger,  Drummer  Wilhelm  Connelly,  Gotleib  Eck- 
ert,  Conrad  Goetz,  Henry  Long,  Richard  Meier,  John  Sticksee,  Henry 

Killed  in  Battle. — Privates  Christian  Heinrich,  John  Hanus,  John 

Missing  in  Action. — Privates  Heinrich  Enghausen  Edward  Fischer. 

Died. — Privates  John  Berkemer,  John  Dusbus,  Charles  Koch, 
Charles  Meckel,  Ferdinand  Rau,  Wilhelm  Reuzenlimk. 

Discharged. — Sergeant  Adolphus  Reichel;  Corporals  Ignatz  Wil- 
helm, Friedrich  Lutz,  John  Kleingries;  Bugler  Joseph  H.  Franz;  Pri- 
vates.Frederick  Buck,  Charles  Dark,  Wiihelm  Hemriiig,  George  Hoff, 
Charles  P.  Harring,  Henry  Jaeger,  Cheistian  Koehler,  Jacob  Kurtzer, 
Richard  Lampe,  Adam  Ney,  Adam  Pfeifer,  August-Sturm,  John  Steitz, 
Ernst  'Weber,  John  Winkler,  John  Zeiman. 

Transferred. — Privates  Michael  Feller,  John  Haab,  Joseph  Halick, 
Henry  Kumming,  George  Rink,  Henry  Wolf,  John  Siepe. 



Captain  James  P.  Sedam. 
Captain  William  H.  Steele. 
Captain  John  Sullivan. 
Captain  William  C.  Morgodent. 
First  Lieutenant  Thomas  Burns. 
First  Lieutenant  Thomas  N.  Patterson. 
First  Lieutenant  Granville  McSherry. 
Second  Lieutenant  Henry  D.  Page. 
Second  Lieutenant  James  A.  Grover. 

First  Sergeant  James  Ennis. 
Sergeant  David  Kimble. 
Sergeant  James  Gilber. 
Sergeant  William  Fairlamb. 
Corporal-John  Knur. 
Corporal  Frederick  Englehart. 
Corporal  William  Liebla. 
Corporal  Clements  Licking. 



Corporal  David  Grant. 
Wagoner  George  Seifart. 


Ross  Ally,  James  Dilley,  John  Elvert,  Edward  Eikel,  Samuel  L.  Fry, 
William  Feeny,  Charles  Gutheins,  Hiram  Havelin,  Clark  Hiett,  John 
Hum,  Edward  Johnson,  Oliver  Jordan,  Henry  Light,  William  Myers, 
Thompson  Miller,  Frank  McGill,  August  Miller,  Jacob  Mayer,  Thomas 
O'Neil,  John  Rape,  John  Rentz,  Joseph  Sindlebeck,  Henry  Switzer, 
August  Van  Horn,  William  Waring,  Charles  Anderson,  Levine 
Church,  Henry  Crupper,  James  Cahill,  John  Clark,  Alfred  Hewitt, 
John  Hogan,  David  Johnson,  Benjamin  Kavits,  James  Kelley,  Wil- 
liam Matheson,  Thomas  Murry,  Frank  McCormick,  Charles  Naylor, 
George  Nelson. 

Died. — Privates  Conrad  Cook,  John  M.  Dowde,  Joseph  Hockhorn, 
Charles  Hughes,  John  Krirsel,  August  Shulthouse,  Frederick  Shaefter, 
Louis  Siegel,  Louis  Weisner. 

Discharged. — Sergeants  William  P.  Martin,  Sidney  Milner,  James 
M.  Keefer;  Privates  Christopher  Alexander,  John  Cox,  August  Croma, 
William  C.  Deters,  John  Donavan,  Henry  Elfres,  John  Hunt,  Edward 
Hamilton,  Stephen  Mistbeck,  Michael  McGuire,  Bernard  Monagan, 
Walter  Mains,  John  Murphy,  Henry  Nitchsky,  James  Nash,  Philip 
Quintin,  William  Smith,  Joseph  Storer,  Washington  Seymour,  Robert 
Wittemeyer,  William  Wilson. 

Veterans. — Privates  Nelson  Duval,  James  Reynolds,  Thomas  Sloan. 

Transferred — Sergeants  Isaac  Shidler  and  Peter  Gifney;  Privates  Jo- 
seph Colter,  Michael  McCloskey,  Jacob  Maturn,  John  Miller,  John 

Recruits. —Sergeant  Anderson  Camillens;  Privates  Ferdinand  M. 
Dugan,  Henry  Garner,  George  McCleary,  John  McKeever,  Louis 
Snyder,  Charles  Smith,  Joseph  Turner. 



Captain  Thomas  G.  Tienion. 
Captain  Charles  C.  Cramsey. 
First  Lieutenant  Thomas  McMuUen. 
First  Lieutenant  John  Sullivan. 
First  Lieutenant  Daniel  O'Neil. 
Second  Lieutenant  Joseph  Connelly. 
Second  Lieutenant  Alfred  Pitle. 
Second  Lieutenant  Timothy  D.  McNeff. 
Second  Lieutenant  William  D.  Harmon. 


First  Sergeant  Patrick  Doyle.  _ 

Sergeant  Patrick  Daugherty. 
Sergeant  Michael  Murphy. 
Sergeant  John  H.  Bartell. 
Sergeant  Samuel  Newell. 
Corporal  James  Early. 
Corporal  Michael  Cain. 
Corporal  William  Gleeson. 
Corporal  Edward  Ryan. 
Corporal  Charles  Carty. 
Corporal  Peter  Shannon. 
Corporal  James  Regan. 
Wagoner  John  Malone. 


Michael  Brennan,  Thomas  Cavanaugh,  Michael  Cain,  Cornelius 
Conway,  James  Currey,  Michael  Clifford,  Peter  Carney.  William  Clark, 
Francis  Carroll,  Thomas  Donohue,  James  Dunn,  Richard  Doran, 
Dennis  Fanning,  Thomas  Fitzsimmons,  Patrick  Farrell,  Patrick  Fingan, 
Michael  Guilford,  John  Gannon,  Patrick  Heiferman,  Patrick  Hart, 
Dennis  Haggerty,  John  Hogan,  Charles  Henry,  Michael  Kerwin, 
Lawrence  Kerhoe,  John  Lillis,  Philip  Liddy,  John  Long,  John  Murry, 
William  Murphy,  John  McCarty,  John  Moore,  James  McAuleff, 
Patrick  McDonald,  Patrick  O'Brien,  Patrick  O'Connor,  Wilham  Roch- 
ford,  Herman  Remple,  John  Thomas,  Robert  Whiteside,  Charles 
Herbert,  Thomas  Liddy,  Henry  Allen,  George  Fance,  Peter  Feeney, 
Patrick  Gallagher,  James  Hoffman,  Owen  Haley,  Terrence  Hotten 
Frederick  Hotter,  Martin  Kinney,  Joseph  Linch,  Mathias  McKeown, 
James  McNicholas,  James  Quinlivan,  Roger  Quinn,  George  Reilly, 
John  Rush,  Thomas  Regan,    John  Shields,  Jacob  Smith. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Privates  Henry  Crossen,  John  Doyle,  Patrick 

Died. — Privates  Dennis  Burke,  Michael  Clancey,  James  Fitzgerald, 
William  Houlihan,  Patrick  Gillaspie,  Patrick  Lillis,  William  Neylon 
James  Kelley,  John  Rafferty. 

Discharged. — Privates  James  Able,  Thomas  Conway,  John  Donohue, 
John  Fox,  John  Fitzgibbons,  John  Houlihan,  John  Lobb,  Terrence  Mc- 
Mannus,  Patrick  Mutagh,  Patrick  Murry,  Marcellus  Mitchell,  Frederick 
Packhard,  Patrick  Sweeney. 

Transferred,  etc. — I^irst  Sergeant  John  Malloy;  Musician,  John  Mc- 
Gready;  Privates  William  Conklin,  John  Cogan,  Michael  Dill,  Patrick 
Huland,  John  Joyce,  Timothy  Kavanaugh,  Thomas  Kelly,  Thomas 
Liddy,  John  Tempsey. 

Not  on  company  rolls.— Jesse  T.  Walters. 



Captain  William  M.  Ward. 
Captain  Thomas  J.  Kelly. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  C.  Cramsey. 
First  Lieutenant  Luke  H.  Murdock. 
Second  Lieutenant  Nicholas  Lacy. 
Second  Lieutenant  Dominick  J.  Burk. 
Second  Lieutenant  James  Foley. 

First  Sergeant  James  Linch. 
Sergeant  Samuel  E.  Brown. 
Sergeant  Roman  Amerien. 
Sergeant  Patrick  Regan. 
Coiporaljohn  Kester. 
Corporal  St.  Clair  Baldwin. 
Corporal  Andrew  Amthauer. 
Corporal  Peter  Sanders. 
Corporal  James  Riley. 


Joseph  Arbuthnot,  John  Butler,  Thomas  Crogan,  Thomas  Crotly> 
John  Davis,  Michael  Doyle,  Christopher  Dupps,  Charles  Fagan,  John 
Fey,  Patrick  Gilmartin,  Peter  Glabb,  John  Hirseh,  Charles  Harrison, 
Charles  Jan tzen,  Joseph  Krail,  James  King,  John  Kuhn,  Adolph  Keit- 
man,  Jacob  Klimm,  George  Keadich,  John  Linder,  Dennis  NcAuliffe, 
Joseph  Miller,  Thomas  Mailey,  John  Orr,  Thomas  Phalan,  Louis  Pohl- 
man,  Amos  F.  Reynolds,  Frederick  Scheffler,  Henry  Smith,  William 
Sullivan,  Bernard  Stewe,  Julius  Sommer,  Thomas  Secoan,  Thomas 
Webb,  Martin  Whalan,  Philip  Zeagemauth,  Patrick  Cain,  Daniel 
Cavanaugh,  Peter  Hoffman,  Lawrence  Hettinger,  Gustavus  Sie- 
del.  Rarer  C.  Morrison,  John  Wittengel,  Maurice  P.  O'SuUi- 
van,  John  H.  Sanders,  Henry  Bauman,  James  Clark,  Martin  Gehardt, 
Josiah  Gregory,  Charles  Hohmann,  Joseph  Heider,  John  Keon, 
Charles  Keller,  James  Kelly,  William  Linglumier,  James  McKune, 
Michael  Ryan,  John  Rods,  Joseph  Somrenberg,  Perry  Strasberger, 
Jacob  Strom,  Henry  Taylor,  Samuel   Winchester,  Henry  Wince. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Augustus  Hilgenaier,  Charles  Medary,  William 

Died.  —  Privates  James  Cumberland,  Andrew  Christens,  Patrick 
Duane,  Peter  Dolan,  Thomas  Kelly,  William  Louis,  Valentine  Manthi, 
Hubert  Nillis,  Anthony  Quinn,  Abraham  Rosenberger,  William  Rosk- 
off,  Charles  Scherges,  Edward  Vaughn;  Corporal  Patrick  H.  White. 

Discharged. — Privates  Xavier  AUgaier,  John  Bickler,  William  Beck- 
man,  Pierce  Bergen,  John  Burmister,  John  Doyle,  Francis  GroU,  Charles 
Gross,  John  Huigerther,  John  Kenny,  Robert  Middleton,  Theodore 
Reiman,  John  Young,  William  Young. 

Transferred. — First  Sergeant  Luke  H.  Murdock;  Sergeants  Dom- 
inick J.  Burke,  Patrick  Rainey;  Privates  Patrick  Flanagan,  Edward 
O'Donnnell,  William  Keating,  Richard  Doran,  Patrick  Gallagher, 
Patrick  Gillispie,  Jeremiah  Long,  Patrick  McDonald,  Samuel  Newell, 
Patrick  O'Brien,  William  S,  O'Brien,  James  QuinUvan,  George  Schnek. 

Captain  Henry  Robinson. 
Captain  John  Bently. 
Captain  Daniel  O'Connor. 
First  Lieutenant  John  J.  Stites. 
First  Lieutenant  Eugene  R.  Eaton. 
Second  Lieutenant  Nicholas  Knox. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  Mallory. 


First  Sergeant  Andrew  Hammond. 
Sergeant  James  Upperman. 
Sergeant  James  E.  Lecount. 
Sergeant  Charles  Lickert. 



Sergeant  Francis  Marlatt. 
Corporal  Patrick  Griffin. 
Corporal  Devvitt  C.  Belleville. 
Corporal  Wesley  Dragoo. 


Frederick  Ansterly,  Courtland  W.  Brunson,  George  Bealer,  William 
H.  Bennett,  Andrew  Burke,  Valentine  Busam,  Steplien  Bokenkoetter, 
Frederick  Baum,  Edward  Brown,  Goltleib  Brightfield,  Henry  Chose- 
man,  John  Crotly,  Richard  Dooley,  Dennis  Daugherty,  John  Dobener, 
Christian  Dymond,  Louis  Eckert,  Frederick  Fleesman,  Joseph  Fowler, 
John  Fox,  Edwin  H.  Folger,  John  Gorman,  Matthew  Gilfius,  Florence 
Hindermock,  Thomas  Hishberger,  Charles  Hines,  John  Holtz,  John 
Hay,  Charles  S.  Johnson,  Frederick  Keonig,  1  awrence  Kerry,  Joseph 
Munter,  John  Miller,  John  Moser,  Herman  Maus,  John  Och,  Charles 
Ortman,  George  Osterman,  Christopher  Petrie,  Patrick  Powers,  Martin 
Raabe,  John  Renner,  Adam  Rohman,  Paul  Shoener,  William  Stander- 
man,  William  Shafer,  HenryJ.  Stein,  William  Troecher,  John  Van- 
fleet,  'Henry  Wertz,  John  Winer,  Thomas  B.  Ward,  John  Wagoner, 
Walter  Curtis,  Moses  Nixon,  Julius  Austerhouse.J  esse  Cooper. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Private  Albert  Christ. 

Died.— Sergeant  George  G.  Belleville;  Corporal  Aaron  Bridsal, 
Privates  Adolphus  Beaman,  Charles  Leicht,  George  Miller,  John 

Discharged. — Privates  William  Allen,  William  Baker,  Henry  Bitter, 
Lawrence  Firnpoess,  Charles  Hine,  P'rederick  Kleiber,  James  Long, 
Christopher  Roser,  John  W.  Toskey. 


Only  part  of  this  regiment  was  raised  in  Hamilton 
county.  It  mustered  in  for  three  months  April,  1861, 
and  for  three  years  June  20,  i86r.  Taking  the  field  in 
July,  it  formed  part  of  the  celebrated  Kanawha  division, 
led  by  General  J.  D.  Cox,  and  participated  in  all  the 
movements  of  the  division  in  West  Virginia  and  else- 
where. At  one  time  company  K,  principally  mechanics, 
rebuilt  a  bridge  across  the  Pocotaligo  in  less  than  a  day, 
with  no  tools  but  some  axes  and  augers.  The  same  com- 
pany afterwards  helped  to  build  two  boats,  together  form- 
ing a  ferry-boat  one  hundred  and  forty  feet  long,  with 
which  communication  was  opened  between  the  wings  of 
the  Kanawha  army.  The  Eleventh  was  in  the  battle  of 
South  Mountain,  and  took  part  in  the  famous  charge 
against  the  stone  wall;  fought  also  at  Antietam,  was  re- 
moved to  Tennessee  in  February,  1863,  participated  in 
the  advance  on  Chattanooga,  was  in  the  battles  of  Chick- 
amauga  and  Mission  Ridge,  and  some  months  after  in  a 
desperate  charge  up  a  steep  declivity  near  Buzzard's 
Roost,  when  it  lost  one-sixth  of  its  men. 

February  17,  1864,  it  was  presented  with  a  stand  of 
colors  by  the  ladies  of  Troy,  Ohio.  The  regiment,  after 
a  hearty  welcome  in  Cincinnati  on  its  return,  was  mus- 
tered out  June  21,  1864.  Until  the  time  of  its  disband- 
ment,  from  December,  1861,  a  regimental  church  was 
kept  up,  and  the  religious  element  was  always  prominent 
in  the  command. 

The  Eleventh  battalion  of  Ohio  infantry  was  composed 
of  two  companies  of  this  regiment  whose  time  did  not 
expire  as  soon  as  the  others,  and  also  of  those  who  re- 
enlisted  as  veterans.  They  were  commanded  by  Lieu- 
tenant Colonel  Stubbs,  who  had  been  sergeant  major  of 
the  original  organization;  accompanied  Sherman  in  his 
last  campaign;  and  were  mustered  out  at  the  close  of  the 


Captain  William  L.  Douglass. 
Captain  Lewis  G.  Brown. 

First  Lieutenant  Silas  Roney. 
First  Lieutenant  George  E.  Peck. 
Second  Lieutenant  James  M.  Elliott. 
First  Lieutenant  William  Crubaugh. 
First  Lieutenant  William  M.  Culbertson. 
First  Lieutenant  Cyreneus  Longly, 


First  Sergeant  Isaac  McKenzie. 
Sergeant  William  N.  Hathaway. 
Sergeant  Thomas  Clegg. 
Sergeant  Francis  M.  Ogden. 
Sergeant  William  H.  Aydman. 
Corporal  John  F.  Silman. 
Corporal  Phillip  Behman. 
Corporal  John  Comer. 
Corporal  Charles  Abbott. 
Wagoner  Richard  Penny. 


John  C.  Bain,  Lewis  C.  Bail,  William  Britton,  William  L.  Bower, 
Charles  Buehn,  Joseph  Brown,  Stephen  Burke,  John  Dennis,  Hugh 
Davis,  Peter  Devine,  Jacob  Evans,  John  Fregate,  Joseph  W.  Fren- 
zell,  Harvey  Fox,  John  Godfrey,  James  Humphrey,  John  C.  HoUi- 
day,  Charles  Hauselman,  Albert  W.  Heuntz,  David  Johnson,  AUison 
Johnson,  Jacob  G.  Lake,  William  Malloney,  James  Merville,  William 
Maurath,  John  S.  Morris,  James  Mallon,  George  D.  Mayle,  Isaac  Me- 
riah,  Lewis  Penny,  Ellis  Penny,  Lafayette  Penny,  William  L.  Pierson, 
Robert  C.  Silman,  Emil  Leitz,  John  B.  Sutherland,  George  W.  Schrei- 
ver, Jacob  Schunk,  Isaac  Treker,  Josliua  Urten,  William  A.  Utter,  Au- 
gust Voltz,  George  Wasson,  William  Watson,  John  H.  Webster, 
Charles  H.  Whittaker,  James  Williams,  Virgil  A.  Williams,  Edward 
Yocum,  Benjamin  Boyd,  Thomas  Brickel,  Austheimel  Byrket,  Hiram 
Bryant,  Thomas  Brown,  William  Carpenter,  Hezekiah  Crampton, 
Charles  Crayton,  Obed  Dennis,  Joseph  H.  Doehrer,  Thomas  Dwyer, 
John  Hastings,  Robert  Hall,  Edward  Jones,  Charles  Johnson,  John 
Lowden,  Benjamin  Lowden,  Phillip  McKinney,  Isaac  Meguire,  Charles 
Mortimer,  James  Minton,  Alfred  Miller,  James  Norris,  Henry  Nelson, 
Patrick  J.  Owen,  Wilson  Oblinger,  Abram  D.  Philips,  Robert  Patterson, 
Jabez  D.  Raynor,  George  Reynolds,  John  Schmitt,  Charles  Sill,  James 
S.  Stillman,  William  Sherer,  Joseph  Tate,  William  A.  Tarr,  Henry 
Wear,  Charles  W.  Worden,  John  W.  White. 

Killed  in  Action. — Private  John  Baker. 

Died. — Sergeants  John  H.  Peck,  Marvin  B.  Wolf;  Corporals  Bos- 
well  S.  Wagoner,  George  G.  L.  Murphy;  Privates  John  F.  Colther, 
Henry  C.  Day,  Charles  M.  Geusch,  Frederick  Heusey,  Noah  Sams, 
Simeon  Shideler. 

Discharged. — Privates  Ely  W.  Bennett,  John  L.  Culbertson,  James 
Daa,  John  Dyson,  Robert  N.  Douglass,  Samuel  Fast,  John  Ferris, 
Frederick  Feame,  George  Hamer,  William  Hiser,  William  H.  Kelsey, 
Alfred  H.  Monroe,  Snell  Mansfield,  Joseph  E.  Pierson,  Floid  L.  Smith, 
Daniel  R.  P.  Shoemaker,  Late  A.  Stewart,  James  Sisson,  James  N. 
Sisson,  Alexander  Smith,  Walter  S.  Stevens,  Robert  D.  Robb. 

Transferred. — Privates  Silas  P.  Ake,  Charles  H.  Baker,  Joseph 
Bower,  Jerome  Bro\vn,  Albert  Berry,  Henry  D.  Culbertson,  Henry 
Clickner,  Michael  Casey,  Ellsberry  G.  Covault,  Geoige  K.  Daily,  Wat- 
son Baggot,  Edward  Dorsey,  Cornelius  Deeter,  James  Funk,  William 
Gosnel,  Daniel  Hampton,  David  Helpman,  Jacob  Houser,  Frank  Ho- 
man,  Daniel  Hunt,  Jacob  H.  Irwin,  Nathan  Keltner,  William  Kelly, 
Andrew  Kin,  Charles  E.  H.  Kimball,  Christopher  Myers,  James  Mc- 
Donald, William  L.  McFall,  Henry  C.  McNight,  Jacob  Marlett,  Mar- 
tin Noran,  Christopher  Neisley,  John  Pritchard,  Sylvester  Penny,  James 
Rouse,  William  Reiber,  Jonathan  Rollins,  John  Reese,  Owen  A.  Reich, 
William  Roney,  Dennis  Regan,  Lerile  E.  Smith,  Phillip  Smith,  John 
Sulliger,  Walter  Steinberger,  L.  A.  Thomas,  Joseph  Wich,  Jacob 
Wise,  Levi  W.  Whittaker,  Nathan  Whittaker,  George  Williams,  Mar- 
tin V.  Williams,  Jonathan  Wilkins,  James  Westfall,  Samuel  Farr. 

Prisoner  of  War. — Private  William  H.  Boyle. 

Discharged. — Sergeants  Bailey  Plumb,  George  D.  Palmer,  Samuel 
A.  Collins. 



William  M.  Sampson,  Abraham  Toot,  Perry  Truden,  James  Veitch, 
Lucien  Wissheng,  Calvin  Wolf,  Thomas  Stofer,  Charles  Redbing. 

Captain  Philander  A.  Lane. 
Captain  George  Johnson. 



First  Lieutenant  George  P.  Darrow. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  J.  Cottinhan. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  J.  McCline. 
First  Lieutenant  Theodore  Cox. 
Second  Lieutenant  Alfred  L.  Conklin. 
Second  Lieutenant  George  Johnson. 
Second  Lieutenant  Robert  C.  Morris. 


First  Sergeant  Elliott  McGowan, 
Sergeant  Jeremiah  Hardwick. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Myers. 
Corporal  Simeon   Hays. 


George  Andrew,  Thomas  Anderson,  Frederick  W.  Becker,  Charles 
Bosworth,  Michael  Beechler,  Samuel  Brock,  John  C.  DeButts,  Edward 
Eaton,  James  Figfer,  Henry  Foil,  George  Germeyer,  Richard  Gilbert, 
Martin  Hooker,  Albert  G.  Hoole,  Joseph  Keller,  Adam  Neiberger, 
Andrew  Rossler,  Joseph  Stinger,  George  Smith,  No.  i;  George  Smith, 
No.  2;  Jarred  Wallace,  Charles  Young. 

Sergeant  David  Baird;  Corporals  John  T.  Clark,  Moses  Redhead, 
John  Mirslee;  Privates  George  H.  Armstrong,  Edward  Bateman,  Rich- 
ard Bristol,  Michael  Casey,  James  M.  Clark,  Martin  Comer,  Daniel 
Diebold,  Simon  Detach,  Henry  Effing,  James  Flynn,  Oscar  B.  Fowler, 
John  Fuglin,  John  Gardner,  Martin  Goudling,  John  Goodrich,  Charles 
H.  Greenwood,  Edward  Hundley,  John  W.  Hementlialer,  Henry  Kel- 
ler, Henry  King,  Peter  Lowring,  William  H.  Lynn,  Joseph  C.  Lynn, 
Joseph  M.  Malone,  Henry  Marshall,  Joseph  Me.x,  James  Mosley,  John 
Meir,  Edward  Myers,  Reuben  McKenney,  Alexander  McPherson, 
Charles  Patterson,  David  G.  Patton,  Perry  Wilson,  Benjamin  Wilhair. 

Killed  in  battle. — Corporal  Charles  H.  Wright;  Privates  John  Boos, 
Joseph  Bunker,  Michael  Depretz,  Michael  Hoath,  Marion  Powell, 
John  Scholsser,  John  Weiner. 

Died. — Teamsters  William  Allen,  Rensdan  Carson;  Privates  Engle- 
bert  Dold,  William  A.  Fowler,  Jacob  Reif,  Benjamin  Stevens,  James 

Discharged. — First  Sergeants  Orlando  Hudson,  George  S.  Swayne; 
Sergeant  Joseph  Pearson;  Corporals  William  Hays,  Charles  McCor- 
mick;  Musician  George  Van  Ausdale;  Privates  Lewis  Ankle,  Theobald 
S.  Bransby,  Benoni  Dixon,  John  K.  Di.Kon,  Theodore  English,  Asa  F. 
Flagg,  George  Granger,  Michael  Gigar,  Lewis  Grey,  Henry  Hunnach, 
John  Hull,  Hugh  H.  Humphrey,  Victor  Kennecht,  David  F.  Lansing, 
Dumont  Mills,  Landrum  Noel,  Abel  Pearson,  Joseph  Powers,  Dennis 
Ragan,  Ransalaer  Richardson,  Jackson  Suibner,  John  W.  H.  Searles, 
Albert  Sennett,  Walter  Stpinberger,  Nathan  W.  Whitaker,  Jonathan 

Transferred. — First  Sergeant  John  Ginten;  Privates  Charles  H. 
Carothers,  Joshua  Handen,  Englebert,  Kaupfer  Schmidt,  Philip  Roach, 
William  Carroll,  William  Christian,  Frank  M.  Fowler,  Joseph  P. 
Morris,  Samuel  F.  Myers,  Charles  R.  Patrick,  William  H.  Lee,  George 
A.  Stinger,  Levi  W.  Whitaker. 



Captain  D.  Clinton  Stubbs. 

First  Lieutenant  Fiancis  M.  Ogden. 

Second  Lieutenant  David  W.  Murrice. 


First  Sergeant  Charles  Abbo  t. 

Sergeant  John  Tilman. 

Sergeant  Philip  Betoman 

Sergeant  John  Connor 

Sergeant  Jacob  Schenck 

Corporal  James  Williams. 

Corporal  John  A.  Webster. 

Corporals  Joshua  Urton  Waymers. 

Corporal  James  R.  Kinney, 

Corporal  James  F.  O'Conner. 


Louis  C.  Baird,  John  W.  Baine,  WiUiam  L.  Bowen,  Peter  Presan, 
William  L.  Britton,  Stephen  Brik,  Charles  Buehn,  Hugh  Davis,  John 
Dennis,  Peter  Devore,  James  G.  Evans,  Harvey  Fox,  Joseph  W.  Fent- 
zel,  John  Fugates,  John  Godfrey,  Charles  Hanselman,  Raleigh  D.  Hat- 
field, Albert  W.  Hentz,  John  C.  Holliday,  James  Humphreys,  Daniel 
Hunt,  Allison  Johnson,  David  Johnson,  Jacob  H.  La  Rue,  David  K. 
Lonthan,  James  Mellon,  William  Maloney,  William  Manrath,  G.  D. 
Mazle,   Isaac  Moenah,  James  Merrill,  John  T.  Morris,  Ellis  Penney, 

La  Fayette  Penney,  Abraham  Rozer,  George  W.  Schreiver,  Robert  C. 
Silman,  Emil  Seitz,  George  W.  Snively,  Isaac  Tuckey,  William  A. 
Utley,  August  Voltz,  Harrison  H.  Wait,  George  Wassen,  William 
Watson,  Charlas  W.  Whittaeker,  Virgil  A.  Williams,  William  H. 
Wydman,  Edwin  Yocum. 

Jacob  G.  Labe. 

Died. — Privates,  William  H.  Harrison,  John  Smith. 

Discharged. — Sergeant  Major  D.  Clinton  Stubbs;  First  Sergeant 
Francis  M.  Ogden;  Sergeant  Thomas  Clegg;  Corporals  Frederick 
Eberhart  and  Henry  Burns;  Privates  James  W.  Campbell,  John  W. 
Clark,  Isaac  Flickinger,  William  Harvey,  James  McDonell,  John  R, 
Osborne,  Louis  Penney,  Richard  Penney,  William  Wiearson,  James 
Rowe,   Henry  Timons. 

Prisoners  of  War. — Privates,  Harvey  Fox,  Raleigh  D.  Hatfield. 

Mustered  for  Transfer,  but  Mustered  out  with  Company. — Corpor- 
als William  Crawford,  August  Herring;  Privates,  James  G.  Achuff, 
John  Londin,  John  Mallee,  Samuel  A.  McQuiston,  James  Morris, 
James  Riley,  Daniel  Ross,  Frederick  Steirley,  John  H.  Trump,  Peter 
Walter,  James  Wallace,  George  Wintringham,  James  Salter,  Joseph 
C.  Brown. 



Corporal  John  W.  Smith. 

Francis  M.   Fowler,  William  H.  Lee,  John  W.  Barry,  Charles  R. 
Patrick,  William  Carroll,  George  A.  Stinger,  Charles  Redbrug. 

Mustered  into  service  May  3,  and  June  28,  1861. 
Private  James  H.  Pierson. 



Zachariah  Crippen  (killed  in  battle)  Hugh  McCabe,  Josiah  J.  Higbee. 

Albert  T.  Boswell,  William  B.  Carey,  George  M.  D.  Evans 



Jacob  Bauman,  Charles  Graysoff,  John  Hymer,  Lewis  Green,  Chris- 
tian C.  White. 


Four  companies  of  veterans  of  the  Thirteenth  Ohio  infantry,  organ- 
ized June,  1864. 



Captain  Michael  Hartenstein. 


Louis  Brightfield,  Frederick  Harmon,  Michael  Reis,  Andrew  August 


Mustered  into  service  May  18,  and  August,  1861. 



Andrew  Landbury,  George  W.  Lendberger,  J.  A.  Laird,  William 
Kleinsory,  Ludwig  Miller. 



Gustav  Kelly  (died)  John  Wagner. 

George  R.   Barnes,   James  Brennan,  Daniel  Conger,  John  Cook  Jo- 
seph Fritche,  Bennett  H.  Koka,  Frank  Winsell. 

Private  James  Gorrell. 



John  C.  Albrecht,  Joseph  Barkla,  Conrad  Dahoff,  Carl  Geyer,  Wil- 
liam Hastig. 



August  Bust,  Alexander  Hulbert,  Daniel  Erb,  Thomas  Kelly,  Dennis 
Kelly,  T.  A.  Laird. 


Mustered  into  service  May  and  September,  1861. 



John  Chrfstie,  Peter  Flick, 



George  Dettmer,  Joseph  Doll,  George  Henzel,  Charles  H.  Dinaman, 
lona  Bleeholder,  Henry  Brackman,  Samuel  Bushmaster,  Richard  Cole- 
man, Christopher  Detteling,  Kasper  D.  Trussee,  Leo  W.  Wale,  John 
McFadden,  Christopher  Shrader. 


(Three  Months'  Service.) 



First  Lieutenant  William  H.  Wade. 


William  B.  Gibson,  Simeon  G.  Jones,  Hiram  M.  Lee,  George  L. 
McKeehan,  Charles  R.  Wilder. 

Mustered  into  service  April  and  September,  1861. 
Robert  A.  Quinn,  John  Ripler,    Ferdinand  Shaffer,   George  Walen- 
roth,  Robert  Schmidt,  George  H.  Barrow. 
Private  Philip  Sheets. 



John  Barnhart,  George  F.  Ely,    Gabriel  P.  Smith,   Henry  Schroder, 
Richard  Stiver,   Beldaser  Schaub,  John  Scott,  Landlin  Swigler,  John 
Thuler,   Lewis  C.  Wright,  Ernest  Wehman,  Frank  Zimmerly. 


WiUiam  Stelrenkamp,  Joseph  Schrommer,  John  Theurer.  Patrick 
Ernwtight,  Marthaus  Guiner. 



John  Cass,  James  M.  Gallaher,  John  D.  Kibbey,  James  W.  Richard. 

Private  Charles  L.  Wagenhals. 


This  regiment  was  organized  at  Camps  Wood  and 
Dennison  between  August  and  November,  1861.  Its 
service  was  with  the  Armies  of  the  Ohio  and  the  Cum- 
berland; it  was  in  the  battle  of  Chickamauga  and  other 
actions,  and  was  honorably  discharged  November  9, 
1864.  A  second  organization,  bearing  the  same  name, 
was  formed  from  the  veterans  of  several  Ohio  regiments, 
and  fought  in  the  battle  of  Nashville.  It  was  retained  in 
service  until  October  22,  1865,  when  it  was  mustered  out 
at  Columbus. 


Adjutant  Henry  H.  Welch. 
Musician  Velosu  A.  Taylor. 
Hospital  Steward  John  C.  Cochran. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  George  P.  Jarvis. 



Samuel  D.  Decker,  Zachariah  Garris,  Joseph  H.  Royar,  John  Fitz- 



William  Beeden,  Granvill  Toy,  John  Williams,  John  L.  Cochran, 
George  Stewenagle,  George  W.  Holmes,  Patrick  Riley. 

Joseph  Florentz. 



Corporal  Asa  Robbins. 
Corporal  WiUiam  Emery. 


John  Boesser,  John  Battle,  William  Hanlin,  Samuel  Morched, 
Thomas  J.  Abbott,  Timothy  Brannan,  John  Calt;  James  Cnuck,  Joshua 
Demkerly,  Richard  Duncan,  Charles  F.  English,  William  Hoffue,  John 
McGeer,  William  D.  Tattman,  Jecy  C.  Young. 

Augustus  Shovaney,  Paul  Wilson,  William  Waters. 

Private  Charles  A.  Stone. 



Corporal  Joseph  Williams. 


John  Aylers,  Joseph  Anderson,  Henry  Abberdeing,  Henry  Altmeyre, 
Ernest  Benedict,  Charles  B.  Slotey. 

COMPANY  I.  (Veteran). 


First  Sergeant  James  B.  Boyer. 

Sergeant  Elias  Shaefer. 

Sergeant  Martin  V.  Monday. 

Sergeant  Brice  Hayes. 

Corporal  John  E,  Porter. 

Corporal  Louis  Landman. 

Corporal  Henry  Sebexen. 

Corporal  Henry  Demar. 


Junius  B.  W.  Black,  Milton  Collins,  Luther  D.  Dupoy,  John  Dear- 
don,  Joshua  Delaplane,  Morris  Foley,  John  Ferris,  Philip  C.  Fearline, 
Louis  Gruber,  Christian  Haber,  John  Hassing,  William  Halt,  Charles 
M.  Kimbrough,  Patrick  McCabe,  John  Mulcahy,  Lorentz  Miller,  El- 
wood  Madden,  John  A.  Myer,  Charles  Nicholas,  Leonides  Price,  George 
Peter,  Patrick  Ryan,  John  Smith,  Ferdinand  Schultz,  George  Showalter, 
John  Snowden,  Thomas  B.  Thayer,  William  Wyane,  Henry  Young, 
Wilhelm  Zueker,  Philip  Zegerard,  Thomas  Burns,  Simeon  Culbertson, 
Henry  Guthcamp,  WiUiam  J.  O'Naherty,  Joseph  Hampton,  Marcus 
Hathaway,  John  W.  Holcomb,  Frank  Bernard,  Ignatz  Burtz,  Jacob 
Cohn,  Mathias  P.  Dingeman,  George  W.  Machinaw,  Albert  MorreU, 
Samuel  A.  Brady,  James  Peck,  John  Ryan,  William  F.  Smith,  Samuel 
Snedegar,  Peter  Tigan,  Peter  Warren,  Herman  Kroog,  John  Kennedy, 
Charles  W.  Lewis. 

Died. — Privates  Benjamin  F.  Buckbee,  Herman  H.  Erpenstein;  Ser- 
geant Benjamin  F.  Fox. 

COMPANY  K.  (Veteran). 


Sergeant  Charles  John. 


Peter  Gabriel,  Michael  Bettinger,  Lewis  Book. 

Mustered  into  service  May  and  November,   i86r. 
Private  Theodore  Seivering. 



Heniy  Minike,  Peter  Monroe,  Henry  Buckhouse,  Michael  Genshuger. 


James  Stewart,  Barney  Brockman  (Twentieth  Ohio). 


COMPANY  B.  (Veteran). 


First  Sergeant  Godfrey  B.  Alexander. 


Henry  Kepper,  John  Johnson  (died),  John  Hall. 

Private  Thomas  Paliner. 



Second  Lieutenant  James  B.  Walker. 


Lewis  Stillman,  James  B.  Walker,  .Albert  Black. 

COMPANY  E.  (Veteran). 


Joseph  Bradford,  Lewis  Webber. 

COMPANY  G.  (Veteran). 

Private  Gottfried  Schmidt. 

Private  Albert  G.  Black. 

Private  Herman  Neetfelt. 

COMPANY  I.  (Veteran). 

Captain  Francis  M.  Shaklee. 


Christopher  Yerke,  Thomas  Wilson. 

Private  William  Shanen. 


The  three  months'  regiment  of  this  number  was 
raised  at  once  upon  the  outbreak  of  war.  One  company 
(B)  was  recruited  at  Oxford,  Butler  county,  mainly  from 
the  students  of  Miami  university.  Among  them  were 
the  following-named  from  Cincinnati : 

Captain  Ozu  Jennison  Dodds. 


John  R.  Hunt,  jr.,  Carter  B.  Harrison,  Robert  A.  Leonard,  James 
A.  Leonard,  Charles  L.  Seward. 

( Three  Years'  Service. ) 


Albert  Black,  Mason  Harmon. 



Christopher  Gehrke,  James  Lingen,  Herman  Neatfelt. 


Thomas  Gleason,  William  Sharron. 


Assistant  Surgeon  Richard  Gray,  jr. 


Colonel  Crafts  J.  Wright. 
Major  Charles  W.  Anderson. 



First  Lieutenant  Edwin  Smith. 


Corporal  John  Winright. 
Corporal  William  H.  Sheir. 
Corporal  James  H.  Stopher. 

Rudolph  Betz,  James  Campbell,  Joseph  McGarten,  John  Sheridan 
Robert  Wychler,  William  B.  Arthur,  William  Green,  Matthew  Harren, 
Joseph  Peters,  Alfred  Swing,  Julius  Shemer,  James  Farris. 



First  Lieutenant  Robert  McGreggor. 

Private  Philip  W.  Quentin. 


(Veterans  and  recruits  of  the  Twenty-third  Ohio  infantry.) 



William  Cummings,  Lewis  C.  Miller,  William  Montgomery,  John 
Probst,  William  H.  Rogers. 

Corporal  James  P.  Woods. 


John  Williams,  Alexander  Bowers,  Tilton  Hall,  Patrick  Murray, 
Isaac  B.  Norris,  John  E.  Wortman;  Drummer  Ebenezer  Westwood. 


This  was  Colonel  (afterwards  General)  Rosecrans'  reg- 
iment. Among  its  field  officers  were  also  Rutherford  B. 
Hayes,  Stanley  Matthews,  James  M.  Conly,  and  E.  Par- 
ker Scammon,  three  of  whom  became  generals,  and  one 
of  them  President  of  the  United  States.  It  was  organ- 
ized at  Camp  Chase,  in  June,  1861,  for  three  years'  ser- 
vice; served  in  West  Virginia,  and  elsewhere  in  the  east, 
was  at  the  battle  of  Cedar  Creek,  and  other  famous  ac- 
tions, and  was  finally  mustered  out  July  26,  1865,  at 


Sergeant  Major  William  W.  Stevens. 



William  Lyons,  Casper  Plankuch,  William  Sullivan,  James  Brown, 
Thomas  Burnes,  Thomas  Gillen,  Alfred  C.  Harris,  John  Lanvercombe. 
John  Fletcher. 



Joseph  Fisher,  Salathiel  Roach,  Thomas  Cady,  Daniel  Dedy,  Morti- 
mer S.  Denwoody,  Joseph  Davis,  Benjamin  Evans,  Henry  Evans,  Wil- 
liam Kilgore. 

COMPANY  c.     (Veteran). 


John  Canedy,  Hanson  L,  Gwynn,  Gustavus  Mason,  James  Pierson, 
Christopher  C.  White,  John  Gibernel,  Alfred  Grow,  George  W.  Shell- 
cross,  James  Tinner. 

Died. — Charles  O.  Case,  Zachariah  Crippen,  Hugh  McCabe. 

Discharged. — Corporal  Kellum  Sanford;  Privates  John  C.  Coleman, 
John  Deverming,  JosiahJ.  Higby. 



William  Terrell,  Lewis  Hood,  William  White,  2d,  Darman  Williams, 
William  Meade,  Frederick  Smithgall,  William  Hamilton  (died),  John 
L.  Douglass  (discharged). 



James  Carl,  James  A.  Kelly,  Frantz  Kaiser,  John  King,  William 
R.  Haliman,  Hugh  Kearney,  John  Keenan. 



Jacob  Maguir,  Edward  Benker,  Andrew  Gigle,  George  Heddinger, 
Christopher  Copier,  Edward  Lanson,  Jeremiah  Long,  Joseph  Lemare, 
John  Ma.Kville,  John  O'Brian,  John  Reed. 




Harvey  Buchanan,  Patrick  McGown,  John  McGee,  John  Ockley, 
Wilham  Osterholt,  Conrad  Weitzel,  WilUam  B,  Maples,  James  Presley 
(killed  in  battle),  Hiram  Anderson,  William  Bragg,  John  Dougherty, 
Richard  Ellison,  Levi  Fuller,  George  Godsey,  Henry  Gedeman, 
Thomas  Marfling,  James  O' Brian,  John  Rath. 

Discharged. — Calvin  W.  Hudson,  Lewis  Mayer,  John  Stander. 



Michael  Sontag,  John  Somerton,  Herman  Smith,  Charles  Schmidt, 
Michael  O'Brien  (discharged). 



John  Walker,  William  W.  Stevens,  Andrew  J.  Bolan,  Daniel  Smith, 

Andrew  Schlochberger,  Samuel  Turner,  Daniel  Walsh. 



William  Wickelhouse,  James  Donnelly,  Jacob  Van  Long,  John 
Morris,  Albert  G.  Boswell,  Isaac  Wickley,  William  B.  Gary  (died), 
George  M.  D.  Evans,  Charles  M.  Rollings,  John  Riley,  James  Smith, 
Harry  Wallace,  Charles  B.  Wilson,  William  S.  Warrick,  Samuel  W. 

Mustered  into  service  in  July,  i86i. 
First  Lieutenant  Henry  G.  Graham. 

Assistant  Surgeon  Daniel  Richards. 

Private  Emanuel  Brill. 



John  S.  Pryor,  Adeu  Richason  (died). 


The  organization  of  this  regiment  took  place  at  Camp 
Chase  in  August,  1861.  Before  December  they  are  heard 
of  at  St.  Louis,  St.  Charles  and  Mexico,  Missouri,  Lex- 
ington, Kansas  City,  and  Sadalia.  During  this  month 
they  shared  in  the  capture  of  thirteen  hundred  recruits 
on  their  way  to  join  the  rebel  General  Price.  In  March 
this  regiment  was  in  the  advance  in  the  movement  on  Is- 
land No.  10,  and  May  i,  was  with  the  army  that 
moved  on  Corinth.  On  the  nineteenth  of  September  the 
Twenty-seventh  was  a  part  of  the  force  sent  to  re- 
capture luka.  October  3,  at  the  battle  of  Corinth  it  lost 
heavily.  A  timely  reinforcement  of  two  hundred  recruits 
arrived  soon  after.  Early  in  November,  the  Ohio  brigade, 
of  which  the  Twenty-seventh  formed  a  part,  with  Grant's 
army,  marched  to  Oxford,  Mississippi.  They  were  next 
ordered  to  Jackson,  Tennessee,  to  intercept  Forrest, 
whom  they  met  at  Parker's  cross  roads,  where  an  engage- 
ment took  place,  resulting  in  the  capture  of  seven  guns, 
three  hundred  and  sixty  prisoners,  and  four  hundred 
horses.  Shortly  after  re-enlistment,  this  brigade  moved 
against  and  captured  Decatur.  At  Dallas  the  rebels 
were  driven  before  them.  The  regiment  was  also  en- 
gaged with  Hood's  corps  on  the  twenty-eighth  of  May, 
skirmished  at  Big  Shanty  in  June,  and  fought  at  Kenesaw 
and  Nicojack  creek  in  July. 

Before  Atlanta,  on  the  twenty-second  of  July,  the  regi- 
ment was  in  one  of  its  severest  battles,  and  sustained  its 

heaviest  loss.  In  the  pursuit  of  Hood  to  the  northward , 
it  had  a  part;  it  also  marched  with  Sherman  to  the  sea, 
and  was  in  the  campaign  of  the  Carolinas.  After  Johns- 
ton's surrender,  the  Twenty-seventh  moved  to  Washing- 
ton, and  in  July,  1865,  at  Camp  Dennison,  received  its 
final  payment  and  discharge. 

Sergeant  Major  Jacob  C.  Cohen. 
Sergeant  Major  Edward  B.  Temple. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  John  Jones. 



Captain  Jacob  S.  Menken. 

Captain  James  Morgan. 

Second  Lieutenant  Jacob  C.  Cohen. 


First  Sergeant  Henry  Tape. 

First  Sergeant  Thomas  Morgan. 

Sergeant  Robert  C.  Biggadike. 

Sergeant  John  Toms. 

Sergeant  Edward  B.  Temple. 

Sergeant  William  Roberts. 

Sergeant  Adolph  Myers. 

Sergeant  Robert  Gardner. 

Sergeant  Ferdinand  Fagle. 

Corporal  Benjamin  F.  Long. 

Corporal  William  E.  Moore. 

Corporal  Edward  P.  Toms. 

Corporal  John  Kerdoff. 

Corporal  E.  W.  Hippie. 

Corporal  James  H.  Jones. 

Corporal  George  Everett. 

Musician  Charles  Chiffer, 


John  Atkins,  George  Barner,  John  Bryant,  J.  P.  Bergman,  Patrick 
Burk,  Eugene  Carroll,  William  H.  Dobbins,  Hugh  Dunn,  James  Egan, 
Patrick  Fox,  Frederick  Graff,  Noah  C.  Groves,  Edwin  Gibson.  William 
Gantz,  Daniel  Haggerty,  William  A.  Jeffers,  Adolph  Krause,  William 
King,  Michael  Knoffloch,  William  D.  Lilly,  John  A.  McCalmont,  John 
McMillen,  John  Murphy,  Edward  Martz,  Joseph  Meising,  Louis  H. 
Mayer,  John  Miller,  Dennis  O'Brian,  John  O'Tool,  Peter  Pointers, 
Harmon  H.  Remmert,  Thomas  Ryan,  John  H.  Steiweider,  August 
Senmert,  Joseph  Sokup,  Maurice  Troy,  Frederick  Talaze,  Arnold  Zem- 
mert,  Ernest  Zeuchner,  William  F.  Cole,  William  E.  Cole. 

Joseph  Black,  Josiah  Raines. 

Private  Joseph  McDaniels. 

Private  John  M.  Moore  (died). 

Private  Christian  North  (died). 



Leopold  Gardner,  Enoch  A.  Hutchinson,  O.  E.  Steward,  James  A. 
Sweet,  John  A.J  oseph  (died). 


This  regiment  was  recruited  largely  among  the  Cin- 
cinnati Germans;  and  so  much  attached  are  those  of  its 
surviving  members  who  yet  reside  in  the  city  to  its  mem- 
ory, that  they  still  hold  monthly  re-unions  on  Sundays, 
at  some  convenient  rendezvous — a  case  not  exactly  par- 
alleled, we  venture  to  say,  anywhere  in  the  world.  It 
was  mustered  in  July  6,  1861,  for  three  years,  and  moved 
from  Camp  Dennison  to  Point  Pleasant,  Virginia,  on  the 
thirty-first.      Colonel  Merr,   with    four  hundred  picked 



men,  presently  relieved  the  home  guards  at  Spencer, 
where  they  were  besieged  by  the  rebels.  The  regiment 
joined  the  force  under  General  Rosecrans,  and  fought  at 
Carnifex  Ferry,  where  it  lost  three  killed  and  twenty-seven 
wounded.  October  21st,  at  New  River,  two  of  its  com- 
panies had  a  sharp  fight  with  the  rebels  on  the  Union 
picket  line.  The  winter  and  part  of  the  next  spring  were 
spent  at  Gauley,  in  thorough  drill  and  instruction;  and 
May  2,  1862,  the  Twenty-eighth  marched  to  Fayetteville 
and  took  place  in  the  Second  brigade  of  the  Kanawha 
division,  under  General  Cox.  At  Wolf  creek,  near  East 
River  mountain,  two  companies  defeated  a  rebel  force, 
and  destroyed  a  wagon  train  loaded  with  commissary 
stores.  About  half  the  regiment  was  in  the  next  fight, 
near  Wytheville,  losing  six  dead  and  eleven  wounded. 
Several  other  skirmishes  occurred  during  the  operations 
of  the  summer,  but  without  much  loss.  On  the  march 
to  Washington,  begun  at  Flat  Top  mountain  ,  August  isth, 
the  regiment  had  a  skirmish  with  Stuart's  cavalry  at  Fall- 
church,  September  4th.  The  division  was  now  attached 
to  the  Ninth  army  corps,  under  General  Reno.  Septem- 
ber 13th,  Colonel  Mori's  brigade,  in  which  was  the  Twenty- 
eighth,  drove  the  rebels  ost  of  Frederick  City.  At  South 
Mountain  the  Kanawha  division  bore  the  brunt  of  the 
battle.  At  Antietam  this  regiment  was  the  first  to  ford 
,  the  creek  above  the  stone  bridge,  and  remained  on  the 
skirmish  line  of  the  Ninth  corps  all  night.  It  lost  forty- 
two  killed  and  hurt  in  this  action.  The  next  winter  was 
passed  in  West  Virginia,  mainly  at  Buckhannon.  About 
the  middle  of  June  the  command  was  marched  to  Mary- 
land, and  then  back  to  Beverly,  to  repel  a  threatened  in- 
vasion. At  Droop  mountain,  July  6th,  a  rebel  force  was 
attacked  and  defeated,  with  heavy  loss.  The  remainder 
of  the  summer,  and  the  fall  and  winter,  were  spent  in 
active  operations,  with  much  marching  and  other  hard- 
ships, but  no  great  amount  of  fighting.  April  25,  1864, 
the  Twenth-eighth  was  ordered  to  the  army  of  the  Shen- 
andoah, to  "fight  mit  Siegel,"  who  was  then  reorganizing 
the  army  at  Bunker  Hill.  It  aided  to  force  Imboden  from 
New  Market,  May  i  ith,  and  was  in  the  batrie  of  New  Mar- 
ket the  next  day,  which  was  fought  in  a  heavy  thunder- 
storm. June  sth  it  was  in  the  attack  upon  the  rebel  General 
Jones  near  Piedmont,  and  was  the  only  regiment  of  the 
force  charging  the  works  that  did  not  fall  back,  holding 
its  ground  and  preventing  the  rebels  from  making  a  cen- 
tre charge  for  three-fourths  of  an  hour,  when  it  was  re- 
called and  handsomely  complimented  by  General  Hunter. 
The  third  charge  forced  the  enemy  from  his  works,  kill- 
ing General  Jones,  and  deciding  the  battle.  The  Twenty- 
eighth  lost  thirty-three'killed  and  one  hundred  and  five 
wounded,  out  of  four  hundred  and  eighty-four  engaged. 
Two  color-bearers  were  killed  and  three  wounded;  and 
the  flag  was  torn  by  seventy- two  balls  and  pieces  of  shell. 
After  another  month  and  a  half  of  very  active  service,  it 
was  ordered  home,  greeted  warmly  by  its  multitudinous 
friends  at  Cincinnati,  and  mustered  out  July  23d.  Its 
total  losses  in  the  field  were  two  officers  killed,  seven 
wounded;  ninety  enlisted  men  killed,  one  hundred  and 
sixty-two  wounded,  one  hundred  and  seventy-three  disa- 
bled by  disease;  in  all  four  hundred  and  thirty-four. 

Clonel  August  Moore. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Godfried  Becker. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Alexander  Bohlender. 
Major  Ernest  Schochi. 
Major  Rudolph  Heintz. 
Surgeon  Gerhard  Saal. 
Surgeon  Charles  E.   Deing. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Adolphus  Schoenbein. 
Assistant  Surgeon  George  P.  Hackenberg. 
Assistant  Surgeon  A.  E.  Jenner. 
Chaplain  Charles  Beyschlag. 
Chaplain  Frederick  Goebel. 
Adjutant  Leopold  Markbreit. 
Adjutant  John  Lang. 
Quartermaster  Herman  Kaugsberger. 
Quartermaster  Samuel  Rosenshaf. 
Sergeant  Major  Louis  Fass. 
Sergeant  Major  Albert  Liamin. 
Sergeant  Major  Henry  Acker. 
Sergeant  Major  Rudolph  Gutenstein. 
Sergeant  Major  Charles  Ludorff. 
Sergeant  Major  Abesevan  Landberg. 
Commissary  Sergeant  Michael  Schmidtheimer. 
Commissary  Sergeant  John  Ruterieck. 
Commissary  Sergeant  Frank  Salzmann. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  Joseph  Newbacher. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  Louis  Weitzel. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  Charles  Schmidt. 
Hospital  Steward  William  Bauer. 
Hospital  Steward  Frederick  Ries. 
Chief  Musician  Francis  Schmitt. 
Chief  Bugler  Adolphus  Schiller. 
Drum  Major  Joseph  Brodbeck. 
Musician  Otto  Zink. 

Captain  Ernest  Schache. 
Captain  Charles  Drach. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  Meyer. 
First  Lieutenant  Frederick  Weising. 
First  Lieutenant  Frederick  Halzer. 
First  Lieutenant  Albert  Livmin. 
Second  Lieutenant  Louis  Faas. 
Second  LieutenantTAugust  Herman. 
Second  Lieutenant  Leopold  Markbreit. 
Second  Lieutenant  William  Althammer. 


First  Sergeant  August  Hess. 

Sergeant  Henry  Kaling. 

Sergeant  Charles  Mueller. 

SergeantJWilliam  Hansom. 

Sergeant  Gottleib  Lange. 

Corporal  Jacob  Mueller. 

Corporal  Christian  Stueve. 

Corporal  William  Streilberg. 

Corporal  Herman  Moeller. 

Corporal  Charles  Bertram. 


George  Beokman,  Nicholas  Biedinger,  Otto  Briegel,  John  Dalbele, 
Lorenz  Hinkeyer  Frederick  Feller,  Joseph  Heilmerer,  Louis  Haben- 
stadt,  Antony  Kayser,  Frank  Kemper,  George  Klett,  John  Peter  Krouz, 
Andrew  Shider,  Frederick  Linderman,  Christian  Luttman,  William 
Mastin,  Charles  Mashnitz,  Herman  Meyer,  Peter  Nospacher,  John 
Platfoot,  Alexander  Pansald,  Henry  Rodenberg,  George  Schein,  Charles 
Sebold,  Gustave  Schmidt,  Michael  Schwabel,  Christian  Schwarzenhaet- 
zer,  John  Spaeth,  Louis  Straever,  Joseph  Udry,  Ulrich  Walt,  Henry 
Wubbenherst,  Bernhard  Hoffman,  Daniel  Galtz,  Charles  Neiman,  Frank 
Kauffman,  Frederick  Engleke,  Frantz  Lippart,  Frederick  Funk,  Michael 
Gratz,  Charles  Merk,  Charles  Kuehn,  August  Walker,  Frederick  Kei- 
linger,  Charles  Heuke,  Charles  Wolf,  Conrad  Job,  Joseph  Duerr,  Henry 
Harland,  Maxwell  Hug,  Frederick  Haatman,  John  Weber,  Julius 

Killed  in  Battle. — Private  John  Helling,  Corporal  Conrad  Meeker. 

Died. — Private  Charles  Yeiser,  Simon  Poettger,  Philip  Pieh,  Henry 
Schadleman;  Maxwell  MeuUer. 



Sergeant  Louis  Steir;  Privates  Antony  Mueller,  John  Henshman, 
Philip  Stuckenberg,  Henry  Stuckenberg,  George  Small,  Jacob  Burk- 
hard,  Frederick  Langner,  John  Huber,  Antony  Pflanger,  Frederick 

Transferred. — First  Sergeant  Samuel  Rosenthal ;  Sergeants  Herman 
Guthard,  Albert  Liomin,  IVIichael  Schmittener ;  Privates  Louis  Witzel, 
Joseph  IVlark  ;  Corporal  Frank  Salzman. 

Recruits. — Privates  Andrew  Daniels,  Frank  Genter,  Jacob  Galtz. 

COMPANY  A.  (yeteran). 


Captain  Edwin  Fry. 

First  Lieutenant  Frederick  Hagenbuch. 

Second  Lieutenant  Christopher  Tenge. 

First  Sergeant  John  Jones. 
Sergeant  Ahvin  Rademacher. 
Sergeant  John  Reimer, 
Sergeant  Julius  Frenzel. 
Sergeant  Michael  Trunk. 
Corporal  Louis  Reiher. 
Corporal  Martin  Hohmann. 
Corporal  John  Smith. 
Corporal  Jacob  Jung. 
Corporal  George  Winter. 


Charles  Baumann,  Conrad  Bajer,  Martin  Bilber,  Henry  Braeskman, 
Frank  Boland,  Henry  Correl,  George  Doell,  Jacob  Sellman,  Ernest 
Dietz,  Gabriel  Diescher,  Charles  Forberg,  Frank  Griesler,  Jacob  Grue- 
ner,  I.  Glatt,  George  Grabuth,  August  Hunt,  John  Hagel,  Joseph 
Hauser,  Phillip  Heintz,  Henry  Johanning,  Daniel  Jung,  Edmund  Kiel, 
Henry  Kaffenberger,  Charles  Kempf,  George  Lang,  Frederick  Long- 
fritz,  William  Miller,  Martin  Miller,  Peter  Messingslacher,  Joseph 
Moser,  Frederick  Newberger,  Edmund  Needs,  Henry  Aldach,  Freder- 
ick Paul,  Peter  Peifer,  Frank  Puemple,  George  Raab,  Julius  Raab, 
Casper  Rappinger,  Michael  Renz,  Christopher  Reppig,  Frederick  Runte, 
Dominic  Ruhstaller,  Charles  Schinske,  Frank  Schneider,  Oscar  Seith, 
Henry  Neal,  John  Staab,  William  Straub,  Adalbert  Schaefer,  Ernest 
Schilling,  Peter  Streuber,  Charles  Vogt,  John  Waitzman,  Henry  Zim_ 
merman,  Michael  Zaal,  Louis  Zagar,  Adam  Giebe,  Henry  Rickers, 
Henry  Lurenkamp. 

Transferred,  etc.— Sergeants  August  Kramer,  George  Seining ;  Cor- 
porals Sigmund  Eicholz,  William  Geipnian,  Thomas  Hellieigel ;  Pri- 
vates Charles  Degan,  Bernhard  Duers,  John  Schwarz,  Adam  Scherer, 
Jacob  Gallinger,  Anton  Brischler,  Joseph  Roth. 



Captain  Albert  Ritter. 
Captain  William_Ewald. 
Captain  John  Armon. 
First  Lieutenant  Martin  Wauser. 
First  Lieutenant  August  Grieff. 
Second  Lieutenant  Albert  Traub. 
Second  Lieutenant  Jacob  Mark. 


First  Sergeant  Frederick  Eberhardt. 

Sergeant  Austin  Dieckman. 

Sergeant  Lorenz  Hissehbeihler. 

Sergeant  Peter  Brinker. 

Corporal  Lewis  Kremer. 

Corporal  William  Reis. 

Corporal  Peter  Hoffman. 

Corporal  Lorenz  Staale. 

Corporal  Peter  Paulhummel. 

Corporal  Martin  Geier. 

Corporal  Frederick  Miller. 


Michael  Arnold,  John  Agel,  Anzelm  Anhalt,  William  Bauer,  Jacob 
Bayer,  Eugene  Bruhl,  John  Brauer,  John  Beckman,  John  Borg,  Henry 
Cron,  Henry  Elliott,  Michael  Eplinger,  Joseph  Fisher,  John  Fisher, 
Valentine  Franzsell,  Frederick  Hoffman,  Lorenz  Kenner,  Peter  Krau- 
sen,  Peter  Mattern,  Joseph  N.  Martin,  John  Mehlheimer,  George 
Mumme,  Sebastian  Meyer,  Joseph  Neithammer,  Phillip  Pfenning,  Lo- 
renz Redinger,  Frederick  Sauer,  Frederick  Schmalzigang,  John  Schmitz, 
Victor  Schneider,  William  Spengler,   Moritz  Stabler,  John  Schroeder, 

Jacob  Volkneiss,  Adam  Zeigler,  Joseph  Zeigler,  Leonard  Dobmeyer, 
John  Hark,  Bernhard  Schmidt,  William  Zeller,  Jacob  Stuber,  Peter  Alex- 
ander, John  Alexander,  John  Batz,  John  Belmer,  Gottlieb  Beiler,  John 
Erbe,  Henry  Hiser,  Frederick  Holl,  Joseph  Hummeler,  Herman  Kier- 
stein,  John  Krause,  Bernhard  Lohrer,  Bernhard  Lottberg,  John  Lam- 
meshirt,  Casper  Meyer,  Carl  Muller,  Frederick  Oppermann,  Frederick 
Remler,  Joseph  Schmidt,  Conrad  Waspermann,  Nicholas  Wickermann, 
Phillip  Wagner,  George  Zeltner,  Charles  Zwangauf,  Phillip  Zugelhart, 
Matthias  Zartheit. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Corporal  John  Shranker;  Privates  Phillip  Fanzell, 
John  Schneider,  Nicholas  Weber. 

Died. — Privates  William  Beekman,  David  Spath. 

Transferred. — Privates  Conrad  Bozer,  Anton  Brichler,  George  Doell, 
John  Glatt,  Martin  Miller,  Frederick  Paul,  Casper  Boppinger,  Henry 
Reekers,  Charles  Voight,  Edward  Arnbruster,  Frederick  Bebel,  Adam 
Gebb,  Joseph  Kuntsli,  Peter  Rossman,  Frederick  Radsluff,  Adam  Roth, 
John  Schatz,  Casper  Schier,  George  Watther. 

COMPANY  B.  (Veteran). 


Captain  Frank  Birk. 

First  Lieutenant  Christopher  Hildebrand. 

Second  Lieutenant  John  Huser. 


First  Sergeant  August  Kramer. 

Sergeant  George  Mayer. 

Sergeant  August  Gabe. 

Sergeant  Herman  Weigus. 

Sergeant  Charles  Studier. 

Corporal  Gustave  Haustein. 

Corporal  Frantz  Henbarger. 

Corporal  Philip  Hartin. 

Corporal  Lorenz  Rengel. 

Corporal  George  Weiss. 

Corporal  John  Valentine. 

Corporal  August  Brarin. 


Franklin  Angel,  Joseph  Brodbeck,  Frederick  Branch,  Joseph  Burk- 
hard,  Philip  Bruck,  Frederick  Bene,  Gotlieb  Borgman,  Lewis  Beck, 
Christian  Borchhard,  Henry  Burch,  Christian  Bohling,  Lewis  Bechman, 
Ignatz  Bauer,  Upton  Demeemoss,  John  Dietz,  August  Fisher,  Charles 
Fisher,  Charles  Herman,  George  Huber,  Anton  Harpbrecht,  Nicholas 
Huber,  Adam  Herman,  John  Harter,  Valentine  Jungman,  George 
Kratzberg,  Frank  Lorb,  David  Kelly,  Felix  Kistner,  William  Koehler, 
George  Locehel,  Herman  Lehman,  Frank  Mayer,  John  Mayer,  Christian 
Mild,  Lewis  Martin,  John  Moehler,  Peter  Mohn,  Joseph  Post,  Lewis 
Plotow,  George  Pastre,  Herman  Reichow,  Gottlieb  Ruoff,  Jacob 
Roesch,  Albert  Shultz,  Lorenz  Stehman,  Ignatz  Straub,  August  Smilder, 
Antony  Seiger,  Michael  Schoeffer,  John  Sohvam,  Henry  Steffen,  John 
Sutter,  William  Schmidt,  Friederich  Vogel,  John  Weinfelder,  Andrew 
Wilzenbacher,  William  Wickenieyer,  Jacob  Walz,  George  Bauer, 
August  Deppe,  Englebert  Benzinger,  Eha  Dominionons,  Friederich 
Kanmerling,  Vinvenz  Kistner,  Leopold  Kranskopf,  Frederick  Mayer, 
Michael  Reis,  Frank  Seiger,  Joaquin  Ruhstaller,  Adam  Soberer,  Joseph 
Sohieber,  Peter  Strawbinger. 

Died. — Privates  Charles  Lipp,  Jeremiah  Guttbroett. 

Privates  Frederick  Groetsinger,  John  Muebler. 


Captain  Matthias  Reiching. 
Captain  Albert  Traub. 
First  Lieutenant  August  Fix. 
First  Lieutenant  John  Roedel. 
Second  Lieutentant  Carlo  Piepho. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  Lang. 
Second  Lieutenant  Lewis  Weitzel. 
Second  Lieutenant  R.  M.  Gutenstein. 


First  Sergeant  Matthias  Arnbruster. 
Sergeant  Adam  Benkert. 
Sergeant  Ernst  Rochwitz. 
Sergeant  Peter  Weibel. 
Corporal  Martin  Lippel. 
Corporal  Sebastian  Latscha. 
Corporal  Frederick  Brenner. 




Michael  Barth,  Christian  Beery,  Frederick  Babel,  Adam  Berg,  George 
Bolter,  John  Buhler,  John  Christ,  Adam  Delman,  Henry  Dryemgei, 
John  Ergels,  Fredericli  Ertz,  Adam  Geht,  Ludwig  Gerhadl,  Christian 
Hebstreath,  Ferdinand  Hock,  Henry  Heniminghaus,  Henry  Kinkier, 
Charles  Kleppe,  Henry  Kull,  Ludwig  Laubert,  Louis  Lexan,  Henry 
Lohmeyer,  Fritz  Loheide,  John  Meyer,  Philip  Meyer,  Martin  Meyer, 
George  Mack,  Franz  Manning,  Nicholas  Rapp,  John  Schlatter,  Chris- 
tian Schmidtbeyer,  Jacob  Schulde,  Casper  Squier,  Frederick  Stauffer, 
Philip  Wrinmer,  Ernst  Zaeske,  Christian  Zehdter,  Charles  Kempt, 
William  Geipman,  Philip  Hercher,  Adolph  Kuball,  Henry  Bruckmann, 
Charles  Degan,  Ernest  Dietz,  Jacob  Gallinger,  John  Jones,  Henry 
Kauffenbeyer,  Fritz  Neubeyer,  Michael  Rentz,  Christian  Reppig,  Wil- 
William  Straub. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Sergeant  Mangus  Bott;  Private  Fritzolin  Gutswitler. 
Missing. — Private  Ludwig  Haaf. 

Died.  — Privates  Edward  Ammon,  Charles  Dallhammer,  Adolph  Doer- 
ing,  Peter  Gengnager,  Thomas  Patton,  Gottleib  Schuhkraft,  William 

Privates  George  Bottel,  Adam  Baucher,  Joseph  Klaus,  Matthias  Doll, 
meyer,  Philip  Doosman,  Jacob  Demmeyer,  John  EUenberger,  Pankratz 
Eberlein,  George  Francois,  Ceorge  Hempser,  George  Hummel,  Edward 
Huse,  Peter  Hammel,  John  Keller,  Meinrich  Kelling,  Bernet  Kattlord, 
Charles  Kopp,  Sebastian  Letsch,  Benjamin  Lohrback,  Peter  Lyndecker, 
Charles  A.  Ludorff,  Adam  Miller,  Matthias  Niemeyer,  Emil  Ohlenroth 
John  Oppenheimer,  Ferdinand  Renker,  Jacob  Sachs,  Joseph  Seibert, 
first,  Joseph  Seibert,  second,  August  Shieb,  Jacob  Saarbach,  Henry 
Surencamp,  Martin  Thorwalder,  Fritz  Tobias,  Beruh  Will,  John  Wink- 
ler, Sebastian  Wisch,  Adam  Zeigler. 

Transferred. — First  Sergeant  Michael  Kline,  Privates  August  Ben. 
zinger,  Andrew  Doll,  John  Dienhardt,  Fritz  Engelke,  Wendelin  Fisher^ 
Charles  Gern,  Frederick  Hagenbuck,  Jacob  Halbauer,  Ludwig  Kirch- 
hofer,  Franz  Ladisch,  Henry  Rath,  Joseph  Roth. 

Veterans. — Sergeant  August  Kramer  ;  Corporal  Thomas  Hellriegel' 
Martin  Bilber,  Jacob  DoUman,  Henry  Saal,  John  Straab. 

COMPANY  c.  (Veteran  Battalion). 


First  Lieutenant  George  Lering. 


First  Sergeant  Philip  Hercher. 
Sergeant  Christian  Hauer.     • 
•  Sergeant  Frank  Center. 

Corporal  Jacob  Goetz. 


Stephen  Bueyer,  Valentine  Cornelius,  Henry  Dammeyer,  Peter  Doehm, 
John  Goephard,  Joseph  Graf,  William  Geissman,  John  V.  Hofman 
Nicholas  Heinrich,  Herman  Kirchhof,  Reinhard  Kise,  Rudolph  Stu!. 
dor,  John  Burkhard,  Frank  Mund,  George  Hohenstein,  Baptist 
Deutschle,  Charles  Werner, .George  Kimmel,  John  Meikel,  John  Diem, 
Andrew  Duerr,  Frank  Kuffner,  Jacob  Lattemer,  Emanuel  Seelos 
Adolph  Kuball,  Henry  Hurst,  Christian  Dabbert. 

Transferred. — Sergeant  George  Rabb,  Private  Balthasar  Mueller. 

Died. — Sergeant  Peter  Borg. 

Privates  Jacob  Bohmen,  Ernest  Roemler,  Augustin  Ringelein,  Frank 
Schmidt,  August  Schwan. 


Captain  Louis  Fey. 

First  Lieutenant  Lanterbache  Malte. 

First  Lieutenant  Samuel  Rosenthal. 

First  Lieutenant  Deopold  Markbreit. 

Second  Lieutenant  Heer  Arnold. 

Second  Lieutenant  Gottlieb  Hummell. 

Second  Lieutenant  Michael  Klein. 

Second  Lieutenant  Michael  Schmittheuner.. 


First  Sergeant  Jacob  Deep. 
Sergeant  Herman  Steinauer. 
Sergeant  Henry  Weber. 
Sergeant  Charles  Wickenhauser. 
Sergeant  Albert  Jehle. 
Corporal  John  Frey. 
Corporal  John   Diep. 
Corporal  Adam  Lawn. 

Corporal  Lewis  Kuhriel, 
Corporal  John  Duck, 
Corporal  Henry  Elfers. 
Corporal  William  Techudi. 


John  Bittner,  Felician  Brunner,  George  Beck,  Jacob  Blei,  August 
Benziger,  Peter  Dimper,  Frank  A.  Eberle,  Joseph  Fetz,  Conrad  Gasper, 
John  Grass,  Casper  Hick,  George  Jacob,  Adam  Jutzi,  David  Isele, 
Jacob  Koerkel,  Christian  Kripper,  John  G.  Krichhofar,  Ferdinand 
Lehmann,  Jacob  Lutzel,  Christian  Meinel,  Christian  Mair,  Ferdinand 
MuUer,  John  Mar.\-,  George  Peter  Oeirel,  William  Prestenbach,  Andrew 
Zadenhauer,  John  Ruteneek,  Peter  Rossraan,  William  Rasch,  William 
Stopburg,  John  Spaeth, ..Nicholas  Schwartz,  Ignatz  Steinauer,  Jacob 
Schumacher,  Simon  Schmidt,  John  Schuckel;  Henry  Terheide,  John 
Weinsstein,  Jolin  Wohnhas,  Peter  Zius,  Franz  Flick,  C.  Renner,  Wm. 
Eckerle,  E.  Erwig,  Peter  Frey,  Michael  Fleisch,  Conrad  Groth,  Franz 
Graf,  Andreas  Gradel,  Henry  Heiser,  John  Hellwig,  Henry  Krenz- 
mann,  Jpseph  Lange,  John  Merig,  John  Neubacher,  William  Rhein- 
stadt,  Frederick  Otto  Ross,  Martin  Seibert,  Christian  Welker,  Frede- 
rick Wolzbacher,  Frederick  W.  Tellhorster. 

Killed  in  Battle.— Privates  Leopold  Bauer,  Ambrosius  Fiedmann, 
Rudolf  Hauserniann,  Jacob  Heitz,  Philip  Zeip. 

Died.— Sergeant  Robert  Simon;  Privates  Charles  Graf,  Martin, 
Kallin,  Jacob  Moreland,  Philip  Sauer,  Lorenzo  Schmidt. 

Discharged.— Corporals  Frederick  W.  Alexander,  Otto  Mueller; 
Privates  Rudolph  Lrand,  John  Bruin,  Adam  Fauth,  Jacob  Hellwig, 
Valentine  Jeggle,  Joseph  Kueenzli,  George  Matt,  Joseph  Molinari, 
Daniel  Pfisler,  Ferdinand  Radeloff,  William  Seeger,  Theodore  Wagner, 
Frederick  Wenz,  Frederick  W.  Windscher,  John  Wilk. 

Transferred.— First  Sergeants  Ferdinand  Holzer,  Henry  Raabe, 
John  S.  Schellenbaum ;  Privates  Joseph  Brodbeck,  John  Deinhard, 
Jacob  Diehl,  George  Ehret,  Frederick  Goetz,  John  Henle,  Franz  Fhck, 
Louis  Koch,  Joseph  Kauffman,  Herman  Meyer,  Sigmund  Moasch, 
Joseph  Molitor,  John  Molkmans,  John  Miller,  Herman  Roose,  Adolph 
Schiller,  Christian  Volper,  Frank  A.  Schneider,  Frank  Bohland,  Bern- 
hart  Durr,  Joseph  Hauser,  John  Hagel,  George  Lang,  Joseph  Moser, 
Henry  Oldach,  Peter  Peifer,  Ernst  Roemler,  August  Ringelien,  Domi- 
nick  Ruhstaller,  Henry  Zimmerman. 

Captain  Arthur  Forbriger. 
Captain  Edwin  Frey. 
First  Lieutenant  Alexander  Bohlander. 
First  Lieutenant  John  Amrein. 
First  Lieutenant  Conrad  Sleicher. 
First  Lieutenant  Michael  Kline. 
Second  Lieutenant  Albert  Lioman. 
Second  Lieutenant  Louis  C.  Fintz. 
Second  Lieutenant  Charles  Woelfer. 

First  Sergeant  Conrad  Bauer. 
Sergeant  Maxwell  Stedenford. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Huber. 
Sergeant  Henry  Schutz. 
Sergeant  Charles  Fuchs. 
Corporal  John  Brunler. 
Corporal  Louis  Metzler. 
Corporal  Henry  Schuchler. 
Corporal  George  P.  Schmidt. 
Corporal  John  Hiller. 
Corporal  Adam  Wuest. 

Philip  Bottler,  Herman  Bohne,  Christian  Bermith,  John  Baer,  Ernst 
Brenligan,  William  Brunner,  Ernst  Goelen,  Michael  Griganius,  Chris- 
tian Hohn,  Frederick  Helbring,  Bernet  Heintz,  Joseph  Haringer, 
George  Henzel,  Theater  Heanker,  Andreas  Jageman,  Herman  Jaeger, 
Joseph  Kauffman,  John  Killer,  Christian  Kiehl,  Frederick  Koeing, 
John  Leonhart,  Henry  Meinken,  Leopold  Meyer,  Victor  Neubacher, 
Michael  Offenbacher,  Henry  Pfeming,  William  Rudiger,  Tobias 
Rolher,  John  Sattler,  John  Schneider,  Frederick  Schilling,  George 
Schmidt,  Rudolph  Schmidt,  Bonafantune  Stoeckle,  Jacob  Schaebel, 
Reinhart  Sohindeldaker,  John  Schram,  Jacob  Theis,  Gusjave  Utten- 

Killed  in  Battle. — First  Sergeant  Jacob  Fintz;  Corporaljoseph  Gutz- 
willer;  Privates  Frank  Klueber,  Ferdinand  Krause. 



Died. — Louis  Beeker,  Benedict  Hernick,  Frederick  Schafer,  Frede- 
rick Nieman,  Charles  Winter. 

Discharged. — Corporals  Henry  Conrady,  William  Hundermark; 
Privates  Ferdinand  Anschutz,  Henry  G.  Benninger,  Matthias  Dall- 
meyer,  Henry  Eberly,  Wendelin  Fischer,  Frank  Geiler,  John  Kempt- 
ner,  Charles  Loebi.xger,  Joseph  Meyer,  John  Neau,  Frank  Ortman, 
Isaiah  Roedel,  Henry  Schwabe,  Joseph  Schearer,  Philip  I.  Theis,  John 
Eppinger,  Louis  Faas,  Louis  Gerhart,  Charles  Cross,  |ohn  Kelch, 
Henry  Dunk,  Gabriel  Drescher,  Julius  L.  Frenzel,  Charles  Feiberg, 
Jacob  Geuener,  George  Grabath,  Philip  Heintz,  Frederick  Langfritz, 
Franz  Pumpel,  Emanuel  Seelas,  Adelbert  Schafer,  Ernst  Schilling, 
John  Peter  Struber,  George  Winter,  John  Weitzman,  Michael  Zaal, 
Christian  Hauer. 



Captain  Henry  Sommer. 
First  Lieutenant  Henry  Zimmerman. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  Alexander. 
First  Lieutenant  Franz  Schmidt. 
First  Lieutenant  Lewis  Weitzel, 
First  Lieutenant  Henry  Ocker. 
Second  Lieutenant  Martin  Hauser. 
Second  Lieutenant  Conrad  Schleiher. 


Sergeant  John  Schueder. 
Sergeant  Bernhart  Svenker. 
Sergeant  Michael  Walluck. 
Corporal  John  Weber. 
Corporal  August  Dierker. 
Corporal  Bernhart  Vo'gel. 
Corporal  Joseph  Keller. 
Corporal  Rudolph  Renter. 
Corporal  Frederick  Leppe. 


John  Buchler.  Gottlieb  Dehmeil,  Henry  Dick,  Gottlieb  Ebinger, 
Andreas  Ehman,  Herman  FrandhoiT,  Frederick  Foelsch,  Jacob  Franz- 
man,  Robert  Genge,  Lewis  Hahn,  George  Held,  George  Hertwig,  Lewis 
John,  George  Kautzman,  Christian  KaLser,  Jacob  Klein,  Albert  Loop, 
Triah  Luethy,  John  L.  Mueller,  George  Muenster,  John  J.  Mueller, 
Ferdinand  Riedel,  Frank  Ringer,  Frederick  Shaefer,  Lewis  Scharegge, 
Christian  Schatzman,  John  Thomas,  Michael  Verheclig,  George  Wuen- 
ger,  Adolphus  Wolf,  Lewis  Woelfer,  Matthias  Zimmerman,  John  Zink. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Henry  Bettsheider,  Eberhard  Kreuter,  Andrew 
Lucas,  Christian  Loeffler. 

Died. — Privates  George  Bertram,  Frederick  Huppert,  Andrew  Her- 
hamer,  Lewis  Lump,  Charles  Leanian,  Lewis  Wenz,  David  Wickers- 

Discharged. — Privates  Joseph  Derhan,  Nicholas  Hoeple,  Frank 
Hanzel,  John  Hottinger,  August  Woelfer,  Jacob  Mueller,  William 
Holzhuch,  Julius  Swarzhoff,  William  Wuerker,  Henry  Jacoby,  John 
Roth,  Bernhart  Lohe,  George  Rose,  George  Schaefer,  Charles  Mueller. 

Transferred. — Privates  John  Brockman,  Herman  Brunner,  Michael 
Eslinger,  Bernhart  Horstman,  Herman  Zeiler,  Adam  Auentis,  John 
Hildebrandt,  Frederick  Eyle,  Franz  Hemberger,  John  Jaegle,  Nicholas 
Kloch,  John  Kramer,  Christoper  Kulhman,  John  Anton  Mueller,  John 
Rockendorf,  John  Mennnger. 



Captain  Tobias  Nagal. 
First  Lieutenant  Edwin  Frey. 
First  Lieutenant  John  Lang. 
First  Lieutenant  Albert  Liomin. 
Second  Lieutenant  Emil  Wilde. 
Second  Lieutenant  Ferdinand  Holyer. 
Second  Lieutenant  George  Benzing. 
Second  Lieutenant  Herman  Raengsleyer. 


Sergeant  Balthaser  Strassal. 
Sergeant  Frank  Leophold. 
Sergeant  Phillip  Weichrich. 
Sergeant  George  Lehmeig. 


George  Auker,  Frederick  Blackman,  Langen  Behringer,  Peter 
Claude,  Wilhelm  Engel,  John  Forsbach,  Gustave   Frey,    Charles  Har- 

rold,  Jacob  Haag,  John  Halm,  Wilhelm  Jordon,  Frederick  Krebs, 
Theodore  Keek,  John  Libbe,  Henry  Maassberg,  Wilhelm  Masser, 
Wilhelm  Paulisch,  John  Rengel,  Charles  Reineald,  Gerhardt  Schlaffe, 
Valentine  Schlasser,  Joseph  Strobel,  Frederick  Wolhile,  Nicholas  West- 

Killed  in  Battle. — Christian  Eisenhardt,  Michael  Hildebrandt,  John 
Kling,  Joseph  Lang,  Frederick  Maassberg,  Jacob  Stein,  Charles  Schroe- 

Died. — John  Kramer,  Frederick  Kern,  Charles  Thiele. 

Discharged. — Privates  Charles  Bolkhardt,  Charles  Cross,  Daniel 
Chautemp,  John  Depp,  Charles  Ensfeld,  John  Huger,  Frederick 
Kraub,  Henry  Lorenz,  John  Mainhardt,  Phillip  Jacob  Peter,  Frederick 
Scharlack,  Uriah  Stahl,  Ignatz  Schneider,  Nicholas  Schwarzman, 
Christian  Stumpf,  Theodore  Weigers,  Phillip  Wegler,  Frank  Wolf, 
Henry  Witz. 

Transferred.—  Privates  Bernhard  Insferd,  Diedrich  Hessecker,  John 
Happel,  Frederick  Kaifer,  Frederick  Reip,  Bernhart  Schmidt,  Adam 
Hamlin,  John  Huser,  Jacob  Bohmen,  Christian  Burkhardt,  Baptiss 
Deutshele,  George  Huber,  Felix  Kistner,  Christian  Mild,  Joseph  G. 
Prose,  Igmy  Straub,  August  Schnider,  Adam  G.  Scherer,  Frank  Seeger, 
Anton  Seiger,   John    Winfelder. 

Captain  Edith  Bernhardt. 
Captain  August  Fix. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  Drach. 
First  Lieutenant  Herman  Guthardt. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frank  Schmidt. 
Second  Lieutenant  Henry  Raabe. 
Second  Lieutenant  George  Kappes. 


First  Sergeant  Charles  Blittersdorf. 
Sergeant  William  Grossman. 
Sergeant  Charles  Falk. 
Sergeant  Clemens  Schimmel. 
Sergeant  Ferdinand  Erdman. 
Corporal  Ferdinand  Hilderbrandt. 
Corporal  Alexander  Arnold. 
Corporal  Valentine  Hauck. 
Corporal  Christian  Kahle. 
Corporal  George  Mohr. 
Corporal  John  Nenninger. 
Corporal  Charles  Gfroerer. 


Theodore  Amett,  Frederick  Ahlers,  Joseph  Abath,  Adam  Anntius, 
Adrew  Bracknuling,  Joseph  Baumler,  Lorenz  Bridenstein,  Edward 
Britterle,  Frederick  Benneirtz,  Andrew  Byzrus,  Adam  Beck,  Ernst 
Dienst,  Michael  Ergert,  Frederick  Flohr,  Johji  Graff,  George  Geier, 
Julius  Grossman,  John  Gass,  Adolph  Guenther,  Christian  Hoffman, 
John  Hardle.  Henry  Jacob,  John  Kissel,  Charles  Liebold,  Phillip  Lin- 
denfelser,  Phillip  Lipps,  John  Mueller,  John  A.  Miller,  Adam  Mueller, 
Charles  Perschmann,  Gottlieb  Rueff,  Louis  Seeger,  John  Schluter,  John 
Schlup,  Frederick  Schmidtheuner,  Jacob  Schmelzle,  George  Stretz, 
John  Seller,  Jacob  Sohittenhelm,  Ferdinand  Storr,  Frederick  Utrecht, 
Gregor  Wolf,  Henry  Wilier. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Corporal  Frederick  Schneider;  Privates  Frederick 
Brandt,  Louis  Klapper,  John  Jacob,  Frederick  Noerthen. 

Died. — Corporal  Christian  Ballan;  Privates  William  Feklenberg, 
Engelbert  Winkler. 

Transferred. — First  Sergeant  Conrad  Schleicher;  Corporals  R. 
Gurenstein,  Ludwig  Hohnstedt,  Henry  Oker;  Privates  Phillip  Arnold, 
John  Adel,  Joseph  Deyer,  John  Klein,  Charles  Kleppe,  William  Moser, 
Frederick  Meyer,  Edward  Schombard,  George  Schulpraft,  John 
Schnell,  Reinhart  Schindeldecker,  Herman  Angert,  Stephen  Bueger, 
Elias  L.  Bechman,  Ignatz  Bauer,  Upton  Demoss,  Henry  Dammier, 
Joseph  Graf,  John  Geephart,  Valentine  J.  Hoffman,  Gustave  Haustein, 
David  Kelly,  Henry  C.  Steffen,  John  Schramm,  Charles  Schwicke, 
Andrew  Witzenbacher. 



Captain  Maurice  Wesolouski. 

Captain  Frederick  Weising. 

First  Lieutenant  Stanislaus  Gumwald. 

First  Lieutenant  Arnold  Heer. 

J.  J.  Schellenbaum. 



Second  Lieutenant  Anton  Gradzike. 
Second  Lieutenant  Charles  Miller. 
Second  Lieutenant  Edward  Otto. 
Seeond  Lieutenant  Ernst  Kudell. 


Sergeant  Henry  Mathews. 
Sergeant  Lorenz  Schelger. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Lippert. 
Corporal  Joseph  Spinner. 
Corporal  John  Fuzlien. 
Corporal  John  Scherer. 
Corporal  John  Frizlein. 
Corporal  Louis  Haas. 
Corporal  Michael  Goodling. 
Corporal  Henry  Bath. 


John  Braun,  Henry  Brinkman,  Rudolph  Buhler,  Federick  Dieterlen 
Andreas  Doll,  George  Enth,  Frank  Fieke,  John  Fisher,  Herman  Gott- 
berg,  Charles  Haack,  William  Hanenshild,  Valentine  Hanenstein, 
Henry  Haming,  Conrad  Hillenbrand,  Bernhart  Horstman,  August 
Klausmeier,  Louis  Link,  Joseph  Loth,  John  Luttman,  Herman  Meyer, 
Frederick  Miller,  John  Molke,  Frederick  NoUkemfer,  Herman  Nienierg, 
Henry  Numberger,  Gottlieb  Oberfall,  Adam  Roth,  John  Rudolph,  John 
Schwartz,  August  Steinboills,  Casper  Stein,  Frank  Schmidt,  John  Scheu- 
rer,  Charles  Weise,  John  Zaigler. 

Killed  in  Battle. — Corporal  Engleberth  Bush. 

Died. — Privates  Ernest  Guenther,  Charles  Kern,  George  Walter, 
Joseph  Haight,  Anthony  Uzouwski. 

Discharged. — Sergeant  Ernst  Heller;  Privates  Joseph  Brewer,  Henry 
Kohler,  Frederick  Brick,  John  Schmidt,  Gustave  Rosenberg,  Frederick 
Allbraicht,  Christian  Voelpel,  Joseph  Molitor,  Frank  Meyer,  Peter 
Buthner,  Conrad  Roth,  Gustave  Hennish,  Jacob  Diehl  Herman  EfBng, 
Henry  Miller,  Charles  Kudell,  Joseph  Rupp,  Henry  Kaiser,  Louis 

Transferred. — Privates  Charles  Dahlhammer,  William  Engel,  John 
Huber,  Louis  Haaf,  Frederick  Herrman,  John  Haas,  Frederick  Napo- 
leon, Frederick  Reuker,  Moritz  Stegle,  Peter  Claude,  Ale.\ander  Lands- 
berg,  John  Adel,  Conrad  Meller,  Frank  W.  Argel,  Valentine  Cornehus, 
August  Fisher,  Frederick  Groetzinger,  Anton  Harbrecht,  Adam  Herr- 
man, Leopold  Kramphoff,  Frank  Kuffer,  Charles  Lipp,  Louis  Martin, 
John  Miller,  Louis  Plotton,  Joachim  Ruhstaller. 


Captain  George  Sommers. 
Captain  Lautarbach  Matte. 
Captain  J.  A.  Heer. 
First  Lieutenant  Phillip  Wick, 
First  Lieutenant  Carlo  Peipho. 
First  Lieutenant  Lewis  C.  Frintz. 
Second  Lieutenant  Likas  Shwank. 
Second  Lieutenant  Joseph  Neubacher. 
Second  Lieutenant  Louis  Gehrhard. 
Second  Lieutenant  Herman  Kreningsberger. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  Eppinger. 


First  Sergeant  Robert  Weusland. 

Sergeant  John  Goettler. 

Sergeant  Conrad  Belzing. 

Sergeant  William  Woehle. 

Sergeant  Jacob  Halbauer. 

Corporal  Charles  Bloessing. 

Corporal  Louis  Schwartz. 

Corporal  Frank  Reinhard. 

Corporal  Christian  Heldwin.  '~ 

Corporal  John  Kuhule. 

Corporal  Conrad  Hoehn. 


Henry  Anlfus,  Jacob  Baly,  John  Bauer,  Frederick  Bewerkellen,  John 
Berlsch,  Jacob  Breitmeir,  Bernhart  Brush,  Robert  Slwert,  Jacob  Gerein- 
ten,  Frederick  Goetz,  John  Hildebrand,  Casper  Hoeffling,  Anton  Huber, 
Casper  Jochin,  Nicholas  Klock,  Frederick  Kop,  Christian  Kuhlman, 
Frederick  Kuhlman,  John  Muller,  Sigismund  Moasch,  John  Malkmus, 
Herman  Rose,  Jacob  Selb,  John  Sieman,  Bernhart  Schmidt,  Frederick 
Schmidt,  Joseph  Tlamsa,  Frederick  Trimernier,  Casper  Voight,  Lotzias 
Vanderberge,  Lucius  Votz,  George  Welmer,  George  Weber,  Frederick 
Wurstybother,  Bernhart  Yiseuis,  Frederick  Sckottmiller. 

Killed  in  Battle. — First  Sergeant  Frederick  Kuhlmann;  Corporal 
Frank  Miller;  Privates  John  Adam  Keller,  Joseph  Leipier,  John 
Schnell,  August  Zoeller. 

Died — Privates  John  Gottschalk,  Herman  Saltter,  John  Stukler, ' 
Joseph  Schwetzer. 

Discharged.  —  Sergeant  Louis  Harnold  ;  Corporal  Franz  Dacker ; 
Phillip  Arnold,  John  Arnold,  William  Kuchmstedt,  Ferdinand  Rich- 
mher,  William  Na.^el,  Charles  Fix,  Charles  Fontimier,  Frederick  Eych, 
Michael  Slack,  Jacob  Stoll,  John  Roggendorf. 

Transferred.  —Privates  Peter  Buttner,  Englehardt  Busch,  Henry  Bell- 
ing, August  Klausmier,  Henry  Brinkman,  Henry  Jacob,  Henry  Diebel, 
Herman  Effing,  John  Fisher,  John  Grossman,  John  Graf,  Michael 
Gretting,  Nicholas  Hoepler,  Joseph  Hart,  Bernhart  Hoffman,  Vuter  Hoff- 
man, Nicholas  K.auffman,  Bernhart  Lohrer,  Frederick  Muller,  John 
Maier,  John  Molker,  Frederick  NoUkamper,  Henry  Rosenberg,  August 
Steinboch,  George  Schneider,  Charles  Spoettle,  fgnatz  Steinman,  Fred- 
erick Story,  Nicholas  Westraan,  George  Hohenstein,  John  Harter, 
Herman  Kirhshop,  Reinhard  Kist,  William  Koehler,  Jacob  Salterman, 
Balthasar  Muller,  Peter  Mohr,  Englebert  Penzinger,  Jacob  Roesch, 
John  Suiter,  William  Schmidt,  Frank  Schmidt,  William  Wickemeyer, 
Frederick  Schottmiller;  Corporals  John  Meikel,  Peter  Doehn. 


This  was  raised  in  the  summer  of  1861,  and  received 
at  first  the  name  of  "Piatt  Zouaves,"  in  compliment  to  its 
colonel,  Abraham  S.  Piatt.  Its  first  service  was  in  West 
Virginia,  where  it  fought  a  battle  ten  days  after  arrival, 
near  Chapmanville,  defeating  a  Virginia  regiment.  The 
rest  of  the  autumn  and  winter  it  was  on  guard  and  scout- 
ing duty.  In  May,  1862,  it  took  part  in  the  battle  of 
Princeton,  losing  several  men.  September  loth,  while 
holding  an  outpost  at  FayetteviUe,  with  the  Thirty-sev- 
enth Ohio,  it  was  attacked  by  a  large  rebel  force,  and 
beat  them  off,  but  with  heavy  loss.  It  was  then  on  garri- 
son duty  until  May,  1863,  when  it  was  furnished  with 
horses  and  became  a  regiment  of  "mounted  rifles."  It 
was  in  the  cavalry  expedition  against  Wytheville,  in  which 
it  bore  a  distinguished  part.  Two-thirds  of  the  regiment 
"veteraned,"  in  January,  1864,  and  took  full  part  in  the 
movements  of  that  year  in  the  valley  of  the  Shenandoah 
and  elsewhere  in  Virginia.  It  was  in  Sheridan's  famous 
batde  of  Winchester;  and  was  captured  at  Beverly  by 
General  Rosser,  January  11,  1865,  a  few  weeks  after 
which  the  remnant  of  the  old  Thirty-fourth  was  consoli- 
dated with  the  Thirty-sixth  Ohio  at  Cumberland,  Mary- 
land, taking  the  name  of  the  latter,  and  losing  its  identity 


Captain  Austin  T.  Miller. 
First  Lieutenant  John  Grace. 
Second  Lieutenant  Thomas  Lawler. 


First  Sergeant  James  Shiels. 
Sergeant  James  Colter. 
Sergeant  Patrick  Cassidy. 
Sergeant  James  Burns. 
Sergeant  William  Fitzpatrick. 
Corporal  William  Robbins. 
Corporal  James  Ryan. 
Corporal  John  Cassidy. 
Corporal  John  Fritz. 
Corporal  George  Guy. 
Corporal  John  Gorman. 
Corporal  Lawrence  Powers. 
Corporal  William  Sloan. 


John  J.  Adams,  Jesse  H.  Bloom,  Willliam  Burke,  George  W.  Blair, 

James  Burns,  Barney  Brenner,  Daniel  Barrett,  Owen  Bonner,  Herbert 



Breman,  William  Campbell,  Jasper  Creekbaum,  Michael  Coleman, 
Hugh  Callaghan,  Charles  Cope,  Henry  Crossman,  Robert  Carr,  Peter 
Coney,  David  Coleman,  Thomas  Carr,  Cornelius  Desmond,  Samuel  M. 
Espy,  Boyce  Egan,  James  W.  Evans,  Patrick  Flynn,  Fenton  Flanagan, 
John  Fritz.  James  Farmington,  William  F.  Fitzpatrick,  Robert  Finney, 
Sylvester  Foy,  John  Gorman,  George  Guy,  Joseph  Grimes,  Henry  Gol- 
pen,  Barney  Harkins,  Arthur  Halpin,  Michael  Hines,  Matthew  Har- 
rington, Harvey  Harris,  Thomas  Hackett,  Josiah  Jones,  Gabriel  Ken- 
nelly,  Jacob  Knoblow,  Michael  Long,  Jonathan  Lawrence,  Joseph 
Maloney,  Patrick  Moore,  William  M.  Martin.  Patrick  Mara,  Patrick 
McGovern,  James  McKerne,  Patrick  McNaraara,  John  Murphy, 
Michael  Lawler,  John  Laughlin,  John  Mason,  James  Mcintosh,  Wil- 
liam McElfresh,  Williarh  T.  Miller,  James  Nengle,  Norvell  Osborne, 
Michael  O'Neal,  William  Price,  Samuel  Prather,  Joseph  Pierce,  James 
A.  Patten,  Lawrence  Powers,  George  Patterson,  John  S.  Post,  William 
Robbins,  Patrick  Ratliffe,  Washington  C.  Reeves,  James  Ryan,  John 
Reeves,  Thomas  Ryan,  Benjamin  Reeker,  Henry  W.  Rockwell,  Martin 
Rea,  Daniel  Robinson,  Patrick  Ryan,  William  H.  Sutherland,  Wesley 
Smitson,  William  Sloan,  James  Shafer,  Patrick  Sullivan,  John  Ste- 
phens, Washington  Vennon,  Robert  Vance,  George  K.  Weit,  Robert 


This  command  dates  from  August,  1861.  Its  first 
colonel  was  Captain  (afterward  General)  George  Crook, 
of  the  regular  army.  Before  he  took  command,  six  com- 
panies made  a  vigorous  scout  after  guerillas  in  West  Vir- 
ginia. During  the  winter,  at  Summerville,  the  regiment 
suffered  greatly  from  sickness,  having  nearly  fifty  deaths 
by  disease.  May  23,  1862,  it  aided  effectively  in  repell- 
ing an  attack  upon  Lewisburgh.  .  In  August,  it  was  sent 
to  join  the  army  of  the  Potomac;  was  in  the  second 
battle  of  Bull  Run,  and  the  battles  of  South  Mountain 
and  Antietam.  After  the  latter  it  was  commanded,  until 
his  resignation  in  April,  1863,  by  Colonel  E.  B.  Andrews, 
a  prominent  professor  in  Marietta  college.  In  January, 
1863,  it  joined  the  army  of  the  Cumberland  at  Nashville, 
and  participated  in  the  battles  at  and  preceding  Chicka- 
mauga,  where  it  lost  very  heavily.  It  also  won  the  right 
to  inscribe  "Mission  Ridge"  upon  its  banners.  Returning 
to  Virginia  it  participated  in  a  number  of  minor  actions, 
was  in  the  severe  engagement  at  Barryville,  September, 
3d,  in  other  actions  on  the  19th  and  22d,  and  in  the  bat- 
tle of  Winchester,  October  19th.  After  the  merging  of 
the  Thirty-fourth  in  it,  the  consolidated  regiment  served 
without  much  fighting  in  northern  Virginia  until  July  22, 
1865,  when  it  was  mustered  out  of  service  and  returned 
to  Ohio. 


Corporal  James  K.  Shaffer. 


William  Brunaugh,  Cornelius,  Bonlevare  Leonidas  Bonlevare,  Wilson 

Donhara,  George  Ewing,  Albert  Fagan,  William  Johnson,  Henry  Long, 

Samuel  Medcalf,  James  Ryan,  Thomas  Thompson. 



Charles  Taucher,  Elias  S.  West. 



Thomas   Flanagan,    Martin  Graves,   Thomas   Hayward,    Lewis  A. 
McKibben,  Wesley  McKibben,  John  Mack,  John  Walsh. 


Joseph  Higginbotham,  Abraham  Miller. 

Frank  M.  Blessing,  William  H.  Crooks,  William  Evans,  Alvin  Nei- 
dugor,  Jacob  Smith. 

Corporal  Philip  Rich,  Private  Martin  Schwartz. 


Charles  Crook,  John  Halley. 

Sergeant  E.  M.  Smith. 

Private  Manasseh  Wood. 

Private  George  L.  Achemor. 

Private  Wendlin  Hauselmann. 

Private  Victor  Frey. 


The  Thirty-ninth  rendezvoused  at  Camp  Colerain  in 
July,  1861,  Seven  companies  were  here  mustered  into 
the  service,  July  31st;  three  days  after,  the  regiment 
marched  to  Camp  Dennison,  where  the  remainder  were 
mustered  in.  It  was  the  first  Ohio  regiment  to  join 
General  Fremont's  forces  in  Missouri,  where  it  went  on 
guard-duty  in  early  September,  along  the  North  Missouri 
railroad.  Five  companies  marched  with  General  Sturge's 
to  the  relief  of  Lexington,  but  did  not  reach  it  in  time, 
though  moving  rapidly  and  suffering  severely.  No- 
vember 9,  it  joined  the  army  of  General  Hunter  at 
Springfield,  marched  with  it  to  Sedalia  and  Syracuse, 
where  it  remained  through  December  and  January.  The 
next  month,  a  long  and  peculiarly  severe  march  was  made 
to  St.  Louis,  whence  the  regiment  was  taken  to  Com- 
merce, to  join  the  army  of  General  Pope.  It  took  part 
in  the  operations  by  which  New  Madrid  and  Island 
Number  10  were  captured,  and  in  April  joined  General 
Halleck's  army  at  Hamburgh  Landing,  on  the  Tennessee 
river.  It  was  engaged  in  many  skirmishes,  losing  con- 
siderably, until  the  evacuation  of  Corinth,  which  it  was 
one  of  the  first  regiments  to  enter.  A  few  weeks  were 
then  spent  in  guarding  railroads.  It  took  part  in  the 
battle  of  luka  and  in  the  pursuit  of  the  enemy,  returning 
to  Corinth  in  time  to  engage  in  the  battle  of  October  3 
and  4.  In  early  November,  it  joined  the  army  under 
General  Grant,  at  Grand  Junction,  Tennessee,  and  was 
much  engaged  in  skirmishes  and  reconnoissances.  De. 
cember  i8th,  it  moved  by  rail  to  Jackson,  Tennessee,  to 
check  Forrest's  movements  in  the  rear  of  Grant.  On 
the  thirty-first,  Forrest  was  met  and  defeated  at  Parker's 
cross  roads,  when  the  regiment  moved  back  by  very 
severe  marching  to  Corinth.  It  remained  there  till  April, 
1863,  when  it  joined  General  Dodge's  expedition  to  the 
Tuscumbia  valley.  In  May  it  removed  to  Memphis, 
and  in  October  to  Prospect,  Tennessee,  where,  Decem- 
ber 27th,  five  hundred  and  thirty-four  of  its  men  were  re- 
mustered  as  veterans,  receiving  the  usual  furlough  for 
thirty  days.  Again  assembling  at  Camp  Dennison,  it 
received  a  reinforcement  of  one  hundred  and  twelve  re- 



emits.  Its  subsequent  service  was  with  the  Fourth  di- 
vision of  the  Sixteenth  corps,  under  General  Dodge,  in 
northern  Alabama  and  the  campaigns  through  Georgia 
and  the  Carolinas. 

It  was  in  the  actions  at  Resaca,  Kenesaw  Mountain, 
Nicojack  Creek,  and  Atlanta,  and  the  pursuit  of  Hood  as 
far  as  Galesville,  Alabama,  whence  it  returned  to  Marietta, 
where,  in  November,  it  was  paid  for  the  first  time  in  nine 
months  and  thoroughly  re-equipped.  It  'did  effective 
work  destroying  railroads  during  the  march  to  the  sea. 
At  Pocotaligo,  South  Carolina,  it  received  two  hnndred 
and  four  recruits.  During  the  march  of  Sherman's  army 
northward,  it  was  engaged  at  Rivers'  bridge,  on  the 
Salkehatchie,  at  Cheraw,  and  at  Bentonville.  The  march 
to  Washington  city  and  the  grand  review  were  passed 
without  special  incident.  The  regiment  was  mustered 
out  of  service  at  Louisville,  July  9,  1865.  Its  record  is 
considered  highly  honorable,  in  that  it  gave  to  the  veteran 
organization  more  men  than  any  other  regiment  from 
Ohio,  and  never  once  turned  its  back  upon  the  enemy. 
Its  chaplain,  the  first  year  of  its  service,  was  the  famous 
Sunday-school  missionary.  Rev.  B.  W.  Chidlaw,  who  did 
much  to  give  the  regiment  character  for  religion  and 
temperance.  Bible  readings  and  prayer  regularly  char- 
acterized the  dress  parade;  and  a  "Christian  Brother- 
hood" and  temperance  society  were  maintained  by  the 
regiment,  including,  it  is  said,  almost  every  member  of 
company  K. 

Colonel  John  Groesbeck. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Albert  W.  Gilbert. 
Major  Edward  Noyes. 
Chaplain  B.  W.  C.  Widlaw. 
Suigeon  Oliver  W.  Nixon. 
-Assistant  Surgeon  Thomas  W.  McAethur. 
Sergeant  Major  Henry  A.  Babbitt. 

Captain  Christian  A.  Moyan. 
First  Lieutenant  Willard  P.  Stoms. 


First  Sergeant  Daniel  Weber. 
Sergeant  John  B.  Ryan. 
Sgereant  Frank  Fortman. 
Sergeant  Eli  G.  Vincent. 
Sergeant  Horace  G.  Stoms. 
Corporal  Joseph  Pancoast. 
Corporal  Benjamin  Miller. 
Corporal  Alfred  Carle. 
Corporal  Andrew  Vincent. 
Corporal  John  Leach. 
Corporal  Charles  Richards. 
Corporal  Palmer  Holland. 
Corporal  Edwin  McCollough. 
Musician  Jackson  White. 
Musician  John  Whetstone. 


John  W.  Andrews,  James  Baker,  Josiah  Bartlett,  Robert  Bollman, 
Joseph  Bowman,  Frank  Bowman,  Patrick  O'Brian,  William  H,  Brown, 
George  Benson,  Oliver  Brown,  David  Carle,  Frank  Clements,  Spencer 
Cooper,  Oliver  G.  Coffin,  Algomah  Cooley,  George  Close,  Charles 
Emery,  John  German,  Hamilton  J.  Gregg,  Antone  Gardner,  Ludwig 
Griess,  Thomas  Hiiie,  Thomas  A.  Hays,  William  Hobson,  James 
Hunter,  Jasper  Keeler,  Sohn  Langsdon,  John  Lanyan,  John  Manser, 
Levi  E.  Marsh,  John  W.  Masterson,  William  May,  Thomas  G. 
Mears'  Joseph  H.  Menke,  John  W.  Miller,  George  Miller,  Nathan 
Netterfield,  James  O' Neil,  Edmund  Pancoast,  Henry  Peck,  George  W. 

Kyan,  Andrew  Robinson,  David  F.  Silver,  Florence  D.  Simpson, 
James  Smith,  Benjamin  Smith,  Jacob  Spinning,  James  Tate,  Isaac 
Taylor,  Homer  Turrell,  Andrew  Wachsteter,  Oscar  Warnick,  Robert 
M.  C.  Watson,  Andrew  Wateman,  John  S.  Willey,  Frederick  Hoes- 



First  Lieutenant  John  S.  Hooker. 


Sergeant  John  D,  Holcomb. 
Sergeant  William  N.  Chapman. 
Sergeant  William  G.  Feybeyer. 
Corporal  John  S.  Lowe. 
Corporal  Jeremiah  Hale. 
Corporal  Uriel  B.  Chambers. 
Musician  John  Hall. 


William  Armstrong,  William  W.  Berry,  Ale.xis  Brown,  David  Beyert, 
George  Bermond,  William  H.  Carpenter,  George  Collins,  Martin  V.  B. 
Clark,  John  Carter,  George  Crain,  Patrick  Downey,  Frank  Deitz,  Wil- 
liam H.  Ferrill,  Martin  Fleig,  Charles  Gautier,  John  Gorman,  Flavius  J. 
Gorling,  David  Hailgarder,  Oscar  Hotaling,  William  D.  Harwood, 
Abram  Hart,  John  Jones,  Nathan  Lynn,  William  L.  Miller,  John  Mor- 
ton, William  Mortimer,  Andrew  B.  Mallott,  George  W.  McKane, 
James  Palmer,  Nathan  Purdy,  James  A.  Quigley,  John  Rouscher,  Jo- 
seph W.  Rice,  Joseph  Rittenhouse,  Charles  Richardson,  John  Sweeny, 
William  Sheets,  Richard  Snyder,  John  Winnings,  Henry  Westerman, 
Hewson  Williams,  William  H.  Williams,  Joseph  D.  Weaver. 



First  Lieutenant  Ethan  O,  Hurd. 


Sergeant  Henry  Holland. 

Corporal  Caspar  Kraus. 

Corporal  Charles  Lindenstruth. 

Corporal  Barney  Schulze. 


Frederick  Appeiius,  John  Augst,  Fidel  Baschnagel,  Joseph  Basch- 
nagel,  Joseph  Deschamp,  Louis  Dhorn,  Christian  Daniels,  Joseph  Daub, 
Louis  Griep,  Christian  Geiges,  John  Hoy,  William  Hangs,  Michael 
Rattler,  Roman  Heiberger,  Matthias  Isele,  Joseph  Miller,  Anton  Wein- 
shot,  Charles  Mavers,  Parker  D'OrviUe,  August  Simon,  Theodore 
SchuUer,  Jacob  Storm,  Theobald  Schwem,  Henry  Schulthenry,  Mat- 
thias Schmit,  Jacob  Spinner,  Valentine  Theabold,  Henry  Westman, 
Hewson  Williams,  June  Weaver,  Simon  August,  William  H.  Williams, 
Hubert  Zeien. 


Captain  James  W.  Pomeroy. 

First  Lieutenant  William  H.  Lathrop. 


First  Sergeant  William  H.  Williams. 
Sergeant  Wuriahar  Holfner. 
Sergeant  George  W.  Staufford. 
Sergeant  David  Sypher. 
Sergeant  William  Auschute. 
Corporal  William  Haller. 
Corporal  William  R.  Beebe. 
Corporal  Nicholas  Maringer. 
Corporal  Paul  Goudy. 
Corporal  Aaron  L.  Hopper. 
Corporal  Isaac  N.  Girlett. 
Corporal  James  A.  Smith. 
Corporal  William  H.  H.  Yancey. 


Steven  Aarnot,  David  Alston,  Charles  Brown,  Peter  Brown,  John  M. 
Butler;  Frank  Bruner,  John  C.  Bellman,  John  H.  Boekamp,  John  C. 
Coleman,  Henry  C.  Copas,  James  Cuningan,  Thomas  L.  C.  Casey, 
Henry  C.  Covek,  Thomas  E.  Dean,  Noah  Frazee,  Matthias  Fry,  Solo- 
mon Foster,  Edward  Ferden,  Peter  Grover,  Joseph  Holland,  John 
Idone,  James  W.  Jones.  Francis  M.  Kaebor,  Edward  Kavanan,  Rein- 
hart  Kleinheim,  Matthias  Kuhn,  James  Love,  Thomas  P.  Lloyd,  Pat- 
rick McGuire,  Bernard   McLaughlin,    Charles   R.    Mayhew,  Henry  A. 


Matson,  Richard  Owens,  Robert  S.  Pomeroy,  Janies  Priedville,  James 
Palmer,  Williams  Panneal,  Joseph  Reinhart,  Francis  Rahshopf,  Mich- 
ael Renty,  Emil  Schmidt,  Isasa  F.  Seal,  Nicholas  Shean,  Michael 
Schwab,  William  Schumtler,  George  W.  Summerfield,  Lemuel  Stevens, 
John  Sharp,  Kasper  Stang,  Richard  A.  Taylor,  Alexander  D.  Vaughn, 
Joseph  Weaver,  William  Snyder,  Lawrence  Winters,  Thomas  Williams, 
John  D.  Witterbauld,  John  Wilking,  Lewis  Pfaff,  Amborse  Bickeil, 
John  Rantz,  George  Weinnaman,  Henry  Baker,  Philip  Wilking,  Chris- 
tian Menster,  Frederick  Every,  Jacob  Henry,  Eepple  Valentine,  Henry 
Leinhard,  Henry  Lenige,  Jacob  Lancel,  Henry  Crooker,  Lewis  Shaw, 
John  Shelley,  William  Seals,  Henry  Gableman,  Abraham  Hopper, 
John  W.  Johnston,  Thomas  Alfred,  John  Cooke,  John  Helfrich. 



First  Lieutenant  Charles  Y,  Sedani. 
Second  Lieutenant  Harlan  A.  Edwards. 


The  formation  of  the  companies  of  this  regiment  was 
begun  very  early;  but  the  old  rule  of  the  regular  army, 
that  a  full  company  must  be  raised  before  the  men  can 
be  mustered,  hindered  its  organization.  Hon.  Charles 
F.  Wilstach,  since  mayor  of  Cincinnati,  lent  his  energies 
to  its  formation,  and  it  was  known  from  him  as  the 
"Wilstach  regiment."  July  29th,  companies  A  and  B 
were  mustered  in,  and  the  remainder,  of  the  regiment, 
August  13th.  It  was  a  cosmopolitan  command,  thirteen 
nationalities  being  represented  in  it,  though  six  compa- 
nies were  composed  mostly  of  Americans,  and  the  re- 
maining four  of  Germans.  Frederich  Poschner,  jr.,  an 
ex-Prussian  officer  and  Hungarian  revolutionist,  became 
its  colonel.  It  joined  the  little  army  of  Rosecrans  in 
West  Virginia  in  August,  and  made  an  exhausting  march 
of  eighteen  miles  the  first  afternoon.  At  Bulltown  the 
Forty-seventh  was  brigaded  with  the  Ninth  and  Twenty- 
eighth  Ohio,  in  Colonel  R.  L.  McCook's  "Bully  Dutch 
brigade."  All  the  regiment,  except  company  B  (left  in 
garrison  at  Sutton),  took  part  in  the  battle  of  Carnifex 
Ferry.  An  extremely  exposed  and  inclement  encamp- 
ment on  Big  Lewell  mountain  followed,  but  it  was  by 
and  by  in  better  quarters  at  New  Market,  where  it  sus- 
tained a  ^severe  bombardment,  during  four  days,  from 
Floyd's  rebel  batteries.  The  Forty-seventh  was  here 
almost  continually  engaged  in  skirmishing  with  the  rebels. 
After  Floyd's  retreat  it  went  into  winter  quarters  on 
Gauley  mountain.  September  19th,  three  companies,  in 
command  of  Lieutenant  Colonel  Elliott,  moved  to  Cross 
Lanes  and  spent  some  months  in  breaking  up  guerilla 
bands.  December  5th,  the  regiment  was  reunited  at 
Gauley  mountain,  and  passed  the  remainder  of  the  win- 
ter building  fortifications,  except  in  January,  when  it  took 
part  in  ajsuccessful  expedition  against  the  enemy  at  Lit- 
tle Lewell  mountain.  In  May  four  companies,  with 
some  cavalry,  made  another  very  fortunate  raid  at  Lewis- 
burgh.  At  Meadow  Bluffs  the  Twenty-seventh  with  the 
Twenty-sixth  and  Forty-fourth  Ohio,  formed  the  third 
provisional  brigade  of  the  Kenawha  division.  June  23d 
it  forced  General  Loring  from  Monroe  county,  Virginia, 
to  retire  to  Salt  Pond  mountain,  and  captured  large 
amounts  of  stores.  This  march  of  ninety  miles  in  the 
heat  of  summer,  occupied  but  three  days,  and  was  very 
hard  on  the  force,  many  of  which  were  prostrated  with 
sunstroke  and  exhaustion.  Various  operations  against  the 
guerillas  and  for  other  purposes  consumed  the  months 

till  the  retreat  to  Gauley  bridge  in  September,  when  the 
regiment  was  largely  instrumental  in  saving  the  Federal 
forces  from  capture.  December  30th  it  was  embarked 
for  Memphis.  Here  it  was  placed  in  the  Third  brigade, 
Second  division.  Thirteenth  corps,  and  joined  the  expedi- 
tion against  Vicksburgh.  May  19th  and  22d  it  was  in 
the  impetuous  assault  on  Cemetery  Hill  and  lost  heavily. 
During  most  of  the  siege  its  camp  was  only  three  hun- 
dred yards  from  the  main  line  of  the  enemy,  and  the 
pickets  were  so  close  they  could  almost  bayonet  each 
other.  After  the  city  was  taken  the  regiment  aided  in 
the  pursuit  of  Johnson's  force,  in  the  capture  of  Jackson, 
and  in  the  destruction  of  the  fortifications  and  railways 
about  that  city.  It  returned  with  its  corps  to  Memphis 
the  latter  part  of  September,  and  was  started  for  Corinth 
October  9th,  as  train  guard.  Shortly  thereafter  it  moved 
near  Chattanooga,  and  was  engaged  upon  the  extreme 
left  in  the  battle  of  Chickamauga.  It  then  marched  to 
the  relief  of  Burnside  at  Knoxville,  scantily  clothed  and 
fed,  many  marching  shoeless  over  the  frozen  ground  and 
leaving  their  blood  in  their  tracks.  January  30,  1864, 
it  was  sent  in  an  expedition  against  Rome,  Georgia,  and 
had  a  spirited  skirmish.  At  Larkin's  Landing,  the  next 
month,  three-fourths  of  the  men  re-enlisted,  and  it  thus 
became  a  veteran  regiment,  was  mustered  as  such  March 
6th,  and  took  its  thirty  days'  furlough,  arriving  at  Cincin- 
nati on  the  2  2d.  By  May  3d  it  was  again  at  the  front, 
this  time  at  Stevenson,  Alabama,  from  which  it  moved  in 
a  few  days  to  the  Atlanta  campaign.  In  this  it  partici- 
pated in  the  affairs  at  Snake  Creek  Gap,  Resaca,  Kings- 
ton, Dallas,  New  Hope  Church,  Big  Shanty,  Kenesaw, 
and  Ezra  Church.  It  was  in  the  pursuit  of  Hood  to  the 
rear  of  Atlanta,  upon  which  it  was  joined  by  four  hun- 
dred conscripts  and  substitutes ;  was  in  the  famous  march 
to  the  sea,  and  at  the  capture  of  Fort  McAlister,  in  which 
its  colors  were  the  first  to  be  planted  on  the  works;  took 
part  in  the  occupation  of  Savannah,  the  march  through 
the  Carolinas,  and  the  great  review  at  Washington.  It 
was  then  ordered  to  Arkansas,  and  served  till  August 
nth,  when  it  was  mustered  out,  but  not  paid  off  and  dis- 
charged until  August  24,  1866,  when  it  had  served  four 
years,  two  months,  and  nine  days,  and  campaigned 
through  all  the  Star  States  except  Missouri,  Florida  and 


Colonel  Frederick  Poschner. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Lyman  S.  Elliott. 
M.ajor  Augustus  C.  Parry. 
Adjutant  John  G.  Deerbeck. 



Captain  Samuel  L.  Hunter. 
First  Lieutenant  Lewis  D.  Graves. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  W.  Duichemin. 


First  Sergeant  John  H.  Brown. 
Sergeant  Hiram  Durrell. 
Sergeant  ElishaJ.  Kneeland. 
Sergeant  George  W.  Perphater. 
Sergeant  John  Turner. 
Corporal  Alexander  Nesmith. 
Corporal  John  W.  A'laxfield. 
Corporal  Claude  Baker. 


Corporal  Albert  Lann. 

Corporal  Jerry  Miller. 

Corporal  William  Everson. 

Corporal  Michael  Haumer. 

Corporal  George  Wisbey. 

Drummer  Enos  Anderson. 

Fifer  Cortland  Rapp. 

Wagoner  John  Breckenridge. 


Frank  Abbey,  George  Bower,  John  Bechler,  Robert  M.  Burnard, 
Zachariah  Bermann,  Julius  Jennetts,  David  G.  Brookman,  Ceorge  H, 
Brown,  James  Clark,  James  Cope,  John  Cook,  Morris  Davis,  Henry 
Duverge,  Charles  Dagner,  Jacob  Fiechle,  Frederick  Graanoyel,  Joel 
Grimm,  George  Geiger,  Louis  Hener,  Daniel  Hessel,  Charles  W.  Hos- 
ley,  William  Henderson,  William  Harrison,  Samuel  Johnston,  Charles 
J.  Jackson,  Jacob  Knecht,  Daniel  Kline,  Clem  Lawrence,  Jacob  Lep- 
pert,  Joseph  Levens,  Michael  Long,  Alonzo  Mateer,  William  McAllis- 
ter, James  Melvine,  Arthur  McDonnell,  Edward  Morin,  Lewis  Miller, 
William  Nocker,  Charles  Robinson,  Alexander  Ravie,  Matthew  Rhen- 
aker,  Surfein  Reif,  August  H.  Seibel,  Ezekiel  Stewart,  Henno  Seidel, 
Louis  Schottinger,  Charles  Stewart,  Henry  Schuske,  Henry  Schneider, 
Christopher  Smith,  Thomas  W.  Spencer,  William  Tucker,  Joseph 
Foitch,  Frank  Vandame,  Jacob  Whitsel,  Henry  Weber,  Henry  Wed- 
dendorf,  George  Walters,  George  Wisler,  Frank  White,  Benjamin  F. 
Wallace,  William  H,  Wright,  John  Walken,  George  Young. 

Captain  Alexander  Froelich. 
First  Lieutenant  John  G.  Dierbeck. 


First  Sergeant  Felix  Wagner. 
Sergeant  Louis  C.  Koehl. 
Sergeant  August  Hund. 
Sergeant  Adolph  Ahlers. 
Sergeant  Jonas  Meyer. 
Corporal  Henry  Schroeder, 
Corporal  William  Cross. 
Corporal  John  H.  Stegmann. 
Corporal  Ehrnard  Kupfer. 
Corporal  John  Weil. 
Corporal  Julius  Foerster. 
Corporal  Alfred  Pels. 
Corporal  Bantalion  Nutischer. 
Fifer  William  Buckhaus. 
Drummer  Frederick  Schmidt. 
Wagoner  Anton  Rothers. 


Benjamin  Avermaat,  Hermann  Ahlensdorf,  Henry  Asgelmeyer, 
Frederick  Ackermann,  Thomas  Baer,  John  Bruckers,  Theodore  Binder, 
Alonzo  Brown,  Henry  Braun,  John  Bohlinger,  John  Becker,  Reinhold 
Berndt,  Gottlieb  Berndt,  Martin  Cross,  John  R.  Craig,  Frederick  Ger- 
lack,  Jacob  Goebel,  Louis  Giranr,  Carper  Huber,  L.  Hammer,  Mat- 
thias Hunninger,  Casper  Hoffling,  Louis  Hinke,  Peter  Helbriegel, 
Conrad  Hering,  Friedrich  Hoffman,  Btasius  Hecht,  Henry  Jacke, 
Adam  Jebeyahn,  Peter  Jenrivein,  Charles  Holb,  William  Maesemeyer, 
John  Knapp,  Charles  Kohlbrandt,  Victor  Koeht,  Anton  Kern,  Charles 
Luderig,  Emil  Lesker,  Gustav  Lellman,  John  Baptist  Lieb,  Friedrich 
Mesker,  Frederick  Mossman,  Louis  Muller,  Hermann  Morath,  Louis 
Mund,  Joseph  Maus,  Jacob  Ottlieb,  John  Rattermann,  Philip  Roth, 
Joseph  Rom,  Samuel  Stillmacher,  Ernst  Schuller,  Charles  Schmidt, 
Jacob  Schneider,  Frederick  Schumacker,  Jacob  Sprengart,  Louis 
Schmidt,  George  Stoly,  Charles  Schub,  Bernhart  Siener,  Jacob  Theil- 
maun,  Robert  Williams,  William  Wiggermann,  Clem  Willenberg. 

Private  John  Bowen. 



Captain  Valentine  Rapp. 
Lieutenant  Isidore  Wonns. 


First  Sergeant  William  H.  Kor. 
Sergeant  Samuel  F.  Campbell. 
Sergeant  Lewis  Brown. 

Sergeant  Ferdinand  Schwecke. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Kamerer. 
Corporal  George  Wedemezer. 
Corporal  Frederick  Hoff. 
Corporal  Valentine  Camerer. 
Corporal  Charles  Jeckel. 
Corporal  Nicholas  Kraft. 
Corporal  August  Scheiss. 
Corporal  James  Archibald. 
Corporal  William  Simbruger. 
Drummer  John  Loth. 
Fifer  Theodore  Weegers. 
Wagoner  Jacob  Mitter. 


Joseph  Berdell,  Henry  Brokers,  Charles  Bondits,  August  Beverman, 
John  Blohm,  Herrmann  Bercker,  Anthony  Bechtolsheimer,  William 
Cope,  Albert  Crest,  Thomas  Dangelmeier,  Frederick  Dechhaut,  George 
Dorgens,  John  Denbler,  Frank  Englehart,  Weldi  Tidell,  Adam  Fres- 
bom,  Henry  W.  Gott,  Francis  Gyler,  John  Gleason,  William  Hartig, 
Henry  Hoffman,  Jacob  Hotzbiner,  Henry  Heitkamp,  Peter  Hahler, 
Barney  Hopping,  Henry  Hoddle,  Franklin  B.  Kline,  Philip  Kausler, 
Frederick  Kerstuer,  Ludwig  Kemmer,  Charles  Kuhl,  William  King, 
Louis  Remmerg,  Henry  Klapp,  Charles  F.  Konig,  John  Lerhart,  Jo- 
seph Long,  Frederich  Lepier,  Caspar  Lier,  John  Leopold,  Hugh  Mc- 
Cord,  George  Myer,  Frank  Mitter,  George  H.  Mitter,  Frederick 
Pfeiffer,  Adam  Rengler,  Henry  Rickway,  Charles  Rottman,  Henry  Rie- 
meyer,.  Jacob  Schram,  Joseph  Schmit,  Adam  Schneider,  Joseph 
Schmidt,  Louis  Schoeffer,  John  Shassel,  Adam  Schwarr,  Edward 
Schmidt,  William  Stener,  John  Simon,  Charles  Schock,  George  Thomp- 
son, David  Tucker,  Henry  Tunemann,  John  Wymer,  John  Weidinger, 
Peter  Wettschein,  Henry  Wendell,  Henap  Welch. 



Captain  Charles  Helmerich. 
Lieutenant  William  Ducebeck. 

First  Sergeant  George  Zeigler. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Wetterer. 
Sergeant  Henry  Lettmann. 
Sergeant  Gottfried  Meyer.  ^ 

Sergeant  William  Augstmann. 
Corporal  Louis  Schweigert. 
Corporal  Charles  Roth. 
Corporal  Christopher  Schifferling. 
Corporal  Adolph  Grimm. 
Corporal  Andreses  Koch. 
Corporal  John  Wagner. 
Corporal  Frank  Schaupp. 
Corporal  John  Rosier. 


Christopher  Arnecht,  John  Howen,  Albert  Berblinger,  George  Bruns, 
Anton  Breier,  Anton  Bechtolsheimer,  Henry  Brann,  Charles  Baier, 
John  Conrad,  Franz  H.  Centner,  Rudolph  Dutweiler,  Charles  Dan, 
Rudolph  Etter,  Leonhaid  Eble,  Franz  Flamin,  Jacob  Frank,  Ernst 
Graf,  Henry  Grenlich,  Ulrich  Grogg,  George  Grossman,  Ernst  Hener, 
Daniel  Hesse,  Jacob  Herrmann,  Herman  Heller,  Charles  Heller,  Fred- 
erick Hiltbracht,  Benjamin  Hoff,  Jacob  Horlacher,  Christian  Hesse, 
John  Konig,  Peter  Krappe,  William  Kohlenberg,  Samuel  King,  Franz 
John  Leisie,  George  Luber,  Christian  Musbeck,  Janney  Muller,  John 
Muneister,  Theodore  Ohle,  Gottlieb,  Pepper,  George  Pfeifer,  Joseph 
Pressler,  Sigismund  Pfeffer,  Anton  RuUe,  John  Romhild,  Henry  Schuh- 
mann,  Frederich  Sanbarschwarl,  Joseph  Spener,  John  Schadler,  Wil^ 
liam  Schaperhlaus,  John  Schwanzel,  Charles  Schoch,  Henry  Stomberg, 
John  Spahr,  Albrecht  Spahr,  Frederick  Schneider,  Nicholas  Volker, 
John  Wellman,  Matthias  Weibel,  Charles  Weiland,  Jacob  Windstrig, 
Sidwell  Woolery,  Joseph  Wagner,  BonifazYudell,  PhilippZinn,  Michael 
H.  Zeigler. 


First  Lieutenant  Charles  Haltenhof. 

First  Lieutenant  Frederick  Fischer.i 


Sergeant  Frederick  Seidel. 

Sergeant  Henry  Premfoerder. 

Sergeant  George'Hoefer. 


Corporal  Henry  Beckman. 

Corporal  John  Bischhausen. 

Corporal  Nicholas  Joerns. 

Corporal  Jacob  Huleer. 

Corporal  Henry  Fass. 


John  Adams,  Henry  Arnold,  William  Borch,  Conrad  Bezok,  Henry 
Broeckerhoff,   Barney  Broeckerhoff,   Ignatz  Dall,  John   Dall,  Andrew 

Dendertein,  Sebastian   Fe\ix,    Goldschmidt,   John  Herrmann, 

Henry  Herrman,  Michael  Huber,  Anton  Hornung,  Michael  Hare,  Phil- 
lipp  Joos,  Nicolas  Krichheiner,  Charles  Loeffler,  John  J.  Martin,  John 
J.  Martin,  2d,  John  Adam  Miller,  Frank  Moos,  Charles  Nieman, 
Charles  Numberger,  Henry  Overmeyer,  Henry  Kojahn,  Ulrich  Kaidy, 
Frederick  Rath,  Adam  Rade,  Charles  Sureck,  Nicolas  Schmidt,  Udolph 
Scheven,  Frederick  Sturmes,  Martin  Van  Damm,  Albert  Voelkle,  Louis 
Walker,  John  Wild,  George  Wingerter,  Adam  Wenzel,  Peter  Zang. 


Organized  at  Camp  Dennison,  February  17,  1862,  the 
Forty-eighth  was  soon  dispatched  to  General  W.  T.  Sher- 
man's command  at  Paducah,  whence  it  was  taken  up  the 
Tennessee  river  to  Pittsburgh  Landing.  It  was  com- 
manded by  Colonol  W.  H.  Gibson,  now  adjutant  gen- 
eral of  the  State.  April  6th  it  was  heavily  engaged  all 
day,  and  it  is  believed  that  a  shot  from  its  lines  caused 
the  death  of  General  Albert  Sydney  Johnston,  command- 
er of  the  rebel  army  in  this  battle.  On  the  second  day 
it  was  also  in  action,  and  suffered  severely,  losing  about 
one-third  of  its  men  in  the  two-days'  fight.  Its  subse- 
quent battles  were  at ,  Corinth,  Vicksburgh,  Arkansas 
Post,  Magnolia  Hills  and  Champion  Hills,  Vicksburgh 
again  in  two  assaults  under  Grant,  Jackson,  the  Bayou 
Teche,  and  Sabine  Cross  Roads.  In  the  last  action,  the 
remnant  of  the  Forty-eighth  was  captured,  and  not  ex- 
changed until  October,  1864,  after  which  it  took  part  in 
the  capture  of  Mobile.  A  majority  of  the  old  regiment 
had  re-enlisted  as  veterans,  but  only  one  hundred  and 
sixty-five  men  remained  in  it  at  the  close  of  the  war. 
They  were  ordered  on  duty  in  Texas,  and  not  mustered 
out  of  service  until  May,  1866. 



Edward  Byer,  Charles  Burger,  Samuel  Ellis,  Benjamin  Gibbs,  John 
J.  Kane,  Paul  Jones,  Patrick  Keany,  Crogin  Lowry,  Philip  McGuire, 
Thomas  O'Rouke,  Rhody  Ryan,  Wentlen  Shiels,  William  Wright, 
Alfred  Nichols,  Charles  McHugh,  Joseph  Payne. 



John  H.  B.  France,  John  Maladay. 



Frank  Kingsley,  Robert  Wiley,  James  D.  Wolf. 
Edward  Byer,  Paul  Jones,  John  J.  Kean,  Charles  M.  Hugh,  Wend- 
lin  Sherlis. 



Captain  Samuel  G.  W.  Peterson. 
Second  Lieutenant  Cyrenneus  P.  Pratt. 


Corporal  Francis  M.  Swaney. 


John  W.  Bolinger,  James  E.  Bolinger,  John  Blake,  Patrick  Casey, 
William  J.  Helms,  Thomas  E.  Hill,  Charles  L.  Hill,  Hiram  H.  Hill, 
Nicholas  Irelan,  Richard  Jones,  John  Kean,  Charles  Keever,  Edward 

Kinney,  Frank  A.  Kingsly,  Joshua  Lee,  Joseph  M.  Glashan,  Micha  el 
Mooney,  Jacob  O'Dee,  James  O'Donnell,  John  Riley,  William  H.  H. 
Rilse,  Henry  C.  Stewart,  Robert  Wiley,  James  D.  Wolf,  James  Daily, 
Joseph  Delaney,  James  Douglas,  Joseph  Enderly,  Philip  M.  Everhard, 
Mark  Erway,  Peter  Farland,  Barney  Galager,  Patrick  Conners,  James 


This  regiment  was  organized  at  Camp  Dennison,  and 
mustered  into  service  August  27,  1862.  It  numbered  an 
aggregate  of  nine  hundred  and  sixty-four  men,  gathered 
from  the  State  at  large. 

The  Fiftieth  was  assigned  to  the  Thirty-fourth  brigade. 
Tenth  division,  McCook's  corps.  On  the  first  of  Octo- 
ber it  moved  out  of  Louisville,  and  on  the  eighth  went 
into  the  battle  of  Perryville.  In  this  engagement,  a  loss 
was  sustained  of  two  officers  killed  and  one  mortally 
wounded,  and  one  hundred  and  sixty-two  men  killed  and 

During  the  army's  advance  on  Nashville,  the  regiment 
was  at  Lebanon,  then  the  base  of  supplies.  We  afterward 
hear  of  it  in  pursuit  of  John  Morgan,  and  still  further  in 
the  building  of  Forts  Boyle,  Sands,  and  McAllister.  On 
Christmas  day,  1863,  it  was  ordered  to  Knoxville,  Ten- 
nessee. The  route  lay  eastward  to  Somerset,  Kentucky, 
and  thence  southward,  crossing  the  Cumberland  river  at 
Point  Isabelle. 

On  the  first  day  of  the  year,  1864,  movement  began 
across  the  mountains.  In  the  severest  winter  weather, 
the  men  dragged  the  artillery  and  wagons  over  the  moun- 
tains by  hand,  slept  on  the  frozen  ground,  in  rain  and 
snow,  without  shelter,  and  subsisted  on  parched  corn. 
Soon  after  arriving  at  Knoxville,  it  received  orders  to 
join  General  Sherman's  army  at  Kingston,  Georgia. 

From  the  twenty-sixth  of  May  till  after  the  siege  of 
Atlanta,  the  regiment  was  almost  constantly  in  line  of 
battle.  It  shared  in  all  the  movements  of  the  campaign, 
and  participated  in  the  actions  at  Pumkinvine  Creek, 
Dallas,  New  Hope  Church,  Lost  Mountain,  Pine  Moun- 
tain, Kenesaw  Mountain,  Gulp's  Farm,  Nicojack  Creek, 
Chattahoochie  River,  Howard  House,  Atlanta,  and  Jones- 
borough.  During  this  campaign,  the  ranks  of  the  regi- 
ment were  sadly  thinned. 

Following  the  battle  of  Jonesborough,  in  pursuit  of 
Hood's  army,  the  regiment  passed  through  Marietta, 
Kingston,  Rome,  and  at  last  halted  for  a  few  days  on  the 
Coosa  river,  at  Cedar  Bluffs. 

On  the  thirtieth  of  November  it  arrived  at  Franklin, 
Tennessee.  It  went  into  the  battle  that  followed  with 
two  hundred  and  twenty-five  men,  and  came  out  with  one 
hundred  and  twelve.  It  fell  back  with  the  army  to  Nash- 
ville, and  in  the  engagements  that  occurred  there  on  the 
fifteenth  and  sixteenth  of  December,  lost  several  more  of 
its  men. 

The  regiment  followed  the  retreating  rebels  as  far  as 
Columbia,  Tennessee,  where  it  was  consolidated  with  the 
Ninety-ninth  infantry,  the  name  of  the  "Fiftieth"  being 

We  now  hear  of  the  newly  consolidated  regiment  in 
Clifton,  Tennessee,  at  Fort  Fisher,  Wilmington,  Kings- 
ton, Goldsborough,  Raleigh,  Greensborough,  and  at  last 
in  Salisbury,    North   Carolina,   where    it   was    mustered 



out  on  the  twenty-sixth  of  June,  1865.  On  the  seven- 
teenth of  July,  the  regiment  reached  Camp  Dennison, 
Ohio,  where  the  men  were  all  paid  and  discharged. 

Musician  Alexander  Tittle. 



John  Hall,  William  Herbert,  Wesley  I.  Jeffries,  John  F.  Riley,  Wil- 
liam Stiles,  George  W.  Garrinkton,  John  B.  McCloud. 


Captain  John  Carr. 

First  Lieutenant  John  S.  Conahan, 


First  Sergeant  John  McGovern. 

Sergeant  John  Arnold. 

Sergeant  Jacob  Metzger. 

Sergeant  Charles  C.  Lees. 

Sergeant  Henry  Hensel. 

Corporal  John  W.  Jearl. 

Corporal  Henry  Benstaker. 

Corporal  Edward  Davis. 

Corporal  August  Reis. 

Corporal  William  Whittaker. 

Corporal  Richard  Prestel. 

Corporal  Jacob  Weist. 

Corporal  John  Wing. 


John  Ardis,  Wesley  Ackerman,  Edward  Bradley,  Thomas  Bradley, 
Joseph  Boltman,  Peter  Berlin,  John  W.  Black,  William  Bendingstock, 
Thomas  Bannon,  James  Brennan,  Patrick  Burns,  Joseph  B.  Bollinger, 
Charles  Basone,  Richard  Bernhard,  Charles  A.  Chappelear,  George 
Coleman,  William  Cahill,  Patrick  Duffy,  George  C.  Drake,  John  Engle- 
hard,  Christopher  Elliott,  Patrick  Fitzpatrick,  Lawrence  Finnegan, 
Michale  Fortune,  John  Glascon,  James  Gray  (musician),  William  Gib- 
son, Christopher  Greate,  Thomas  Gallagher,  John  Gallagher,  William 
Hefferman,  Griffith  Hemphill,  Frederick  Hooper,  John  Holled,  John 
D.  Jewell,  Henry  Kulper,  Hamilton  Kennett,  Grotlob  Keller,  Law- 
rence King,  William  Kruger,  Jacob  Keifer,  John  Lemon,  Louis  F. 
Lowe,  William  Lunsford,  James  Mooney,  Alexander  McDonald,  Hugh 
McCleavey,  Bernard  McGonigle,  William  Molliter,  Hugh  McClelland, 
John  Maher,  John  V.  Mozers,  John  Morris,  John  Mahoney,  George 
Pollock  (musician),  Eugene  Piquet,  Crawford  W.  Rolf,  James  Red- 
mond, William  Ludlow,  Stephen  Saberlie,  Michael  Scott,  Michael  A. 
Scolly,  Hiram  Taylor,  Joseph  Taylor,  Henry  Tenneymaker,  James  R. 
Vaughn,  William  F.  Whittaker,  Michael  Welch,  John  Wilson,  William 
Young,  Charles  Stillinger,  Henry  Sohreiver,  James  Wilson,  William 
Gerhart,  John  Reifer,  Richard  William,  William  Worland. 

Second  Lieutenant  Robert  R.  Moore. 
David  K.  Anderson,  Jesse  W.  Adams,  Corodorn  Cook,  Israel  P.  Con- 
roy,   Simon  Footer,   Peter  Gorman,  Robert  H.   Griffith,  Alexander  H. 
Gody,  William   Harrison,    William  Jackson,    Charles  Johnson,   Levi 
Jones,  Harry  Jones,  Samuel  Jones,  Peter  Loman,    Samuel  Muraloch, 
Peter  Murry,  Nathan  Parker,  George  Phers,  Girard  P.    Riley,  Alexan- 
der H.  Reed,  Jacob  Rennet,  Richard  Slocum,  Henry  H.  Speigg,  An- 
drew Steele,  Samuel  Thompson,    John  H.  Tyson,  Phillip  Wilson,  Bar- 
nard White,  Henry  Wooster,  Stephen  Yates. 



Captain  J.  W.  Cahill. 

Second  Lieutenant  Anthony  Anderson. 


First  Sergeant  Martin  V.  B.  Little. 
Sergeant  Elias  C.  Stancliff. 
Sergeant  Joseph  H.  Roche. 
Sergeant  John  L.  Israel. 
Sergeant  Charles  I.  Medbury. 
Corporal  James  Tolks, 

Corporal  William  Green. 
Corporal  WiUiam  R.  Lindsey. 
Corporal  Jacob  Honance. 
Corporal  Francis  M.  Tazin. 
Corporal  Henry  Helmering. 
Corporal  Albert  Day. 
Corporal  George  Connor. 
Musician  Jasper  H.  Moss. 
Musician  George  Grover. 


William  Behymer,  Frederick  Barnes,  William  Burhart,  Benjamin 
Browning,  Solomon  Behymer,  Robert  Boyce,  David  Bupps,  John  Craw- 
ford, David  B.  Clem,  George  Clem,  John  Collins,  Runyan  Day,  George 
Debins,  Thomas  B.  Day,  John  Duncan,  W.  H.  Denny,  Solomon  Denny, 
John  Doty,  Edwin  Evenshire,  William  EUwell,  Henry  Frey,  Benjamin 
Figgins,  David  Faden,  J.  W.  Fonts,  John  Green,  WiUiam  Green,  Middle- 
ton,  Hume,  E.  L.  House,  William  Hoforth,  Phillip  Hirgle,  John  Hirgle 
Phillip  Haman,  Levi  Haman,  Francis  I.  Jeffries,  Charies  Jeffries,  Mor- 
ris John,  Bennet  John,  George  Johnson,  Valentine  Klump,  Phillip 
Kaufman,  William  Kennedy,  Charles  Kruse,  Charies  Lillich,  William 
Lillich,  Edwin  Lindsey,  Haman  Lewis,  George  Mahl,  Sylvester  Mo- 
Lean,  John  A.  Meyers,  John  McMan,  J.  W.  Porter,  Albert  R.  Pierce, 
Elbridge  Pierce,  John  Ryan,  William  Simon,  Noah  E.  Sutton,  Sylvanus 
Stroup,  Frederick  Snalor,  Lanier  Shaffer,  Thomas  Tice,  Odler  T. 
Thornun,  Joseph  J.  Vanefessen,  E.  Winters,  Ira  W.  White,  James  Wil- 
liams, Charies  Willett,  Williams  White,  John  J,  Wahl,  James  Woa- 
dock,  Henry  Ware,  Frederick  Whiteman,  Charles  W.  Woaden,  John 



Captain  Lewis  C.  Simmons. 

First  Lieutenant  Columbus  Cones. 

Second  Lieutenant  Frank  A.  Crippen. 


First  Sergeant  Charles  Moore. 

Sergeant  Edwin  P.  Edgely. 

Sergeant  Andrew  Vincent. 

Sergeant  Edwin  Yocum. 

Sergeant  John  Chigman. 

Corporal  Lemuel  Wiley. 

Corporal  Bartlett  Vincent. 

Corporal  John  N.  Turner. 

Corporal  Thomas  Puttam. 

Corporal  Joshua  C.  Clark. 

Corporal  John  Hailed. 

Corporal  Tyler  H.  Vincent. 

Corporal  Alfred  Loyd. 

Musician  George  Saurs. 

Musician  Charles  Baser. 

Teamster  Henry  Macy. 


Joseph  Atkinson,  Andrew  Arendolph,  Joseph  Bruce,  James  Bellen- 
stein,  Isaac  S.  Bailey,  Henry  La  Barbier,  Barney  Battle,  Jacob  Buck- 
man,  Richard  Bernard,  Josiah  Bell,  Samuel  Blitz,  Robert  Crandall, 
Levi  T.  Collins,  William  Carter,  Maurice  Clanter,  Alexander  Cum- 
mins, Andrew  Crawford,  .Alexander  Campbell,  Thomas  Derrick,  Patrick 
Daly,  George  H.  Dobbins,  Columbus  Dale,  Christopher  Elliott,  Charles 
E.  Eaton,  John  F.  Ferris,  Lawrence  Finnigan,  Charles  J.  Fox,  Wil- 
liam Green,  Israel  Gates,  Michael  Gilmore,  George  G.  Garire,  George 
Hartman,  Francis  C.  Hills,  John  Hughes,  John  Hale,  William  Hunter, 
Nicholas  Haffer,  William  Homer,  Henry  Jordan,  George  A.  Johns, 
William  Kelly,  William  Kinger,  Jacob  King,  Christopher  King,  John 
Lovemark,  James  A.  Murrain,  Manville  M.  McDonald,  Charies  C. 
Murphy,  Fabius  C.  Motlin,  Nathaniel  B.  Meader,  Theodore  Morris. 
Arthur  Mellen,  John  Morris,  John  B.  Morgan,  John  Newmeyer,  Louis 
Napoleon,  Frank  Nohn,  Conrad  Nortman,  Michael  O'Brien,  Edward 
H.  C.  Phillips,  Paul  Russell,  John  T.  Reily,  William  Reynolds,  Joseph 
Robertson,  Henry  Schreiver,  Edward  Stanton,  William  Smith,  Leonard 
Smith.  Ebin  Terwilliger.  Henry  Take,  John  C.  Thayer.  John  Walker, 
George  Wilier,  WiUiam  Wiley,  Nathaniel  Wilson,  Adolph  Webber, 
Martin  Webber,  Jacob  Yast,  Conrad  Yugar. 
Captain  Isaac  J.  Carter. 
First  Lieutenant  Frederick  Buck. 



Second  Lieutenant  Joseph  R.  Key. 


First  Sergeant  Jerome  Crowley. 

Sergeant  William  H.  Reed. 

Sergeant  George  N.  White. 

Sergeant  Benjamin  E.  Styles. 

Sergeant  Robert  Cory. 

Corporal  Jacob  Steigleman. 

Corporal  William  Fangs. 

Corporal  William  W.  Warner. 

Corporal  George  H.  Reese. 

Corporal  John  Stillwell. 

Corporal  Lewis  Grooms. 

Corporal  William  McCanly. 

Corporal  Mathew  Moreney. 


Simeon  Arthur,  Isaac  W.  Adams,  John  A.  Arthur,  Andrew  S.  Bow- 
ling, Henry  Benn,  Frederick  Blum,  Orville  H.  Coal,  Edward  Corlett, 
Allen  Cochran,  Andrew  Corruth,  John  Charles,  Thomas  Carroll,  John 
T.  Creighton,  Eli  Dusenbery,  Servetus  Dawson,  William  Davis,  John 
Dennis,  John  Eubank,  Charles  Fallbush,  Joseph  W.  Free,  John  J. 
Farroll,  William  Franklin,  James  O.  Griffin,  Daniel  S.  Gates,  William 
Green,  Christopher  Hutt,  Perry  Holland,  James  Johnson,  Thomas 
Johnson,  Hiram  H.  Koon,  Henry  Killing,  George  W.  Lilly,  Frank  B. 
Lamb,  Zachary  T.  Lane,  Daniel  M.  F.  Lamb,  Peter  Lyon,  George 
Lockwood,  Thomas  Lawson,  Edward  Murry,  Thomas  Magivin, 
Phillip  Miller,  David  McKinney,  Michael  McDermot,  Martin  V.  B. 
Niese,  Charles  B,  Preston,  John  Quick,  John  Rockenfield,  Lewis 
Rownd,  Paul  Roussell,  William  Slagle,  Archibald  B.  Stewart,  Jeffrey 
Sullivan,  Thomas  E.  Shy,  Josiah  C.  Searl,  John  Tompkins,  John 
Turner,  Benjamin  Taylor,  James  Thompson,  Hiram  Taylor,  Thomas 
Toohey,  Peter  Tiermon,  James  E.  Thomas,  John  H.  Van  Hage,  Wil- 
liam B,  Witt,  John  B.  Woodruff,  John  Williams,  John  W.  Wilson, 
Robert  Willoughby,  David  Williams,  William  Wood,  James  White, 
Asa  M.  Weston,  James  Wasmer. 



Captain  Leonard  A.  Hendrich. 
First  Lieutenant  Oliver  S.  McCIure. 
Second  Lieutenant  Edward  S.  Price. 


First  Sergeant  Charles  A.  Van  Dennon. 
Sergeant  David  Morris. 
Sergeant  Henry  Merrell. 
Sergeant  William  H.  Childs. 
Sergeant  James  Kelso. 
Corporal  Thomas  S.  Sheake. 
Corporal  James  Brown. 
Corporal  William  A.  Baker. 
Corporal  William  L.  Cottor. 
Corporal  Joseph  Chamberlain. 
Corporal  Samuel  Reddish. 
Corporal  Samuel  Losey. 
Corporal  John  Linsey. 

JeremiahAmmerman,  Peter  Alberts,  Charles  Adams,  William  Asbold, 
Simeon  Arthur,  John  Arthur,  Vincent  Brieslaw,  William  Bates,  Milton 
Blizzard,  Stephen  Blizzard,  Christman  Birman,  John  Bryant,  John  Ben- 
net,  Joseph  Carson,  John  Criver,  Charles  B.  Crane,  David  H.  Cowen, 
Jackson  Culp,  Bernard  Cline,  William  Dean,  George  W.  Dean,  Thomas 
Dodge,  David  M.  Deams,  Thomas  Easterling,  John  Fox,  Frank  Fo.x, 
Charles  Goodwin,  Henry  Heath,  John  F.  Heberlein,  Christopher  W. 
Hamel,  Henry  C.  Hall,  John  Hahn,  James  Johnson,  John  Juliu,  Joseph 
Keedler,  Jacob  Klineman,  Albert  Kigan,  James  Lacey,  Henry  Libe- 
rook,  Robert  Nanifold,  Alexander  McCready,  Richard  Marsh,  David 
Noble,  John  Orton,  Owen  Osborne,  Andrew  Ponder,  John  Ponder, 
Peter  Peckeny,  Carleton  Pans,  James  Pricket,  Coleman  Quinn,  Lain 
Ready,  John  F.  Reynolds,  Luman  W.  Smith,  Joseph  Spencer^  Thomas 
Shrim,  John  G.  Spahr,  Peter  Steffers,  Thomas  E.  Shy,  Peter  Shilling, 
Joseph  Stagmier,  William  Sparks,  Gavett  Van  Kant,  James  H.  Van 
Kant,  Stephen  K.  Van  Ausdel,  Asa  M.  Weston,  John  Willy,  Jackson 
Walters,  David  Weisenberger,  James  Weils,  George  W.  Williams, 
Erastus  Winters,  James  Primmill. 


This  was  raised  with  some  difficulty  in  the  spring  and 
summer  of  1862.  A  banner  was  presented  to  it  by  citi- 
zens of  Cincinnati.  It  moved  to  Lexington  August  25th, 
and  was  in  the  retreat  to  Louisville  after  the  disastrous 
battle  near  Richmond,  Kentucky.  During  the  retreat  it 
suffered  greatly  from  heat  and  thirst.  It  took  part  in  the 
battle  of  Perryville,  doing  its  work  like  veterans.  It  was 
in  the  advance  on  Nashville,  and  did  useful  service,  al- 
though not  heavily  engaged,  in  the  battle  of  Stone  River. 
In  garrison  at  Nashville,  Murfreesborough,  and  other 
points,  it  obtained  high  reputation  for  discipline  and  drill. 
It  was  in  the  opening  skirmish  of  the  battle  of  Chicka- 
mauga,  and  in  the  action  the  next  day.  Its  subsequent 
history  includes  the  relief  of  Knoxville,  the  Atlanta  cam- 
paign, and  the  marches  through  Georgia  and  the  Caroli- 
nas.  After  the  great  review  it  was  mustered  out  at  Wash- 
ington, Junes,  1865. 

COMPANY    c. 


Major  Samuel  Coplinger. 


Henry  Buraw,  Andrew  Colter,  John  Cuseick,  Charles  Common 
(musician),  John  Graham,  Christy  Kerne,  John  Styner. 



First  Sergeant  Rudolph  Gassier. 
Sergeant  Isaac  L.  Mills. 
Sergeant  Samuel  Harper. 
Sergeant  George  K.  Farrington. 
Sergeant  James  C.  Milire. 
Corporal  John  Miller. 
Corporal  John  W.  Steed. 
Corporal  John  W.  Coleman. 
Corporal  Edgar  Flinn. 
Corporal  Jacob  Warner. 
Corporal  John  W.  Bowen. 
Corporal  William  Nome. 
Corporal  William  J.  Campbell. 


William  J .  Armstrong,  Joseph  Blundell,  Daniel  Byrne,  John  Bow- 
hat,  David  C.  Clark,  Thomas  Coen,  George  Cartman,  Charles  Cor- 
nell, William  Cox,  John  Cummings,  WiUiam  H.  Delerty,  John  Dennie, 
John  J.  Farrell,  Richard  T.  Tunnerean,  Osarll  Godson,  Patrick  Ham- 
ilton, Richard  Harmes,  Samuel  Hardy,  John  Henry,  George  B.  Hodg- 
son, Thomas  W.  Mayhew,  John  Martin,  Jacob  Mowry,  Robert  Mellen, 
Aaron  B.  Mills,  Henry  Midtendorf,  Patrick  Murphy,  Barney  Mucker, 
Robert  M.  Mullen,  Daniel  Owens,  Thomas  Payne,  Henry  Prinzel, 
Emos  Reisch,  Oliver  Rice,  William  Riley,  John  A.  Sellins,  John  S. 
Stokes,  Isaac  Stokes,  Adam  Story,  William  Struble,  Edward  T. 
Snyder,  Digory  Shall,  John  J.  Truxall,  Jacob  Warner,  Henry  Chilley, 
Ernst  Brady. 

COMPANY    1. 


Philip  Boss,  Theodore  Bartel,  William  Green,  Mathias  Haffle, 
Michael  Harbesmehl,  John  Keans,  Adolph  Newiger,  Herman  Pily, 
Theodore  .Schneles,  Phillip  Schaaffer,  Henry  Webber. 

C0MP.A.Ny    K. 


First  Sergeant  Horace  A.  Church. 
Sergeant  William  L.  Moxall. 
Sergeant  John  Stammeijohn. 
Musician  Charles  Firman. 


Thomas  Duke,  Henry  Eldridge,  Francis  Falters,  George  Kuevey, 
John  Kunser,  James  Lineback,  Frederick  Rodgiver. 




The  organization  of  this  regiment  was  completed  in 
January,  1862.  In  February  it  joined  the  Third  brigade 
of  General  W.  T.  Sherman's  division.  Its  services  in- 
cluded the  battles  of  Pittsburgh  Landing,  Mission  Ridge, 
Resaca,  Dallas,  Kenesaw  Mountain,  Nicojack  Creek, 
Atlanta,  Ezra  Chapel,  Jonesborough,  and  Ft.  McAllister; 
the  pursuit  of  Hood  in  the  rear  of  Sherman,  and  the 
marches  to  Savannah  and  the  north.  Upon  appearing 
before  Columbia,  South  Carolina,  it  silenced  a  battery  by 
its  skilful  and  rapid  fire,  and  assisted  in  the  destruction 
wrought  in  that  city,  as  also  at  Fayetteville,  four  days 
afterwards.  Reaching  Washington  and  pas.sing  -in  the 
grand  review,  it  was  taken  to  Arkansas,  where  it  stayed 
until  August  II,  1865,  when  it  was  mustered  out.  It 
had  been  engaged  in  sixty-seven  battles  and  skirmishes, 
and  lost  sixty  killed,  two  hundred  and  sixty-four  wounded, 
and  fourteen  missing. 

Second  Lieutenant  William  Shay. 


Sergeant  Joshua  Bailey. 
Sergeant  John  Logan. 
Corporal  Gelusia  Howard. 
Corporal  Jefferson  Moor. 


John  Bergert,  Peter  Conklin,  Charles  Cook,  John  Cawdy,  James  Da- 
vis, Patrick  Downey,  George  Elder,  John  Fisher,  Henry  Gravel,  John 
H.  Garrison,  Joseph  Gerrich,  Henry  Holmes,  Michael  Hesselbruch, 
Charles  Howes,  William  Howes,  William  Justus,  Thomas  Lowery, 
William  Jordan,  Louis  Lerig,  James  Lyner,  George  Lindsay,  John 
Loyd,  Thomas  Murry,  Michael  Maloy,  Martin  Mungivan,  George 
Mozer,  Peter  Millingman,  Peter  McConnel,  Adam  Masser,  John  Schu- 
lemyer,  Barney  Smith,  Louis  Schurtis,  John  Loring,  Charles  Masher, 
Richard  J.  Voka,  Louis  Weber,  Joseph  Whitmore. 


Nine  counties,  of  which  Hamilton  county  was  one, 
furnished  the  companies  for  this  command.  Recruiting 
for  it  was  begun  in  the  late  summer  of  1861,  and  it  was 
organized  and  drilled  during  the  next  fall  and  winter,  at 
Camp  Dennison.  February  17,  1862,  it  took  the  field 
with  eight  hundred  and  fifty  men,  and  was  assigned  at 
Paducah  to  the  brigade  commanded  by  General  W.  T. 
Sherman.  In  March  it  was  taken  up  the  Tennessee,  and 
was  in  both  days'  fighting  at  Pittsburgh  Landing,  losing 
one  hundred  and  ninety-eight,  all  told.  April  29th  it 
moved  upon  Corinth,  and  was  in  the  attack  upon  the 
works  May  31st,  being  among  the  first  troops  to  enter 
the  town.  Its  commander  was  put  in  charge  of  the  post, 
it  was  appointed  to  provost  duty  there,  and  its  regimental 
colors  were  hoisted  on  the  public  buildings.  It  was  en- 
gaged during  the  summer  in  several  brief  expeditions, 
was  in  the  attack  at  Chickasaw  Bayou  on  the  28th  and 
29th,  losing  twenty  men,  and  at  the  capture  of  Arkansas 
Post  shortly  after.  It  participated  in  the  siege  of  Vicks- 
burgh,  the  battles  of  Champion  Hills,  and  Big  Black 
Bridge,  the  movements  about  Jackson,  the  subsequent 
operations  of  the  Fifteenth  army  corps,  to  which  it  was 
attached,  including  the  battle  of  Mission  Ridge,  the  re- 
lief of  Knoxville,  and  the  Atlanta  campaign.  January 
2  2d  it  was  mustered   as  a  veteran  organization,  and  at 

once  started  home  on  furlough,  returning  with  two  hun- 
dred recruits.  In  the  Atlanta  movement  it  was  engaged 
at  Resaca,  Dallas,  New  Hope  Church,  Kenesaw  Moun- 
tain, Nickojack  Creek,  Decatur,  Ezra  Chapel,  and'Jones- 
borough.  It  participated  in  the  pursuit  of  Hood,  the 
marches  to  the  sea,  and  northward  to  Richmond  and 
Washington,  and  the  grand  reviews.  It  was  also  in  the 
charge  on  Fort  McAllister,  the  heavy  skirmishing  near 
Columbia,  and  the  last  battle  of  Sherman's  army  at  Ben- 
tonville.  North  Carolina.  June  2d  it  was  transported 
to  Louisville,  and  thence  to  Little  Rock,  where  it  did 
garrison  duty  until  the  middle  of  August,  when  it  was 
mustered  out.  During  its  arduous  service  it  marched 
three  thousand  six  hundred  and  eighty-two  miles,  took 
part  in  four  sieges,  nine  severe  skirmishes,  and  fifteen 
pitched  battles;  and  lost  in  all — killed,  wounded,  and 
missing — five  hundred  and  six  men.  It  had  but  twenty- 
four  officers  and  two  hundred  and  thirty-one  men  left  on 
the  day  of  muster-out. 


Sergeant  Major  Miles  W.  Elliott. 



First  Lieutenant  Timothy  J.  Sullivan. 


First  Sergeant  Richard  J.  Burrill. 
Sergeant  Francis  J.  Murphy. 
Sergeant  Edgar  H.  Earnhart. 
Sergeant  James  Parke. 
Corporal  Jacob  Kitto. 
Corporal  Joseph  Kerr. 
Corporal  Charles  H.  Nicol. 
Corporal  John  Barry, 
Corporal  Fdward  H,  Moon, 
Musician  Thomas  Mullen. 
Musician  John  Bonta, 
Teamster  John  Strassell, 


Charles  Albrecht,  Lafayette  Burton,  Richard  Burke,  Matthias  Baker, 
Jeremiah  Brown,  John  Brady,  George  C,  Crusoe,  Michael  Clifford, 
Thomas  Callapy,  Charles  Desmond,  Joseph  Fiesens,  Henry  Frederic, 
Frederick  Gyer,  John  Gardner,  Samuel  Hill,  John  Hemmingway, 
Charles  Hobbs,  Francis  Herrick,  Joseph  Hubert,  Michael  Hammenn, 
James  Jardine,  John  S,  Kelley,  Hugh  Kennedy,  John  Kehoe,  Valen- 
tine Kennett,  August  Kines,  John  C,  Lockwood,  August  Marchmeyer, 
Martin  McNamara,  Edward  McGinn,  John  McWain,  Michael  Ma- 
tague,  Frank  Overmeyer,  Adam  Ott,  Caspine  H,  Riggs,  John  Rear- 
don,  John  D,  Rehling,  John  Rodgers,  Philip  Schmitt,  Balser  Schmitt, 
John  Sullivan,  John  Trimben,  Henry  Whetsell,  Louis  Wishonpt,  Fred- 
erick Wildermann, 



First  Sergeant  Edward  B.  Moore. 

Corporal  Joseph  Fletcher. 

Corporal  Thomas  Gardner, 

Musician  George  H.  Stanley. 

Teamster  Abram  Clegg. 


John  Burns,  William  Brinkmeyer,  Henry  Buhrman,  John  Booth,  .'\1- 
vin  Dibble,  Columbus  Dale,  John  Donohue,  Andrew  Donley,  Martin 
Ford,  Godfred  Gass,  Henry  Graves,  James  Hilt,  John  G,  Hauck,  An- 
drew Jackson,  George  Know,  John  Knapp,  John  Kilcliberger,  Joseph 
H,  Marar,  Felix  McCann,  David  Nealy,  Michael  Stephens,  James  Sher- 
low,  Robert  Sherer,  John  Tomson,  Christian  Wilmer,  Hugh  Williams, 
Augustus  Yager. 



Michael  Burns,  James  Burke,  William  Devine,  Bernard  McEvoy, 
John  Quigly,  Robert  Simpson,  William  C.  White. 




Corporal  Robert  Simpson. 


Alvis  Chamberlain,  Michael  Burns. 



Sergeant  Joseph  Hickley. 
Corporal  John  Zimmerman. 
Musician  Stephen  Cann. 


Francis  Sanders,  William  Myers,  Joseph  Kreble,  Frank  Burges, 
Stephen  Buyr,  George  Brennan,  Jacob  Diehl,  Patrick  Debolt,  Robert 
Fiegel,  James  Hammer,  John  Hiser,  Jeremiah  Miller,  John  Kessler, 
John  Beckley,  Michael  Maharty,  Jolm  Ohler,  Jacob  Summer,  Peter 
Giele,  Eben  Little,  Francis  Wood,  William  Smith,  Edwin  Smith,  Con- 
rad Nie,  Jacob  Magg,  Adam  Fuffner. 


This  was  organized  at  Portsmouth  in  the  fall  of  1861, 
and  suffered  much  from  measles  there  during  the  early 
winter.  It  first  saw  the  enemy  in  February,  at  Fort 
Donelson,  and  was  on  the  field,  but  not  engaged,  at 
Pittsburgh  Landing.  Its  subsequent  campaigns  were 
about  Memphis,  in  Arkansas,  at  Vicksburgh  with  Grant, 
and  in  the  Teche  and  Red  River  campaigns  under 
Banks.  At  the  battle  of  Sabine  Cross  Roads  it  lost  forty 
killed,  wounded,  and  missing.  The  veteran  regiment 
was  kept  on  duty  in  New^Orleans  until  March,  1866, 
when  it  was  mustered  out. 

Captain  Levi  M.  Willett's  company,  organized  in  the  fall  of  1864, 
by  General  Order  A.  G.  C. : 


Antone  Coyman,  Joseph  Cook,  Ganett  Caldwell,  James  A.  Devin, 
Perinnius  Coans,  John  Frick,  George  W.  Farrell,  John  Golsby,  Aaron 
Guncle,  Thomas  Greyer,  William  Hahan,  Patrick  Hennessy,  John  G. 
Hammond,  Bernard  Jeckel,  Robert  H.  King,  Philemon  B.  McFadden, 
Jasper  Mulford,  Joseph  Pholwine,  John  Reinke,  Frederick  Shrader, 
James  Sands,  William  Stevens,  John  C.  Peiman,  William  Woods,  Wil- 
liam Wesley,  Charles  Walker,  Robert  Wilson,  John  Williams,  Matthew 
Hemenis,  John  Atkinson,  John  Bates,  Hiram  C.  Cochran,  Michael 
Flanao-an,  Albert  Hoffman,  William  Henderson,  George  Leonard, 
William  Madden,  William  Owens,  James  Walker,  Albert  Watson, 
James  Ferris,  Thomas  Spence,  William  Smith,  William  Smith,  2d. 


One  company,  and  part  of  another,  were  from  Hamil- 
ton county.  The  regiment  rendezvoused  at  Camp  Vance, 
Findlay,  but  moved  January  22,  1862,  to  Camp  Chase. 
It  was  raised  between  SejJtember  i6th  and  February 
loth,  when  it  was  mustered  in,  and  started  for  the  field 
February  i8th.  It  reported  at  Paducah,  and  was  as- 
signed to  the  Third  brigade.  Fifth  division,  army  of  the 
Tennessee.  It  was  very  heavily  engaged  at  Pittsburgh 
Landing,  losing  in  three  days  one  hundred  and  eighty- 
seven  killed,  wounded,  and  captured.  In  November  it 
joined  the  First  brigade,  First  division,  Fifteenth  army 
corps.  It  shared  the  glories  of  its  corps  at  Chickasaw 
Bayou,  Snyder's  Bluff,  Raymond,  Champion  Hills,  Black 
River,  Vicksburgh,  Jackson,  Mission  Ridge,  and  the  re- 
lief of  Knoxville;  and  then  endured  a  terribly  severe 
march,  "hatless  and  shoeless,  and  half  naked,"  to  Belle- 
fonte,  Alabama.  Notwithstanding  all  this,  the  regiment 
re-enlisted  as  veterans  on  the  following  New  Year's,  being 
the  first  in  the  Fifteenth  corjjs  to  do  so.  It  took  the  al- 
lowed thirty  days  furlough,  and  returned  in  ample  time, 

with  twenty  recruits,  to  join  in  the  Atlanta  campaign. 
It  was  hotly  engaged  at  Resaca,  holding  its  ground 
against  three  successive  charges  of  an  overwhelming 
force,  and  losing  fifty-seven  killed  and  wounded.  It  was 
also  in  the  actions  at  Dallas,  New  Hope  Church,  Kene- 
saw  (where  it  also  lost  just  fifty-seven  men),  that  on  the 
left  of  Atlanta,  sometimes  called  the  battle  of  Decatur, 
where  it  lost  ninety-two  in  a  desperate  struggle  to  hold 
its  position,  which  was  three  times  captured  by  the  enemy, 
but  finally  held  by  the  Fifty-seventh;  at  Ezra  Church,  on 
the  extreme  right  of  the  line  before  Atlanta,  where  it  lost 
sixty-seven,  the  enemy  leaving  four  hundred  and  fifty- 
eight  dead  in  front  of  its  line,  and  at  Jonesborough.  It 
took  part  in  the  chase  after  Hood,  in  which  it  struck  the 
rebels  at  Snake  Creek  gap,  and  Taylor's  ridge;  in  the 
march  to  Savannah;  the  assault  on  Fort  McAllister;  in 
the  march  to  Columbia,  where  it  assisted  in  the  destruc- 
tion of  the  railroad  buildings;  in  the  marching  and  skir- 
mishing through  North  Carolina  to  Raleigh;  thence  the 
walk-over  to  Wathington  city,  and  the  reviews  there,  after 
which  it  was  ordered  to  Little  Rock,  Arkansas,  but  was 
mustered  out  soon  after  arriving  there,  August  6,  1865, 
and  was  paid  and  discharged  at  Camp  Chase,  August 
25th.  It  had  been  moved  by  rail,  steam,  and  on  foot 
over  twenty-eight  thousand  miles;  and  of  one  thou- 
sand five  hundred  and  ninety-four  men  borne  on  its  mus- 
ter rolls,  but  four  hundred  and  eighty-one  are  believed  to 
have  been  alive  at  its  muster-out. 


Captain  Charles  A.  Junghauns. 
First  Lieutenant  Abner  J.  Sennett. 
Second  Lieutenant  lohn  Stonemets. 


First  Sergeant  Robert  W.  Smith. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Michael. 
Sergeant  William  A.  Armstrong. 
Sergeant  Patrick  Barry. 
Sergeant  Andrew  Diffenbacher. 
Corporal  John  Richter. 
Corporal  Christian  Weaver. 
Corporal  Cornelius  Sheehan. 
Corporal  Christian  Boost. 
Corporal  Edward  Hiperlo. 
Corporal  John  D.  Spenbuk. 
Corporal  Frederic  Rauschart. 
Musician  Samuel  Hayden. 
Wagoner  Ira  Green. 


Henry  Altnine,  John  Y.  Armstrong,  Gerhard  Beker,  Jacob  Benedi.x, 
Franz  Blank,  Charles  Butler,  James  Callahan,  Alexander  Camblen, 
Patrick  Clark,  John  J.  Collopy,  Thomas  Collopy,  William  Davis, 
George  Dolch,  Henry  Dreyer,  John  Dunn,  Henry  Filers,  Christian  Ek- 
arett,  Michael  Evans,  Nicholas  Felix,  Martin  J.  Genoe,  Andreas  Cra- 
dle, John  Hofermos,  William  Hunter,  Austin  Joyce,  Henry  KHnk, 
John  Lang,  Lewis  Liever,  Edward  McCormick,  John  Mahoney,  John 
Martin,  Charles  Meltzer,  James  Moloney,  Paul  Mauber,  John  Windorff, 
Lorenzo  Peterson,  Charles  Riemer,  George  Reitt,  Phillip  Rirch,  Franz 
Scherer,  Dietrich  Schuette,  Ernst  Schwarze,  George  S.  Seeley,  Henry 
Sickman,  Henry  .Snider,  John  Strube,  John  Sullivan,  John  D.  Tholen, 
Edward  J.  Tobin,  Barney  Twilling,  James  Walsh,  Frederick  Mearhert, 
Peter  Weber,  Lewis  Weis,  Joseph  Witsch. 



George  Henderson,  Michael  Nash. 




Sergeant  Herman  Retthorn. 


Jacob  Arnold,  Joseph   Buerstinger,  John    Engler,    Peter  Grossman, 

Mich.  Flanek,  John  George  Fust,  Edward  Kronenburg,  John  Reinhardt, 

Wilhelm  Rellhorn,  John    Schleisch,  John  Schneller,  Jacob  Waldmann.  . 

Private  William  M.  Applegate. 


The  one  year  regiment  of  this  number  was  specially 
intended  to  defend  the  border  counties  of  Ohio,  and  for 
three  months,  in  the  late  winter  of  1861-62,  and  the 
spring  of  1862,  it  guarded  military  stores  at  Gallipolis. 
In  April  it  joined  General  Fremont's  army  in  western 
Virginia,  and  had  its  first  engagement  at  Strasburgh.  It 
was  soon  after  engaged  at  Port  Republic,  and  then  at 
Cross  Keys,  and  shared  in  the  disaster  at  Harper's  Ferry 
in  September.     It  was  discharged  October  10,  1862. 

The  three-years'  regiment  was  organized  in  the  early 
spring  of  1864.  It  was  ordered  to  the  field  when  six 
companies  were  ready,  joined  General  Burnside's  corps 
at  Alexandria  in  April,  and  was  afterwards  filled  up,  but 
never  to  the  maximum.  It  was  in  the  actions  of  the 
Wilderness,  at  Mary's  Bridge,  Spottsylvania,  and  the  sub- 
sequent battles  of  Grant's  final  campaign.  It  was  mus- 
tered out  July  25,  1865,  having,  in  less  than  one  year's 
active  service,  lost  five  hundred  and  five  men,  but  seven- 
teen of  whom  were  missing. 

(One  Years'  Service.) 


Quartermaster  E.  J.  Blount. 

(Three  Years'  Service.) 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  James  Everett. 
Hospital  Steward  Robert  W.  Pounds. 

Corporal  John  Stafford. 

John  Branham,  James  Reynolds,  Joseph  T.  Harris,  James  H.   Har- 
per, David  PoUonjar,  Philetus  Simon. 



Captain  Phorion  R.  Way. 
Second  Lieutenant  Willis  W.  Cox. 


First  Sergeant  Reuben  Sampsel. 

Sergeant  William  B.  Yates. 

Sergeant  Samuel  W.  Jones. 

Sergeant  Frank  Miller. 

Sergeant  Francis  Bowman. 

Corporal  William  Gillespie. 

Corporal  John  Hayden. 

Corporal  Seth  Sharp. 

Corporal  Andrew  Cunningham. 

Corporal  James  Buchanan. 

Corporal  Henry  Hafel. 

Corporal  Otto  Keck. 

Corporal  Richard  Omara. 


George  Anderson,  Henry  Allen,  William  Bently,  Charles  Boyle, 
Henry  Butts,  Richard  Butts,  Charles  Brown,  William  Brown,  James 
Burke,  Albert  Bowers,  Charles  H.  Bomer,  William  Brown,  George  W. 
Brayton,  William  H.  Brally,  Hiram  Barnes,  John  Cave,  Willis  W. 
Cox,    Samuel   Chapman,  Joseph   Cook,  John   Conley,  David  C.   Cus- 

tard, James  M-  Collins,  Edward  B.  Demoss,  Thomas  Daun,  James  F. 
Donahoe,  Calvin  Deneen,  Henry  Day,  John  Ellis,  Charles  Fowler,  Wil- 
liam Flinn,  Georje  Fox,  John  Farley,  Robert  Giffin,  James  Grodson, 
Jesse  Huffman,  Martin  Haley,  Patrick  H.  Haley,  James  F.  Hall,  Wil- 
liam Holerah,  John  Hughes,  John  Hite,  Frederick  Hahnes,  Joseph 
Heartkoam,  John  Jackson,  Columbus  Jefferson,  Horace  B.  Jones, 
Dennis  Kelley,  Cohn  Koous,  William  King,  William  Larry,  Thomas 
Lamon,  William  Lutterman,  Charles  E.  Lewis,  George  Lough,  Daniel 
Madden,  George  Morgan,  Thomas  Maloney,  Frank  H.  Miller,  George 
T.  Mering,  Robert  Mallon,  George  Mitchell,  John  McCraff,  Wesley 
McCoy,  Thomas  McCoy,  Charles  Parker,  Robert  Peterson,  John 
Quigley,  John  Regley,  Charles  D.  Reed,  Solomon  Richards,  Frederick 
W.  Schapmar,  Thomas  Smith,  John  Spalding,  Edward  H.  Tappen- 
den,  Samuel  Tomlinson,  Ferdinand  Upperman,  Isidor  Wohlangant, 
John  Williams,  Henry  Williams,  William  Walls,  Theodore  Wilson, 
John  Willis,  Richard  Whitcomb,  James  D.  Whaley,  Franklin  West- 
cott,  Thomas  Woods,  Jerome  B.  Welsh,  William  Wilson,  Ely  Wil- 
liams, Joseph  Baker,  George  Brown,  Cyrus  Phillips,  Stephen  Tilberry, 
OrloffD.  Ramsey. 


This  regiment  contained  recruits  from  nearly  every 
county  of  Ohio.  It  left  Camp  Chase  for  western  Vir- 
ginia May  17,  1862,  joining  General  Fremont's  army 
June  23d,  at  Strasburgh.  It  reached  Cedar  Mountain 
just  too  late  for  the  battle  there,  but  had  its  first  fight 
shortly  after,  at  Freeman's  Ford,  with  a  part  of  Long- 
street's  corps,  with  which  it  had  another  battle  in  August, 
at  Sulphur  Springs.  The  next  day  it  had  a  brisk  skir- 
mish at  Waterloo  Bridge,  and  took  part  in  the  second 
Bull  Run  battle,  losing  twenty-five  killed  and  wounded. 
September  2d,  it  was  engaged  at  Chantilly,  and  there,  for 
some  weeks,  formed  a  part  of  the  reserve  protecting 
Washington.  The  next  May  it  was  heavily  engaged  at 
Chancellorsville,  and  opened  the  battle  at  Gettysburgh, 
July  ist,  suffering  severely  in  the  action.  In  September  it 
was  removed  with  its  corps  to  Chattanooga;  was  engaged 
at  Wanhatchie  and  Mission  Ridge;  marched  to  the  relief 
of  Knoxville;  wintered  at  Bridgeport,  Tennessee;  re-en- 
listed in  March  and  took  its  veteran  furlough,  reaching 
the  front  again  in  time  to  participate  fully  in  the  dangers 
and  glories  of  the  Atlanta  campaign.  In  the  battle  of 
Resaca  it  saved  the  Fifth  Indiana  battery,  from  which 
the  support  had  retired.  It  was  further  engaged  at  Dal- 
las, Gulp's  Farm,  and  Peach  Tree  Creek,  in  the  latter  of 
which  were  wounded  five  officers  and  over  seventy  men, 
and  eighteen  or  twenty  were  killed.  After  the  capture 
of  A.tlanta  it  remained  encamped  there  until  November 
•  15th,  when  it  started  on  the  grand  movement  to  the  sea- 
board. During  this  march  it  exchanged  shots  with  the 
enemy  but  once — at  Sandersonville,  Georgia.  In  Savan- 
nah, the  Sixty-first  served  temporarily  in  a  provisional 
brigade,  for  special  duty  in  the  city.  About  the  middle 
of  January,  1865,  it  moved  up  the  Savannah  river  to 
Sister's  Ferry,  and  soon  rejoined  its  own  command.  In 
the  march  through  the  Carolinas,  it  was  only  engaged  at 
Bentonville,  the  last  battle  of  the  campaign,  and  lost  sev- 
eral men  in  the  action.  Reaching  Goldsborough,  it  was 
consolidated  with  the  Eighty-second  Ohio  infantry,  the 
latter  giving  its  name  to  the  new  organization.  The  con- 
solidated regiment  joined  in  the  march  northward  to 
Washington,  and  in  the  famous  review,  soon  after  which 
it  was  sent  home  and  mustered  out.  Mr.  Ried  says  of 
the  Sixty-first:  "It  was  always  a  reliable  regiment,  and 
was  ever  found  where  duty  called  it.     Its  losses  by  the 



casualties  of  the  field  were  so  numerous  that,  at  the  close 
of  its  service,  a  little  band  of  only  about  sixty  officers 
and  men  remained  to  answer  to  its  last  roll-call" 



First  Sergeant  Anthony  Grodyicki. 

Sergeant  John  Troxell. 

Sergeant  John  Elbert. 

Sergeant  Isaac  Stokes. 

Corporal  Jasper  M.  Holniann. 

Corporal  Frederick  Blumenthal. 

Corporal  Charles  Kyser. 

Musician  Joseph  Divine. 

Musician  Antone  Kern. 


Henry  Bonn,  John  Blessing,  Frederick  Bremer,  Timothy  Buckley, 
Patrick  Casey,  Patrick  Conner,  Patrick  Duffy,  John  Dunn,  Matthew 
Demuth,  George  W.  Foultz,  Asa  Flagg,  Franz  Gechrend,  Frederick 
Gross,  Thomas  Heinrich,  John  Hacker,  Frederick  Herrencomt,  Peter 
Heman,  Charles  McArty,  John  McLevie,  Thomas  F.  Moore,  Michael 
McCormick,  Josiah  Meyer,  Jacob  Michael,  Charles  Wiemann,  Nicholas 
Pfister,  Gustavus  Rosenberg,  Richard  Schuh,  Harry  Stegemann,  Henry 
Schneppering,  John  Simpson,  John  F.  White,  Samuel  Zeboldt. 



Corporal  Thomas  McGrath. 


Joseph  Allison,  Patrick  Brogan,  Thomas  Connors,  James  Donelly, 
James  Delany,  James  Doolan,  George  Hood,  Mathevv  Johnson, 
Michael  Kain,  William  Lydon,  John  Lavin,  Michael  Madden,  John 
Mulligan,  Daniel  McNamara,  Dennis  McDonald,  George  McWilliams, 
Henry  Reese,  William  Riley,  Joseph  Storey. 

Sergeant  Peter  Duffy. 

Sergeant  Richard  Ryan. 

Corporal  Richard  Hughes. 

Corporal  William  Kerwin. 


George  Bodine,  Henry  Brooksmith,  John  Colbert,  James  Cunning- 
ham, Dennis  Doyle,  Edward  Delany,  Maladis  Dugan,  Hartley  Dona- 
hue, John  Dempsey,  Thomas  Dunn,  Michael  Dwyer,  Thomas  Daly, 
Daniel  Fitzgerald,  John  Fulton,  Francis  Gardner,  Thomas  Gray, 
Thomas  Gilleran,  Peter  Heevey,  Patrick  Horn,  Michael  Hifferan, 
Thomas  Holmes,  Barnard  Kelley,  Thomas  King,  William  Lynch, 
Bernard  McCarry,  John  McAndrew,  Patrick  McDonald,  John  Mc- 
Millan, Patrick  MoUoy,  John  Mangan,  Richard  McCahey,  Patrick 
O'Hearn,  Patrick  Ryan,  John  Ryan,  Thomas  Scott,  Stephen  Welsch. 



First  Lieutenant  Philip  Jacob  Theis. 
Second  Lieutenant  William  Meyer. 


Sergeant  J  ohann  M.  Beck. 
Sergeant  Emanuel  Bien. 
Corporal  Francis  Henzel. 
Corporal  Adam  Bohner. 
Corporal  Christian  Schneeberger. 
Corporal  Valentine  Klein. 


Michael  Arnold,  John  Bates,  Hermann  Bates,  John  Bates,  jr.,  Con- 
rad Buchler,  John  G.  Burge,  Henry  Bissinger,  John  Bramer,  Michael 
Doherty,  Christian  Graber,  Joseph  Gerber,  August  Gaudalf,  Michael 
Hehe,  Jacob  Hanhauser,  Francis  Harvey,  Edward  Kenedy,